Subscription Boxes December 2018 - Loot Crate, Akibento, Healthpak | Ashens

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bloody hell are we still doing these let's fit one of these in before the New Year's Eve feasts in a desperate attempt to get back on schedule it's subscription boxes starting with loot crate and this month's theme is I don't know because I didn't look it up but it says on it build your own atomic laboratory in minutes the loot crate lab another handy career building kids from loot crate fair enough well we got we've got some 50 style kiddy winks with mmm exciting science atomically correct who's safe and surreal at last so I am gonna has the guests here it's science or something science II at the very least right there's a massive just totally unmarked black box in there intriguing oh there's a figurine I can see what that is you can't yet right it's not with a t-shirt and it is let's take a loot crate exclusive stickers on they do often end up in other places though I'm gonna clear it sort of faceless robot II or alien types there's sort of a glitch effect on it and I'm not sort of things around the outside implying some sort of technological thing going on does it same here it does West world oh I've only seen the old Yul Brynner film but never the sequel future work which is apparently Nath okay then that'll be the TV show I haven't seen but I hear good things from people who have watched it using their eyes and ears well that's quite nice design quite like that like the muted color palettes and enjoy the faceless robots because who doesn't love a faceless robot it's like dealing with a government agency and who doesn't love that right I'm gonna give this little box because I am intrigued by it look I know this it is one of the little sisters from Bioshock also has a little sister vinyl figure on it that is something of a giveaway also Bioshock ah good old Bioshock that's like at least 400 million years old now isn't it dearie me one of those games that so everybody likes at the time but now it seems to have a more mixed effect of some people think oh it's rubbish and all that kind of things I think is a little bit unfair I'm kind of see both sides of the argument thing is wonderful or thing is rubbish because it's kind of laughs brilliant and half a bit crap it's very odd like the combat is kind of overly easy and you just have to go along one sort of route and there's not really any choice one of those things where there's two choices you can make in the game they don't actually really make any difference whatsoever and some of the levels are fantastic where you fight against like these souped up weirdo they've all got superpowers splicer absolute nut jobs and the whole level set right in is very very good and then like you'll have a level afterwards where it's feels like an old 90s fps or something look here are some crates and then you've got the sort of philosophical aspect which starts off quite interesting and quite quickly devolves into the source sub six for me thing well now it's about halfway through really that happens doesn't it and then the end fights a bit crap all the ending sequence is a crap I think what else but most of the game is really [ __ ] good I tell you what I don't think any demo of a game has ever excited me quite as much as the bio shop when did mainly because of the astonishing water physics and stuff they had early on which it turned out literally only appeared in that really early part of the game and there were ghosts as well weren't there you decayed you see ghosts of the splicers like doing things in the past that wasn't really a thing that came into the game either was it that was there's a lot of half-baked ideas we didn't quite crystallize it in Bioshock but overall I think very interesting BioShock Infinite as well which had really crap combat and yet it was really good fun we're just walking along and looking at things we had games the bioshock's I think the first one is still better but I never played Bioshock 2 but I was still put Barshop above the fog is but anyway enough talking about Bioshock and let's look at this mildly disappointing figurine so in the story these are obviously small girls who have been kidnapped and mutated in some way so that they can steal a sort of genetic resource called Adam if I remember were these giant syringes this one of which is horrifyingly gone crooked mmm was a bit rubbery as well I think it'd be hard to get that back on and they went around with them sort of mend sewn into diving suits called bigger daddies anyway she's got no pupils in her eyes and a very pallid complexion and a dress and a big needle and it looks like all the legs and feet are broken because it's got that kind of weird sort of slight looseness to the sculpt yeah that's all right I mean you can recognize what it is seems we're supposed to be looking a bit sort of creepy in the game there's a slight creepiness there's a slight cuteness add enough that quote works anyway that's enough I'm caught back brush off years and now I shan't think of it for years again next up hashtag loot pins screw your lab safety I want superpowers again still not going out at the park with these pins not sticking their logos on or anything very very good not sure I quite want that one myself but it's not a bad one at all by any stretch and what is in this giant box I've really good to see I'm gonna be awkward and save it for last because I am tree wells do we have we have some postcards look is Spyder bloke or if you bought the richer version of the comic spider chat spider chap if you remember when rounded and waist come to top hat whereas spider bloke had a garden full of car parts anyway let's get on with this and see what other characters we've going here I'm hoping it's all of Marvel's favorites like no armed tiger attack man or whatever his name was blue or green goblin they're all Spidey ones venom he had a film recently it's weird and carnage uninteresting who appeared played by Woody Harrelson in a Ronald McDonald week at the end of venom in a sort of post-credits thing which was very very strange these are really good if you really like spider-man you could have these like in separate frames or in one frame couldn't you or alternatively you could just stick them to your eyes and scream but I wouldn't recommend that one I don't think it's a good way to appreciate art next up the bit of bump and burn it is turned inner stressing at dinner time the $60 gift card from Hello fraud presumably American dollars well that's no use to the man or beast who's it in this country labora tree that's what it was here we are oh it's given away what was in the box it's a los Pollos hermanos cup the chicken brothers yeah it's pretty solid well suppose it wouldn't be a disposable thing you'd have to be able to use it bids bpa-free I've got had my own BPA that's right I've got buckets full of the laters that fell like fail those dear me well there we are the chicken brothers that's like a fried chicken restaurant in Breaking Bad and better call Saul presumably where run-time shows I've still not only seen episode episode I've only seen series one of better called Saul and I really really liked it and must get around to watching the others they're up to like series 943 now but yeah the mighty Gus fring fan favorite character was using it as a front for his drug cartel the businesses because he was a naughty man but half his face got blown off and then he strained his tie and then he died and it was funny right um yeah so the top screws on coach make sense you've got a bit of a rubber seal in there sure fair enough yeah that's more solid and I'm presuming actually there's some way to get that part and just change this picture if you did want is that you did way of doing it does have that kind of slightly generic let's put this picture in it to feel oh it is officially licensed from better call Saul there's the answer that that and that is appearing yeah I mean if you do want to drink you can put the top on and fill it with your liquid and then drink it from this straw and then you know do you put down so it doesn't come out the other way up probably and there we are you can pretend you're buying chicken in a fictional TV series next box a cube bento jewel of the East which is a name I've just made up that doesn't really fit it at all yep it's anime and manga stuff I don't understand the only people who still regular send me things so let's keep going with a bloody Funko bloody pop bloody it's from Shonen Jump 1 piece it's monkey D Luffy oh is that the guy yeah he's always got like a massive smile and a big straw hat and sandals mat and he's always yeah I did not know he was called monkey D Luffy that's interesting well I've learned something today look he could be all your favor it's Tony Tony chopper trafalgar law or port gasps da s-- yes okay then I've never seen any of this I'm sure it's wonderful actually but no bloody idea it seemed to be very popular those who must be heartless and surely well there we are if you like things with loads of bread for heads and big black dead eyes that vaguely resemble characters from something you enjoy well you could do a lot worse alternatively you do a lot better by just not having it right generic t-shirts which is often not something specific oh this one that's more specific though surely right you've got lightning man jumping around you've got somebody with possibly a stretching arm or maybe it's fairly extreme action shot I don't know is that supposed to be perspective and now I'm thinking Dhalsim style arm somebody else flying about and well we got down here there is a hat there's been discarded there's some sort of ninja gear and a kunai knife is this in the route oh maybe is the Hat monkey deed luffy's hat is it supposed to be a fight between naruto monkey and somebody from something else that is my guess that is my guess and I'm sticking to carving you anything else what is this that I did not see - I put my hand in it okay bento exclusive sword [ __ ] Oh in slowly damaged box great what happen to that looks like it's been chewed by poison rat which incidentally is the first thing you have to kill it in every RPG game there's a little golden sword a source Ward as well at school oh there's a stand for like building it together look so you can pop that on there oh hang on no that's gonna go like that presumably that's gonna go like that Oh yep I can see where this is going put those on there and we've got our very own sword stand or as we call them in the trade a stand for swords bugger it was supposed to go the other way round well that's ruined everything oh well I'll just hold it like this new me an idea those possibly like depending on your preference so is a solid lump of metal with a sort of gold effect yeah the demean it doesn't come out of the scabbard or anything is literally just meditating over there um yeah just a solid lump of metal that don't really look that much like a sword I suppose because yeah the scabbard is so straight and cylindrical a Beatty stick with a hilt there we are I'm gonna capitalize on that in future it will patent it and soon everybody will be killing each other with Beatty sticks and every time they do I'll get 10 pence I'm sure that's the way that works next we've got pissing land yards because God hates me apparently and occupant Oh exclusive lanyards for putting a small card in but a card that in my experience is too small to actually fit in like you know one of the passes you would get for a conventional whatever mmm-hmm fair enough you could fit a credit card in it have you contact us on it I don't know and look there's some ninja paraphernalia on the lanyard itself oh what a world we live in next up they which have stickers and it looks like this oh no my god it's my hero academia that seems to be the biggest thing since attack on time angry man in suit with wings and he's got like a small gun or something looks a bit like an angry John GE tow come to shoot people who are not appreciating his grotesque imagery I love John Zito judge ito's my favorite onto Jung GE toe box every month actually I don't you'd open it up and they'd be like a dead fish in a spiral or something and then it would grow legs licking your face or something yeah I mean if you want a patch with this bloke on well there we are this looks like a reject character from rival schools to me and Naruto Shippuden it is a keychain look this person is facing the other way but they've turned back to keep an eye on you and your keys there's a badge a disappointing badge particularly shite this month wonderful thanks guys and finally then actually finally just the thing explains his the people with their creepy mouths from last month ninja lanyard road of the harmony katana of course of course of course it is and one of three one-piece Funko pops because that I don't know quickly gets the food box time for munch pack world that's not munch pack it's a new one they're doing look by much health pack delicious healthy snacks delivered to your door this is a bit different isn't it also the box you can tell at home obviously but it's really nicely a shiny laminator so this is a like a load of healthy stuff rather than the sugar tastic stuff they usually give you which is fair enough in it because it doesn't hurt any of us to be healthy unless we're specifically allergic to certain things inside the box one presumes so what is in the more healthy pack I don't know but it was prepared and shipped with love by Nick we love you too Nick we know not who you are but our love transcends time look Nick has done a poo in some nachos for us and sprinkled it with spinach thanks Nick right what we got so cool that's a very funny quality print there they seem to think the people like healthy snacks have more money or something mmm oh maybe not but I tell they do have popped chickpea toes baked green pea and chickpea pups zesty ranch flavor isn't ranch that like American dressing they put on salads that is just like 90 percent sugars on it what do you see foods okay let's try this now they smell of they smell of the earth and they look of the seitan when they taste like oh yeah you've got a spicy ranch to taste which I really don't like all the actual texture and the whole chickpea and pee thing seems to work quite well but not convinced of the taste all right let's do some a two second barrel through these Mary's gone crackers that's seriously the name of your company I mean I know you're making crackers but Mary's gone crackers that's okay then supercede classic toasty and seriously seedy with a pinch of black pepper okay they look like a bake so there's like something you would give a rabbit that it hasn't eaten and has crushed into the floor of its cage so that's nice hmm very nice yep toasted seeds very pleasant not really getting the pinch of black pepper pleasant enough though yeah I really like those actually I would happily buy a bag of those and then I'll eat them obviously well should you buy a bag of them bean fields bean chips barbecue there's a lot of bees in that full-on flavor 4 grams of fiber in every single item well they're bean chips yep they've got a very dark dense look well they smell like nothing oh wait there's a sort of em yes light beanie smell I suppose from the bag nothing on their own right what's the flavor like mm-hmm who's on great now I'm ready taste of anything there's a very slight barbecuey sweetness to them that's it really that's some good dirt thanks guys um no enlarge to be bold always seeds they're saying they're bigger than they are in real life enlarge to be bold with my weird way of saying it um yeah I'm not impressed by those the texture is quite dense little bit cardboard but that's not a problem per se I think it had a better flavor it's all getting weirder I'd like to try these in salt and vinegar or something I don't think the barbecue is working for them this week in ideas I haven't seen before actually curiously crunchy popcorn not you mean it what is it but healthy snacks that means I have to write idiot garbage on their packets half pops that's right if your dad gets ripped in half with a chainsaw and somehow libs he's half pops or maybe two half pops that then grow like flat worms bloody old battered Ranjeet Oh are we caramel and sea salt so they've kind of not properly popped popcorn this seems like a really good way to destroy your teeth Oh Oh God the caramels not that great taste yeah there's a sort of sweetness oh it's a very sort of false tasting caramel oh I don't know what's got a horrible aftertaste no that's not so good again ah that's an interesting thing let down by these stuff that flame lit with I mean if they've had just like I don't know just salt or just sugar or something a bit simpler or maybe some better caramel whether the postage is we add caramel flavouring it might work but it's just like caramel dust on it or something and nope pass next oh no we're talking look at these crazy guys it's Lenny and Larry they share the same hair the complete cookie plate nutrition whites chocolatey there's an Ian chocolatey macadamia good I like macadamias and cookies things this looks good ten grams of fiber per cookie no dairy ingredients blimey no egg you just said no dairy whose no soy ingredients non-gmo ya and vegan what blimey what is this made out open um good god no sugar alcohol sustainable palm oil and artificial sweeteners no high fructose corn syrup well I said that's a bonus but em man listen vegan dense as well surely this this is gonna be more like cookie dough with in an actual cookie God looks own oh yeah oh he's just look at the texture of it yeah it's more it's more like cookie dough than an actual cookie oh well let's see what it tastes like wait for it what does it fall in a park come pick it up mm-hmm it's very soft this is like something you would find a lump solve in a Ben & Jerry ice cream yeah I was gonna do a joke about a feeling half bait but it doesn't it feels entirely non baked um-hmm oh and as I start the odd flavor to it this isn't great it's not a massive and dense mm-hmm oh that's not so good actually goes oh oh dear no that's not good at all oh I mean if you're really allergic to a lot of things and you're vegan I mean you can eat it I suppose but I don't you can enjoy it oh yeah that's that's not particularly nice it does just taste like something that they haven't oh god don't tell me I was supposed to break it no no you are supposed to just eat it oh well no getting that one next take the taste away with honey stinger gluten-free organic cinnamon waffle cinnamon waffle you can't go wrong surely ski wrestle fish bull ride climb lift surf I don't do any of those things cuz I'm eating too many sugary snacks right this is quite dense think it's trihard I'm resuming it's just sort of honey and waffle and cinnamon mmm I was right um that's quite nice hmm no like that that is a decent thing I will say it's a little bit flowery not in the sense of taste of flowers bears an FL oh you are flower where it's kind of disintegrating in your mouth into bits a bit too much you could do with holding its consistency a bit more but yeah that's decent next flavor infused his suits Premium Virginia arters and peanuts about the most expensive peanuts in the world Baja taco budget I don't know what that is but its peanuts were flavouring on guys invented by the mad scientist dr. Alfred P pursuits I'll bet that's a lie boy genius aerospace engineer and peanut pioneer I'm gonna stop reading this now it's like the law if you make healthy snacks don't forget to show everyone how wacky and zany you are by writing [ __ ] all over your bloody packets well these look like unflavored peanuts to me let's try they were not unflavored yeah that sort of Mexican spice taste you get all the stuff quite nice actually yep and that's when my favorite things so far there is a pleasing nurse to the taste and the peanuts good well done professor pursuits who is obviously a real person hmm quality and now from nature's bakery which presumably is a field in the Sun energy for life's great journeys oh god is my response to that soft baked organic brownie mmm my response to that quite free dairy free to transfer at kosher low sodium from a rover blah Oh Kailyn so this old god it's not old it's just following a pieces it's got very weird consistency mm-hmm not um oh it's falling a bit into the macadamia nut problem of being half-baked and gets away with a bit more there has that kind of slight brownie gooeyness to it now there's a real Oh hard hit of chocolate and something you've got salt cocoa but not the taste of something else like vegetable a about it what is in this I don't know it is a secret hammock potato starch in it now I don't think anything specific but yeah that's not really very nice there's not horrible or anything there's certainly a lot better now cookie but yeah not great not great I'm not enjoying the Alps taste stretch Armstrongs very very unknown brother its raspberry fruit leather they're actually calling it leather no grams around sure this doesn't be one of those fruit roll things doesn't it surely what else could it possibly be yep it's slightly sticky it's very very you know it looks like something it really does look like leather doesn't that something you'd be patching up a saddle with right yep that's exactly as you'd expect imagine those things have had lunch boxes for years but less sweet very much taste of raspberries no newspapers it's alright I think pretty much everybody at home is gonna know what this tastes like and if they like it or not to be honest but yeah it's pleasant enough and finally non-gmo gluten-free no dairy no nuts soccer moms love it it's Ian earth not Ian earth its iam earth organics our twists naturally flavored watermelon and lemonade how can you go wrong with watermelon and lemonade sour sweets I don't know but let's see if they have no they have not they're not overly sour they're quite present they've got a fresh taste um hmm yeah really like those hmm that and those pursuits peanuts would do me actually yep quality we have realize definitely the rest of those very good iam earth well done tell your brother Ian earth that I really enjoyed them right so that's a lot for this time then loot crate seems to be getting less and less in them frankly I mean we like the idea of only having a handful of better things as opposed to load of cheap crap but not entirely sold on how little you're getting in these days because that plastic cup didn't seem that great frankly then we had a Kia Pinto which again didn't seem that marvelous I've got to say even at a Funko pop never supposing cell review quit but yeah the other stuffs a bit generic and cheapy and the munchpak thing here the old health pack is interesting yeah means nice to have another option it isn't just here's a load event healthy stuff incidentally if you want something that sort of less less unhealthy than the normal one they do something called a cheat pack which seems to be like half of the healthy stuff and half of the stuff you'd normally get in a munch pack which is another interesting idea it's all a bit of half-and-half then but yeah I have an interesting variety of stuff most of which I hadn't tried before was always good but then again most of which wasn't that nice so I'm not entirely sure so anyway in summary breezes and that's all the weather subscribe for more [Music] [Music]
Channel: ashens
Views: 212,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loot crate, mystery box, subscription box, lootcrate unboxing, anime subscription box, loot crate unboxing, akibento box, akibento unboxing, akibento review, subscription boxes, one piece, taste test, stuart ashen, subscription box anime, ashens loot crate, loot crate review, funko pop, bioshock, naruto, anime, manga, food, munchpak, healthpak, snacks, cookie, food special, ashens food, december 2018
Id: OF7sUviBvC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 29sec (1649 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2018
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