Stumpt Q&A Vlog - One Year Anniversary!

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hi everybody what is this this is our face reveal /qa what oh my gosh we're here to answer your ace for all the Q's you gave us for all the Q's you gave us some cues yeah that's Renee's no we're delivering anything we're delivering it you guys got cute we got the ACE that's right your weird phrase that was what's our stumped anniversary y'all one year we've been on YouTube it's crazy that's right are we gonna let everybody guess who we are oh sure yes what am i which which one is he well you guys have three seconds to guess which one am i hmm it's Rick oh man that's Rick this yeah me over here Jasmine ash by the way for sure and I am of course price with a p with a p and r is actually my name it is actually his name hey hey that's one of the questions I'm spoiling a killer alert I can't help it boiler the same price Alou and I am Jasmine hello yeah oh snap yeah all right so you guys submitted a crazy amount of questions to us on YouTube Reddit and Twitter so I'm gonna start just getting into it you guys really went to town because you are your best question number one this was overwhelmingly the most popular question that we got can you did guys do a facecam can you reveal your faces no right now guys think about it I got it no we're working we're working hard I get the stuff we do I mean it doesn't appeal to me maybe but I just don't see it happening no guys people want it I don't know we're getting to it back burner back back runner back for maybe next for next year what a candidate dumped whatever put a pin in it put a pin in Apple and before February 24th 2016 there you go yeah let's see how old are we this was submitted by bubbles for blah blah blah I love ice for what's know how old we are how old are we that's kind of personal question is a personal question yeah 29 legitimately 29 legitimately but in his heart 18 forever that's right now no it's actually five yeah yeah forever 21 forever 21 29 is Alda I am also 29 yeah yeah went in 9 and feeling fine I am the baby I'm 28 28 yeah so young yeah and really I'm the old man I'm 32 can you believe it I don't look at Graham over here t goodness oh my gosh so there you go world we're all dirt we're not babies we're old ish yeah but 30 is the new 20 that's what I heard that's true that's what I'm hearing that's what I hear from people who are 30 that's right which means that 10 is the new zero what I did the idea for stump come to be also can you play more towerfall yes our fall was going to be a powerful expansion exactly you will see more of it you know but on to the how did stump come to be it was actually all ash it was it was my idea I know price had had sort tinkered around with the idea of like what if YouTube channel and I think it around with that idea as well but I guess it was like New Year's right New Year's 2013 mmm we were all at this guy's place and I just saw her through that there hey I'm thinking of starting YouTube channel I think it would be much more interesting if there was more people playing games with me would you guys like to do it and for some reason they decided that that would yes something they'd be into yeah yeah I'm not already you know stretched pretty thin let's add what I will never have time to do anything ever again if you guys were trapped on an island with only one pack of Skittles who would get the skills kills yeah I'm gonna just say right now it's gonna be rich yeah I got a sweet tooth guys yep this kid loves him some gummies love candy could you give me one of those gummies love love staying late somewhat you want to gummy worm gummy bears some sour candy on these for you it's got something here go he's always I got a red one here you go ash yeah yeah everybody's goodies I got dead worm here here blue and orange is the best I'm gonna spray Zee in a smoke candy you guys it's no contest we would all starve this guy Woodhouse cool thanks guys well you want to starve I'm sure there'd be other good stuff no I'm pretty sure what would happen is you would actually kill us and then you would enjoy all the skittles you wouldn't share because I'd be the only one who would we don't know it just like we give them yeah we wouldn't give them to you're like I can't take that just to be on the safe side yeah you guys are gonna have to die price pick something up uh okay uh how did you guys first meet how did all of us first mail all of us it's gotta be like a little bit of a slapdash here I'm going to start with with me and these two and you guys can talk about how you guys met but we met through a mutual friend who I used to be a roommate with mm-hmm and I'm a - and jasmine - oh that friend through that friend like ten years ago something no I think it's been longer than that might have been might uh like back when I first guy just after high school yeah yeah yeah and so I've known these guys for a long time jazz and I met in high school um and you were actually in the same French class together we were in the same French grass together and just to sort of answer a bunch of questions that we had in varying different degrees we've been together not since high school but a few years after high school as in we've been dating and now married but we met junior year high school your junior year my freshman year right yeah so there you go then I met ash and Jasmine Jasmine actually used to work with my wife so that's how we ended up meeting cuz I was like oh look at these nerds yeah I don't have any friends and now I have three friends and my life is fulfilled no so I met ash and Jasmine through my wife and then we later met price I mean I'd met price a few times but I think that we all sort of formed a friendship over Pathfinder right yeah we played for about a good year we played a pathfinder campaign where price was our dungeon master for the most part yeah it was something that these three had been interested in for a while and I had been already pretty experienced with D&D and Pathfinder and stuff like that so when Ash and jazz like hey we're thinking of trying this out would you help us kind of get into it and Rick was also interested started doing that and yeah there was a good while there where we were playing Pathfinder quite frequent yeah lot of fun yeah it was a lot of fun and that was really sort of the pre stumped beginnings you know we would get together every week every other week which is practically what we do now for the middle you know if you guys were in a zombie apocalypse and zombies were chasing you would you trip somebody if SIF so who oh man I was the first person to fall I wouldn't trip anybody I was a pretty fast dude I'd be way out in front I'm just gonna go ahead and say I wouldn't go out of my way Trevon anybody but if you fell down I probably want to pick you up accurate yeah yeah be like sorry guys I'm off without you if he had a pack of Skittles on him he would stop just grab Rick it'll catch you feel like you came back for me to be like it slowly pull the skills away all right here's the question I spoiled earlier price is that your first name yes price is my actual name I didn't realize that it would be a controversial thing I feel like this might be maybe I get my whole life this might be a cultural thing the way that of you yeah there have been some cultural barriers that we've realized sure the ladies Bowie boy and today we annoy yeah booing boy yeah that's a regional thing maybe people are confused we call him Pig quite a lot that's true but I like the idea that they're like certainly his name can't be prized I bet it must be pig it's probably the kid yeah what do we do for jobs do friends jobs yeah don't we do huh well ashes mr. IT yeah I'm an IT technical support technician level 2 hello how many buddies are there what up man ding look it's nice yeah I see technical support su yeah how many levels are there I think there's three oh man you're almost and then you go over to next year yeah oh wow woah you evolved exactly becomes X match I've been doing that for years and years but I do it for an energy an energy management sustainability company that's in downtown Portland don't ask what that is yeah it's a very buoyant windy thing it's a very poor Linde thing bet that's what I do I also do a very important thing what do you do I manage a co-op a lot manager those they don't know what a co-op is yeah a co-op is a grocery store it's a well it's not only grocery stores but I work into a grocery store a co-op it's basically a store that is owned by the shoppers you don't have to be a owner to shop there but you know it's kind of like Costco imagine Costco like they make their money through owner discount or ownership which allows them to do the discounts blah blah blah yeah anyway yeah it's just a yeah that's a very Portland it's a very Portland ooh yeah um I work in a retailer and my job is to read all the vendor manuals that for all the customers that we have and then I have to set up all the instructions on how we ship to them it's a thrilling trip it's a thrilling job it's very very challenging and it's actually extremely fun at the same time it also completely burns for you you ever wanted to be the guy who reached the things in a thousand page manual yeah you called compliance I make sure we comply whether you're a client's officer yeah there you go and I am a graduate student I'm currently working on my PhD in psychology and I teach primarily which I enjoy quite a bit body panels over here yeah someone asked us for if there's going to be an upcoming p.o box yeah we have one we are to send us stuff yeah good stuff nice stuff guys nice stuff of course yeah if you if you feel like mailing us stuff I don't remember the PIO box address off the dump I get that out but we'll splash it on the screen right now it'll be there it is p.o box this thing right here it'll be in the description as well just down there um yeah we've got a peel box and you guys can mail us fan art or letters or whatever are there any cons that you plan on going to or appearing at in the future yes yes PAX Prime is in Seattle which is not very far from Portland and so that's highly convenient for us so we're really really really really hoping that all of us can make it up to max prime this year yeah for sure and then you know in the future who knows you know as many cons as we possibly can Cheryl's sure everything else permitting but yeah definitely PAX Prime will probably be our main one just because it's convenient for us mm-hmm we can drive up there and stay with people we know and things like that it just makes it way more convenient mm-hmm plus it's like tons of fun yeah excited I'm super stoked and we'll do a whole pax video if we can all go and stuff like that so we really won't go and if we go we'll call it out so that fans can meet us and whatever for sure yeah here's one of the most more serious and personal questions that we got we're username chalky butts but question mark yeah definitely butts butts butts you asked me I'm a butt man definitely about man butts butts man butts so here's one that I think is important because this is a problem we've been dealing with for a while does price have a tattoo on his arm no no but everybody always mixes Rick and I up for some reason I have optimized everything this the tedx guys you jazz got tattoos gonna show that one um oh here's a really great one who does the artwork for your channel and videos I do jasmine I do all the artwork all the artwork jasmine is one of the greatest artists I have ever known absolutely yeah and yeah she's she's crazy she's got her little Cintiq Wacom pad thing and she just goes nuts trying it's an annoying you know what Jasmine can do sometimes it's or all the time but sometimes I'm really blown away it's incredible it's what you do it's what happened to come from artistic family yeah my dad graduated in Indian art college and he is a full-time painter on the side of what he does normally with his other job so it's not really Fulton well I mean in his full-time because he comes home and he's immediately painting yeah kind of like how it like studies full-time for us right yeah uh but yeah ever since I've known jazz she's always been drawing all the time and so once we like transitioned into doing stumped it was just super easy for her to just like go in and make all of our art and I think that that's been a huge help to us to have such like nice high quality and it's nice though cuz I originally went to college looking to do illustration and even though that didn't really pan out so well I'm happy to actually be able to use it how did you guys come up with stumped for your name yeah stumped was very hard to come up with yeah we had so many different we struggled with the name a long time for sure I think that was an aha moment that once we yeah I said stumped we're like yeah yeah but I just remember we had a very long list of names that we were trying to figure out and we also had trying to like make something that actually was like a mascot to it and I just remember having papers and papers and papers of all these drawings that we wanted to have as our icon or as our banner you know what from like bridges to like yeah it was always Portland thing yeah the whole thing was trying to make sure that it like it highlighted the Portland miss of it cuz get all you know we're from Portland we love Portland and we wanted to really incorporate that into the channel and so we had things like Rose City gamers and like bridge down game or some of that and then like stump town is one of Portland's oldest names and it just it kind of clicked when we decided like hey well why don't we cut off the stump town we just say stumped stump junk gamers got dual mini sometimes we're so good yeah yeah like in grim fandago Ingrid that's so hard so it's not yet stopping these suckers is about it I'm playing that game years ago I could be helping them but I like to watch them struggle what is your subscribe goal for next year oh man so in just under one year we managed to hit 25 thousand subscribers I think that overwhelmingly was larger than what we were hoping for that early when we started the channel I think like we were all like you know optimistic estimate 10,000 mile time we hit one year so the fact that we hit you know 25,000 and really I mean we hit 10,000 not too long ago yeah it's been pretty a pretty wild ride so I mean I I kind of like to uh to go for an ambitious goal this time I think February 24th 2016 I suppose it'll be uh hundred thousand yeah is my is my goal yeah that's a goal I think we could do it it'll be tough it's not like you know would still need to get some kind of like nice big boosts and whatnot but I think it's doable yeah for sure yeah we got some big things planned so everyone stay tuned yeah yeah we do yes 100,000 100k strong y'all alright everybody I think this we're gonna call on this QA I hope we answered most of your questions if you have more questions then get to our Twitter get to our supper etiquette to YouTube comments are kind of okay at this point there's a bunch of them so sometimes we miss them around you so hard sometimes yeah but reddit in twitter definitely where you're gonna find us most easily yeah I don't know if we'll do another QA like this but we'll definitely answer them on the podcast or maybe some other videos I'm making other videos like making slow logs and just stuff like that not sure how regular they'll be but hopefully this gives you guys a little bit more of an idea about who we are and what we look like and what we're all about we're just gamers from Portland really yeah yeah yeah anyway hope you guys all had fun hope you guys all like listening to us and even if you didn't give us like its favorite be sure to subscribe we'll catch you all next time bye
Channel: Stumpt
Views: 54,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stumpt, Stumpt Gamers, Stumpt Q&A, StumptQA, Stumpt Question, Q&A, Vlog, Q&A Vlog, Anniversary
Id: X4kJIpeWNP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 24 2015
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