[SUB] 林莎親自整理宜蘭美食清單?阿棟切仔麵、阿桶嬤糬、甲富哥活海產、麻辣鴛鴦鍋! | 林莎.李易 SuperTaste Yilan | 食尚玩家瘋狂總部 完整版 20240118

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Lin Sha is already an hour late. It's better if we find someone else. How about we find someone else ? OK, OK, Yuanyuan, OK, Yuanyuan. Let's wait and ask Lin Sha if Yuanyuan 's phone number is okay . Has it been a long wait ? .. I want to ask you something. I've been waiting for you for an hour. Did n't we make an appointment at 12 o'clock ? Because we just decided to say, otherwise we can find Yuanyuan. I think it’s okay. After all, you know that the place we are coming to now is Yilan. Yilan is so close to Taipei. Please, I just came to Yilan last month. If you want to call him over now, it’s okay. Oh, because it’s very close anyway , so you secretly gave me your phone number and you took the train back first. No need. Why should I call you? I can’t call him to invite him. He’s working today. It’ll be fine if we just record Yuanyuan for this episode . Because you know what? I really come to Yilan very often. I should eat a lot of delicious food. I should have eaten all of them, right... Because Yilan is the back garden of Taipei people , right or something , but I think this thing doesn't matter to us . In fact, the point of the collection is that we want to live in a good place, so I must, please, Yilan, really... let's go. Selected collection, what to eat first? Eat one first, I think it's pretty good, go over there ... Shouldn't it? Is it mochi ... There is a cut noodles from a shop that has been around for decades. It is so good that you can take a bite of it and mix it with the egg yolk . Sorry... and it has a little bit of grain in it, so I'm fine. I like the texture of the rice. I think it’s delicious. I also think it’s delicious. It’s freshly cooked and roasted when you order it. This is perfect for me... The tea has a strong aroma . The peanut flavor is strong enough . .. It’s too big. The double sink. Oh my god, the double sink. You are really exaggerating. Who would have thought that we are facing each other in a seafood store now ? And after eating, fruits are added for 299 for a plate like this. I think they are crazy. It is Japan. Do you know the A5 Wagyu Yesha ? Because my personal specialty is that I like to find those alley delicacies, so I will take you to eat this one today. It is also this kind of cut noodles , but it is also near this kind of vegetable market. The focus is Yes, it has been operating for the third generation. It has been in the alleys for 5, 60 and 60 years. It has not been photographed. So the reason why we came is... We only have two reasons . One is to discuss Is it really unpalatable, so it has not been photographed? Another reason is that it is very secretive , so it has not been photographed. This kind of pasta in Yilan is actually very good , but I think it is the better rice noodle. There are also rice dumplings because it is now the third generation of operation. It has catered to some of the popular things in the past two years , so it has made some traditional things and modified them to suit young people's ideas... so I think it can be tried. Try this. Opposite the front is the market where we took you to eat noodles last time . It has a big old-fashioned smell . They weren't here before. Hello, boss lady. Hello , boss lady. Hello, boss lady. How many years have you been selling? It sells for more than 60. I have been over 60 years old... The most important thing is that I have never been photographed. Why... No, I don’t know. Is it because the boss has a bad temper ? Is it that one or something ? Is it true that the boss has the best temper? Hi Hey, boss, boss, you are joking. Come on, come on... I heard that you have a preserved egg thing. What is it? Preserved egg braised pork rice and preserved egg noodles. Preserved egg braised pork rice is also relatively rare. I told you that I just watched it a while ago. Some people in the news said that preserved egg braised pork rice is a Taiwanese sea urchin and sea urchin rice bowl, but I had no idea what it was. I want to eat it today. Let’s eat it later. Also, they have a pot sticker that’s awesome. Thank you, boss. Did you create this? Only later... Because he just said that braised pork rice with preserved eggs is right... because in the early days, how could there be this 60 years ago ? You see, it still has sinful, half-boiled eggs... Why would you want to do this? Actually I first created preserved egg noodles , and then I said that after the noodles came out, I didn’t like noodles anymore and wanted to eat. Then I thought, what should I do ? Let’s make it into rice. After it’s cooked, it’s okay, and then I like it again. If you eat an egg , add another egg . I would like to ask, is there any special way to eat it? Or... The special way to eat it is that you have to put one bite of this, one bite of this right and then mix it with... You actually stir it together and then mix it with I'm sorry for this with the egg yolks ... You piled it too much... Your bowl is too small. The bowl is too small. Oh, the bowl is too small. Improve it... Then... before I eat it, I start to complain about the boss. Please teach him how to do it. When he eats it , he will first think that the boss's bowl is too small. The bowl is too small . No wonder no one has come to take pictures of this in 60 years... No, you are really serious. It doesn't matter. You can conquer him with the taste. Will he have a bowl next time ? It’s going to be super big... Eat and see, you eat first and I eat first . It ’s delicious . You put a lot of preserved eggs, but the flavor of preserved eggs is just right with braised pork rice . Because you know that preserved eggs actually have a strong smell of urine. It has a strong ammonia smell, so... Actually, what Lin Sha is talking about is very similar to what I think. The preserved eggs are processed very well, because there is marinade and this whole thing mixed into the rice. I think The whole flavor that penetrates into the meat will be better. I think it is necessary to add this egg because you fry the egg until it is a little crispy , and the egg itself can just neutralize the salty taste of the gravy in the meat . I think the way that Sha wanted to express the sea urchin that she heard was actually... The texture is right , it just represents the rich flavor ... It might be a bit like that... Just like some people add a little foie gras, that's all . A kind of relatively rich flavor versus rich But I think it's OK... because it's not too heavy, so you won't feel tired after eating the whole bowl. I think this bowl of rice is right from its inception to the boss's invention of it. Including fried poached eggs , it’s all because he wants to eat it, so all his methods are more towards employee meals. Is it that they eat it in private and then sell it to customers like this ? Otherwise, there are many times when a lot of eggs are needed like this. If you fry them first, can you put double eggs? You said two eggs? When ordering, you can. You can have six . You can have six. You think the bowl is too small and you want to put two eggs . You can put it in. This is the first time I brought a bowl of rice. Next time, I want to use this. I want to use a bowl of rice. Speaking of this, I also want to eat it... It is rare to taste the rice cake noodles , and as soon as I pick them up, I know they are the same . The ordinary kueh teow is different from the slippery ones. It is made of pure rice. It is crystal clear and you can actually see a little bit of slippery texture on it . The rough texture of the rice is really old-fashioned. It's close to the feeling of Dingbianjiao that has been soaked for a long time. It doesn't have that Q-like texture, it's smooth. And I just added a lot of pepper to it , but I just ate it. After the kuey teow, the rice aroma still comes out, it's very fragrant and mellow. This is great. And you ordered one. You just said that it was freshly wrapped and it was very good. Is it pot stickers ? And this one feels super crispy. It's gone already, otherwise I think this might be because he used to like to eat it. Is this shrimp very fresh? It's big. Really, I think it's a family . It's also delicious . Not all of them are delicious , but this makes me It’s a bit of a surprise. You guys made it yourself. It’s freshly made. It’s just breaded in front. I just saw one flavor of shrimp. It has a shrimp flavor and a green onion and pork flavor , and its seasoning is not very heavy . Isn't it like some pot stickers where the meat filling has a very strong smell? Doesn't it have a origin without this shrimp? This shrimp is actually because we happen to be in a very convenient... right next to the market and we just go shopping in front of it every morning . Let’s see which restaurant has the best shrimp every morning. It’s beautiful. We look like pork, and some of these are included. In fact, we have to replenish them very early in the morning. It ’s very powerful and very attentive. How much does this one cost every day ? Is this one? This one costs 10 yuan. I think you can buy it. It’s OK. I think you can buy it because it’s very big. Because now shrimp dumplings cost more than 10 yuan , and they also have to be fried . Look at the fried ice flowers. It 's really super crispy when you pick it up , and the important thing is that it's not oily , it's really not oily. I think it's delicious. It's really delicious. You 'll know it as soon as you bite into it . We're not saying they've been here for 60 years. I haven’t been photographed by anyone, right, but I’m sorry to tell you. Don’t keep stressing that this is not from now on. No one else can photograph it, because we have already photographed it . Don’t let others photograph it. Seriously, you swear... or I will go. Things like closing the door... Other food players and other food players want to come and take pictures, as long as neither of us are allowed to take pictures. Are you full? Very full . To be honest , and you are really awesome . He was just after we finished. After eating a lot , I told the boss that he would come for the pot stickers next time , but after finishing eating, it is our custom to eat something sweet. But in the past, we ate desserts in the same area and nearby . Now we have just I ran to Dongshan from downtown Yilan, right , just to pick it up, right, just to eat this one. The most amazing thing about eating a dessert is you know what? We just looked at the 5-star rating on the Internet when we were checking the road , and even though it was above Everyone has said what to eat, but because the menu changes frequently, we didn’t know until we went there, so I want to take you to see this. It’s very beautiful. It has a vine directly on it. It looks like a place where Japanese animation would appear. It’s so cute or you can wear it. I don’t want the feeling of a princess dressing up as a maid. I don’t want a maid princess... Is anyone here? Hello, let’s take a tour first. Can you tell me first that the feeling inside is completely different from the outside? It’s retro and vintage... It’s a bit similar. You see, it looks like an American village. I think it’s really comfortable in here. We were just waiting for these meals and I went shopping . I smelled the aroma and walked into the kitchen. Yes , because he happens to be baking puffs. They are super fragrant. I just told you that they have a sweet taste, right... This is it. Yes, because he started making puffs. I heard that they are made and baked freshly when ordered. That's right... yes, and its puffs have a lot of flavors , and like you just said , it has new flavors every month, right, like this, its new flavor this month is peanut butter. Mine is peanut butter. Sun Moon Lake black tea is good for eating. Look at me. This tea has a strong aroma. My peanut flavor is strong enough. Oh my god... The sauce in the middle is just a little bit on the outside. It has all the gaps in the middle. The crispy skin on the outside is so fragrant . The skin is also very crispy. This is more surprising. It suits the decoration here. It is very retro and old-fashioned. Then when you eat something with peanut butter, you feel... This is so similar to this. Why do you say it is suitable for here ? The decoration is very similar to the taste of the thick peanut slices in that restaurant . It's just that it's creamier and very fine. Have you ever tasted it? Does it have particles? Yes, it has peanut particles . Boss, what is this peanut butter? Sauce , sea salt caramel sauce, peanuts and sea salt caramel. Do you have playing cards here? Doesn’t the restaurant require Diao cards? Is there a layer of stuff in the middle ? Peanut particles, right ? There are also peanut pellets . There are peanuts in the middle. The part with thicker particles and then the upper part is more delicate. The airy feeling like milk foam is so fragrant and delicious . I think it’s worth driving for half an hour. But the important thing is that we haven’t eaten the chiffon cake that everyone recommends. It’s 4 o’clock on the hour . It’s so retro. If there is a bell ringing , will there be any birds chirping? Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu. It’s very similar to the old days when we would go to the department store and wait for the hour to be right... Everyone is highly recommending their puffs, and so is this chiffon cake. Everyone will click OK , and because we are 4 inches, they actually provide that kind of birthday cake. 6 inches have to be ordered in advance, right? Because I just saw it said on it, it feels so healing and soft when you cut it. Look at everything . This one is red heart guava. This one is strawberry. How about this chiffon cake ? Do you know how many people come here specifically for this chiffon cake? I can only say it’s delicious. You said it three times. And it doesn’t look very sweet, but it’s not the fragrant red heart guava with a high sugar content. It has a softer guava texture , and the cake body itself is very soft, fragrant, and soft , and it matches the above. Look at the cream. Although it's full of cream , it goes well together. You can try mine. Do you think it's true? I think the feeling may be a little deeper. This one is also delicious . Is the taste of this one not as prominent as strawberry? But it's slow and delicious. It's the slow one , but the strawberries are directly filled with the filling in the middle and then the strawberries on top . And the cake body is super soft and delicious. Yes, you see. Fortunately, we left in a hurry because it was almost dark. Fortunately, you waited for me and you didn't really leave me there. I just came out in a panic. Fortunately, you were still here, otherwise my home would be mine. My bags are all in your car and I don’t know how to get home . I wanted to say yes. I wanted to enjoy the dessert again. I said no. I can’t. I can’t wait for you because this is really what I’m looking forward to. Brother Natto has been here before in private, right , and then asked the producer to come over and talk about whether he could come and shoot something like this . But we talked about it for 3 years, and it was near an interchange. I would have thought it was a mansion, except it was near the interchange . Ah, it's really big. I don't think I thought it was a mansion. Okay, we can get off the car now , but they seem to be really big, so today we seem to have to rely on luck to live here . You are so ridiculous. No need to drive here. Come on, you can come by helicopter. You can land directly here . You can park the helicopter here... Are there really only 15 rooms? Are there any other uses for the 15 rooms besides hotels ? Mainly, we are We have a tea house and library upstairs in the hotel where we live, and then there is also a restaurant. Do you think their clothes are also very classy , ​​and they are very low-key. I think they are low- key. Hello, let me tell you, they must even be the boss. He is very low-key . Is he the boss? I knew without even looking that he must be the boss. Is he good to you ? You see how low- key he is. But he must be the first one standing . He is good to the boss. What is the name of the boss? My surname is Brother Zhang Zhang... Is this a lobby? This is our lobby. It feels so relaxing, right , and it’s so big. We’re staying in the lobby today. Why are there four rooms? We’ve prepared four room types for you to choose from today . Let me choose for you. I want this to be sure because this is 203. My lucky number is 106. Your gourd is ready. Choose the gourd... Choose the gourd? He asked you to choose the gourd . Really, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd ? It must be the best. Ah , but then which one I want to give to the boss is 209. I want you to drink. Thank you... Then can we go visit? No problem. This is a concept of opening a blind box, right, and this key is so cute. The scenery here is also very good and there is no obstruction. Yes, you can actually walk to our Dongshan River in 5 minutes . It is directly opposite. We also rent bicycles at home and they are free . You can ride directly there. It doesn't matter. Is this mine? Yelinsha ... 203 Thank you, please come in... Look , I'm very lucky. Is this a loft? Yes, this is the building in the middle of the building. Zhang always wants to introduce it to us. It's really, really big and looks like... . It’s so beautiful. It feels like a small mansion for a single person. You see, it’s very cute over there. It really has a very Japanese feel because it has a lot of this kind of wood. Yes, every time . There are hot spring pools in every room. Does each one have its own bathroom? It’s very big and beautiful. My family of four can soak in the pool. Really, there are no hot springs in Dongshan . Our hot springs are imported . Japan's technology-to- technology hot spring and it has this kind of open style here. It's connected to the room next door. Don't scare me. I saw it. It's very comfortable. It's great... Let's go up and have a look upstairs . Usually this building is not in the middle of the building. It 's so high. It's basically the second floor. You can't say it's an attic. It should be 7 meters. Yes, it's over 6 to 7 meters high. It's very comfortable. It's... This can be a six-person room. Well, there is really no such thing as an attic. You know there will be a feeling of space oppression. It even has the second floor. Look at yours. It's right next door to you . But I think this next door is quite far away from you . Look at this . The room is our real one... I want to hug you, the real one... How many people can live in the presidential suite? The presidential suite is set up for two people and there is a table for making tea. The whole thing is like this. It's too exaggerated. It can be used to entertain guests. Bring friends to have a party . Wait for an echo. It's big enough to hear an echo. Yes, the original settings here are set to be able to receive guests. Because actually we have a small secret door here and there is also a kitchen from the side. There is also a kitchen. You also have a refrigerator. Your refrigerator is a big refrigerator and there are a lot of things. Is this all free? Yes, you know where to go at night? Whose room also has a living room and a bed as well. How do you get out from the outside ? It has two doors. And there is a small living room in my room, and then there is a dressing room. Oh, you, this full-length mirror, my bathtub, you can swim in it. Isn't it too big? Double sink. Double sink. You are exaggerating. Why did you come out from here again? This is a maze. It 's so beautiful. Oh my gosh. I think this place is very similar to that one . People who are more inclined to the general public can come here because of it. It's just a small cold spring pool. What you want to say is that he thinks it's big enough to be like a hotel sauna... Right? Do you mean that? I'm out of luck... It's awesome. It's super beautiful. This is really the best sake in Yilan. The super clear sake brewed in hot springs is so drunk here... How can you get drunk after just one sip? It's too exaggerated. I can't drink today, right, but this is the extra we added. Purchased because it was booked... When we booked a room, it included one room and one meal , which included tomorrow's breakfast. Then I just learned that the dinner here is also very thoughtful, so we can just add on the purchase. And he just said , so you just walk in. I just know what the dish is today, and it will change with the seasons, because this is Yilan. You see it has golden dates in it. I just took one bite and I ate it. Is it specially selected? Yes, we will use local Yilan ingredients. For the cooking part, how about some risotto? This is beef liver, chicken risotto, and chicken shreds on top. But I don’t think it’s made from Italian rice. It’s made from Yilan rice. Is it Taiwanese rice ? The rice is right, because the rice center is not that hard, but it fully absorbs the sauce. But this chicken is delicious. Although it has become like this, it is still moist and fragrant. This is asparagus liqueur jelly, this white wine jelly. It's delicious. It's very similar to the shrimp and seafood that are steamed with white wine. I 'll give it to you. Give me the main course. No, you can eat this . Thank you. It's impossible to only eat white wine. You didn't give me the shrimp. Some people only eat this. Is it frozen? Okay, you can eat the Iberian pig. What about our Iberian pig? It will have a little pink color . In fact, it is not that it is not cooked. It is just the way of cooking, the way of fattening. Yes, use the fattening method. The way it is fried is very fragrant, so special. Yes, I think it is full of flavor when I eat it... There is no excessive seasoning . I just use the taste of the ingredients themselves and follow their characteristics. Some combinations and treatments make the dessert look amazing. Is this right? Is this a dacquoise? No, what is this? He nodded and said yes. He said it was that one. I haven’t eaten it yet. Come and eat it. Hurry up. Come and eat it. I'll let you talk about the taste. You're half of it. Because I'm telling you why I asked him to eat it. It's because I know he's good at choosing desserts. When we just entered, the desserts in the room were what everyone in this apartment would have. Right? It was just inside. I didn't even notice that there was no presidential suite, because I thought it was 3,000 square meters here. I didn't want to focus on my dessert. I just lost my bag as soon as I went in, so I just went shopping. This is OK. The reason why I just said this is because when it opens, there are a lot of welcome desserts. There are four kinds of small desserts, and they are all delicious. I only ate the coli, but they all look really delicious. Yes, because after all... here...you sit here... you taste it with him . I really don't know much about desserts, but Lin Sha knows it as soon as he explains it , because he is the one who is making desserts and eats it in one bite. Is the stuffing in the middle a tea? Can't you tell it 's an oolong tea? A barley tea... Hojicha... It's very rich. Its skin is not very hard, it's crispy, and the middle is very thick and it's very rich. Very... the slices he gave were very big , but it was easy to eat. The outside was crispy , and the inside was also very fragrant. The tea aroma was delicious . How did the boss feel about trying your new dessert for the first time ? Your new dessert. In fact, the reason why I haven't tried it is because I have always been very trustworthy about my pastry chef. Is this dessert sold to the outside world? No , so it is only for the customers here. Because it is really good, I am eating it now. After dinner, come and enjoy my presidential suite. It's great. Come on, you know I can sit in the presidential suite and drink a glass of cold beer. What a joy it is. Whose voice does that mean ? Who are you? Why? Why did you come to my room again ? Didn't we just take a picture of having dinner together? This is right. Go back to the room. This is my room. Yeah, this is 203. Yeah, this is 205. It can't be true without me just using my key to drive in. I want to say Why did you come into my room when I wanted to drink a beer and get ready to take off my clothes ? It's weird that this is my room ... This is 205. Help. I came in with my key. Well, forget it. I won't argue with you . What about this? The soup is very comfortable. This soup is great. You see, the soup pool is so big that I can swim in it. I can even submerge my whole body in it ... There is no problem with this 10-meter... Okay, you can drink beer if you want . Here you go, that's all. Okay, enjoy it. I'm going to take off my clothes. I'm going to come down and take a dip. Don't you want me to... In this episode, aren't we talking about a selection? A selection, so a lot of our stuff is presented honestly, right? Like yesterday, I didn’t talk about my favorite mochi, but in Yilan, you can go see his limited-time updates. Yes... He took the photo and said he was very happy to buy it yesterday. Did you say that I like it the most in Taiwan? That is to say, I have photographed so many pairs... So we happened to be in Yilan again today. Didn't you know that there happened to be one today? The point is that we know mochi , so we wanted to try it out, but after all, they have been selling it for three generations , but this one is different from the one I bought yesterday. This one is made of pure rice... Good for you... And its mochi also has many flavors. And they also have this cute one . You can buy it and make it yourself. How long can it be stored? If the current weather is below 25 degrees, it can be stored the next day without refrigeration. We mainly make this kind of Hakka style. There are white glutinous rice and purple rice dough. There is purple rice. I haven't eaten it. Then I really haven't eaten it . Is this Caozi Kueh green ? Is the oolong tea the local oolong tea? Is the oolong tea a pair of oolong tea or white rice? Yes, I will eat this. Is it good to have red rice and oolong tea ? The boss just said to eat the original flavor first. Now is the original flavor. It’s so soft and glutinous. It’s delicious. Yeah. There is no added anything, sugar or anything, just rice , and it's very Q. Come on, have you ever eaten the bag and shaken the fries? But can it be shaken? It's so sticky. Come on, you can eat the bag and shake it. Are there any French fries? But can they be shaken? They are so sticky. Is that okay? Well , just sprinkle a little of the amount you want and then shake it like this to get a little air inside. They are the Hakka mochi that combines fun. Actually, if you look at it this way, the peanut powder has a bit of a grainy texture and is mixed with a little bit of sugar. I think it’s delicious. I also think it’s very delicious. You also think that because of it, actually, its peanut candy is not mainly sweet, but mainly aromatic. Its nutty aroma is very fragrant and I really like the texture of this rice. Your peanut powder is very powerful and it will give it a layered texture. I recommend everyone to add a lot of peanut powder. I want to eat it. I want to eat this. Buy more. ... I'm going to eat this. The tea is well made. I think it's very pleasing. It has a light tea aroma and then you can add this oolong tea powder, which is very fragrant. Then it has a light tea aroma. Oolong tea aroma is more fragrant than matcha because matcha will This one has a bit of bitterness. How much does a box of this cost ? 150. I think it must be eaten. See if it will give you a different idea of ​​mochi. What should I do? I think the top two are delicious in my mind right now. The mochi are all in Yilan. Just now the boss secretly told me that our black tea rice warabi cake is also very popular among many people. So I just picked up a box of it. It can be said that it is a super elastic warabi cake. The cooking method is actually closer to ours. The texture is a bit closer to the texture of the cake. If you like the taste, you must eat this and that. In fact, we just wanted to have lunch because we originally wanted to take a photo of the famous seafood first , but it was really crowded because there were so many people. That's why we took pictures of mochi first. But we have to go back now , otherwise it's almost 2 o'clock. I'm afraid I'll have to wait for a famous seafood store. Oh, yes. Have you tried it? You want to eat the fruit plate? The fruit plate. The fruit plate is very exaggerated. I saw him asking when he was preparing, "What do you want to order ? We must order steamed fish, steamed fish, steamed fish, or sweet and sour pork ribs. All the classic dishes of quick-fried restaurants must be ordered... Blanched white shrimps" Then the focus is the fruit plate. I'm looking forward to it . The focus is the fruit plate. I heard it. No. The focus is the fruit plate. Let's go quickly ... Thank you... hurry up and take it all away . We are almost there , and we are very lucky because Yilan has been here for a while. It happened to be overcast and the sun was really shining when we arrived. We were even more lucky because we met our old friend again, the person in charge of a famous roast chicken restaurant, Brother Shimin. Yes , we are not recording roast chicken, you are not? Roast chicken. We are going to that seafood restaurant. What are the must-order items at Shimin Brother’s seafood restaurant ? Their seafood is actually full of fresh seafood. There are many kinds of seafood. You will go there to eat it. Yes, usually. They all go there to eat. It’s true. Why is his last special feature ? When it comes to it, everyone is right about it. Everyone... Seafood restaurants, but they all recommend fruit bowls , and you know what the boss just said about it, the boss of that mochi shop just now After finishing it, I was very curious about what happened, so I looked it up online. I went to a seafood store and everyone said there must be a fruit plate. Super surging fruit plate burst Leisha. Why did you have to go see it yourself so quickly ? Because I I really want to know. I'm very curious because usually the fruit shop has a plate of diced veggies and a plate of watermelon. How can it be? How amazing is the fruit plate? I looked it up and it's amazing. I'm looking forward to it. Let's wait a minute . Why don't you wait? Let 's wait a minute . You can only eat fruit. You can't eat anything else. I'm fine. In fact, I just ate mochi and I'm very full. Make sure. This sentence is recorded because our episode is a special episode. Brother Na Shimin. Do you think that store can be listed as... in the Yilan Selection? Yes, absolutely, but we didn't choose the famous roast chicken in today's selection. What should we do next time we go to this legendary seafood store with a super fruit plate? I saw... did you see your fruit? This is impossible, it's too exaggerated. Let me sneak one for you first. Is that Muscat grape? Yes, it's from Japan. I told you that the amount of Muscat grape you came here is about the same. It’s almost 400 yuan. I buy it very often. It’s almost 400 yuan. Really, look at how well-off your family is. It’s almost half and half. It’s half of a whole bunch of grapes. OK, that’s an exaggeration. Don’t eat it again, because Let’s talk about the taste later. We have to split the machine into two. It’s exaggerated . You can’t even eat the seafood, okay? There’s really too much seafood. What should I do? Where are my bowl and chopsticks? You can only eat fruit. The fruit hasn't come yet. Anyway, you can only watch me eat it. Then why don't you ask them to serve me the fruit first ... Ca n't I eat it first? Put so many things in front, hurry up, bowl, I want to eat it first. Look at this hot stir-fried seafood restaurant. You must order white shrimp. No, I can help you peel it. That's OK. I can help you peel it. That's OK... I Peel the shrimps for you. They are sweet enough. They are very fresh. They are sweet enough. Why is this so? These sea melon seeds are a must-order for every table. Look at this bad acting . Is it delicious? I take back my apology first . I just want it. When I wanted to eat fruit, I apologized to him. I'm sorry. We have to give people who are brave enough to admit their mistakes a chance. The seafood store is sorry. Actually, I don't think it is a special ingredient , but because of its taste, it is fried very well . Homemade, so I just saw that it is a must-order for every table. If the bibimbap is really delicious , then the red throat and the mochi shop owner said that fish must be eaten... so what we ordered today is The red throat is then fried. This red throat is quite big. It's very thin . The meat is so thin. You can tell it's amazing as soon as you pinch it. Do you want to dip it in some lemon? Or eat it first. I don't need to dip it. Just pepper and salt . It's delicious. It's been fried until it's so crispy. Is it crispy? Then it becomes crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. This red throat is delicious. It's delicious. You can eat one of these by yourself. Is the meat roll wrapped in a meat roll very traditional ? I'm afraid that the fat inside some chicken rolls is... more complicated. This one won't be delicious. It has a very solid meat . This makes it... When I bite it, I feel like I'm in the Chinese New Year, right? I think it's pretty good ... I ate too much mullet. It's only available today. It's not necessarily available every day. What's the seasoning used ? It must be mostly used. When braised, I use garlic sprouts and then green onion and ginger to make the braised taste like this , but it is considered fresh, it is considered fresh, and it is overweight. You see how exaggerated it is. It is super heavy and ridiculous... It’s ridiculous. It’s not mine. It’s just strawberry. Gao didn’t, and then he ate it until there was so much muscadine, he ate it until it was left. I swear I didn’t eat a single strawberry. I swear he said there were 400 pieces of muscadine just now, and now there are only about 200 pieces left , because you see I told you that this fruit plate is free. It will be matched for you according to the amount of your order. The portion we have, he said it has eight kinds of fruits, which is ridiculous. He is even nicer to me than my grandma. I go home. Is this weird? Metaphorically, because I love eating fruits, whenever I come home, my grandma will buy a lot of fruits. So when I go home, there will be a fruit plate like this . But this fruit is really amazing. Who would have thought that we are now? I met him in a seafood shop, and then there was fruit after the meal, yes, and it happened to be winter this time , so we had this strawberry , and he said it was a Japanese strawberry, it was really big, it was a big fruit, the flesh was so plump, we ate it in Daegu. I said no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no , no, no intention of eating any more strawberries, yes, it tastes so good, so juicy, you want to eat this muscadine, yes, I want to eat it, it’s so fresh, it’s so crispy and sweet , and it feels really good. It's a fruit from Japan. This fruit has too much sugar. You can't eat it. What do you mean? Seriously, I mean seriously . You haven't talked about the taste yet . Come on! Hami melon is also from Japan. It's so sweet. It's very crunchy. It's crunchy cantaloupe . I prefer the grade with low quality and low yield , because sometimes the cantaloupe that everyone usually eats in the market is soft, it is crunchy and very delicious. I really recommend this one. You must put it in your pocket when you come to Yilan . It will definitely be on my list . In this small book, I think the eye-catching nature of this fruit bowl alone is worth the trip from Taipei, right? I can’t recommend this restaurant at all . Eat too much fruit and take a walk. The place we are in now is the most beautiful location in Taiwan. Next to the host, I want to say that I want to correct you for saying it is not the most beautiful in Taiwan. What do you mean? Because this station is very beautiful. It is right here at the Dongshan Station, and then we are going to take a boat. Just now when we came to the Dongshan River, we met Let ’s go to the customer at the seafood shop just now. So this episode of ours is really a selection. Everyone plays with us like this. After going to the seafood shop , we go to the Dongshan River and walk around because it’s very close. Yes, and the point is because in the seafood shop One of the shops is for all-you-can-eat fruits, and one is for all-you-can-eat seafood, so I must come and take a walk. Yes , we have to take a boat. Yes, let me row. Okay, we have already , I row. It is an electric boat . Everyone knows about the Dongshan River in the past. Well , it’s actually hard to be there in person. We are going to go on a river cruise now. There is a boat every half hour and we can get on the boat directly... Which location has the best view ? Is the stern of the boat here the front of the boat... For our century-old river, the curved length here is about 600 meters. Everyone says that this river looks like a green dragon. It is a very beautiful green dragon. After turning around, it will look like the waterfront on the right front of Giethoorn without houses . A wood pile, made up of pieces of wood one by one, is our fir wood pile . There are many fish, shrimps, crabs and eels hidden in the fir wood pile. We often say that bass and eels emerge from winter mountains. Perch and eels emerge from winter mountains... We can To maintain soil and water conservation, the Forest Veins Iron Bridge is a railway track that used to be used by old trains. It is now preserved and serves as a walkway for distinguished guests to go to the ecological oasis. However, the mesh-shaped wooden railings of the bridge are made of dragonfly wings, which is an ingenious idea. Design and then in front we are going to prepare to turn right Entering the Ecological Green Boat, there is an 8-seater boat in front of the Dragonfly River Channel . This is an 8-seater boat of the Ecological Green Boat. So there are two different boats here, like ours. .. All the relatively large circles of the Dongshan River go upstream. The largest circle is our 8-person boat with an ecological green boat. In front of us, we can see this very beautiful mysterious tunnel. There are many in recent years. This beautiful and handsome couple who just got married will come here to take wedding photos and artistic photos. The one on the river... it's so beautiful when you hit it up. Then we see this very beautiful place in front of you . This is an ecological green boat. A terminus of artificial lakes , common water birds and migratory birds. You can see the pie-billed duck in the front left under the tree in front . Its feet are orange, very cute, very cute, like a stone. It is round and has a protective color, which is very cute. The first time I almost fell asleep while sitting here sunbathing, it’s right , and I think you can see the beautiful scenery of Dongshan River inside . And because it’s my first time to go to Dongshan River, the cruise is very suitable for taking the whole family. People then feel the same feeling together , and I just heard the big brother say that it is actually beautiful here all year round. It depends on which season you like. In fact, there are different ecological presentations, so everyone can choose the time they like to come and see it. Why did you list this restaurant in the winter selection special ? Because I think it’s just inside the pot . I think some people like a la carte , and some people like all-you-can-eat . I think this time we are looking for a restaurant in Yilan. It is a free brand that makes this kind of food. I think it is very OK. Although it is said to be all-you-can-eat, there are only nine kinds of soups , and you can choose two of them. Because their family specializes in Yuanyang hot pot, there are two kinds of soups . It has everything from more than 500 to more than 600 to more than 700 to more than 800 , and it has a lot of ingredients , including seafood and meat. It has everything like this , and if you want to add some wagyu, it is actually OK. Then it even has a lot of buffet items. I think we should go to the self-service bar first to get something we like to eat. I’ll go get the wine first. I know it has all-you- can-drink beer, so it’s easy to go. Let’s go to the self-service bar first , because the self-service bar has the usual ones. This is very rare. I just saw it and thought it was fruit corn. Yes , there is fruit corn. In high-end shabu-shabu, you have to order it a la carte. It usually looks like this... It costs 160 yuan for 4 pieces, right? I often eat there , and there are also shelled corn shoots, corn shoots , and these are from small farmers in Taiwan. This is not... This is not from Thailand, this is from Taiwan , and it is very fresh. Their soy products are the main recommendation. Look at this. If you do n’t tell me, I really don’t think we are having all you can eat, right? Because we just ordered some seafood from the menu and it looked like this when it was delivered. Yes... he is not using white for you. The concept of the plate is very similar to the a la carte comprehensive seafood plate. The pot we chose is the pepper pork belly pot and the spicy pot. I just made a craft. I wrapped the shrimps in the tofu skin and wrapped it in it. There are lotus root slices and my lotus root slices and shrimp slippery. The lotus root slices and shrimp slippery are very OK . Let me eat your handicraft. Eat this. This is what you use here... the tofu skin is not genetically modified tofu skin . Then you say you are in the middle. What's included in the package is the shrimp slippery shrimp slippery paste. I don't know how . It's not bad. The tofu skin is so fragrant. Yes, because the bean skin absorbs the spicy soup. Then it is paired with the shrimp slippery paste. Well, when I first ate it, I ate the soup first because it was peppery pork belly soup and it had a great peppery flavor. Then the bean curd was very thick, which is super absorbent to the soup. Anyway, if you feel like eating it alone, Audiences who are a bit bored, you can do some handicrafts like I just did . Do you want a piece of meat ? Of course I do. Thank you. This meat is really good . Look at it. Just add 299 to a plate like this in a few seconds. I think they are crazy. They are really It's crazy , and I'm telling you it's Japanese A5 Wagyu beef, right, because I think the reason why this restaurant can be recommended is because a lot of all-you-can-eat meat is not that good . The meat here is all after you order it. I think it's freshly cut to order. I think this is a big feature. Don't you want to eat other meat? Why did we eat such good meat on the first plate ? Because it's about to collapse. I want to eat it quickly. It's so delicious and very dark. Do you want a very dark one ? Their most considerate thing is that every time a plate of meat is served, they will tell you what kind of meat it is because sometimes when you are full, you are most afraid that you will not know what you are eating, but I really want to eat it. Take a look at the shredded radish and add it to it. I haven't seen it in their store. I haven't seen it. They say that the shredded white radish is very suitable to be placed in the spicy soup base because in fact, the shredded radish is more cold , and the spicy pot has it. It’s easy to get angry when you eat it , so you put this in it to complement it a little bit when you eat it. But if you eat meat, I want to eat its fruit and corn. It’s so quick to eat . You can eat it directly. He said if you want to eat it directly. It's really ok. It's very sweet. You can pick it up directly from there. It's very sweet and you can eat it as an appetizer. It's super sweet and crispy. Besides this, it also has my favorite corn shoots Linsha. You can do it. Stop eating the corn series. You will lose money if you do this. I think if I love eating meat, if I love eating meat, this store is a paradise. It’s really a paradise . That’s why I feel so happy about our episode.
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Id: JrvuTTdh6H4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 30sec (2850 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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