"Suit Up and Pray" | Ephesians 6:10-18 Sermon | Pastor Danny Scotton, Sr.

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suit up and pray any athletes in here anybody was nasty back in the day I okay you're not nasty now human days hey you as an athlete nobody runs raised their hand I wasn't challenged that would talk to a basketball game or something like that no began when we were athletes back in the day we all suited up did we not amen I went to bend several high school we would have been seing him Alice the best male athlete was mr. owl the best female athlete was what's Miss out Pat Hicks less was miss out a man she can run a mint suit up put on them spikes and be gone anybody I was arrested me and my brothers we would suit up and and get out there and take care of some business but I don't believe many of us went out there to take care of our business without praying amen we have a contest right now if there's a war going on and we got a suit up amen and we got to pray a mind we thank God for His Word today let me read to you Ephesians chapter 6 one more time verses 10 through 18 it says finally be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes for our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms therefore put on the full armor of God so that when when the day of evil comes you may be able to stand your ground and after you have done everything to stand stand firm then with the belt of truth buckled around your waist with the breastplate of righteousness in place and with your feet fitted with the ribs that comes from the gospel of peace amen in addition to this take up the shield of faith which with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God and pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests with this in mind be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints may God continue to bless His Holy Word let us pray father Bews right now as we share around this your word God with these young people give us all receptive hearts and minds but look in the ear from You God shall speak God speak through this your humble servant allow me to decrease God one more time in you increase hide me behind the cross God and you be glorified Ananda by the efforts in Jesus name we pray amen suit up and pray suit up and pray there's a war going on family there's a battle if we got a fight and we got to be suited up and then we got to make sure we pray amen don't go out without all the armor and don't go out without praying everyday we wake up on the way out the door we ought to be praying - help me Jesus help me Jesus let your will be done not my will god I don't know what we gonna have to be gonna do today God but it's not my will gonna be done let your will be done God what are we gonna do today God help to do what you would have me to do today don't just get up put your Cowen together put your daytime together playing your day without it including the Lord include the Lord and your plans and God will be there with you he will tell you to put on your your full armor it'll sail make sure you take your helmet with you need it today amen get your shield he'll tell you when to pull out you your sort of spirit and use it so we thank God for for the weapons amen we find in Chapter five of Ephesians that deal the Apostle Paul he continued to stress that the Christian walk in Christ it's a walk a man is it not he tells us how to walk it he contrasts the darkness that had been the Ephesians world with the new life in Christ walking in light being filled with the Holy Spirit it includes an attitude of humble worship amen an attitude of humble service among believers amen we find in chapter chapter five we haven't in verse 22 we said wives submit to your husband and brothers we all know that one only you got to submit brother they put them those wedding vows together past make sure you put in there she got obey no no we know there's no no Scripture without one why I'd submit your husband but they forget about the second part as to the Lord asked to the Lord so yes while submit to your husband who says verse 25 husbands love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her amen we continue to read in that chapter talks about submitting talks about this 10 the other we get to chapter 6 and it says children obey your parents in the Lord even it contains to talk about the baby your father and your mother fathers do not exasperate your children instead bring them up in the in the in the fear and ammunition of the Lord amen in the train instruction of the Lord obey them it contains it says that that slaves should obey their masters master obey their slave I mean be carefully mad we get in the chapter verse 10 skimming still in chapter 6 slaves obey your earthly masters with respect and fear and with sincerity of heart just as you would obey Christ a man it contains verse 9 in chapter 6 it says and masters treat your slaves in the same way does they obey you say said treat them in the same way do not threaten them since you know that he who is both their master and yours is in heaven and there is no favoritism a man so the Apostle Paul he's speaking about walking walking the light and then he tells us don't just walk he says stand firm he said stand stand and stand firm amen we continue to verse 10 finally it be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power put on the full armor of God so you can take your stand against the devil scheme family we got to take a stand Satan does not fight fair you know that he don't fight fair he'll hit you low yes he will he hit you high he was here hitch in the back of the head when you're not looking he'll give you a sucker punch Satan don't fight fair we believe that Amen you know you cannot go to a gunfight with a knife you're gonna lose you cannot go to fight Satan with just what you got you need to take the Word of God with you you need to have all the full armor of God it's the spiritual battle this battle cannot be won with bullets and guns for there's an enemy that we can't see a man he's wicked he's evil he's a liar and he knows it you know Satan knows he's a liar he know he evil he doesn't try to hide it he doesn't try to sugarcoat it Amen because he wants each of us to follow him so after saying so much about these relationships Amen we find that the Apostle Paul he emphasized that people are not the ultimate problem we think we gotta fight against our brothers and sisters amen there's some of your job you don't you can't stand I'll almost say you hate them but you no one here hates right there's somebody who can't stand you can't get along with and you fight with them every day every week a man might be a boss might be a co-worker might be somebody that's working for you but you fight them why our ultimate battle is not against human flesh some folks are just evil and we gotta recognize when folks are being used by Satan to mess up our day I'm here to tell y'all that nobody mess up my day day it comes at me and I said hey in the name of Jesus let the Lord take care of that and I don't say that devil but some time I say that devil in my birthday Lord take care of that devil get him out of my face amen he might got any Devils in their lives amen I command you Satan in the name of Lord throw down your weapons and flee for the Lord has given me authority to walk all over the amen put some folks behind you in the rearview mirror and keep on living for the Lord they put on the full armor of God amen so again all these relationship then he starts talking about humanity's true struggle it's not against flesh and blood but it's against evil it rules evil spiritual forces in in the heavens amen we are wasting our time fighting people when we ought to be fighting Satan every time you in the battle you ought to stop for a moment and you ought to go into prayer and see if you can't discern where there's a spiritual problem here but many of our problems our struggles and there's a spiritual nature to them praise God if we would just step back and say it's not her it's Satan using her amen and maybe I need to instead of fighting evil with evil maybe need fight that evil with some love Amen that person doesn't speak you maybe you ought to speak first I'm speaking to her speak anyway and see if God won't work it out since things I don't talk about give it to the Lord we allow people to take us out of our character and we see the we speak to everybody on the job everybody in the house everybody at the mall but we see them we don't speak miss of our wits because of them no speaks up and keep it moving God to say stay right there say how you doing Lord be with you god bless you amen get up out of my face right on your black breath they men don't act out a character you are a Christian empowered by the Holy Spirit filled with the love of Jesus Christ amen fighting spiritual battles the way God would fight them amen how did Jesus fight Satan in the will defy him he used the word of God the sword of spirit get down get back now I get back huh a man will be slicing folks up with the Word of God in the name of Jesus amen God loves you and I love you too we ought to fight evil with love with love you see someone who doesn't have a smile give me one of yours amen someone's to have this discouraging a personality you ought to encourage everybody else around when they say it ain't so yeah well it's a possibility God still she's high and looks low amen some folks to talk abyss virus right now you know I only want to rub my face right now I'm like don't rub your face not that I get anything but I don't wonder buddy say he not he not paying attention me rubbing his face like that but I'm sweating right now so that better amen I got a microphone that 15 people have touched already [Applause] let's put it in perspective family me my wife went out last night you know and we're going out and doing a little shopping you know we're down in Philadelphia no she ain't been to the Grand Marquis alone not grandma the galloping Wow I took it down to the gallery you know it's nice down there everything looks good he managed she went a few stores and I'm trying to test up you know you touch everything I touched nobody but I got opened with my wife you know I mean I wanted to make it little overdue for me let me try you can't bump a door it opens this way with your elbow amen so you're testing everything he meant but I'm here to tell you I'm prayed up I believe God's got it but I think he wants us to use wisdom amen after you've done all you can stand and after you don't get pray about it amen so today I'm not gonna be out there greeting you on the way out I'm away from here Bronagh wasn't designed but frank god bless you not because I'm worried about my my safety I touched too many people so if I touch you I'm gonna touch you and test you well whatever you got I'm gonna give to him him and never hurt either the hospital every day multiple hospitals I go in I wash my hands I go into the room i sanitized I come out of room i sanitized on where hospital I wash my hands so I don't take something from that room just somebody else's room amen I've been doing this for 27 years I've been going to hospital back book 17 is his pastor always in the hospital and I've never made anybody sick side no uh I mean sick of me but not sick physically Amen so use wisdom but pray about it and try to see this spiritual aspect of it amen Satan's not happy with you he's not happy two churches around America their folks are coming back to church amen Hockley keep them home tell them is a-- is it there's a virus in the everybody stay home the same folks that stay home from church they go to the mall every day out there you know get some new Nikes come on now you know I saw there was a sale one if there's a sale going on who's putting on a mask and going out to that sale anyway you got a master don't even work they told you most of the mass don't work it makes it worse amen hey man you're out there got your centerr times are one hung on this hip one home this hip everything you killing everything but germs amen my god stop fighting the wrong enemy let's fight Satan that fight we need some divine weapons and God is identified today in this scripture here some divine weapons that are available to us to fight against Satan and his henchmen amen the full armor God represents a a striking picture of a believer and the Church of Jesus Christ prepared to face the forces of evil what we call spiritual warfare is to conflict in the spiritual realm that affects the physical realm there's some conflicts in the spiritual realm that affect the physical realm amen there's some folks that are sick right now because Satan is touched them amen have you considered my servant job - business and God said okay go ahead have you considered myself if if you take if you let me touch Joe he gonna curse you and job didn't curse the Lord don't curse the Lord note it in the midst of your struggles amen know that God is right there with you in the midst of your turmoil know that God is right there with you in the midst of your storm know that God is right there with you when your boat is rocking know that God is right there with you or he said I'm never gonna leave you know forsaken he's right there with you I believe he's with me right now amen hallelujah but he told me today give you an elbow bump use wisdom but put on the full armor of God and know that God has your back a man God's people must be armed and prepared for battle we're in a fight for our life it's a spiritual battle Satan wants our souls he don't want your body he don't want your hair he don't want you getting sick he wants you to die without knowing Jesus Christ and a part of your sins he wants you to negative influence other people's life so they will leave the Church of Jesus Christ amen and stay home because of something and miss out on their relationship with Jesus Christ we must grow this relationship we grow it by talking to God being in prayer with the Lord God amen amen so three questions about suit up and pray the first questions why should we suit up people why do I need to go to church why do I need to study the Bible why do I need to memorize Scripture I needed this no because we got the suit up that's the only way we can take a stand against Satan we got to take a stand he wants your household jacked up he wants my house so jacked up he was your relationship jacked up he don't want you to love your wife he don't want your wife to love you he don't want you to get along with your kids he doesn't get along with your church he wants you jacked up it's a spiritual battle out there do we know is a spiritual battle when you can't get along with your husband you ready throw the towel in see where is Satan up in that hey man you got you got you looking at somebody else Amen you get rid of this one give it that one and two months ladies in for you how'd I get me you because somehow you allow us Satan to blind you from what you had didn't recognize you had a good thing amen that man was the best thing ever happened to you I know why cuz I heard you sing the song you the best that ever I married you amen Saten counseling session told me how much you love this person couldn't live without um amen three months later how did I get up out of this my lord it's a spiritual battle recognize what it is I encourage couples you got problems grab your wife by the hand grab your husband by the hand standing in front of a cross and talk to God about your husband talk to God about your wife tell them about your struggles and see if you won't get to the harlot person standing with you it ain't all about you a man spend time in prayer humbly submit yourself to God pray and talk to God about your spouse a man grabbed by him lord I know you love him but I all love him right now so help me love him lord I don't even like him right now and he'd be over there Lord tell her I don't care she'll like me but I ain't going nowhere I know I've messed up amen the only place I'm moving this to the port I'm not going nowhere we should come out she gonna see me wizzy coming she gonna see me it's the war going on it's a spiritual battle against you and your loved ones my god family we have we have we strayed away from prayer-meeting we straight straight away from Bible study that's where we get fuel to deal with with Satan amen we underestimate this joker amen I command you Satan in the name of the Lord that throw down your weapon - where I come from no prayer no power much prayer much power you'll study God's Word you ain't got a sword you got a dull sword you can't use it right sharpen your sword sharpen your sword I command you sake come on now you gotta have more than that it is written boom and know what you're talking is read boom why should we shoot up sooner or later every believe it discovers that the Christian life is a battleground it's not a playground y'all we think it's a playground yeah it's a playground come on in every now and then Amen have a hallelujah good time amen go home and do whatever we used to do it's a battleground and we face an enemy that is stronger than we want to admit apart from the Lord we can not be Satan we got that apart from the Lord we cannot defeat the enemy you see he's strong and we don't give him his just dues he is strong yeah he evil yeah he lie yeah he's deceiver he's tempted yeah all those things amen he not dummy that he's kind of kind of wise the wiles of the devil that means kind of wise right so to give him just dues and prepare to deal with him he left Jesus Christ we said last week for more opportune time hey man he left the savior of the world for more opportune time which means I'm coming back for you Jesus you you you beat him back last week you know where he's at he's coming back this week beat him back this week he's coming back next week amen you know he's not coming back in you know in a bright red jumpsuit with a tail in the back you know he's he's not coming to you with horns amen he's not coming to you breathing fire oh he's coming they're smelling good looking good talking good amen he gonna get right up in your face amen he's not wearing no virus he is the virus why should we believe why should we suit up a man never underestimate this enemy first three to five eight says your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to this to devour hold it lowly he prowls around like what a roaring lion come on now you know they to say a lion cub didn't say it a kitty cat didn't say a chihuahua amen it did say it believe I said a roaring lion he's described as a as a dragon he bad boy so we must be prepared to deal with a roaring lion he's proud of he's walking around looking for he might devour he not just coming nip at your heel he's coming to eat you there's a war going home family we should be fighting the devil who seeks to control people and influence us to oppose the work of the Lord we need God's power to oppose Satan and John 10:10 says the thief comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy the devil is always scheming that's what he does do you believe the devil is afraid of you who believes he's afraid of you he meant hey you better be at prayed up amen he's not afraid of us family the devil is afraid of our prayers and the angels who move because we pray the devil is afraid of our intercession that we offer for others amen the Dead was afraid of the warfare we present in prayer we defeat the devil by praying about amen Satan uses twisted ideas we agree to that manipulations he uses half-truths sex lies and videos amen he uses wealth and power he should fear and vengeance he's just envy and jealousy shame and anger to influence him he wants to influence us he and his associates they're behind most of our struggles and we got to stop long enough to understand that this struggle is not about flesh and blood make it real family verses 9 and 10 I believe I dealt with for that first point verses on 10 3 10 to 12 finally be strong and Lord in his mighty power put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes that's stand before our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities against the powers of the dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms amen that's that's why we should suit up that's why we should suit up that's why I should get ready every day knowing that he's coming after you and it's coming after me amen the battle Christians face every day is rooted in the schemes of the devil in his efforts to deceive us he is happy for you and I to picture him as a cartoon character wearing that red jumpsuit with horns and carry a pitchfork so that we won't take him seriously we must take him seriously he's a bad boy but there's something that lives in us that's even better it's even better we must suit up so we can stand the second point the second question how should we suit up and first 1317 tell us how we should sue them we should suit it by put it on a full armor of God how should we suit up one piece of time I'm entertained back in Dave we were getting ready for football man is one one sock at a time we put on two socks the same time think hope one day socks Eddie and he journeys the same time no one piece at a time Amen you a police officer you put on all your several one time no you put on your socks and you'll pass your shoes then you step on your belt put your handcuffs here and put your gun here and your taser here amen put your jelly beans over here your doughnuts right there right I'm just checkout check I'll check chief I have to go there I had to go to a bit but obviously you put it on one time one piece time our military got quite on military or not you know in our church here they got dressed one piece of armour at a time when you're going out and you know something going on you're putting your bulletproof vests you get ready one at piece at a time I'm here to tell you when we go out of our houses we ought to be putting our the whole armour of God we need it we need every piece of it don't go out without your feet fit it with it the readies of gospel peace don't go out without that keep all that helping of salvation you gonna need it a man makes you all we got the shield real close cuz somebody say he's gonna use to throw some darts at you praise God so again how should we suit up we should suit it by putting on a sixth piece of armor that the Apostle writes about in Ephesians have been said the soldier is no better than it's equipment hey man I worked on a back in or late 90s we were sending folks over to Desert Storm and Desert Shield they need some folks to design some stuff they could go out there have better weapons and my company where I worked for a company time we were to Center for a system engineering integration we had to learn how to integrate stuff that they could go and buy right off the shelf and integrate into the military we did it quickly because it was taking like 20 years to get radios out into the field stuff like that it did my heart good to take these things down to Fort Hood Texas and spend day after day and then week after week and month testing with the troops then he went over to Iraq and they were successful the truce are only is good it's only as good as the equipment they have a men we're only as good as the weapons that we have at our disposal we're only as good as what God gives us these are divine weapons that we can learn how to use amen amen we need proper weapons to fight the spiritual enemy which means we don't need bulls and guns we need spiritual enemies amen we need the arm of God not one or two pieces but we need all of it amen God has applied the necessary armor to fight against the demonic forces of Satan amen the first piece we talked about in verse 14 first part 14 a the belt of truth the belt in the life of this Roman soda is stabilized the body amen is to belt the belt of truth proof has the power to make us free John 8:32 says you will know the truth and the truth will set you free amen the truth of God's Word shines it's light of integrity into our lives and holds together all of our spiritual defenses amen believers life is controlled by truth knowing that Satan is a liar we must go towards the truth amen when he lies and sticks things when he lies things begin to fall apart we must know the truth and let the truth set us free when folks come to you with lies they come me with half lives to half-truths know where they're coming from they've come from Satan when people didn't come after your character they have no no basis for it they're coming actually yeah do you did this you dick give it to Satan amen forgive that person hey I understand I'll just leave alone leave me alone love honor speaks him when you see him Amen praise God so again that first piece the belt of truth with the belt roof around your waist verse 14 B talks about the breastplate of righteousness the breastplate protects the vital organs of our bodies a man especially the heart we we're commanded to practice righteousness 1st Peter 1:6 he says it is written said to be holy why did someone say because I am holding the Lord says be holy because I am holy we'd have a sense of righteousness because we serve a righteous God amen we must fight fair the heart is susceptible to the wickedness of this world but our protection is the breastplate of righteousness and that rushes comes from Jesus Christ righteousness of Christ that assures the believer of salvation positional Restless in Christ Jesus without righteousness Satan has the opportunity to attacked us but not our words but our actions he wants to act out against the Lord amen and show that we don't approve of what God has put before us amen we'll continue with verse 15 he talks about the shoes our feet fitted with the Rhenish that comes from the gospel a piece in the Roman army they needed shoes they did footing they need some type of spikes they could have some gained ground and things like that amen they need to be grounded in the things of God they need to feet prepared they didn't have to worry about what they might step on with him when their feet were ready their feet were ready to go into the enemy territory and not worry about stepping on stuff because they were protected amen we need the gospel of peace because peace is our protection reminding us that it is by grace that souls are saved the gospel a piece a man shoes allow us to share the gospel to go into the enemy territory and tell folks about the love of Jesus Christ and to demonstrate that I'm not afraid of nothing cause I got my feet fitted with the readies that comes from the gospel of peace do you got that ready today family do you have the gospel of peace right now don't worry about anything but everything Craig and then we'll have the peace from knowing Jesus Christ in the Amen part of our sins verse 16 we find the shield of faith they st. a little tiny she is a big shield shield soaked in water many times so when it was hit by flaming arrows they wouldn't even burn amen we need the shield of faith it keeps us from the dark to evil darts of the evil one in the faith it's faith that allows us to stand in battle with the shield of faith without faith we cannot serve God nor can we please God amen he was 11:6 says it is impossible without faces what impossible to please God without faith it is right we gotta have faith when we put on the shield of faith who you put on the armor gotta have faith that it can do what the Lord said it can do a man but he says it will give you the gospel of peace you got to believe that we put on we said hell some things you got to believe is a helmet of salvation have faith in the pieces of the armor praise God thank you Jesus I'm here to tell you darts gonna come your way darts gonna come my way amen you can't swerve him and duck him on he meant but had a shield of faith to knock him off amen our shield face sensations flaming arrows and doubts glancing harmless to the side knocking this way and knock him that way amen my lord ring supreme in your life verse 17 talking to helping our salvation it protects the head who here got a big head region brother faizon I didn't if I'm a physical head I'm a physical head who's got a big head tonight but if you have a head you need to protect your head you're gonna fight you better protect your head you get a little ground someone sidekick you better protect your head kick me behind all you want don't hit my head amen for this is where it all happens when you get kicked in the hair you discombobulated a man don't know if you're going left or right so protect the head with the helmet of salvation it protects a head where the thoughts and the knowledge reside the helmet should remind us that ultimate victory is salvation our ultimate victim we're trying to get out of this life call just think our life is salvation we want a place prepare for in glory with the Lord our God amen hell protects the brain blow to the brain renders the soldier ineffective amen we must first be saved and wouldn't say we will be transformed transformation allows us to think right things during battle and to wage a holy war not an unholy war do things God's Way Satan wants to attack the mind the mind must be controlled by God then Satan can't lead us astray the helmet protects us from the lies that he won we'll come we'll send our way amen the last piece of our armor is the sword of the Spirit there's the only offensive weapon that we have those words for defense amen the sword is designed to defeat Satan not to defeat our our brothers and sisters is to help our brothers and sisters to encourage to lift them up but the sword spirit is designed to defeat Satan that's why God gave it to us we must use God's Word to attack Satan not sit back and wait for him but when you see something out of order attack it with the Word of God the sword of spirit is the only offensive weapon again in the armor we can use that against Satan every time something comes to it is written it is written poom it is written boom you can't find it spend time going to find it amen you ain't got to memorize everything everything but memorize some of it least know how to get there know which book it's in amen no it's new test version old test notice a piss-up verses gospel no if Jesus said it or somebody else said it a man and say it is written boom the Lord said this boom the Lord said that boom when people come at you and say hey I don't believe Jesus Christ son of God what it says in my Bible it says the Bible I read he's a way the truth and the life tell them something like that amen and then later go back and get some more of a reason more later to him but make sure that you're using the sword of the Spirit we need the whole armour of God amen and after we put on all this armor stand stand stand firm stand firm stand firm but after we've done all we can do dynamic locust thing that that's one of the song in it tell me what do you do when you've done all you can and it seems like it's never enough ciao you just stand that sounds good don't it but after you've done that you can after you do it now what pray pray ask people all this stuff pray verse 18 of 8 verse 18 tell us we got to pray verse 18 of chapter six of Ephesians it says and pray in the spirit on some occasions this summarize it all the case praise been on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests with this in mind be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints do not worry about anything but pray about everything with prayer petition make a request under God and then the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard hearts and minds in Christ Jesus we got to pray about it that is our power low leader we activate the weapons we activate the spirit by praying and talking to God all we do with the armor is by faith we got that we do nothing with the armor without faith in the armor must have faith in our armor too that is sufficient for protecting us from the evil one we can't take a cross now I got one around my neck and just where to think that that's all it's gonna take a man we're not dealing with Dracula geez ain't garlic a man came through a holy water on everything something you got to pray pray the devil of out of somebody prayer mighty a household pray money job pay money your bow if we pay him out of there you know we got a praise Satan out of our churches they meant everybody's nose be up in church they faking it hey man not nothing not this church your mother churches anything hallelujah look out now I had a backtrack on that one real quick again we can't just set the the cross on the table and expect Satan to flee it takes more than that we must show him we mean business we show Satan we need mean business by studying his word amen by taking from from the page book putting our head in our heart by living that word and by prayer prayer let you know we're serious about this thing we had a loved one that's sick pray about it let's say no I'm serious I want you to get get up off of it amen sometime finds the difficulty pray about it I want God let your will be done and Satan get up off of them learn how to pray not my will but I will pray lead me not into what dig of rice in temptation lord please don't leave me in temptation they met apart from God we can do nothing but with God we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us amen never take let the power of prayer prayer is the energy that enables the Christian sold it aware that the full armor God and to effectively use the sword of the Spirit prayer is our direct communication with God our commander-in-chief any problems on the battlefield we are in Caen come on now you got a problem the battlefield you reckon communication with your commander-in-chief you can on the fly make a change a man you own the on the road trying to do ministry God wants to go right if you're not talking you can't hear until you get down there no make a right turn here don't go that way do this do that that's why we pray so God will give us up to the date instructions on the life he has blessed us with amen I love up-to-date instructions amen I love that prayer the power of God it's a life of believers I'm here to tell you I got power because I got prayer amen I got power because that Jesus [Applause] [Music] we are strong by putting on the armor of God and praying after you've done all you can pray after dinner we can pray pray and then pray some more pray against an entity that enables us to wear the full armor all kinds of prayers that means prayers of supplication and prayers of intercession and prayers of praise and prayers of Thanksgiving public prayers and private prayer quiet prayers and loud prayers all kinds of prints call you intimate for your friend for yourself for your lovers pray about all things greater is He that's in me than he does in the world rose 831 if God is for you who cares who's against it who cares what Satan is against us but God is for us who cares who kid Moses was up on that man and a man that was attacking and Moses all you do was sit up there and and pray and while Moses was up there praying as long as he kept his hands up Jasper down in the valley kicking heinie amen so as Moses did what Moses did Moses prayed at Jack's people Josh did Joshua fall Jasper could not be successful unless Moses prayed about when his hands came down he was successful but his hands were raised up and he prayed the God as he prayed Josh was more effective I'm here to tell you that some folks our church that always prayers to sergeant Butler where are you always praying for Alpha Baptist Church I always pray for pasta amen as she prays we ought to be out there working I command you Satan in the name of the Lord to throw down your weapons and flee for I got the Spirit of God living within me I've got a military I got got I got the full armor of God available to me and I am a praying man driving prayers up in here today in your hotel Satan get up on our face [Applause] thank you God thank you Lord for being so good to us God thank you well why should we suit up how should we suit up and what should we use the third point I'd say the third point that third point is what should we use to tailor our suit we tailor our suit by prayer prayer well allows effect ly use the Word of God fact we used the the full hour of God to beat back Satan and his henchmen they're coming after you and they're coming up to me I mean say they don't care about you and they don't care about me but God has us so again that third point we should use to tailor our suit what should we use a man I'll get that next service a man you come back you'll hear it then amen man get I get carried away with the clock up there amen hey man but prayers are direct communication with God
Channel: Alpha Baptist Church of Willingboro, NJ
Views: 1,407
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Id: hm9iPWWFgR4
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Length: 43min 54sec (2634 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.