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Hello friends Today I will make cheese fries. This dish is very delicious. I use 1 bowl of water to add a little salt to soak the potatoes I use 3 potatoes (300g) Cut into small cubes Remember each other even after the sheep will look beautiful For 1 minute in salt water to soak off the plastic Rinse well before taking out Boil for about 5 minutes After that, take it out, don't boil it too well, the potato will ripen. For 10 minutes in cold water for potatoes to harden Potatoes like this are ok, Not overcooked. Use blotting paper to dry the water so that it will not splash the oil when frying Remember to absorb all the water. Add 1 teaspoon of cornstarch to remove the water completely, making it easier to fry when frying This way to mix the dough very evenly. Like this is going to fry This dish will be consumed gradually Now let's fry the potatoes You can fry for 5 minutes Now the potatoes are ripe and hard, then pick them out Let it cool outside and then fry again 2 times This will make the potato crunchy Okay, let's feed the family Pass the paper to absorb the oil The last step is to mix with the cheese powder. I just give 1 teaspoon will not be salty Shake evenly to let the cheese powder cling to the potatoes Like this is done already Now let's eat, please. Crispy is delicious Remember to subscribe to the channel.
Channel: Cooking Kun
Views: 3,030,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASMR, ASMR Food, ASMR Cooking, cooking kun, korean food, 음식, kitchen, 먹방, how to make, food, cooking asmr, yt:cc=on, 간단요리, 자취요리, 간단레시피, 쉬운요리, 초보요리, 초간단요리, 황금레시피, 간식만들기, 예쁜요리, 아이디어요리, 간단한 요리, 요리, 감자튀김 만들기, 감자요리, 감자간식, 감자칩 만들기, 감자튀김, 아이들간식, 고구마칩, 맛있는레시피, 간식, 감자, 감자 튀김 만들기, 아이들 간식, 술안주, 감자튀김 요리, 에어프라이어 감자, potatosnacks, Kids snack, Potato fries, potato, potato recipes, french fries, french fries recipe, how to make french fries, potato recipe, how to make french fries at home, french fries at home
Id: 7d1uiasakhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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