Suicide Squad: Isekai - Trailer 3 Reaction

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hey what's up you guys this is me OD K over back again with another video a new trailer has finally released for Suicide Squad isekai and I gotta say without a doubt DC has a thing with animation they already tried it twice Batman Ninja I didn't like as much but Catwoman hunted I got to say with that anime style I wanted to do another anime style movie or series but Suicide Squad was next on the table and hopefully enough we could actually get more versions of this cuz I feel like with this style even though James gun is doing his whole thing with DC Universe the DC animations itself are unique and hopefully enough we get a lot more in this case in this style because I know we're going to revert to a whole DCU version of these characters but at least we're getting these sful stories for now so let's take a look at the [Music] [Applause] [Music] trailer [Music] The Joker with the teeth over a mouth is kind of funny to me whenever they do this design and Waller the boy Peacemaker I said Michael Jackson before but until I realized that people clarified that that's actually playface which I got to say it's funny within itself flag they kind of made him hot for some reason Katana she's got my back streaming where HBO Max hopefully huh well that was fast and also I didn't get a streaming platform this is going to be on so I'm going figure that mystery out on my own from what it looks like it looks like we're back to another Suicide Squad Island mission we already know some of the influence from the movies are there like Harley Joker relationship and also the characters that are actually in this lineup because we already know the majority like the main Trio would be Deadshot Harley and Captain Boomerang and there's no boomerang in this so it looks like we're getting a team of Harley Deadshot Peacemaker king shark RI flag and Katana and Clayface for the most part hopefully enough these characters will actually do justice and also the way the style and animation looks in this I feel like we're getting a lot of cool action sequences especially with the way anime has been nowadays I'm more of a Dragon Ball fan but I know my brother and stuff is influenced like jiu jitu kaisen and stuff like that I've started watching it and I'm like okay I kind of like the fights in this but actual anime I don't even know if there's any anime titles that actually have like guns and stuff like that I know there has been but I don't know a main series of uh anime they actually uses guns in this point but I like seeing superhero action in many ways we already know Marvel tried it once it worked with the X-Men but everything they tried doing after that it hasn't made sense it has doesn't look it's not as good as what they actually can do with these characters hopefully DC can deliver with the type of Storytelling and love they have for their characters in animation hopefully that can translate into the live action form sometime in the future all right you guys thank you guys for watching leave a like subscribe if you haven't already on my social medias down in the description below and I'll see you guys next time bye guys [Music] now
Channel: The O Review
Views: 3,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RpsOS6pTdGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 40sec (280 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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