Stylized Fluffy Pines Tutorial

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hello it's Pine time today we'll talk about how to create this conifer tree from scratch how to create trunk and how to create canopy part and also how to create this Corners to add extra details to our Pine so um for canopy part I will use the same material as I showed in previous video I will leave a link to this video in the description and I will use the same method to with this opacity masks so I will not show it in this video you can watch it in previous video and to do almost the same I will give just one few notes about it do not make needles to sim the best variant is something like this and the worst variant was here if you can see the needles is very thin and it looks awful on the tree so better to have it like this like this this is the best variant oh I can't even show it here if I will add this as you can see we don't see this seeing needles and it's not working well if we take this one it's look better so I will start from trunk we need to go to Maya I will create new file and I like to adhere Unreal Engine mannequin to understand the proportions of the scene end of the objects that I will make here if you don't have it and you want to have it you need to go to Unreal Engine choose the mannequin press Ctrl B to find the content browser open this blueprint go to viewport select the mesh select here and here it is right Mouse button click assets actions expert and save this as fbx that's all you will have the same one okay we go to Maya I create the mannequin and now I want to create the main part of the trunk I create a cylinder maybe it's too thick a bit thinner like this and now I need to understand how big the tree will be oh not here here I change these settings to better see everything in Maya so I will make this part smaller and I think maybe it's bigger maybe a bit sooner yeah I think it's it's okay maybe this part will be a bit smaller okay that's all now I need to create branches um I will go to to the top view I press space bar and you can see different planes you select Mouse there plus one more time This Place bar and you're in the top view so um I go to create curve tool um this one yep curve tool click click I will make it like this new one another branch smaller one new one um maybe like this and one more maybe one more small one like this okay here will be our branches now we can go to our usual site as now I can see it's a bit they're a bit small so I just select them and scale um maybe too big they should be proportional I think this side is okay now I will select one by one and use create sweep mesh um I will turn on this one you better see I press cup six and here will be 20. make it thinner uh better not to do like this wait I will show um not to make this end very thin because it's not very nice better to leave it like this okay here we can press optimize maybe even smaller like this and it's the final setup for this branch now we'll go to another one this one create sweep mesh is usually I think 20. will be good maybe a bit thinner cap six demise and that's all next one for this one I think 10 maybe even less even less yeah smaller a bit this will be seen branch keep six next one yep six five we'll make this Branch see optimize and the last one pretty much kept six something like this and it's our now we need to select them all and press history we can select them again take our curves and remove them somewhere maybe we will use them later maybe not now we can delete this cap this cap oh no we will not delete them now we will leave them but we need to do like this triangulate mesh um of course here must triangulate I will do it automatically because I will remove them later I don't need them now I need to prepare them for script for brush and the same from this side okay here I can do it accurate because I will use them later like this uh this one is connect to um way too much edit mesh connect and it's all now I need to add some borders um because I will put this toothbrush and I will use mousse there I need to prepare these meshes for smooth um I will just select this Edge Loop this Edge Loop press Ctrl B for bevel chamfer off and that's okay um the same is for this one yeah but I was to do it before but jumper off if you press three you can see that no smooth preview and it's okay it's okay let's move next step move and the same one from Another Side here and oh wait we forget this one so now if I select all these meshes and press three smooth it's okay here we can add few Edge loops it's multi-cut tool it's mesh um mesh tools multi-cut I just press Ctrl and I can see the loop and that's all we don't need more I select all these meshes combine them and then File Expert selection I will save it as a trunk hose brush I will also save this file if something crash I don't want to lose this foreign now we can go to the brush okay moving toothbrush I just go document new document [Music] um I go to the plugin a big simple textbook import and import here our trunk just drag and drop hate it and I will plus few time divide with first button on to make it smooth and nice then I will delete lower um here you can see that the Grid in this model is not uniform to fix this I will go to dinner mesh like this and make it in a mesh now the grid is uniform it will nice to sculpt here so first of all I will start from the trunk uh we can open some references wait a minute so as you can see um the trunk is different here we can see some bark like this here the bark is bigger here smaller um here is some Twisted trunk for me this one is the best one because I like the shapes like this and I will sculpt this trunk like this so um I go to clay build up brush and choose round Alpha make brush a bit smaller and start sculpting I try to imitate the shape like this so it's a bit twisted might be smaller if you have some artifacts like this it's okay because the nature is unpredictable it's always had some artifacts so it's good and also to be sure that after there will be a good we need to go to brush go to aftermastion and turn on back face mask and it will help you when you use food such thing places like the top part okay just quick big cut up shapes like this I also want to try to make something like this now I'll make this brush a bit smaller and the real pet small details because as we see barking different somewhere it's bigger somewhere it's smaller and I will edit but I try to follow the previous line so it's super organic foreign now again I will take a bit bigger but actually maybe not so big and then the middle shape somewhere is it so nice foreign uh pumps on the trunk so it looks natural but it's still still light okay also I will use trim demand for the bottom part just to do like this okay and also I want to add a few touches the branches hmm but a small patch is because even you could have work on the branches the the bike will be small okay like this that's okay okay nice that will be our three sometimes I use clay police sometimes maybe smaller no I'm not sure I like that okay I will leave it like this and now I need to export this as my high poly model okay and also I want to use this trunk as it is um no not not as it is but this trunk runs brush as my main trunk so I want to replace that cylinder and for this I need to use the summation Master but I don't need these branches I need only the trunk I go the plugin the summation Master preprocess current now I go the plugin and the sync um 0.1 will be good decimate and I think I can give it more for example 0.2 huh yeah this is okay um I go as a plugin by example expert and Export the smash s drunk from fresh okay that's all what we need from this brush so after this brush we go back to Maya I just create new sim take my trunk from brush drag and drop it here I just delete these branches and this trunk expert selection I will just receive as trunk from brush yes now we can close it and go back to our fine scene now I will take now I will take the trunk front brush and move it here now we can select the previous cylinder separate them and move it here so it's everything we need to have to create our low poly model but before this we need to delete this parts that we made for smooth preview delete I select and then I press Ctrl to deselect select Ctrl delete and the same is here to delete everything with so yeah I just delete everything we don't need like this yeah and now we have everything that we need to create low poly model so first of all we need to check our mesh from the brush I will go to the um vertex selection mode select all vertices and go here merge vertices merge go to one it will select all vertices it are very close to each other then I will go to mesh cleanup for cleanup I have these settings and also I will make all this my smoosh smooth so I go to um mesh display soften it so like this now I need to create uemap I will try different ways to unwarp it I will try to UV cylindrical maybe it will good maybe not [Music] um it's good enough um I think I will cut it in the half oops and go to cut I don't know why we can't see that it's white here but I have a cut here okay ah because I don't I don't select this one yeah to see that white cut you need to turn on this feature okay and also for this branches I will remove first this one then select them and go UV camera based um I will need to cut here here and one card on the top and also here oops oh we forget to delete some stuff here we can also select them and make them smooth then select this edges Loop make them hard and also here heart hurt and here also heart yeah that's all now we select them right Mouse button your shell and fold we can put in daytime layout maybe I can rotate this like this and now we select F what eight all objects will assign one material for them all we'll call it Pine and now we select everything and press layout and this stuff is very small so I will make it bigger and these branches are also small so I will just scale them why not so yes that's all that we need for our low poly model um now we I will combine these meshes and file export selection I will say it is a strength low poly and now we will need to wake it we go I bake everything in marmoset you can back bake it directly in painter after so first of all I create a baker I choose our local and high poly model foreign I will make everything in 4k why not uh and I will bake on the normal map and ambient occlusion for normal map I flip Ingrid so and that's all ah I forget to choose the output director okay I go here choose my uh pine tree folder new folder I call it big choose Targa and call it fine trunk okay that's all preview like as we can see everything is great with branches everything is also great I will press back one time yeah nice now we can close with this one and now we can go to um substance painter file new pepper metallic roughness okay select our low poly model it's a pine tree Tranquility import back Maps we will add maps that we already bake and the key now we go to textures at least select our normal map select ambient occlusion and make other Maps I will also choose 4K why not and I check out normal webinar we don't need them because we already have them and just press back selected maps and painter will back everything based on the normal and ambient inclusion we had but if you want to make everything directly in substance painter you can uh go here just bake and here you can choose high definition meshes you choose High poly model and switch this on and back selected textures and that's all so all texture is baked usually I already have some prepared smart materials but now I will start from the beginning first of all I create fill layer we can choose color try to not try to not to go to four very dark colors better to have it something in the middle we can also choose the colors from references Let It Be now I will go to smart masks and we'll try to use them and take a look what we have okay nice result from the first spot let's take our brown color and make it lighter a bit okay for base layer we will make it lots of shine here also less shine okay new layer what else we have here [Music] let's take this one Oh wrong target nice but I want to have it reverse I go to mask Builder and just invert it make it a bit smaller okay and go underneath of this and let's make it a bit darker from the bottom maybe a bit more no like this that's good and here maybe we can try different they just uh no let's let's take normal but make it a bit transparent okay next layer um rust ground why not nice result also if you want to make it a bit moisturized we can also go to mask right Mouse button add filter add slow blur and we have this nice bluish effect we can play with the scale of this effect um we'll see what we will get uh okay I will try whose color nice brown color nice brown color maybe a bit Orange more transparent also for this layer I will make it roughness less roughness less shine we always can go to check our roughness [Music] okay even now it's almost okay we can play with these masks as much as we want I've already used this okay dirt soft interesting maybe underneath underneath and try different oh very nice maybe for this layer we can also get filter slow blur uh yeah it looks smoother one more layer um also nice but my bacon I think we can take it a bit more yellow yeah like this not very obvious okay new layer um what's interesting just rust why not it's good so variant for color variation also we'll add slow blur and maybe this time something dark not dark foreign okay I think I can leave it like this now we need to export this textures first of all I will save this file as um I will call it fine trunk substance painter and now we will export textures files expert textures we will choose Unreal Engine for Pact America and this is the final directory here we'll create a new folder called textures and we'll open everything there that's all that we need from painter now we can go back to how it rank in my so now I can ungroup this I will take branches and I will place them here in the tree all this branches is our modular kit and now we can make as many copies as we want and they will just stack in UV and everything will be okay so um sometimes I just take them and place the pivot somewhere here and now we can counter the duplicate and rotate them and place them where you want so they look nice if they don't touch the trunk like this it's not a problem we will fix it a bit later now we just need to set up they so they look nice we also will change the scale of those branches so they fit better to our idea yeah I sound like maybe we can place one more here more to the top or maybe no maybe more to the bottom [Music] no more to the top like this okay I think that's not good oh wait one more closer to the top like this okay okay now we can select them all Center pivot for Center view it doesn't remember it's here edit oh delete by type history it's also I modify um modify Center pivot here it is okay now we will take a look and maybe change the directions like this maybe it's go down just go up a bit of this also go down just like this because branches always not perpendicular to the trunk they grow a bit like this they look into the sun and this also I will make branches smaller because when the gold stops they became smaller and also need to not forget about this and from the bottom we can make them a bit here also a bit smaller and go up oh and I forget to rotate these branches oh I wanted so they look like this this shape well now I can do it manually for each branch but yeah better to do it before you start duplicating them so it will save you time like this it's looks more logical and also for this one for this one maybe better like this looking down at walking to the Sun and there's also and this also when I rotate these branches they start looking better and better because it hurts it look a bit strange [Music] um yeah that's nice okay um our main part of the trunk is ready now I will select everything and combine them okay now we want to add leaves what we will do next four add leaves we need to create plane and also I don't need anything more then we need to create a new texture we'll call it Lee oops here leave and select color file and choose our binds um texture we'll go to our tutorial and um I don't remember which one was great okay ah here we can have a health review okay let's take this one and two see the texture we need to click here and here we go I will duplicate it rotate because we need to have it like this combine and scale a bit yeah that will be and also rotate it like this that will be the part that we will use for hole tree okay duplicate go to the branch and start thank you the needles because I want to have a fluffy Pines I add them a lot like this and one more here and one more here now I will select them combine duplicate I will use this small punch for all three like this duplicate place above select them all duplicate combine rotate and place it here I want to make this part more fluffy so even like this is the next branch I tried to place them onto the branch but that's not so important so they touch it directly just near it and that will be enough yes like this and now the top part for top part everything is the same oh it's what I do look very good oh I forget one branch I will also want to make this branch a bit fluffy okay maybe here also make it bigger okay maybe a bit more here so it's not so lonely yeah I think yeah it's okay now I select everything and combined now we need to as you can see our normals look in different directions in an engine this Pine will look strange so we need to fix it to do this we just create simple and put them inside our branches like this and one more for this branch so everything should grow under the sphere not not under but well to about this here so yeah one more Scene we need to do this for full branches okay let's look nice that's almost all that we want to do now we need to select all spheres combine them now we select spheres com select our leaves and go to modify or to mesh transfer attributes I will show my setup so we just do the same as me vertex normals on and we click apply and as you can see the leaves change that's okay don't forget to do this now we choose the lips history delete wait delete by type history and now we can remove the Spheres and everything is nice The Next Step that we want to add it's the small uh dry two weeks that will grow from different parts so we need to create this some dry parts we can also take a look to reference as you can see the shape of our trees nice so um I will find just yeah something like this to do so we go to photoshop create one k for 1K textures fill it with black color and now we need to paint our branch try to try to do it not very thin as always um I will try to do it by hand like this um yeah something like this foreign uh this pen tablet it's easier to do but I try to do it with my mouse so yeah it's a bit not it's not very accurate but anyway I think it's it's good okay I think this branch is ready it's quite nice file save us as usual PNG we'll call it Pine Drive zero two now we back to Maya create a plane we also don't need this subdivisions just plain add new material I will call it dry color file and we'll choose our texture okay now we will need to cut it maybe do it like this we will use multi-cut tool here um so like this like this like this okay now we've just oops now we just do it this stuff has to be done point we need to combine to connect this dots um as we want uh no if if you want to we can bend it a bit but I don't do this I use it like this and all we need to do is just populated through the tree we can make it bigger smaller let me do this one a bit smaller this one can be bigger maybe not so big oh yeah something like this thank you I tried to make them smaller to the top so it looks more logical okay maybe one more oh wait wait one more here okay I'm satisfied with this result now I will select them as usual combine them and now I also I need to transfer a tribute I will create a plane select select plane select them and go to mesh transfer attributes now we need to history delete by type delete this mesh and all is good we can also save everything now the last part that I want to add to this pine tree is this cone part so for this we also go to photoshop and we need to paint or to find somewhere in the internet the cone shape I will make it very simple like this one so I will just paint it so I paint big part here small part here maybe a bit smaller and now I will combine them like this and it's like ice cream but okay I'll try this is the cone okay let it be file save us PNG I will say it as pine cone now I go to Maya create a plane apply new material I will call it cone file my texture Ctrl d I make it like this combine rotate and make it smaller and it's my part for the population so now I will populate this course hmm like this okay like this and maybe one more here and also one more okay I think it's enough oh no I want one of this here yeah nice okay I select everything combine create a plane select the plane select cons mesh transfer attributes cons history the replay type delete the plane and everything is ready as you can see I combine this dry Twix with a trunk and this part I want to keep separated that's because when I will play with material for canopy part the canopy will change the size because if you want more fluffy pine tree it will become bigger so we need to and move it to suit the tree so we will select everything File Expert selection and we will export it's like 0.02 now we go to Unreal Engine accidentally close but hopefully it will open fast securities so what we need to do next we take our oops we take our pine tree here it is we move it here drag and drop and pay attention that combine meshes is turned off because we need to have it separated and click import now everything is important and we can just drag and drop our pine tree it look nice even without textures and now we can we need to choose our textures for con for dry part mode here as you can see it's some texture slipped from my previous pine tree and also we need these textures from substance painter except emissive we also drag and drop it here and as you can see the imported as a virtual texture that's because I use a virtual texture in my scene so we need to convert them to regular textures to do this right Mouse button click convert to regular texture okay that's all so as you can see my pine trees transfers mostly to the train because I use spiritual textures but for this tutorial I will show the regular Shader without virtual textures because it's more commonly used I think so it will be like this without smooth transfer of color so first of all we need to create a Trend material how to create the setup is very simple here is all set up for the trunk um here I don't make any changes I leave everything as it is so what you need to do first of all you need to take your textures from substance painter and double click on masks and change this to the masks then choose all these three textures and drag and drop with 12 material base color ornament roughness metallic and normal so we need to convert this textures to parameter right Mouse button click connector parameters add name and you will have the same texture we will do the same with this texture and with normal so now the color part first part is our color textures with stint and the second part is a moss that will leave above the tree okay to create tint texture just press three converts to parameter add name and here you can change the color and you have the same then multiplied node M and click after that we go here to create wall align blend right Mouse button click world align blend here it is to create this parameters just click s like snake like this and you will have the same plug in everything blend sharpness blend Vias and plugging it to the LARP clap it's linear interplate um here it is linear interpolate blurb plug in everything as it is and move it to the base color that's all four orm textures air roughness or other channel it's ambient occlusion green channel it's roughness if you want to manipulate with your roughness you need to create multiplied node and parameter node s and you have the same one and beginning to the roughness and B it's metallic that's all and the last part it's normal part I decided to use a detail normal because I want to add some extra details on the bark to do this I use a quicksil bridge if you type here a pine go to surfaces bark uh you can choose any bark you like I choose this one you can go no you can download here and go to files find the texture and just drag and drop it as usual but pay attention if you use Virtual textures so it's not a virtual texture and that's all drag and drop it here convert to parameter change the name and you have the same texture and also I wanted to tile this texture as I want because it's quite big I need it smaller so I create texture coordinate texture coordinate node here is parameter node s SSS multiply m and click and we will plug in it to our UVS so then I decided that this normal is very intense for me and I want to make intensity smaller for this I used not flat and normal for the normal here it is and this is the regular parameter node yes and click and also now I blend detail normal and regular normal using blend angle corrected normals blend and go connected normals here it is and plugging it to the normal that's all set up for the trunk save now we need to create material instance right Mouse button click create material instance we will name it MI am I find trunk worldwide and we will apply this material to our 3 um wrong slot here and as you can see it looks awful because we don't apply our textures so don't be Panic everything is okay we will open our instance material and turn on the textures and just drag a drop here normal and base color and as you can see our trunk looks much better now and now we can play with other parameters as you can see the normal is a bit intense we can make it more less I think I will make it a bit less we can play it with blend ears so it's our Moss more or less more intense or less intense okay I will leave it like this we can play with the color of our top you can make it as you want snow you want snow here you can have the snow but I will leave it green I like this color and yeah that's okay now we can go for our leaves as you remember I told that I use the same material as I made in previous video here it is but I made only one change here as I remember previously for subsurface I use I miss you but here in changes to the regular subsurface I change it here to subsurface and all this part that I plug into emissive color before now I plug in it to subsurface color and that's all difference uh why I do this because if you want to use this pine trees in the dark and you use emissive they will shine in the dark and with subsurface colors they will not shine and that's the only difference but if you like this shiny and you want to use this um you can use it and nothing bad will happen then we need to create material instance as usual and mix it up of your material I will use one of mine I will create a copy apply this copy to the trunk and here we have a beautiful green trees here is my setup for instance we can also add the texture that we made this one it's not so nice but it has unique something unique in maybe this one maybe this one okay I will stop on this one and um we can play with the size oh okay we will do it after before we will make this dry part and cons so here is all we need to do to create this material we create material Master right Mouse button click material and all we need to do is just drag and drop our mask material right Mouse button converter to parameter and it's all and plug in it to opacity I also choose a two-sided foliage masked to sided color press 3 convert to parameter add name and change the color and you will have the same one and roughness is usual s and place it here okay that's all now we need to create material instance I will call it MI um Fine Dry it 0 2 and apply our Branch material Here and Now we can apply this instance to our tree and as you can see we now have this beautiful dry parts and we just need to make the texture fit better for our pine tree color so we can just change a bit color and that's all now the last part is corners I will just copy this instance and just change the alpha texture and now apply this to our corners and as you can see here they as you can see here I use another Alpha for the corner and they look like this no I think it's more prettier than this one but this one also has its own charm so um what I'm talking about changing the size of the canopy park because if you will go back to the material instance and start playing with billboard scale to make the pine tree more fluffy or less fluffy it changed the position and we need to we didn't get back a bit down to fit the branches and now also we can see the corners we also can move them a bit lower and that's all now when we satisfied with our pine tree we can select all part of it right Mouse button click convert to convert actors to static mesh choose the folder where we want to save it and call it fine three four zero two okay and now as you can see here we have the ready point three and if you want to use it as foliage you go to foliage drag and drop it here and you can paint with it but you need to add extra setup for example like this like this and like this and now I will rise a forest if you click here we have it and we can also add some grass some flowers and now we can go and take a look on our forest it looks very nice and here you can see a winter style Autumn Style and different it's our forest from the far it's another Conifer trees that I made before so as you can see they all are beautiful and few notes about changes I made the parameter is the same we just know we can play with subsurface color you can always play with color of the trees bottom for example play with heel shift play with brightness play it with heel opacity look very nice tree almost dying but very nice and also as you can see here I have a group's visible board to Global opacity if you want to add the same one in your Shader you need to go here select the note and here you can see parameter group you just type the name normal and now this node is in group normal and when you want to add another note to this group you just go here and select it from the list and here you go after that you will have it separated on these groups and with and it helps you to orientate in your material so that's all here is our beautiful tree you can place it here so yeah I wish you good luck with your trees goodbye
Channel: Victoria Zavhorodnia (akbutea)
Views: 41,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stylized, fluffy, tree, pine, conifer, vegetation, cone, game, art, environment, forest, trunk, canopy, billboard, akbutea, ue, unreal, engine, maya, zbrush, substance, 3D, bake, material, tutorial, how, styl, сосна, model, nature, free, simple, transfer at, transfer normals, bark
Id: LbEv4CGz7LE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 14sec (5894 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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