Stuffed Peppers | How To Make Stuffed Peppers

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today we are making peppers stuffed with stuff also known as stuffed peppers baked until tender with a tangy tomato balsamic sauce [Music] the first thing we're going to do is heat one tablespoon of olive oil in a saute pan then we're gonna add in one large diced white onion [Music] and a dash of salt pepper and some red chili flakes then we're going to sweat these onions until tender about five to seven minutes on medium low heat once our onions are tender we're going to remove half of them into a bowl and set them aside for now and we'll start working on our tomato balsamic sauce so into our remaining onions we'll add one cup of beef broth [Music] a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar and two cups of tomato sauce we'll stir that until well combined then we'll place our sauce into our baking dish and set it to the side until needed next we'll work on our filling into a large bowl we'll add one pound of ground beef our reserved onions that we set aside before [Music] three tablespoons of fresh parsley one can of diced tomatoes not drained two teaspoons of salt two teaspoons of black pepper and four cloves of crushed garlic after giving that a mix we're gonna add one teaspoon of worcestershire sauce one teaspoon of hot sauce one and a half cups of cooked leftover rice and one cup of shredded cheese i'm using cheddar and parmesan after giving that all a good mix we're going to start stuffing our peppers but before that can happen we're going to cut our peppers open down the middle [Music] scoop out all the insides and remove all the seeds [Music] then our peppers are ready to stuff and make sure you get the filling in there nice and tight after you stuffed all your peppers place them in your baking dish with the tomato balsamic sauce we saved from before and scoop some extra sauce over the top then we are going to cover this whole thing with aluminum foil and bake at 375 degrees for 45 minutes [Music] after 45 minutes we're gonna go in and remove the foil and bake another 20 to 25 minutes and you'll know when they're done when the peppers are nice and soft one last thing i'm gonna do is top these off with a little bit more cheese and place them under the broiler for another three to four minutes until that cheese is nice and melted [Music] and that's it we are ready to dig into our beefy peppers and that sweet and tangy sauce thanks for watching everyone subscribe and if you do i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Layered Like Nachos
Views: 175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stuffed peppers, peppers, stuffing, stuffed, food, quick recipes, food recipes, cooking vlogs, food vlogs, eating videos, cooking videos, video recipes, balsamic vinegar, tomato sauce, tangy sauce
Id: z5-BWkuYXrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 58sec (238 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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