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Where do you have a date? / [Question by a common solo encountering spring] Dating? / Don't you have a place to go? / Place to go? Don't people look at you so much / I don't care So one time, there was.. Oh.. It's HyunA.. Jo Hyunah's Thursday Night There will be a meeting between two Hyunahs under one sky. This is not an easy chance to see this. I'll welcome her in Red - HyunA At least you don't leave me, I'm the only one here I might change right now A monkey's butt is red, what? Red is Hyuna, Hyuna is, yeah [Two Hyunahs have appeared in Thursday Night] Red is HyunA In Jo Hyunah's Thursday Night, HyunA has appeared! Hello, guys. It's HyunA. Nice to meet you My dream was to be with HyunA in Thursday Night I never imagined myself to be here. / I always asked why isn't HyunA coming here / Oh, really? I only recently started drinking. / Oh, yeah.. since you didn't drink Nowadays, I start to drink a little Let me bring out the alcohol. What do you want to drink? / I'll go with Soju then (new soju) It's my first time seeing this I heard it came out New alcohols are always at my house Meeting between Hyunah and HyunA. Hyun! You say 'Ah' [Such an old way of making a toast] Hyun A. Like this? Who says it twice? We're two / Alright Hyun / A / Hyun / A Cheers! How is Jinro Gold? It's good~ / It's good, right? When I saw you for the first time was.. / When I was 26 years old Around 9 years ago / [They met in 'The Unit' in 2017] That's already 9 years ago? But you're the same I remember you saying that you're having difficult on being on diet.. when we shared a waiting room / Oh, right I also had difficulty in diet at that time. You brought out this much of imported chocolate You said 'Unnie, when you're hungry, don't eat something else and just eat this' [Unnie, don't eat somethign strange] I know what that is. It's a salt chocolate You gave me a chocolate I was so touched We shared a waiting room. / I felt so comfortable that I just changed my clothes in front of you. It was my first time doing that You really made me feel comfortable You were like "I think you fit well with this~" She said such things often to me / But it really did We were changing clothes and she asked me how she looks so I said you look good with both but asked her how she wants to look today She always reacted like this. it was my first time feeling that emotion. People should know that she's a good person Self-esteem-keeper means when you keep saying 'I'm pretty. I'm pretty', you really become pretty I think that exists. We do that on plants as well She meant something like that to me 'Unnie, why are you so pretty' I said "I'm so swollen up today" but she kept saying "No, you're cute today so I think this clothes fits on you better!" She said things in pretty manner It's not that I meant to say things in pretty way.. but I was sad that you didn't look confident Why? You looked so pretty And she's a such a cool person and sings well too You're a person who has what I don't have In my eyes, you were an inspiration She said this too.. "Unnie, I'm your fan. Can't you come to my house? Let's talk together" But she didn't come and meet me No, it's not that! I felt sad I mean.. Really? I thought that maybe there's a wall that doesn't let me approach you It's because I was a shy person. / I was too But I like something like this When you say "I like you, unnie".. I go like this Oh, really? I should have approached you harder I ate whatever you gave me You listen to music a lot, right? / Yea Since HyunA came today, we got a PPL from music platform FLO [Lightly. Be myself. FLO] In music platform FLO, there are 70 million songs. It's almost as much as foreign platform. It has all sorts of genre. Let's see what songs it's got Any song you like? / I can only listen to my songs only since I'm practicing choreography Please play one song you like. Something exciting [If you want excitement, it's HyunA's BABE ] That time, I met you. / You really looked pretty that time Please show us ['BABE' dance time by HyunA] I do it right away She's good at dancing / No~ It's got all songs we're looking for. Depending on the mood I'm feeling, I can choose what to hear On a day you're lazy to choose a song. When I go to work, I'm lazy to change songs There are times like that / On times like that, if you listen to songs selected by FLO / It's comfortable J-POP, Foreign Hiphop, EDM, or even songs you heard in Tiktok Regardless of genre or nationality, you can hear it in FLO~ HyunA changed a bit. / I think so too The gentle look has become stronger / I heard that a lot Gentle look became stronger and.. Your hairstyle is too mundane.. unlike you Oh, really? What did you expect from me? You know what I mean / Lifting my eyebrows like this? I can't do those things nowadays When I bleach my hair, I have to color by eyebrows too.. and other things too I'm tired of doing those / You should be The time your hair was bleached was too long / Actually, it's been only 2 days since I died my hair like this [2 days since change] That's why nowadays, I keep saying I'm putting things down. Our staffs are people who've been working with me since the start They laugh when i say I'll put things down.. as I'm saying that with two necklaces on But for me, even this seems like a change Long time ago, when I saw you on fashion events.. / It was too much / I was scared to talk to you Exaggerated. Why so exaggerated? I don't like being too excessive For me, I'm starting like being excessive? / Oh, for you? It's a late wind / Then, I'll give you everything too excessive to you Give me excesive things I don't need things like Chanel I'll use it and clean it well I'll style myself like HyunA. / [Hyunah will do styling like HyunA] Oh, right. You moved your agency / I like it so much I went to AT AREA. I match so well with GroovyRoom PD GroovyRoom is a MIDI teacher for SUZY Suzy learned from Class 101 She signed for the payment and learnt MIDI from GroovyRoom That's why she keeps saying her teacher is GroovyRoom I had meeting to ask them to produce for me and I met them.. Before I knew, I said "I want to go to your company" after I met them few times It was my first time acting like that.. / That's unique. / They were so flustered. They tried to not accept me I think they thought I'm very fastidious / You look kinda like that / True true They were like "I think she's joking" and just passed what I said on purpose So I said that more than twice.. "I really want to go to your company", "Please produce for me" After that, they thought about it seriously You're really strict on self-management, right? / But nowadays, I don't exercise much. / You put it down a little? / Yes, a little Before, she was.. / I exercised twice a day She had a curriculum in learning different things. / Obsession! Obsession! Nowadays, I have strong yearning towards music The number of vocal lessons I take increased so much I thought that the musical spectrum I could show through my vocal is too narrow so that was my complex My vocal itself was a complex After I met Gyujeong and Hwimin PDs, I think that I can do it too. I'm learning that mentality nowadays Why was that a complex? Because my voice is too weird I don't like listening to my voice sometimes / But I'm like that sometimes that too Your voice is? No way Just eat these Donggrangttaeng Aren't all singers like that? / No. For you, it's impossible I remember this too. You told me 'I'm not good at dancing. I became like this because I worked hard' It's a fact. I'm really bad at memorizing choreographies Even now, I'm doing new song's choreography.. Can you film a challenge with me? I practiced / You did? I'm practicing choreography for new song but I can't memorize / I'm also bad at that.. I'll teach you some tips [From ballad Hyunah to dancing HyunA] For me, I have to write it down on A4 paper / How? The order of choreography I memorize through writings! That's a very unique way [Proving through HyunA's new song] Wow, you memorized it all! I write it down on a piece of paper Right, Spin, head.. Spin your head to the right! [Please pay lots of attention to HyunA's comeback EP 'Attitude' on May 2nd] From debut to now, when was the period you shined the most? When I performed as a team I think that's an experience I can't change / It's unexpected Somehow, I had my opportunities. While I was in a team, I had a unit, solo, and a team too I don't think there's such memory as big as that I hope my mom and dad don't watch this. / Why? Mom never saw me drink so she's worried / Please put on a mosaic on her [Dear HyunA's mother.. she's not here] I just don't have to show how much I drank There was a time I saw you talk with your mother through phone Your mother seems to support you a lot / She's very girly I think you're affected by that a lot, I guess. / True. I think the influence from a family is big That's why I'm not shaken by small or big malicious comments For me, it's very funny that people who do that think they others will be shaken by those comments alone Those single lines are honestly.. Nowadays, I quit Instagram. I rarely use it I'm really sorry to my fans.. my A-ings.. But now, I have to do it now I'm also making another channel, a way we can communicate by ourselves You really do well to your fans You're famous for giving them so much to the fans There are more things I want to do to them I want to do many things to them when I have them now Later when there are times I can't do even if I want to, I think that'll hurt so much I have that thought.. I think you're feeling very thankful to your fans Since I was young until now, they've been with me together You're the best artist in perspective of a fan You're good at performances, fan service, and you know how to endure hardships I'm really thankful that fans are enduring well I'm sorry too I think there have been many people who are only strict on you I think that's not the case exactly They don't know well about me. They only see me on the stage so I think they could think that way If they only look at you on stage. / But I'm very soft inside She is Then, what have you been doing lately? I invest my time the most in choreography lessons Because for an album to be released.. on first week of May I just started choreography lesson and it's week 2. I'm really slow at memorizing choreography There's also recording in the middle of the schedules There's also a collaboration, etc.. Vocal lesson when recording.. I spend time on that Or I date I'm so jealous. When do you have a date? [Question by a common solo encountering spring] Dating? / Don't you have a place to go? / Place to go? Don't people look at you so much / I don't care That's why there was time.. People were.. Oh... It's HyunA I really wanted to go to 'The Hyundai' For the first time / I'm curious too You haven't been to 'The Hyundai'? / No. / Let's go together You and me? There? / [O.. Okay! Let's go!] There's scone which I like Alright. Let's go eat scone There are new designers' brands too. I want to see them I also wanted to see LPs / I heard it's really fun in 'The Hyunadai' But guys, be careful. There are too many people I went there with my boyfriend / Why go there with boyfriend? I went there and people were like.. There was a wave / People scattered [Unexpected wave riding] They saw me.. and what I'm thankful is that They didn't take pictures of me and they just went away like this / [They all just took the wave] I felt so thankful.. / Before, some people were like this taking pictures But I didn't experience that in 'The Hyundai' So it was was who thought 'I don't think we should be here' and came out Really? Do you roam around often? Did you watch cherry blossom in a date? No, I didn't. / I did! On a mountain You said you went to mountain alone [HyunA is hitting Hyuah with facts] I'm going to meet my boyfriend after this filming Can you show us your phone? / Sure, I don't hide For me, I hide a lot. / (Look) For her, it's a couple picture while for me, it's daily routine I gain energy while watching this Is it good nowadays? Dating? / Yes, it's really good I honestly worried a lot about you / Why? You might be bothered I'm thankful that I met a person who gives me courage in doing my work I really think highly of your courage Honestly, how others view me is bothering, right? When I'm bothered and focus on those things, I think there are times I lose the value of my happiness So instead of doing that, I focus on the presence And one of my good tips to know is 'a better tomorrow than today' Spending tomorrow better than today.. I think there isn't a happier thing that that Among the people I know, you're a person who really lives life fruitfully After drinking Jinro Gold with you, I'm going to meet my boyfriend But I also have time to do that.. but I just can't go.. Don't complain Doesn't your boyfriend think you're different from the image he knew about you? / He thought I was a miser But on first date, I ate pig blood soup / Did you do that on purpose? / I didn't i can't eat pig blood. If I know how to eat it, can I get a boyfriend? / [Is it possible to exchange boyfriend and pig blood?] I watched 'My Love from the Star' while eating pig-blood soup I cried because I was touched While watching 'My Love from the Star'? / Yea Those little things were fun I also want to date someone.. like you What do you mean by dating like me? Something like this. / Like not caring about others? You receive all sorts of bad words But you just keep on meeting boyfriend if you want to Why do I get caught all the time? / Because you don't hide You went to 'The Hyunadi'. How can you not get caught? Our company told me that they're having hard time because of me I'm sorry.. but I'm thankful / [Love you, AT AREA] I'm the ambassador here / (Don Julio) When I drink a glass of that, I have to go home I'll be the one to taste it You're the model but I'll taste this It's tequila but it's tasty And you get high easily Drink a glass of it and eat the lime The other Hyunah can't drink this, right? It's the same HyunA This HyunA has a problem now so.. There's a little problem / I'll taste it It's good, right? / This is the taste of a real tequila Drink 5 glasses of this in a club and do this You haven't been to a club She hasn't been to a club but she's saying that Contact me on weekend Later, show me the dance moves What dance? / I have so many dances I'm curious about / About the dance? Watch YouTube. I'm always dancing in YouTube. Shaking my hips Hey.. how do you shake your hips? Teach me Just shake it sideways Let's say i went to a club Why shake in a club? Don't shake it in a club In a club, it should be light Shake your hair a bit This isn't it, right? / You shouldn't move your arms Where do I put my arms then? / Hold it Should I put this here? / You can Lightly. Your legs should be gathered How am I? / it's good now It's good! / It's not that you can't dance You experienced lots of advertisement shooting People who are good at modelling move little by little, right? / Oh, little by little When taking a picture.. [Model force she can't let go while she's drunk] A little like this? / It's like I can get a cut out of it That's what they let me do. Video and beauty shots are separate. For beauty, I just have to look pretty [Experienced vibe from 17th year idol] I think it'll be good to have something like 'Kim HyunA's Friday Night' instead of 'Jo Hyunah's Thursday Night' When I'm sick, please do HyunA's Thursday Night When I have to stay in hospital.. please do it once Call me. I'll do it Film this I can dance too / [Please expect a lot for HyunA's Friday Night] Unnie, can I go now? / What are you talking about? I'll drink three more glasses and I'll go [What should I do with her?] Then, go after talking about new song Talk what about new song? If one wants to watch it, one will You'r so.. / You should really visit my house [Last cheers] I'll go now. / Go go go Oh, right. You have to shout this before you go Hug hug Hug and sit down. Now, talk about how it was today It's fun / (Why ask about that?) To A-ing / I love A-ing / Now, to Jo Hyunah You're my soulmate
Channel: 조현아의 목요일 밤
Views: 414,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 조현아, 조현아의목요일밤, 목요일밤, 어반자카파, 조현아유튜브, 조목밤, 여자아이들, 피식대학, 세븐틴, 오징어게임, Jo Hyunah's Thursday Night, nct128, 레드벨벳, 오마이걸, 경이로운소문, 테크토닉, 마스크걸, 넷플릭스, netflix, 에스파, aespa, 샤이니, 슈퍼주니어, 뮤지컬, 디즈니, 디즈니플러스, txt, 티빙, tving, 이재곧죽습니다, 소녀시대, 크리스마스, 티아라, 댓글부대, 손석구, 다듀, 다이나믹, 다이내믹, 다이나믹듀오, 다이내믹듀오, 최자, 개코, 피타파, 이준, 이정신, 씨엔블루, 엠블랙, 현아, 김현아, ㅎㅇ, ㅈㅎㅇ, ㅈㅎㅇㅇㅁㅇㅇㅂ
Id: czumUBG38BE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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