Suits | 10 Minutes of Harvey Specter Closing Deals

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jessica have i come in a bad time gerald this is harvey specter he's our best closer says here that cooper won't be staying on as honorary vice president that's right i don't want him around he wouldn't be around it's an honorary position i don't give a [ __ ] well i think you do because that's what's changed since i left which means it's you who's been dealing in bad faith well now that you've got a grasp on what's happened in the goddamn interim what are you gonna do about it because he's not getting that title well let me make sure i understand this okay we negotiated a deal that gave you everything you wanted mr cooper signed it and now you won't close until we take away the last shred of his dignity bingo well that's not gonna happen and why the hell not because i like mr cooper and my firm doesn't operate in bad faith oh i see how it is instead of working cooper you're working me why don't you take your pansy attitude back in there make him sign my deal or i'll pay someone else your money to do it for me well first of all gerald if you think anyone's gonna touch this deal after your bad faith you're mistaken second the way our agreement works is the minute cooper signed the deal which gave you everything you wanted our fee was due and payable which is why at 7 30 i received confirmation of a wire transfer from escrow indicating payment in full so i'd say the ball's in your court but the truth is your balls are in my fist now i apologize if that image is too pansy for you but i'm comfortable enough with my manhood to put it out there now get your ass in there and close the goddamn deal thought you weren't coming i had to settle the case first you have the paperwork we talked about what is this a copy of the judicial conduct codes a friend of mine works at the attorney general's office he gave it to me we had a nice chat about you i told him if you were willing to blackmail someone once chances are you've done it before he's very anxious to meet you you think you can get away with screwing my wife and then have me investigated you actually have it the wrong way around the only thing i've done so far is have you investigated what i never actually slept with lauren but i knew you'd never believe me so i kept my mouth shut but now that she's getting a divorce my policy no longer applies and of course she's free to date whoever she pleases and she pleases me enjoy your evening donald somebody call the police you you woody what are you doing here hey matt relax the detective was across the street the whole time we knew jason would send somebody what who do you think told jason you went to the police in the first place i did harvey showed me the results of the dna test two splotches jason blacks and yours okay um uh i want to file a report oh sure i'll take you downtown you look through the books maybe you find something maybe you don't your real problem isn't that guy it's jason black somebody was gonna turn him in once before and i think you know the lengths he'll go to to shut somebody up no i don't no i don't we were here this time we won't be here next time next time what would happen if you were to kill me this time well you'd be dead and we'd have caught the guy and used him to put jason away from murder [ __ ] we should have done that yeah harvey behave what do you want what do you want from me what do you want from me confess to the crime turn in jason black no i can't do that yes you can i'll tell you why you were 16 a juvenile that's three years maximum less if you're the one who comes forward we'll get you a deal oh you can't make that promise you're not the d.a you'd rather negotiate with jason because he'll kill you and you know it it was his idea i don't want to do it i didn't want to do it okay get dressed and come with me go hey by the way how did you get that bruise sometimes a good guy's got to do bad things to make the bad guys pay that's right soliz has not only agreed to drop the suit but to retire from the game as well well maybe you're not the [ __ ] i thought you were i'm not done yet in return you're never gonna talk about him again on the air so he walks away with his reputation intact that's the deal no no no you know i'm right and you want me to step off the gas right when i got him screw that you want to know how i know you're right mike i believe you know ruben hernandez you said you wouldn't tell anyone i was your source i didn't tell them i did [ __ ] hey mike get him out of here i promise we'll fix this come on you son of a [ __ ] you're supposed to be on my side this is me being on your side you make me win this in court i'll have to do it by making reuben testify so the cost of ruining seliza's reputation will be that kid's career and by the way everyone will think the same as he does you gave him up to save your own ass that's a lie it doesn't matter they'll think it anyway but hey that's just one man's opinion you want to protect your source take the deal gentlemen as you are now in control of the company we thought it best to bring a problem to your attention how selfless of you these are amended copies of the allegations against your company by the jarvis homeowners association nice try i looked into those allegations not a single expert has backed one of their claims oh one has now keith hoyt who better to speak to the harmful effects than the man who designed the wind farm himself no no if he goes through with this that company goes out of business there's no way he kills his own company you're right he wouldn't but i would and as you pointed out keith's judgment has been impaired lately so i convinced him to let me make the decisions going forward i now have power of attorney and i'd rather see this company worth nothing than let you have it this is [ __ ] let him finish something's coming we have three choices here we move forward with the suit lose lose we can give you your money back plus the 500 000 or you and i can play poker for it and i'm not giving you your money back harvey specter has refused to take a mandatory drug test leaving me no choice but to terminate his employment as is his right he's requested a hearing to dispute this thank you daniel but i'm not here to dispute anything after all i was high i was high because i was being forced to work for you a man who it turns out knew cm was negligent before i ever even took the case uh this is not the time shut up louis don't do this if you go i go do you deny knowing about the defects unequivocally and you deny writing this memo sending it to tanner knowing that he would come after this entire firm that's why he settled because you told him it wouldn't hold up well it's wild conjecture and it's [ __ ] why'd he settle he settled because i did what i do that is not an answer yes it is this ends here the two of you have now slandered me which violates the morality clause of the partner's agreement it's not slander if it's the truth unfortunately you don't have a shred of evidence because the evidence doesn't exist well actually it does this is a partners only meeting so have tanner sue me but in the meantime i think the rest of the partners are gonna want to see this it's a signed affidavit from lawrence kemp stating that he told daniel hartman about the defects in the cm hood six years ago may 7th was the date of that meeting per your calendar to be exact you just denied knowing anything about that unequivocally i guess you were just lying to cover up the fact that you were behind this entire suit in the first place is that the basis of this a coerced lie from a man trying to say my lawyer made me do it no way that holds up in court doesn't have to just has to make these harvard educated lawyers understand that you made each and every one of them spend a hundred thousand dollars of their own money to buy you control of my firm i think we've heard all we needed to hear harvey has admitted to violating the drug policy all those in favor of his dismissal looks like you lost i'm glad you brought up the bylaws fraudulently suing your own firm is grounds for firing you have no proof of that all those in favor of daniel hardman's dismissal hey harvey i know i'm not a partner with you modified go ahead nice daniel that three million dollars of our money you've spent on yourself consider your partnership bought out you
Channel: Peacock
Views: 2,154,065
Rating: 4.9259491 out of 5
Keywords: peacock, peacock tv, peacock streaming, suits, suits pilot, suits harvey and mike, suits harvey meets mike, suits mike and rachel, suits merger, harvey specter, louis litt, rachel zane, michael ross, meghan markle, suits meghan markle, gabriel macht, gina torres, patrick j adams, suits streaming, nbc streaming service
Id: jjeLzr1JR4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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