[SUB] 주우재에게 푸바오에 대해 묻다 | EP.11 주우재 | 살롱드립2

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[Finally revealing this theory] You think I'm a genius. [Spoken by a supporter of Jang Doyeon] Since a show we did in 2019, I've been fascinated [Finally, this is going to be known to the public] by Doyeon, because I would think "wow, how does she"... [Cut] What, why now? [Even the Peperos don't want this story to go public] Why did the Peperos have to fall at this time! So? Tell the story in a more interesting way. but wow I was amazed at how... [Cut, for real this time] witty... Seriously! [Is Jang Doyeon a reality show genius?] Don't make me angry, you Peperos! [Salon Drip 2] Hello. Gather round if you want to talk about culture, art, philosophy gossip, and rumors. This is Salon Drip. Thank you. You can probably tell through the wall [A one-line description of today's guest] but today's guest [We know it's a month early...] is here to celebrate Pepero Day. Even I [Human Pepero Number One] am quite the pepero, but in front of this guy... [Human Pepero Number Two] [Human Pepero Number Two] It's so funny how it says Pepero Day over there. Wow, I'm wearing Pepero colors! [Cookie / Chocolate] This is the cookie part, this is the chocolate part. [Just like a Pepero] Wow, good on me for wearing this. [Hello, Pepero here] I'm a Pepero today. [Pe-hi!] Can you guess our guest for today? As a model and regular reality show member this man has got it all. Introducing Joo Woo-jae! He's got it all? I don't know... You know what I mean. Wait Doyeon is a genius, so... [Blind faith towards his fellow Pepero] Doyeon is a genius. I should've said "in the model industry." I still have a long way to go. [The genius has a long way to go] A long way. I've watched the episode on Na Sun-uk recently. Welcome! [It's Okay, It's Okay / by Na Sun-uk] I enjoyed Na Sun-uk's episode. Do you want a drink? [A guest is mentioning the welcome drinks first] [How "Woo-jae" have known that?] [We acknowledge you're a fan] You even know there's a camera inside. - Here. - Take whatever you want. [Here, have some soju] [Oh...] For me I like carbonated drinks, so I'll go with this. I saw that Davichi had this when they were here. You must've watched a lot of episodes. I've been a fan since Season One. Things are a lot downgraded now. [Let's not forget / Minimalistic place, maximalist conversations] We value minimalism! This is already very fun. [Then here's a fun introduction for you] Very pleased to meet you, thank you. I'm a close friend of comedian Jo Se-ho's and I believe Jang Doyeon is a genius. I'm an avid supporter of Jang Doyeon. Should I introduce myself as a public figure? What do you usually say nowadays? I'm a model. I was just at an event as a commercial model. This is model Joo Woo-jae. [Nice to meet you] [Nice to meet you too] You seem like a reality show veteran already. I learned it from you. And I learned from Ahn Young-mi. [Now we know their comedian lineage] But this... I'm annoyed by this. In what way? Like... From what I know, Pepero Day is on November 11th and while today, the day of the shoot is in September you wrote "October's Pepero"... It's all wrong! What's more [Peeking] I have on a Pepero outfit. [Showing his outfit again] I had no idea. That's true! [Q. Guess which one Woo-jae is?] That's true! [It's this one] Your lower body is the cookie part. Wow, how thankful. No, it wasn't on purpose. [This is destiny] Who celebrates Pepero Day in September? This is destiny. We've actually done a lot of shows together. - Do you remember any of them? - There was that show we MC'd together. [That's right!] - "Love Cam." - "Love Cam"! [Summary / Doyeon and Woo-jae were MCs on a show in which couples filmed surprises for each other] We watched the participants' videos and... Am I allowed to talk about this? What were you going to talk about? [This Pepero is very cautious] For that show we barely had to do anything. [Chuckling] It's something to be thankful for. [The reason for that] We didn't have to mind the weather, we just had to watch videos under a roof, and it was fun overall. The videos were really fun to watch [The shoot didn't take long either] and I think we took two hours to shoot twice. We did that show together but to go even further back we were both on a show called "Stargram." You remember! [Summary / Doyeon and Woo-jae were both on a fashion beauty program called "Stargram"] [Son Dam-bi / Jeong Yun-gi] Dam-bi and Jeong Yun-gi were on it too. Those two were the MCs and we were usually in charge of the skits. Do you want to know what we did back then? If someone had on an oversized t-shirt we'd be like "sorry, what?" "Don't overreact?" [Trying too hard to make jokes out of everything] We did that kind of stuff. [Trying too hard to make jokes out of everything] That's right. [Back then] Coming to think of it, you were a model then. [But Woo-jae was good at making jokes too] You probably weren't used to the jokes, but you were good at them too. I think it was 2015. [Not long after Woo-jae started going on reality shows] - You hadn't gone on a lot of reality shows then. - Yes, it's right when I first started. In the model industry I thought I wouldn't be able to become a top, A-class model. [Woo-jae was strict on himself] I had objectively assessed myself already. Having met Doyeon at that time, to me... [Hesitant] [Thinking] Am I allowed to talk about this? What's so secretive about it? [Woo-jae found that funny] [There's a lot of cautiousness in this Pepero] Meeting Doyeon at the start of my reality show career positively affected my career decisions. [Nice] How come? Because Doyeon liked my jokes [Oh you] and our chemistry was so great that even I felt that when I worked with her I could be funny [Doyeon helped in Woo-jae getting the courage to pursue a reality show-based career] so that's when I decided I could do this as a job. Thank you. [She didn't need to mention] While you didn't need to, you also mentioned [the Genius Jang Doyeon theory either] that you think I'm a genius. I actually explained this in a lot of shoots but it was always edited out. Why? I guess people don't like that being broadcasted. [Sad Jang Doyeon supporter] I've said this a lot. [And there he goes again] Since a show we did in 2019, I've been fascinated [Yes...] by Doyeon, because I would think "wow, how does she"... [Cut] What, why now? [Even the Peperos don't want this story to go public] Why did the Peperos have to fall at this time! Because this Pepero Day is fake, even the Peperos [Allergic to fabrication] are allergic to your plans. So? Tell the story in a more interesting way. [Loading his story again] Yes, at the time I hadn't seen a lot of celebrities yet [No matter how many celebrities with eloquent speech he met] but I had met a lot of people who were great at speaking but wow I was amazed at how [Cut, for real this time] witty... Seriously! [The fabrication allergy has spread] Don't make me angry, you Peperos! [We'll save this / for another day] What did you use to stick that on? [We'll save this / for another day] We looked into you after hearing you'd be on the show. You're a regular panel member on three very big, popular shows [Soon to hit one million subscribers] and you're very active as a YouTuber. So you're working as both a public figure and a YouTuber. Before that, you were a fashion model and before that you were an online livestream radio DJ. Yes, after taking a semester off. Before that, you were an Engineering student in college. All of these paths are very different. Did you plan for those changes? No. I had no plans at all. I don't know if it's just my personality but I'm rarely ever worried. I may get tired of my current job or wonder what would happen if I stopped getting work. So I kind of dip my feet in another job as a back-up. I think I always thought, "if it doesn't work out, then whatever." Even in human relationships? I don't really have a lot of people around me. Aren't you pretty much the same? This feels like mirror therapy. [Jang Woo-jae] I'm exactly the same. I also tend to think "if it doesn't work out, then whatever." Doyeon's network is also quite small. That's right. [Because of that] So I don't get hurt much either. Yeah, we don't need to put in that effort. In terms of relationships I think I felt freed from the concept quite early on. Was there a specific event that led to this? I think from the moment I was born [He prioritized efficiency from when he was young] I cared more about efficiency. I see. Because caring for people uses energy too? Yes, it's tiring. [ISTP] Efficiency is best. I place importance on gaining a lot in a short time and with the least input. Even in romantic relationships, for example in terms of feeling hurt or sad I'm more like "why get hurt?" "why feel sad?" But there are times when that's inevitable. I think it's at the point where I'm like being sad doesn't change anything and being hurt doesn't change anything either. For example, if I hear "how could you save my name like that?" I'm like, what's so important about it? What do you usually save your partners' names as? If I dated Jang Doyeon it'd be Doyeon. Say you like everything about your partner! You're like, "how did I end up with such a perfect match?" But say your partner's one weakness is that she is extremely moody. So moody your partner goes "'Doyeon'? Why is there no heart afterwards?" [PTSD] Didn't you just say that it's a perfect match? Except for the being moody part. But that's everything! [Failed to contain her frustration] That's everything, how can I not consider that? That's important for you? For me I like the calm and things that don't get on my nerves. And you're living in that way, it seems. Yes, and there are people who like people like me. I'm curious about something. If a placid person dates another placid person why do they break up? Why break up? Because there's nothing to be mad about. There could be thousands of reasons why couples break up. Wouldn't it be one of them? Who knows, one day one could be having dinner and simply not want to be with the other person. [The Feelers among the staff are already hurt] What, what is this sound? It's nothing. It's nothing? [It's nothing, it's just the Feelers feeling hurt] Then what would you do? Say you're eating, and your partner doesn't know how you feel. How would you share that thought? It was proven scientifically [Fact / Cornell reports that love lasts for 900 days] that love doesn't last long. If that's the case I think it's very natural to gradually lose feelings for someone. So what would you say to explain that? "Let's end this." "Let's end this"? "Let's end this." [The Feelers don't like that] Maybe it's because the set is downgraded but I hear weird noises here! Tinnitus! [Only Thinkers can hear that] What if your partner says "what? I'm not ready to do that yet." I'd just say "I don't think I like you anymore." [Patient in the room] [Woo-jae looks seriously surprised] What better way of breaking up is there? Of course, someone would try and hold on. But if one person in the relationship doesn't like the other anymore I would want it to be communicated. [That would help get over the person quickly] Them I'd think, "I see, while this hurts, I can't do anything about it." Here, if I don't like a person anymore but keep the relationship going because I can't myself to break up it's a waste of time, isn't it? It should be communicated. [Suddenly sad] When I say this, people go like "do you not have feelings? Are you some kind of AI?" I don't think this because I don't have feelings. I express my feelings when I date. Recently, I've watched "Art Museum by the Zoo." I like Korean romance movies that were released in the late 90s to the early 2000s. [With a faded film effect] There's a particular film color. Right, there's a characteristic vibe to it. [And a soft tone in the script] And a special tone in the script. [Trying to prove he has feelings too] I get soft when I watch those movies. I've also cried a lot on television. [That you all know] That's right. A compilation video of all those moments would be about two to three minutes, I bet you. [People with Ts in their MBTIs provide clear evidence for their statements] I get emotional like that as well. I'm just not like that for unnecessary things. [Woo-jae's characteristics as an ISTP are clearer now] You have clear standards for everything, it seems. I see you have a lot of nicknames. I've gotten even more recently. Tell us about your recently added nicknames. Bones. Bones? People just call you Bones? Even though you're a human? [Yes] Yes, Bones. If the menu is pork backbone hangover soup, people say pork back-Woo-jae hangover soup. [Backbone Hangover Soup = Back-Woo-jae Hangover Soup] [Cute] Rib Woo-jaes [Rib Woo-jaes = Rib bones] instead of rib bones. Who gave you that nickname? ChimChakMan did. But he was like "I didn't make this name." [ChimChakMan] He was like, "it's already out there in the world." "Just like how microorganisms surfaced in our earth" "it's already a fact that Joo Woo-jae is Bones." So all he did was found the term. He made the concept. [Jeez, he's stubborn] He's just good at saying that stuff. [So one day Woo-jae became Bones] So here's Bones, a nickname ChimChakMan made. What about Mr. Joo the Sensitive, where did that come from? I guess I seem sensitive. You aren't, though. Yes, and the people who know me know that but those people over there... the Feelers - Sympathetic... - or the people who live through emotion. [Booing with emotion] The people who express a lot of emotion. In their eyes I look cold and sensitive, I guess. But even compared to them I'm probably more chill. I'm not a sensitive person. [Typing a lot faster / For the screen] This is just in from one of those Feelers. [A tip from a Feeler among the staff] "Do you think it's polite to point at a person with your chin?" [Not affected] It was with my cheek, not my chin. I always have to explain this bit by bit. If someone uses his or her chin to point at me [This is Joo Woo-jae's personal opinion] I think "oh, that person is talking about me" [This is Joo Woo-jae's personal opinion] but these people go "did he just do that with his chin?" Everyone sees things differently. Yes, there is a difference in this. [Joo Woo-jae has a lot to say about this] If I'm more focused on the purpose [Thinkers value efficiency in achieving their goals] and function of things the Feelers over there [Feelers care more about nuances in expression] focus on meaning more. That's why I'm teasing them like this now. And that's why they don't like it. I do this because I think the reactions are funny. So those reactions don't hurt you much, I see. [Me?] [Of course] For me I don't get hurt, period. I mean, you might feel annoyed.q [What about this?] [YouTube] Say you're on YouTube Live. What kinds of comments or reactions trigger you most? Oh, I know. There are people who think they know everything. This is very simple. I hate the word "stop." And I don't mean the "stop the show" kind of "stop." For example, if I'm sharing a funny story [If it's that funny] I could go on and on. It's my choice, because it's my channel. And among the many people who also find it funny I've seen someone go "stop." I understand why that would make you feel bad. Yes, it's like that person is controlling the show. "Stop." [It's like he's being controlled from above] It's like this. [It's like he's being controlled from above] Yes, like that. "Move on now." "Because this isn't fun for me anymore." Look at that angers me to my core. Do you not respond to that? I don't. The important thing is that with two clicks [You have blocked "skull"] I can block them so that doesn't get to me much either. Wow, it'd be really hard to get to you like that. Have you never felt rage? Being enraged swearing and expressing anger... I don't know if that's all that necessary. Say I pretended to go crazy hit the back of your head said "hey, Bones" and ran away. Would that not make you mad either? [Nope] That wouldn't make me mad. I'd be like, "what..." "Are there cameras rolling?" [Not easy to beat] Say there aren't any cameras around. There are no cameras around? [The Queen of Maybe's is preparing her comeback] Say everything's done, and at the elevator I go, "thanks for coming today, Woo-jae." And you go, "my pleasure" and then I go "you... Bones!" and run away again. - I think it'd be fun. - You'd find that fun? [KO] It wouldn't be annoying at all! Who makes the prank would also matter. Wow, you really don't get annoyed easily. There is one way to get me mad. Just one. Doing something that harms other people! Making situations that hurt other people. I just thought of this but when I was in my 20s, I was maddest in the subway, which I went on a lot in college. I went back and forth from school by the subway. [It was always crowded] And there are a lot of people during rush hour, right? I was waiting in line to get on. The subway was slowing down to stop at the station and I saw one empty seat [One empty seat] as it came. [In that situation] it's only manners to get on after everyone else gets off [Even if] and even if I want to sit there usually people check around to see if anyone else needs to sit before actually sitting down. Yes, that's common etiquette. In a way, it's almost common sense. But [Ready to charge!] there are people who get ready to run like this. [Empty seat] Say there's an empty seat over there. And the people around serve as obstacles to get there. Then these people ignore the people. [For the empty seat] They just charge towards the empty seat. They run. [Actions that show no sympathy for others] It doesn't matter who's getting off or not, that's all they see. - Those things get me... - So you get mad when common etiquette isn't followed. [Another funny story about common etiquette] This reminds me of a funny story. I still go on the subway a lot, because I don't like traffic. And this was probably a few years ago. [Doyeon has longer legs than most] I have quite long legs, so... You can put your legs up [Cool trick] on the other side, right? But I don't, because that's not polite. [She knows how to keep her manners] So my legs usually stick out more than others' and I didn't realize this but I think I stretched them out a little bit. And this didn't made me annoyed or anything but my legs were the only ones sticking out like that. And a man who walked by... [A huge kick] I'm not lying! [The man seemed to have kicked a lot in his days] Seriously? Seriously, and I even saw the man get ready to kick. So my legs flew to the side a lot. [Complete cure] After that, I never stuck out my legs again. So when I go on the subway [Doyeon sticks her legs to the seat now] I push in my legs as much as I can. You've lived quite a peculiar life. This is it. [A very rare situation] Even if one rides the subway every day for 10 years, this wouldn't happen. Yeah, but for me, I got kicked and my legs flew. That's fact. That's when I realized that my long legs could hurt someone. This makes you a moral citizen. Because now Doyeon knows [After realizing a wrongdoing] that she shouldn't do a certain action. That's the best scenario. [Another big topic] What do you think about this issue? This is the smoker issue. Say a smoker smokes for 15 minutes at a time. This person smokes at least four times a day when he's at work. Then should this person get off work an hour later? If his work doesn't affect mine, it doesn't matter. [Speaking of smoking] This is another story, but I went on a trip with about three or four other guys. I was the only one who didn't smoke. And the thing about these guys was that they would go somewhere look around for 10 to 20 minutes and feel the urge to smoke before moving to the next spot. I don't know, I think some kind of switch gets activated when they're out in fresh air. [And it keeps turning on] So they had to go smoke every time we went outside again. [Since it's a trip] To me, that was precious time lost but I had to keep standing nearby and be like this, whether it be for five or 10 minutes. [After moving to the next spot] We went inside a place and found we didn't like it. I think we were there for 30 seconds and outside, they were like "up for a smoke?" [Again?] There are smoking rooms in airports as well, right? They would all go inside and I'd just be in front with their suitcases. [Five suitcases / It's just Woo-jae and everyone's suitcases] [And he had to wait again] And wait. I don't smoke either so when my friends do [Totally] I have nothing to do. [agreed] Yes, they should know better to cut back! I'm fine with the smoke. It's the purpose that gets me, so if a friend feels sorry [Woo-jae agrees] and even pretends to put out her light, I tell her it's fine but if she takes too long [Doyeon gets really annoyed] I get so annoyed I almost swear. Yes, if my friends went in and went "we'll be quick, Woo-jae, sorry"... [That's exactly what I mean] Yes! Just that would be enough. [Woo-jae would be fine with that] I'd be like "it's fine, take your time." But if they take me for granted and forget that I have to wait [Empathy should be a universal value] that makes me angry. Yes, it's annoying. Woo-jae you're a classic example of a chic figure and you're famous for never following trends. I follow trends to not follow them. So do you agree that you're the biggest anti-trend figure in Korea? [Bones looks like he has a lot to say] Of course, people can stay updated with trends and follow them. I'm not saying that's bad it's the people who think not following them is something to be ashamed for that annoys me. Don't get me wrong. "Do you not do what others do?" "Do you not follow trends?" I do know about them. But I have the choice not to participate in them. It is a choice. There are people who think not following trends makes life feel empty. That is annoying to keep up with. Have you not had malatang yet? I have. Because you wanted to, not because of a show. Oh, then no. I've explained this a few times as well but people who intensely love Pyeongyang naengmyeon or malatang... There are a lot of people like that. Um... [Bones shaking at the thought of them] I think I get what Woo-jae is talking about. Okay, look. "Try malatang sometime." That's fine. "Malatang is delicious." That's fine. "I eat malatang every day." That's fine. "You haven't had malatang before?" That's wrong. Same for Pyeongyang naengmyeon. "Try Pyeongyang naengmyeon sometime." That's fine. "I like Pyeongyang naengmyeon." That's fine. "Pyeongyang naengmyeon is better than Hamheung naengmyeon." That's fine. [A Pyeongyang naengmyeon restaurant] Say I went to Bongpiyang. "Bongpiyang?" Oh, so people say a certain restaurant is better? I mean, do Pyeongyang naengmyeon franchises run business like that because their owners are stupid? No, their recipes are transferred down. Yeah, they do that because those restaurants are good enough to open franchises. [The two Peperos are triggered] Yes, experts do this with their professional recipes. [And others try to force their interests on others] I hate this too. One time I said something was tasty and someone replied, "wow, you don't know how to eat." If I say it's good, it's good, what's the fuss about? [Suddenly angry] I cannot understand that at all! - I said it's good! My taste buds liked it! - Yeah, we're not asking for your opinion! [They're going to break soon] This is another funny story. I went to a bok place with some of my friends once. [A clear puffer fish soup had just been served] We had a clear soup served. I tried a sip and it was really bland. [Usually] I hadn't had bok dishes a lot and I asked, "is this supposed to be this bland?" and the owner was like, "you don't know how to eat this, it's supposed to have a bland flavor." So I just went on and had more [It was weirdly bland] but it tasted a little too bland that I said, "I don't know how to eat this, so could you add in just a bit of salt, please?" And he went "ugh" "you don't add things to this soup!" [And he took a sip] "Hey, this isn't flavored correctly!" Apparently they didn't flavor it at all. They just added the fish to a boiling pot of water. Of course, the owner admitted he was wrong but people who scold others for not eating something the "right way"... For example if you eat the poisonous toxins in the fish, then okay. [Ex"T"reme] If that's the case, I won't say anything. Even for Pyeongyang naengmyeon it's not like I haven't had it before. But I still don't really get what it's supposed to taste like. Right, it's a matter of taste. And they have vinegar and mustard on the tables. For what? To put in the dishes. It's not like they're objets. Nice. [The moment Woo-jae reached for the vinegar] One time, I held the bottle [someone pointed a finger at him] someone asked me what I was doing. That finger gets to me too. [That's annoying as well] [Not respecting other people's opinions] Those things... get to me, and I don't like them. [Respect people's personal tastes!] We must respect people's tastes. Have you had bagels from London Bagel Museum? London Bagel Museum... Look at me asking this after stressing respect on taste. [The lines are usually very long here] The lines are really long, yeah? What do you think about lining up for food? For me if a place has a long line I don't go. If I can go inside in less than 10 minutes then I line up but if it's obvious that no matter when I go it has a line or a break time I don't think I ever go, even if it's overseas. Why? There are a lot of restaurants around. That's right. When I look into why a place has lines it's usually because it's popular on Instagram. Yes, everyone does this. It's usually because some celebrity went there for some show. I don't place much importance on that so lining up... There are people who find a joy in eating after waiting a long time. Yes, there could be a joy in that but for me, I don't do that. For me. Have you gone to the Supreme store? I'm so contradictory for asking these after supporting you so much. I have to pass by the store to get to where I get my hair and makeup done and it drives me crazy. - Because there are so many people? - Yeah. [Don't take this the wrong way] Of course, I like the brand. But I've never lined up. You have clear standards for everything. Then Woo-jae what do you think about Fubao? Fubao? The panda? According to your logic Fubao is a three year-old panda from China, and has to go back next year. Fubao has that close relationship with her zookeeper and Korea is all about Fubao right now. We should still send her back, right? I only got to know about Fubao recently. I didn't know about Fubao at all before, even though I'm always on YouTube. I knew about Fubao through Jikbao or Yagubu. Oh, the magician! The dentist who used to be a comedian. [This man] I saw that people called him Jikbao because he looks like a panda but I didn't know Fubao at the time. I only recently found out that people called Jikbao that because of Fubao so I don't think I'll be able to answer your question. [Woo-jae has this unique way of getting around things] Because it hasn't been long since I learned about Fubao. Before today [for stories about Woo-jae] we asked around for tips about you. And we've heard a lot of stories of you boasting. [Let's hear it first] This is by Salon Drip 2's recent guests [FYI / Go Young Bae and Kwon Jung Yeol were on "Salon Drip 2" as the the indie world's power duo] Go Young Bae and Kwon Jung Yeol. They were on "Salon Drip 2"? [Noticeably nervous at the sound of his close friends coming on the show] The day after he had a "Running Man" shoot, he called me and told me he turned the house down. [Got it] They told us you show off a lot. I told you that ChimChakMan [Father of the "Bones" name] was the one who frames me in certain ways, right? [Father of the "Bones" name / Indie power duo] These two are worse than him. No matter how it affects people they're quick to frame them. Those two. [We did it expect it, but those two are scary...] I invited Kwon Jung Yeol and Go Young Bae separately on my YouTube channel. When Jung Yeol came, he mostly talked badly about Young Bae and when Young Bae came, it was the other way around. [The world is in favor of him] That one is too popular for his skills [One wants to give feedback every time another performs because he cares for him that much] or one wants to swear every time the other performs. They also analyzed my initials and gave it meaning. What did they say? J for Just W for Witty and J for Just sucks. [S for Surprised] There's a video about this too. They just say those things without a big sense of responsibility. "Turning the house down at 'Running Man' makes no sense. I was very nervous and even after the shoot, I was lost. No way I could say that in that kind of situation. I guess Young Bae hears things differently. "Hey, I was just at a 'Running Man' shoot." "Oh, you just rocked 'Running Man'?" Since he's quite an optimistic guy. [Woo-jae did well on Running Man] [One more, since we want more] Lastly this is something even our staff haven't been able to reach a conclusion on. [Interested] If the anus had teeth [The anus? / Teeth? / Why?] Would you go to the Thoracic department or the dentist's if it hurt? [The first time he thought about this] Did you say teeth on the anus? Teeth on the anus. And the teeth are rotten. Are the teeth rotten or is the skin the teeth grew out of rotten? The teeth. Then you go to the dentist's. [If] Say you went to the thoracic department. [Joo Woo-jae / On the dentist's side] There aren't technologies to cure cavities there. [Let the imagination flow] But the dentist's doesn't have barricades to separate patients. [Patient 1 / Patient 2 / Patient 3] People usually lie down to get treated, like this. [At the dentist's] Say you're the only one who has to be like this. Before getting treated, say you're asked to gargle [Gargling] and if others go like this you have to do this. [Gargling] [At the dentist's / Woo-jae would have to jump up and down to gargle his butt] [How's that, Woo-jae?] [Dizzy at this lively simulation] Still, you'd have to go to the dentist. [Unwavering in his opinion] [Joo Woo-jae / still for the dentist] You have to go where the technology is. [There's more?] Say you went to the dentist's and the doctors were like "this is very rare" and a lot of scholars came to study you. [So even scholars know about Woo-jae's butt] [The first seminar on anus teeth] So there's a seminar. [A global seminar at that] "How can someone have teeth on his anus?" "Holy sh**." [As historic a moment this is, to open spread the knowledge] So to see this more clearly say they have to use a mouth gag. Would I get paid... Nothing, it'd just be a network thing. [Woo-jae knows his limits] Then I wouldn't do it. [Fine] You'd get a 30 percent discount. If you get paid, would you do it? [Final negotiation] Okay then, say you get paid [Got his payment] and at that time say fresh graduates - Came to visit? - came to visit. Hello! Woo-jae, I'm such a fan! [Happy] I was at your fan meeting a while as well. Wow. Huh? Whoa. What? [Basically crying] Are those teeth? Oh no, Woo-jae, stay healthy... Wait but does all of this not happen if I went to the Thoracic department? It'd be less embarrassing, yes. - Because they inspect anuses all the time? - That's right. But there, they'd be like "you have teeth?" Then they'd call a dentist they know, and be like "I think you need to come over." And then the seminar participants would all come over. [The wanderers of the Anus Teeth Seminar] Them looking at you stays the same. But teeth in the anus is an impossible thing. [Suggesting a new topic] What do you think about this? [Curious] This was quite a hot topic a while ago. Is it one butt or two butts? I think it's one butt with two sides. So you're saying it's one butt? [Butts] I think it's two. Why? [Jang Doyeon / One Butt representative] The butt is stuck together, it's not separated. [Joo Woo-jae / Two Butts representative] You can flex your left and right butts separately, can't you? [This side] This side. [Let's try] [It moved!] [Done] [Slightly embarrassed] [Joo Woo-jae / Two Butts representative] You can flex separate parts of your butt. [Jang Doyeon / One Butt representative] The butt... is separated, but the sides are stuck together. [It is connected!] That makes it one butt. Then Doyeon with that logic our two arms are connected too. Our two legs are connected too. Where are you going to make that distinction? [Nothing to say at Woo-jae's logic] Then is it one butt? No, it's two. Right, two. [Only questions remain after this] Is it not? And when you flex both butts, you know you're flexing both butts. [Like / this?] That's right. [Peeking] I went up too much, didn't I? [Kegel exercises over butt numbers] Kegel exercises. [Kegel exercises over butt numbers] I have to do it at this time of hour as well. Of course one could say it's one butt with a left and right side but if that's the case, I would argue that we have one arm and one leg each. So you're saying it's one butt? [It's like they never left square one] No, it's two! [Joo Woo-jae / Strong believer of two butts] There are two butts. I've recently turned down a few offers [Because he's busy and these topics are common in many shows] to be on talk shows about things like these but I'm here on this show [Touched] because of you, so... I'm also very thankful that you're here in the middle of such a busy schedule. ["Salon Drip's official corner" / Visitation confirmation] To leave a record of your visit please leave a signature and a comment. [Curious] Can I see what you wrote? "Am I allowed to talk about this here?" [Taken aback] Why did you not sign that? [Is this not it?] Sign it! Was I supposed to sign? Oh, so I had to sign. [Suddenly suspicious] Do you guys always do this at the end? [Nodding / That's our 21st signature] [Still laughing] That's so funny. It's like a restaurant owner asked for your signature [The first time we had a guest like this ever] and you wrote "am I allowed to talk about this here?" [Still sad] I know you guys take pictures over there. [The only segment Woo-jae remembers, SALON4CUTS] Since this is for Pepero Day... [In celebration of a Pepero Day in October] Okay, let's be like Peperos. I think we'd be like them more if we stand to the side. [The Peperos here don't need any directing] [Congratulations on being a member of Salon Drip 2, Joo Woo-jae] [A preview of next week's episode] Even if the entire nation is crazy about Fubao this guest is sticking to his tiger identity. [But beware, he's actually a hamster pretending to be a tiger] This is Hoshi of Seventeen! I've always wanted to be on "Salon Drip 2." You know the kind of emceeing that makes people uncomfortable? [Not paused] This isn't that. What, are you drunk? Are you trying to annoy me? [No, no] Do the 13 of you have similar interests and all? Since we first became a team it was obvious that we were different. [Cracking up] Even in years that followed nothing changed. [Gradually, Hoshi got more and more honest] People who haven't lived together don't understand so they just go "you can work to get along." "You can work to get along." That's what everyone thinks! Try it for yourselves. [Surprised] Who said that, was it you, director? I don't know if it's just me but your manager keeps coming forward. [Quickly moving back] [Shaking his head] It's like that scene in "Whispering Corridors"! [A tiger is coming, a musical god is coming / October 24th at six p.m. KST / TEO] [Salon Drip 2]
Channel: TEO 테오
Views: 2,564,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 김태호, teo, 지구마불, ena, 곽튜브, 빠니보틀, 원지, 세계여행, 예능, tvN, 댄스가수유랑단, 댄스가수 유랑단, 이효리, 엄정화, 김완선, 보아, 화사, 마마무, Kpop, KimWansun, UhmJunghwa, LeeHyori, BoA, HwaSa, 게스트, 아이돌, 음악, music, stage, idol, k-pop, 티비엔, 살롱드립, 테오유튜브, 유튜브, 노래, 무대, star, super star, k-dol, 케이팝, kpop, k-music, 차정숙, 장도연, 토크쇼, 토크 예능, salon drip
Id: 7ODk6u3x-Lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 54sec (1914 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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