[SUB]王毅講好中國故事 馬克宏勸歐洲脫美 新聞大白話@tvbstalk 20240307 (字幕版)

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I also feel that the above is a positive attack on the United States. He especially asked the United States with the four questions. Let’s listen and see . I heard Wang Yi ’s comment about the United States and said that you, a big country, are confident in its credibility. Even in this way , only mainland China can stay. Low-end , what are you doing with such a big country ? You even responded to Blinken’s dining table. Because the dining table said that Blinken said at that time that if you were not on the dining table, you would be on the menu , so you responded directly to him . Don’t think Whoever has the big fist has the final say. This is China 's direct confrontation with the United States. Let's take a look at it. He also mentioned that in the South China Sea dispute, he said that he advised some countries outside the region not to stir up trouble and even choose sides. I feel like what I’m talking about above is that the United States , which is our side of the Taiwan Strait, or the instability around the South China Sea , are all related to the United States. He mentioned that he said that the US’s wrong understanding of mainland China continues to persist. Among them, the US’s wrong understanding of mainland China. It is still known that some of the past promises made by the two sides have not been truly fulfilled. He also mentioned that the United States is constantly imposing trade sanctions on mainland China. He said that the attempt to impose crimes has reached an incredible level. What kind of sanctions are there? For example, Bloomberg has also mentioned that the United States has called on Japan, Germany, South Korea, and the Netherlands to step up efforts to prevent China from obtaining some semiconductor technologies. This is equivalent to significantly encircling China in terms of chips. Semiconductors cannot buy the latest technology , so they are forcing mainland China to now They are all producing their own chips. BYD is now aggressively entering Australia and its sales have doubled because it enjoys some subsidies and tax breaks. Most importantly, Australia feels that it can avoid the suffering of high oil prices. They have no such setup for electric vehicles in mainland China. Trade barriers are here in India. BYD has also launched its third electric car with a starting price of US$50,000. So many people think that this is a very favorable price , so it has also driven the automotive market here to start to have this. The market share of electric vehicles has also begun to increase. In addition, we have seen the US Secretary of the Air Force mention that there is not much time for the United States. The US Air Force and Aerospace Forces should respond to major reforms. He said that there is no time to waste on the war threat of the People's Liberation Army of China in the Western Pacific, because the People's Liberation Army is advancing very fast now , and we must quickly reform the Air Force . Otherwise, I am afraid it will be difficult to face this most challenging threat . Indeed, this For the past two days , everyone has been talking about mainland China’s fourth aircraft carrier. Now there is news that it is coming soon. What are the naming standards this time? Let’s find out whether it should be named after provinces . So everyone has a lot of guesses. Which province will be used as the name of its fourth aircraft carrier this time? The Financial Times also mentioned that in the two sessions this time, mainland China’s military expenditure on armaments, he said that in fact, the total military expenditure should be It is probably 30 to 35% higher than the official budget. In other words, the 7.5 ratio should be more than that. Indeed, mainland China is also fully preparing for war . So this time we saw that the number of people from the People's Liberation Army participating in the two sessions is also the same. It has set a new high record. In the past two days, our program has highlighted Li Qiang. In yesterday ’s report, he mentioned that he had replaced peaceful reunification with reunification. This also triggered the media at home and abroad , and even foreign media, to interpret whether it was a case of using force. However , yesterday Xi Jinping reiterated his talk about the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. He said that he would promote the peaceful reunification of the motherland. He put peace back, which made the outside world seem to breathe a sigh of relief . He even said that he would unite the patriotic forces inside and outside Taiwan , which means that he would clearly It is necessary to distinguish those who are Taiwanese independence elements and those who are not, rather than blindly interpreting the outside world as to whether to use force for reunification. Wang Yi’s echo today also expressed his support for peaceful reunification. He said that sooner or later, we will see compliance with the one- China principle. He may also want to use a warmer way to say that if there is peace between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait , a family photo can show that the international community is more supportive of such a family photo under the one-China principle. Will there be a day when we come ? I would like to ask Mr. Jie what do you think of Wang Yi’s remarks to the United States ? Of course Wang Yi’s words are righteous and stern. They are also a realistic portrayal of the relationship between China and the United States. In fact, when the United States uses It is fierce competition , but sometimes this competition means that you want to compete. For example, when we play basketball, there are basketball rules, right? There are also referees, right? Football also has them. But I think the competition between the United States and mainland China today basically uses them. The theory of realist international relations is the so-called competition under anarchy. The so -called competition under anarchy means that existing international rules are completely flouted, such as trade sanctions. I feel that now because I was in Geneva before. Many friends over there who have served the WTO now say that the government and international organization that is probably the most frustrated in the world right now is the WTO because they have found that the largest trading country in the world, that is, the largest trading body, the United States, has already laid down the basic principles of international trade law. You step on the soles of your feet and then spit on them, and then the whole world is helpless. And the United States’ methods are very harsh. It makes you the so-called appeals court of this dispute settlement mechanism and paralyzes you. I don’t agree because the WTO is a consensus decision. I just don’t agree. Because of your appointment as a judge, he will paralyze the WTO . On the other hand, all economic sanctions against mainland China basically violate the basic rules and principles of the WTO. So basically, I think Wang Yi ’s words are already considered how he speaks. For us Chinese, his speech is already full of weight. But you will find that every sentence he speaks is true and reflects reality. We see every word they say . A lot of specific images stand out in my head. I think it means pointing out the other person's motives and actions, which are the same thing . You also talk about what methods and countermeasures you have , and your expectations for his future. In fact, I think it means actually your expectations for the future. I have always thought that the United States is now using the so-called law of the jungle to compete with mainland China, which is basically just the beginning. Because in fact, when the United States dealt with its opponents in the past, whether it was the United Kingdom or Japan , or in trade, it had such Or those who threaten him in all aspects will use this method unless they defeat you. So I think basically the future of US-China relations will be dominated not by mainland China but by the United States , because the United States will continue to punch you. And when it comes to punching hard, mainland China is standing on the defensive. How to reverse this situation is basically one on offense and one on defense. It depends on great wisdom. But we are just saying that if we look at this situation, I think this is a two-way battle. It is a struggle between two giants. One side is in the ascendant and one side is saying why we need to fight. But the other side , the United States, will not listen. The United States will continue to take action. Therefore, our judgment of the international situation should be closer to reality from this point of view. Asking Teacher Yang, Wang Yi is actually responding to the recent various opinions and specific policy changes in the United States . In fact, it is very clear that we must fight to the end and compete with China to the end . You see, they say that 5G cannot beat China. Now Jumping directly back to 5G, I found 10 countries and said that we should work together to develop 6G to surpass China . Then I talked about carbon emissions , carbon neutrality and climate change. I found that it was not good for them. Sorry, there were labor factors , so I stopped playing. Then new energy Che realized that China now has not only the core technology of batteries but also global sales and began to say that this is in line with the Republican Party’s argument that climate change is not that serious. Should Europe abolish this regulation that allows the use of internal combustion engines in 2035 ? Therefore, it is basically In fact, it is equivalent to not playing with this electric car and not letting the United States make electric charging piles . Of course, you can’t sell electric cars well. So in fact, the United States has always been like this. When it can’t beat you, it is talking about fair trade when it can have strength. When he was talking about the key to free trade, that is to say, when he is now constantly shouting that China has reached its economic peak and will become the next Japan and will never surpass the United States , but he starts shouting about menus and dining tables. Recently, there is an American in front of the menu. The diplomat stationed in China is called Robert Daly. He was stationed in China as a cultural diplomat in the early 1990s and later became an academic and think tank. He said that our proposition, even if China makes changes, will be in accordance with our constitution and our laws. But we still have to restrict China's development. This proposition has nothing to do with belief. No matter what belief we have , we must stop China's development because we don't want to have competitors , even if China falls back into poverty. So this is clearly a kind of international politics. It is a struggle for hegemony. In the global economy, the United States ranks first and China ranks second. According to PPP, China ranks first and the United States ranks second and third. They are far behind. Basically, they will suppress you, the whole of China. I think Wang Yi should be very clear that he just made this complaint in a way that reporters can understand at this press conference, so that the world can know more about the general direction of the relationship between China and the United States . Good Committee member Yuzhen is actually very Obviously, for the United States, he is the boss anyway . Anyone who may challenge him or come close to his position threatens his position because in terms of the international situation, the United States has always played a role in the Western world. In terms of the role of leader in more than 100 countries around the world, in fact, in African countries or some countries, for example, China's influence and mainland China's influence are actually relatively large . Of course, the United States cannot tolerate the fact that there is a country. His rise may be equal to him now, but he may have started 3 years ago, it should be 4 years ago. From this, we talk about military, diplomacy, or even the most important thing is technology, in all aspects, of course, it blocks it. It has affected the development of mainland China , but this may be a bit like, for example, in terms of science and technology, in the United States, if many scientists have close contacts with the mainland , they may even use prosecutorial power to prosecute them. Compared with the mainland, Scientists closely related to you said that you may be involved in some kind of leakage or other such situation , and in terms of technology transfer, it is forbidden for this country to transfer this technology to mainland China or to cooperate with relevant industries. However, After all, mainland China has a population of 1.4 billion. After all, there are still a lot of talented people. I used to study there and I think there are really a lot of smart people. Of course, there are also a lot of outstanding people. So I think even people like him need to be suppressed . It is unlikely to change to the final outcome. Of course, the United States is also very good because the United States is also integrating ethnic groups from all over the world , so this competition will still continue. We have to look back at our country. That is to say, what the ambassador just said is true. I am. I will go to Geneva, Switzerland in 2022 Just go to our WTO delegation and go to Mr. Luo. Mr. Luo is right. He is the ambassador there . It is true that the United States has paralyzed the entire international arbitration institution . If he does not agree , there will be no way to operate it. But I remember that in our country, something was happening all the time. This continent banned this and so on. Is there any pineapple ? The Democratic Progressive Party is not talking about democracy. Pineapple, what, lychee, pineapple, what else, pineapple, custard apple, freedom, custard apple, pineapple, custard apple, and several others. Bananas are not allowed to enter the mainland. I remember that the Committee of Agriculture kept telling us that we would complain to the WTO to defraud the people of Taiwan because this organization complained that this organization has no function . Either it is no longer in operation or it is no longer in operation. That 's because the United States doesn't let it operate , so it actually doesn't let the people know these things. Then it feels like what kind of support we can get in the world is actually not that good. Let's take a break from advertising. Coming back soon, it looks like the Sichuan-Bailey showdown will be staged at the end of the year. It will definitely be repeated. We see that the outcome has been announced . Of course, the strongest momentum is that there is no suspense. Trump swept the victory. The only opponent, Hailey, now has no hope of making a comeback, so she announced After withdrawing from the primary election , the situation of the Trump-Baiden showdown has probably been determined , so now the financial market is also making preparations , and Trump is now very confident. He directly attacked Biden and said, "I demand a debate anytime, anywhere. " Everywhere I look, I can see that these two are about to have another duel without any surprise. Trump said in a statement that for the benefit of our country, Biden, you must be the only one who is important to the United States and the Americans. Come and debate with me on the topic , so I’m waiting for you at any time. I ’ve already challenged him to a one-on-one challenge. But will Biden be willing? Let’s take a look at it now. I’m afraid the most important thing for Biden is that his State of the Union address will be of great concern to him. Success or failure , he also wrote on the There is a slight obstacle. He originally invited the first lady of Ukraine and Navalny's widow to attend the State of the Union address. However, they all rejected it. The reason for Zelenska 's refusal was that she hoped to win over Trump. She is also afraid that Biden will not be able to elect Trump , so she seems to have more confidence in Trump . So why not bet on Biden now , even if the economy improves ? The polls don't seem to rise but fall as inflation falls , but his support is still 5 percentage points lower than Trump according to statistics. Now Trump has made it clear for the first time that he supports Israel's attack on Gaza , so This matter still seems to be very difficult. Both Biden and Trump seem to be competing with each other in the Israel-Palestine war to see who has a tougher attitude and is more supportive of Israel . If we look at it, the Western world no longer seems to be submissive to the United States. In particular, Europe has made some different voices starting from Macron. He said that Europe is now facing a historic moment and can no longer be a coward. Let's listen . Even Hungarian Prime Minister Orban also said that Western hegemony has ended in the New World. In fact, we can see from two phenomena that the Russian army's anti-artillery victory is also very rare. The US-aided Haimas were destroyed for the first time in Ukraine. There is also a clear image of Ukraine's first Two M1A1 tanks were also destroyed by Russia , so it feels like it reflects some signs of the decline of the US military. First of all, let's ask the instructor what he thinks of this Super Tuesday. The showdown between Sichuan and Pakistan is scheduled at the end of Super Tuesday . What are the expectations for this Super Tuesday ? Trump and Biden will definitely make the final decision on the candidates of these two parties. Trump held a press conference a few days ago, and the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Colorado should remove him from the Republican Party . It is unconstitutional to remove people from the list of candidates , so Trump actually held a press conference immediately and spoke directly. He said that the first president of the United States must have this kind of immunity , otherwise all his policies will be blocked . His opponents, both internal and external, will be liquidating him in the future, and the president will not be able to become the second president. He pointed out that Hillary had a lawyer. In the end, the lawyer failed and became a prosecutor , and then they launched a lawsuit against Trump in New York State. Personal revenge , and the final behind-the-scenes was Hillary Clinton of the Democratic Party. Then let’s talk about other things about him being prosecuted in four criminal cases. The White House is under the operation of Biden , through the Department of Justice , and the so-called Trump hate. Those judges who hate Trump deliberately mentioned it, so he said what is this called? He said that this has never happened in American history. If you want to get rid of a political opponent, you use your votes to get rid of him. He said But what kind of justice is this Sleepy Joe using now ? He has weaponized the US judiciary to fight against a political opponent. He said this is very undesirable , and now it has become superficial. He yelled at Biden by name , and then also criticized Hillary Clinton. Linton is brought in together. This is Trump's side becoming more and more courageous , but Biden is in trouble because Biden is the Democratic Party camp. More than once, some very important discussions have been put forward internally, that is, how to get Biden to withdraw from the election. Two days ago, in the American political magazine POLITICO, a senior media person wrote an article. He said that the best way is The reason is that Biden is in trouble now. He has already run for office. He is already halfway through the process . If you change people at this time , how do you ratify the results of the primary elections in the previous states ? He said that the best result is In the United States, around September this year, when the Democratic Party Congress was supposed to confirm candidates for this year's U.S. presidential election, Biden asked Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, and Chan to announce his withdrawal from the race , and then named a successor on the spot , and then used all the party representatives on that occasion. The highest authority recognized it on the spot and asked Mr. Biden to step down. So Biden is now in this situation and Trump is in this situation. You will know that the victory and defeat will be very clear from now on. Let’s ask Teacher Yang for Super Tuesday. When the American broadcaster ABC did an exit poll, 63% of people over 45 years old supported Trump, and 80% of Americans without a college degree supported Trump. You will know the result. Now I think there are 5 factors. Biden probably has only one factor that may have a chance. Four factors are all unfavorable to him. The first one is his health. Yesterday, Biden held a press conference on how to reduce the burden on American families. He was in a daze for 27 seconds at the end . CNN I recorded it all and deliberately paused it in the middle , but I saw on the website that someone took a cellphone shot of Biden with his eyes staring a bit like McConnell’s 30- second first body. He’s really not good at it because he is the current president. The pressure every day is very different from that of Trump who goes to campaign every day and thinks he will win. The second one is the economy. This is actually quite paradoxical for Biden. His economy is OK but his approval rating is not good. Why is it because of the U.S. economy ? They don’t include inflation, fuel, and so - called oil. The third one is illegal immigration , which of course puts a lot of pressure on Biden. The fourth international one is, of course, Ukraine . Two Gaza. Doesn’t it mean that Trump also supports the attack on Gaza? But many young people and many ethnic minorities in the Democratic Party continue to support Biden and Israel’s attack on Gaza has now caused 31,000 deaths . I am very dissatisfied , so this vote cannot go forward. So everyone , from the physical economy to illegal immigration to the international market , in fact, Biden is not optimistic about his current position. The only thing is that there are many judicial cases pursuing this Trump . Can this thing be stopped? Can you stand it? The justice has already told everyone that you can’t use judicial cases to stop Trump, so in the end the key states voted. Because the US election is not about comparing the number of votes, nor is it really about comparing polls , it is about comparing a few key states. About 78% , so this key point seems to be as I just said, about 67% of those over 45 years old support Trump, and 80% of those with a college degree or below support Trump . You can probably predict now that this result will be How about it? Let’s ask Commissioner Yuzhen. Looking at Trump, I think he is really good at building momentum and making good use of a situation that might have been a disadvantage to him to create an advantageous situation. For example, if there was not one before. Even Mr. Yang used the word "hunt" for this judiciary. He was this thing from the previous court. We felt that it was unfavorable to Trump, but he was good at converting it into saying that this judiciary was unfair to me. At the beginning, we thought this was unfavorable. If this is not the case , he may not be able to run for election. In the end, he is not only making good use of it, but also saying that I am being hunted. This is similar to our Taiwanese approach, which is as if he is being persecuted by the judiciary. Political opponents try to use the judiciary to persecute him and then let him The momentum is stronger . Of course, over the years , we have been watching outside. It seems that Biden is indeed here. Maybe everyone dare not say, but it is not healthy. In fact, it is. Why does it often seem to be intentional? Or is it actually true? In this way, he often releases in the media how he seems to walk and then suddenly does something like that, as if his body and mental state are overwhelmed. This situation creates an image of him as if he is older and feels like he is serving as the global leader of this country . It seems difficult for the media to deliberately act like a leader with this kind of ability. Think about what normal people, neutral voters other than the party, would think . And because Trump seems to be not only really menacing , but also It seems that the war is getting stronger and braver , so the situation will probably be like this. But no matter what the international situation is now , for example, in terms of the situation in Israel , I think their positions should be relatively consistent. In American politics, of course, Jews play a very important role. It is an important financial sponsor , so there is nothing to say , so this position will not be too different. But for mainland China , because for us, Taiwan, Penghu, Jinma, etc., the impact is more on the relationship between the United States and China. I don’t think it matters. Whoever has a tougher stance on the mainland will have a harder time, at least in November, before the election. They will probably be former deputy secretary-general of the National Security Council Yang Yongming, Zhai Di. Hello, everyone. Legislator Chen Yuzhen. Hello, everyone. Former Ambassador Jie Wen , Zhai Di. Dear friends, let’s pay attention to the current Jinxia incident. Of course, people here in the mainland are very angry. First of all, let’s take a look at Hu Xijin. He warned Taiwan. He said to be careful about what will happen in a certain sea area at a certain time. The mainland has extensive and powerful law enforcement capabilities in the Xiamen-Jinjiang sea area and even the entire strait. The DPP authorities will be in panic all day long not knowing what will happen at which point in time or in which sea area in the future . Indeed, he has reflected this a lot now. Let’s listen to the feelings of the mainland people about this matter. Even the mayor of Quanzhou expressed extreme indignation when he was interviewed at the Two Sessions yesterday. Fortunately, at the two sessions, we also saw that the mainland political commissar Zhou Xiaoping had a proposal last year to kill him. He initiated the blacklist of Taiwan independence this time and asked whether the Coast Guard should prosecute this criminal case. He said my suggestion was that the Fujian Provincial Public Security Department should demand the perpetrators of the collision with the pseudo-Coast Patrol that resulted in death and the person responsible. The criminal case will be filed under the supervision of the Ministry of Public Security. The second point is that the Fujian Provincial People's Procuratorate will file a public prosecution against the perpetrators of the collision with the pseudo-Coast Patrol Office that resulted in death and the person responsible. Mainland netizens also left comments below to express their support for this proposal and let the victims Family members can file a criminal incidental civil lawsuit against Taiwan's coast patrol in Fujian. Some people support this and say that this should require a legal breakthrough. Others say that this proposal is very good. Representatives want to represent public opinion , so this actually reflects that many people in the mainland have a negative attitude towards the current democratic movement . We are very dissatisfied with the party's handling of the situation. The 15 negotiations have ended in failure . Now they want to ask if there are other ways to seek justice. Let's take a look at the cross-strait war. The mainland is denying the strait. The middle line of the United States is that the U.S. State Department has mentioned that Beijing's continued provocative actions in the Taiwan Strait indicate that it is trying to unilaterally change the current situation in the Taiwan Strait . The United States calls on Beijing to stop exerting pressure on Taiwan and launch meaningful dialogue with Taiwan , including the U.S. military. The academy also pointed out that they said that the People's Liberation Army's Type 096 ballistic nuclear missile submarine, the first of which has been tested for three years, has begun service in 2023. According to analysis, this nuclear submarine can carry 18 Julang 3 intercontinental ballistic missiles. Each Julang 3 can carry 6 nuclear warheads and may already have the ability to launch missiles under the polar ice cover. The Ministry of National Defense also mentioned that mainland China is now building an army and is transitioning to overseas all-domain operations. Accelerating the deployment of long-range Dongfeng missiles. They said that the Rocket Force has accelerated the deployment of Dongfeng 17 and Dongfeng 100 missiles to strengthen military deterrence capabilities. The Ministry of National Defense also emphasized that it will strengthen joint intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance means to play an early warning role. We hope to achieve regional peace and stability. Indeed, now we feel such a kind of military danger. Qiu Guozheng, the Ministry of National Defense, mentioned that our first strike regulations have been revised . As long as there is an entity in the definition, it does not matter. If an entity of aviation or maritime aviation exceeds the rules, the first strike will be regarded as our counterattack. So he said that the national army can deal with it. We also mentioned it yesterday. In fact, the former Chief Cabinet Secretary of Japan mentioned Taiwan and said no. We are looking forward to assisting in this matter because in the past there was a statement in Taiwan that Japan has something to say about Taiwan and Japan has something to do. So it seems that many people expect that Japan will definitely stand up for us . But unexpectedly, the former Chief Cabinet Secretary said that we should not expect cooperation. Just in case Qiu Guozheng said it doesn't matter, we have already been mentally prepared for this. We have never expected any country to save itself, and it will never change. In addition, in fact, the South China Sea dispute between China and the Philippines feels like it is ongoing every day. There are some new actions. Let’s take a look at this picture. A reporter from CNN boarded a Philippine coast guard ship. He also witnessed more and more mainland ships gathering in the South China Sea . Just looking at the picture is like this. There are 14 ships surrounding the Coast Guard ship. But when people see this kind of scene, they feel that the situation in Taiwan and the Philippines is very close. Could the same thing happen in Jinxia waters? Little Marcos. There seems to be a sense of self-consciousness in what he said. He said that the ship collision in the South China Sea was not enough to draw the United States into the water. He actually used the word "the United States is in the water". He said that the recent ship collision between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea was not enough to invoke the United States. The mutual defense treaty of the Philippines means that the United States should not intervene . In fact, our Taiwan Relations Act does not include the United States in the Golden Horse. So is it the same situation? Even if we have this issue in Jinxia, ​​the United States may actually use it. To deal with this method, let’s first ask Committee member Yuzhen from Kinmen. She was still coordinating this related matter when she came in. What do you think of the current public outcry in the mainland ? I actually went there again in Kinmen this morning. I took a look at the beach. Today, because the wind and waves are relatively strong , there are relatively few fishermen going out to fish today. If the weather is calm like the previous two days , in fact, many of our first fishermen in Kinmen still go out to sea to fish or fish. In the restricted waters close to our side, in terms of the sea area between Jinmen and Xiamen, because we have done a better job of marine restoration on the Kinmen side , our fish sources are actually more abundant , so we say that the mainland has They wanted to cross the border and come to catch our fish. On the day when this happened, it was true that these fishermen set out the nets at 9 o'clock in the morning and then collected the nets at 12 o'clock . Of course, the fishermen just went where there were more fish . Of course, in the past , there were two sides of the strait. There is a tacit understanding of joint law enforcement. In fact, before this incident happened, the relevant maritime surveillance units on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, the Coast Guard, and their maritime surveillance units were in contact with each other . That is to say, if they want to jointly enforce the law, they should let those from the mainland Illegal fishing boats cannot come out , so we here ask if they cross the boundary, how can we bring them back ? That is, we have to break the boundary for them and bring them back to do some related punishments. The boats may be confiscated and fines may be imposed. Officers may fine them. This time, it is a pity that after 15 rounds of negotiations, there was no result. In fact, it ended on a bit of a bad note. But there are a few points I must say. I think our Democratic Progressive Party has Some committee members are really adding fuel to the fire. What did they say on purpose ? Because I asked the mainland what they meant on purpose. The mainland said it wanted to take our coast patrol brothers back to the mainland for trial. That’s why the negotiations broke down . I personally know this matter . I personally called the person who was in charge of the conversation at the time , the deputy director of the Taiwan Affairs Office in Quanzhou. His name was Li Zhaohui. I called him. He took the boat back to Quanzhou at 2 o'clock the day before yesterday. I asked him if there was such a thing. He said he didn't. He said that this is actually the case. He said that during this process, they were communicating and coordinating with each other. They agreed to keep a lot of things confidential and could not say anything, but what they agreed to say was that they had agreed to write down a meeting record for any formal situations that were raised , and then this It was not in the minutes of the meeting. He just said that indeed when the two parties got very angry during the negotiation process, their demands and needs were their hopes. The hope was that those who were on duty at the time were the victims. It should be the family members of the deceased. They wanted to say that it was like a car accident. They wanted to know and wanted to meet our coast patrol brothers face to face and ask if it was possible to let our family members know that they were in Kinmen and not on the mainland. Their family members in Kinmen also said in Kinmen, but ours Brother Haixun felt that it was not appropriate for these law enforcement officers to face these people on the front line , so he politely declined and they did not continue. It was only during the coordination process that he said that he had said an angry word otherwise they would be killed. Bring it back to our mainland , but this is not a request he made. He did not make such a request at all . He said that you cannot talk casually like this . But I think some members of the Democratic Progressive Party just want to say that they should resist China and protect Taiwan. This atmosphere has become even more intense. From their position of intercepting political dividends, they deliberately put this out to say whether this would be accomplished. It was the mainland who made this unreasonable request to send our coast guard to the mainland for trial. In fact, this is not the case. That's why after saying something like this, it's even harder to negotiate the next one. Everyone has their own position during the negotiation process , and then you just blame others and twist what they didn't say, making the relationship worse. Accidents like this happen. For example, we talk about car accidents, like car accidents on the road. When we coordinate, we all talk about each other taking a step back . Coordination means everyone taking a step back. If negotiations become more and more difficult, the negotiation will not succeed . This is the situation now. It has already failed. If not , I think the situation will become more and more intense. That is to say, although the relationship between Jinxia and the two sides of the Taiwan Strait is actually quite interactive, we are in Kinmen , and our fishermen probably have channels of communication with the fishermen on the other side. Our Kinmen local government and relevant units in mainland China, including Quanzhou and Xiamen , can also directly contact each other by phone. I said the same goes for law enforcement. Maritime surveillance units on both sides of the Taiwan Strait can communicate with each other. Now the situation has become so tense. Next, I will take a look at the first Jinsha in the short term. I think the sea will be relatively calm today. What I mean by calm is that their coast guard ships will also come out, and their marine surveillance and fishery administration units will also come out , so their illegal ships will probably not It is easy to come out because they will also catch them. They do catch these three-no ships, so their boats will not come out, but their legal fishermen will come out and fish. Our fishermen will also fish in our waters. I am worried about the current problem . This is the case because now the mainland has publicly said that it does not recognize the so-called prohibited and restricted waters. He believes that there is no such thing. What I am worried about is not actually these illegal ships , but that if they are legal fishermen , we have abundant fish sources. He went too far and broke the tacit understanding. When he went fishing in our waters, I would like to ask our coast guard how to deal with it at this time . I think the upper-level officials cannot sit in the air conditioner. The room said that you have to go to the coast guard to face you. You have to tell them how they are going to deal with the situation. Should they drive him away or not? And if he doesn't leave, don't tell them that the coast guard ship following him is also on it. Then behind him, what exactly should our patrol do ? We must give clear instructions. I would like to ask again , because you from Kinmen can now reflect some of the possible situations in Kinmen , because there is a saying that if If the local government goes to talk about it, this is a chess game. Do you support this argument? Or should the Red Cross come out again? If the Red Cross had talked with the Red Cross, there shouldn't have been such a big problem because in fact, there have been incidents between the two sides. There are many things that are not on the table. Now it has passed. I will tell you about a story about two years ago when we had a village chief who went out to sea to fish. Then he passed away at sea without knowing why. If it falls, it may fall. Generally, it drifts to Weitou. It is also Weitou this time. It drifts to Weitou. At that time, it was still during the epidemic period. The small three links had not been opened yet and they had not been reopened , so people could not travel because there were still The mainland is also very strict about the epidemic , and we are also very strict. So, we later negotiated privately. Their fishing boat carried his body to the center line, and our fishing boat went back to the center line to pick him up. We treated it as this solution and did not really bring it to the table. Well, it would be very difficult to deal with many things now if they get to this point . Many people in Kinmen should also have heard that some people from the Democratic Progressive Party are calling out and saying that simply returning Kinmen to the past will really hurt the hearts of Kinmen people. In fact, in January 2020, the National Defense Research Institute of the Ministry of National Defense wrote in its magazine that if something really happens on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, Kinmen is really far away from the main island of Taiwan. It's too far , so they are out of their depth. We have to fight independently. It was already written in it. We were very sad when we saw it. But this is also true . It means that Taipei, the country, really can't save Kinmen because it is really far away. The mainland is too close , so we Kinmen people have always maintained that we hope to have friendly exchanges with the mainland in cross-strait relations . Because if something happens, your family will give up and cannot save you . Don’t say whether they should give up. From a pragmatic point of view, He really can't save you , so we hope to maintain a very friendly situation and try not to have conflicts here. Let's ask Teacher Yang. In fact, I think our Jinxia incident or Kinmen incident this time is related to this little Marcos. There are many similarities with the Ren'ai Reef incident. They ignored reality and singled out China and then got themselves into trouble and expected the United States to intervene. Just like what Commissioner Yuzhen said about Taiwan, if Taiwan cannot save Kinmen, can the United States save Taiwan? There is a similar concept. Next thing, there are two things here in Taiwan. First, let’s think about how the prosecutor will close the case and how he will write the indictment. Can he close the case and how will he write it ? What will happen to you ? This situation will have a new wave of development . Ladies and gentlemen , what should I do if the bodies of the two mainland fishermen are still in Kinmen ? They have been frozen for 30 years. Is it because the other party did not agree to your autopsy , so the prosecutor has no way to do the autopsy ? Can you write his report? You have kept it there. Aren't you going to return it to others? Also, since the incident happened, these 4 Coast Guard team members have gone through 15 rounds of negotiations. Have they ever gone to burn incense ? You can say that I want to protect them to avoid them being searched. No... According to your statement, they are actually bystanders , but the factors that directly and indirectly caused it, have you gone to Shangxiang Mainland after the first two sessions ? Because they are currently holding the two sessions, it will probably end on the 11th and 12th. What will be done after the two sessions? The most direct action is what Commissioner Yuzhen said just now. When their fishing boats go out to sea, the coast guard will protect them and then directly control your restricted waters. They don’t recognize it now . What should you do if they challenge you directly and come to patrol your coast every day? We used to have too many issues when dealing with Taiwan and Diaoyutai and Japan , so now my feeling is that I think the mainland also gradually feels that the DPP government regards cross-strait relations as two countries on this issue. The relationship is being handled and is full of unkindness, even malice, and even cold-bloodedness. Then we base the other party's reaction on our side because there are no facts. It is constantly changing , and then we show some of their responses. Just say, you see, you are oppressing us in Taiwan in gray , and then look forward to it. The United States is very smart in being able to come and assist. It knew this from the beginning. It would not intervene in the August 23 Artillery War. In 1958, it was unwilling to intervene in Kinmen . How could it intervene on this issue ? Even Taiwan cannot protect Kinmen. If so, how can the United States protect the Golden Gate, right ? So in the end it becomes something. You realize that we have become a chess piece and are stuck there. We think we are playing chess. But in fact , you realize that you are stuck in it and you can’t pull it out. Everything becomes passive and I can’t stand to deal with the current situation . I think the development of this situation depends entirely on the mainland’s strategic determination. Let’s ask the teacher. Just from the lecture of Commissioner Chen Yuzhen, we have confirmed that it is actually the Jinxia-Xiamen The relationship between the local people is very harmonious , and both parties are willing to take a long-term view of the relationship without any conflicts . When the two parties encountered some disputes , there have been many cases in the past that they were able to successfully resolve them in kind. But it is a pity that this incident can be seen from the beginning. If we had to follow past practices in the past, it would be handled by cross-strait cross-strait societies. In fact, there would not be the situation today, right? In fact, I remember that we were in Kinmen at that time. The president of the Cross Society also said in an interview that originally the Cross Society also suggested that the Tsai Ing-wen administration should use this method to solve the problem in the past, which might lead to a better result . However, the whole case was later dismissed. How do you say that the Red Cross Kinmen Red Cross Society was taken over ? Tsai Ing-wen and the authorities said that if we have something to do, we will come to you again. Later, we never came to them, and they were completely ignored. Therefore, the channels for successfully handling disputes in the past were basically kicked away by the DPP authorities and they were left to operate it themselves. I think this chisel mark makes it very clear that their entire handling of the matter was just mentioned to me by Commissioner Chen. I think it was a bittersweet ending in the end, right? It was even a little bitter. To be honest, I have said that in fact, Guan Biling was only in this. She was just an actor , and someone at a higher level was directing the whole thing. So in fact, before In fact, I felt that when I heard this report in the Legislative Yuan a few days ago, I said, isn’t that just asking the mainland negotiators to go home? The answer is given to you . The first truth is that there was no collision. Is it tilted or bumped? I didn’t I know it means there was no collision anyway , but I don’t know whether it is right for the mainland to be the first to ask for this matter . The person in charge of the Red Cross Society in Quanzhou said that the first one to find out the truth, but you just don’t find out, right? The second one is to investigate . When you said that relevant parties will be severely punished, Director Zhou of the Coast Guard came out and said that all colleagues of the Coast Guard did not make any mistakes in their administration in accordance with the law, right? If there were no mistakes , then there would be no apology. Finally, you apologized to the family members. Since there were no mistakes, what kind of apology could there be ? Basically, this matter broke up on bad terms , which means I think the whole thing may be turning a small matter into a big thing, turning a big thing into a conflict. Yesterday, Lai Qingde asked all the legislators to start going out to discuss the possibility of a conflict. It has been set like this from the beginning . Commissioner Chen did not specify what he wanted. Our coast guard is rigid in mainland China. What Wang Dingyu said to him was written in black and white on his Facebook. He dared to write it, right? Isn’t this going to aggravate the situation by posting it on Facebook ? So I think it’s not good for the folks in Kinmen and it ’s not good for the people of Taiwan , but it ’s definitely good for the DPP people. Let’s take a break from advertising and be back soon.
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Length: 48min 24sec (2904 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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