[SUB]FBI查9億搶案!葉倫委屈哭了? 新聞大白話@tvbstalk 20240405 (字幕版)

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In fact, between the United States and China, do you think they are really completely cut off from each other ? They have stopped communicating with each other forever. They confirmed one thing after the phone call with Xi . It was she, U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen, who visited China for the second time and said that we should not decouple from the Chinese economy . However, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Mainland said that your list of corporate sanctions against our mainland companies is getting more and more. You are here and let’s talk about it. Let's solve it. In fact, both sides have something they want to talk about. This time Ye Lun comes to China for a visit, of course everyone will come to compare the specifications. When she came last time, she was picked by the director. This time, it seems a little better. It's the deputy director , but you I also saw Ye Lun. Many mainland netizens call her an old lady. When she got off the plane this time , you could basically see that she still had the same smile on her face. She even carried her bag by herself. Then someone said After getting off the plane, she bent down a little lower and began to discuss what exactly she was going to talk about this time . When Ye Lun came to China this time, in addition to saying that she wanted to talk about some things that she cared about, there was another thing. The thing is that her first meal was at a time- honored Cantonese restaurant, which is very good. Why? Because many people saw her eating at this restaurant and said they knew what it meant to eat. Because this time, there was no red carpet and she didn’t care about food. But she was also in it last time. When I came to China for a visit, I also ate at a very good restaurant. This time it was said to be the Cantonese restaurant in the Qing Dynasty. Their Cantonese restaurant was like this , so everyone started talking about how she came to Guangzhou this time instead of the last time. Let’s talk about the reasons for these in Beijing and Shanghai . In fact , many foreign companies are located in Guangzhou, which is basically a gathering place. So she actually hopes to come here to hear the differences between American companies. As for Dai Qi ’s voice , he is now taking advantage of the EU to come and make a speech before the meeting , saying that basically we must respond to the challenges and impacts that China’s economic model brings to the United States and Europe. This is actually something we must do. We must do it. The interference was then taken action. Just now, Mr. Lai specifically mentioned that the United States has asked ASML to stop providing services to Chinese customers. It is said that it will start to formally propose it to the Netherlands next week. What is this service? It is basically the same as in the past. If there are customers here who come to buy machines from ASML, they will also sign for follow-up maintenance and so on. Now these follow-up maintenance service requirements must all be suspended. But can Europe go its own way ? Because like German Prime Minister Xiao I am going to visit China again this month. As you can see from the list of accompanying companies, basically all big companies are coming. In other words, one year has passed and there are various discussions in the EU , but these companies still care about China. How does the market look? The reason is because the market is over there. The market is so big. There are many companies. It is an important market. Why can’t we be there? The ASEAN side can see it relatively clearly. Let me take you to see it. What's more, when Wang Yi met with the Foreign Minister of Timor-Leste, he said that he supports Timor-Leste's early joining of ASEAN and hopes that everyone can start to make the economic pie of this economic circle bigger . In addition, senior officials from Vietnam have also visited China to discuss agricultural products, railways and highways. Then the establishment of the Internet is all about building the Indonesian quasi-president who only took office in October. Let me first talk to Xi Jinping about strategic docking. I hope that some of the past policies can be continued and discussed. For example, didn't we build high-speed rail in the past? Now we can still do it. Let's talk about what else you want to invest in. Let 's take a look at Southeast Asia and ASEAN. Basically, there are only three countries at the moment. Which three countries are the Philippines, Singapore, and Vietnam? Currently, I still think that it is possible for the United States. Relatively friendly, others are basically inclined to form an alliance with China. Of course, it is clearly economic-oriented. What the people care about more than anything else is directly his pocket and his belly. Turn around and ask Lai Teacher , what Yellen basically wants to say this time is that we must take into account the rights of our American companies . So at the same time, she hopes to have a good dialogue with China , but she also said that she does not want to decouple from you. She said that she does not want to decouple. That is one thing . It's another thing , but I think every time, every year, the United States creates a new word. This year's new word is overcapacity. The keywords will always be there. Last time, it was national security, and then it was unfair trade . This time we add a new word called overcapacity. This overcapacity is nonsense. Why is it because electric vehicles have occupied so little of our market so far ? Because our fuel vehicles are still the largest volume. In fact, if we want to warm the climate, we really If we want to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and achieve carbon neutrality, we actually need to move towards green energy and energy conservation and carbon reduction , so the production of electric vehicles is not enough , but she has already said that you have overcapacity, and since you want to develop electric vehicles , of course you need batteries, she said. She said you have overcapacity in solar panels . In fact, mainland China accounts for nearly 80% of the world 's solar panels . In this case, if you can't compete, then stop producing them, or just merge and acquire them . If there are mergers and acquisitions or bilateral cooperation in mainland China, there will be no overcapacity problem. So I think Yellen’s talk about overcapacity is untenable, so just listen to it. But the United States must create one every time. Because this is a new word , I will create it first this year . So you see Dai Qi went to Europe and said the same thing, called China’s overcapacity. Such a situation is good . Anyway, they are in sync with each other and have the same words. Just listen to it, because it will be changed to a new word soon. What Dai Qi said is worthy of our deep thought , and it is worthy of European and American people to think carefully. She said China The economic system of Europe and the United States is very strong and powerful, so you should learn from China. Because you all thought that our scientific civilization in Europe and the United States was better than China , so China sent a large number of overseas students to learn from you. Now that China’s economic system is better than Hello, why don’t you just come to China and learn from China? Why don’t you send a large number of international students to China to learn about China’s economic system ? Why do you need to use this confrontational method to learn? The Chinese people are what they are today because of learning in the first place. If you also learn, you will have a tomorrow . So I I think what Dai Qi said is wrong. She should come to China to study. Especially since she is Chinese and she also taught English at Sun Yat-sen University , she should study harder. I think this is the solution to the problem. But Xi Jinping is In front of Biden, he asked: Do you want to suppress our scientific and technological development in China? Biden directly said to Xi Jinping that we do not want to suppress your scientific and technological development. So from four no-one unintentional to five no-one unintentional , this speech is already six. Not one unintentional, why are there six, not one unintentional? I guess Xi Jinping asked what do you want... He said we don't have it , and then he asked , do you want to suppress us in China? No, do you want to overthrow our political system? No, you every When asked once, you said no. But when you Biden said in front of Xi Jinping that I did not want to suppress your scientific and technological development, after finishing speaking, Dai Qi ran to Europe and said that we should unite to suppress China's scientific and technological development. Then on Monday I will send a group to the Netherlands and tell them that Asmore, you can’t even have after-sales maintenance. If this is not suppression, what is suppression? So I feel that if the United States keeps saying one thing and doing another, I think the United States is The whole world is really a very untrustworthy politician. I think it’s not good for a big country like this to be so untrustworthy. Let’s ask the captain what you think. The reason is because now everyone has seen Yellen’s visit this time . What everyone wants to know is the follow-up, for example, Asmore. You are very clear that you still want to go to Europe. What do you think? In fact, I want to jump directly to talk about this ASEAN thing this time because I have been thinking about this issue recently . I think I must talk about it here. Listen carefully. The United States and China are very similar countries. What I mean by similarity is that they are almost the same size in area and the latitude they are in. Because I measure a country's capabilities, latitude is very important . It is said that these two countries are in the middle, which is the most suitable area for living. The one above is Canada, and the one is Russia. It is freezing cold. The one below is Central and South America. South America, Mexico, is extremely hot. China, and below is ASEAN, which is also very hot. How do these two countries face their neighbors? Remember, China treats its neighbors below. In the past, if you look at ASEAN, they were all backward countries with underdeveloped economies. There might be a lot of drug and drug trafficking, inconvenient transportation, etc. He started from Since 2000, China has put a lot of effort into ASEAN. The specific construction of it has certainly started since 2013 when Xi Jinping came up , but he has already started doing what he is doing in 2000. To put it bluntly, he spends money and exerts effort. I'm here to help you backward countries build roads, railways, high-speed rails, ports, hospitals, schools and banks. He helps you do it this way. This is his attitude towards his neighbors. Have you ever thought about the United States' attitude towards his south? What is the attitude of those countries that build walls and don’t allow you to come in? This is the first one . So this is why the United States has to face its immigration problem, which is very serious because it is too backward. What should everyone do? Just try your best to run to the United States . As for the ASEAN, of course it used to be very weak , but now it has become rich and powerful. In the first three years, China 's bilateral trade volume with ASEAN has surpassed the EU. The EU has not even had that much. It has surpassed the United States and Japan. A district becomes rich and strong. When this district becomes prosperous and people can live a good life, think about who is willing to abandon their hometown and go to a strange place to immigrate. So you know that the same immigration problem is faced by China. It wants to make you rich. I spend my energy investing so that you can live a good life. The United States is building a wall. Don’t come here. You are you. We are us. This is the first. After talking about immigration, let ’s talk about the second question. Who do you think will become a terrorist ? He is very poor and has a very poor life like me. You asked me to say that if you become a terrorist, you can go to heaven in the future . Thank you. How could I write that letter? As long as you live a good life, you cannot become a terrorist. Same thing. China aims to eliminate terrorists by making everyone prosperous and prosperous together. But the United States goes in with guns and cannons to annihilate them. You will know how these two powerful countries in the world treat their friends and neighbors. Please tell me about Brother Dong . In fact, the media we watch in Taiwan are all based on Caucasian media from Europe and the United States. The 20 most influential media in the world are also run by Caucasians , so many of the things you read are not accurate. Objectively, it was finally confirmed that this is not the case. For example, when we talked about the Russia-Ukraine war , we talked about how the Russian economy would be dragged down without the Russian economy. Now it is higher than all the countries in the European Union. Is the GDP better than his? What will happen to his force ? Without his force, it is very strong. It can be seen that Ukraine is actually retreating steadily and has been there all the way, right ? The age for conscription has been lowered to 25, right? You can see that all the things you said in the past are actually not allowed if you compare them today. What the United States wants to do now is to appease mainland China while taking some actions , just like we just mentioned Yellen and her actions in going to Guangzhou are actually going to lead a delegation to mainland China this month. This is because I can’t listen to the United States. I am the worst. Why can’t I buy Russian energy because German energy has risen so high? Is the right thing right? You can’t buy natural gas, coal, or oil. His current price is very high. So what should he do? He was originally the most sound country in Europe, and his economy is also a leader. What should he do now? He is going to visit mainland China. Who should he take with him to bring Mercedes-Benz? Why is the boss of China the boss of BMW, the boss of Siemens , and the boss of Bayer? Because mainland China is very powerful in electric cars. Bayer is a pharmaceutical manufacturer in mainland China. Nowadays, pharmaceutical biotechnology is very strong. Although we in Taiwan seem to be deliberately writing a lot of negative things about it , during the epidemic. Right? Of these seven or eight World Health Organization-certified ones, he only accounts for two. He is very strong. Many of the news we watch are biased and taken out of context. I tell you that Xiao Zi will go to May in April and Putin will go to you. Watch Puchin. He is very calm. Even though his country is at war, he still goes to visit mainland China. Xi Jinping is going to visit France in June. It marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. Everyone remembers that Macron went to see Xi Jinping twice, once in Guangzhou and once in Beijing. You can see how well the two of them talked . He immediately received a lot of orders for airplanes. I remember it was 160. So you can see that if you continue to listen to the United States, you will be miserable. Ignore him and let 's do business together and make money together. This is what is happening now . Many countries in the world are watching, but the United States is watching. Think about how unreasonable this is, Asmore. You bought an air conditioner and you were supposed to give it a 2-year warranty. If the United States says otherwise, if you are not allowed to provide the warranty, they will sue you. The axiom of the whole world that you must lose is that if ASML really does not provide after-sales service for the deep purple lithography machine in mainland China, and if you do not provide after-sales service for the things you sell, if they sue you, you will lose miserably. No one in the world will sympathize with you, how can you be so bad, right? Our Consumer Foundation Taiwan can return goods within 7 days if you buy something. How can you be so overbearing? The United States says you should do this. Why should you listen to him? You are his little one. Dog? So this is completely unreasonable. You can tell at a glance that the United States is persecuting him. Those allies asked him to do something they are unwilling to do and it is against humanity and the law. This does not make sense. In fact, so far everyone has been talking about the United States. He is now What is the actual internal situation like? They are going to have an election this year , so any news is easy to cause trouble. Yesterday, although the stock market was not open in Taiwan , many people jumped up before going to bed last night and saw the rise in oil prices and interest rates. It seems that it has not happened yet. I heard the sound of inflation and I am worried that it will come back. So yesterday's US stock market closing was basically not very good. The Dow Jones fell sharply by 530 points. The three major indexes all closed with a decline of more than 1%. The number I will show you is the current technology industry. It is really bad because the United States laid off 90,000 people in March, a 14-month high. Among them, the technology industry was the worst. Good thing, this has basically hit a new high since January last year . Another part may be the government sector that is most affected. What is a veteran ? The main reason for the U.S. Department of the Army is because we told you last time, didn’t they? They are now making strategic adjustments throughout their entire organization , so their personnel vacancies have also begun to be adjusted and reduced. At this moment, public security It's not good, because a major theft case has broken out in Los Angeles . When I saw this content, we thought about the hidden-hidden movie. Is there a reason why he was so powerful that there was basically no trace of a break-in outside , but he was able to sneak directly inside and steal it? The FBI quickly came to investigate how they managed to avoid the alarm. They did not discover that the safe was stolen until they opened the safe on Monday. This is the largest cash robbery in history. If there are no inner supernatural powers or external ghosts , this must be investigated clearly, because there is actually a lot of cash from various companies stored in it , etc. When you add up these things, everyone will start to feel about the current political situation. According to the latest poll , Trump is in 6 The support in key states exceeded Biden's four major issues. Which of the four major issues will directly show you the economy, immigration, border security, and abortion. Biden won only abortion, but all others lost. So this time, everyone started talking about goodbye. Den should be a little scared in his heart because he is worried that someone will jump out and call America Great Again. So what should he do if he wants to make America Great first ? The United States has now tasked NASA to formulate a standard by the end of 2024. Moon time , in other words, the rules here need to be set by the big brother. Is this what you mean? Because now you can also see that on the other side, they are starting to build a relay star for Queqiao 2 , hoping to set up a new communication or data transmission. Wait for a facility like this in Space Contest 2024 The good reason why it can be expected is that there will indeed be many, many missions on the other side this year. As you know, there are already Chang'e 6, manned space missions , the Queqiao 2 we just talked about, and they are also starting to do it. Various types of commercial aerospace are booming. They have even begun to discuss whether to develop rocket recovery technology. They hope to start to be able to go further in these transmissions. There are also some new breakthroughs internationally. For example, because they are now super The microscope was upgraded so they could see more things , and a new discovery was made. Through this observatory, their researchers discovered cosmic ray originating objects in space with energy higher than 1 billion electron volts. And now There has been such a new discovery announced, and many of them were talking about superconducting quantum computers in the past. You may think of many such technologies in the past, but the United States, Japan, and Europe do not have them. Now they have made this themselves. Wukong has already They have begun to provide multiple quantum computing services , which means that they have entered the era of available quantum computing power. Their progress has taken another step forward , so in the past, China may have been ranked in this supercomputer ranking for supercomputers. It's rare to see him in it , but some people are saying that it's because they didn't go to participate at all , so you can't see where his actual strength is. Now that the information has come out, people are starting to ask whether this will be a nightmare. They use I would like to ask Mr. Lai for advice on how to describe a nightmare. The reason is that in the United States, it is true that in addition to the public security issues we just talked about, economic issues are also a major concern. In fact, the news about the American economy is a bit It’s confusing , so I think viewers will find that the Federal Reserve has been hesitant so far because it originally said it was going to cut interest rates this year , and then it said it might be as early as June , and it also said it would cut interest rates three times. You see, now it has completely changed its tune . The main reason why interest rates may not be cut is because of various signals. Basically, the Federal Reserve believes in signals. For example, what is your price index, what is your unemployment index, and what is your employment index? They make judgments based on these indicators . They believe that it is not yet time to cut interest rates because the economic situation is still unstable. The huge monster of inflation is still ready to move. Therefore, under such a situation, the economic situation of the United States is indeed getting worse, especially in the face of technological products. Mainland China's strong competitiveness , of course, European and American countries are not taking it easy, nor are they all sleeping, so when another player comes in, because originally it was G7 and several other countries were playing, now there is one more player, and it is Mainland China who is following everyone. In a competitive situation and with such strong competitiveness, I think the pressure on American technology companies is indeed great . If you look at Tesla's R&D expenses , they are already quite low. BYD's R&D expenses in mainland China are 1 less. More than 10 billion dollars is not just a small amount of research and development expenses. It is more than 10 billion US dollars less. This is a huge difference. In the development of space, I think the mainland is basically following a step-by-step process. It is proceeding step by step according to its plan. But the United States is keeping an eye on China. It is watching every step that China takes. I think that under such circumstances , the United States itself is in chaos. When it discovers that China has successfully landed on the moon again , and the lander has been operating and has timed out. The United States was anxious when it was in operation , so it was forced to land on the moon as soon as possible. The first time it failed, the second time it landed on the moon , but the landing point was not good and the landing speed was too fast. As a result, the lunar rover got stuck and could not move, so it There is no way to follow his expectations , and mainland China has continued to follow his path, and now it has begun to build the Queqiao Bridge. Because to get to the far side of the moon, you must have a relay station on the far side of the moon. The relay station is the Queqiao Bridge, and it is also Success is placed in that position, so we can prepare for the moon landing on the back, not the moon landing. I think the mainland is going step by step . This way, you can let us understand that step by step, there is no rush. In fact, sometimes it is faster. Slowly or quickly. Finally, I think that in the quantum field, the United States was originally leading in quantum computing because China and the United States were the two leading countries in the world. The United States was leading in computing and China was leading in communications. Now China is leading in this part of computing . The United States is already evenly matched. The pressure on the United States is great because China may overtake the United States. If China overtakes the United States , it is worried that if they all overtake the United States , what are the chances of winning ? Come back, we will invite more guests to help us analyze the current technological development between the United States and China. Our understanding is very different from the past . Let me ask the captain for advice. Because I studied computers in the research institute, so I am actually very curious about computers. What we can see now about the technology of the future of mankind is that it will drastically change mankind. The next AI is quantum computer. Many people ask me what is quantum computer. Let me give you an example. In quantum mechanics, quantum computer is not understood by many people. Let me give one. It is called quantum entanglement. What is quantum entanglement? These two are quantum. Let me move it. If you get this thing on the opposite side of the earth and you move it, it will move. If you get it on the moon, it will move. If you get it on another galaxy 1 million light-years away, it will move too. If there is no time difference, it will move. No physicist can explain why . Then you think of what is called quantum radar. Do you know? I have two here. I emit a quantum . When the quantum runs there, one quantum of me. Measuring it here, the result is that it runs... if it hits something, will it move? If I move here at this time, I will know that there is something at that distance , so it becomes all stealth aircraft . As long as I use this thing, I can do it. It can be detected , so its technology is really unknown to scientists until now. But no matter what, this is the first time for the Chinese. This is the last time I heard the Chinese say that China's technology has always lagged behind the world, especially European and American quantum technology . This is the first time that China has stood on the same starting point as the world's most advanced scientific and technological circles and run together . Before, we were lagging behind and chasing others. This time, we have walked together until now. I remember that a few months ago, maybe last year, Taiwan released a We are also working on quantum computers. We are working on quantum computers . The complexity of the quantum computer is related to how many quanta it has. The machine we released is very complicated. Then he said it is a 5-quantum quantum computer. Now mainland China has already done it. In Chapter 9, No. 3 is 255 , which is the highest in the world. Don’t think that 255 is 5. This is nearly 50 times. If you double it, the complexity of this one will become very complicated immediately. There is another one called the origin. Wukong Origin Wukong has been provided to the whole world. At the beginning of this year , 350,000 people in 60 countries had used Origin Wukong. You will know that the quantum of mainland China may have surpassed the world. Our advanced advertising ads come back and we want to invite you. Brother Dong can help us summarize. In fact, we know that many countries are now actively engaged in space management , including Japan. Two years ago, the administrator of NASA was named Nelson. He put forward a point of view at that time, which was that if we do not quickly suppress China’s space development in the future, Mainland China would occupy the moon , which caused a huge sensation at that time. Mainland China also thought it was nonsense. What are your plans now? You can see that the intention of the United States is to call on other countries to suppress you, the United States. In the past, it was very different in the past few years. My friends may have noticed that there was an astronaut in the United States a few days ago. He was carried to the space station by the Russians. Otherwise, he would be stuck there. His name is Hay . You can watch the United States now. When fighting against Russia , its astronauts still need help to carry them down. You can see why mainland China has to refute it. It is because space development is relatively lacking in all the regulations of the United Nations, so everyone can do it. When it comes to developing the United States, I think it is losing ground in many things. In fact, it is not like mainland China. It has a plan and trains talents step by step. Everything follows its plan. The United States has been so selfish in the past. Welcome to News Vernacular. Next In this hour, everything big and small at home and abroad will be told to you in words you can understand. Let me first introduce the guests of this hour. First of all, I will introduce you, Dong Zhisen, a senior media person. Hello friends , and Mr. Lai Yueqian, an expert in international politics. Host, dear audience friends. Hello, everyone . Former Captain Zhang Qian, Huang Zhenghui, host. Hello, everyone, viewers. What I want to show you at the beginning is that now we are all talking about what is the current status between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. The current status is that the United States may be very concerned about what 520 will be. What kind of situation is good? The reason is because Qiaoxin broke the news and said that Rosenberg actually came to the Legislative Yuan to pay a visit to President Han. She directly mentioned Lai Qingde’s 520 speech. Recently, everyone has been talking about Rosenberg. The chairman of AIT has generally not come so frequently in the past because she has come five times so far since she took office . She also said she would come again on May 20, so they asked whether it was because she was worried that the content of Lai Qingde's speech would affect cross-strait relations. There will be high risks on both sides of the Taiwan Strait . What you need to know is how to control the subsequent impact. During the phone call with Xi Jinping, Xi Jinping directly said two "no" to him. In other words , he clearly drew a red line on the Taiwan Strait issue , including this, which is not allowed. The red line that has been crossed is that he will not let it go unchecked with his external connivance and support for the separatist activities of the Taiwan independence forces. Brother Liang said it directly. That is to say, these measures will of course affect the current cross-strait interaction. For example, our former Didn't we say for a few days that Kinmen was going to fire live ammunition because of the previous problem with Jinxia? Why did a message suddenly come out in the middle of the month saying that this was too provocative? Why did we call for a card first ? The reason Brother Liang said is because in fact Tsai Ing-wen asked Lai Qingde had no choice. That is to say, if he really did this, Xi Jinping would definitely ask Biden how the United States should talk about the Taiwan issue , so he felt that Rosenberg must have her reasons for jumping out at this time. The other part is what General Shuai said about Taiwan. Now the United States is very worried that we will become another powder keg , so he hopes that we will never have anything to do. He will bring you to see the first island chain. Now he is very afraid that someone will cause trouble , but Isn’t it true that the United States is not causing trouble? Because the US-Japan-Philippines summit is about to be held in April. It is said that they will agree to regular maritime exercises. The Philippines’ ambassador to the United States said that he hopes Australia can also be included. In other words, this line is connected. Of course, everyone knows who the intimidation is aimed at. Japan is still planning to station the Self-Defense Force in the Philippines . Even before, Philippine President Duterte had a better relationship with China. At that time, I signed a gentlemen's agreement , which means that I will not invade the disputed area now. But now I have a ship parked there, and you have to let me come regularly to replenish it. Everyone, for now, stay safe here. Well, these contents are now even being reviewed by the Philippines to see if there are any problems . The two sides are beginning to confront each other. No one even said that they should not be so targeted. This is Marcos's sister. Her name is Yimei. She is from the Philippines. The senator believes that the Philippines is now on a dangerous path. Don't deal with matters in the South China Sea based on emotional issues instead of rational issues. Otherwise, something will happen . Another thing is that war has started again in northern Myanmar. I will take you directly. Let’s look at the picture . In fact , the two sides are still continuing military attacks on each other in northern Myanmar. What you are seeing now is an exercise by the People’s Liberation Army on the China-Myanmar border. They specially released the live audio video to tell everyone that it is here. Their firepower here is basically sufficient. Please don't act rashly because they have also seen that the US National Security Advisor Sullivan came to Myanmar to see if some representatives, including those from Northern Shan State, were encouraging them to continue. Go forward and go forward some more. These will basically involve the relationship between China and Myanmar and the situation in the entire region . Now the commander of the US Pacific Army tells us this. They are preparing to deploy a medium-range missile in the Indo-Pacific region . Previously In Japan, we have also heard that there will be tomahawks and so on . If these things really go to the Pacific region, what everyone wants to ask is whether everyone is prepared. The congressman who is very worried about the war between China and the United States asked directly. If we really start a war, where will our money come from? They have talked about this. This is the most critical issue that is avoided at present. What did the Indo-Pacific Commander at the time say? He said that in fact , it is not just the difference in military strength here . There are issues such as distance, etc. If we really want to be prepared to win the war, then we must first go to Taiwan to make preparations. If this is the case, all the resources invested by the money must be re-planned and really come to fruition. At that step, the tense atmosphere between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait may not be as tense as it is now . I would like to ask Brother Dong, because no one hopes that there will be any changes between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait before May 20, and the United States may be more worried than us . He may be more direct. What do you think of all the current actions in the United States? They are all related to the election , because in 7 months there will be a vote for the President of the United States. According to the current situation, Trump’s momentum is relatively high. He won 6 out of 7 swing states , so for Biden, He wants to behave differently from Trump, that is, when I am in power, there is a war between Russia and Ukraine, a war between Israel and Palestine , and if there is another one on the Taiwan Strait, I don’t have to choose at all. Of course, his reaction is very direct, so everyone looks at January On the 13th, when Lai Ching-te was elected, the media suddenly asked Biden what his reaction was when he said that the leader elected in Taiwan’s election was Lai Ching-te. We in the United States do not support Taiwan independence. This is my impression of Lai Ching-te , because the US president has nothing to do with Taiwan. It's natural that the impression won't be too big. Even in the past, including Chen Shui-bian, I don't think his impression was too deep. Because they usually make friends with heads of state of some big countries , so his impression of Lai Qingde is like this. What does this mean? It means you are a Even President Biden knows about pragmatic Taiwan independence workers , so he does not want any different situation to happen. If this happens, it means that you may bring a greater threat to the Taiwan Strait. This is a very obvious message , so you can see that Biden is leaving no stone unturned. He had another phone call with Xi Jinping to make a guarantee. Of course, the content of these 105 minutes was similar to the past , but he actually brought a stability called "I want to stabilize Xi Jinping here. " But if you want to stabilize him, Xi Jinping must also have it. I want to ask you something because you have failed to deliver on all the guarantees Biden gave him in the past . Now that there is an election, come to me again. Biden has spoken to Xi Jinping on the phone 6 times and met twice in person. Every time they talked on the phone, it was Biden. Who asked Xi Jinping to talk to him ? In fact, it sounds like a master-slave thing , right? It’s very clear that the United States wants something from mainland China , so the interpretations from the outside are wrong , and they have to coordinate several times just to make this phone call. It's been months since they met in the United States and they still have to coordinate for so long. So it means that mainland China has a lot of views on the United States. You don't have to tell me so much. You can't do it at all. You are lying to me every time . For the election to take so long this time, of course the United States must put forward some conditions. Of course, Taiwan must be a bargaining chip, that is, if it is agreed , how do you want Taiwan to express it ? Especially what will Lai Qingde express after he takes office? So as you have seen recently, everything is the same. This trick is that the United States hopes that there will be no more disputes between the Taiwan Strait for the election , so what it can ask for is that it hopes that China will not take too big actions. China will definitely ask for your little brother here in Taiwan. What do you think he will do? So Rosenberg came and met with Tsai Ing-wen, met with Han Kuo-yu, and met with Lai Ching-te. Anyway , you have to have a statement. This means that we have become something that must be said at the presidential inauguration ceremony , just like A-Bian A- back then. If Bian Yi is elected, many people are not worried about how a Taiwan independence party can What should I do if I am elected , so A-Bian has to talk about the four differences? Without his background, the situation is a bit similar, but Lai Qingde is more aloof than A-Bian, a Taiwan independence worker. A-Bian will also make changes depending on the situation , so everyone treats him If you are not at ease, Lai Qingde is under a lot of pressure because he does not have more than half of the votes in Congress and his own votes are only 40%. To him, he is actually a lame president. Now he has added an American framework and asked him to give it to me in the Taiwan Strait. Darling , you can see next that they were actually going to have a phone call before Xi Jinping was going to have a phone call. The outside world didn’t know what day it was. But in fact, their American counterpart knew what time everyone was talking about. I would call him and tell him all these things. Okay, so Rosenberg is here. Yesterday, Yellen went. When Yellen went , you can see that every step he took was in the American way. Next, let’s see how President Lai Ching Delai behaves. If you make us, the United States, dissatisfied , then it will be very dangerous if it affects my election. So these messages are one after another , but everyone can see its trajectory clearly . In fact, so far, of course, the United States has started from Speaking from the perspective of self-interest, I would like to ask Mr. Lai for advice , because here you can see one of their deployments in the Asia-Pacific. In addition to what we just mentioned, they may now have Tomahawks to build land in Japan. Japan's medium-range missiles, etc. In the past , they may have been less likely to do this. Now they even directly call Japan and the Philippines, and they say that Australia may also participate. Japan will also directly station the Self-Defense Force in the Philippines. The overall capacity is different. Which Asian country allows the United States to install medium -range ballistic missiles to deal with mainland China , that is, its warheads are medium-range ballistic missiles to deal with mainland China. Which country is a target of mainland China's attack ? This is a very simple principle, just like If the mainland installs missiles in Cuba aimed at the United States, the United States will definitely target Cuba for the same reason. This is something everyone can understand. So what you want to see is which Asian country allows the United States to launch missiles in their homeland , such as South Korea or Japan or It is the Philippines that has installed missiles aimed at China on their homeland . Of course, China will aim its missiles at these countries to fight this. It is their own choice. No one should blame anyone. This is the first and second United States. Why Japan must be brought in and Australia must be brought in is because the United States knows that it cannot defeat mainland China on its own. So the Indo-Pacific commander himself made it very clear that he must cross the ocean to the border of mainland China, whether it is in the South China Sea or I want to start a war with mainland China in the East China Sea . I have no possibility or certainty of winning. The truth is actually very simple . The Pacific and Indo-Pacific Command is just the commander of a theater . China not only has an eastern theater and a northern theater, but it can also go south. To support , the southern theater can also go north to support, and even the central theater can come to support. So if you have a war zone in the United States, you have to fight a country in mainland China. In fact, if the United States devotes its entire country to fighting China, you can't win , let alone a war zone. So I think what the US commander in the Indo-Pacific said is basically meaningless because you can't win at all. This is the first and second Japan is not a celebrity. Frankly speaking, of course it is for Taiwan independence and the DPP. He thinks that Japan is his boss and he is a big shot. But in terms of mainland China, Japan is really not a big shot anymore. Regardless of the overall national strength , population , industrial productivity , or military power, Japan is really not a big shot to mainland China. If you create a northern war zone , you can cover the entire territory of Japan. So I personally think that Japan is just helping the United States by inciting the Philippines to say that you can make more troubles in the South China Sea. It doesn't matter . Japan and the United States will support you and I will do more. If I send you some ships, just try your best to cause trouble because I think Japan and the United States hope that the Philippines or Taiwan can fight a proxy war like Ukraine and use the lives of Taiwanese or Filipinos to consume part of mainland China. The national power is just like using Ukrainian lives to consume part of Russia's military power and national power. In fact, their calculations are so clear. I believe that most Taiwanese people actually see it very clearly . In fact, most Filipinos also see it very clearly. It’s clear that his sister, Marcos Jr.’s sister , Marcos Jr.’s sister , thinks that why do you want her to say that Americans don’t care about our lives? The Manila Times is also a big newspaper in the Philippines. They themselves also said It is very clear that the Americans do not care about the lives of us Filipinos , so we must do everything possible to avoid war with mainland China , that is, stop provoking the mainland. I think these media are also good, as are these little Marcos. Different politicians or political parties, Duterte ’s attitude is simpler. He said that if you want to do this, I will make the south independent, I will break away from you, and I will not go with you. In fact, these actions are very clear, it is them. They all see it clearly , but Marcos actually sees it very clearly, so the US commander in the Indo-Pacific keeps telling Marcos to activate the mutual defense regulations between the United States and the Philippines. You can activate me, the American commitment to you is rock solid, but little Marcos, you have seen that until today, we have said that we have not activated the mutual defense regulations between the United States and the Philippines. The meaning is very clear, I can play, but I don’t want to play with mainland China. The real open fire is that everyone knows except for Taiwan independence, which is not clear why . Because the problem now is that Xi Jinping has directly warned Biden , and this is a direct warning that you will not let it go if you engage in Taiwan independence. You will not sit idly by in the trade and technology war . I think for now As for the United States, we are now watching . In fact, the mainland is also undergoing a test. Why? Because Monday is next Monday, the American delegation is going to the Netherlands. If you want to call Asmore , then don't help mainland China repair it. This is suppressing China's technology. The Chinese mainland will There will be no retaliation. We have to look at it . If there is retaliation, then it means we have kept our word. If there is no retaliation, we have not kept our word. In fact, in China , of course, apart from saying that there are some problems in the South China Sea, you have seen him in the Philippines. There are some contradictions, and the other is where is it? In China and Myanmar, and in northern Myanmar, there is another war. Rumor has it that it was Sullivan in the past , Sullivan in the past, and everyone started talking about it . What do you mean by jumping in at this time ? Are you trying to fan some kind of flames? Come and ask the captain for advice. In fact, from our standpoint, you will think that the world is treacherous and changeable on many things . But if you stand from the standpoint of those in charge, that is the American standpoint, you will find that it is not so It’s complicated how Americans look at me. For example, Americans in the Philippines and Taiwan look at me as the younger brother. He is a big brother himself. He is the boss of the gang. All of you, Japan, the Philippines, Australia, and Taiwan, are just the big ones in the gang of younger brothers like me. The first, second, and third gears are arranged like this , but no matter what, his attitude towards these people is that you are my younger brother. If the younger brother is bullied in the underworld, the boss will follow you and lose face. You know, so the attitude of the United States is that he doesn’t want you either. Being bullied, he hopes to take care of you , but he has a big premise that you can't drag me in, so he can clearly see this time that Taiwan's Lai Qingde is coming up. Why did he send people here? He hopes you won't cause trouble. Because if you cause a big trouble, I'm sorry, it's not your job in Taipei to solve it. You have to call me, Washington, to help you solve it. So the United States must control you until you are within our control, don't go beyond it, don't drag us down , and the whole world is now looking at the relationship between the United States and China. Competition Thucydides Trap I have always believed that it has two targets. In the future, it will be judged that Beijing wins and Washington loses. The first target is the US dollar and the RMB. If the RMB replaces the US dollar , this thing is too long and there is no immediate analogy . If you say how many percent you exceed, it means victory. No, it's all a feeling , so it may not be very clear, but there is one thing that I will report to everyone. If it becomes true, the whole world will know that the United States lost, Washington lost, and Beijing lost. Do you know what we have won ? If Beijing succeeds in reunifying Taiwan with force and the United States cannot do anything about it , everyone in the world will know that you two are right. Beijing has repeatedly said that you should not touch the red line of Taiwan independence. As a result, you, the United States , are watching Taiwan being taken back like this, but you can't do anything about it. Therefore, the United States is very concerned about Taiwan's direction in the future when Lai Qingde is in power. The second one I want to mention in particular is because this is also the first time I have heard of this. The general cannot say that he is old. In fact, I am also old. When General Shuai said something, I didn’t agree with it at that time . The more I thought about it... I kept watching every time I saw the United States in our first island chain. When I acted , I thought of his words, and I realized that this was something like this. You know, he said that the United States lost its air and sea control in the first island chain. You don’t have to be a military layman to know that the first island chain is At the doorstep of the mainland, he lost both the air and the sea. Since he lost both the air and the sea, he adopted two two-sentence measures. One was called troop withdrawal. For example, 5,000 of his Marines retreated to Guam . We spent 8 billion to rebuild the bases there and have firepower. If you look at many recent actions of the U.S. military, their missiles can hit farther. Building missile bases along the first island chain here are all consistent with these two sentences. Forces retreat and firepower. Move forward because he doesn't want his American life involved in this
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Id: MNtTBwHfj_A
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Length: 48min 12sec (2892 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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