Subtitles or no subtitles for improving English fluency? | Go Natural English

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Hey hello go natural English learners how are you I'm your English teacher Gaby founder and teacher here at go natural English I'm so excited to be here doing Facebook live with you can you see me can you hear me can we check and make sure that everything is working if you can hear me please type in the comments yes and then once I know you can hear me we're going to talk about subtitles today subtitles or no subtitles which is better okay can you hear me Leandro Stiffler Leandro yes thank you so much you're the first person to tell me that you can hear me great okay so very good to see all of you who are here thank you so much for your thumbs up for your hearts I love it I'd love to see your comments so that I know you're here with me so I am going to talk today about subtitles this is a really hot topic I have a lot of go natural English learners who have asked me for subtitles Aaron who have asked me to stop using subtitles so here's the thing subtitles can be a big help but they can also be a big problem so let me start with how they can be a big help if you're watching TV if you're watching a movie if you are watching a YouTube video like a go natural English video subtitles can help you if you're learning English because sometimes you don't catch 100% of the words right you might hear in your word and you might not be quite sure what that word is so how do you find out well look at the subtitles and then you can see what that word with 100% confidence so it's a great way to build your vocabulary build your confidence and improve your reading skills and your spelling skills okay so the problem is there's two problems one if you're watching a movie or a TV show or a YouTube video and the subtitles are incorrect that's a big problem because you're gonna you're gonna learn the wrong word you're gonna get more confused and it's just not gonna be helpful so I don't recommend using subtitles on movies that don't have good subtitles so how do you know if there's a good subtitles or not well you can watch you can pay close attention to see if the site subtitles are the same as what people are saying maybe you can watch a movie with a native speaker friend and ask them if the subtitles are good or you can train yourself to watch without subtitles because the other thing that's bad about subtitles is that it can give you too much help and then you become used to watching and listening to English with that help and in real life when you're having a conversation with real people are there subtitles I don't think so no no subtitles even though I wish sometimes there were because sometimes it's hard to understand people but in real life there are no subtitles in person on the phone on skype in a teleconference there are no subtitles if you're at a restaurant if you're in a bar if you're talking to a stranger on the street there are no subtitles so this is the problem right maybe it's not good to train your English listening skills with subtitles because then you become dependent on them so I want to ask you what do you think not in general but specifically what do you think about go natural English YouTube lessons having subtitles because I've had a lot of my English learners ask me Gabi can you please put subtitles on the videos we want to understand everything you're saying we want to learn by reading with subtitles but I've also heard you I listen to your your comments I read your comments I listen to what you're saying and I understand that some of you don't want subtitles so today I'm asking you tell me honestly your true opinion should I take the time and it takes a lot of time it takes hard work it takes me maybe 30 minutes for every five-minute video it takes me a lot of time to make those subtitles really perfect for you to learn with my videos on YouTube so if you don't want them please tell me but if you do want them and if you appreciate them please tell me so what do you think should go natural English lessons on YouTube have subtitles should go natural English lessons on the go natural English website have subtitles tell me what you think and I will listen very carefully because I make go natural English lessons to help you so please tell me your honest opinion now while I'm waiting for everyone's response I want to tell you something I'm really excited about I am so excited in just a few hours the English power pack sale week is starting so it's going to start at midnight tonight New York time so that's in about nine hours so check your local time if you're in the eastern time zone if you are in New York or the same timezone then it starts at midnight but if you are in Europe or the Middle East or Asia then it will start later on your Monday morning it's coming soon I'm so excited I'm working hard to make sure it's perfect and ready for you to buy the English power pack at a very special 80% off price on all the seven courses included I'm not going to tell you too much about it because you can go to slash EPP to learn more this is where you can learn more and you can check all the details so I don't need to tell you everything you can check it out but it is awesome and I'm so excited it's starting soon also we have a free party for the English power pack to kick it off kick off means to start to kick kick off an event you can say it with me kick off to kick off on events means to start in a special way so we are kicking off the English power pack sale week with a special party with all seven of the teachers who are part of the English power pack and hopefully with you if you can come that would be amazing tomorrow Monday November 28th at 1 p.m. Eastern Standard Time New York time but don't worry you don't need all the details right now all you need to do is join my email group and I will send you an invitation for the English power pack party so you can click on the link in the description or just go to go natural English comm join the email list and I will send you an invitation ok I would love to see you there ok let's do some of your responses ok some people are saying that I should just do keywords so I should just maybe write some special words one person here yay is saying I think it depends on the level yeah for beginner that's ok advanced not a good idea ok great so I definitely appreciate your comments and I agree for more advanced English learners you don't need subtitles you can train your list without the help of subtitles but I agree completely for beginners subtitles help so much but maybe it's better to watch videos that are for beginners because most of my go natural English lessons are for intermediate and advanced English skills so if you are really a beginner in English you probably want to go somewhere else because go natural English is really to help intermediate to advanced levels we get into some very specific lessons about pronunciation and culture and advanced grammar and phrasal verbs and those are really not beginning topics I'm not teaching you 1 2 3 ABC I do have a very popular video lesson about how to greet people but that's only because I found that my advanced English learners didn't know how to properly greets people in a natural way so I noticed that with their old textbooks they were learning to say hello how are you I am fine thank you and you this is totally unnatural so what I teach in that lesson is to say hi how are you in a nice accent with great rhythm and to respond by saying not I am fine thank you and you and you have to say something a bit more natural like I'm great thanks how are you there's a lot of different ways that you can respond and I talked about it more in that lesson I've got a yeah Carlota you're funny beginners go home to study come back later yeah you know I love beginners I don't want to be mean but I have so much work to do with you with intermediate and advanced English so it's hard for me to also teach beginners and I know there's a lot of other great English teachers that specifically focus on the beginner level abdul-hakeem thank you for your nice comment you are great I think you are great too thank you so much so I'm hearing you all tell me pretty clearly that you don't need subtitles on go natural English lessons so I think that's really interesting and I am listening to you and I want to make the best lessons for you to learn from so if you think subtitles are annoying and not useful then I will not put them on the videos anymore I really want to listen to you and I appreciate your comments Mohamed's subtitles helped me at the beginning but now I don't rely on them that much yeah subtitle still helped me in some difficult words that I see or hear for the first time yeah I agree I agree that they can be helpful and you know maybe that's something that I can remove from my YouTube videos but still offer subtitles inside some of my premium courses at go natural English so I think that's a good compromise because then inside the courses you can decide if you want to read the transcripts of conversations or use subtitles or not great so I really appreciate your comments I am looking forward to making more awesome lessons for you at without subtitles for most of the the free lessons and with subtitles for the premium lessons and I'm really excited that the English power pack is starting in just a few hours so please check back you can come to slash EPP and you can buy the special English power pack you can learn more about it I won't tell you everything right now but go to this website to find out all the details you can ask me questions if you have any questions and join my email group so that you can come to the English power pack party tomorrow thank you everyone for your comments manuel noriega ricardo thank you so much to everyone even if I couldn't say your name I appreciate that you are here thank you so much have a wonderful rest of your Sunday afternoon and I will see you tomorrow on YouTube for the sorry it's not on YouTube it's the English power pack party at 1:00 p.m. so up tomorrow I will not be doing a Facebook live so Monday no Facebook live because I'm going to be live online for the English power pack live cast party from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. so that's going to be a full hour online so instead of doing Facebook I'm doing the English power pack party tomorrow with all 7 English power pack teachers so I hope you will come I hope to see you there in the comments thank you and have a wonderful rest of your day bye for now bye
Channel: Go Natural English with Gabby Wallace
Views: 219,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: English Listening, English Speaking, American English, Study English, Learn English, Learn American English, Learn American English Online, English Conversation, Learn English Online, Spoken English, Learn English Grammar, Free English Lessons, Go Natural English, English Speaking Course, How to speak English fluently
Id: n4IGEG3W6-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2016
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