Suite Madame Blue
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Channel: Styx - Topic
Views: 1,037,310
Rating: 4.6580825 out of 5
Keywords: Styx, γΉγγ£γ―γΉ, Equinox, Suite Madame Blue, γΉγ€γΌγγ»γγγ γ»γγ«γΌ
Id: CkkQPxoxJJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 29 2018
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I used to sing this song to my friend's dog all the time. I have no idea why that dog seemed to like this song so much, but that little guy would jump straight into my arms every time.
This is gonna be a Styx day. Thanks OP. I haven't listened to Grand Illusion all the way through in far too long.
The heavy part is so badass. Love this song. This and miss america were the first two styx songs I ever heard.
Maybe someone can correct me, but I'm pretty sure the chord progression is the same as "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You"
I always like to have Prelude 12 leading up to the song. The above link leaves me feeling unsatisfied. Now I'm going to go listen to Styx for a few hours.
An absolute classic in my neck of the woods.