Substance For Unreal Engine 5 Is Here!

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[Music] hey what's up guys and welcome back to ask ankit today we'll have some interesting update coming from the folks at adobe alongside with epic games so right now substance relief on real engine is now available and it makes a lot of sense substance has been available for unreal engine 4 but the new update actually caters to unreal engine 5. now for those who like to read more about this there's going to be a link in the description that will bring you over to the documentation where you can check out all of the nice things that's available and of course if you're looking for substance files you can actually get lots of substance assets right here on the adobe substance 3d asset store and of course if you're looking for free stuff you can go over to the community asset section where you can find tons of things from materials to smart materials atlases decals models filters and also texture generators but what you should be looking for is materials and right here we have about 745 materials that caters to lots of things from alphas to bricks to glasses landscape painting plasters you know plastic roof stones and all that stuff so with all of these materials you should be able to get a good head start with some free stuff that you can use in unreal engine now with that said let's dive directly into unreal engine and take a look at how this actually works so with unreal engine 5 open right here what you need to do is go over to edit go over to plugin and then search for the word substance so would need the substance addon to be active for this to work now since we already have this installed previously we're just going to turn this on and close it now once you restart and you're back you can start working with the substance files so i'm just going to go over to the materials section and let's create a brand new folder and call this mod so since we already have a web brown mod asset i'm just going to go ahead and drag drop that right in here and click on import now before you click on import try to make sure that you have all of your stuff done properly as in this case we want this to create the material we want it to be stored here and at the same time we would like to leave the name like this which is going to be the instance name and this is going to be the material name now once you have that done click on import and you have this imported and once this imports you would notice that you have texture types that you'll be working with you have an instance of the substance graph and you have the material so to apply this to a model you need to click on the material and drop it and once you drop it let's also go ahead and hide this model so once you drop it you can now zoom right in and take a look at some of the nice things that the material itself has to offer so with this material how you can start tweaking it is also quite impressive so you can't tweak the materials from here you need to play with the instancing tool to have this to work so you need to double click on the instance in tool and from here is where you start making changes if you like to change the output size to 8k you're welcome to do that if you're also thinking about changing the output size to 2k this is also something that you can actually do next thing is to play with the randomization so if you like to create some randomization you can also do that this is if the material you're working with actually supports it in this case i don't really think it supports it so we're just going to crank that all the way back to zero and from here you can start playing with water level so we can drag the water level all the way back all the way forward and we can get some very nice and impressive things if you like to darken the water say you know it's a very muddy water very dirty water you can also get that you can also play with the edge wetness and you will be able to notice that this is happening so we can look at that and let's also crank this a little bit so you guys can see that right so if we move this back you can see it's quite solid there is no edge wetness if we push this you can start noticing that edgewitness right there so this is very very useful for those who are thinking about sort of having that transition happening really nice now if this mod exists during winter you might want to drop in the frost a little bit and you can also play with the frost crack depending on what you're trying to get so this is also one of those nice things that you can do with a material like this now this is not a testament to all the other materials that you'll be having the material properties or parameters that you have here is only significant to the material that you're working with so depending on the material working with whatever parameters that have been assigned to this material during the graph creation in substance designer this is what you get to play with right here and of course if you're new to texturing you might be wondering why do we have all of this probably just want to have one gigantic you know texture traveling from here all the way to this part one thing to keep in mind is the instance doesn't control that what controls this is the material itself so for that you need to go ahead and double click on the material pop that up go over to the tiling turn on the split uv and also turn this on as well drop this down to 0.1 press the enter key and drop this other one 0.1 and press the enter key and that way you would have one gigantic stuff i mean if this is what you're going for so this is more like it for those who like to catch up with the substance 3d for unreal engine you can simply come through and grab this right here and if you're a unity user and you're thinking about getting the unity version the substance 3d for unity is also available and you can simply go ahead and get it right now substance 3d for unity is currently available for 2020.3.2 and higher versions and by all means if you're into working with stuff like this and you like to reduce the round trip of going from your dcc app to substance and from substance to your game engine back and forth you can simply use these and reduce that round trip at the same time you can of course go ahead and catch up with all of these nice things that are available right here on the community asset store that are totally for free and if you're looking for paid ones you can also find some paid ones right over here as well and that's about it tell me what you guys think about these ones in the comments section links all of this is going to be in the description so do well to check it out and of course if you like this video or you learn something from this you can go ahead and give a like and don't forget to share with a friend and until i see you guys in the next one peace [Music] you
Channel: askNK
Views: 37,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asknk, Redshift, Sketchup, BLENDER, affinity 1.7, asnk, blender2.9, blender2.91, blender 2.92, blender 2.92 new features, blender 3, 3d character creator, reallusion character creator, blender 2.93, blender 2020, blender, blender 2.93 new features, blender 3.0 new features, b3d, unreal engine, rendering, free assets, free 3d model, unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5 tutorial, unreal engine 5 beginner tutorial, substance plugin unreal engine 5, ue5 demo, ue5 train station, ue5 tutorial
Id: hV6w3xuLmtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2022
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