Sub Focus b2b Dimension b2b Culture Shock b2b 1991 - UKF On Air: Bassrush x WORSHIP
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Channel: UKF On Air
Views: 869,235
Rating: 4.9212995 out of 5
Keywords: Sub Focus b2b Dimension b2b Culture Shock b2b 1991 ukf on air, sub focus b2b dimension b2b culture shock b2b 1991, sub focus b2b dimension, dimension b2b sub focus, sub focus, dimension, culture shock, 1991, b2b, b2b2b, b2b2b2b, drum & bass mix, dnb mix, drum and bass mix, worship artists, bassrush, ukf on air, ukf live, ukf on air dimension, ukf on air sub focus, ukf
Id: uTG5oMuVA7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 57sec (3597 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Seeing them all tomorrow. Haven't rocked out on a dancefloor for too long.
I like how they have such different taste in clothes
Fuck, maybe I should have missed Yoga this morning and go to their party in SF last night instead.
watched this live and couldn't help but clean my entire studio during it.
Anyone have an ID for the 'Pleasure' track at 08:36?
I have a strong feeling it's going to be another unreleased Dimension track but who knows!
Catching worship this weekend. Super pumped to get some heavy hitters in my neck of the woods (western Canada)
nice live mix
Oh, sick! Was getting my hair done during this so I couldn't watch, wasn't sure if it was recorded. Thank you!
God I wish tours like these would go further than NYC and LA