Success Begins In Your Mind (MUST WATCH)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2019 🗫︎ replies
I want to tell you about our plan you can follow which takes on the other the time each day five days a week and which brings yourself out of all proportion to the time spent for a moment consider the things your mind has brought you everything you have your work your relationship with your family not is your philosophy of life all come view is resolved using your mind now consider the estimate made by experts you have probably been operating on less than 10% of your mental capacities much less dr. Herbert Otto psychologist educator and chairman of the National Center for the exploration of human potential reminds us that many well-known scientists such as the late Abraham Maslow Margaret Mead Gardner mercy Oh Spurgeon English and Carl Rogers subscribed with the hypothesis that this man is using a very small fraction of this capacity migrant Meade quotes a 6% figure and without a write my own estimate is five percent less neurological research at the UCLA brain Research Institute points to enormous abilities latent in everyone by suggesting and incredible hypothesis the ultimate creative capacity of the human brain may be for all practical purposes they pointed out infinite these the computer analogy man is a vast storehouse of data but we have not learned how to program my selves to utilize these data for publishing purposes yet the laws the eminent Soviet scholar and writer says man under average conditions of working life you still need a small part of his thinking equipment if he were able to force our brain to work at only half its capacity we could without any difficulty whatever learn 40 languages memorize the large Soviet encyclopedia from cover to cover and complete the required courses of dozens of colleges this statement is hardly an exaggeration it is the generally accepted theoretical view of man's mental potentialities now how can we tap this gigantic potential well it's a big and very complex problem with many ramifications but as Herbert Otto points out it is clear that persons who live close to their capacity who continue to activate their potential have a pronounced sense of well-being and considerable energy they see themselves as leading purposeful and creative lives and everything you have is a result of using just 10% of your mind consider for a moment what it will mean to you and your family if you can increase this percentage none of us as a rule has the slightest notion of the real capabilities of his mind but believe me when I say that your mind can be compared to an undiscovered goldmine and it makes no difference for the earth seventeen or seventy look at it this way your goal is in the future your problem is to bridge the gap which exists between where you are now and the goal you intend to reach this is the problem sauce robber seizure our one chairman of the Department of Psychology at Northwestern University pointed out that successful people are not people without problems they're simply people have learned to solve their problems and there you have it living successfully getting the things we want from life is a matter of solving the problems which stand between where we now are at the point we wish to reach no one is without problems they're a part of living but let me show you how much time we waste is worrying about the wrong problems is a reliable estimate of the things people worry about things that never happened 40 percent things over and past it can't be changed by all the worry in the world 30 percent needless worries about our health twelve percent petty miscellaneous worries 10 percent real legitimate worries eight percent in short 92 percent of the average person's worries taking up valuable time cause painful stress even mental anguish and absolutely unnecessary under the real legitimate worries there are two kinds there are the problems we can solve and they're the problems beyond our borders depression result but most of our real problems usually fall into the prickers the ones we can solve if we learn how now I'm going to assume you've decided upon a goal your problem is how do I achieve it your goal may be a promotion greater income a beautiful home it makes little difference what your goal happens to be but you have your goal and you know that you will become and you will achieve what you think about that is if you stay with it you will reach your goal but how well it's right here that your mind comes into play what is your mind no one knows for sure perhaps the best way to describe it is to quote pulitzer prize-winning playwright Archibald MacLeish in his play the secret of freedom a character says the only thing about a man that is a man is his mind everything else you can find in a pig or a horse that's uncomfortably true the human mind is the one thing that separates us from the rest of the creatures on earth anything that comes to us in the future well almost certainly come to us as a result of the extent in which we use our minds and yet it's the last place on earth the average person will turn to for help in order to reflect just a moment on the human mind consider what it's accomplished human knowledge has advanced more in the past 50 years and in all the preceding 10 thousand years of human civilization of all the scientists who ever lived it's estimated that 90% of them are alive today we've reached in the area of ideas and human advancement a plateau so high it was undreamed-of by even the most optimistic forecasters as recently as 10 years ago but every new idea triggers an additional idea so because now we're in an era of compounding advancement on every one and in every area that staggers the imagination dr. Halas Shepley of Harvard has said that we're entering an entirely new age of man he calls it the cycle sowing age the age of the mind and you own one free and clear now let's look at a few facts now the average working person has it is disposed when the enormous amount of free time in fact if you totally hours in a year and subtract the sleeping hours if he sleeps eight hours every night you find he has almost 6,000 waking hours of which he spends less than 2,000 on the job and this lives in 4,000 hours a year what he's neither working nor sleeping these can be called discretionary hours which we can do pretty much as we please at least our minds are free now so you can see the amazing results in your life I want to recommend that you take just one hour a day five days a week and devote this hour to exercising your mind stick one hour a day on which you can fairly regularly count and during this hour every day take a completely blank sheet of paper at the top of the page write your present primary goal clearly simply then since our future depends upon the way in which we handle our work write down as many ideas that you can for improving that which you now do is try to think of 20 possible ways in which the activity that goes your day can be improved you won't always get 20 but even one idea is good now remember two important points with regard to this one this is not particularly easy and to most of your ideas won't be any good I want to say it's not easy I mean it's like starting any new habit at first you'll find your mind a little reluctant to be holed up and out of the old familiar but as you think about your work in ways in which it might improve write down every idea that pops into your mind no matter how absurd it might seem let me tell you what will happen some of your ideas will be good and worth testing the most important thing this extra hour accomplish however is that it deeply embeds your goal in your subconscious mind starts the whole vital machine is working and twenty ideas a day if you can come up with that many total a hundred a week even if you don't think on weekends an hour a day five days a week close to hundred and sixty hours a year and still leaves you three thousand seven hundred and forty hours of free leisure times now this means you'll be thinking about your goal and ways of improving your performance increasing your services six-and-a-half full extra working weeks a year six and a half 40-hour weeks devoted to thinking and planning can you see how easy it is to rise above the so-called competition and will still leave you with 15 hours a day to spend as you please starting each day thinking you find that your mind will continue to work all day long you'll find it at odd moments when you least expected really great ideas will begin to pop into your mind and when they do write them down as soon as you can it's just one great idea can completely revolutionize your work and as a result your life if you want to develop the muscles of your body and take the exercise of some sort well the mind is developed in the same way except that the returns out of all conceivable proportion that the time and energy spent I've used this system the years it's given me some of the most gratifying and rewarding experiences of my life and it costs only five hours early five hours out of a hundred m68 is it with it it's like spending five hours a week digging in a solid vein of pure gold because your mind is all of that and much more each time you write your goal at the top of the sheet of paper don't worry or become concerned about it think of it as only waiting to be reached a problem only waiting to be solved face it with faith and Bend all the great powers of your mind toward solving it and believe me solve it you will now let's briefly recap this week's start spending one hour each day getting as many ideas as you can try for twenty a day on ways to improve what you're now doing remember the achievement of your goal they'd like to depends upon it as does your old future too if everything you now have is a result of using say five to ten percent of your mental abilities you can imagine what life will be like if you can increase this figure to twenty percent or more three successful people are not people without problems as simply people grow and solve the problems for don't waste time and energy worry about needless things forty percent of them will never happen thirty percent have already happened and can't be changed twelve percent and needless worries about our health ten percent of petty miscellaneous worries and only eight percent of real try to separate the real from the unnecessary and solve those which are within your ability to south first of all the only thing in the world that can take you to your goals in life is your mind it's affected youth and following through on the good ideas it surprised you each of us has a tendency to underestimate is our own abilities we should realize that we have people in ourselves a reservoir of great ability even genius that can be tapped it will just dig people out it's the miracle of your mind [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 420,706
Rating: 4.8931017 out of 5
Keywords: VYBO, motivational speech, motivational video, motivation, motivational, epic motivation, motivational music, inspiration, inspirational, success, money, creed, mind, mindset, epic, law of attraction, Earl Nightingale, Earl, Nightingale, The Strangest Secret, Wealth, Mind, Think, Think and grow rich
Id: hvpwXwrxQa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2017
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