[SUB]日本突大賣美債 沙國看好陸國債? 新聞大白話 20240607 (字幕版)

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Next, we will take you to take a look at the situation in Central Asia , especially the recent signing of the China-Kyrgyzstan -Uzbekistan Railway, which has been agreed upon . The three countries signed the China-Kyrgyzstan -Uzbekistan Railway Agreement in 25 years . Chinese President Xi Jinping held a meeting in Beijing on the same day and said that the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Railway is a strategic project for interconnection between China and Central Asia . It is a landmark project for the cooperation between the three countries to build the Belt and Road. The President of Kyrgyzstan even talked about the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Railway after it is completed. It will become a new transportation route from Asia to Europe and even to the Persian Gulf countries. The President of Uzbekistan also said that the China-Kyrgyzstan -Uzbekistan Railway will become the shortest land passage connecting China and Central Asian countries . It can also open up South Asia, the Middle East and even these markets . So China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Railway The railway is now turning from a vision into a reality. What we show you is that the starting point of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Railway is Kashgar. Once completed, it will help to build Kashgar and even Xinjiang into a regional economic center and manufacturing center surrounded by the entire Central and South Asia. The cultural center and even its surrounding areas, such as Iran, Palestine, Uzbekistan, etc., have a combined population of more than 400 million people. In the future of Kashgar, this area will be the most prosperous and developed international metropolis, directly connected to the Middle East through the China -Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Railway. In addition, it can also connect Turkey to Europe , which can shorten the time of the China-Europe train by 900 kilometers , which directly saves 7 to 8 days, which is equivalent to a week . Join hands to build the new land-sea corridor in the west. Intermodal trains and railways are basic supports . We show you that it is the golden channel laid out by the Belt and Road Initiative. The cumulative number of China-Europe trains has exceeded 90,000. China-Europe trains have recently ushered in new arrivals. The milestone exceeded 90,000 trains. Since its launch in 2011, more than 8.7 million TEUs of goods have been sent with a value of US$380 billion. It has reached 223 cities in 25 European countries. Now, the first domestically produced ARJ21 cargo plane in China has completed its first commercial flight . From Yining, Xinjiang to Uzbekistan , you can see the Turkish Foreign Minister’s visit to Xinjiang. He mentioned that he does not support or participate in the use of ethnic issues to oppose China . Then he mentioned that Xinjiang is a window for cooperation between China and Central Asian countries such as Turkey. The Turkish side on the Xinjiang issue The position is clear and firm. We do not support or participate in the anti-China movement that exploits ethnic issues. Now that the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Railway has signed an agreement, Saudi Arabia has also deployed to attract Chinese tourists such as Cathay Pacific. What we will show you is that it will be launched in October this year. Direct flights from Hong Kong to Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, were launched on the 28th. There are three flights per week , and the signing ceremony for the route was held yesterday. The CEO of Saudi Arabia’s Air Connectivity Plan said so directly. He said that as China and Saudi Arabia As the relationship improves , China will be the main source of growth for visitors to Asia in the future. The goal is to receive 5 million Chinese tourists in 2030. Now Saudi Arabia will also host the next Chinese Tourist Summit , so they will The event in Riyadh attracted more than 120 Chinese tourism operators, including travel operators and wholesalers . Saudi Arabia also joined the Bank for International Settlements and China-led central bank digital currency project. The Saudi central bank became the first to fully participate in the project. China's Sinopec Corp. has taken another step toward reducing world oil trade in dollars , while Sinopec Corp. will build a natural gas pipeline for Saudi Arabia's Aramco for $1 billion, a Sinopec subsidiary said. Aramco signed an agreement worth US$1.3 billion to purchase and build pipelines to expand Saudi Arabia’s natural gas distribution network. Let’s first ask Mr. Lai, what do you think of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Railway? This is what Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan have been waiting for for a long time. I have been waiting for more than 20 years because the Belt and Road Initiative started in Kazakhstan. When Xi Jinping gave a speech in Kazakhstan, he began to promote this Belt and Road Initiative. It has been going for 4 years and its results have been very fruitful, especially after the opening of the China-Europe train, especially during the epidemic . At that time, our shipping was greatly affected. Taiwan was also greatly affected. At that time, the global shipping was affected. Only China-Europe freight trains were not affected. Instead , they became the most important bridge between Europe and Asia. This most important transportation pipeline has made the entire freight industry The economy of the entire countries along the route from China to Europe has not been severely affected by the epidemic's shipping. Not only has it not been severely hit , but it has also been booming because of this. Everyone has seen that the China-Europe freight train is the benefit of the Belt and Road Initiative. Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan I'm so anxious , but in the past it was because they were within Russia's sphere of influence . Russia didn't want the power of mainland China to enter Central Asia. Now it's obvious that Russia can't go any further in Europe. It must look to Asia . He was very fond of China. When he was at his worst, China did not add insult to injury. So I think we have established a very high degree of trust with each other , especially Xi Jinping's 10 years of diplomatic efforts , because the first country he visited was to Russia to establish a relationship with Putin. I think that for Putin, such a 10-year mutual trust, he has determined that China will not take advantage of Russia's crisis and then go , for example, to take back the 64th Jiangdong Tun in our Northeast to Vladivostok. There is no such thing as taking it back or even taking advantage of Russia's failure to eat up the whole of Central Asia. I think Russia, Putin, and his trust in China opened up and gave the green light. Of course, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan were extremely happy, so in After re-survey and re-planning Because the train speed needs to be faster and the track needs to be the same width because it is the standard track. China wants to connect the entire Eurasian continent and uses the standard track. Many of your things need to be renovated and rebuilt. I think yesterday's opening was a big event . Why? Because this is another line from China , it enters Central Asia , and then when it enters Central Asia, it then enters West Asia. It either connects to Turkmenistan or connects Kazakhstan and enters from Azerbaijan . So when you get here, it will be Iran in the future. Oil and natural gas may enter China along the China-Kyrgyzstan- Uzbekistan Railway . In this case, they will no longer be in danger of being blocked by the United States. In this way, the transportation of Iranian crude oil or natural gas will be more stable. This is the second One step will change the political pattern of the entire Middle East. The other step is Turkey. He is getting more and more anxious because if this line does not pass through Turkey but takes the northern route, Turkey is originally a bridge between Eurasia. Because it passes through Eurasia The huge benefits earned by the bridge , such as freight forwarding fees, etc. , may be lost. So you see, Turkey's foreign minister, who was pro-European and close to the United States in the past , immediately changed his attitude and came to visit China. At that time , they had already promised that they would not support or fund Uyghurs and their terrorist activities . This step was not easy, especially because Turkey is the last Muslim country and it will no longer stand with Europe and the United States . This is what Europe and the United States , especially Americans, think The fabricated Xinjiang issue was severely slapped in the face because all Muslim countries, including the 22 Arab countries, including those Muslims who are mainly Shiites , then Islam , and then Turkey , all turned over, it was obvious. They completely disagree with the Xinjiang issue created by the United States . Turkey , in particular, is the most qualified to speak because Turkey’s ethnic group is relatively close to the Uighurs , and they all believe that mainland China does not have this problem . So when the United States is fabricating the Xinjiang issue, you It’s untenable in Europe. I think this step is really important. Well, let’s ask Mr. Yang, what do you think about the China -Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Railway ? In fact, the three parties signed a memorandum in 1997. Look at the distance. How long has it been now , but it has been more than 25 years, right? There is no way to implement it, and now it is finally starting to be pushed forward. In the early days, he said it was because of financial problems and loan problems , but we all know that it is a political issue , that is, it is actually not very good in Russia. I don’t want the relationship between mainland China and Central Asia to be too close, because Central Asia used to be republics of the former Soviet Union. Until now, most of the official languages ​​in their countries are Russian. However, with more than 20 years of development , the China- Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Railway is actually a link between Next, the southern route of the future China- Europe freight trains was overflowing last year due to the Red Sea problem. It was about 17,000 trains. Did you hear that right? 1.9 million containers per year. Of course, it has the central route and the east route , and then from mainland China. Then there are Russia and Kazakhstan , but not here. Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. Kyrgyzstan has a small population of 7 million. Probably this country is called Switzerland, which is the so-called Central Asian Switzerland. The key point is Uzbekistan. It has 36 million people and it is called four. The country of gold , gold, platinum, black gold, blue gold, that gold, white gold, refers to cotton, black gold, refers to oil, blue gold refers to natural gas , so it also has energy reserves in this area. Therefore, for Central Asia, the relationship between China and Central Asia will be closer. Don’t forget that there is a Shanghai Cooperation Organization that has become more consolidated. The second factor is whether this railway will lead to Tehran and Iran in the future. It will lead to Turkey, which is completely different, especially if it goes to Tehran to Iran. The strategic importance of China's crude oil export is self-evident, right? The third one is Sino-Russian relations. Of course, after waiting for so long, Russia finally agreed. It was also because of the Russo-Ukrainian war and the signing of the Sino-Russian Joint Statement. Although it is not a real military alliance , the relationship between them is closely integrated, so Russia also gives the green light. In fact, it has to give the green light because its dependence on mainland China is actually getting stronger and stronger . So for mainland China , it is actually multi-faceted. That’s the meaning , because this railway is about 530 kilometers, half in the mainland and half in these two countries. In fact, it is only 50 kilometers to Uzbekistan. So I think it really means that the future of China-Europe trains is very important , so everyone in Turkey should know that two days ago In fact, Wang Yi just visited Turkey , so he talked about the Belt and Road Initiative. In the process, Turkey actually has a love-hate relationship with the Belt and Road Initiative . Sometimes it resists and sometimes it accepts it. He now proposes a concept. Wang Yi proposed a concept called the Middle Corridor , which is very consistent with Turkey’s geography. Because Turkey has been fighting for more than 30 years to join the European Union, these countries in Western Europe have raised many issues regarding the reluctance of Catholic and Christian-dominated countries to accept Muslim countries. He is now saying that it is popular , so I should try to join this so-called BRIC. Organize and then Wang Yi’s visit to the Middle Corridor. Is it possible for the China -Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Railway to enter Turkey in the future? This is possible because you have a railway of more than 500 kilometers and the infrastructure capacity of mainland China to build railways. Because it is not yet a high-speed railway, I think it should be I think it is a very simple thing that will probably be completed within about 2 years , so the changes it will bring to the economic strategy and the political economy of the entire region will be significant. Let’s ask Brother Dong if he has noticed the recent sandstorm. China seems to be actively cooperating with mainland China In fact, we know that Saudi Arabia has changed a lot in the past few years. It is oil. In the past, the United States attracted it. Of course, oil is now finally available for trading in RMB. In the past , the United States would be big. Where is it big ? It controls the world's oil in US dollars. Everyone is well aware of the transaction , so this transformation has actually been going on for a long time . The United States has controlled a lot of countries in the Middle East in the past . We know that the countries in the Middle East that are really strong are , of course, the ones with the strongest military or economic strength. Saudi Arabia and Iran are very powerful. Of course, some of these countries are very rich , but their military power is not necessarily strong. Arabia can be said to be here, which is equivalent to saying that it is a dragon head that can evoke thousands of piles of snow. Of course, its changes in recent years have The big thing is that his Crown Prince Salman was believed to have killed a journalist named Khashoggi at that time , so the United States hated him very much. It was the Trump era and Trump took the opportunity to promote a lot of American weapons. The Arabs were given a high price and the Arabs had to swallow it. The Saudis had to swallow it. After swallowing it, Biden doubled down. Biden said that Salman is simply a pariah. You know what his status as crown prince is. He will be the next Saudi Arabia. The leader is his son. If you think about it in a democratic country, his father is the president and he is the prime minister. He is in charge of everything in this country , so you can imagine what kind of changes he will make. Now we have seen that the United States is very clear. It means mainland China. He uses Xinjiang because the races in Xinjiang have the same origin as those in the Middle East. So I have been to Xinjiang about a dozen times. When you see it, you think it is a foreigner. It has the feeling of a foreigner and it is the Middle East. All the boys are handsome, and the girls are all beautiful. Because his outline and facial features are very prominent , you can see that the United States has known about it for a long time , so it wants to create a genocide in Xinjiang , forced labor in mainland China , and then go to the United Nations. Complain and accuse this person. Pompeo was the Secretary of State at that time. The US Secretary of State was used to lying at the United Nations. This was originally meant to force many countries in the United Nations. Because they were coerced by the United States , they said that Xinjiang had such problems. In fact, it was to vilify Xinjiang. But you You can see that no country in the world condemns Islam , right? No one in Muslim countries condemns it because they know it is a trick of the United States. 90% of the Muslims who died in the world were killed by Americans . Those who died in war are just like this, right? Everyone knows it very well , so when you see this situation today , you know that the United States has known for a long time that if it develops here, there is such a motive behind your Belt and Road Initiative. You will connect these. We know that there are only three lines of China-Europe special trains. Because there is a situation in Taiwan that we can only report negatively on mainland China and all the media is like this. You don’t know where the largest land port in mainland China is . Many people think this name is true. I told you it is called Manzhouli from outside. Everyone here in Mongolia wants to say that many things are exported from here. It is the largest land port in mainland China . You can see how many things it has. Countries are envious of it. There are so many goods that can be imported from mainland China. There are many countries in the Middle East and even Europe. Many products can be imported into mainland China. It is not affected by the epidemic. You just heard two professors talking about it. It is not affected by the epidemic and it is very convenient. Although you think it is cheaper to transport by sea , there are storms and risks and the Houthi organization has you. There are a lot of things that are unstable, so this route , the entire Belt and Road Initiative , embodies the smooth flow of our goods and the benefits to both sides. Which country will not welcome it? So the United States has seen it, so it keeps sabotaging and telling lies. You all remember that at that time, Secretary of State Power of the United States went to the United Nations and lied, took out a washing powder that was nicknamed by others, and then said that this washing powder was a biological and chemical weapon in Iraq. It turned out to be the biggest laughing stock. Well, what about next, after watching the situation in Central Asia , we We want to take you to look at the situation in Central Asia. We want to take you to look at East Asia , especially Japan’s recent crazy selling of U.S. debt. Has it boosted the yen? Japan may sell U.S. debt to fund a record-breaking yen intervention. The Japanese government may disclose The recent record- breaking foreign exchange intervention funds were raised by selling securities, including U.S. Treasury bonds. In May, Japan's foreign securities holdings fell by US$50.4 billion. In the past month, the Japanese government spent US$62.7 billion, thus entering the market to boost the exchange rate of the yen. Is the yen devaluing so much now that the government can no longer stand it? Experts say that Japan’s central bank will be more hawkish and urgently raise interest rates. There is no hope of improvement in the U.S. federal debt. So it is difficult for U.S. debt to have a good market. Then senior executives said that the U.S. fiscal outlook is now grim. Debt will continue to increase, which will keep the yield on long-term U.S. government bonds at a high level . Now China has signed a big coffee order with Brazil . We want to show you that the memorandum signed during the visit of the Brazilian Vice President has significantly increased the supply of coffee. For exports , you can see that this time one company signed a memorandum of understanding worth US$500 million to promote Brazilian coffee , which shows how big the volume is, because they only spent US$200 million in the past year. This time one company signed a memorandum of understanding worth US$500 million to promote Brazilian coffee. So , are China and Russia now using Cuba to pry open the door to the United States? Wang Yi met with the Cuban Foreign Minister and said that he resolutely opposed the unreasonable blockade of Cuba by the United States . Then they said that China will continue to speak out and resolutely oppose the unreasonable blockade of Cuba by the United States on the international stage. Opposing the United States’ inclusion of Cuba On the list of countries that support terrorism, even Vietnam now calls on the United States to end the embargo on Cuba. That includes not only Vietnam , but also Cambodia. They say that their position remains unchanged so far and they support the lifting of the U.S. economic, commercial and financial embargo against Cuba that has lasted for more than 60 years. We showed you that Russia’s nuclear-powered submarine will dock in Havana, the capital of Cuba. Then Cuba said that the Russian army will not carry nuclear weapons. Their Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that Russia will send four warships to dock in Havana, the capital, next week. Of course, that includes Apart from the Kazan, these warships will not carry nuclear weapons and will not affect regional security. However, U.S. officials said that Russia will send warships to the Caribbean to project global power. They said that due to the U.S. support for Ukraine, Russian naval activities are increasing. It shows that Russia is still capable of some degree of global power projection. Putin said that he plans to supply weapons to other countries to attack the West. Putin criticized the West for providing long-range weapons to Ukraine. He also warned that he would not rule out the use of nuclear weapons and may cooperate with other countries. If long-range weapons are provided to attack Western targets , then Russia and China will continue to conduct joint military exercises and provide military and technical cooperation with China. Now US President Biden has quickly changed his tune and said that Ukraine cannot use US-aided weapons to attack Moscow. Blinken Zhou confirmed that Biden has approved Ukraine’s use of US-aid weapons to attack targets in Russia . However, in an exclusive interview, Biden said that US weapons will not be used to attack Moscow. Or what on earth is the Kremlin talking about? Let’s ask this first. Mr. Yang, what do you think? Recently, Japan has indeed begun to do the right things. Before, it was indeed affected by the QE of the United States, which is quantitative easing , and the entire exchange rate adjustment of the U.S. dollar currency . In fact, he was a victim . Therefore, he The exchange rate keeps depreciating. Of course, we Taiwanese are very happy to go to Japan. Now it has become very cheap. Some people want to buy more now, so it is difficult to talk about it. But I think it will probably happen next. It is currently between 150 yuan and 155 yuan. Will it be between 144 yuan and 140 yuan by the end of the year? It is possible that it will fall again. What I want to talk about is Cuba. I think you can prove one thing now, the economy. Sanctions are useless. The 64-year-old U.S. economic sanctions against Cuba have been in place since 1960 , and they are comprehensive. They are not just for all foreign companies doing business in Cuba. If you want to do business in the United States, you will not be punished. Sanctions are just like Meng Wanzhou who was put under house arrest for more than 1,000 days for doing business with Iran, right? So it is the same for Cuba. The life and economic development of the Cuban people have indeed been severely impacted because other countries dare not help the people. Businesses don’t dare to help him, and the government doesn’t dare because you are a direct provocation to Big Brother , right? So since 1992, every year the United Nations General Assembly has passed a resolution asking the United States to lift economic sanctions. It is of no use to you, the American baseball giant. Which team in the league doesn’t have many Cuban players ? Are you forcing Cuba to practice baseball all day long because the economy is completely bad and then make these second-hand cars and antique cars, which are the most left in the world ? In Cuba, this is completely inhumane and there is no reason to exist. Now we are talking about Russia , that is to say, if you want other countries to submit to you politically through the economy , it is useless to insist on being there for 1964, but you will cause the people to be completely inhumane . In fact, this is not the first time that I have thought about Russian warships. I looked it up and it was probably after the Cold War started in 2008. 2008 was the first time that Russian warships went to Cuba. At that time, there were three of them, mainly destroyers. Last year, one went to Cuba. Training ships are different this year. The four ships this year are mainly Kazan. It is a nuclear-powered submarine. This is completely different. Although he said it does not carry nuclear bombs, I don’t really believe that nuclear-powered submarines do not carry nuclear bombs. Is that right? But it doesn’t matter. One way is to say that the factor of checks and balances , especially after the Russia-Ukraine war, the effect of checks and balances is very obvious. The United States should understand it, because recently Russian President Putin said that if you can give Ukraine weapons to attack me, Russia can also do it. Give weapons to other countries to fight you. Do you understand? The US military has been hinting at this from now on. Let’s take a break from commercials and come back to continue the discussion. Mr. Lai, what do you think? I think Japan really can’t stand it because The Governor of the Bank of Japan has repeatedly emphasized that the yen cannot continue to depreciate like this. They want to intervene , but they have been unable to pull it up. At that time, it had not fallen below 150 yuan. Later, it not only fell below 156 yuan, but also continued to rise. Last month, when they had a meeting of finance ministers in Italy , which was the G7 finance ministers’ meeting, Japan made his attitude clear during the meeting . He said that they could not continue to allow the dollar to be so high. The U.S. dollar was so strong , the Japanese yen fell so low , and the exchange rate fluctuated so much , which had hurt Japan's economy. Japan rarely dared to challenge the Americans. As a result, we saw the latest statistics come out, which means that Japan's financial situation at that time Such an emphasis in this meeting is actually tantamount to letting the wind go. When the latest results were announced yesterday, Japan actually said that you mentioned more than 50 billion of these bonds, including securities , but more than 45 billion of them are from the United States. The government's public debt is so embarrassing for the U.S. government , especially for Yellen. Because mainland China has been selling off these public bonds and U.S. government bonds , and now Japan has also begun to sell back U.S. government bonds and sold more than 40 billion in one sale. For the U.S. government, it means you have to pay this. Money is becoming more and more difficult , so the United States is actually a foreign power. If Japan keeps selling U.S. government bonds in order to save its yen from falling, the U.S. government will really be more nervous financially. Yellen's anxiety will definitely deepen. Of course, we have to see whether Japan will continue to sell. For example, if it continues to sell in June, if the sales reach more than 100 billion, I think the United States has reached the point of tolerance and may start to put pressure on Japan. Maybe Japan has withdrawn again. At this time, those who invest in the Japanese currency think that Brother Yongming has just said that don’t think that it can be brought back to 140 yuan . If it can’t be brought back to 140 yuan , if it goes down again, many people who invest will shed tears. So I think it’s more prudent to see whether Japan’s heart is strong enough to confront the Americans. The issue of Cuba is indeed an unreasonable one. In other words, it is a contradiction between the United States and Cuba, and Cuba has not violated anything . The United Nations has made a resolution to impose unilateral sanctions on others . The United States ignores them. I think the United States has gone to the extreme in this power politics. You have issues with Cuba and you actually sanction other countries. The United Nations General Assembly has told you that you can't do this anymore. After doing so, the United States ignores the opinions of the international community. I think that currently, apart from mainland China, the other people that can help Cuba are Russia and China. They don’t care about the US sanctions at all . But I think that many countries want to have relations with Cuba. They are more and more interested. It’s getting more and more unbearable , so it won’t be a good thing for the United States when there are constant voices. Let’s take a break for commercials and come back to continue the discussion. In fact, you can see that what Putin said recently is that if you open up NATO to your countries If the weapons of these countries come to attack me, my weapons can be used by other countries to attack you. Of course, he means to intimidate you , but what is his real reason? Now, because of the November election in the United States , we know that Biden has a sense of crisis . Although Trump Being prosecuted by the judiciary has some impact , but you can see that Trump's financial backers are very strong, so it is completely unclear who will be elected. The guests joining us include senior media person Dong Zhisen. Brother Dong , good afternoon. Hello everyone. We also have our expert on international politics, Mr. Lai Yueqian. Good afternoon , host. Hello, audience friends, and our lecture professor Yang Yongming, Professor Yang of the Cultural University. Good morning, everyone. Hello, everyone . We are going to take you to see today. Let’s start with domestic politics. Look at this retiree from Beichen who said he was an expert in infighting . Now he is retired from the army and quickly learned to give others a red hat. Former deputy commander of the army Huang Yibing wrote an open letter to advise this retiree from Beichen not to betray what his alma mater taught you. Beliefs and Values ​​He said that his alma mater had never taught them to oppose China or hate China . Mentioning Yu Beichen 's words and deeds that deviated from the school motto, they said it made people sweat . It was really horrifying. He retired and quickly learned the ability to put red hats on others. He was treated like this by his seniors. Yu Beichen scolded him for betraying the school motto and said, "Why haven't I seen you criticizing others?" Yu Beichen even said during the live broadcast that the main purpose of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council is to eliminate the voice of Yu Beichen, Wang Yichuan and Li Zhenghao . All pro-China media are slandering me. I don't want to cooperate with the country anymore. The Taiwan Affairs Office's internal propaganda even talked about a passage that many netizens thought was unbelievable. What was it about? Let's listen to it first and watch it. He talked about why statistics and mathematics cause controversy, so let's take everyone to see. Why do you say this? He said that when he was on the show, he sometimes spoke too fast. For example, if you can intercept a missile with one missile, the interception rate is about 70. So he said that if one missile is not enough, three missiles and three missiles can be 210. 210 makes Taiwan Security feel funny. Am I speaking for the national army ? If one missile can't be stopped, then three will be fired. So admitting that he is poor in mathematics and statistics, is it a joke? Do you think he is not patriotic? Do you think he is unpatriotic? You even asked netizens. Of course, netizens triggered a lot of discussion about this. Mathematics is really a little bit too bad. So now you can see Yu Beichen's remarks about the People's Liberation Army being lost are also fermented on the Internet. He said that when you arrive in Taipei, how do you get in? I tell you, you will get lost. So host He said, yes, you will definitely get lost. How can you get lost? He said, look, I will get lost even if I go to New Taipei City. You, a mainlander, won’t get lost even if you come to Taiwan . He said, yes, it is easy to get lost. I will get lost even if I go to New Taipei City. You will definitely get lost. Look at you coming in from Taipei Gang Bali to Sanchong and going to the central hub. I’m telling you, it’s very difficult. You will definitely not be able to connect to Google. He said that it’s too beautiful to fight in the street. I will block you. So when Yu Beichen was live broadcasting, he said that if there is no GPS, I will block you. Wouldn't you get lost if you dropped it into Taichung City ? Does China have the latest map of Taiwan? The roads in Taiwan change several times a week . Then someone mentioned that China uses the Beidou system . Of course, Taiwan is not easy to receive. You will definitely get lost. But netizens said that it is a satellite. Isn’t it global coverage? Isn’t it difficult to know how to get to Taiwan ? When tourists come in, don’t they know how to get to Taiwan as soon as they turn on their mobile phones ? Well, now Defense Minister Gu Lixiong was asked about the first blow. He said there is no first episode, only self-defense. He said that in the exercise of power, the Communist army attacked the Chinese aircraft and ship facilities or the Communist army attacked the outlying islands outside Taiwan's main island without permission to enter the 12-mile airspace and territorial waters. You can order the national army to exercise the right of self-defense and carry out self-defense counterattacks in proportion . Now netizens are discussing: There are only 12 nautical miles left. What will you have left in the near future ? It is a new term to explain , and netizens said it is worthy of it. The lawyer 's speech was fierce , so the media asked about the definition of the first strike . Then he emphasized the right of self-defense and said that this part should not be made public. The Ministry of National Defense will exercise the power of self-defense based on the degree of threat and proportionality. Then there are relevant disposal regulations. What did he say during the emergency ? Let's listen together and watch. After we heard what he said , some people asked whether he was plotting against everyone. You didn't understand it anyway , but now we want to show everyone . Is this a message that the Five Eyes Alliance is warning the mainland that spending large sums of money to recruit Western defense fighters to help train the People's Liberation Army may increase the risk of this conflict? The Five Eyes Alliance has warned that the People's Liberation Army is actively recruiting retired Western military pilots to train the Chinese Communist Party's air force and fly Western military personnel. Training the CCP’s military will reduce our deterrence capabilities and increase our risk of future conflicts . Let’s first ask Brother Dong, what do you think of Yu Beichen? Yu Beichen is actually not worthy of comment . To be honest, they have become more vocal recently because of China. Mainland China said it wants to sanction five famous speakers. Three of them are Yu Beichen, Wang Yichuan and Li Zhenghao. So in fact, in our circle, no one will regard them as their speeches. If they are in the Legislative Yuan, They are the Three Treasures. I can say this because there will be some very strange comments . The biggest change is actually Wang Yichuan . Wang Yichuan's recent nickname is Wang Xizhi. Of course, everyone says why is this happening ? Even the knees know what they say to you, but the knees know nothing about it . There is no basis for it, and in the end, when there is no answer, he just said kneecap. I wonder if this is how we say it in Taiwanese, so now he has become a laughing stock . But you know that in our comment circle, there has been a lot of evil in the past few years. You can say it like this, and it means you. As long as you make jokes and tell something to make everyone feel happy , it doesn't matter if it's fake or real. As long as you can make fun of and vilify mainland China, everyone will be very happy. This is a strange phenomenon in Taiwan. What you say is false. For example, Wang Yichuan, the most famous one, said that China's high-speed trains have no backrests at all. If the speed is 300 kilometers per hour, there may be no backrests. You can know if it is right just by thinking about it. Every passenger must be tied to it . Otherwise, how can you? If you lean back, you will die, right? This is common sense , but when he said it, everyone was very happy after listening to it. So they are getting more serious now because their audience likes to listen to this. As long as the audience in Taiwan is 10 or 20, the ratings will be broken. It’s high , so now Taiwan has become like this . There are many young people among these young people. These young people just want to have fun, so they become people like Yu Beichen. Yu Beichen and others have become popular. They say some things that you think are incredible and go against common sense. But It’s fun. I say it’s fun. This phenomenon is actually becoming more and more serious in Taiwan . Everyone needs to think about it. Young people have votes . In the past, Ko Wenzhe’s great influence was in acting and saying some incomprehensible things. Everyone listen to Ke P. It’s fun to vote. It's here, that's it . Now, actually, everyone is watching, and they are actually grabbing this ticket. You know, I think that for Beichen people, they are a market. He thinks that I have this market, and I only need to do all kinds of weird things for mainland China. Even if it is not a fact, everyone is very happy to hear it . It seems that the Communist parties in mainland China are so backward and do not understand anything and are very regressive. That is actually not a fact. If you can see how the United States faces up to mainland China, they must adopt various methods to do so. When they surrounded him , everyone talked about what Gu Lixiong said. Is this the first blow ? Is this a redefinition? There is no Gu Lixiong. The Americans asked Lai Qingde to use it to succeed Tsai Ing-wen. Because Tsai Ing-wen had been very confident about Gu Lixiong in those 8 years , so you are my arrangement. He said this to the Americans and also to his supporters of Taiwan independence. After hearing this , these people thought that as long as they enter 12 miles, we will fight. Then we will come to see you. I promise you that we will not even dare to make a move. I must tell you that Qiu Guozheng was also asked about the first blow. He later found out that many people's interpretations said that he seemed to be hitting the first blow. He quickly came out to explain what Qiu Guozheng's official explanation was. He said don't misunderstand us. He will not act recklessly with our army. In fact, we have to first identify and secondly warn , and then we have a procedure for engaging in battle. This procedure is that you have to report to the superiors whether you want to fire the artillery shell, so he actually has a procedure. He said that there was such a background at the beginning because a drone from mainland China flew to Daerdan Island in Kinmen and we threw rocks at it. It became a laughing stock and everyone thought how did it change like this? He said, in fact, our It was judged that this drone had no ammunition and nothing. It was a civilian drone . Then you came suddenly. Of course, we were caught off guard. Later, everyone asked why we didn't hit him. He was just a civilian person who was like you and harassed you. Some people in Mainland China did not take down this thing at that time, which caused harm to our compatriots in Taiwan. Everyone was very unforgiving , so there was such a background at that time . Gu Lixiong told the situation today. He actually told the United States and the United States he Those Taiwan independence supporters of the Democratic Progressive Party will be very angry when they hear us , but I promise you they won’t do it just because they say nice things. Everyone will really know who is going to fire the first shot. This first shot is very important. The first shot goes down. Xiong Bingkun fired the first shot in the Wuchang Uprising. After Ji Xingwen fired the first shot, the Sino-Japanese War began, right? The eight-year war of resistance began. As long as someone fired the first shot , it was the beginning of a war, right? He said, since you want to shoot, I will shoot too. If both sides of the gun are fired, there will be casualties . If the feud cannot be resolved, then they will start attacking each other. This must be the case. Now I ask Lai Qingde, does the government dare to fire the first shot? He absolutely does not dare because the strategy of mainland China is very clear to me. How about encircling and encircling you until you run out of ammunition and reinforcements ? I'm just practicing. I didn't shoot. What should you do ? It's very clear now. I don't think our government is clear? What the teacher is more amusing is that the road to the two norths is indeed very complicated , but do you think the People's Liberation Army will really get lost when they come in? No, they have Beidou. Beidou has currently proven that it is more accurate than GPS because it is updated and its functions are more powerful and its Timing means that the time is more accurate , so time accuracy is more important for our soldiers ' actions and attacks on the army, especially for supersonic fighter missiles such as fighter planes, so I think it is very important in this part. It's obvious that he is ignorant , playing tricks, or intentional. Just like what our brother Zhisen said, he is deliberately trying to deceive or sensationalize. I don't know what his motives are , but I think he has various things. This approach will make many students who graduated from the Army Officer School feel embarrassed and uncomfortable. That is to say, our school is not that bad . The level of officers taught by our school is not that bad. How can they even speak such a basic thing like mainland China ? People are still living in Tuyao. They think it is impossible because you tell everyone in every message that it is impossible for this kind of thing to happen . Its high degree of modernization is actually visible to everyone , so it makes everyone feel that these Army Officer Schools are The seniors will feel very helpless, and even his juniors will feel helpless. Another part is that when I was studying in the military academy, everyone knows that if you have read the history of Huangpu Military Academy, everyone knows that it was the first branch of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. The Whampoa Military Academy was established only after one cooperation. Then the purpose of the establishment of the Whampoa Military Academy was to unify China because of the Northern Expedition, so it was necessary to unify China. Therefore, this school was created for the purpose of unification . Then the second cooperation was to defeat the Japanese who invaded from abroad . Kicked out and want to regain Taiwan , so China wants to unify, so the two cooperations are all for the purpose of unification , and we are all Chinese , so I think it is very clear in the entire school history that we are Chinese , but now the Democratic Progressive Party The party has made it clear that we are not Chinese, we are Austronesian people , and we do not belong to China , so it wants to betray our Chinese ancestors and ours , which is completely contrary to the philosophy of Huangpu Military Academy . Therefore, in the past, Huangpu The graduates of the military academy want to oppose Taiwan independence because these people have betrayed their ancestors and forgotten their ancestors , so they want to oppose Taiwan independence . How come such a graduate joins the Taiwan independence movement and then says that he is patriotic and loves the independence of Taiwan? Frankly speaking, this country is already It’s too far away from this school motto. It’s too far away from the Whampoa Military Academy and the Army Academy. It’s been too far away since the establishment of the Third and Fourth Military Schools. So this will make many, many seniors ignore their knowledge, their common sense, and their academics. It doesn't matter the level , but they can't stand it when even this most basic identity has such a big problem. I think this is the biggest difference, which means that it will make so many seniors and juniors of the Army Officer School . I feel that I really feel unbearable because I have betrayed myself as a Chinese and become a thief and a father just for an official position and for such a small representative of the public opinion . Frankly speaking, the city councilor is really a very small representative of the public opinion of such a small person . You can throw away a value. This is a situation that makes their seniors feel very uncomfortable. Personally, I think it’s okay to pull back from the cliff. Okay, let’s ask Teacher Yang, what do you think of this? Gu Lixiong mentioned that this blow seems to feel like When I tell people about it , I feel like you can’t understand it no matter what I say . What do you think? I understand it , and I understand it quite well because I used to be a professional in this field. I wrote a book. I think it is still necessary for Gu Lixiong to say this in a book called International Security and International Law. In fact , when Qiu Guozheng was the Minister of Defense in 2022, he started to define it. Because the situation on both sides of the Taiwan Strait is different from the past, whether it is a coast guard ship in mainland China, Or aircraft, now drones, there may be unmanned ships in the future. They are already in Kinmen, Matsu , and even Taiwan. These are getting closer and closer. Will there be law enforcement in the future ? Is this close enough to be regarded as one? The infringement of our territory is therefore a self-defense counterattack. Gu Lixiong said the first point, I think he said In fact, everyone needs to understand that we do not have the first strike. What he means is that we will not take the initiative to attack. If we want to make it clearer, it means that the Taiwanese National Army will not take the initiative between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. Attacking this is a concept without the first strike. I helped him clarify the second one. He talked about 12 nautical miles of territorial sea and airspace , so this means that this is specifically about Taiwan because Kinmen Matsu does not have such a concept because Kinmen Matsu is related to the mainland. The waters within the territorial sea baseline completely overlap , so how to define this? This piece of definition is missing. This piece of definition is missing. What he said from 2022 to the past two days is actually that Taiwan has 12 nautical miles of Penghu’s airspace and territorial waters . But He has a question. I hope the Ministry of National Defense can hear him. When any aviation entity enters our 12 nautical miles of airspace and territorial waters without permission , it will be the first strike of the Communist Army . Of course, the first strike of the Communist Army will also be to attack my terminal aircraft. Ship facilities and offshore islands are also called the first blow of the Communist Army. This is the first blow of the Communist Army's active attack on me. At this time, this aviation entity will talk about the situation of drones in 2022. The problem now is in the entire gray area. Many coast guard ships or related ships from the mainland are getting closer and closer. During the exercise, they once got close to 20 nautical miles. If they reach 12 nautical miles , they are no longer just pure flying entities and should fly. The third point that I want to help him with regarding entities entering my 12-nautical-mile airspace and territorial waters without permission is that the so-called third point I mentioned is very substantial. The fourth point is that he talked about this first point again. That is to say , if you enter 12 miles from me, I will attack you in self-defense and counterattack in proportion to the degree of threat you pose to me. These are all related to the relevant provisions of the United Nations Charter. But what is the first strike that is proportional to the degree of threat ? Isn't it just the first shot? We are now saying that if you don't have the first shot, I will give up the active attack. But the concept of whether you will fire the first shot is different. He may fly in, drones fly in, airplanes fly in, ships come in, I have 12 nautical miles of territorial waters. The airspace flew in without any attack, and then maybe he circled back , maybe he passed through. If you shoot according to your definition , according to the original definition of 2022, it actually enters this range and this distance range, and he shoots because he thinks this is Self-defense , but you fire the first shot. Gu Lixiong has some reservations . He has corrected it. He said that it depends on the degree of threat . So if he comes in and passes through here , of course he does not get your consent , which is the concept of distance. Now add a threat. The degree and proportion of the counterattack are correct. In other words, should you fire the first shot ? Because you know that the law is a legal concept, and the battlefield is a different situation on the battlefield. Both the law and the battlefield will have cross-strait relations. The impact is that once you fire the first shot , it will be within 12 nautical miles. But if he does not make such threatening actions, he will immediately interpret you as an attack on me, because the mainland will feel that the entire Taiwan belongs to him. The territory is only 12 nautical miles . So at this time , of course, this will involve the actual handling of emergencies in battlefield contact. This is very complicated , but this is a relevant matter that must be faced in the gray area in the future and the national army must be very clear about. Otherwise, it will be difficult for battlefield commanders to make immediate judgments . We have just finished discussing the situation on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.
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Id: QNP5rzmO4sA
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Length: 48min 17sec (2897 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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