Subaru Outback Camper Conversion

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it's Chase and today I'm gonna do a quick run-through on my Subaru Mini camper build out that I've been working on for a few weeks just kind of got it finished up and I'm pretty happy with it I built it because I used to have a truck and I spent a lot of time sleeping that thing and in the winter got really cold and the bed was only five and a half foot so a little bit cramped up and so last year I ended up switching over to this car in order to do some longer road trips and just save little fuel and then also be able to utilize the heat from the car itself and sleep back there so got this thing last year I just got a kick the seats down slept in there but I felt that the seats were wasting a lot of space when they were in there and they also kind of stayed at an incline and so when I was sleeping it was kind of like a little bit of a recliner and it wasn't quite optimal so I decided to kind of set this up a little bit better so that I could use it for my days off when I'm going to finding objectives or I just on road trips whatever and yeah at a few different things in mind so I'll kind of show you around just start over here it's kind of set up right now in my basically start right here so we've got these over the window so at night in order to keep the condensation down have to leave the windows cracked and to keep bugs out in the summer got these things and then also you can kind of see under the bug net there's these weather tech wind guards right here and so those will keep the rain from keeps it keeps it dry and then on the inside on this side it's like I said I pulled out the seat and then I just framed in down below and I'll show you a little bit more of that here in a minute but basically I want to stop just move the seats forward a little bit and then got my camera bags down here got a little bench or a little shelf right down here for some extra shoes and boots keep them out of the way and then my sleeping setup and there's a cubby under there that I'll show you in a bit come around back got a couple touch lights here pretty slick just touch them they turn on I've got this cabinet that I built to kind of hold my kitchen supplies and water as well as my external batteries so I've got a big battery right here that's lined into a 12-volt outlet back here and then I've got a phone charger and a fan working off of that so at night in the summer I can I can run this fan if I need to it's just got a little remote dial right here and then there's kind of a nightstand for my phone and then I've got some books down here for reading and another cubby just for whatever probably some snacks and co-speaker water and then this is my kitchen cabinet drawer so in here I've got pretty much everything I need to hook up a lot of stuff and make some pretty decent talking like coffee coffee grinder Aeropress and then seasoning a knife Jetboil minimo this thing is sweet it has a really good regulator on it on the burner itself and so you can use it to cook so I've got a pan in here tencel's and then a little bit bigger pot a fuel in the rag and when I'm cooking I want to have a little space to do it and so I made these pull out drawers or slide tables right here and they just kind of run under the platform and so when they come out the spot so I could make up some dinner or whatever I need to and it's been pretty convenient so far so that's kind of the kitchen cooking area right there and now we go around we also hated how in the past I kind of had to dump everything around if I had a lot of gear depending on what kind of trip I was doing and I'd have to just set everything out the bins on the ground and then the morning pack everything back up so I kind of wanted to stay a little bit more self-contained and so I put this rack up here and got this bin so this bin kinda just goes up here at night and I can slide in the back and then at night come up here and strap it down or else I can just live up here and pretty convenient and then over on that side I have the the big box and that's for skis and ropes snowshoes whatever just a little bit more storage over on this side same thing I've got my window covering and then framed in this little little seat here and it's kind of a weird access of steps that I can get in and out at night a little bit easier keep my boots on this that way don't get mud everywhere and it's just a nice little step so you don't have to just climb in and then keep my food right there take it out during the day and then the last thing that I built was a little desk sorry work as a freelance photographer on the side and one of the things I want to do was every now and then be able to back stuff up or maybe my computer in here and that's not very reasonable to expect out of a Subaru but I think up here beyond the cabinet I store this platform will see this cabinet front is the same pitch as the seat was so it kind of acts as a backrest for me and I just take my my cable here I've got two carabiners and these two just basically latch on to the head rest those and then I've got myself a table and it's my laptop right here read whatever I need to do just kind of a little self-contained desk and it's pretty slick and if I need to I can even shut the door made it just wide enough to where I can barely fit in here so prefer to leave the door open but I do have the ability to shut it so that's that I'm going to switch it over into ready reflectix and all the windows so it's just hold itself in and that way at night how it will be back here is only about six feet long - right here just under actually and so because I'm about there I want a little bit more space and so when I stop I move the seats forward about six inches that extension so I've got a couple little latches here and just basically and behind it I've got a cool so again this is where the seats used to be so I want to make use of the space and and here I just gotta keep the medical kit and some tools and drinks and extra comfy spot here just turns into a good spot for me to put mine so that's it hope you guys like it I will throw some links I'm liking it so far and if you guys have any other suggestions let me know thanks
Channel: Chase Christopher
Views: 537,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subaru, mini camper, camperconversion, subaru outback, vancamper, woodworking, sleeping platform, van life, car camping, Overlanding, Jackery, Nemo, Photography, Travel, Working Remote
Id: 7PTwJCW84bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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