Strugglers farm! To BEE or not to BEE?

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right guys you've had a delivery lock it's the beehive oh be a high this was 130 quid off uh eBay I saw the behalf is just a big box but it's not open box but oh look there's a lot to it look in there there's loads of stuff in here oh my God beekeeping and candle making cut off I thought I was the instructions [Applause] is there [Music] as I actually need to give a shout out RG give a shout out to uh a shout out to William Burley [Music] uh his dad is Brian Burley and William's eight-year-old all right where we have thank you I want to go to the shout out to give uh Josh's mother-in-law his mother-in-law always watch right she's 80 years old soon uh and they're gonna celebrate it in Florida oh very Posh that's Gene Robbins hello Gene hope you enjoy your holiday in Florida [Music] right oh yeah [Music] oh let's go that's delays space the leaves around the inside but what sort of a diagram of is that what is that metal bit what is it clear is it yeah look [Music] right that's how I left it looked last night because uh it was doing bad and it was getting late I had to YouTube it as well because the instructions are non-existent tonight I've only got two two instructions for two boxes well not even two boxes whatever the instructions was but I've got my mate coming down Lloyd is way up way off Bob yeah we make Lloyd's coming down he is the bee man uh he's got no end of these and he bought one of these exact one of these boxes the other week and he set his up so hopefully he can shed some light on it because well to imagine I think it was complicated a bloody beehive look at this book I thought this was all the different products what they do books about bees all right this whole book I thought it was different products like you know other stuff but no this is all about bees freaking hell hey ah the frick the bees live in the wild if we need all this [ __ ] locked is this I just saw you bought a box of bees went in here and you collected the honey well listen I did it here because this is where I want it I thought okay I'll do it in the field be nice too what do you reckon do you know how to put this together because I thought honestly a little bit quite right to me like nails are there might have adapted it's a slight boat what do you reckon it's not meant to go through there oh I can't believe this book but I thought this was all the products for sale it's not it's all about these I never knew bees was complicated did you measure this here when you put this in foreign [Laughter] one of the favorite things ever we were just hunting where to put this bloody thingy so we'll put that in order because we don't want it too close where the kids are going to get stung away and hot do we no beehive in the back of his garden and Abby's Garden line that's why I decided oh you're joking oh my God I bet you love Lords for that though yeah oh thanks Floyd that massive beehive in my back Garden yeah this needs moving this does this I saw at the minute this isn't in keeping with my farm Lloyd's only been doing this a year and oh just over a year aren't you I thought you was like experts seasoned Experts of this but you're just really well you do you've yeah that's kind of stuff I like wouldn't you know Lloyd just said this is a one-way system that go in in there then Lloyd no no they're going the other side I don't know they go in that side lot there's two little thingies there a lot and then wants to go in they can't go back out again because it blocks the way so they actually pushed that open and they don't understand yeah so once they're in there they can't go out all the bees will go down there and then the Super One it would be just forward no diesel we could run through there to go out if I'll get back up oh yeah oh yeah oh that's where it's for is there complicated thing Lord just said he did one of these today and he said every one of them he used I swear nails I've got a few spare Bears you need one Michael wee bits don't they what do I need 50 frames what 30 what per one of them that means the frame so the slot and Air Attack it there that's not what the whole Eagles do yeah yeah what the you like yeah on the frames they all yeah put all their honey on it yeah [ __ ] now so I need frames now that's when to start swarming then I take it is it yeah like they need some frames in there yeah [Music] [ __ ] house now yeah Lord's gonna take the arm oh my God look like some frames that's one minute what what that works on it all right oh really good job you bought them out I'm on it because we went to screwed this [ __ ] oh I won't mailed it yeah but we have nailed one of them I like that one [Music] yeah measure the same way I measure this one look at my ish measurement oh it's good job you bought that movie though that's why it says on that demo that you gotta specifically measure this doesn't it [Music] so you've got everything then boy [Music] right we're set up Lord aren't we yeah oh is that why I walked into Oh I thought it had a noise oh look it's a poor no poor Bob oh dear Kamikaze Bob to call him he's gonna yeah this is another thing what I've got to do you see Bob blind Bobby he's gonna knock this beer over and then get covered in B so I'm gonna have to do a bit of a fence around it or something so he can't knock it over what's that for Sam what's this one it's a queen baby something's even picked up on this slot and I didn't realize Lloyd just said I thought like the queen beard come and then like loads of bees like other bees will just gradually get in there but Lloyd reckons they bring a swarmed so the queen bee it'll leave it all enough in there basically yeah so we'll either get bees or we won't get pissing bees yeah oh yeah I've got to put some eggs a day right thank you Sam thank you Lord I'd be experts yay we hey we got B oh no we've got bees we will have bees let's start the Lloyds one that's wax in there once it's sealed wax what is it bees what honey honey I mean they sell that over that capping it's below 18 . moisture once it's below that they seal it and it can last for 2 000 years they found it really man honey in the pyramids they tested it and they haven't gone off no way because they filled it up there by the way oh my God that's heavy as hell oh my God I can't believe it I didn't even fall around here that's only that there oh you can imagine over their boxes are going to be then I might need to probably more screws and them Nails not left over oh well I've got an extract so you can use my abstract that's what we like it some where right so Lord's gonna set this up Lloyd's got this from his one it's took it out it's an abandoned one then boy does it oh no it's not abandoned are you used it last year used it last year and it's empty now so he says if we put this in it might attract the bees and he's got that lemon grass in it Lord that almond Rush oil lemongrass always drip that on it in two places bloody good show yeah until the bees come in that's it oh no there is a bee there alone actually this would be there 'll be oh I'll have to bumblebees honeybee oh my God my bees mixed up yeah I'm gonna pray in a minute what it's not a bumblebee though don't bumble bees collect honey so what do bumblebees do oh I've got my bees mixed up all right I thought there was a big bumble bees oh I'm a good beekeeper I am I'll be getting them bumblebees I thought it was big bumblebees that collected honey oh for God's sake [Music] hmm not really thriving I was expecting more swarms Arch is it because of this weed in front of that Dragon there that's it now we'll all be coming in now oh I'll be there now yeah that's the way I wore to my potatoes the strugglers way too much hot water [Applause] and there he goes that all that stuff is around in it mush rooms are all our potatoes dead [Applause] [Music] I got myself in a bit of a pickle here look I was loading it up out the pond and it fell into the Stream yes it went and it's fully loaded and all that's safe [Music] oh thank you my girl have you got another one for Daddy we've got some new additions to the farm we've got carrots that's already like thing in what you got there Arch strawberries and our bird has got some strawberries and some carrots and all sweet corn yeah that's it yeah that's that one thank you good girl thank you my princess oh no my game again look so wild here she's a wild child daddy can't find a hairbrush with the Archie this is fresh strawberries from the batch yeah we have I don't understand the chance today I trampled on them all on that there we go crumpled oh there she is everything oh why boys they need ridging they do this weekend that's Archie's word now and it Arch later we'll do that later that's it later means never we'll do that later it's like the weeding we'll do that won't we we've just come up to The Beehive to check our bees oh yeah we're going to take that to the hot way Richard law from Dover he bought Nanny that sent it to me through the person I think I saw this and I thought of your mum lot so we'll surprise her we'll break up the Hop open my gal yeah still no Bees what's this darling's not been there for three weeks or so three week might even be four weeks no three weeks of anything uh I'll tell you why Lloyd's rang me today this afternoon it says mosh I probably I've up uh two months ago and it's swarming just today it's swarming uh he sent me the video through what's up I'll put it on here first when I saw the video I thought what what the [ __ ] are they wearing like a blue letter box of Summers well you see how quick it goes that was three minutes that video he sent me and I watched the first bit I thought well this is boy there's note there so I scrolled it to the last bit and you see it a lot I'll show you it bloody hell the Swarms there the Swarms there I told you I was feeling lucky see what do you think is that that's what you call a swarm in it bloody hell I can't believe how quick that got to I didn't realize they all come at once like that so I said to Lloyd I'm gonna go and check my line tonight when I get back oh no nothing on ours [Music] our babies in there and a little hammock thing oh look she's even got some wine in here guys there we go thank you Richard no look at this Beast look Steve has just bought this is Steve lineup down the lane he had problems with his truck the other day it was just got all set up for his show uh got set up all week for it and then his truck brought down uh just outside his ass like exhaust brakes just took him he thought it was a turbo problem but his exhaust brake stuck in what's this said Steve what year is this now it's a 1928 John Deere 1928 John Deere I've Just Seen Steve a lot of the way he keeps it like it counts this look with with stuff so it doesn't it's not sprayed is it doesn't look like new does it but why don't with a steering joint Stevo well oh yeah like that Yeahs because you could turn you turn the steering three times before anything yeah I'll move that one as well yeah that's about the shaft everything so just so could steer it what is that a new shaft up there yeah yeah whereas a non-starter Steve in it because we're missing some car bits do you know what you're missing yeah we're missing the float um there's a cork circular Court float and the choke shaft they were missing from it well I used to get all of these things yeah they'll be there some somebody else yeah put in the comments if you go to what with what you wanted yeah a John Deere model day so put in the comments if you have any spares for it because you're struggling to find spares for it yeah we're looking for strong people to swing that flywheel to start it then oh it's a manual starting it I'm glad you start it sorry how do you start it um you have to spin that flywheel well man just spin it with your arm yeah yeah Steve yeah there's two Taps there look oh they did one on each cylinder you decompress and then you put a little bit of Petrol in there to prime it and then you just flick the Firewheel and there's a Magneto with an Impulse it was a sharp Spark enough hopefully three they tell me three terms and they'll go my power's hard working what about if it's not three turns it's under it'll be on returns you just don't bother you call it a bad day like you did yesterday Steve there yeah you just can't let a bad day I think right no it was it was going through a show and all that happens everything's set and then you just all right you've got to just undo these release the compression and then you're still oh yeah you can hear it yeah yeah oh the other tap's still short so oh that's why it's still got quite a bit of compression yeah yeah so uh once we get some Car Bits we'll be uh yeah you'll be up and running where yeah you need a bit of pigeon poo on your on your spoke there Steve yeah we've taken a bit of myself I suspect this has had steel wheels and somebody's welded that in oh right yeah it's a bit [ __ ] but wow it's not as [ __ ] as what I do without stick welder proper old school that isn't it I just got out of our drive from it just oh yeah but we're up and running now so are you still going there no because it's it'll be all over by the time then Steve's made all the frame up look for his ramp and all that on this little Dash a good bit of Kit we like it we like a bit of fatling what's the name of that man that watches me your mate go go [Applause] hello right Stevie I'm gonna go I'm kidney beans when I've kept some kidney beans [Laughter] well you didn't plant that at the same time though did you yeah not far well pretty soft you can't even see how soon I don't think they're gonna grow [Laughter] accordingly no pink foot no not Canada I've been down here frases can you tell a lot I've done no weeding I ain't got no water supply down here Jesus I'm not prepared for this allotmentama my tights a little Beauty's there aren't they I need to reach them really don't I ain't done that I'm going to start doing a bit of weeded all right look there bro what are these oh sunflowers a lot ah thank God sunflowers I don't know where this thing is here I've got to find all this I know I've got to weed it now but I've got to know what um weeding am I that's good what's up yes we'll do this Chop on them no oh just give the tops off not that go under under the soil a lot a bit yeah and it just chops them right yeah all right wait then I've got to find out where my plant is first don't I don't know where that Beet Root is I spotted that one yeah let me beetroot plant we're gonna have a beer while we're eating Ah that's better buddy have to tell the difference then probably well I'll get my original and do it then Bridge it up I just started here down here [ __ ] you now I mean it's like concrete the Grinders it really is like concrete wow them carrots are really taking off lost calls in it right let me Reach Out Salvage so much like this job let's get it ridged up we might as well Salvage Summits from the job aren't we if only we Salvage the Tates and as Terry just says a bit like a lucky dip the other stuff when I want it see what rather than fatigue just go and root for all the weed see what we can find thank you [Music] yeah buddy I said okay that's short it's an I can't wiggle man [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] because everything's Starving in it the farming struggle welcome to strugglers farm where we grow weeds you know but I won't have them taters yes I just said Josh when we're going to pick these up for new tapes and he says well they're flowered now they should be ready now but obviously you'll be watering them but I'm just interested to see if we've got tapes obviously I ain't got it before I need to go fork for it I don't know oh there's one is that one oh oh my God oh my God these trees what's the last [ __ ] rubber hey there let's take that a lot like you're chopping them hey look here goes his first heat oh we're gonna get freaky now ever new tape oh yeah I need to fall there still these taters are tough yeah it's a stone Crystal oh [Laughter] all right there's the meal then guys my first take is at struggler's Farm [Music] hey I hate being funny I'll be in past the video [Laughter] nobody wants anything to do with this pages so disappointing oh no Bees oh I'll be chairs even Rock now a lot gets worse yeah the right Nobbies right that's it I've had enough strugglers Farm over see you bye ah it's just a struggle farming struggle struggle can't show the next one guys [Music]
Channel: Chris Allen - Professional Struggler
Views: 24,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QG2Nhia2DeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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