Study Healing Episode 4: The Emotion Code and Releasing Trapped Emotions with Dr Bradley Nelson

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study healing episode 4 the emotion code and releasing trapped emotions with dr bradley nelson you talk about a young lady that came to one of your seminars her name was jessica and she stood up and she was a volunteer so initially she said she was feeling fine that she wasn't even feeling and just feeling good that day and you test her for trapped emotions and she had the emotion i believe of feeling unsupported right and then i think it was was this the diaper yes it's a pin to the past yes so unsupported and uh you release that emotion from her and then you found out uh from her her mom you tested you the muscle testing you found out that i this is from a very early age and later first year of her life for her life okay yeah so you asked your mom yeah i asked first i asked well first i asked her so if you can imagine i'm i'm in front of this room full of people right and um i just asked for a volunteer and this young woman comes up i think she's about 20 or 21 years old or so and i just had her hold out her arm and i started asking questions and how we get information from the subconscious mind that internal computer system is the arm will stay strong for yes if the answer is yes coming from the subconscious or it will go weak for no right so i asked if she had a trapped emotion and the answer came back yes and so i started asking well you know when did it happen you know between 10 and 20 no earlier earlier earlier went back to age one so i said do you have any idea what this might be about and she said no i didn't think she would right she was a baby right so and i had figured out the emotion was either yeah i can't remember exactly what it was i guess it was unsupported and i i happened to look out at the audience at that moment and her mom was out there and she was just as white as a ghost and or she looked like she'd seen a ghost yeah and i said hey do you have any idea what this might be about and she said she's really embarrassed but she said she thought she did she said that uh when her daughter was that age she used to use cloth diapers and one day she accidentally pinned her daughter to her diaper and uh so then i tested the daughter and she didn't know about it until she changed her the next time mom said the she cried and cried she didn't know why and then she would have changed her and saw that she like securely had her imagine yeah how horrified you'd be if you were the mother and you find that out of me you just be so horrified well so anyway um that was it i tested and her subconscious mind said yeah that's exactly what this was from so then i just released the trapped emotion which just takes a few swipes you know down the governing meridian down the back and she went back and sat down and i didn't think much about it but then about 10 days later i get an email from this girl's mother and uh she said that uh her daughter had had a problem with her it was a right hip in her right knee that she'd had trouble with for quite a number of years yeah and it had been gradually getting worse over time and it was affecting the way that she was walking and everything but she just lived with it so when she came up and i asked her if she had any problems she didn't no she was fine yeah people people kind of minimize and they live with things right that they just think are normal but her mom said that from the moment that that emotional energy was released um the pain was gone and she was walking normally and she was feeling this new sense of lightness right and she said that she waited 10 days to email me about it because she wanted to make sure it wasn't some kind of a fluke right yeah so but that's that's the beauty of the emotion code is you can find things you see that otherwise there's no way you'd be able to find i mean think about her i mean what therapist would be able to find something like that so difficult and for you to even be able to just through your um intelligence be able to go back and uh say it's probably probably from i don't know you just wouldn't do it without actually asking the body you'd be like it's probably from something from my childhood i mean it probably is but actually identifying what it really is and then putting awareness on that shining light on that right that's such a key thing and then allowing it to be processed is amazing it's a beautiful thing and it's so fast see we can find things that otherwise you can't find and that especially comes into play with emotions like that that were picked up when you were a child things you know maybe you were abused or maybe your parents are going through a divorce or who knows what most of that stuff we just forget or we maybe block it out but the subconscious mind remembers everything and it even remembers things that um you would think impossible like for example at the moment of conception we inherit emotional energy oftentimes from parents i think we all do it's such an interesting idea and it makes a lot of sense so initially sometimes things that feel like they're in the ethereal realm they're discounted and and you know whatever idea you put out is going to be discounted by and criticized by someone sure you know but um especially when ideas are simplistic or seem to be simplistic uh some people won't gravitate to them because they think that complexity makes them intelligent you know right well that's just the ego yeah yeah it's just the ego it's actually simple well uh we have genetic predispositions we have inherited diseases we have all those things why wouldn't we have inherited belief systems and emotions well right well that sense science is finding this out now they're doing studies with animals and and they're finding out that even even the most primitive lower animals will somehow pass down memories they don't know how this happens yet but we do i mean it's just emotional yeah yeah right but up to 14 generations a lower animal will pass down that memory so if you think about it you know if you're a let's imagine that uh imagine that you're an elk and you're you're on some area of the mountain and you're almost killed by a pack of wolves but you survive somehow and then you then you maybe father uh an offspring you know a little elk and alkalite or whatever you call it what happens is for many generations down the line somehow that traumatic memory will be shared so that the elk that uh you know 100 years from now they may still avoid that area of the mountain and they won't know why but um well or maybe they will know why but uh but deep in their subconscious mind is the memory of what happened to that ancestor and that's the same exact thing that happens to us there was a book written recently about the grandchildren of holocaust survivors and they found that these grandchildren of people who survived the holocaust and went on to have children have different dna than normal people and their their blood markers for aging are greatly accelerated and they're much more susceptible to disease and their their stress levels their baseline stress levels are dramatically higher than normal people why because of what their grandparents went through see right so um it's a fascinating thing that is a fascinating thing and my students just i just finished teaching a class that we have at massage college called optimal health and all the students take this class in their program and they read viktor frankl's book man search for meaning as one of the required texts for it and even viktor frankl talks about watching people come out of the holocaust and the conclusions that they formed and the way that they engaged with others and some people came out really having um everyone that came out that had trauma of course you know but some people came out with a perspective about wanting to do good in the world wanting to really impact other lives in a way that brings more compassion awareness you know to our interactions and um other people came out feeling bitter you know and this is this is human nature all humans do this and so those things it makes sense that they would be passed down i had an experience where and what i'm trying to say is that when bitterness fear those types of darker emotions are passed down that we have a greater chance of doing harm both to ourselves and others in our lives yeah we totally agree and we're completely unaware of it so treating that even you know just treating it on a daily basis is so important and this work makes that possible so i had an experience recently and it was it was such a profound experience for me i i couldn't believe that i did this but i did and i was you know able to see it grateful that i saw it in myself but i um when i went through a divorce i was dating for a while like like actively dating i had this kind of like view of dating that it was going to be i would go on dates you know and i would decide would there be a second date sure dating you know this thing i thought i missed out on and so i like created this thing that probably isn't even real except for you know dating and so um in the way i thought it my rules for it you know so i'm going on these dates and i would date people and i went on a date with this one guy we walked around this pond and then at the end of the date he um he texted me and asked if i wanted to go out again and i um told him because i like thought that honesty was a really good approach you know i told him you know i really didn't feel like a ton of chemistry i think you're amazing but i just don't think it would be a great idea for us to go out again and so he sent me like this barrage of just really um kind of harsh texts you know things in the vein of like i could totally outrun your fat ass he spelled it wrong just kidding nobody he would but he just like he wouldn't let up for like six months of just sending these mean texts until finally i just actually like blocked the number but um anyway so fast forward to like eight nine years later you know and um and i was sitting in this uh conference it was actually tony robbins seminar you you know tony robbins sure yeah so anyway so i'm sitting in this uh seminar i go one of the breakout sessions and um this guy comes up and sits by me and he i've been to another training with him he was getting married at the other training and he just he annoyed me you know i was bugged by his presence and i didn't know why in general i really love all people but i was just bugged but for some reason even knowing what i do i didn't question this and i put up this energy that he told me he was going through a divorce so i like like judged him even more you know and for all these reasons that were not the reason that i was really having that you know and so anyway so we we sit there and at one point i even like made some rude little comment to him there's a woman speaking and she was like 15 years older than him and she said she was single and i said she's single you're single it got really bratty you know and so after that i just kind of had to like question myself why why was i asking this way acting this way and i realized after doing a little work he reminded me my brain recognized that he was not even exactly the same like resembled resembled this guy i went on one date with and he was like paying for this guy's you know what he had done and um so in the least awkward way that i could think of i contacted this uh this man you know we'd stayed in touch um not the one on the date but the one from the seminar oh right we've seen each other at multiple seminars sure and um apologize for my behavior apologize for even that right now that he had to be in a conversation with me about this and thank you for even listening to this because even this is weird you know but it was trapped emotions yeah and it it uh it caused viciousness you know they can do that all my girlfriends would have backed me up in treating them that way and sending that signal i am not available to date you he didn't even want to date me you know like right i mean like probably so uh interesting but i think we all are capable of that and that really led me to question and actually do work with any type of heightened emotion i have or reaction that i have you know we all we hear these things um you know like uh i think abraham lincoln said something like if i if i if this is a complete paraphrase so it was something along the lines of um like if he felt disliked for another man that this was a reason to actually get to know them and to explore that you know so with our emotions that is such a key thing um so both physical illnesses but also in some of the the way we're acting out is if we're living in a dream cruelty to each other because of trapped emotions it's so true have you heard any stories like that what have you seen with oh gosh yes well you know experiencing our emotional baggage if you think about this um these bodies that we have these bodies are just pure energy even though to us they seem solid and you know you can take your hand and it seems solid right and your body is solid but on the other hand it's also just pure energy and almost entirely empty space and in fact some physicists recently figured out that if you could remove all the empty space from everyone's body on earth you could put all uh i think it was a 5.8 billion people in the world you could put all of us into a little box the size of a sugar cube right because the body's just energy and so we're we're just really starting to learn that about ourselves but trapped emotions the reason why they cause so many problems is because they have this dual nature and what is attractive motion well when you're feeling an intense emotion uh maybe you're being bullied or maybe you're going through a breakup or whatever it might be you're feeling an emotion and if that emotion is powerful enough then some of that emotion can be left behind because the process of going through that emotional experience sometimes we don't really complete it so this can happen for a couple different reasons let's say for example that you learn that anger is really bad well anger can actually be good in some situations right and it can be useful but let's say that anytime anger starts coming up for you you bury it and stuff it and refuse to feel it that can create a trapped emotion okay because that emotion then is unexpressed you see but there's another another way that we develop trapped emotions is when the emotion is just really powerful and the emotional energy becomes trapped in the body your whole being can take on this vibration and every emotion is a different vibration they're all unique you know from each other right and so a trapped emotion is literally a ball of emotional energy from about the size of a softball to the size of a baseball right around that size and these will lodge in the body wherever they can lodge anywhere in the body and wherever they lodge they will tend to distort the normal energy field of the body okay they have this distorting effect now when you when you have distortion going on in some area of the body in some area of the energy body that area of the body is not going to be able to function as optimally as it should right all the chemical reactions taking place within that sphere of energy are distorted a little bit the blood flow the lymph flow the flow of qi energy the acupuncture energy through that area they're all going to be distorted a little bit and so what ends up happening well if you distort the physical body itself long enough you're going to have some kind of symptoms right a great example of this from the that i've told so many times but it's such a great example this guy came to me many years ago for really severe low back pain he's about a nine on a zero to ten scale so i tested him and asked some questions and his subconscious mind brought back that it was an emotion of anger and it was from 20 years before and when i arrived at that he immediately piped up and said he knew exactly what it was about it was a work situation and so on he was really upset so i released the trapped emotion and the pain that he'd been in for weeks and weeks went from a nine to zero just instantly right and he couldn't believe it and kept bending over and walking around and exclaiming it was just like a miracle to him and i was grateful that it worked so well a couple of days later he came back in and he said you know my back is still fine but he said uh i had another problem that i didn't tell you about when i came in here and he said for as long as i can remember i've basically been what you'd call a rage-a-holic he said i'm always yelling at my wife and my kids i got to watch the road rage i've been to anger management several times hasn't really helped me but he said since you released that trapped motion of anger from me no i didn't anymore right i don't feel i feel kind of peaceful and relaxed he said how did that work and at the time i said well i really don't know but think about this okay this guy had this literally a ball of anger in his back and it was distorting those tissues the bones yeah over 20 years time it finally got so bad brought him into my office right he was like when you get to a nine i mean you're seeing somebody for surgery right right but it was really just because of this emotional energy from 20 years before so the other thing is that he was a rage-a-holic why well here's why because when a situation would come along in his life where he might tend to feel this emotion of anger he would slide right into that feeling right into that frequency so easily because part of his body was already feeling it that's the weird thing about these is that that part of his body i think was really feeling that emotion resonance of anger could touch on the resonance of uh that was in his body of anger and activated and send it through yeah right so if you think about it you know there are 60 emotions on the chart that we use you know there's resentment and depression and all the negative emotions that we feel and so we all have emotional baggage what's it doing to us well think about this guy he was a rage-a-holic he had to go to anger management well not anymore after that one emotion was released but you know um they also they don't just affect us physically they affect us emotionally mentally but they also are a big underlying cause of diseases in fact every single disease process i've been doing this now for about 32 years every single disease process every named disease that i worked on many many years they all had an emotional component and sometimes that was the only component that they had was just the emotional component so if you think about i mean if you're trying to be healthy and you're trying to have an optimally functioning immune system and you're trying to survive in this world you know with viruses and weird things and what do you need to do well manage your emotions yeah you need to get rid of your emotional baggage important thing yeah and you know one of the fascinating things about this the way that i look at this is these bodies of ours are they're just pure energy and they should be free of dark energies right well when you have emotional baggage each trapped emotion is like a little cloud of darkness in the body and as you start to remove those you will often feel lighter right and um and eventually you get rid of enough of those and then you begin to realize suddenly that you're turning into the person that you were supposed to be right not this person that you thought you were and um it's so interesting you know i had a it's it's very common for people to say that they feel lighter when that emotional baggage is some of that is absolutely right right and um one of my favorite stories is from one of our practitioners she she went over to a woman's house and was working on her and worked on her son who i think was ten and after she worked on him he got up and he bolted out of the room and he came back a minute or so later with this really puzzled look on his face and his mom said are you okay what's going on he said he said well i weighed myself this morning and i know i've got to be at least 10 pounds lighter but i weigh the same so when the scale is the same [Applause] because it really is there's a saying in chinese medicine i'm going to master the pronunciation but it's it's means that when there's a when there's stuck energy that there's pain and when there's a free flow of energy there's no pain right and so with that type of work we're always working with energy first of course we are you know sure because in chinese medicine you have that energy is very young it's the movement and so all structure follows it so if you can move that energy and move that resistance everything will flow you won't have pain you know right you'll have they do they do connect together and you'll have good circulation you'll have you won't have ischemic muscles anymore you will not have edema you will have all that free flow and with it also comes a free flow of your emotions you know and so i love that idea because it it seems to be true that those blockages once freed right you have health you have optimal health i know yeah absolutely i couldn't agree more i mean it's so fascinating now that we're we're living we're living in this age where all of this all this knowledge is starting to permeate through really all of society and what's fascinating with the emotion code is what i have seen since it came out you know 13 or so i guess 13 years ago yeah the first edition of it came out then and and it's it's really been interesting for me to see the shift that was going on at the time that it came out and where that shift has gone now and and how so many people um are finding out that they can do this that it's easy it's easy you've you've changed so many people's lives with this book and the method is really simple you've made it simple a lot of it you've even just given away to people you know it's online um and uh the truth is though that there was a lot of time a lot of energy a lot of really um putting yourself in a place where you could receive those epiphanies and those downloads you know so you could share it with people tell me a little bit about your journey with that and tell me a little bit about how uh how you ended up putting together this system because you have a very clear system that's made it so easy for all of us to follow right how did that happen well i mean i know it's going to be so it's not going to be just linear it's those things are those questions are always hard because there's so many things that go into this type of stuff well it's really a lifetime really the best you can yeah it's my lifetime well i'll tell you um it um it goes back to when i was seven years old really that was the beginning of it for me because that what happened was i was really sick with the measles and my parents have made a bed uh upstairs for me on a couch in the living room so i could be near their bedroom and i had overheard them talking and i knew the plan the plan was i was being admitted to the hospital the next day and going into something called an oxygen test because i was really sick so my parents came into the room this night everybody else had gone to bed and i remember this although it was many years ago but in my mind it could have happened yesterday and they came into the room and my mom said to my dad she said she said honey will you kneel down with me and say a prayer so that our boy will be able to get well so they did so in the middle of this prayer that my dad is offering the short prayer something shifted there was this shift start at the top of my head and it went whoosh through my body the soles of my feet and i was instantly made completely well now to be really sick and feeling really awful with this terrible viral thing one moment to be completely totally vibrantly perfectly healthy in the next instant yeah you're like monty python guys i'm not dead like i'm okay but i was totally healed yeah so they um yeah right i so i waited until my dad was done which didn't take long and he when he was then i said i'm better i'm i'm better i you know heavenly father healed me and yeah they said that is fine honey you know tomorrow you're going in the oxygen right right the next day proved it so i i filed that away because what i learned from that was that there is definitely a higher power yeah definitely and if we ask for help wow of course there it can happen it's amazing it's amazing that we've had to feel that way in our lives about like okay you guys there's definitely a higher power you know yeah and um because there there is there is and and we are spiritual beings having a human experience exactly and so it's only been through like propaganda and it's been through um people's egos that we've had any type of misconception about that yeah and that has stunted many of our healing and by the way even the process of dying is part of our whole you know having a healthy life yeah so a lot of misconceptions and i i love that this work is helping to clear some of those up and helping people to literally be in in touch with their inner selves which is where reality really exists well right exactly and so so that's kind of the process i mean that was the beginning for me then there were a lot of things that happened you know in between there but um but basically when i got into practice i figured okay god's gotten me into this and and of course god goes by different names you know but if you believe in a higher power that's that's where i was at i thought okay that higher power gotten me into this now i need some help and i know that i can ask for help and so i just created this habit and it was a totally private totally personal habit for all the years that i was in practice where before i would go to work on somebody i would just take a moment and ask god to help me with that person and nobody ever knew that i was asking for help it was just a momentary pause you know but i'll tell you something i learned for an absolute fact that god or source energy or how a higher power however you want to refer to it is aware of what we're doing all the time because there were cases where people would come in to see me i didn't know how to help them i didn't know how to approach their problem didn't know how to deal with it uh with what was going on with them and i would offer this silent prayer for help just that momentary thing and in response i would sometimes just get this just this flood of information just this avalanche of data and understanding that would help me to know now that happened i can count the times that happened on one hand right because most of the time when you're asking for help the answers come but they're so subtle and they're so silent that oftentimes we miss them those answers come but they'll come in the form of a little thought or maybe an idea that you think is your own idea or maybe an impression it's just those simple little things that come but you have to pay attention to those c because that's how the answer is your ego thinks is your own idea but your awareness knows is actually from source yeah right and the whole ego thing um yeah my my ego is my ego is not in this i mean i believe that this is the purpose of my life is to bring this healing work into the world and all the experiences that i've had my life and all the spiritual experiences and everything have have helped me have brought me to this point because this needs to come into the world but my ego is not involved in this so i know that i've known you for a long time and i um i i have so much love and respect for you and the way you live your life your beautiful family and um the way i've seen you handle different things it's amazing like you definitely um embody you know what you teach so well you know i learned early on i learned early on that if your ego gets involved in if you're trying to serve and love other people and the ego gets involved then it really throws a wrench into everything because then you know you can't forgive and instead of wanting things to be as simple as possible you the eagle wants things to be as complex as possible right right right and then no one will even understand it but you'll be able to feel super intelligent yeah like it's great my wife told me she was reading a book to me a few years ago about it was a great book about that someone wrote about healing and energy work and so on and she was reading the forward to me and the forward was about how how difficult this is and how complex it is and how energy work is you know it takes years and decades of practice and only specific people can do it yes and she shut the book she said well not anymore i love it right i love jean's amazing too yeah she's like very practical and she's straightforward i love yeah well so yeah that's well said it's well sam so you know i'll tell you something when um when i was writing this book and gene was helping me and doing some editing we would we would pray every time we would go to work on the book and our prayer was that this would be simple so that anyone could understand it and truly children read the book and start and and are getting great results by the way around the world well the important thing is that it actually works and it really does um and i've had personal experiences with it you also at a seminar back in well you came out and spoke at my school to some of our clients and some of the students and it was i think back in february or early march i think so and uh my friend was there at the time rhonda she had a cough that she'd had this cough for about five or six years oh yeah i think i remember her so anyway so it made a lot of people nervous because it was you know early like late february 2020 right okay and so anyway so i uh anyway reassured everyone that uh rhonda this was part of rhonda this was the sound of rhonda's happiness she coughs but you did some work with her and um so i want to report back to you yeah some feedbacks it's always good to get this feedback as things play out right um her cough went away her cough went away she ended up getting very sick with something that was a hidden underlying condition she recovered from that and she's really strong now but she also overcame a series of the very personal but emotional things that she was dealing with it gave her some strength to take action on some things and she definitely credits that moment it was so um so quick and such a a simple thing as the catalyst catalyst for her healing and oftentimes that's what we need is we need we need a catalyst we need something that's going to tip us into that healing mode you know yeah you know another thing you a few minutes ago you know you were talking about victor frankel and and um i i was reading lately about uh corey ten boom who was also uh uh she was in uh she was in holland and and uh she was a watchmaker and her family was rescuing jews and they had this interesting house that was made out of two houses and so yeah facilitated that yeah they had a lot of people that they helped and rescued but eventually she was uh she was turned in and ended up in robinsbrook the concentration camp where her sister actually was pretty severely beaten and eventually died and so she was one of those people that decided she was going to take this experience from the concentration camps and use it for good and so she started traveling and actually had gone back to germany to to teach about forgiveness to these people and she said that back in those days um she said that the german people would come in nobody would say a word everybody would get up when she was done speaking no one asked her any questions everyone would get up and just silently file out because of course there was this tremendous um cloud of guilt and so on yeah terrible thing but anyway she was at this meeting one day and she was speaking about forgiveness and so on and then all of a sudden she she locked eyes with a man at the back of the room who was a guard at robinsbrook and she just kind of froze in her tracks and he came up to her and he said i'm so grateful that you know that you're speaking about this and he said i've i have found christ and i've i've you know tried to forgive everybody and but he said he looked her in the ass and he said can you forgive me and she just she just stood there for what to her i think felt like kind of an eternity because she just she didn't know what to do but she she put her arm out because she thought i can do that much and then it was like this electrical charge flowed into her and she's and she was able to forgive him you know with all of her heart and so if you think about the darkness that's inside of us these trapped emotions part of what they do is they interfere with our ability to forgive and see to really have peace in life we have to forgive those that have wronged us and sometimes we have to forgive ourselves because we do stupid things too right yeah and sometimes that's the hardest person of all to forgive is yourself right but i've seen so many cases where emotional baggage is removed about that person that that hurt you or whatever it is and and rather than just becoming indifferent to what happened to you which some people think is equivalent to forgiveness but it is not to truly forgive brings peace to you and um i think it was louis meads that said uh forgiveness is like setting the prisoner free only to find out that the prisoner was you right right oh wow yeah yeah so that's part of this too yeah no i feel that so it's interesting because um you talk about the holocaust and victor frankel and people that have experienced extreme trauma in life um i i went to india with my daughter you know this this story right so she was a victim of a a crime and she um she had some recovery from that and some healing work we needed to do and i ended up taking her to india to this ashram and i was naive you know naive young mom and um now i definitely know that uh india is a pretty extreme place to take your child that your child that is uh actually suffering from some emotional trauma you know and it ended up really being a catalyst for healing and growth but it's not something that you'd be like oh this is the solution for everyone you know and and i say that tongue and chicken it almost is like has large amounts of dark humor in it you know sure and because you know some of the stories of you know india but um one thing that i observed when i was there was that many of the the children that were there um you see children that have they have like a of course they have like a middle and upper middle class and upper class in india but there's still a caste system and you also see that there are many children that have been abandoned and you see it right there and there's nothing you can do about it and you also see a lot of people that are impoverished and that are truly suffering on a level that we've never felt in this country you know most of us and um and then you also see that in the midst of that that there's still a lot of happiness and joy and i had this epiphany as i was there because i was there for my daughter's recovery and uh to help her um that these little these little children these people that were experiencing things like that that they did not have the luxury of things like acting out showing that they were feeling emotional trauma um it was at a much deeper level you know you also see that sometimes with things like racism or places where people are truly in nepal i saw that recently i have a good friend of mine that wrote to me she works in a guest house that i go to with my students and she wrote to me and said that right now her family is actually starving and i know her well i believe her centers of money but uh because of the caste system she just loses her job and she loses everything and doesn't even question it doesn't even question um that that's you know wrong or that something should be done and so you know when someone's on that level when they're not even um not even saying they should be treated better you know that that's when you see that they don't even have the luxury of you know rising to that level yet so we've got you've got your cup from operation underground railroad organization we both love and both support and uh you're telling me about um some work that is uh it's just in the works that you were interested in doing with them with the emotion code tell me tell me about some of that what's going on well um helping people that are on that level yes exactly what we're what we're trying to do we're working with operation underground railroad and another organization um in virginia that does the same kind of rescues and um what we're what we're hoping to create here soon is um is an avenue for our practitioners around the world to work with these kids that have been rescued to remove their emotional baggage to remove the emotional baggage especially around their hearts that's blocking them from you know that will block them and interfere with their ability to really give and receive love for the rest of their life and so so we have some some exciting things happening there we have about um between 6 500 and 7 000 uh people who have gone through certification in the emotion code so they're practitioners and that's in about 80 countries around the world and and we've we've done some informal surveying of them and the vast majority of them are willing to help and what we're what we're hoping to do is is kind of set up sort of a sort of like an energetic adoption sort of a program where yeah where each each practitioner can maybe just take a child okay and then work with that child until they feel like you know they've done as much as they can do and then maybe they can sort of energetically adopt another child and we're just going to keep this going and it's not a it doesn't have anything to do with with funding or anything it's just we want to help these kids because when they're trafficked and they go through all this horrific stuff then they've got they've got all this emotional baggage that is going to warp and distort and diminish the rest of their life yeah and so and that's you know even if they get the best possible therapy i can't tell you how many times i personally have had people where patients who would say to me i can't believe that's showing up i thought i dealt with all that i went to therapy for that and you know for years and so i told you i can't believe my act of cruelty towards that that poor guy who was just being nice to me and was nice enough to sit down next to me those were all kind things that he did that's what you have to do yeah yeah so if you think about that and you you multiply that experience that you had you know to an infinite degree yeah than what happens to these kids that have been so horribly abused uh what you know what kind of life can they have well through sheer effort of their own will they may be able to create a good life for themselves and hopefully most of them will but we can facilitate that and make that much easier if we can get access to these kids and it can be done remotely that's the beautiful thing about it most of our practitioners work remotely well they probably all work remotely but many of them have a practice where they only work remotely and a lot of them work with people in other countries that they may never actually even meet in person yet who's whose lives they may very well change and so that's what we're looking at with this is um it doesn't have to be live and in person people don't need to travel doesn't matter where you are in the world and and i've said many many times when you do the emotion code and you're working with somebody that uh that you care about maybe they're in another country or on the other side of the planet or something and and you make an immediate immediate dramatic change for them just by releasing some emotional baggage in that moment your life changes yeah and you realize you know what you're capable of and how powerful and how simple this is yeah i agree so i have a student so i've seen this a few times but i have a student that was raised in foster care and it was it's really interesting because at one of the events was actually in our optimal health class we do a cooking class and i let some of the dishes stay in the sink you know and i um i had her like people be nice and they'll offer to wash the dishes and help and stuff but this time i could tell that this was like if those dishes don't get washed you know i'm not going to be able to like i cannot emotionally handle it you know and i can see this response from her i can't emotionally handle it and then she even said like i was you know remind me i was raised in foster care and like didn't even go on with that but and i was raising foster and these dishes have to be done or i'm gonna like you know i'm gonna like implode and um so i i challenged her to just kind of sit with that emotion um but i'm definitely gonna do some emotion code and suggest it because you know that really will it helps with all those things it's great to do dishes but not to have intensity that's completely hurting your body if it doesn't get done you know and many of our desires drives things like that they do come from things that we've hardwired together yeah so how often do you how how complex is it and how often do you actually see that wiring just completely disintegrate so that that person is free to do the dishes with ease if they would like to but not be driven like the puppet masters behind them making them you know do everything how often do you see that wiring change or is there some time that goes behind it because those are long-standing habits our emotions and habits once you sever the emotion can those habits just go away they can yeah okay yeah they can and i've seen that happen many many times it um it depends on the person it depends on what they've been through what you're doing when you're releasing the trapped emotion is you're taking the electrical charge out of that experience in a sense it's another way to think about it and so oftentimes people that were were abused or that went through something horrific when you remove the emotional baggage you're not taking away the memory of what happened so they remember what happened but they'll say gee you know now i can think about it uh and it doesn't bother me perfect example is a woman who came to me uh from back east and we were working with her and uh on one of her sessions we found shadow trapped emotion of resentment and we needed to know more about it so i traced it back it happened when she was in high school and she said i know what that's about and i said oh well okay she said it was about this cheerleader that she just resented and she said she and she's she's in her i think in her mid 40s at this point she says you know it's so funny because i've been out of high school for so long but whenever i think of high school it inevitably i end up thinking of that girl and i can just feel the resentment just rolling up inside of me i thought oh that's such a great example of what trapped emotions do to us right after all those years so i released the trapped emotional resentment and she came back a couple days later she said you know she said last night i was talking with a friend of mine and that girl's name came up in conversation she said for the first time since high school i felt nothing that's amazing right so but there are times too though that um that having some kind of therapy can also be a beautiful adjunct to this work so that you're not only taking getting rid of the electrical charge but you're also kind of re-learning new ways of thinking about things inside your place because you do i mean it is healthy to have some wiring these habits this is how we know how to drive a car this is how we actually learn and get data from each other like social data so that we learn propriety and we learn how to engage with others and a lot of people will when you remove the emotional baggage a lot of people will just kind of naturally rewire you know but sometimes it can speed it up with a little bit of therapy or some focus you know conscious type work like what tony robbins teaches for example right great work yeah yeah and massage therapy helps and so many different healing traditions or adjuncts so anything so you know um i was thinking of a uh i was thinking of a great example of this let me i think i lost it anyway uh the adjunct therapy that can help no it was um that was something else tony tony robbins brings in um some aspects of your work oh i know what it was oh yeah yeah oh sorry let me interrupt you well okay so um so you go first okay okay all right um so there was a uh a number of years ago there was an event that we did okay cool and uh we had about five or six hundred people there and there was a man named enrique who got up in front of the room and he said he told everybody this story he said he'd been overweight for a long time he weighed about 360 some pounds and and he looked great at the event he looked like he weighed about 180 pounds or so he said he had lost about 180 pounds in the prior 12 months so everyone is all ears and here's what he did when he would have an urge to eat that whole pan of brownies or you know to have second helpings of whatever he would stop and conscious be conscious enough to stop and tune in and ask task his body test himself ask his own subconscious mind okay is there a trapped emotion that's making me wanna do this that's driving this behavior that's amazing he would release the trapped emotion that's all he did that's all he did he didn't change he wasn't on a diet he didn't change anything else that's all he did and in one year he lost 180 pounds wow think about that so um so that's another subtle way c that are trapped emotions you know they can drive our emotional eating of course like in his case they're doing that you know to all of us so yeah anyway i love that that would definitely work and you were mentioning tony oh yeah no so tony robbins brings in a variety of things into his seminars and then some things that he's created his epiphanies from it over the years and uh such an outstanding man in such an outstanding program that he offers um but he brings in the work of byron katie he brings in hope on a pano he brings elements of your work right it talks about um like plant-based eating and alkaline diets so many so many things that are helpful and um and the importance of touch and massage a lot of those events they're doing the virtually now uh for the time being right but they involved a lot of like connection and touch and community you know yeah and um so it's so important and that feeling of bringing that back so that we can have safety we can differentiate between what's appropriate and inappropriate touch not just shut down so that we're safe forever but then we're actually really hurting ourselves instead of being safe you know by that over caution right you know that doesn't allow us to have any quality of life so i love it and this is such an important piece in that body of work so tony wrote a great forward for our book but he did i know i loved i loved uh reading that yeah and you guys actually you guys went out and saw tony robbins you and jean went out inside tony robbins sage yeah we did tell me about that yeah well what happened was uh it was a few years ago now probably about three years ago and we were in some business meetings in salt lake and got a call from our publicist that that tony was trying to get a hold of us and i thought okay who is this right this is a joke but i'm not surprised at all though yeah yeah so uh so they flew us out and um yeah we've been to their home uh quite a number of times and have worked on all of them and are you know are great friends with them and we just think the world of them and i think that they're they're on um an interesting sort of um kind of a parallel mission in a sense you know with with what we're doing and so um it was interesting for my wife and i to connect with you know sage and yeah and tony and um they're uh you know we're we're all trying to make the world a better place and trying to trying to help people to achieve really what their true potential is you know and that's that's what his work has been all along and what was really interesting and fun was i will i was able to share when the first time we went out there was sitting in the living room talking to tony and uh and sage and i was able to tell them you know um 30 years ago my wife and i were just getting started and we didn't have any money and we were sitting up late one night and we saw this this infomercial by this guy named tony robbins that's so cool right yeah and we we scraped together 99 i think it was and we bought the program and we did it religiously right it was a 30-day thing we did it we did the whole thing and it changed our lives yeah two months later we were in our i mean at that point we were we were broke and kind of nowhere within 60 days we were in our own practice and in our own home a few miles from the ocean without having to put any money down or anything it was the most amazing thing so it's really fun for him to hear that our lives had crossed that way all those years before what else i love about that so i love that your paths crossed and um and i love it's amazing the outreach that that one man that tony robbins has had on so many people's lives you actually just went to his birthday party to his 60th birthday party which is amazing but um another good friend of mine shawn reyes he's our ag right now for utah but he actually spent time with tony robbins with operation underground railroad so not only does um tony robbins organization donate to operation underground railroad to stop human trafficking but um i have heard some crazy stories about some on the ground work that uh he's done oh yeah he's done it well he went to haiti actively yeah actively i know he went to haiti was on that sailboat um well you know it had a whole sting operation planned risked his life with the local police in haiti because they didn't know who were the criminals and who were actually the people that were participating in the sting operation they had tony and so they had him sitting down on this yacht uh where this sting happened and they had a big scar on his face and a beard so you couldn't recognize him but he looked pretty scary that would be a very scary look yeah with the size of him and yeah some really great work that he's done uh so you have some some trainings coming up right you have some events coming up tell me about it yeah we do and i also want to hear about the app that you have because right now that's that's a great way for people to be able to connect with you and to be able to do this work and actually go in depth because you have practitioner trainings as well we do tell me all about what you guys offer well so we we have a uh we have a certification pathway that it starts with level one certification and that's the emotion code and so the way that that works is it's uh it's 897 dollars it's a six month program that you can do as fast as you want the record i think is about two weeks wow um yeah so you dedicate a person you probably really got the result you know yeah i mean some people are just really gung-ho and want to get through it most people will do it in about half of the six months okay but anyway what you do is you watch videos you take quizzes you take a final exam and um and you learn all about how to do it uh and then um then you start working with people and uh you have to work with a certain number of people and with a certain number of animals because this works with animals as well we want everybody to have that experience because if you find four animals that are having some kind of behavioral or physical issue and you release emotional baggage you're probably gonna hit three or three of them right out of the park right we want people to have that experience right so anyway when you're all done you're keeping track of all that online right and uh and when you're done the computer will tell you you can submit and then you click submit and then then everything is gone over by your student advisor etc and then you get a certificate and then you can use the emotion code and do what our other practitioners are doing all over the world that's great so that's level one okay and then level two certification involves what we call the body code and the body code is uh is this software um this is the latest iteration of it but uh when i was impressed i love this program it's great yeah it this this app is actually called the discover healing app it has the emotion code in it and what happened was when i was in practice i learned that the subconscious mind of each person first of all everybody has a subconscious mind which is really just this incredible computer system within each person and the subconscious mind knows with a perfect understanding uh what's wrong with you right it knows if you've got misalignments it knows if you've got deficiencies or vitamins or minerals or whatever it knows if you've got emotional baggage and you know what that baggage is doing to you knows all about all of them when they were created and who was involved and everything it knows if you've got any kind of an infection going on viral bacterial fungal mold whatever it knows all of that uh with a perfect understanding and so when i was in practice i learned how to tap into the subconscious mind and ask questions that's where the emotion code came from well a lot of the problems that people have are just because of emotional baggage but sometimes it goes deeper sometimes there are other things going on sometimes there's toxicity or you you name it so what i found was and when i was in practice i used to be a computer programmer before i went into chiropractic right i took this deviation for a while i thought i was going to do that for the rest of my life but when i was in practice i always had a computer and as i was finding imbalances that the subconscious mind was telling me about i was categorizing them and tracking them and creating the system and so what it looks like is you've got six different uh options here and um what you do is you simply ask the subconscious mind you know where the imbalance is and uh and then it will take you to wherever it might take you so your muscle testing yourself your muscle testing yourself or other people and yeah and it can take you to uh i mean you never know where it's going to take you for example in circuits and systems there's a whole area called disconnections and this has to do with the the that's a great app the connection between thank you between the spirit and the physical body see because if you go to a funeral you look at the person that's dead in the casket and you realize something's missing well it's the spirit that's missing right spirit lives on yeah and it's that's really the intelligence that is what we're living in right now right but you immediately see the difference in that person you see you immediately see yeah it's recognizable that spirit is gone right it does not look like they're asleep it is a completely different feeling and look yeah it's kind of a weird thing well yeah so with with just this one part um there are some interesting things for example sometimes the spirit has actually gotten knocked out of the body a little bit and that you can you learn how to fix that sometimes the spirit in the physical body are they're in there but they're not quite talking and so you can fix that too sometimes people will actually have a broken heart and so we call it a spirit break where where the the spiritual counterpart of the physical heart is actually broken so when people say gee you know that broke my heart they're probably right so we teach how to fix that another one here has to do with pregnancy and so what we find is that sometimes sometimes uh there are disconnections causing morning sickness i mean there's stuff like this in here that that you don't find anywhere else because i learned this my wife was really sick 20 years ago we have a daughter who's 20 who's actually she's going to the skin institute and she's going to in the master's program now but anyway when my wife was pregnant with her she was really sick with morning sickness and was begging me to help her and so i just said this person well father in heaven there's a better way to do this help me to know because the stuff that we use now doesn't really work right right and so boom i got this answer and the answer was it's all about connection between the mother's brain and the baby and so that was it and so i thought oh it's a connection thing so then i worked on my wife and we were able to figure out some disconnections and fix them and boom the morning sickness was gone i was so excited you know that's great there's a lot of stuff in here like that yeah that was kind of deviating but no it's great you know there's pathogens in here like you can work with the energy of pathogens um misalignments of any kind of tissue i mean it goes all the way down to the individual bones yeah i mean it's it's all in here so this is really kind of my life's work it's very very app stores things like that yeah it's available uh it's called the discover healing app discover healing app yeah and um it's available on uh you know the app store perfect so perfect and then you said you had some sort of yeah i've got a couple things that are coming up um you also told me that you did something with gaia recently right yeah i was at gaia recently um and um where they had in boulder up in denver area anyway i did an interview with uh with um regina merida okay yeah about the body code and so that's coming out soon i think it might come out this month it's october so i think it might come out this month um when it comes that out we'll put the link in the link in the description and then i also did a show about two years ago for a um a company called the sea basel psi basel in switzerland and um they do something every year called the flow summit and a couple of years ago i was over there the flow summit and then um hay house uh got a hold of that and so there that's gonna be coming out on hay house soon and i should know what it's going to be called but okay it might be called the flow summit i don't know yeah we'll put links to everything well i really appreciate you coming today and i really have so much respect for the work you do and um you've changed so many people's lives with uh with this you've probably your your reach is greater than you even uh even know you know could be well we're trying to reach the whole world as fast as we can so and then the idea of muscle testing there are a lot of people that probably are practicing elements of what you've taught and they come from this without even knowing where it's coming from so hopefully hopefully they will also find the source of this and be able to read the entire book utilize the programs all the resources you've created for people um thank you for doing all that well you're so welcome thank you so much thank you for your time today thanks rebecca we love you too and we're so proud of you and all the great work that you've done thanks appreciate your support parallel tracks yeah for information on becoming a licensed massage therapist visit for information on continuing your education 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Channel: Zion Massage College
Views: 13,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Emotion Code, Bradley Nelson, Emotional release, Trapped emotions, Energy healing, Anxiety, Treating anxiety
Id: hhdlUz4WyVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 46sec (3766 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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