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We still have four formulas for super jogging. Don’t violate these four formulas. You can run for a long time and listen carefully (the picture is fast forwarded). Generally speaking, you only need to stay at home for about three to five minutes. Some people may be a little later , about five to five minutes. The body will start to heat up and sweat in ten minutes . Let me give you a case. There was a medical staff who took advantage of the short interval of maybe a few minutes when he was in the clinic. He just added up every day until he got off work He will find that he has accumulated 90 to 120 minutes of his weight and lost 4.5 kg in two months -------------------------- ----- Hello, audiences and friends, welcome to Digging Health. I am Qihui. Recently , a group of keywords are very popular and there are a lot of mothers - in-law and mothers. The instructor’s tempo super jogging invites our coach Xu Dongying to come to our site. Hello everyone. In fact, when I want to meet you today, I specially crawled your article . Then I found that everyone must lock in our program today because I want to talk to you today. Share what exactly is super jogging. In fact, its speed is equivalent to walking. The most important thing is not to run too fast. If you match the rhythm, you will run more easily and comfortably , so you won’t feel like ordinary running when you run Stepping in makes you very uncomfortable. If our body feels uncomfortable, you will not like to run. So our current ultra-jogging is that it is about the same speed as walking , but its running efficiency is much better than walking. May I ask the elderly that it is suitable for ultra- jogging? Is jogging more suitable for this super jogging? In fact, it is for the elderly in Japan , and there is another one that is obese and poor in physical fitness. He wants to give these people access to this exercise to achieve physical recovery or weight loss or cardiopulmonary cardiopulmonary . Improving these functions is a little easier than running , but it is better than walking , so we just added an extra beat because if you use the beat to exercise, you will feel very rhythmic. Running is very easy, I think Instructor Xu Excuse me, before we start to do a super jog, we are the first to download this metronome. May I ask the first step of this metronome ? Where can I download it ? In the system, you just enter the metronome directly in the Play Store to find the tuner metronome, press it in and install it or obtain it. After the installation is complete, you can turn it on and then turn it on. The most important thing is your setting of Apple. The tempo appears at 110, you need to slide it to 180, you can use your hand to add , you can also slide with your hand to quickly adjust to 180 , the Android system is 120 , adjust it to 180, and the second clapping symbol will appear there 4 You need to change it to 2 , and you will hear such a crisp sound of ticking, ticking, ticking, and your metronome is installed. Is this done ? Instructor Xu , do you want to feel it and add a metronome to us? The overall feeling of this super jogging is that we have four essentials for super jogging. The first is that the forefoot touches the ground first, and then the heel of the forefoot touches the ground first . The soles of the feet touch the ground first, and then the heels . The audience can see that my knees must be elastic and slightly curved. They cannot be straightened . What is straightening ? Many people are prone to injury if they walk in place. Knees , so your knees must be slightly curved. The third is to save energy and reduce carbon emissions. The lighter the sound of landing, the better it is like practicing light kung fu. The fourth is to use small steps and high frequency. Small steps and high frequency . Follow this rhythm to move your body and move your body like this. If your hands are sore, you can even put your hands down like this. Take it easy on your shoulders and shake your back . Let’s take a look at how much our normal heart and lungs or our normal heartbeat is before we do super jogging. The average person’s quiet heartbeat is 60 to 70. When we run like this, the heartbeat will probably reach about 90 to 110. In fact, the intensity of this kind of exercise is probably about Generally speaking , it is about 60 to 70 for the elderly . It is 60 to 70 relative to the maximum heart rate. In fact, it will not be too tiring for the elderly , but the effect is very good. In fact , it can be very gentle . For the elderly who want to get started with super jogging, for example, at the beginning, maybe start training for 3 minutes and gradually increase it . The most important case I have is a big brother who had a stroke. When he first started to learn ultra-jogging, he probably held on to the table and then slowly ran for two or three minutes. He felt his feet were sore and tired. He took a rest but he couldn’t run. In two or three months , he can run for an hour. The truth is that your body will evolve I will adapt to our super jogging and there are 4 formulas. Never violate these 4 formulas. You can run for a long time. Pay attention to it. It’s not sore, it’s not painful , it’s not hard , it’s not hard, it’s sore, it’s hard . After 5 minutes, some people may be a little later, about 5 to 10 minutes later, the body will start to heat up and start sweating. Especially in summer, the sweating speed will be faster. In summer, it may be enough to do super jogging for an hour. In winter, it is It’s not because our overall metabolism is relatively slow , so super jogging can be extended to an hour and a half. In fact, super jogging can add up . During the 10-minute gap , he just adds up every day. When he gets off work, he finds that he adds up for 90 to 120 minutes, and he loses 4.5 kg in two months without knowing it . He just moves like this, because you can’t see that he’s still at work. Running all the time, he must have a free time to run, so he can accumulate this kind of exercise mode . In fact, the effect will be very good. May I ask if it is not suitable for super jogging after a meal? It should cause gastroptosis, right? Super jogging after a meal In fact, I am now suggesting to the elders with diabetes that if they run super jogging after cooking, the effect will be better. Many of us now challenge me to do super jogging because I have talked about many programs and have been on programs that say running immediately after meals. It will have a great stabilizing effect on your blood sugar after meals. Many people have done experiments and the results of the experiments are really effective. In fact, medical science now tells all diabetics to never sit or lie down after meals . It is best to go for a walk. But walking The effect is not as obvious as that of in situ rhythmic super jogging, so the general patient will not want to go if he has not improved after walking for a long time. But if you say to take a short break for three to five minutes after a meal , definitely not for 30 minutes to an hour. Why? When you rest From 30 minutes to an hour, would you stand all the time ? No, you must find a seat and sit down. Once you sit down, you will be defeated by your inertia and you won’t want to run away. Why do you encourage everyone to focus on willpower after dinner ? When it’s strong, it takes three to five minutes to run immediately to execute this . How long does it take to run for 15 to 30 minutes? There is a doctor woman in Houston in the United States. She is my student. She said, teacher , you are super jogging . Running for 10 minutes will drop 20. She runs for 30 to 40 minutes to reduce her blood sugar from 200 to 120 after meals . It is quite helpful for stabilizing blood sugar after meals and will definitely not cause gastroptosis because gastroptosis will cause abdominal pressure to exceed Jogging has no abdominal pressure , so the problem of gastroptosis does not exist, because as long as it exists, I have trained for more than nine years. Many people will have problems. Through today’s episode, in addition to letting everyone understand super jogging, I think it will also let everyone understand it again. For my own body, the coach , can I demonstrate it, and then you can come to me to observe your movements. Qihui’s movements seem to be quite smooth now . Where should I observe? The first one is to observe her soles The order of the landing is that the soles of the feet touch the floor lightly on the heels first, and the second her knees are completely slightly curved during the exchange process , so this will protect our knee joints very well . Many viewers may I would say why do you have to land on the soles of your feet? Please, please make a mistake. Land on your heels and see if your heels land on the ground. You can see what happens to you. You can’t run at all . It’s uncomfortable and very uncomfortable , and my back calf will be Pedal, pedal, other than pedaling, I just pedaled left, right, left, right, left, right, about eight times . My muscles can't stand it, right, because the heel of the heel lands, it is impossible for ordinary people to run. The most primitive running method of human beings is the sole of the foot first. The ground and the heels are the most natural way, so many people say that I see a lot of photos of running, and the photos show that the heels are landing. Why is the heel landing wrong? In fact, those runners are not good at technology. Go and see the top ones with good skills. The runners must have landed on the soles of their feet and heels. These runners will definitely have damaged knees in the future, so it is true that we should not make trouble. In fact, I think that including what the coach just said at the beginning, from ours, there are 4 formulas that are not sore or painful. It’s not hard or panting , and it includes that when we run, we need to bend our knees slightly and keep our toes elastic. The toes must first land on the ground , and then our heels must touch the ground gently. These few are actually super jogging if you remember them. It’s not that difficult , and everyone can do it at home. Friends who want to lose weight can add up. You only need to add up to 90 to 120 minutes a day. Many of my fans lose weight because of running like this for about three to four months. The case of 30 kg is really good. I would like to ask if it has been seven or eight minutes since I ran just now. I really want to call you in because I want to call a person who is more demonstrative and wrong. Look, this is your heel . It's the wrong heel. The heel is wrong. Your center of gravity is too far back. You use the soles of your feet, the soles of your feet don’t need to be so hard, the more gentle, the softer the better. Tempo is not Tempo enough , Tempo is not fast enough, we are looking for this kind of inability, you know, or else I can find one, right? It’s not bad to increase progress compared to a good one . Is the angle of the knee right now ? It is normal for the knee to be slightly bent. This place must be bent, otherwise the knee will be easily damaged. Just move easily like this. His Tempo is okay now. At the beginning, I felt a little slow, thank you , I can go to the back to collect the notice fee, the coach, I am sorry, I will ask again, if it seems that we are running super jogging, right? Suddenly stop, I don’t need to go slow again, because it is not normal, for example, it is possible Under the law of my memory, it is possible to do a relatively moderate one. Is there any need for a moderate one ? Actually, in principle, if you are not out of breath, you don’t need it. You can just stand for a while and take a rest . Don’t do it immediately because When you are old, your heartbeat suddenly drops very fast , and it will actually make you uncomfortable physically. If you say that you take it easy after running, then stand up and walk a little , and then do it when the heartbeat slows down. It will be safer. One point we have gathered a lot of netizens today . May I ask that if the inner side of the knee may be a little sore and sore when running, how can I prevent the inner side of the knee from hurting ? Usually, the runner’s running posture may have a little bit of inner eight inner eight causing oppression. So if we say that it is better for ordinary runners to look at the place where there is a mirror on the mirror wall to see if your knees are facing straight ahead . Some people are used to running outside and running for a long time . It will be a lot of pressure , so it ’s not good-looking, and it’s better to have your knees facing straight ahead, so when you look in the mirror, you can see clearly whether your knees are straight , so this is how to correct your running posture The best thing is that you don’t need others to look at you. You can see the most clearly why because you adjust your angle. If you deliberately use the inner eight to run, you will find that the inner eight will touch the floor first here. The normal run will touch the floor first here. The floor comes here again. In principle , if you talk about your running posture , you can see some clues if you look at your shoes. If you say that the outer side of a healthy runner ’s foot will be more worn , the inner side will be less worn. If you are here If there is a lot of wear and tear, it means that you are an inner eight. Over time, your knees will feel uncomfortable, especially the inner knee. The correct one is the straight ball. Here and here are touched at almost the same time, but you will feel it. Come here first , and I will help. Everyone run again and let everyone take a look. We feel good when we do it as a whole. Let me help you look at the posture. In principle, there are four essentials. She completely reaches the first step . The second is to keep an elastic and slightly curved knee from the beginning to the end . The third is to save energy and reduce carbon emissions. It is easy to run. The fourth is to run with a metronome at a high pace . Intentionally adjust it to 150 so that Qihui can feel the 150. Which one is comfortable for Qihui of 150 ? Of course it is comfortable at 180. In fact, if you are slow, you will support your whole body there. You have to follow this beat, but if you are If you beat at 180 degrees, you can be very rhythmic. Now I will explain to you the mistakes of 150 and 180. Where is the time for 180 to touch the floor for a short time? The time for 150 to touch the floor is longer. The more you run, the more tired you are . Coach, let’s say I want to run super jogging. Do I have to choose a PU track when I go super jogging outdoors ? Every field can run, as long as your feet can land on the ground, you can run. So in fact, super jogging is perfect. It’s all the first one without setting limits on the venue. The second one is basically that you should be able to do this for people of all ages . That’s right, people who are obese and their physical fitness is slightly weaker . People who want to go into running and friends with high blood pressure and follow Elderly people are very suitable for this, so how do we set up the super jogging menu according to our own needs ? Now I will share with all the audience the experience of my students. First , if you are a diabetic patient, you are the best . Take a break for three to five minutes after three meals and run for 15 to 30 minutes immediately , which will have a great stabilizing effect on your blood sugar after meals. The second is the three types of people who want to lower blood fat , lower blood pressure , or lose weight. In fact, you As long as you add up the rhythm for 90 to 120 minutes every day , in fact, your weight loss effect , blood pressure lowering effect or blood fat lowering effect will come out slowly. Because my students share it with my fan group and share many successful cases . After running for a month or two, I saw that my blood lipids and blood pressure were lower, and my blood sugar was lower. He felt that this exercise does not need to cost a lot of money , and as long as you can watch dramas at home, you can watch your idol dramas and listen to them at the same time . You like the singer's song, if you don't like watching dramas , you can still watch football games like the NBA in the playoffs When the fight is hotter , or when you find your husband not pleasing to your eyes, it’s okay to scold him while running. Anyway , it’s just such a relaxed rhythm. I would like to ask the coach. If it’s like me, I usually do a cardiopulmonary training when I wake up. We wake up in the morning on an empty stomach or I just finished brushing my teeth. Can I do this super jogging? There is no problem. In fact, if you run when you wake up in the morning, our body’s blood sugar is actually a little lower. At this time, if you run, when the blood sugar is not enough, it will burn. There is more fat , so many weight loss professionals will encourage that running in the morning is more helpful for fat loss. This is the reason. I was right , because actually I think I will start to know instructor Xu from today. I know super jogging , and I will start Just add this super jogging to my cardio exercise in the morning. In fact, I think I believe you know. Everyone must knock on the bowl and say, instructor Xu, can you come to our program again to teach you more super jogging knowledge and share it with you More cases , okay, do you want to do ultra-jogging again? It's just my side dish. The real main dish is the core. Because all the elderly are bedridden. I already know which muscle is disabled and you can't get out of bed . One muscle is disabled and you can't turn over. These two . We already know which muscles are shoulder and neck pain, back pain , and knee pain. After training, it can improve, because I have had these for more than nine years. In actual cases , I have helped a lot of elderly people who wanted to have their knees replaced . They had to have surgery on their lumbar spine. They had to have surgery on their cervical spine to train a strong core. After all these knives didn’t cut them down, I think it’s great. I’ll take a good look behind the scenes for everyone Let ’s see if Coach Xu’s body is gone. I mean, let’s take a good look at how Coach Xu will bring this correct concept of exercise to every friend who needs it. Are we looking forward to it ? See you next time run up run up 1 2 3
Channel: 健康2.0
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Keywords: 健康2.0, 健康, 健康兩點靈, 健康20, 健康2點靈, 健康二點靈, 鄭凱云, 養生, 料理, 食譜, 烹飪, tvbs, health 2.0, 江坤俊, 名醫觀點, 挖健康, 江p醫件事, 韋汝, 如果云知道, 侯鐘堡, 胡乃文, 早安健康, 新冠病毒, 陳欣湄, 宋明樺, 中醫, 新冠後遺症, 長新冠, 廣場舞, dance, 麥克斯, covid19, 疫苗, 確診, 有氧運動, 氣功, 彥寬, 癌症, 心血管疾病, 三高, 許書華, 堡你平安, 家有許事, 明欣醫聊事, 運動, 健身, 瘦身, 減肥, 減重, shorts, 清潔, 超慢跑, 降血糖, 降血脂, 預防肌少症, 節拍超慢跑, 直播, 張棋惠, 徐棟英
Id: DLQpA_bkafA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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