**SUBARU stuck in the SAND**

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all right we're gonna try a little night filming here so we'll see how this goes but we're headed out near the coral peaks and it was actually kind of near some dinosaur tracks that are out there and we had a gal call for a Subaru I'm sort of Subaru that she has buried in the sand some locals stopped to try to help her get out and they ended up getting stuck also so I think they were able to get something themselves out and they took her into town so we're gonna be picking her up trying to turn around nope [Music] [Music] do you think you can run the light go ahead and come get in it yeah we can do that they're ready really come get in there girl I can't turn the wrong [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] so that was that we found her down there in the sand she was able to get down there she actually got clear down to the parking lot for the dinosaur tracks and she got stuck coming back out and it was slightly down to Havel going in and that's how she made it in and it was uphill coming out which goes without saying anyway the uphill sections on the way outs when stopped her so someone had stopped to help and they had got their truck stuck I guess they were there for about an hour and a half digging out they were able to get out but [Music] didn't even have anything to add to this colony in fact they're looking like a creep yeah some people help there they were invaluable we are the people there were people that wanted to try and help forget about that health there and they got stuck and they got unstuck and then they called us to go and rescue her there's lots of mice out there there are a lot of mice out there okay well that's what shooting in the dark looks like [Music]
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 95,739
Rating: 4.9792161 out of 5
Keywords: Xj, Jeep, Sand, Dinosaur tracks, Subaru, Stuck
Id: fppdo6qrfys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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