[SUB]以色列炸中東三國 布林肯訪華要幹啥? 新聞大白話@tvbstalk 20240419 (字幕版)

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Friends in the audience can add it to your reference. But let’s take a look at the major events happening in the world today. The war in the Middle East has heated up. Early this morning, we saw explosions from Iran and other three countries. Where did this explosion come from ? Who attacked Israel ? I saw that US officials confirmed that Israel launched air strikes in retaliation. Iran launched drones to bomb Israel on Wednesday. So there are some disputes between the two countries. We asked the director to let us see the picture. This is the picture that was transmitted from the Middle East today . There were explosions in cities such as Isfahan in Iran, Babylon in Iraq, Suweida in Syria, and Baghdad early this morning local time . Israeli defense officials told the New York Times that this was exactly what we attacked Iran. Israel's missiles and Iran's space agency also said that their air defense system shot down multiple drones. So we saw that the U.S. stock market and Taiwan stock market were affected by this international incident today. They all fell. Taiwan stock market also fell the most. This drop of more than 700 points is the largest in history . We see that Isfahan Province is very important because it is a large city in central Iran. It is also mainly its air force base and has long been home to Iran's US-made F14 Panda fleet. This base is very important. It also has nuclear facilities. This place contains the Natanz facility , the core of Iran's uranium enrichment program. So this place was attacked . Of course , it seems that things are a little serious. The two countries are retaliating against each other , so we see Didn't Iran launch a drone attack on Israel on Wednesday? After the attack, they also held a high-profile military parade in Iran. The military parade was a little bit to celebrate victory. So Israel has been saying that they have been in the past 24 hours and 48 hours . To retaliate , they have a plan to retaliate. This morning's lightning-fast retaliation action took place. But we see that if we move the time forward a little bit, and go back a little bit, the United States once said to Israel that I would allow you to attack Raffa . This is Barcelona , ​​a city in Barcelona. If you attack Rafa, you should not attack Iran. This is a conditional exchange between the United States and Israel. However, it seems that Israel does not pay the bill. Of course, we have seen many international reactions , including ours. Israel is very tough. He said that in our own country, we decide who to attack and how we respond is our business. What you outsiders say is probably just a reference. In addition, after Israel's actions, how did Iran react? Iran's foreign minister said In the past, we have seen him warn Israel not to take any military action , otherwise I will make the biggest counterattack. So whether there will be a counterattack now is also very worrying to us in the international community because you have already put forward your harsh words, including the Islamic revolution in Iran. The Guard is also saying that if you attack our nuclear facilities, we will retaliate in kind and will not rule out the re-development of nuclear weapons. Everyone talks very seriously and raises the tone very high. However, so far in the case of Iran, we have seen that including Iran , it has been controlled by the United States. Sanctions have been in place for a long time. This wave of conflict actions has caused the United States to announce renewed sanctions on Iran. The United States said it would target 16 people and two companies related to Iran's drone program. A further wave of new sanctions would cut off one of their operations. Supply chain and isolating Iran internationally. However, Iran has actually been isolated for a very long time. We have seen that its oil is still being exported , and because of the war in Ukraine, its exports have hit a new high in six years. A large part of the exporting countries are Sold to China Iran sells an average of 1.56 million barrels of crude oil per day, almost all of which is sold to China. So we see that the Western world is also doing moral persuasion to China. Maybe we hope that they will not buy so much. In addition, let’s take a look at other countries including Iran. The sanctions are so severe that his foreign minister goes to the United Nations for meetings and attends United Nations meetings. The United States also limits the scope of his foreign minister’s activities. He is restricted to a two-block radius of the United Nations Headquarters and can travel to and from the United Nations Headquarters and Iran. The residence of the mission is very restricted and the suppression continues like this. There is also a country called Palestine that is also being suppressed. As we all know, the relationship between Palestine and Israel is also very bad . The United Nations Security Council has taken a vote to allow Palestine to join the United Nations. The case was vetoed by the United States with one vote. We can see that this veto was equivalent to preventing the United Nations from recognizing the statehood of Palestine. Except for the United States, which voted against, the United Kingdom and Switzerland abstained, and the other 12 council members voted in favor . To put it bluntly, most countries hope that Palestine can become an independent country , which means recognizing its statehood. However, the United States opposed it and several countries abstained from the vote. In addition, Palestine said that the United States came to lobby it on the eve of the vote. Can we give up becoming a member state? But Palestine refused. This is an issue related to Israel. Asking Teacher Yongming for advice is tantamount to responding to a counterattack. This is what Israel did yesterday , late at night, local time, from 9 o'clock to 11 o'clock. There are cities , airports, runways , and some bases and military bases , but you can only hear explosions. Of course, there are also these military bases in Iran in Iraq and Syria. But for the mainland of Iran, he did not target the so-called nuclear facilities , because that nuclear facility is actually It is in the northern part of this province , between this province and city called Isfahan and Tehran. It is called the so-called Natanz facility, which is used to enrich uranium. He did not target these facilities. He targeted the southern part of it. It is quite long. The distance is from Isfahan Province At the airport in this city, we are not sure whether it is a drone or a ballistic missile. The number of 300 missiles has not reached 300 because on April 13, Iran launched a total of 300 ballistic missiles and 300 cruise missiles. This is equal to the quantity . I think this is just a hint of retaliation , and Israel has not publicly stated it. It is just a confirmation from defense personnel to the New York Times. I saw the reply of an Iranian official. This matter will probably not be reduced to a major issue, but it will be slowed down. That is to say, this matter will probably not continue to expand and accumulate and attack each other, but this tense atmosphere will still exist , so I see that the price of oil and gold are rising, and all flights here are suspended , but I think it may recover in about a day or two. At present, it does not seem that this matter will rise again in the short term. However, the actions of Iran against Israel that I want to point out are in response to Israel’s attack on Iran on April 1. The embassy bombing killed 14 people. He claimed that it was an act of self-defense. I think many countries and many people include me. I think I can understand it and I can accept it . But I can also understand Israel's counterattack because it was the first time Israel suffered from me. Although the territory was attacked by foreign missiles, Britain, France and the United States all came to help stop them. However, it is indeed the first time such a big threat and challenge to Israel's security. These are destroying regional peace, right ? But there must be I want to mention that at the same time, on this afternoon of the same day, the United States rejected the Palestinian application to become a full member state of the United Nations at the United Nations Security Council in New York. Why was Israel’s response so vague ? Including France, Japan, China, and Russia, all agreed, right? Then 2 abstained, the United Kingdom, Switzerland abstained, and the United States rejected it with 1 vote. I think why Palestine cannot establish a state . Now it seems that Israel has massacred 34,384 people in Gaza , including 13,800 children. You can't say that 8,400 women were wrong because of the previous attack by Hamas. It was also an act of massacre that killed more than 1,000 people , but you can't retaliate against more than 30,000 people. The death may be more serious now. Israel wants to expand its attack on Iran's Syrian embassy and consulate. A reply from Iran is under pressure from the United States. Israel's reply stated that the pressure on Israel from the United States is limited. Finally, Tsai Ing-wen went to attend the day ahead of schedule . On the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, President Han Guoyu was also on the stage. I personally feel that I will reserve participation in this matter at this time, because have you forgotten the massacre in Gaza where Israel killed 34,000 people? Because in Four days ago, when Israel was attacked by Iran, President Tsai Ing-wen also issued a statement condemning the violent vandals . President Tsai Ing-wen, do you want to condemn Israel now? He also launched missiles against Iran , although it was only a few things. As a leader, you must represent the people of this society and look at this. International fairness and human rights , rather than being completely one-sided in favor of Israel, which the United States likes. Because you are too pro-American, your position on this matter does not represent the true mainstream position of Taiwanese people. However, history will be recorded. History will be recorded. Please ask Huang for advice. Hello, teacher , at the moment of our program , we have not actually seen a very violent reaction from Iran. I read some foreign reports. One of them quoted a defense official and an arms control official. He said that Israel’s attacks were not only limited but also exceeded. Most of the expectations , but he said... Later, he said that Iran still needs a relatively soft response to avoid causing a large-scale military conflict. This is a theory and a slightly newer theory is said by a so-called anonymous senior Iranian official. What the official said is that there is currently no need for us to retaliate or respond immediately to Israel because of these external intrusions or external infiltrations he said. I don’t know where they come from. After listening to this, do you think Iran’s intelligence is so poor ? They simply don’t want to escalate this issue , so since the attack launched by Israel , in fact, from the current news, it seems that its effect is very limited, and Iran just shot down 3 or 4 aircraft not long ago, which is a bit like Israel. This drone , which looks like a little frog and has four legs, is an Israeli invasion. So it feels like it has come to an end. Iran has not raised its tone anymore , so I hope that Israel will also express its anger. Iran has already done so before. In response to Israel 's attack on its embassy and consulate in Syria, everyone made some moves and made some effects that caused injuries to the other party. I think I hope that here I will quickly talk about Palestine 's application to become a new member state in the United Nations. Applying for this is obviously the Security Council. He has the overwhelming majority of power. So to become a new member of the United Nations, the first thing we must see is his qualifications . The United Nations has made it very clear that you must be peace-loving. Who is the country and which organization can be regarded as a country? The United Nations said that I don’t care. It’s up to each country to decide for itself . The United Nations has no right to say who is a country and who is a sovereign government. He said that it is just a peace-loving country that you agreed to join the United Nations. Even if the qualifications have been recognized, the first procedure is to send the application to the United Nations Secretary- General. The Secretary-General will theoretically accept it. After receiving it, he will hand it over to the Security Council and ask the Security Council to further vote. The Security Council must have 5 permanent members. All the council members agree and the other 4 countries need 9 votes to pass. After passing, it will be sent to the conference for discussion. The conference still needs 2/3 to pass. So we see that this journey is very difficult step by step , so I will quickly talk about the example in Taiwan. We have seen many people saying that it is your Republic of China. There is no point in changing the name. I say it every time. Even if you change the name to Agou Republic, you still won’t be able to get in because the problem is not the name. The problem is that the CCP is sitting in the Security Council and the Republic of China cannot get enough support from the General Assembly. Yes, it can be vetoed with one vote. This is the crux of the problem. Let me ask Brother Dong. In fact, we can see that many changes have taken place in the world in the past six months. Last October , Biden agreed with the establishment of the Palestinian state . Then he and Natanyahu were the biggest This is where the disagreement lies. He has been telling the whole world that the United States supports the establishment of a Palestinian state, saying that everyone may have to be prepared. These are two countries. You can see that in the United Nations this time, the United States is opposed. Everyone knows that the United States is opposed. Of course, the United States is opposed. I don’t need to talk about everything . Why is the United States like this? I think it’s because the United States wants to elect Biden. Now he must have a lot of pressure from votes, money, and money. The Jews are very powerful in the United States. He thought of a way to persuade him. Palestine, you should give up at this time. Give up at this time before my election. I am very embarrassed. But if Palestine refuses , then if you refuse, I will have to veto your vote. I think there is this process in the middle. Of course, many things around the world are affected by the American election. Of course, the influence of elections is a big factor. For example, Netanyahu is disliked by the entire Israeli people. He will not be elected again. But if he starts a war , 78% of the people will support us. Revenge is because he has become one of his national characteristics, so the Israelis don’t like Netanyahu, but they hope he will lead everyone to fight it to the end. You must have such an atmosphere. The United States also told him not to really fight Iran. When he went to attack Israel's 300 missiles and drones, Biden immediately called Netanyahu. Please don't expand on me. He called immediately. This was the most direct response , but Netanyahu also had to respond. The Israeli people are responsible for it , so he has to make a statement, just like Iran also has to make a statement. Why did it hit those 300 pills? If you go by normal circumstances, Iran would have told the United States first that it wanted to hit Israel. But I only hit those places. I also have my people to explain to me, so friends, all these things are acting and acting to explain to my own people, including Biden, Netanyahu, and Iran. This is a drama. Our stock market. It fell sharply today, I was nervous , I was nervous , and it fell a lot. Audience friends , let’s take a look. Will Blinken visit mainland China for four days on April 23 ? This is a report from the media, but the US did not confirm it. They only said it was very This matter will soon be facilitated. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian also said that he welcomes Blinken’s recent visit to China. It seems reasonable and should be on April 23. But let’s take a look at the fact that China has been abandoning the United States for two consecutive months. He has reduced his holdings of U.S. debt to US$775 billion, which has hit a new low in 14 years. In addition, we have seen that the international payment ratio of mainland China's RMB has slowly climbed up and is now 4.69%. In the past , it was nearly 5% . Of course, we have seen that the US dollar is still the most commonly used currency for international currency payments. The other is the euro. Its proportion is now decreasing and has fallen below 22%. In addition, the competition between the United States and mainland China is increasing . Of course, it is endless. Both sides are launching the so-called competition. Is China going to pay the price now? It is the unrestricted bill proposed by the United States, which restricts some Chinese military industrial enterprises. They determine that if you are identified If you are in Russia to help them support or supply some materials related to this military industry, you will face comprehensive blockade and sanctions. This bill will also give the President of the United States the power to sanction any Chinese company involved in military modernization at his discretion . So this seems This clause is very loose. As long as it determines that you have done something, you will do it, and I can sanction you. In addition, we have seen that Mexico seems to have withdrawn its hands under the pressure of the United States. Because there have been rumors in the past that Mexico may want to let China's electric The car factory has some preferential measures including land and tax cuts, but the U.S. government has put pressure on it, so this matter may fall through. When we saw BYD, he started to turn to him and said, OK, the Mexican federal government has nothing to do. We asked the state government for some Help , but the problem is that the state government is relatively low-level, and its subsidies may not be as powerful as the central federal government. In addition, we see why the United States can do this? He said that we will not let Chinese car manufacturers pose a threat to national security and the national security of the United States. He thinks this thing will flood the entire market, so it’s not okay. To put it bluntly , it won’t let you develop beyond me. Because like the White House spokesperson, when talking about the steel war in the past , we must talk about the harm of Chinese steel. He said that this is the harm of Chinese steel, because since 2016, China Steel is getting stronger and stronger , so we are very afraid of electric cars. We directly pointed out that I will not let you develop it. In addition, when we see the chip market, this is what Asmore CEO Winnick said, and I will ignore you. Despite the ban, I continue to provide equipment repair services to Chinese manufacturers. Because there is no reason for me not to do business in China. I want to make money in this business. I want to do this business. In the first quarter of this year, China's mature process chip production surged by 40%. We see this is mobile phones and new energy vehicles. Because they all need to use chips , we see this number this year. In the first quarter, China's total chip production soared 40% year-on-year to 98.1 billion units. This shows that China's advanced process development is still rapidly expanding despite U.S. sanctions and restrictions, including Huawei's new phones that are rumored to be equipped with them. The new Kirin chip , so these things we have seen have limitations, breakthroughs, breakthroughs, how will the world go in the future ? Please ask Mr. Yongming. The United States used to suppress the rise of Japan's economy and science and technology in the 1980s. Later, he also succeeded in targeting some French companies ... Why It's very simple because the market at that time, except for markets like Japan and France, the largest market for these companies was the United States. There was no substitute. You said that other developing countries or what we now call global southern countries were different from now. In the 1980s , they had to retreat. You have overcapacity , so you want the Japanese government to restrict the automatic export quota of Japanese cars. The United States has no restrictions, you have to restrict it yourself. There is also this trick called VER. This system exists. Now it is also applied to China. In fact, this is a hegemonic aspect. We will no longer talk about the new cold war between China and the United States. Basically , I think it is the United States' anti-China suppression war or a war of suppression in all aspects of economy, technology, trade, military, diplomacy and geography. And it uses sanctions and this kind of control method , but it is useless now. Why? Because this is a big manufacturing country with a population of 1.4 billion , and its market is not just yours and the United States. Its largest trading partner is Southeast Asia. Last year, it reached the US$1 trillion level. The second largest trading partner is European countries, which has 800 billion , while the United States only has more than 700 billion. The United States mainly exports soybeans to mainland China , so the approach it is taking now means that it has to comprehensively suppress this. I think it is of little use. Why did Blinken go to mainland China? I think it was because of this unrestricted bill , because the current Russia-Ukraine war cannot sustain the Russian economy and its economic development is good. The total trade volume between China and Russia last year reached 240 billion U.S. dollars , which was higher than that between China and Germany. The total trade volume contains a lot of these electronic parts. Since the West does not export them , Russia imports them from mainland China. However, a large part of the energy component has to be deducted , so the United States cannot bear it. On the one hand, he thinks there are some dual-use military and civilian parts. In fact, I think their intelligence units know very little about the weapons used in Russia. But you have supported the Russian economy so that the Russian economy can continue to fight. He thinks he can't stand this thing, and he loses face because What he can’t do is that due to internal political relations, he cannot continue to provide military assistance to Ukraine , so he is now attacking China . On the one hand, of course, it is for the Russia-Ukraine war and for Russia , but it also happens to be smooth, and it is to continue to suppress and suppress China. I think this Things will pass , and more Chinese companies will be sanctioned because if you go to aid Russia , Russia, you just sell it a mobile phone , which is also called aiding Russia. Sorry, the United States thinks this is the case. Let’s take a look at what advertising will bring. Let me ask Mr. Huang about the impact. Of course, we can see that Blinken’s visit to Beijing is part of the high-level national security strategic dialogue between the two sides , and Blinken visited Beijing twice in more than half a year. This is certainly unusual , but for mainland China, I often feel that mainland China It ’s also a bit reluctant because the United States has actually punched mainland China a lot , but mainland China cannot reject the United States because mainland China still has many places that are controlled by the United States . Of course, why does the United States do this to mainland China ? It is soft and hard, because the United States also has to rely on mainland China , so both sides actually have me in the mud and you in the mud. But the United States has both soft and hard hands, so when mainland China sees Blinken coming, he can only accept it , but I I believe that when they met, including mainland China, they said you should stop interfering in Taiwan issues and the South China Sea. You should stop intervening in the South China Sea and make countries in the South China Sea seem to be against me and China. You should not create a small circle in the Indo-Pacific, including AUKUS or other three parties. The U.S., Japan, India, and Australia, or the U.S., Japan, and South Korea, and even recently in the South China Sea, there seems to be the U.S., Japan, Philippines, and Australia, etc. Like these, I think mainland China will talk to the Americans all at once , but the U.S. should just smile and nod. I guess because the U.S. He listened , but you see, he has been doing it since the second half of Trump. The United States has never stopped, including the unrestricted bill we just mentioned. Although it is said to be promoted by Congress , if Congress passes it, the Biden administration will still have to do something. To some extent, I want to show that I am doing it in accordance with the foreign affairs legislation of the U.S. Congress. But I must also emphasize that although we have seen a surge in anti-China sentiment in the United States, the U.S. Congress has proposed many so-called anti-China sentiments. Or anti-China bills , but there are actually very few of them that have actually become effective legislation, including last year in 2023, there were only about 10 to 20 that were related to mainland China and were relatively negative, and of course 20 of them eventually became law. It cannot be said less , but this is indeed something that mainland China must be wary of. However, the Biden administration means that anyway, Congress asked me to do this , and I am willing to do it . Beijing can handle it on its own. Okay , let's put in some advertising to target China. Actually, it is okay. See Many of the recent actions in the United States are related to the U.S. elections. As you know, Yellen has just returned. When Yellen went there, she mentioned two things. One is that the United States has overcapacity, especially electric vehicles, which are heading all the way to Europe and the United States. If they want to come over in these directions, it will be good for them. The second threat she made is actually that she believes that mainland China has a subsidy policy for certain products. If you subsidy policy , it shows that trade is unfair. This is all a rhetoric , but the most important thing is that in fact, Biden was at the guest house yesterday. The state said that this kind of improper subsidy is cheating. The tariff for your steel is 7.5% . I am prepared to increase the tariff for you to 25%. This is actually for the sake of the election because of Trump. There are also actions saying that Trump will even raise the tariff to 50% or 60%. He is saying that anyway , this is how everyone deals with mainland China , making his voters feel that your attitude is tough enough. I am a money man. Let’s take a look at what happens internationally. Such a major event and our President of the Legislative Yuan is fighting for diplomacy. But has the outgoing Tsai administration loosened the screws? Let’s first take a look. There is an exclusive report from the Liberty Times. He said that during the handover period between the old and new governments, someone in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs actually leaked the secrets. Some of our confidential documents, the relationship evaluation report of our diplomatic allies, were leaked and peddled on the Internet. How could this happen? Moreover, the documents span from 2022 to this year. The most recent one was in March this year. Who is leaking us ? This information security expert said that this may be a political struggle because a new candidate for foreign minister has been announced. Is it going to be a political attack? So he deliberately gave away the secrets at this time. If it is leaked, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs says that this is malicious manipulation of cognitive operations from overseas . The relevant agencies will conduct some investigations and our secrets are leaked. However, Hanguo Yu is still actively doing some diplomacy in the Legislative Yuan. At work today, we saw him receiving foreign guests. Members of Congress from New Zealand visited the Legislative Yuan. We can see that Han Hanyu told the other party that Taiwan really likes New Zealand’s three treasures , including the Lord of the Rings, kiwis and dairy products , and we can In fact, they were very happy to see this cross-party delegation from the Taiwan Friendship Group of New Zealand MPs. Why? Because Han Guoyu showed off his talent again, telling jokes and singing , it can be said that the scene of the guests and hosts enjoying themselves was very relaxed and harmonious. But when it comes to diplomacy , our top priority is our relations with many neighboring regions. Maybe our exchanges with mainland China have been frozen for so long. Is it possible to thaw? It is reported that the Kuomintang was convened by the Legislative Yuan Caucus at the end of April. Fu Kunqi will lead a team to the other side for some exchange visits. We have seen that someone from the Democratic Progressive Party has jumped out and said that if you are going to visit mainland China in April, why not just go on June 4 to promote democracy ? And Chen Guanting is Chen Mingwen’s son and is currently in the Legislative Yuan. The legislator said that the time and location of your visit were inappropriate , and he believed that you should come to the other side on June 4 to promote Taiwan's freedom and democracy , but it must be said this way. President Fu announced the delegation's visit to the mainland on the 25th. There are actually some different opinions on the matter within the Kuomintang party. It is said that nearly 20 legislators originally signed up to participate. However, due to some noise after the incident was exposed , some legislators felt the pressure and canceled. Now it is said that the number may be reduced to Huang Yangming, a commentator under 10 People, talked about it. He said that at this time when the Hualien earthquake reconstruction work is continuing , Mr. Fu still wants to go to the other side. He also thinks that it is important to visit the other side. You have to bear the backlash because there will definitely be Some so-called backlash has come out , including the possibility that the ruling party will attack , including possibly labeling it pro-China, etc. , including Xia Zhen, our senior in the media industry. She also wrote in her column that she said Fu Kunqi, you are trying to attack the Kuomintang. She believes that at this point in time, if you go to the other side, you will actually be working in vain . Moreover , if you shoot yourself in the foot, forget about it . You will also hit the Kuomintang's foot. So why bother? So we see that including public opinion , there are many Kuomintang members. Some comrades in our own party may also have different views. The other side of the Taiwan Strait recently announced that China will launch two M503 connecting routes. The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council talked about the compatriots on the other side of the Taiwan Strait . In other words, what does it think will be beneficial to the compatriots in Taiwan ? I mean , everyone knows that this M503 route has actually been controversial for a long time. In the past, it was useless in mainland China , but now they have started to use it. Zhu Fenglian said that this is to ease the pressure on the growth of flights in the relevant areas and ensure flight safety and reduce flight delays. He believes that it is beneficial to both sides of the Taiwan Strait. All are beneficial , but legislator Wang Dingyu doesn’t think so. He thinks it is barbaric and uncivilized. If you have new routes , you should coordinate with neighboring countries. He thinks this is very unsafe. Xu Zhijie also said that he does not respect Taiwan. This move does not respect Taiwan. And it seriously affects the safety of aviation . At this time, we saw that the Chinese military made a big mistake. The Chinese military made a mistake today. This is also an exclusive from the China Times. Our Air Force P3C anti-submarine aircraft were training. They were doing such training and the result was an accidental shooting. The Air Force is now investigating the Maverick missile. It was an armed mount of a P3C anti-submarine aircraft of the 6th Wing of the Pingtung Base. During training, it accidentally fired one for unknown reasons. Fortunately, the American-made Maverick air-to-surface missile did not cause any casualties. In addition, we saw that Captain Lu Lishi recently believed that our national army may not have kept pace with the times in some drills and tactics . He said that the other side or the opponent's combat type However, our army's Penghu Defense Department has recently had defense-related brothers here in Penghu. They are still practicing during live-fire shooting, including the Normandy landings in the last century , but the war on the other side has changed. The law has changed . Should there be some new adjustments? Let’s first ask Brother Dong . Brother Dong, what do you think of this series of actions including national defense and diplomacy ? In fact, our national defense has to talk about the last one. It is actually very serious. Because last year the Air Force in Chiayi almost blew up the Coast Guard when they dropped a 2,000-pound bomb. Do you remember that we also had a discussion on the program at that time? What do you think is the case? If the Navy's Xiong 3 missile is pushed forward, it will be We really hit the common people and lost about 40 million in compensation. So you can see one after another. You will think that what happened to our troops , but in fact many people will say that now our government is being handed over, as mentioned before. Why were the official documents leaked ? People said it was because there was internal strife. I don’t think so. I think it has always happened. It’s just that no one discussed it after a news incident in Taiwan. For example, Tianxia Magazine once did this. All the household registration information of everyone in Taiwan was sold online . Do you remember that issue? You only need to spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy the personal information of everyone in Taiwan. The government said it would investigate. At that time, there were many people in the Legislative Yuan who were very angry. But in the end, nothing happened. Nothing can be done about it, right? Our National Health Insurance Bureau also leaked some things, but you still can't do anything about it . The reason why it's the common people who are unlucky is that I think this is used to look at our current information security risks. We all set up a company called the Digital Department in vain. It has no effect. There is no way to protect the personal information of the people. Then he is helpless against the fraud group. A few days ago, he led a team to Penghu. The most ridiculous thing is that we came to Penghu to show the 5G results. All 5G on site cannot be used. We took more than 100 people there and you can see it. We have a lot of big and useless things and spend a lot of money , so in Taiwan you have to look at people who work seriously , for example, Han Guoyu, how everyone used to entertain him, he was just an idiot president . My friends, what is the biggest difference from the past? At that time, when You Xikun and Han Guoyu were still competing for the dean, he said that the congressional diplomacy I had done in the past was very successful. When Han Guoyu came there, he might pass, but those who went there would be in vain. When You Xikun met foreign guests, I had the impression that the media did not do much. There are very few reports in the newspapers because Yu Xi doesn’t speak English . He didn’t enter Tunghai University through the joint university entrance examination. They have some privileges as a provincial councilor, so everyone goes to Tunghai University , so his English level is not good enough. It's very low. He was once asked about his English proficiency and he said that my English is not good. Everyone has the impression that Han Guoyu has the best English among all the legislative presidents. This is his advantage , so if you only come from a country where English is required, he will chat and laugh with you happily. New Zealand So every time he comes here, there will be a breaking point in the news. He makes jokes in it. Congressional diplomacy is like this. Even those who come from the United States who are very serious go in and talk to him. Everyone laughs after it comes out. Everyone remembers that scene, so as long as When some foreign guests come, they can often be seen in the media . We can also see that Han Kuo-yu is very successful in diplomacy. These things are different from what everyone said in the past. Chen Guanting , I really have an opinion. You know, you know, the media went there last year. The report was that the 30 million pig farm owned by Chen Guanting actually loaned more than 100 million to the farmers' association. They reported it to the High People's Procuratorate. There was this news in July last year. I remember that the High People's Procuratorate said there was a problem with this because of his father. Chen Mingwen is the head of the British department and the current legislator , so he sent it to the Chiayi District Prosecutor's Office. I want to remind the Chiayi District Prosecutor's Office to stop fooling around and fishing. It was last July and now it's April, right ? What should I do? In fact, there are many things that everyone thinks about the judiciary . In fact, the people are looking at whether you are procrastinating when you meet the Chen Mingwen family. Give us an answer quickly and tell the people that if you buy a piece of land for 30 million, you can buy it with farmers. If there is such a good thing like a 100 million loan, everyone will come, right? So this matter was exposed and then went away. If no one talks about it, it will be gone. Is it a leak case? If no one talks about it, it will be gone. Then after our military outsources If no one talks about it, then there will be nothing. Then look at how we, the military services, are outsourcing. I remember that about 20 years ago, the Golden Gate of the Ministry of Defense used anti-aircraft guns to hit it to the other side . Many people forgot to hit many buildings. It has been almost 30 years since someone was injured. At that time, the two sides of the Taiwan Strait still had some tense atmosphere. At that time, they told each other through many relationships that it was an accidental attack . Now our ammunition is no longer as powerful as in the past . If it is still used That kind of loose approach and the traditional way of practicing are outdated. Your latest model now is to see how they used to attack in the Russia-Ukraine war. Let's ask Teacher Yang Yongming what he thinks, including that we know the Kuomintang caucus. The Vice-President may have announced that he will lead a delegation to mainland China. How do you evaluate this matter? First of all, let me tell you that there is a restriction on not being able to go abroad during the legislative committee period. It seems that there is no Democratic Progressive Party. Find out the number of times you went abroad during the past session and take a look. Do not be affected by their propaganda. It's Saturday and Sunday, right? Also , Monday is because the legislative session will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, which may affect some of the committees. However, the work of legislators is comprehensive. In addition to holding meetings to review budgets, your current situation in Taiwan, economic cross-strait tourism, etc. The security of both sides of the Taiwan Strait is actually something that legislators have to safeguard for the people. After the Ma-Xi meeting, the mainland released a very well-intentioned and soft appeal to strengthen cross-strait exchanges, right? But who can catch the ball ? Do you think the Democratic Progressive Party Can the party take over? Do you think Lai Qingde can take over? Especially if Chen Guanting talks like this, why don't you just talk about Taiwan's independence and forget it ? Is it because he treats the other side of the Taiwan Strait as an enemy? But we have exchanges with the other side of the Strait . We all know that in addition to security and peace, this is about our lives and our economic exchanges . Now Taiwanese people can’t even go to the other side of the Taiwan Strait to organize a group tour to see the Great Wall and Huangshan. Our government restricts us. So at this time, after the Xi-Hockey Club meeting, someone needs to do the shuttle. Someone needs to catch the ball. Someone needs to express to the other side that Taiwan's true mainstream hopes for peace and cross-strait exchanges. Is cross-strait tourism what everyone wants? Can the DPP do it? It's impossible for Zheng Wencan to be the chairman of the SEF, right? I am also looking forward to what Lai Qingde can say in 520. You and I both know whether to skip it or not. So at this time, as an important political figure of the opposition party , especially the Kuomintang , of course it is the party and the Legislative Yuan. You must be able to represent the mainstream public opinion in Taiwan to interact with him. For example, if I want the rights and interests of Taiwanese businessmen to be expanded , for example, if I want cross-strait tourism, you should state your stance first and take action first . After all, the executive power in Taiwan is not with the Kuomintang , but the people have expectations and put demands and pressure on the DPP government. If the other side of the Taiwan Strait can have an effective start , in fact, this will help the interaction between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and the people's rights and interests, right? Then what kind of exchanges are there ? Is there any emergency necessity for academic exchanges during that epidemic period? What are you talking about? And whether there is any virus or something like that? He still uses the same thinking as in the past. This is professional academic exchange. Now it is not allowed . So what should you do? Because the current Democratic Progressive Party government is Lai Qingde. People like Chen Guanting regard mainland China as their enemy. In fact, 40% of our foreign trade is with the mainland. Our health insurance and our electricity can have such low prices because of the money we earn from Taiwanese businessmen everywhere. If you cut off that 40%, do you dare to cut it? Stop ECFA first. So at this time, legislators like Fu Kunqi are actually representing the people. They are actually representing the mainstream public opinion in Taiwan. What is wrong with cross-strait peace and cross-strait exchanges ? Xia Zhen, I think you are wrong. Xia Zhen is wrong, so there are many different opinions thrown out. Please tell me what Mr. Huang Kuibo thinks. Let me talk about the leakage of so-called confidential documents of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs , because I am seconded to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs . Similar business passed through my hands when I was the chairman of the Research and Design Committee. Brother Yongming should have seen similar business reports at the National Security Council , so I can't confirm whether the information on the Internet came from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs because I haven't read it personally. I don’t want to look at it either , but I can only say that if this thing is true , then he must have taken it out of a computer or mobile storage device because it is a file , not a paper copy, which is usually the best. The easiest thing to save is the computer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In other words, the most likely source of the leak is indeed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs originally follows the government's regulations and has so-called intranet computers and external network computers , so if he leaks it, it is likely to mean that his Computers on the intranet are not that secure. It is possible that hackers could get in . But the intranet is really difficult. But since I am not a real IT expert , if the intranet is also accessed , of course the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will ask the National Security Bureau to wait. We are waiting for a lot of people like the Bureau of Investigation to come together to see where the loopholes are, but whether they are targeted at the so-called new foreign minister. I don’t think it is because we are in the government’s so-called network , including those of us with health insurance information. This is not the case either. It happened in a day or two , and I don’t think our awareness of confidentiality and anti-espionage is as strong as that of mainland China. So if the leak of this document is true , I think the government’s patching up of the network is not just talking about awareness. It is useless to talk about cognitive operations to our people. You should hurry up and repair the broken network. Tell me what you have done. This way I will feel more at ease. If there is still a little time, I will talk about this very quickly. This part of the M503 route . To be honest, this was in 2015. Mainland China had applied with the International Civil Aviation Organization to open this route. I think everyone knows this story. So this was not a one-sided operation by mainland China. It was applied first with the international organization. Of course, because At that time Cross -Strait relations can still be communicated , so the Ma government at that time hoped that mainland China would not only reduce its energy but also move it a little west What to do , let alone what he is expanding now, is this east-west supplementary route, because what mainland China told us at the time was that the flight route above the mainland was already full, and I had to extend it to the strait. Come on , judging from its volume, ICAO is actually the only one that agrees. I have to say that mainland China must also tell the truth. When communicating with ICAO, did he discuss this with the Malaysian government in advance? In fact, the document is very clear. I personally think that maybe there is no Mainland China. He just told ICAO that I want to do this. If this is the case, then Mainland China is actually at a loss. But of course, I have to talk about the Ma government and the At that time, mainland China officials also coordinated, so even if the Malaysian government was not informed in advance , we made some proper arrangements afterwards. This is the origin of the M503 route.
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Id: y_lXTGpLglU
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Length: 48min 4sec (2884 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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