Stuck, Cant Work, Sold The 290

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DejaVu and it's wet again holding Melissa we're most likely we are not gonna make it back here but we're gonna go as far as we can and then get that the committer and drag the truck the rest of the way cause you got to get fuel to the equipment oh it's the front we came over right oh we made it so far made a mess to look at the damn plan water just running down the path plumb treading water oh if we make it to the gate we're good I'm turning this way but going this oh good gracious a lot of we're done we are done Oh fantastic almost made it look at that love it I freaking love it this wet ass hellhole of a jobsite to hell that my rights are oh yeah that's just fantastic just fantastic we're trying to burn today we ever get anything burning today we're not coming back to this dry this is this is just a lost hope this job site so as with anybody with determination like I do we're not completely stuck yet but we're still working that was a funny sound cannot lose hope hope is fading fast here we go [Music] this is ridiculous if I could have just made it to right there here we go one last try stupid ass traction control honey turn at all here we go let the wheels spin it should be all covers in four-wheel drive stupid-ass servers truck suck gonna wet grass I'm gonna go get that scho better I'm over it already already it's completely over this love it love every minute of it love every minute of it we got a little tug out let's see if he can make it you won't go up the hill but maybe it'll go down the hill God is wet out here now we're sliding mix it through that other spot up there you'll be alright we made it oh Jesus this is a disaster let's go burn let's go see if we can get anything productive done today can't L get so much water down here and the grass grows back like two weeks after it's clear we've got all these files we're going to try and set on fire today we're gonna try to don't work on the first three I'm gonna go back here work on that one I'm probably gonna save the pile that we've tore down from the house just because I don't want to scatter nails everywhere you know grab some and take it to these piles to get them started a little easier but I'm gonna leave that for a last resort because I really don't want to throw nails everywhere but I don't want to set the pot that pile on fire because I might need some of that drive would later on for all my other piles we're just waiting to see we'll just wait and see and the old swamp ol swamp Pickers swamp is what we're doing today bought burners a little wet right here squishy squishy [Music] a bit my my ditch drain pretty good too glad I dug that ditch holy crap look at the water flowing out of it I stopped for Zeke god bless ain't we're gonna build a pond up there you guys said he wanted some bonds looks like a fantastic spot for one look at the water I mean it's just ridiculous she's relentless let's go see we can get look at the water just run out where this is for coming from everywhere sweat don't somebody needs some water somewhere let's see if we can get a pile that has water running into it burning I believe we can I'm a pyromaniac if someone set it right there I got to move this water so I can Jesus Jesus how could I be you see like in this situated set on fire so I made a little walkway with some somewhat dry dirt look at the water running out I'm gonna take a little bit of this straw right here which is probably the driest thing within 100 miles of here I got I can't use it all because I got to set all these other piles on fire but I'm gonna pull a little bit off push it up there in that little hole right there these are filled on it go ahead and light it and hopefully that will catch that on fire we shall see now normally they tell you not to reuse these containers I think we'll make an exception so I went ahead and cheated and went over there and got a graphical of 100 year old dried barnwood just gonna be a smoking smothery dare to believe maybe that'll help in grappling gonna beat in the world it'll all get mixed in with this crap let's see one piece already catching on fire need to just get a good hot spot that way and start piling this stuff home we'll be back finally getting a little bit of a hot spot in this one now I'm gonna let that burn in there and get some coals there for a few minutes I'm gonna go over here and start another one on fire I like to spend a little time with them getting them burning first before I take off and sir hmm like another ones because you don't stay there and spend some time with it it'll it'll burn out while you're over here around with another one and you come back and that one's out try to get it going and the one you started out and it's just throw the best just to kind of ten to one at a time till it gets going and come over here and start another one unless it's just completely dry I mean my god barely get the house to burn try my luck with this one Oh so out of five piles we managed to get three going there's more piles we're just gonna focus on these today at least till lunchtime it's just no need to keep tracking around there single one of them and sink and clean out of sight in some spots and it's just becoming very aggravating so we're going to focus on just getting these here for today work at lunch time that'll get you get these all stacked up and let them do what they're gonna do then let this place just be a lot of people say why don't you bring a chipper in I can't even get the damn truck in here to get filled to the machines I don't think a chipper is gonna work and then you got to get the chips out because it's kind of wasteful just to spread them out and I mean I guess you could but you couldn't grade the crap out then be all rotten and mushy and just oh this is really is the best bet this chickens expensive I don't have a chipper either you know my strippers are a lot more than it doesn't sit here and burn this stuff so that's why we don't have chippers that's why we set it on fire so very so we're calling it quits for today it's 10:30 it's just pissing then doing down here so we're going to we'll go to Park this we're going to shovel the 290 up because I think the new buyer wants it this week so we're gonna get a video cleaning it up putting the thumb up and probably splashing some water on it at the pond so that in a half a mile walk back up the where it's gonna go soon so long big girl so long we're out of here [Music] my walk now the fun part that's one side the quarter of it that's how deep I had it in the mud the other day no you gotta clean all that out spin it around or spin it right here side and shovel that out yeah some of the other side Oh shufflers off by the competition with my crash a little three toil 160 they think they're Oh big girl no that's good take a little power that's good be back in five or ten and movie rocki rocki how that kid looks like a decent old cat d6a new under care don't it knows we got a shuffle at all now we're gonna work on raising the thumb up that's why you can it's a little easier you can't haul it you can't haul it like that bucket won't curl up enough in the boom - hi so again he just loosen the pins up and get to knock them out lop it up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so I just had to do a little wiggle into getting that to fit in place well that pin this goes back up in the top hole right there and that other one when it comes through it locks it into the bracket right there on the stick you just put back together and we're gonna get to the pond and then wash it off [Music] so we're gonna get the machining path I tell them to clean the bucket out real good first so a big hunka mode on it kinda defeats the purpose to walk it with the [Music] God you can feel the ground shake I told him not to splash it all on there at one time might knock the windshield out oh you got to do better than that [Music] oh good enough to wash it off now oh so long big girl all nice and mock [Music] ready for my long walk out here [Music] there we go you'll see the new toy in three more weeks
Channel: letsdig18
Views: 623,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stuck, pickup, work, ford, truck, mud, muddy, wet, burning, fire, sold, machine, excavator, trackhoe, track, hoe, digger, bagger, volvo, 220, 290, bulldozer, dozer, washing
Id: n2F7loYrFZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Tue May 29 2018
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