Strongest Archmage Contracted With Dark God To Be Reborn in the Past With The Eye of Corruption

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all the heroes comrades were dead the main square is Ablaze with fire shrouded in Smoke and drenched in blood experiencing fighting and is in a grim State on one side of the square sits a huge ogre clad in iron armor and Boots the ogre's face filled with anger and pain from the blows of the nunchucks he looks at his friend who is lying motionless with his mouth open Breathing heavily a Sinister laugh can be heard behind them measured but loud hi in the sky shrouded in darkness and splatters of blood you can see a bright big explosion a silhouette wrapped in a dark aura that has taken over this city feels pleasure and Joy from the evil it inflicts set against a dark sky a tall white building with columns stands Ablaze with fire heroes appear on the roof of a white building to save the world from this evil exhausted frightened barely able to stand on their feet the brother and sister stand a girl with long brown hair dressed in a white suit holds her brother who is completely exhausted and tries to bring him to his senses says that her brother should get ready the hero leaning on his sister holding a staff in his hand realizes that he cannot give up raising his blue eyes filled with confidence and a desire to end this villain he quietly but confidently says yes with pleasure suddenly a huge Sinister body loomed over them above the head of the villain in the cape From Another World a like light that resembled a crown burned brightly as a symbol of strength and superiority with all his power and anger he says that it's fun to watch pathetic Mortals whose Destiny is only to crawl on the ground the hero coughed a little hiding his sister behind his back loudly shouted to the villain to be silent the main character directed his power at him thereby striking the bright light from the hero's power flew straight at the villain and did not bring the hero Victory but only anger and rage to the enemy bending over the heroes angry the villain puts his huge finger on the roof of the house tells the heroes to fall before him suddenly the villain makes a punch bright light fills everything around Heroes who did not expect such an outcome being in the epicenter of this blow are thrown back in waves the realization that everything is meaningless makes the hero give up the brother gets down on one knee bending his whole body down and the sister fell to the tile from unconscious ious n from the impact the heroine lay on the ground exhausted as if she had died the Sinister deity Rises higher and higher with a sense of Victory grows bigger and bigger the hero thinks that no matter how hard they try no matter what they do it's still not enough an ordinary person is not able to resist a dark deity the desperate hero with his hands resting on the ground tells his sister that he will stay and detain him and she must run away suddenly the sound of a sword is heard it was held by a woman's fragile hand my brother doesn't understand what's going on so he turns his head a little and looks at F startled my sister tells my brother that no way Rising tired holding a sword with both hands Fiona rising from the ground against the background of bright light prepares to strike at the villain Meanwhile my brother doesn't understand and tries to call out to Fiona Fiona tells her brother that if they don't defeat him here and now the whole world will end raising the sword with both hands in front of him summoning all the strength left inside he tells his brother that even if they can't overcome it the remaining strength in the Divine sword should be enough to seal even the dark God my brother realizes that Fiona is making a mistake tries to stop her and yells at her not to do it that if she did that it would be her soul but Fiona does not listen to her brother in all seriousness Gathering her strength ready to strike she tells her brother to forgive her for leaving him alone in this world Fiona brings the sword closer to her face her eyes tired and glistening from the fire and says that she wants to save her brother's World a hero with huge frightened eyes shouts her name out loud Fiona pushing off from the ground Fiona aiming to defeat the Sinister deity jumps on him the power of the sword is so strong that the waves throw the hero back the villain being in full tension does not understand what to do when when suddenly a bright light flies straight into his chest a sharpened sword flies into him bright light fills the area waves from the impact disperse all the darkness the villain understands that this is the end Fiona in the midst of it closes her eyes and through her tears tells her brother that she is saying goodbye to him the dark deity crumbles leaving only black fragments slowly falling to the ground a wave shock disperses all the darkness and the Sun comes out the hero stands on the edge of a collapsed roof the main character is in complete shock experiencing pain and Devastation his eyes are wide open and red with tears the hero realizes that his sister is no longer there and starts shouting Fiona's name time passed returning home the hero was crowned in the hands of the Archbishop is a Golden Crown with four crosses flowers and precious stones the Archbishop says that according to the law that has existed for centuries they hero who saved the whole world gray Shepherd is awarded the title of the 66th emperor of the Holy Empire of n ropest in a large bright Temple gray Shepherd sat on the throne in a Royal robe the Archbishop stood next to him with a crown in his hands and a crowd of his people stood behind him everything was illuminated with a bright light except for the throne of the new emperor who was sitting with his head bowed down the crowd of people standing in front of the throne shouted loudly long live Emperor gray while everyone was praising the new emperor gray sat and thought that as the only survivor of the heroes who saved the world he had been proclaimed Emperor now all the glory and all the riches of the world belong to him people who looked at the new emperor with admiration began to ask him if he felt the Supreme sage and master who had comprehended the deepest secrets of magic putting the crown on Gray who sat motionless on the throne with eyes filled with hatred says that from now on every living being in every country of the continent is a servant of the emperor but then gray Shepherd begins to think and remember sadly gray wonders if there's any point in all of this after all he wanted to save the world gray remembers the happy faces of people close to him hugging gray and laughing gray wanted his sister and his companions to be able to smile forever in his Mind's Eye he sees the silhouette of his sister wrapped in white light looking at gray with kindness and love he couldn't even save one person who was truly important to him gray imagines himself sitting on top of a mountain of skulls and blood surrounded by Darkness he thinks that he is sitting on a throne on a mountain of corpses that all his comrades are dead half of humanity has fallen and that even his only family his sister was killed in that Massacre with pain and tears in his eyes he thinks that his sister sacrificed her life to seal the dark God who will awaken again in a thousand lay eyes wide with anger and hatred biting his lip gray says that there is no question of any Victory the coronation was over and gray went to his witchcraft room to study a way to get his sister back the room was dark a couple of candles were burning there was one table and everything for witchcraft was on it in the very middle of the room there was a magic circle gray stood at the table and thought that there must be a way using all the knowledge of magic that he had gathered during the war gray fully analyzed their last battle with the dark God gray stood in the middle of the magic circle cut his hand and began drawing the symbol in blood gray kept thinking in his head that he wasn't afraid of forbidden magic and he wasn't afraid of necromancy he says that if there is a way to resurrect at least his sister then he is ready to use even the power of the dark Gods holding the knife in both hands sweating profusely he screamed and stuck the knife in his eye his shadow Shone red on the floor and he screamed dreamed holding a knife in his eye Gray's legs were weak from the pain but he kept walking leaning on the walls and windows of his castle covering his eye with one hand he went to the window and quietly began to mutter that there was still a little time left and he would find a way after a moment's silence gray said that with a dark God's eye he would be able to perhaps with just a certain eye he would be able to accomplish what he wanted gray looked up and saw that his eye was bleeding and was completely read after a while when gray returned to the Magic Room a man dressed in good clothes as is customary in a palace with a small mustache but an angry face burst through the door and began to pray that the emperor would come to his senses the man asked gray if he knew what rumors were going around at court suddenly falling into a stuper the man trembled and his pupils contracted from what he saw quietly said that there was a rumor that the ruler of the Holy Empire himself uses Black Magic on the ey the man standing in the doorway saw gray who was sitting on the floor and looked very strange and in front of the emperor was a creature that was making sounds the Moonlight from the room's Windows illuminated gray who turned to look at whoever had broken into his magic room the emperor looked at the man and only when I was visible and the other was covered with hair that lay carelessly the beard was long and not well-groomed after a moment's silence gray said that it seemed he had forbidden ministers to enter the magic room without asking the minister stood rooted to the spot speechless and began to ask the emperor what had happened to him what if it's a creature it spoke and began to call out to my brother the minister turned pale and loudly swallowed the drool that had accumulated in his mouth the minister broke out in sweat and stood motionless this creature lying in the middle of the magic circle continued to call out to her brother and stretch out something that looked like a hand to gray gray stood motionless over the creature watching in silence as it reached for him gray was wearing a crown and a royal robe and his face showed that he was taken aback by what was happening right now gray continued to stand over the creature and thought that he had tried the power of forbidden magic and even the power of the dark God and all he was getting was another failure gray realizes that he hasn't even managed to reach the remnants of F's Soul gray wonders what he's doing at all and what's the point of doing it anger envelops gray his eyes turning red and his face breaking into an uncontrollable wide grin when suddenly a voice is heard asking gray if he wants everything back to how it was gray Shepherd abruptly raises his head up looking with a frightened look he sees an incomprehensible object that looks like a black hole he asks in Fright who is it abruptly the black hole begins to grow in Rage telling gray that he is ready to throw away glory for what he is ready to sacrifice his life for and then a voice asked gray sharply if he wanted to bring a dear person back to life this voice says that it will show gray the way if he is truly willing to sacrifice anything he hangs his head down his hair covering his eyes a grin on his face and joy he says to the voice that he doesn't know if it's a demon or some evil God but gray doesn't care shouting with all his might spilling out his Joy mixed with anger tells the voice to take whatever he wants because he doesn't have anything it takes more than just making the people he loves happy gray threw his arms out to the sides and suddenly a strong wind began to blow as the black hole began to rage abruptly the entire area was covered in flames and the emperor was standing there laughing very loudly on that day the emperor disappeared the last thing people saw was the burning Palace and the emperor's face laughing madly amid the Raging Flames after the fire at the palace gray found himself in a city filled with Sunshine warmth and sitting under a tree gray was unconscious but suddenly felt a tree leaf fall on his head warm waking up under a tree I looked at the bright Sun shining through the branches of the tree gray didn't know where it was but he smelled a familiar smell and it turned out to be a witch tree It is believed that if you harm a tree you will immediately be cursed so the villagers never approached the tree gray doesn't understand why he ended up in this particular place because he thought he should have died in the fire Gray's eyes were very surprised his face bang shock he looks into the distance and sees a city that is filled with sunlight and the houses of the city were surrounded by green trees a light Breeze was walking around the surrounding Fields gray has an epiphany and is surprised to realize where he is it was cpum their home Village Gray stood up from under the tree and stared in surprise at his hometown in a shocking State as light sweat trickled down his cheek the blue sky was reflected in the windows of local houses the sun was shining brightly and the warmth of the house was blowing gray was standing on the street of the local market in complete shock that he got home he was surrounded by a crowd of people passing by on their own business people were smiling and laughing each resident of the town was doing his own thing he turns abruptly around wondering why everything is still the same here gray recalls the last sight of his hometown when it was invaded by demons the city was swallowed by darkness and from a friendly light City it turned into a ruin gray freezes and with wide surprised eyes looks into the distance sweat dripping down his face thinks about how he really got into the past but gray understands that this is impossible because he has been researching this topic for a very long time but he could not prove the existence of time Travel Magic Gray's hope is drained and he thinks about what if suddenly it's a miracle and he was in the past the sun glows brightly and the silhouette of a girl appears her hair fluttering from the light wind loudly the girl says and calls out to gray brother gray stops speechless his heart pounding his eyes narrowing as heat engulfs him behind gray was a small girl who was smiling broadly and carrying a package suddenly the girl once again loudly says to my brother to look gray turns slowly and can't believe what's happening the girl was walking and there was a feeling that she was all glowing a wide smile big eyes and a bright shine gave her an incredible happy look in her hands was a bag of buns that Aunt Baker handed over the girl told the baker that they liked the bread very much and therefore now they gave more bread gray all the time while the girl was talking did not understand what was happening at all it seemed to him that everything was happening and it was not true the girl continued to approach him and tell him that in the morning she only thought that they would eat for dinner but now there is enough bread until the next morning gray fully turned to the girl realized that it was his sister Fiona ran as fast as he could and began to hug her but Fiona did not understand what was going on at all gray hugged the girl and began to cry while Fiona frightened and in complete incomprehension of what was happening asked gray if he was crying Fiona started asking gray if something had happened if gray was being bothered by those bullies again but as he held her closer to him he said no in a low voice Gray's mind flashed back to the last images she'd seen a fion before he died gray starts telling Fiona that things aren't what she thinks they are that gray just really wanted to see her so he asks her to stand with Fiona for a little longer and give her a hug when they'd finished hugging Fiona started asking gray what had gotten into him after all gray is already quite big as soon as Fiona moves away he is already crying and running to hug gray walks next to Fiona looks at her and just doesn't say anything she she smiles and says with a grin on her face that he's weird but there's nothing you can do about him gray goes and listens to what his sister is saying and thinks that he really has gone back in time he walks to the side of Fiona looks at her starts to smile and thinks that this is his dead sister with whom he walks next to her and smiles understands that gray does not need anything more he wishes to himself that he could stay with her forever abruptly he becomes ill his eyes begin to burn and you can see from his face that he is scared gray falls to his knees covers his eye with one hand and experiences incredible pain he feels like his eye is starting to melt Fiona stopped and looked at him questioningly asking her brother what was wrong with him and if he was okay Gray says that he just got something in his eye but in his head he thinks why now out of nowhere a voice appeared telling him that the eye that was in Gray was carrying the curse of that voice that this curse was a harbinger of death a black Aura begins to surround him from the hole he saw in the castle where the voice comes out looming over gray the voice tells him that as soon as his sister gets close to something that could kill her the risk of F's death increases gray continues to sit on the ground clutching his head in pain and The Voice keeps telling him that this will happen every time that the curse of this I will give him excruciating pain and thus remind him of the death of his sister but gray is not upset by this he tells the creature not to make him laugh thereby mockingly asking if this creature really thinks that this is a curse the black Sinister hole gradually begins to shrink and gray continues to tell him that he is happy on the contrary because if this pain warns of danger for his sister then this is not a curse but a blessing gray thinks of Fiona sees her as incredibly happy as a ray of sunshine and says that thanks to the curse he will learn about everything that can threaten the Sinister creature is shocked by what he has heard is surprised and says that if gray thinks so then it will give its best the darkness abruptly disappears gray I passes and he realizes that he does not feel the alien presence so this creature is gone gray gets up from his knees looks at his sister and smiles and Fiona asks her brother if everything is okay Gray reassures his sister that it's nothing gray Shepherd thinks he doesn't know what this hideous creature looks like or why he's helping him but it doesn't matter now but but he knows exactly what to do gray turns to his sister and puts his hand on her head looks into fian's eyes and thinks that this time he can prevent his sister's death and rewrite that dark future that gray will be the perfect savior of humanity and will not regret anything gray understands that this is the ultimate goal of his life as the siblings continue walking looking at each other and smiling Fiona removes her brother's hand from her head and tells them that he is acting very strange Gray imagined those events from the demon War everything was red and aggressive demons with red eyes were attacking Gray's troops gray analizes and thinks the first thing to do is prepare for the invasion of demons and prevent all 12 disasters that will follow after the war with demons gray also understands that they need to gather all seven of their comrades and prepare for the final battle with the dark God if the heroes succeed you can save half the world from destruction and Fiona from Death great lowered his brows and looked into the distance from under his brows his eyes burning and he said that he now has a second chance gray will definitely reach the perfect ending Fiona didn't understand what was happening to him and called out loudly to her brother gray was scared not expecting a scream from his sister he looked at her in disbelief standing opposite a little sweating he asked F what is it she stood there and was incredibly angry her eyes were filled with rage from incomprehension because she called out to him many times but he did not react to her words what is going on Fiona shoves a bag of bread at her brother and tells him that she promised to help him get some water in return for the bread saying that she will be back soon but in the meantime gray needs to go home she ran as fast as she could turning to look at her brother and yelling at him to wait for her at home gray was taken aback by his sister's abrupt action he held a bag of bread in his hands and watched her run away walking home Home Alone Now gray carried bread and lamented that it was very heavy that bread could not weigh so much because there were no Stones there gray was surprised that his little sister carried the heavy bag of pastries with ease even though Fiona was always strong as gray walked through the local streets of the city talking to himself a couple of people appeared behind him looking after him gray couldn't figure out why the bag was so heavy and he thought that he was a weakling because he couldn't even carry it as easily as Fiona did abruptly he stopped without turning around he looked at one point and heard some incomprehensible voices calling his name he stood still and continued to listen to what these people were saying behind him and the guys started taunting him and saying that gray had left his sister and gone for a walk if it wasn't for Fiona he would have been completely worthless there were three guys standing behind gray one was bald and very big the second was small with a big head and big eyes and the third was medium tall thin and Silent all of the guys had a snear on their faces at the sight of gray carrying this bag of buns two guys from this company continued to mock him and say that how did the beggar have so much money probably begged the biggest man of the gang added that it was disgusting to look at gray and began to approach him closer continuing to threaten and provoke him putting his hand on his shoulder after the guy mentions the main character's sister gray abruptly turns around and with bright burning eyes hits this bald big man with all his strength this guy's friends are standing there in disbelief dumbfounded by what's happening their eyes wide and their body shaking gray grabs the head of the enraged boy who is screaming and they throw him face first into the ground with all their strength the boy screams in pain his eyes scared and surprised he continued to hold the bag of pastries while standing in front of the body that was lying on the ground looking at this guy's friends who were Furious and shocked with a sense of confidence and superiority over these people gray said that he remembered these Scoundrels who had molested him in the past he remembered what had happened in the past how these Scoundrels had beaten him how he was an orphan so he was considered an ideal victim but they didn't really succeed because Fiona would show up and Chase these bullies away for Fiona gray was always someone to protect the boys continued to stand frowning speechless and then suddenly the thinnest guy ran at Gray with a furious urge to hit him shouting and asking him what he was doing abruptly Gray's I glowed red as he grabbed the Fist of the guy who was aiming to hit him with one hand gray stood with a straight face holding a bag of bread in one hand and the boy's fist in the other the thin guy was bewildered sweating profusely and the second small-headed guy stood rooted to the spot experiencing fear from what he saw after dealing with those two villains gray who was gripped by dark magic began to to look at the last of the gang the guy realized that now gray will get to him so he shouted with tears in his eyes sweating profusely so that gray did not touch him the guy began to talk about how they were wrong and asked not to touch him but gray purposefully went to the guy rhetorically asking why all of a sudden he should not do this he came closer to the guy grabbed his face with his palm burning with fire from hatred began to say that in another world Fiona sacrificed her life to protect gray but she no longer has to save for brother he will prove that he has become stronger with a big smile on his face and a superior look in his red eye gray told him not to worry because if he fried or froze the guy there would be traces left so he would only make him suffer with light body magic gray squeezed his face harder and the boy started crying and screaming in pain after dealing with the Scoundrels who had bothered him in the past gray sighed and turned to walk back home he walked and admired the power of the dark God looking at his hand with the magic circle said that despite the convenience this power is quickly exhausting suddenly Fiona was standing behind gray calling out to him and asking in a frightened voice what's going on he turned his head with Sly eyes and a smile on his face told Fiona that those Scoundrels wanted to fight again but he settled everything Fiona stood rooted to the spot covering her mouth with her hand in shock and incomprehension and let out a loud gasp great turned his back on Fiona and walked Straight Ahead happily and confidently saying that he could sort out his own problems after expending a lot of power on dark magic gray fell off his feet right on the ground the bag of pastries falling with him and scattering on the road Fiona terrified ran as fast as she could to her brother's side he looked at Fiona running toward him not understanding what had happened or why Gray's body had passed out before he finished speaking after passing out on the street gray regained Consciousness and ended up in bed at home he was lying in a dark old room with a large wardrobe in front of him and antique suitcases on top of it and gray was wondering where it was and how it didn't look like an imperial Suite he looked at the other side of the room and saw a fireplace a small table with two chairs on which there was a glass of water kitchen utensils hung over the fireplace then gray realized that he really got into the past and this is his home in the village after looking around gray turned his head and Fiona was sitting next to him with big frightened eyes looking at him and saying that he was finally awake gray watched Fiona with exhausted eyes asking her if he had fainted or what had happened Fiona sitting by the bed where he was lying began to tell him that she was very scared gray fainted and did not wake up all day even the Healer could not determine the cause of his fainting a man was standing behind F and he was also looking at gray telling him that she had had been looking out for gray all along so he shouldn't make F feel this way anymore gray lying on the bed raises his eyes looks at this man and the prefect addresses him in a weak exhausted voice when he came to he got up from the bed and apologized for bringing so much to kloe without finishing gray clutched his chest and twisted in pain clenching his teeth covered in sweat gray said through the pain that his body felt like it was on fire Fiona grabbed gray by the shoulders and began to put him on the bed and scared with good anger to say that he should not strain and if he gets out of bed she will tie him because he needs to sleep Fiona put gray to bed covered him up leaned over him put her hands on her side and said that while he was coming to she would go make him something to eat Fiona went to the kitchen lit the fire and started cooking while gray sat up a little from the pillow and looked at the headman and asked what year is it the headman said that it was Agnes year 563 37 the month of sparrow and then the headman looked at gray strangely and asked him if he had hit his head in the fall gray went back to bed and said that everything was fine after which he once again made sure that he really got into the past but still did not form a team he began to think back to his childhood cpum is the village where he and his sister lived until they went to save the world gray doesn't remember very well how Fiona and I became orphans and ended up in these places he remembers only how they were found abandoned in the forest under a powerful Magic Tree in the depths of the forest and sheltered by the local headmen in the past the headman had trained soldiers in the Army and allowed them to occupy an abandoned house and the headman had taught them how to use a sword and even the basics of Magic the headman replaced gray and Fiona's parents and thanks to him the boys were able to become Warriors 5 years from now Fiona will be dead so gray needs to get stronger to protect his face frowned and became unperturbed as he continued to ponder that even though he had magic Knowledge from the future and the eye of corruption it was barely enough to defeat the dark God so gray said to the headman with complete seriousness would he be willing to train him so that gray could defeat the dark God the prefect was standing in front of gray with his arms folded in complete ignorance of what dark God he was talking about and whether he wanted to be a hero gray got up from the bed holding his chest in pain and said with a serious face that he had no other way because he had to protect Fiona and prevent a tragedy the headman came up to Gray and took him by the shoulders looking straight into his eyes and asked him what kind of tragedy he was talking about he sat on the bed with his head down and said nothing the prefect released him scratched his head and agreed to train him because gray is determined he got out of bed and started to get dressed and Fiona was standing behind him setting the table and asking him in Surprise where he was going gray said to train with the prefect Fiona left everything and ran up to him trying to stop him and tell him that he was sick and he needed to rest a little more gray wasn't deterred by this and with empty tired eyes he apologized to Fiona and said that he didn't have time to rest so he went Fiona put her hand on her heart which was bursting with worry for her brother and asked what do you mean no time when he was almost outside Fiona stood in the doorway and called after him what does he mean he didn't say anything as he went outside and stood on the training field in front of the prefect with a sword at his side while Fiona was standing in the corner of the field watching everything that was happening the headman began to draw his sword and tell gray with a serious face that he wasn't quite all right yet so today would be a light sparring session gray possessed black magic he lit up all over with a red light and viciously told the headman that he did not agree with him and beat with all his might the prefect was was startled and Gray's red silhouette was visible in his wide eyes the headman couldn't believe his eyes but it was as if a Sinister Aura surrounded greets with a serious face he pointed his hand at the headman shouted a spell and a magic circle appeared in his hand as he stood there his magic flew straight at the prefect filling everything with a dark Aura the headman furrowed his brows in Anger as he looked at this magic ring which knocked him down a bit but he quickly gathered himself and launch launched an attack swinging the headman with a sword on Gray runs at him while he gathers all his strength and aims straight at the headman the headman defending himself with a sword puts this before him and the fight begins headman barely fighting off magic gray thinks about the fact that he used to teach magic to a completely different young man but what is happening now he does not understand the headman jumps and Strikes right in front of Gray's feet thinking that he had a soft heart and hesitated when it was time to to attack but the current hero is unfamiliar with indecision after sticking his sword in the ground the headman looks at gray who continues to cast magic and seiz his eyes as he started to walk towards the headman a dark Aura appeared all around him his eyes were filled with anger and his hands were on fire from the power of dark magic the headman looked at him and understood that the look was that of a man who had buried millions of people suddenly he abruptly falls to his knees from loss of strength Fiona who had been watching the whole time was frightened and shouted loudly brother gray was sitting on the ground leaning over and started coughing up blood and as she came closer to him she began to ask what was happening to him because he was shaking all over again the headman leaned over gray his shadow falling on him from the Setting Sun the headman said that magic is out of proportion to the physical strength if gray really wants to defeat the dark God he will have to do basic physical training the prefect finished talking to him turned to Fiona and told her to help her brother she stood there confused and scared arms folded looking at gray who was sitting on the ground completely weak the headman also added that he will take up an intensive physical training plan According to which elite soldiers of the Imperial Army are engaged so began Gray's training with Fiona while he was barely doing push-ups on both hands sweating profusely Fiona was easily doing push-up UPS on one hand not a bit tired but it was strange to gray that he was being coached by the people he was trying to protect while he couldn't handle even the most basic tasks Fiona could do them with ease but it doesn't matter just a little more in Gray will be able to match Fiona's strength he will also be able to run uphill with a huge Boulder on his back and not trudge along with Fiona as time went on Gray learned to use simple spells long enough to keep up with his exhaustion and even though Gray really strong magic wasn't available yet he was already able to fully fight training was over and Fiona and gray were on their way home she told him that the workout was good that gray was more muscular and he wasn't even exhausted he looked at his hand and surprise and told her that if it wasn't for her it wouldn't have been possible thank you Fiona for that she turned to Gray and said that she was very happy because before that she was training alone and now the guys are training together happy and glowing with happiness Fiona added that from now on her little brother will train with her together he looked at her grinning through clenched teeth and gave her a restrained yes after walking a little further down the street the guys saw a huge crowd of people Fiona was surprised and did not understand why there was such a huge crowd of people on the street he looked at the crowd casually at first but then abruptly went into shock his eyes widening and his face turning pale gray grabbed her arm and told told her they'd better go through the back door and Fiona agreed he ran as fast as he could without letting go of her hand and she asked him why the crowd had gathered gray believes that all the problems started after the arrival of the man who caused Fiona to be chosen and sent to her death he kept running sweating profusely and clenching his teeth tighter knowing that Fiona and this man couldn't meet gray saw the man holding a staff in front of him wearing a blue suit a serious frown on his face and his blond blond hair was neatly coifed the world of gray and Fiona is in danger of being destroyed the dark God returns every thousand years and leads hordes of demons causing disasters of enormous proportions as the time for the dark Gods Awakening approaches everyone begins to prepare for battle and gather an army of Heroes whose main goal is to save the world the leader of a group of Warriors is awarded the Divine sword artifact needed to seal the dark God such a person receives the title of Brave grave the one who chooses the bearer of the sword from among the candidates is called the elector and is a priest of the Salvation organization in another world Fiona filled with a sense of justice received recognition and was chosen to be brave to prevent a tragedy gray must not be allowed to become a hero Fiona sat on a chair with a surprised face and asked that she would have to go to the city of neon for an errand because it would take 4 days to get there and back opposite Fiona's sad face face was gray who said that the blacksmith had asked to deliver the tools he had purchased and he asked if Fiona could handle it at the time when gray was talking about the blacksmith's request he had thought that the elector would only be running the hero selection trials for 3 days and needed to get fion away from the village for that time Fiona smiled and showed her muscles trying not to show her sadness and asked gray if he could come with her after all if demons get in the way they will easily defeat them but gray of verted his eyes and said that he needed to help the prefect so no Fiona jumped up from her chair and approached her brother's face and stared intently into his eyes gray was confused and asked what is it Fiona put her hand on her brother's arm stretched across the table still looking into Gray's eyes and asked him what was going on surprised and horrified gray tried not to show it and asked what his sister meant Fiona grabbed her brother's hand in both of hers and gently said that gray seemed to be sad bad about something lately and that if something was bothering him he could tell her gray lowered his head lost in utter sadness and said softly that's exactly what Fiona said raising his head smiling a little looking straight into his sister's eyes gray said that he just wasn't in the best shape yet Fiona didn't have to worry about him nothing had happened while she was away as she approached the door with the bag on her back Fiona turned to gray with a sad expression asking if she was sure everything was all right but gray didn't say anything just kept smiling and just waved after his sister thinking that it was her he couldn't tell a man in a black and blue suit was standing in the middle of the local square and people were gathered around him waiting with interest to hear what he was going to say folding his hands in front of his chest frowning and with complete seriousness the man began to shout that he was a Chooser sent by the Salvation organization to choose Heroes and if there were any of these people who wanted to become the saviors of humanity they should step forward then by combat tests he would determine who was suitable for this task people standing in the crowd were alarmed with frightened eyes they began to look at each other everyone was interested in the questions of whether heroes are paid is it worth it because you need to fight with all magical creatures even the elector himself has come to the Wilderness but even the son Fields cannot be abandoned the elector struck the ground with his staff shouting in Anger that since since there are no volunteers among the people the village is accused of worshiping the dark God the Salvation organization will send a holy campaign to burn out the settlement of Heretics abruptly a shout was heard from the crowd a man was approaching the voter aggressively pushing people in his way standing in the crowd it wasn't a tall bald guy with Sly eyes who told the voter that it was interesting so if he beat him he would get all the money in the world and the women of the world people standing in the crowd began to discuss that this is the youngest son of a carpenter he will definitely have enough strength because he can kill a boar with his bare hands coming closer to the voter standing face to face with him The Carpenter's son asked what are the rules but the man said that there are no rules because people like them are not able to understand more than one rule the voter said that the guy can choose any weapon and the winner is the one who first neutralizes the enemy folding his hands into fists in front of his chest the guy looked into the the eyes of the voter with a serious look and said that he could give up right now because he wasn't going to hold back the voter looked down on this guy grinning and said that he was sure that the Carpenter's son would be the first to give up the guy didn't waste time and started to throw a punch with his huge fist with a shout but the voter beat him to it and hit him in the face with a staff the guy's face Twisted he began to scream in pain and the voter threw him high into the air bleeding profusely coming closer to to this guy bending over him the voter was overcome by uncontrollable anger and hatred grabbing the head of this man who was screaming in pain and fear the voter swinging his staff asked him if he really would allow him to be defeated so easily the voter began to shout with all his hatred at the guy to get up and defeat the dark God with all his strength but the guy did not move and then the voters stuck the staff right in his back people who were watching everything that was happening stood in horror looking at the guy lying in the middle of the field then the voter grinned a little loudly said that now the next one a voter standing over the amazed guys who tried to fight him said that the village is full of weaklings and there are no suitable people at all putting his foot on the guy's head the voter abruptly turned around and continued shouting asking the crowd if there was anyone else willing to save the world and enlist the support of the Gods all the people began to tremble and turn away from the voter who passed by them in the hope that they would not fall into the role of a rival stopping abruptly the voter leaned over the guy smiling and pointing at him and said that this is him because he has a strong body the man was frightened with tears in his eyes he began to ask not to be touched because he had to feed his family and three children at this time the man's wife was standing behind him and crying and the small children hugged their father from all sides hugging him tightly the voter grabbed the man by the Scruff of the neck pulled him towards him looked him in the face with Angry Eyes and shouted that maybe it was he who would save the world because peace is more important than family without releasing his hand from the man's clothes the voter dragged him to the middle of the field to fight at this moment the children screamed cried asked to let their father go and that they were very scared having slapped one of the children throwing them back the voter told them not to climb and not to interfere with the savior of the world the man looked at his family who were crying and screaming but there was nothing he could do about it once in the middle of the field holding a sword in his shaking hands the man began to say in a trembling voice that he could not because he had never beaten a man in his life the voter filled with anger ran at him at full speed swinging his staff and shouting that it was time for him to learn violence right now A frightened man unable to defend himself was waving his arms in fear at the sight of a blow rushing at him at this time the voter started shouting and telling the man to get together and fight the man raised his sword closed his eyes in an attempt to repel the attacker's blow but from Fright the man sat down on his knees with his hands clenched and his head covered he began to tremble the voter raised his staff over the man's head and shouted that if he did not fight he would be killed but before it could land a blow on the man the staff abruptly stopped and gray appeared stopping the blow with his magic this is a test the elector didn't give up and continued to press down on Gray's arm with his staff while the man sitting on the ground opened opened his eyes and saw that he was protected looking directly into the eyes of the voter gray said that he would go because if he could recruit at least one person from this Village it would be enough in the other world Fiona was the one who stopped this strike and if that's what gray is doing now then maybe he can rewrite history the voter pulled away from Gray looked at him in surprise but seriously asked body magic to which gray replied that this magic might be useful in the next battle I swing my staff and start witchcraft experiencing Indescribable emotions and confidence in my victory the voter said that at the distance gray is an easy target when he performed the magic strike a black spot and smoke were left on the ground in front of the man's feet which gray protected and the voters said that he probably overdid it because there was no trace of the only candidate left but at that moment gray was right behind him breathing down his neck the voter looked back in Surprise and disbelief seeing that gray was already throwing a punch being knocked back by the power of dark magic getting to his feet holding his face the exhausted voter could not understand how this was possible because his mace was supposed to pierce gray surprised with mixed feelings of joy and disappointment the voter asked that gray not only has body magic but also controls fire gray silently looked at him with his red eye flying up high began to conjure told the voter that he did not have to answer him everything turned abrupt ly red lightning flashed from the air and the voter tried to run away so as not to be hit thinking that only a local amateur magician can have three types of magic turning around the elector retaliated with his staff but missed and gray did not hesitate to use Fire magic to strike directly at the elector who began to burn and scream in pain falling to his knees and leaning on his staff drooling a little from his mouth the voters said that gray is a hero that the world needs and that such hero are born Once In A Thousand Years capable of defeating the dark God and killing millions of people found it he found it starting to cry and worship at Gray's feet the voter begged him to come with him because gray will be able to provide a bright future for Humanity but gray did not stop Enchanted by dark magic gathering all his strength together running away he struck a blow at the voter with the words that this is the future that he will create the voter who was burned to ashes on the ground looked absolutely like Cole and gray at this time looked at him with a sense of Victory and contempt saying that such people have no place on Earth in the city a celebration began in honor of gray who saved people people were shouting in the streets raising their glasses to The Rescuer fireworks were flashing in the sky everyone went out and was insanely happy thinking that who would have thought that an orphan abandoned in the forest would become one of the heroes everyone came up and hugged gray and he sat at the table with a mug of his drink wondering what was happening telling everyone that he had just passed the tests and there were so many such heroes in the world the locals who sat down with him at the table were covered with blushes praised him hugged him and said that gray still showed himself very cool maybe it was he who was destined to become the savior of humanity the baker overflowing with pride for gray began to reflect and tell everyone that since this is the case it is necessary to lure customers with the fact that his bread from the bakery the savior of the world himself was eating but suddenly the man sitting across from the baker became indignant slammed his fist on the table and loudly told the baker to stop because gray ate meat from his farm the enraged men jumped up from the table and began to look at each other seriously while gray sat in silence and watched what was happening not understanding what was happening to people and next to him Sat a man who was smiling and laughing at the antics of the Baker and butcher suddenly sitting at the table gray was called out by voices he turned to look and it turned out to be those Hooligans who always bullied him in the past gray silently watched and waited for what they would say next but abruptly three guys fell in front of his feet and loudly began to shout that gray forgave them because they bullied above him they didn't know that he was such a strong man how could they see that they were bothering the future hero the guys started talking about how they would do whatever gray asked getting up from the table standing in front of the guys like a hero looking directly into into their frightened eyes gray began to think that apparently they were afraid that being a hero he would take revenge on them because there are cases when heroes are leveled with the ground of the village where they were oppressed abruptly gray changed his serious face to a sweet kind one not feeling a drop of anger towards his abusers saying that they had nothing to worry about because he was not going to take revenge the biggest guy in the gang asked it really gray turned around and was about to go back to the table but he looked at them with a scythe thinking that the bullying of the guys was too weak especially compared to the pain that his dead friends experienced the guys abruptly jumped to their feet and started shouting loudly in front of Gray's face he has a great Soul has Incredible strength but until now he hid it from them how cool the boys kept shouting and asked gray if they could call him brother not expecting such a reaction gray broke out in a nervous sweat and asked the guys to stop and that he would ask them for one favor but let them not consider it as atonement will they be able to protect F during his absence the boys stopped dead in their tracks stared at gray with wide open eyes and asked his sister immediately gray looked at them with a reserved expression remembering Fiona's happy expression as she ran through the local streets holding a pastry in her hands and saying that he couldn't be sure that nothing would happen to her while he was away the boys smiled amiably showed their strength and said that they vowed to protect Fiona with their lives standing calmly in front of them gray chanted his thanks the celebration continued colorful lanterns hung on poles fireworks flashed in the sky people began to gossip among themselves where is Fiona now why didn't she come to the party because she hadn't been seen for a long time gray went to look for Fiona moving away from the celebration in honor of the savior of the world he went to the lake standing at the top of the long stairs to the water gray saw that Fiona was sitting on the shore huddled in a ball Looking Into the Blue Water shimmering from the light of the moon coming closer gray asked her what she was doing in such a strange place but Fiona jumped to her feet and walked away saying resentfully that she didn't know gray grabbed Fiona's hand asked her to wait and asked why she was angry to which Fiona without turning her head tried to break away and said that she was not angry just did not understand her brother at all gray continued to hold Fiona's hand looking at her and asking in Surprise does she understand him Fiona Whirled around with tears in her eyes full of resentment and incomprehension yelling at gray asking him questions about why he had gone to the battle trial without even Consulting her why he had sent her to another Village back then why he had left her behind gray was at a loss for what to say and turned his head away and Fiona stood with her head down frustrated that he couldn't even answer her pulling her hand out of Gray's hand she looked at him seriously and said that lately she didn't understand what was wrong with gray because they were like a family but they treated her like a stranger gray looked at Fiona with tenderness and love said that he had never thought of anyone but her put his hand on his sister's shoulder looked straight into her eyes said that he only wants Fiona to be happy and if it means saving the world then he is ready but gray asks her to spend it with him with a smile on your face because today is the last holiday together for frustrated Fiona hung her head down and just said nothing and gray pointed a finger at them to go at the top walking along the river that flowed at the bottom of the slope gray leading the way and Fiona walking behind him without looking up gray stopped and Fiona bumped into him without seeing it a new day began the sky was a soft blue color and clouds were floating smoothly gray said that perhaps he would go standing outside the grounds of his house there was a prefect standing in the fence who told gray that no matter what anyone said this is his home regardless of the success or failure of the mission let him remember that he has a place to return to gray stared at the prefect who folded his arms across his chest trying not to show that he was heartbroken by Gray's departure gray said he had something to say with complete seriousness in his voice he began to chatter that in 3 years on the 15th of the month of mos The Village will be attacked by demons they will kill the locals and everything around will be swallowed up in darkness he wants the headman to take fion and the rest of the people away from here before that day the prefect frowned in alarm looked at gray and asked what he had seen But gray continued to remain silent averting his eyes to the side then the headman said that he would take this into account but let it not happen because how can hero gray prevent everything putting his hand on Gray's shoulder the prefect looked at him with hopeful eyes while gray full of confidence in strength looked up and said that he would definitely save everyone outside the weather was hot the Sun was shining brightly and the trees rustled overhead gray walked down the road with the bag on his back and thought that in the end Fiona didn't even come out to say goodbye there was a chance that they would never meet again he would like to see her one last time but this is for the best so he will definitely save her from that death and can avoid the worst outcome thinking about all this gray smiled gently as he looked looked at the long road in front of his feet but then he was shouted brother Gray's heart starts pounding and he turns around eyes wide not understanding what's going on he turned to see Fiona standing in front of him wearing a white jacket skirt and sword at her waist smiling sweetly as she looked straight into Gray's eyes then gray asked her what she was doing here Fiona smiled broadly blushing and said that she was going to save the world with him winking and still smiling Fiona said that to be become a hero you had to get a special badge she overcame the elector and immediately got it Fiona jumped on Gray and shouted that she was very happy that she was going on a trip around the world with him this idea did not please him he began to push her away and furiously shouted that she could not let her quickly return to the Village because this operation is too dangerous but Fiona did not lose her head and also began to yell at gray that she knows which is why she will not let him go alone to which gray replied that he would be fine he had already sufficiently demonstrated his abilities Furious Fiona looked into her brother's eyes and said that they were left alone together and as a family they should stick together because they made a promise gray stopped abruptly his eyes widening as he recalled a situation in his previous life when he had said exactly the same thing to Fiona startled even more he looked at Fiona in horror thinking that she was repeating his words From Another World approaching him Fiona with eyes like a puppy said that she would not let her brother go alone burying her face in her brother's chest and starting to cry Fiona began to say that if her brother suddenly died in some unknown place then she would Fiona broke down crying even harder gray stood there in disbelief watching Fiona cry and thinking that the current Fiona was going through the same thing as he had then gray looked into her eyes filled with worry and pain for her brother Fiona kept shouting and saying that if she didn't take her with her anyway she would go save the world herself gray sighed resigned to the situation and smiled as he said okay it'll still be easier together Fiona holding out her hand to her brother said that's nice then let's go Fiona ran as fast as she could to meet the adventure now that more and more demons and humans Collide it's probably safer to keep Fiona around than to leave her alone in the village maybe so but the pain in her I still won't subside and the dark Gods I begins to rise age and the pain overwhelms gray the boys reached the town of Colin which stood among the high mountains Fiona ran down the sidewalk and wondered what a big city it was looking at gray who was standing still arriving at the city Bazaar Fiona jumped with delight and shouted that she had never been to such places and that there were so many different goodies here fascinated by what was happening on the streets of the city Fiona pointed her finger at the man who was performing magic tricks and enthusiastically told her brother to look at it running down the street watching the crowd she wondered how many people there were telling gray that this was probably the biggest city in the world gray didn't deny that it was true gray looked at Fiona eating a donut beaming with happiness he thought that compared to other cities this is quite small but if Fiona likes it then he is only glad because in another world she was just as cheerful it brings back memories that he was too worried about Fiona back then so he decided to go with her her Fiona stood on the street gorging on all sorts of delicious food suddenly thought that since they are now Heroes what should they do gray and Fiona looked at each other and discussed that hadn't the elector said anything to her then Fiona thought about it and said that maybe she overdid it because he just shouted some nonsense as if he had found someone or something like that gray began to explain to Fiona what they were supposed to do the main goal of the operation is to defeat the dark God that awakens every Thousand Years to do this they need to go around the world and get the blessing of the higher spirits of each element as well as find ancient weapons their entire journey is a pilgrimage in which they must become stronger during the journey heroes are required to help people and protect them from demons this is a kind of training and hardening before the battle with the real evil dark deity Fiona held up the badge and showed it to gray looking surprised and asking what does class mean her badge says Brave and gray says Mage what do you mean the elector assigns each hero a special role depending on the talents and skills of the fighter this is called a class there are also tanks and healers the brave have a particularly important role being the core of the squad only the brave are able to control the power of the Divine sword with which they seal the dark God but gray cannot tell Fiona about this if she touches that sword again tragedy will not be avoided Fiona looked at gray in Surprise and said that he knew a lot spoke as if he had always wanted to be a hero gray turned and continued down the street quietly and unhurriedly with Fiona following and gray said that he had never thought about it before Fiona was surprised and asked him where this knowledge came from the guys went into the store and Fiona was very surprised at how many different weapons are in the store a big tall man came up to her and asked her if they were new baked Heroes Fiona was standing in front of him with a sword in her hand saying that it was true but how did this person know the man said that sometimes it's enough to look at the equipment gate and facial features although Fiona somehow does not look like a hero Fiona holding a sword in her hand was embarrassed said that her brother seems to be the same the man calmly looked at her and said that apparently everything happens anyway they should be on the lookout because recently in the vicinity began to disappear units of hero recruits I would like that his weapon was not wasted after leaving the store gray and Fiona walked on oblivious to the fact that a strange man was watching them from the corner with his face covered the guys discussed among themselves that what a horror do demons get rid of newbies on purpose gray thought carefully and said that it definitely wasn't the work of demons Fiona looked at her brother in Surprise and asked why he was so sure gray wanted to answer her question but before he could the guys were grabbed by some strange people with bags on their heads covering their their mouths with a rag to neutralize the guys when gray saw the eyes of one of the attackers he thought here they are after the guys Switched Off they were taken to a dark room with large barrels without waiting for the guys to wake up the kidnapper began to slap them on the back and tell them to wake up lying on the cold floor with their hands tied the guys opened their eyes the kidnapper bent over gray and said that if he didn't want his woman to be killed he should behave himself putting his foot on his head gray asked if he had heard him Fiona got up and sat on her knees looking at gray and asking how he was and there was loud laughter from behind lying on the floor gray turned to look at his sister and asked if she was hurt to which Fiona said she was fine but he was suddenly a voice greeted the newcomers and added that they were unlucky to get caught by this villain gray raised his head and looked at this guy who was sitting in shackles he had long gray hair a beard large eybrows and a furrowed brow gray exclaimed Ezekiel in Surprise the guy did not understand how he could know him and asked if they met somewhere then gray averted his eyes and said that they hadn't met before Ezekiel iges in the other world was their comrade tank class when the guys were fighting the demons and they were surrounded Fiona said that they almost got close to the dark God and gray was only thinking about how Fiona was careful when a huge creepy demon with red eyes and big teeth began to attack her then ezek Kil appeared who said that he would stay and have fun with it after all the guys need to focus on the goal and move forward shouting that the guys leave faster because the outcome of the battle depends on them Ezekiel screamed at Fiona and gray to kill the dark God and save the world at the moment when gray wanted to rush to help his friend saying that they would not leave him Fiona wrapped both arms around him and began to pull him away and Shout that they need to go in the other world he had died just before the battle with the dark God Ezekiel is one of the people gray must save from certain death gray continued to stare at him and thought about how the last time they met him was later and now he would be captured by Bandits eak Kil in bewilderment with a slight smile asked gray what he was staring at because he is only interested in women gray opened his mouth and sat down in front of enil and asked how he could get caught by Bandits because he looks quite strong then Ezekiel began to tell me that he got into a relationship with a gorgeous woman in a Tavern and then got so drunk that he passed out and woke up tied up hitting the floor with his big strong hands Ezekiel shouted that he thought he had found a soulmate but she was a terrible person Ezekiel began to cry and Fiona who was sitting next to him was surprised and pied by such a terrible Love Story Ezekiel is still the same as in the past Fiona looked at her friend with a surprised face and asked what do you mean the rumors are caused by the crime of this gang of Bandits Ezekiel leaned his head on the wall and thought and said that if they were trafficking people wouldn't it be easier to kidnap the Common People gray sat across from them head down and said quietly that there are those who are willing to pay a round sum for Heroes and the bandits who captured them are members of an underground organization that supplies them with people raising his serious eyes burning with anger frowning brows he said that this is the so-called hero hunt sitting in the circle f and Ezekiel looked at gray waiting for an explanation of what he'd said about the hero hunt gray went on to explain that some people would like to get their own men to join their personal Army and that kidnapping and selling Warriors to rich people is called hero hunting frustrated Fiona looked at her brother with a surprised and sad look asking about the fact that a demon invasion was coming and people were at war with each other Ezekiel grinning began to say that people are incorrigible idiots but the savior heroes are really Expendable gray looked at his comrades and continued to say that even the rescue organization officially recognizes this the hunt for Heroes is a criminal scheme to kidnap and sell inexperienced soldiers to recruits and if they are put under the spell of absolute obedience the price will increase significantly Fiona looked at gray in horror at the stories she' just heard gray remembering the Bandit's eyes began to think that they had deliberately caught him in order to end the kidnappings the activities of the group that captured them led to the first tragedy because of this they lost many fighters in this area as I SK looked at gray with a slightly furrowed brow loudly said that he was well informed but how did he know so much Gathering his strength gray looked at the guys and confidently said that they had better figure out how to get out of here as soon as possible while gray and Fiona were being carried to this room he managed to EES drop on the Bandit's conversations and learn about the gang's internal structure using barrier magic to suppress the effects of sleeping pills Fiona asked how they could get their hands free to which Ezekiel said that no matter how much he tried to break the pads everything was useless and if you overdo it you can break your arm suddenly Gray's eye lit up red and he used his dark magic that was inside him said that it wasn't scary because he would do everything the shackles on his companion's hands shattered the guys in full Delight began to ask gray how he did it looking at the other people who were sitting with them he also released them and said that it was just telekinesis magically opening the iron doors with a lock he said come on the guys hesitated saying that the bandits were well armed and they had absolutely nothing everything was taken away returning to them gray smiled and said that there must be a place where they store weapons we need to look using his magic gray opened a large iron door that contained all the hero's weapons breaking into this room room everyone ran to take what rightfully belongs to them Ezekiel found his axe and said it was safer with it and Fiona found her sword after taking their weapons the heroes began to thank gray saying that now they will show what they are worth gray stood still watching as everyone tried to leave and Fiona told him that they should go too gray stopped everyone because there are other cells and that they will release each cell isai skill walked up to gray putting his arm around his shoulders and furiously setting up said that even though he was a good-natured simpleton he liked the mood he would go with them the bandits who were in the Next Room began to turn to the imprisoned Heroes and talk about how they showed what they are capable of you know it's very boring to guard them maybe you should beat everyone to raise your mood suddenly one of the bandits got up and heard someone making a noise behind him turning around as I skill was standing in front of them with his axe on his shoulder dissatisfied with the behavior of the bandits he said that they had bad entertainment the villains were very surprised and asked how he got out of the cell abruptly they started running at him smiling in all their mouths and shouting that disobedient slaves should be punished they'll beat him up until he can't even stand up but suddenly Ezekiel swinging his axe struck at them saying that they wanted to defeat him with such weak blows naive people Ezekiel threw these Bandits around but only one tried to run away shouting in horror what kind of recruit is this but suddenly Fiona appears with her eyes full of confidence and strength saying that he will not run away and hitting the fugitive with all his strength defeats him isai skill walked up to Fiona and said it was a great shot Fiona replied with full Pride that she had been practicing this for a long time guys free all the others went to look for a way out finding it all rejoiced saying that almost free but when they came out of this terrible place they were surrounded by other Bandits they had bows and arrows in their hands the newly elected were surprised by such a greeting and looked at the main leader of the gang who was standing at a height and under his feet was a pile of human bodies he said that this is a disgrace the guys are not supposed to create any lawlessness the newly elected men were standing in a circle with their weapons ready but the leader of the gang shouted that they should drop their weapons and behave as good guys should unless of course they want to be shot like cattle for Slaughter the villain was looking at them with a wide grin and one bandag eye his face nasty and angry the guys were a little confused a light sweat was running down them but they didn't give up asking the villain if he really thought they would give up so easily but then the villain grabbed the children holding a knife to the throat shouted that no one should move and if they make even a step they are finished Fiona tensed and was afraid not knowing what to do at the same time the newly elected members threw their weapons on the ground and raised their hands the main villain said said that they are well done but as a punishment for their audacity the man lying under him is beaten to a pulp the women are allowed to go around in circles a huge man with a scar on his face came up to Fiona and grabbed her saying that he would be the first startled Fiona squeezed her eyes shut and started shouting no then the man brazenly replied that he likes it when they resist but then he saw that blood was flowing down his body lowering his eyes and looking at his body he saw that there was a huge piece of ice in it gray who conjured ice blocks shot lightning from his eye told the man to take his hands off F gray was called out by the other villains that they had hostages suddenly abruptly these villains began to choke on blood they were also pierced by an ice block and they let the children go enraged gray looked at them and asked what they said about the hostages the main villain shouted for the others to kill the sorcerer at this time gray was standing on the ground below and just watched as a bunch of arrows flew at him Fiona ran up to him trying to cover him with her body and told him to be careful taking her by the shoulder he held her close and conjured a Magic Shield that released ice and caused frostbite a thousand times suddenly everything was covered with ice all the fighters were under a ton of ice the leader of the villains stood in complete horror I wonder what has happening at all but gray looked at him surrounded by Ice confidently said that only he was left what should I do with him the villain is enraged filled with anger ran at him with a sword shouting that gray is bad gray stood motionless calmly looking at the attempt to kill him rhetorically asked is this man beckoning himself to the almighty although in reality he is a pathetic person the infuriated villain shouted at gray not to underestimate him but then after a short pause gray said from above the villain looked up not understanding what could be from above a huge block of ice which soon flew straight at him the heroes won and this ice was left in the middle of a field the size of a huge mountain the children who were held hostage admired the guys and thanked them for saving them the guys are incredibly strong one day they will definitely repay the debt gray came closer to them leaning down to say that it was nothing it was better to let them take something and gave them a bag of money that was earned from the sale of slaves after saying goodbye to the guys watching them go gray shouted that they should become stronger and save as many people as possible suddenly gray fell to his knees clutching his heart panting a little as he said that his body still didn't respond well to complex spells Ezekiel came up to him and asked that he was an unusual sorcerer but gray pretended not to understand and asked what he was talking about because he was just an amateur magician trained in his native Village Ezekiel smiled held out his hand and told him that he had never heard of sorcerers that they hardly ever read spells out loud so would he be his friend gray smiled in response took the hand of a friend and began to get up and said that of course he would and was counting on Ezekiel joyfully Ezekiel said it was Mutual but in my head I wondered how gray knew his name looking straight into his face which was Dripping with sweat Ezekiel kept thinking that everything about him seemed somehow strange and wrong having overcome the band bits the guys returned to the city and walked down the street and Fiona said that she was very tired the base of the bandits was quite far from the city looking at the guys she continued to say that they were taken away by Carr and it's not fair to go back on your feet Ezekiel replied that gray had destroyed everything there even the wagons as she walked without noticing anything else Fiona said that she wanted to get to the hotel and take a bath as soon as possible but suddenly she caught someone shoulder and the donut fell to the floor Fiona collapsed sitting on her lap looking at the donut and apologizing saying that she was going to buy a new one in front of her feet was a girl in an incredibly beautiful suit with bright blue eyes and she had a sword on her back the girl told them to kneel before her and beg for mercy Fiona was surprised by this Behavior behind this girl were her assistants one wearing a purple suit glasses and a large magic hat while the other was completely dressed in white representing calmness the helpers began to tell Miss Brenda not to react so sharply to the Fallen donut although they understand that she is delighted with her first street food in her life Brenda cleared her throat calmed down a little and said that okay after all leniency to the plebs the duty of a real Aristocrat she gave her assistant a serious look and asked if Catherine agreed with that Catherine replied that it was as she said folding his hands in front of his chest looking at the guys with disdain he continued to say that judging by what she sees they only recently started a pilgrimage do the guys know anything about the missing recruits the poor Fighters are commoners she will personally bestow her mercy on them and save them from a terrible fate Fiona grabbed her brother's arm almost hanging on to him and said that all the problems were already solved Brenda looked at them questioningly not knowing what they were talking about Fiona told her that gray defeated the bandits responsible for this they have already found and released all the kidnapped Heroes Brenda was surprised outraged and shouted that some commoner had surpassed the daughter of the honorable einon family Fiona looked at it not knowing what kind the girl said that this is an ancient and great Noble family that rules the lands the founders of the most famous swordsmanship school on the continent Brenda couldn't calm down and pointed her finger at gray shouting that it was impossible for some frail guy from the common people to defeat an entire criminal Network because he probably used some sneaky tricks or was in League with criminals gray had been standing there silently watching the girls outrage Fiona got angry and started shouting that gray didn't do anything like this and that she didn't know anything about their bloodline but her brother was much stronger than he looked then Brenda began to draw her sword and say with complete confidence that let her prove it in battle if she overcomes the one who saved the kidnapped Heroes she will Dem demonstrate her strength and show the uneducated plebians who the Ein honns are gray who was standing in front of her rolled his eyes and said that he didn't need to fight her let Brenda think that she was stronger than everyone else getting even angrier Brenda started yelling about seeing him for the first time how dare some guy talk so familiarly to her does he take me for a fool Brenda Ein Holm in the other world often through words about their strength and considered everyone to be Rivals she didn't travel very long with them but she helped them out of trouble several times Brenda is the third person to be saved from certain death but she and gray seem to have a genetic incompatibility enraged Brenda stuck her sword into the ground with all her might and shouted that if she didn't attack first she would the impact was so strong that everyone was thrown back and Ezekiel said in Surprise what a wayward woman rising higher and higher above the heads of the heroes she gained more and more strength in her sword gray covered his face with his hand from the smoke and said that the Aristocrat is a wayward character but she does not have enough strength to defeat her without harming her you will have to use the eye of corruption immediately gray was overcome by dark magic and in his eyes was the silhouette of Brenda who had launched an attack brandishing her sword Brenda shouted at him to prepare for death calling him a plean but no blows could hit gray and she was surprised to say not understanding what was happening why can't she hit him the this guy Dodges all of her punches with ease exhausted Brenda stood on the ground and asked why gray began to cast magic and hit the girl with screams she fell but at that moment gray managed to pick her up and asked if she was all right he doesn't want to fight her so why don't they make friends after Brenda regained her senses she saw Gray's hand on her shoulder and exclaimed at him not to touch her how dare a common or touch her the assistants told them to go because this is not the time to bother with surfs Brenda Furious and dissatisfied with her defeat looked at the guys and said that she would not forgive them this guy was not serious in the slightest he didn't even see her as his rival frowning even more Brenda looked straight into Gray's eyes and said that she would still take revenge the boys were walking down the darken Street discussing what had happened with that lady Fiona asking them if they should just forget about that girl gray said they'd better go for a walk and clear their heads then gray took the boys to a cemetery and Ezekiel asked them in surprise that they had come to visit someone's grave gray bowed down in front of the plinth and said that he needed to pick up one thing the guys were even more surprised because they didn't understand who had what to take away gray put his hand on the plinth and used his magic to open it the guys behind gray didn't expect that this was a secret entrance going down walking down the stairs in some strange tunnel gray began to tell that this is the grave of a hero named Albert who lived a thousand years ago there's AIS crushing evil armor according to rumors made by Albert himself Ezekiel caught up with gray looking at him from the side did not understand because it is unlikely that Ordinary People can know about such a thing how does gray know this gray purposefully walked forward and did not even look at his friend said that this is so there are rumors he had felt it particularly strongly in the fight against the bandits so he needed to provide f with maximum protection as soon as possible originally the task of finding this armor was supposed to be given out by the rescue organization but it's better to pick them up now walking along the corridor of the Tomb the guys discussed among themselves that it is very spacious and does not even look like a grave gray explained that this is the main tomb however and that the traditional tombstones were made to hide the main burial sight approaching the right place suddenly someone started following the guys Fiona felt it turn turned around to see if there was a tail behind them the guys looked at her with a question and Fiona said that she thought she saw someone Fiona was looking at the kids in Fright and Ezekiel said it was probably a mouse or spider gray did not understand what was happening and told the guys to forget about it and move on walking up to the large white doors that were covered in Gold gray said that this was where they needed to go coming closer to the door gray opened the door before his eyes in complete darkness armor hung in a blazing fire the guys began to ask what is it then standing in front of this armor gray said that this is the guardian of the Tomb he determines who is worthy to wear the armor Fiona not understanding what her brother was talking about asked him again worthy then the guardian of the Tomb told the Young Warriors to show him six proofs given to them by the Salvation Army because in this tomb lies a Great Hero the only way they will receive the sacred armor Fiona looked at her brother seriously and asked him what kind of proof did they have anything chuckling gray told his sister not to worry suddenly a sharp blow on the armor gray shouted that they can be obtained by force after destroying everything he said that they didn't have time for a guardian so he would take the armor Right Here and Now angered the guardian of the armor said that arrogant Mortals want to break the ancient law smiling in complete calm gray said that he was tired of these laws they still do not help anyone since he can considers them arrogant then let him attack or is he afraid the guard didn't delay and immediately after Gray's words he began to release lightning bolts and aimed the sword directly at the guys Ezekiel covering gray with his axe indignantly said that they were serious so now they spit on the principles of organizing salvation and plunder the ancient borders gray who was standing behind his friends back began to cast magic and said that they were not robbing but taking on time the guys started to fight lightning was flying everywhere and the fight was unpredictable Fiona covered her face with her hands against the bright light of sorcery and screamed and did not understand what was happening at all a sudden blue light appeared and stopped the guardian's attack suddenly Brenda was standing behind them grinning and looking at them with disdain saying that it was the right decision to follow them because she wanted to take revenge but did not expect that they would lead her to such Treasures Fiona turned to the girl surprised and said airp but the girl was angry and yelled at Fiona to make her remember that her name was Brenda einon happily with complete confidence Brenda said that the armor of Albert himself a hero who lived a thousand years ago should belong to her as a representative of the highest nobility because she will become a great savior of the world and it is she who has all the rights to wear this armor the assistant standing behind brand began to shake with fear and ask with complete uncertainty if they were sure they could pick them up after all first they need to pass some kind of test from the organization Brenda shouted that it didn't matter because she never liked their Guild of imaginary greatness anyway Brenda prepared to attack and win the armor shouted to her assistant that he was coming to attack with her the Iron Boy with the sword in his hand said that he obeys the lady Brenda then began to instruct the others to have stemma cover them with healing magic and Catherine conjured fire to kill her assistance did all this and then brender ran to the attack began to fight with the guardian for the armor a fierce battle broke out and Jack charged the guard Brenda standing behind him her mouth wide open in horror the guardian defeating one of his opponents immediately launched an attack on Brenda who was ready for anything slightly touching her inflicted a wound then the assistant shouted that healing was on the way but this did not stop brand and she ran to attack the guard shouting that it was a laugh and only such wounds do not become einnov swinging her sword she slashed at the guard wounding him in the chest Fiona watched Brenda's battle and the guards were surprised that Alon was able to hit him with her sword what a team effort all the while gray stood by and just watched in silence their retinue was as strong in the other world as a proud leader demanding to follow orders together with her Fighters she is superior to ordinary Warriors then the guardian turned blue and gray was startled to to realize that the guardian had changed his strategy so he shouted at Brenda to watch out Brenda too confident in her own abilities looked at gray and said that he was in no position to order her around but then she let out a cry of surprise as the guardian seemed to grow stronger abruptly disappearing Brenda stood in disbelief where did he go suddenly a sword soaked in blood plunged into the chest of Bran's assistant who was protecting the children with her magic Brenda was outraged and angrily ran at the guard swinging her sword but he disappeared she didn't understand how this was possible the guardian after crippling the assistance and injuring them wanted to attack her as well gray realized that the strength of the guys is not enough and decided to help them thinking that the guardian has lightning speed we need to strengthen our defenses using his magic gray raised the pillars and aimed them at the guardian striking him the rest of the columns made a protective perimeter where the guys were sitting Brenda was holding Stella who was bleeding and on the verge of death and the other kids were also exhausted from the Guardians attack Brenda told her assistant to hold on Gray moved closer to the Wounded Woman and began to cast spells Brenda looked at him and tried to find out what he was doing gray then explained that he was briefly stopping time for L's body so that the wound wouldn't bleed then he added that the guys should quickly get out to the surface and look for a Healer but Brenda still couldn't calm down shouting at gray that they hadn't given up yet is he going to take the armor himself gray looked at her assistants who were sitting completely exhausted and asked if it was possible to continue the battle with their wounds Brenda knew that she had no other choice she looked down did not understand how it was possible for the great Einhorn family to retreat so easily suddenly Gray's I achd horribly and swollen veins appeared on his face and he abruptly recalled what happened when they fought the demon in their pre previous life there were corpses all around all his comrades were dead and Gray in a white suit was holding a wounded Brenda who was asking him why are you crying Brenda told him almost dying that even though she hadn't been able to beat him in a fight she had been able to make him cry so she won Brenda died in Gray's arms in the other world all she did was ruin everything for them she died on the battlefield never making it to the final battle for gray to protect Fiona Brenda must stay with them until the very end gray put his hand on Brenda's shoulder and looked at her seriously saying that he was asking them to step back now because he didn't want to see Brenda die anymore horrified she shouted with big wide eyes what after some time calmed down she took l in her arms after a short silence said okay but she will come back and take revenge on him walking down the tomb Corridor carrying the injured Lila In Her Arms Brenda walked in front of everyone and indignantly thought that they were saved by some plean what a shame but she thought he knew what he was talking about what did gray mean when he said he didn't want to see her die anymore frowning even more at the light Brenda said that it really pisses her off the boys left the tomb and went to find the Healer gray Fiona and Ezekiel stayed in the Tomb to continue the fight Ezekiel asked if it was really worth sending that girl out after all the more combat power they have the better seeing how the guardian begins to break through the barrier gray turned to the guys and said that at least they will not waste their strength on protecting her because the guard is not so easy to defeat the guard broke through the defense swinging his sword trying to hit gray but he managed to dodge Fiona jumped on top of the Guard trying to strike back to protect her brother but then the guard abruptly disappeared and gray shouted that the guard was behind Fiona hadn't expected this turn of events Gray protected fion with his magic Conjuring a block of ice between them to cool the guards arter a little scared Fiona looked at her brother gray was also terribly scared and told Fiona to leave him because the guard is attacking from behind so she better move to the wall gray asked Ezekiel to cover for his sister Ezekiel ran to Fiona and covered her with his axe parrying the blows of the burning guard a block of ice that looked like a tree stump appeared on the floor and gray sealed up his sword and shouted happily that he had caught it the ice tried to break through the guardian but then it abruptly disappeared again gray stood in complete shock tired he did not understand what had happened and how it was possible then the guard reappeared behind him and gray gathered all his strength and aimed a blow at him Fiona was terribly frightened and shouted brother slightly off balance gray looked at the guardian and asked what happened after all he had to disarm it the Sentinel hung in the air burning with fire in front of the exhausted hero and then gray realized what was going on after realizing what was happening and seeing the guard with a cut on his chest gray said that they had acted wrong from the very beginning the guardian came closer to Gray and raised his sword over his head which became even more heated saying that they were not worthy of being Rescue Heroes and that it was necessary to destroy The Intruders gray smirked and said that whether he was worthy of being a hero or not was up to him Gathering all her strength together everything around her was submerged in blue light and then sharp blocks of Earth abruptly flew out of the ground piercing the guard but there were four guards the guys were shocked surprised that there were four of them and asked okay the guard who's hanging from the rock asked gray how he noticed this then he explained that he remembered its state when he immobilized it but after it reappeared the damage Left Behind was no longer there but the wound inflicted by brand appeared IR iridescent blue light gray grind looked at the guardian and continued to say that there were originally several of them due to the instantaneous movement they make the enemy think that there is only one Guardian the defeated guards said they didn't accept it confident gray looked at them and said that he didn't need it then gray cast a final spell saying melting and the Guardians began to melt into small particles gray fell to his knees clutching his heart in pain Fiona ran up to him taking him by the shoulders asking how he was closing one eye bearing his teeth and sweating profusely gray said it was nothing just a little tired he'd managed to stay conscious for a long time but he couldn't make fion worry suddenly abruptly something began to rise from the ground the guys looked at it and said that something appeared in the place of the Guard evil crushing armor emerged from the ground but there was also an incomprehensible ghost who laughed and said that he didn't think that anyone would defeat the Guardians it seems that their receivers are not so bad Fiona opened her mouth wide stood rooted to the spot looking at this creature in Surprise and asked is this a ghost Ezekiel who was standing nearby was also slightly shocked saying that he did not think so rather it was the remnants of his soul gray came closer hand on heart and kneeling telling the hero Albert that he would take his armor to save all those who are dear to him Albert was horrified a light sweat and fear appeared on his face he began to shout and ask what is gray doing here because of him soaring higher and gradually starting to disappear without having time to finish he said only that the guys did not let themselves be deceived because this person the guys were standing in disbelief of what was happening right now surprised Fiona asked her brother if he was friends with Mr ghost confused gray looked at the disappearing ghost and said that he did not know him maybe he confused him with someone else but it doesn't matter the main thing is now without finishing gray closed his eyes turned to Fiona and stood in front of the armor telling her to put it on Fiona folded her hands in front of her chest and asked in mild shock that they would be worn by her because the armor is a thousand years old coming closer to the progress gray looked at his sister and said that he wanted to protect her so it was better that she put them on surprised Fiona sighed and said okay putting on the armor she seemed to shine looking at the guys asked how she was in them gray and Ezekiel looked at Fiona with admiration and said that she was very becoming and that gray should have bought Fiona More Beautiful Things brimming with happiness Fiona said with a big smile and a blush that she liked it very much and that she was happy Ezekiel leaned on Gray and looked at him then asked since they were done here where would they go next they reached a city that stood on a mountain with a large Eagle circling above it Loro a strategically important stronghold between the kelus and Fram ranges it was the city where the genocide of humanity began in another world after the fall of laboro the demon offensive began to advance at Double speed and people called this event the first great catastrophe the entire city was on fire and attacked by demons but at the moment the tragedy will not come soon if the heroes can suppress the coming Army of demons they will buy time to fully prepare for the final battle when fion entered the city grounds she was pleasantly surprised her eyes were bright and she was happy gray looked at his sister in Surprise and asked when did she manage to buy so much Fiona was holding a box of food in her hand putting them in her mouth looking at gray and saying that she showed a hero badge and they gave her a gift for half the price a little embarrassed Fiona looked at her brother with big wide eyes and pupils like a cat asked indistinctly what Fiona showed the guys to the hotel holding a box of food telling them that if you show the badge you can take a free bath and change clothes in the previous City this was also the case the hero icon is very useful Ezekiel said that the Lords would also not benefit if the city was taken over by demons as a payment for the fact that Heroes protect people at the risk of their lives when they got to the hotel Fiona showed them her hero badge and said there were three of them the girl who met the guys on the doorstep smiled sweetly telling them welcome and their Institution does not charge a fee for Heroes the heroes were sitting in a restaurant their table was full of different food salads bread huge plates of different meat but Ezekiel sitting at this table sipping his drink said that it was all a little strange Fiona sat across from him eating cream soup asking what exactly was weird then Ezekiel squinted at the people sitting with them in the room and said that it was strange how the locals looked at them they were kind of Twitchy gray covered his body with a napkin so was not to get dirty cutting up food and culturally eating it said that in principle this is not surprising Ezekiel gray asked without taking his eyes off the locals suddenly there was a commotion in the building and the girl started dropping everything around her shouting to be released a healthy man ringing her hands smiling through his impudence said that he just asked her to come and pour another beer pulling the girl to him he told her to sit on his lap because they are better than a crappy chair an old man with a big long mustache and eyebrows in a trembling voice began to ask the dear hero to reduce his ardor they have not such an institution suddenly the so-called hero punched the old man in the face with all his might shouting at him to be quiet holding a Girl by the hair with one hand and clenching a fist with the other looking at the old man who was bleeding said that they are not serving the great savior's well without letting go of the girl's hair the guy began to look at all the people in The Establishment he shouted that now he would show this woman how to behave Fiona hit the table jumped up from her seat and started looking at this guy then he asked someone any complaints the girl who the so-called hero savior was holding by the hair fell to the floor screaming in pain and he dragged her across the floor heading straight for Fiona asking about what she got up for Fiona was Furious looking at his face asking him how he could think that being a hero he could behave like that and asked to release the woman when the Ordo was attacked the city's defenses were breached almost instantly this happened for three reasons the first is a hero hunt because of the Abduction of new recruits by slavers there were not enough people in the city to protect it the second reason is the elimination of Rivals by Wars and the third reason is the heroes with rotten Souls who flooded the city after Fiona ordered the woman to be released the so-called hero sneered at her and said how scary a little girl is to point out to an adult as he swung at Fiona trying to hit her he started shouting which means she gets some of the girls punishment too Fiona jumped High swinging her sword said it was too slow the guy missed and hit his fist on the ground quickly realized and parried Fiona's blow Fiona didn't expect this guy to be able to Parry her blow he was grinning at her from under his brows as he stabbed fion in the chest she was thrown back but she didn't feel anything Fiona was terribly angry at the man's behavior but she was surprised that the armor saved her if they can withstand such attacks they can also neutralize more powerful attacks running Fiona swung at this guy but he grabbed her sword with one hand and the other took her hand tightly squeezing Fiona's whole body began to shake she did not expect that the opponent could be so strong ringing her hand he threw Fiona to the floor and she said what it means that armor doesn't protect anything but your chest the guy leaned on the bed smiling his face was like a skeleton grinning he asked Fiona thought she was strong enough to go against him tearing his clothes the hero bent over her and began to shout that now she must accept her punishment and that she did not dare to beg him for Mercy above the man's bald head which had swollen veins popping out frowning and not understanding what was trying to stop him was the bright light of a fireball flying straight at him it turned out to be a blow from Gray who tried to calm down this bully said that this girl was his younger sister and he would not allow anyone to touch her with a finger but the guy still did not calm down and began to tell gray that the sorcerer could be incomplete standing in a pose the opponent began to show off his muscles bragging and saying that his surroundings are trained to Perfection muscles gray can't even scratch him with his Small Tricks gray was overcome by a wild rage and hatred towards this man immersed in dark magic approaching the guy he told him that then we will check if he dies large veins po popped out of the man's chest as he shouted out in anger who does gray think he is the angry hero ran at gray shouting that he was about to pull his guts on his fist swinging the guy throws a punch but misses suddenly his eyes open wide in Surprise and pain veins popped out on his face Fiona was sitting on the floor terrified and called out to her brother people coming closer looked at this guy from under which smoke was coming and whispered that after all he was monstrously strong probably this guy I died but it was not the same standing and straightening his shoulders raising his hands to the sides he laughed loudly shouting that with one blow to death even bones were not left gray stood behind him surprised at the guy's stupidity and asked where he was looking with a swing this guy punched gray with his fist while shouting for him to die gray hadn't expected such a blow and was thrown back against the wall the impact so strong that his back crushed the cabinet behind him the pseudo hero ran up to Gray and started hitting him with all his might shouting for him to get continuing to beat him without stopping striking a blow that broke through the wall the tired Warrior said that that's all there is no scoundrel but not having time to recover flowing with sweat behind him was Gray from whom a blue aura was radiating calmly without any emotions asked if he was finished the guy stood rooted to the spot not understanding how this is possible turning to face his oppon opponent he was surprised that gray was unharmed starting to conjure and turning into a blue spot as if gray is made of glass covering his eye with his palm he said that body magic secret technique of a protective type steel flesh with his strong fists the guy will not even be able to scratch him swinging and trying to hit gray again the guy shouted that he was talking nonsense but then the fist stopped right in front of Gray's face and the guy's hand started shaking with all its might he was scared because he didn't understand what was going on Gray looked at him with a smirk on his face but a serious look in his eyes and said that he was too stupid if he hadn't already noticed and then gray snapped his fingers and the chains began to bind the hands of this guy the hero could not move and wondered where the chains came from Gray explained to him that while he was waving his fists to no avail his magic chains bound the guy's limbs the magic circles started to create chains that bound the guy all over his body so that he couldn't even move the chains began to lift him up as if they wanted to break him into small particles gray said that it was better not to Twitch because these chains bind not only the body but his very being will try to escape and the consequences for his soul will be unpredictable continuing the cast magic gray looked at this man and said that now for his sin wounding innocent people he will be punished the guy started crying and screaming in pain and asked me to stop the chains squeezed the Hero's body so much that it seemed he was completely boneless he began to shout that enough was enough his body was tearing he could take more gray stood looking at him scratching his chin and said thoughtfully that it was like looking at who knows how strong a human body can be the chains untied the guy he was lying on the floor and bleeding barely saying that at least they didn't kill him but gray told him not to worry that he wasn't going to kill him yet because he would still be needed to deliver the message the guy continued to lie on the floor crying and looking at gray who came very close to him and asked what message everything turned into one dark red room Gray's silhouette was burning red and only his eyes were visible he said that the hero should tell his leader that their gang should stop terrorizing the city and get out of here otherwise he gray Shephard would personally punish everyone who was involved in this the hero crawled through the streets of the city bleeding to deliver a message at this time in the restaurant where everything happened gray approached an old man with a long mustache held out his hand with a bag of gold coins apologized for the damage and asked him to accept it as compensation the old man was surprised and said it was a lot the guys left the restaurant saying goodbye to the owners who thanked the heroes walking through the dark streets of the city the guys began to discuss why the thugs were so loose at all and it's a strange city to gray explained that the power in Loro was held by a band of Heroes led by a brave man named George they abuse their immunity lure themselves in as kings and keep the local population at Bay the guys were surprised and asked how this can even be gray drooped and replied that under the pretext of protecting the town's people at a critical moment they levied taxes on the town's people and took the women away to abuse them as a result when the attack began they took all the money and were the first to leave the city Ezekiel looked at gray and said that he still didn't understand how he knew so much gray replied that he had his own sources and sent them a final warning so they'd better find a place to stop and rest Ezekiel agreed because it was high time the guys kept walking and Fiona stopped she was very sad lowered her eyes to the floor and just said nothing a golden wine glass with a purple drink inside flew down from the impact on the table so much indignation was heard at a large table filled with food in a completely white room where half naked girls were walking men were sitting and one of them the most important one was furiously indignant asking that they need to get out of Loro the guy gray sent to deliver the message crawled up to his leader telling him that if they didn't get out he would punish them all he was a monster he was too tough for them a fat man with a chain on his navl with a Thin Mustache who was holding meat in two hands and eating it said that the messenger's hands were strong but his intellect was lame the boy cheated him and he fell for it sitting across from him a guy in classic clothes and long purple hair holding a glass in which wine was being poured agreed with this and added that gray shepher had not heard anything about it just a conceited person another guy was lying on the table holding a hookah in his hand with big bags under his eyes and green hair in a hood because he was saying what if they kill him but then a guy in a suit interrupted him and ran over him asking that he had drunk some magic liquid again after all these drinks are addictive chuckling the guy asked if he wanted to try it too the guy in the suit said he wouldn't drink it the guys started cursing among themselves and arguing aggressively but then the fat man shouted at them to shut up jorg was very angry thinking and telling his comrades that some scoundrel had dared to underestimate them and encroach on his City killing gray won't be enough gutting her and exposing the boy's body to the public in the total darkness in front of of the hotel where the guys were staying some people were watching the window where the light was on Fiona was lying on the bed with her hand outstretched in front of her looking at her and thinking that in a fight with that strong man she couldn't do anything at all at home she easily managed to defeat the local Hooligans but outside the village everything is different at this rate she will become a burden for the guys Fiona abruptly clenched her fist and stared at him in silence there was a knock on the door followed by a question can I come in Gray was standing in the doorway looking at Fiona who was startled and he asked her if she was tired adding that tomorrow was going to be a rough day so she should rest Fiona got out of bed looked a little upset at her brother and asked has he gone to bed yet gray sat down across from F and averted his eyes saying yes he hadn't gone to bed yet in this world he can't fully use powerful spells yet so he should train while he can suddenly Fiona approached brother and slapped him on the forehead with her finger looking at him intently trying to dilute the atmosphere gray asked her what it was Fiona said she saw a wrinkle frowning even more without removing her finger from her brother's forehead Fiona began to shout that he had developed a bad habit of suffering alone if something was bothering him he could always discuss it with her pulling her hand away a little upset and doubtful Fiona asked her brother or has something changed smile smiling with his eyes down gray was embarrassed and asked how can he refuse gray thought that his sister was right they should appreciate the time they had Fiona stood in front of him smiling happily putting her hand in the palm of her brothers who looked at her with all the Brotherly Love Fiona sat down next to him on the bed and the guys began to talk gray realized that he needed to appreciate what he had been waiting to get back in the other world the Jord gang broke into the hotel where they were staying the guys started beating up everyone who was there and shouting for the old man to tell them which room gray Shephard was staying in the owner of the hotel asked them to wait now he will check the registration the bandits beat up everyone around them and shouted what took the old man so long where's gray Shepherd they went up to the floor kicking down all the doors shouting that if gray didn't come out they would kill everyone here but even if he did they would still kill everyone the door at the end of the corridor creaked and opened a little Fiona was standing behind it who was terribly scared but then a man with white hair and a wrinkled face started banging on the door licking his lips and shouting that there was also a woman telling Fiona that she was walking towards him Fiona was standing in front of him looking at him from under her brows being in a slight stuper and the man offered her privacy what is she doing and then Fiona furious with all her might launched an attack on the bandits shouting for them to get out Fiona thought that her brother should not always protect her because from an early age it was she who saved him the bandits were surprised by Fiona's Incredible strength and whispered among themselves what is it with her what kind of monstrous power Fiona threw them all into one and gray watched quietly thinking that he had learned from childhood that Fiona should not be angry the bandits got scared and ran as fast as they could shouting that she would cut them all everyone should get out of here one of the thugs was watching the scene and shouted for jorg to report quickly suddenly a big strong hand grabbed this guy's face his face crunched from squeezing his hand and he was told that you can't make so much noise in public places it was Ezekiel who lifted the man up by holding his head above him asking him not to say that they were going to just run away without even apologizing to their owners Ezekiel scattered all these Bandits flexed his fingers and said with a big smile that he would stretch his fist until he finally sobered up the villain sat tied up on the ground in a circle and explained that they were really under the orders of jorg they only do everything that he says Furious Fiona looked at the boys with her hands on one side and shouted that the heroes in this city do not know what remorse is gray standing behind her pulling black gloves over his hands glanced sideways and said it wasn't surprising then Fiona without taking her eyes off the heroes of the local Town asked if gray understood them Ezekiel stood in his armor straightening them smiling and looking seriously saying that this hero would absolutely not care if one of his comrades was hit on the ground if they were different they would not have held the city for so long right gray continued to put on his gloves confirmed these words and added that they clearly indicated their intentions now it's the guy's turn to make a move the heroes were standing on the street of the city fully prepared for battle under the leadership of gray who said that it was time for general cleaning none of them will escape punishment the action began to unfold in the casino a lot of people sat at the tables and spread their cards hoping to get more chips in front of each table there were girls in elegant short suits with rabbit ears on their heads some people smiled and rejoiced and some stood in complete despair some man was sitting at the table in front of the cards completely crushed and terribly worried said that this is a dream this is definitely a terrible dream a guy in a classic suit and long blue hair approached his grandfather and began to whisper slowly and slowly in his ear that this is life the man was horrified by such information fell from a chair lay on the floor in front of the feet of this guy asked to be forgiven and next time he will definitely recoup if they lend him more money then he will definitely without finishing the guy interrupted him and said that it was enough calling the man a grandfather bowing down in front of the man smiling broadly and making a compassionate face ironically asked didn't he give enough money back then didn't he say that this was the last time the man began to cry drooled and drooled with wide eyes and small pupils looked at the guy hysterically shouted that he did not want to put anything at all they put pressure on him and then took away his land and his Workshop while he is not the only one how many people in this Casino have lost their property looking at his cards which were lying on the game table the man continued to say that there was something wrong with the deck from the very beginning and that they were all scammers here a guy in a classic suit was surprised by these words angrily shouted to the man asking what he was saying old man kicking this man in the face the guy kept shouting that he brought real City Entertainment to this Village who did he dare to call a fraud the guy continued to kick the man and he asked to be spared after stopping hitting the man the guy bowed down in front of him smiled sweetly and began to say with a sneer okay he's not some devil after all if a man sells his daughter and wife he will get more money from him okay the man lying on the floor shouted that only not them except for the family he has no one else getting up from his knees the guy smiled even wider continuing to mock the man rhetorically asked yes and then he said that by the way they have already been bought out the man was horrified by this information turned pale questioningly continuing to look at the guy not understanding how this is possible at all in the eyes of this man the guy looked like a terrible monster with red eyes and a huge mouth with hatred and superiority in his voice he began to say that the man should have understood what was going on his daughter was expensive but the old one was cheap lifting his leg over the man's head and looking into that screaming and crying face he said that the guy in the suit is a terrible person the guy was Furious filled with anger started hitting him and telling him not to touch him taking out his sword a guy in a suit told the man that he also need needed to get money for him there are many demons who will not refuse to eat human flesh the man was terribly shocked by such words then the guy aimed at him with his weapon casually asked after all the man was still left without a family what does he have to lose and he tried to stick his sword in the man shouted for him to die but then something prevented the guy it turned out to be Fiona who managed to cover the man with her sword so that he would not be killed the guy in a classic suit was surprised by this appearance and seemed to know who it was Fiona stood in front of him with a sword in her hand and looked at him with absolute seriousness to which the guy said what a lovely girl how much is she worth suddenly all the waiters who were in the restaurant took out their weapons and started shouting that she was one of the ones jorg was talking about kill her at all costs but then Ezekiel appeared throwing the game table with money at the waiters shouting that their opponent would be him suddenly all the cards and dice in the game started to fly up and gray cast a telekinesis magic a circular void dance and all the cubes flew straight at the enraged waiters knocking out their eyes and scratching their bodies standing back to back Ezekiel and gray began to defend themselves fending off the angry employees of this casino a guy in a classic suit started attacking Fiona and asked if they were the ones who hurt their friend he can understand their Envy if they want to get the city then why don't they take their own after all it is somehow low to come and take someone else's property indignant Fiona replied that this city does not belong to them but to its inhabitants the fight between the boy and Fiona would get heated and he would tell her that no the city belongs to those who rule here they only maintain order in it instead of the Lords the guy started to fill his sword with power that burned with a blue light kept saying that they were strong enough to hold the city but the guys weren't suddenly the guy issued a decree and speed flew out of his sword with Divine speed a flurry of thunderous Spears Fiona tried to defend herself and fight them off but they were very fast and she couldn't go on the offensive the guy grinned broadly underestimating Fiona and asking her if she was already giving up then let him say goodbye to life he directed all of his power directly at her Fiona was thrown back and gray saw this and was terribly frightened shouting Fiona Fiona stood on her feet filled with anger and calmly said that everything was fine with a frown on her face she gathered her strength looked at her opponent and thought that she would prove to her brother that she wouldn't be a burden but I thought about what to do with the spears Fiona gathered all her strength prepared a sword that reflected the guy in the suit saying that he was already bored with all this so Fiona should die soon once again the guy said Divine speed and a barrage of Thunder Spears flew straight at Fiona who was trying to fight it off think thinking that this move was happening again how long can he repeat it then Fiona understood looking at this guy who was preparing to strike again and said that this is the right stance to attack if he can take advantage of the moment now and then the guy loudly screamed at her to die but Fiona leaped at him and cut his spear in half with her sword the guy was shocked and said that it was impossible well here Fiona cut in half not only his spear but also the guy himself grinning a little that one falling to the floor without strength flowing around then she looked at the floor gray conjured protection looked at her and asked if she was okay she needed a break while he dealt with the others but Fiona leaning on her sword and getting to her feet asked her brother if she had done well gray continued to fight the attackers and said that it was great and Fiona thanked her brother ran into battle saying that she can continue gray thought that if she hadn't been wearing the holy armor in this battle it would have been a tough one to protect Fiona he must become stronger than ever before abruptly grze I began to turn red and hurt terribly he thought why does the pain from The Curse still not disappear a fat man with a Thin Mustache from the Jor gang stood and laughed saying that he did not think that so much food was stored there the guys were standing in front of the grain Warehouse looking at all the stocks discussing that this grain is of high quality if they sell it they will be able to get pretty rich the guy standing behind this fat man called out out to him and said that this is a food warehouse for emergency situations if you sell everything then in the event of a disaster the population will die of hunger the fat man wrapped his two hands around his staff turned around and slapped the man's face asking what does he mean by that sitting on top of this man pressing his mouth with his staff he began to say through laughter that since the man says so people will starve then let them eat at least stones from the road and he will feed them to their fill then I asked him if he was happy with this Arrangement but the boy couldn't say anything because he had a staff in his mouth suddenly behind this scoundrel were the saviors of the new recruits Fiona was standing in front of everyone with her hands on her waist looking seriously at the fat guy and saying that she was just another hero who didn't know the limits Ezekiel was standing next to him an axe slung over his shoulder and he said that the purge was going well gray folded his hands in front of his chest and stood silently watching what was happening but then the fat man's assistants took out their knives and ran straight at the guys shouting that this was a gang that had declared war on them kill everyone but the woman because she's on sail but before he could even launch an attack gray threw the guys back with his strength and overcame them they lay unconscious on the ground the blow was so strong that even the ground cracked under them then the guys said that they did a great job next on a dark night torches were hung on the walls of the building which burned with purple fire and from the archway in this building a dark purple light Shone something strange was happening in this Archway children were sitting in cages on the ceiling and at the entrance there were people who could not stand properly on their feet there were some cauldrons below and one of the gang jorg with green hair was cooking something in large glass flasks people were standing at the top their eyes were like crazy people their whole body was shaking and dripping with sweat they asked to be given more magic decoction without it they would go crazy one of the people shouted that he had already given the sorcerer all the money but he wanted more then the sorcerer turned his pale face to them his smile was like an inadequate person he said that of course he would get it and in return let those who have children bring them to him and those who do not kidnap stray children from the roadside their brains will be the perfect ingredient for sweet broth people in complete inadequacy experiencing terrible withdrawal shouted that yes they would do anything for the sake of decoction one of the men had five children and shouted that they would make a great addition to let Dad see the stars the two guards who were standing at the entrance watched the guy Brew the decoction marveling at how cleverly he tricked people and called him master all these previously serious hard workers having once tasted potions became his personal dogs standing over the cages in which the children were sitting the guy in his hoodie folded his hands and across looked at them and said that it was great to watch how a person breaks down how once happy people become like animals and fall into a real hell decomposing Into Pieces Just then Fiona appeared out of nowhere jumping over the guards and Swinging her sword standing in front of this crazy guy she looked at him seriously and gray and Ezekiel stood on top of the exit and looked at this man with disdain the guy said so they're the famous gang without finishing the sentence gray began to cast spells to stop him the blow was so strong that even from this Archway a bright yellow light Shone the boys beat that scoundrel at this time Mr kfir jorg was sitting in his lair drinking wine from crystal glasses and he was given the terrible news that a magician named gray had completely burned down the magic laboratory jorg sat motionless looking at his glass of wine without even looking at his assistant continued to listen to what he was being told it turned out that all of his companions also fell one after another other in his hand jorg squeezed a glass of wine breaking it into small fragments the wine mixed with blood splashed around then filled with anger and hatred he said who does he think he is he added that he would kill him and leave no wet spot it will be chopped up into small pieces and sent to the pig for food the boys came out of this Archway to escape the children smiling and hanging out with them and gray walked behind holding the hand of a small boy who looked at him in fear while gray was terribly tired thinking that only George was left we need to make it before he ran away Ezekiel looked at the exhausted gray who was leaning on his knees trying to recover he told gray that he was very tired can they rest and continue tomorrow to which gray flatly replied no en zisel told Fiona they'd bring in a constable in the meantime she would look after the children while waiting for the Constable Fiona was standing in a circle of small children very surprised and Ezekiel took gray by the the Scruff of the neck and dragged him in an unknown Direction adding that they would meet later at the hotel Fiona was standing in a circle of children who looked at her with sad eyes but she diluted the atmosphere and said that everything will be fine good people will come for them soon after waiting for the Constable Fiona said goodbye to the guys and the man hugged the children and was very happy the children waved after Fiona and thanked her for saving them late at night back at the hotel Fiona climbed the stairs wondering if her brother was still in his room as she approached the door but didn't open it she heard gray telling her not to tell Fiona but is eskil was terribly dissatisfied with this Behavior stood over gray lying on the bed said that his body does not withstand the spells that he uses if he continues to strain so much he will be left without internal organs and the lifespan will decrease Fiona heard this conversation standing outside the door spying on them was horrified and began to worry about her brother because he did not take care of himself at all and also that fainting spell in cped Gray covered his eyes with his hand sweating profusely as he lay on the bed and said in a weak voice that he was well aware of the possibility of his body so he often exhausted himself but if this way he could build a world where Fiona would live happily then his life was a price that he was easily willing to pay Fiona didn't go into the room she rolled down the door holding her heart she was angry but at the same time time she was worried there was an Indescribable pain in her eyes in some establishment outside the gate there were discussions about what they should do after all there is no one else in the city but jorg and at this rate they will soon be finished at the round table sat men drinking their drinks laughing but at the same time we're horrified one of these men jumped up from the table and hid it on the head and offered to take everything they could from the locals and run away from here the bald man added that they would also set fire to the city so that they would definitely not catch up Suddenly Fiona appeared in the doorway without saying anything and the men turned to look at her and started asking who she was but abruptly they realized that it was the same armored girl that goes with gray the men were terrified and shouted that how did she know they were here to teach her a lesson Fiona did not think twice taking out her sword she began to beat the men without a single drop of doubt she easily dealt with each of them and began to say that now her brother mother would not have to protect her after killing all the villains leaving the bloodied room with a sword in her hand which was Dripping with blood Fiona seriously walked down the street realizing that she had won this battle suddenly she was stopped by some voice he said that well well what a useless rabble everyone was overcome by some girl George was standing in front of her in his brown suit and long fur collared raincoat holding a sickle in his hand looking seriously at Fiona and saying how dare she do what she wants in his City killing them all won't be enough and she and her friends will face the most painful death in the world then jorg rushed at her swinging his sickle in the past standing in the big arena holding a sword in his hand having defeated all the competitors The Voice began to say that this year's winner of the fencing Championship is George hattenberger incredibly beautiful and strong having won he stood in the middle of the field and listened to the shouts from the arena people idolized him and said what a powerful swordsman he was easily defeated the son of the famous Valenstein magic family Brave George people were asking him to look at them jorg with a confident face smiled broadly frowned and shouted with pride that he solemnly swore that he would definitely meet people's expectations back in the present day Jor with a green face and a big scar on his face looked at Fiona and said how dare she do what she wants in his City killing them all won't be enough her and her friends as he swung his sickle at fion he added that they were going to die the most painful death in the world Fiona started to Parry the blows but they were so strong that her sword broke into four pieces Fiona was terribly surprised jorg stood in front of her his Serb launching maximum suppression of the enemy when he chopped up the local Lord's mother the Lord burst into tears and swore to obey him begging George to spare the families of the others swinging his arm high once more he shouted that Fiona would be next but suddenly he was terribly surprised and did not understand what was happening suddenly Fiona suddenly formed a magic shield around her it turned out to be a top class magic barrier her armor is a kind of sacred Relic Fiona put her hand on her armor and said it was a precious gift from her brother angry and ready for battle Fiona shouted that she wasn't going to lose to someone like jorg hiding some sort of magic ball behind his back jorg said that if Fiona couldn't be hurt then she could be starved or strangled throwing this ball to the ground a red ball with spiked tentacles emerged from it and Fiona was taken a at the side of it then those tentacles reached out to grab Fiona and she was terrified trying to fight them off this creature turned out to be a dungeon of sensation it blocks any attempts to use brute force and completely isolates the victim it started killing Fiona's body preventing her from moving and she tried to reach out and call her brother jorg stood and watched Fiona Devour the creature their Dark Magician though addicted but knows his job the cage does not let a single ray of light pass through and in total darkness drives the victim crazy with despair almost completely swallowed by Fiona she looked up at jorg through her tears and white roses appeared in place of her face putting his sickle on his shoulder and watching the creature devour Fiona jorg said that the woman was neutralized what should he do next tear her apart with thorns Inside the Cage no better to bring the severed heads of her cronies first jorg looked at the ground his face lit up with a yellow light suddenly a huge ray of light appeared from the ground and from this appearance jorg was thrown back he was shocked and out of the ground appeared gray who began to cast a magic circle saying that George was lucky that his sister had not died yet otherwise he would have already melted in the depths of Hell standing on his feet jorg realized who was standing in front of him pointing his Serb at him looking straight into his eyes he asked he came so to save his sister gray is still powerless against him he's the capitals Champion swordsman this is Brave on a completely different level the fencing Championship has always attracted the most arrogant fighters from all over the continent for a mage like him jorg is an extremely dangerous opponent Ezekiel walked up to Gray and put his arm around his shoulders telling him that he would rather fight him but suddenly Gray's eye lit up and started shooting red lightning then he said that whoever dared to touch Fon s he would personally grind him to powder starting to cast magic gray hit his opponent with all his might jorg was able to fight off these blows shouting and asking what it was all about because his blade can cut through any flame coming closer to gray leaping at him swinging his weapon especially his vile flesh a fight ensued which was very strong and it was clearly worth a good job facing each other Grace shouted to jorg while protecting himself with his magic circle that as someone like him has such outstanding abilities he is terrorizing people the duty of Heroes is to protect the people directing all their forces to fight the dark God still struggling jorg shouted angrily at him to be quiet waving his sickle jorg shouted that gray didn't fight a demon he couldn't understand weakling humans weren't meant to beat them gray tried to attack jorg with his magic but George didn't give up still continuing to say that instead of seeking hero honors it was more profitable to live a rich and easy life at some point the time has come when the hero can live freely moving even closer to gray he added that he was pathetic gray with burning eyes and no fear asked jorg that he was afraid that the demons would beat him up jorg fell into a terrible shock covered in sweat looked up before his eyes his face was distorted did not listen any further shouted to the spikes of the cleaner grab him and then this creature directed its tentacles directly at gray starting to wrap around him from head to toe pulling him into its black hole inside of itself Ezekiel got scared and started shouting gray jorg stood quietly and watched the creature Devour the hero laughing loudly and saying that this cage is made up of many layers of dark energy only the Creator Mage can destroy it now gray is following his sister before he could finish speaking a bright light began to be traced from this creature destroying it a red rose appeared on it after the creature broke up into beautiful red flowers and gray came out of them carrying his sister in his arms jorg was scared and didn't understand wondering how gray could have discovered this at all the cage also devours the magical and vital forces of the victim gray with all the hatred that was inside him looked at the opponent and said that while he was being dragged inside he used his spatial magic which neutralized the effect of the dark barrier and led to the destruction of both techniques that's all the barrier used in his cage must be of a demonic nature such magic cannot be wielded by an ordinary person Imagining the guy in the classic suit with long blue hair holding a call in his hand gray thought that the Bandit also said something about demons But Why Do Heroes deal with monsters suddenly while gray was standing there thinking a red rose petal falling to the ground he heard Fiona call out to him he picked her up and held her behind his back looking at her and smiling and Fiona cried and told him to forgive her because she was just getting in the way gray said it was okay as long as she was still alive rising from his knees holding Fiona in his arms gray asked Ezekiel to keep an eye on her jorg in the middle of the dark Street held his face in complete silence filled with anger said that in vain he relied on some magical Strays everything should be done by himself looking through his fingers ERS at everything that was happening jorg exclaimed that of course a swordsman should fight with a sword swinging his sickle giving it Incredible strength he said that he would show them his special technique which killed dozens of Heroes in that Championship jorg began to issue orders and his Serb made a whirlwind of shredding all things and a whirlwind of fire Rose into the sky the Whirlwind Rose higher and then abruptly broke the local Road of the city and flew straight to gray Ezekiel stood shielding the flying rocks with his axe protecting Fiona who was standing behind him terrified for her brother looking at the place where the force hit him at first jorg was surprised not knowing where he was but then Overjoyed pointing a finger at the guys ominously looked at them saying that he would not leave a wet place they can't even stand up to a human let alone a demon the voice said that George should not jump to conclusions surprised in shock he widened his eyes and behind him was gray who said that it looked like a Whirlwind with countless blades but in fact it had only one blade it is enough to understand this and you will remain unharmed jorg barely able to find the words he asked dodged all the blows coming closer and closer to him looking straight at the back of jorg's head releasing lightning from his eye gray said that it was not difficult the movement of the blade he tracked the movement of his life energy horrified not understanding how this is possible because he is the winner of the hero looking at his feet he saw that the magic circles were releasing iron chains that bound his legs looking up above his head which turned a sharp purple color and from the many Magic circles began to fly out blades he asked what's going on Gray walked away from him looking over his shoulder and said let him then try to deflect all these swords let him prove that he is a real hero George began to scream and seemed to be convulsing and gray left without even looking issued a final decree after which he struck the last blow when they got home the boys sat in the room looking at each other and discussing that since they had finished the general cleaning what now gray looked at the children and said that let them stay here for a while longer in these places there is a higher Spirit of water whose blessing they need to receive they must prepare well for the coming Invasion Fiona sat in front of gray with her hands folded in front of her chest smiling a little and looking with kind eyes said that she had never seen a perfect per fume before this is very cool gray agreed that it was great suddenly a knock on the door the guys looked surprised I don't understand who it could be Fiona asked who it was at this hour Ezekiel got up and went to open the door and there were three people standing in the doorway a small boy in a red classic suit a man with a mustache and a man with a chest in his hands people started saying that they had finally met the venerable hero one of the men introduced himself as Orlando grle Lord of Loro and the little boy was his son Hines gresle having gathered in front of these people the guys began to introduced themselves each giving their own name the man pointed to his assistant who was holding the chest in his hands and said that they arrived as soon as they found out that they had managed to defeat the Jor gang and asked to accept it the assistant opened the chest and there was a pile of gold coins that Shone brightly Fiona and Ezekiel were kneeling in front of the chest looking at it in Surprise as if they had seen something incredible and gray was standing behind them asking what was in there the Lord and his son fell to their knees and began to tremble and beg for forgiveness if that wasn't enough they would bring more right away gray stood there scratching his head in disbelief saying that they weren't going to take their resources away like jorg it was better to spend the money on rebuilding the city the boy and the Lord looked at each other in Surprise and without getting up from their knees took Gray's hand almost almost crying glowing with happiness the boy began to thank the hero he is ashamed to admit it but they could not properly protect the city and its inhabitants when George came bursting into tears the boy put his head to Gray's hand and began to say that since my mother died at the hands of George they could only turn a blind eye to what was happening if they Mr Gray needed something then let him ask for anything they are ready to provide any help gray put his hands on the boy's fragile shoulders said it was best to let them help themselves without letting go of Gray's hands he looked at him and agreed but asked how exactly looking at the boy with a serious confident look gray said that first they should gather all the workers in The Alchemist Guild on the table was a flask filled with red liquid someone explained that first we extract the extract from the Homa Sprouts the product from processing comes into contact with the desecrated Stone so the Homa becomes a catalyst for extracting the Earth's Mana from the desecrated Stone transforming the crystal people were standing in the room looking at this Crystal in Surprise wondering what kind of Homa came out of it such a rich red Crystal must be very pure inside it's extremely high quality both haoma and desecrated Stones can be collected quite a lot in the Fran mountains start mass production of healing crystals and make them a symbol of Loro that's all gray said looking at that little boy the son of the Lord said that they can earn even more I send them to especially dangerous areas the boy was happy and said they would do it they will coordinate this with the merchant Guild and approve the supply routes Ezekiel and Fiona stood looking at these crystals and said that they were very beautiful arm monac crystals manast wasn't the technique of making them lost frowning Ezekiel walked over to gray looking at him seriously and asking where he learned this from Gray said that you can learn a lot thinking back on his attempts to resurrect done he hadn't learned much but he didn't think he'd ever need it the boy came up to the guys and asked them joyfully if the heroes wanted to visit their mansion they would very much like to have a celebration in their honor gray said they'd check the city first just in case there were any of jorg's henchmen left Fiona was a little upset and asked what about a delicious dinner gray added that after they were done they would stop by the Lord's house for dinner Ezekiel was already standing near the door and holding it shouted to the guys that he had his own business he needed to meet someone Fiona glared at him outside Fiona walked behind her brother enraged saying that she was sure her friend had gone to shoot the inkeeper does she hope that her brother won't be like this when he grows up gray tired of Fiona's chatter looked at her and said that yes he wouldn't be like that while the boys were talking about where Ezekiel had gone gray didn't notice a man walking towards him and accidentally hit him it turned out to be a a girl who was carrying a bag of food in her hand there were apples and a loaf in it she fell down and started apologizing after all she had to watch where she was going gray leaned in and said he was sorry too because he should have without finishing gray was surprised at who was in front of him there was a girl she burst into tears covering her face and asked for her to be spared but gray lost the power of speech and tried to calm her down holding out her hand said that she should go with him because he needed her the girl sat blushing and surprised looking at him with her bright blue eyes and wide pupils suddenly Fiona screamed furiously sweating profusely as she asked her brother if he was hitting on her the girl was sitting on the floor abruptly turned around afraid of such a scream asked what she said frowning gray placed a hand on his chest continuing to say that if she didn't go she would be very sorry the girl should leave them before she committed a sin and join him the girl sat there wondering how gray could know that Sasha Flores A Healer who was their companion in another world is now being held and exploited by a group called rival Killers rival assassins are a group of Heroes who perceive the pilgrimage as a competition and indiscriminately kill other warriors on the way while Sasha is forced to stay with them in the past she sat in a circle with a bunch of dead people covered in blood looking at her hands saying that there was so much blood on her hands she helped these people and so so many people died gray thought about how when he freed Sasha from their oppression her heart was already irretrievably broken guilt for what she had done constantly followed her and unable to reach her true potential she fell on the battlefield gray held her in her arms crying and she died just like Brenda but this time he has to make it gray continued to speak but already raising his voice Sasha Florence he will definitely save her he insisted that she go with him Fiona almost broke down down on the spot shouting that when did her brother have time to find out her name the girl collected all the scattered food was terribly upset looking down said that if she ran away they would kill her then gray shouted even louder that he would take full responsibility Fiona was even angrier at the thought of what her brother was saying to a girl he was seeing for the first time she doesn't recognize her brother the girl jumped up and ran completely in the other direction from the guys shouting that she could not let them not follow her gray couldn't find the words and just stared after Sasha as he ran away Fiona moved closer to her brother and stared at him gray was at a loss for words at this point asking her what it was Fiona abruptly turned around and walked away from him indignantly saying that she didn't think he would molest girls on the street gray was surprised confused and asked moleste what she was talking about outside the weather was fine the Sun was shining brightly and the sky was a bright blue color she ran around the corner wondering who gray was as if he'd seen right through her and why she felt like they'd met before her heart was beating at an incredible speed as if it was about to jump out suddenly it was as if she had entered the future everything blurred in her eyes she saw gray lying in her arms who was leaning over her shedding bitter tears when she came to her senses she was terrified not knowing what had just happened an illusion Sasha was standing and behind her of voice said here she is Sasha was afraid afraid to look up she realized that behind her back were the very people from whom gray was trying to save her one of the guys said that since she bought everything that was asked for then you don't have to go anywhere does she realize her situation Sasha put her hand on her chest and asked for forgiveness and said that she understood everything perfectly a hooded guy with long white hair and a mask looked at his friend and asked where they would Ambush him a shaggy guy in big round glasses adjusted them and said that it was obvious where the water spirit lived where all the heroes were drawn a guy without a head an iron armor and a balaclava on his head said that turning a sacred Place into hell on Earth is interesting Sasha looking at the floor thought that she did not want to stay with them did not want to kill because she became a hero to help the suffering remembering Gray's face she wondered if he was really going to save her looking up I triy to say something and Sasha tells them to excuse her but she does before she could finish speaking one of the heroes grabbed her by the neck as if electrocuting her and she began to scream in pain the guy with the big round glasses said that he didn't like the look in her eyes as if it was the look of a dog rebelling against its owner and added that they didn't care what she wanted without letting go of her neck he continued to say that the value of Sasha is no higher than a shotty potion drawing even closer he whispered adding or does she want to repeat the fate of her old friend Sasha was horrified from her eyes tears flowed the guy threw her to the ground and she fell as if her legs stopped holding a guy in a hood and with long hair came up to her put his foot on her back saying that she is bad who do you think you are after the guy let her go she was lying on the ground in a ball and crying the third hero from the gang came up and put his foot on her head pinning her to the ground and said that dirty creatures were supposed to be silent Sasha was lying on the floor crying bitterly and begging for forgiveness getting up from the ground she kept her eyes down and begged the other kids for forgiveness a room littered with large bags and chests of gold coins was in front of Gray's eyes and next to him was the Lord and his son who said that they had earned all this by selling healing crystals let the guys take as much as they want the son added that he could build them an estate in the city it's not right for their savior to live in hotels all the time gray looked at the boy who was surprised by his words that it was better not to do this it was better to spend money on strengthening the city's defenses the boy admired the kindness of the hero saying that all this Revenue belongs to him Mr Gray gray exhaled scratched his head and said that when the world is on the verge of Destruction money has no value he just wants their City to survive the men behind them began to cry loudly bursting into tears saying that Mr gray made them cry not at all like the other Heroes the boy admired the hero looked at him almost crying shouted that he was struck to the core of his heart they will fulfill the will of the heroes and do everything possible to protect Loro the boy continued to look at gray grabbing his hand after hearing the words that the hero is counting on them said they will give it their all after all protecting the people is the duty of any ruler gray was embarrassed a little sweaty thinking that now they considered him ruler if someone like the boy inherited the title of Lord Loro then everything would be fine people started idolizing gray and throwing him up in Praise all the while Fiona watched in silence and wondered Fiona looked sad averting her eyes to the side thinking that they were too intrusive even creepy she kept thinking that even in the battle with jorg her brother still saved her and after all just recently she defended him from bullies one day he will leave her behind Fiona was was terribly upset and from her thoughts quietly said maybe he already thinks of her as an extra burden while gray was being praised by the people Fiona turned around and quickly walked out of there her brother noticed this and shouted at her in bewilderment but she didn't stop and left then the pillar man turned to gray saying that they wanted to consult with him about the defensive fortifications would he mind gray looked at the people and said that of course they could talk to him but he kept thinking that Fiona was looking at him strangely gray advised that if the Lords were to focus on training soldiers and weapons they should cooperate with the mercenaries in matters related to the supply of weapons the boy looked at him beaming with happiness and said that they understood everything it will be done his father entrusted the boy with the responsibility of strengthening the defense and he will gladly listen to these recommendations gray was surprised and gave the child a friendly look saying that his father trusted him so much the boy grinned and blushed a little and said that no it was just an inheritance of Duties compared to gray he had very little experience looking at the boy gray said that he still manages to prove himself he is not at all like those arrogant rulers from another world then after a moment's thought gray added that they also needed to strengthen the city walls the man said that the Alchemist Guild would handle it there is still time before the demon hordes descend on this city but in the meantime I need to do other things for the battle with the dark God they must collect the blessing of the highest spirits of all lands near Loro is the Refuge of the water spirit on the day of its opening a group of Assassins should also arrive there at best it will be possible to solve several problems at once gray turned and started walking out of the room looking at the people and telling them that they could go on without him as he stepped out into the dark hallway gray wondered where Fiona had gone suddenly he heard something turning his head he saw that Fiona was swinging her Sword Down in the territory of the House of Lords she was thinking that she needed to become stronger she should no longer be a hindrance to her brother gray began to move closer to his sister telling her that this was where she was but Fiona didn't pay any attention to him continuing to train but suddenly asked if her brother thinks that she is just a watermelon gray was surprised by the question and asked her what she meant Fiona lowered her broken sword to the ground crushed and said sadly that she was only hindering him she was too weak couldn't do anything on her own and was a burden to her brother wasn't she gray took her hands and told her that she was strong stronger than anyone he knew gray used his magic to repair her sword his sister had always saved him so now it was his turn to protect her gray looked into Fan's teary eyes and said that he believed in her let her not say such terrible words anymore gray wiped away Fiona's tears and she thanked her brother suddenly someone called out to Mr Gray the boy raised his hands up and looked at the guys saying that here they are dinner will be served soon gray looked at him and said they were coming Fiona said that she would work out a little more and that she would be fine too gray agreed and asked where is Ezekiel although it probably disappears in the tavern the boy abruptly fell into a stuper and said that it could not be gray walked up to him looked at him and asked what is it then the boy replied that since they had liberated the city Mister zekiel had not appeared in any of the taverns it was night outside and a flight of stoneline stairs led to a bunker of some sort which was sheltered by trees outside the door of this bunker jorg was tied to the wall on chains he was powerless and very weak suddenly the door opened they greeted him it turned out to be Ezekiel he asked how George's mood was jorg replied that obviously not very much how long does Ezekiel think he's been sitting there Ezekiel began to count and say one 2 three although he had forgotten he had not said anything in those days jorg replied that he didn't know what he was talking about standing in front of jorg putting his hands on his waist he said that this uncle has a connection with demons those magic things and decoctions were of demonic origin jorg will be a good boy and tell him everything Ezekiel began to get angry and aggressively say that to capture an entire city you need needs someone who knows him well so they have a local informant who is it Jorge did not give up and tried to get more and more emotional asking why he should tell it all jorg went on to say that it was better to wait until the day when he and all his friends would be cut up before he could finish speaking Ezekiel hid him in the chest with all his might and when he got angry he walked around him and watched George choke saying that even gray didn't know that he was imprisoned here so let him tell him before he forgot about this place chuckled and gave him a Sly evil look saying that he was just pretending to be an ordinary hero right as iil didn't understand what he was talking about jorg closed his eyes and said that asil knew very well how interrogations were conducted maybe he did again before Ezekiel could finish speaking he slapped him across the face sending drops of blood flying everywhere then jorg said that it was quite good and one more blow flew at him as jorg bled to death he said he could beat him as much as he wanted and then there was another Blow from the other side with something iron like a sword but George did not give up and only said that Ezekiel would not hear anything from him Ezekiel stood calmly in front of him exchanging his fists and jorg wondered why he was so calm suddenly he said that very soon he and his friends and local residents will all be cut up Ezekiel got angry showing his teeth and asked what George said raising his Furious crazy eyes and bleeding profusely jorg said that it would be fun let the Blood Feast begin the children came to the water Sanctuary around which all the heroes they had chosen gathered the guys looked at all these people Fiona was surprised at how many Heroes they all came for a blessing before her eyes was a huge lake with Emerald Blue Water Fiona was surprised and asked well where is the water Sanctuary itself she doesn't see anything like it Ezekiel replied that it is usually hidden underwater in order to avoid acts of blasphemy a man in a cassic stood in front of the heroes holding a staff it was the pastor of the Salvation organization who was preparing to conduct the ritual of calling the sanctuary from the depths of the water suddenly someone said what an unpleasant meeting before the guys stood Brenda with her Coalition a little upset she said that who would have thought that they would also be here Leila who was standing behind her asked why did Brenda start a conversation Brenda turned to look at her and asked if she had said anything the assistant replied that she didn't say anything suddenly Fiona saw Brenda and threw up her hands and joy and shouted anol Brenda got angry corrected her saying that she was Ein Hol as much as you can already but in general she has something to say pointing a finger at gray and enraged Brenda shouted at him calling him a pleb she began to shout that she still owed a favor from the last time but today she would not be able to spend it again gray was surprised and asked what what kind of favor what is she talking about Brenda started to stutter a little from the overabundance of emotions said that so he got them from that guardianess not finishing the lady interrupted her assistant saying that he believes in her but she looked at her assistant and told him to shut up she could handle it herself gray stared at her the whole time not understanding what she wanted from him Brenda having calmed down a little turned to him and said that whatever it was this time they will definitely be ahead of them and will be the first to receive the blessing let them watch in Envy gray turned away from her rolled his eyes and said it wasn't about speed Ezekiel asked if he noticed that she had a monstrous Aura but this princess still shouldn't cause them any trouble gray said yes the children stood and looked at all the heroes who had gathered in the Square gray thought about the fact that the Rival killer was definitely Somewhere In This Crowd suddenly he heard a voice asking him to pass and apologizing it turned out to be Sasha who was holding her wooden staff with a magic ball in her hand gray saw her held out his hand and asked her what she was up to but Sasha turned around and walked quickly because she was called one of the gang she came with said that if she hesitated he would cut her down Sasha ran to him and started apologizing the guys were outraged by this behavior and began to ask gray what it was something's not right here gray looked at the floor seriously and said that the girl was being held against her will in an effort to take all the glory for themselves these suckers lure other Heroes with their Rivals and get rid of them they killed Sasha's friends and used her as a substitute for a healing potion filled with anger gray said that in another world because of their activities many strong Fighters died which led to an unequal struggle between humanity and demons we need to get rid of them as soon as possible Ezekiel asked suspiciously how does gray even know about these Heroes gray watching sasher run away said that it was an experienced informant then the friend replied that he would also like to meet his secret informant gray looked at him suspiciously and wondered if he suspected something Ezekiel was always perceptive so you should be more careful suddenly Fiona heard those Scoundrels insulting Sasha calling her stupid a guy with long hair and a mask was standing in the crowd and began to beat the girl with his feet Fiona saw this and wanted rush to them saying that what cruelty we need to deal with her now and help Sasha but gray stopped her telling her that the ceremony was about to begin Fiona tried to revive her but gray clenched his teeth saying that we should wait for the right moment the initiation began the man raised his staff and said that the Supreme Spirit of water the queen whose current extends from the Cloudy Heights to the depths of the boundless sea she must obey the ancient contract and open the Trial Gate the staff lit up and yellow magic circles formed around the man which made waves and the water began to shake and a magic Bridge began to rise from it in the middle of this Lake a Magic Door appeared and a golden ray was directed through it the man shouted that the test gate was open young Heroes the number of blessings is limited only those who manag to get to the deepest part the fastest will receive a blessing and then a huge number of Heroes ran to this bridge straight to the door everything was in the water the guys went down and above their heads there were mermaids fish whales Fiona was delighted and talked about how beautiful it was but gray said that the guy should not relax they are not on a field trip but suddenly Fiona was startled by something and she shouted what is it some kind of monster appeared out of the water which was eating one of the heroes and similar monsters began to attack the guys gray explained that the spirits here should try them out they won't let in the weak and unworthy while the guys were fighting these creatures a gang of Heroes who terrorized Sasha got into another room discussing the fact that there is poor visibility one of the gang in a hood and long hair will sit down somewhere nearby the little guy in the big round glasses said that just don't let him play too much and don't mess with the corpses the guy chuckled and said what do you mean he can count on the others to deal with the bodies later the chief of them said yes but in the meantime he would go deep and wait for the arrivals the third guy said that Heroes who manage to pass all the tests are usually extremely strong will the guy with glasses be able to cope if he takes only Sasha with him the guy got angry frowned and seriously said that when they reached the end of the sanctuary the heroes would be exhausted by traps and battles which is why they decided to hunt here no matter how many people died today everything will be explained by the failure of the test Sasha was standing behind them listening to their conversations thinking dejectedly that she didn't want to kill people initially her task was only to heal and not to get her hands dirty in blood suddenly Sasha remembered the words of gray who said that otherwise she would regret not going with him she clutched at her heart her eyes frightened suddenly one of the guys in her gang pushed her and asked why she was hanging it's time for her to go Sasha behaved like a spineless creature began to apologize but continued to think that she understands that she will regret it but she is too weak reaching a deeper room the voice said that finally a place without monsters it was the other Heroes who were terribly exhausted and the girl holding a spear in her hand from their group said that this place should be safe the guy who was standing in front of everyone was trying to catch his breath and said that he thought it was just a test but they were fighting to the death he looked around smiled and added that it seems to him that no one has reached here yet offered the guys a break while there is V before he could finish the hooded guy with white hair stuck a sword right in his heart the guy fell and died and his friends started shouting and asking what happened where was the attack coming from the girl with the spear threw it into the long Corridor shouting with all her might that there was something there but she was also hid in the chest the guy said that alas she did not guess the girl with the staff began to conjure a quick cure for her friends but did not see how this guy also appeared behind her back who cut everyone else by shouting that it was too late the hooded guy cut their throats and stood there watching them bleed to death gasping in pain then he went up to the still living boy and stuck his sword in his head sitting on top of his victim completely in a bloodstained room the hooded guy said that when the victim doesn't see the enemy he can't immediately do anything the girl who was treating her friends was holding her chest that was cut and asking why but then she was grabbed by the hair and pulled towards him swinging to cut off her hair the guy said that he wanted to hear her mournful screams at the funeral of friends what would she say to that but then a sharp piece of ice flew into the guy's head he turned around and began to swing his sword asking who is here it was gray and his team doing magic and telling the guy to stop right now the guy straightens his mask looked at the guys and asked if they could stop him gray hurriedly looked at the girl who was injured and told the Healer to help her friends while he dealt with this guy the guy got angry looked at gray and and shouted that he would deal with him let him try since he's so brave Fiona was standing there looking at this guy but suddenly he was gone and she wondered where he had gone gray told them to be careful you can't open from behind or they'll be finished the guy who is too confident in his abilities says that his warning will not help them anyway perhaps he would start with it getting close to gray trying to strike before the eyes of the guy he disappeared the guy could not understand anything everything was covered with red light light he asked what is it magic the guys were standing in a red magic circle opposite each other and the room turned completely black Ezekiel and Fiona shouted that they couldn't see anything what had gray done the guy preparing for the attack asked gray that he decided to Blind him and plunge him into darkness but he placed everyone in the same conditions to take away his Advantage but never mind he will overtake the victim without light let gray strain his ears and not breathe let him not listen to any heartbeat but before he could finish he shouted here suddenly gray was behind him driving an ice stake into his chest telling him to watch out for magic instead of noise gray defeated this guy by saying that the first one is ready the other Heroes who were cured by their assistant thanked gray saying that although they were Rivals the guys saved them without even turning around he said that the guy did not confuse the concepts because their only enemy is the dark God the guys were were terribly surprised by what gray said the girl with a spear stood up and looked at gray telling him that the pastor had said that the number of seats was limited gray looked at her and said that this was not a speed contest anyone who was worthy could get a blessing there was no need to rush holding his head and closing his eyes gray continued to say that the pastor did this only to interest him Ezekiel wondered if gray even knew the organization's internal Secrets gray added that they would stay here and wait for the rest of the assassins and let them carefully continue moving on the company of other Heroes looked at them in a friendly way thank them again and waved their hand Ezekiel and Fiona were looking at gray saying that it was time for them to go too but he also said that they would be waiting here gray replied that they would be ahead of them other assassins must be waiting for the heroes in the depths of the sanctuary just like Sasha in another room at this time Brenda was fighting with a monster piercing its head with her sword defeating it gracefully stood on the ground and waves of light were emitted from her blow her assistant stood and applauded such a beautiful fight saying what to expect from the mistress she easily defeated a healthy sea serpent brender replied that of course the whole Ein Hallen ordeal was nothing more than Child's Play suddenly a voice told her that she knew a lot about murder it turned out to be a big guy from The Gang without a head holding a burning sword on his shoulder saying that he cut down a lot of of people but only a small part of them could do the same Brenda walked on the ground seeing with her sword showed that she would only ask one question is he also part of the test the guy didn't move but said no their only goal was to eliminate all interference Brenda closed her eyes and grinned as she realized what was going on and said that they wanted to reduce the number of competitors and running away starting the attack shouted that this is great she is of the same opinion a fight ensued between the eyes the guy said that her sword is strong however suddenly Brenda's sword began to get covered with something incomprehensible she looked at it and was shocked I don't understand what's going on saying MIT she doesn't understand this feeling her strength seems to be draining away she fell to the ground the guy was standing in front of her holding his sword high and then her assistants rushed to her and the guy hit them told them to go away the guy in the armor was thrown back with a cut on his chest caught by Catherine Leila was startled shouted and didn't notice that the guy was surrounding her from behind and abruptly plunged the sword into her chest Brenda lay exhausted on the floor asking what kind of dastardly methods the guy didn't even turn to look at her and asked sneaky in a death match any means are good swinging his sword aiming directly at Brand added that he was using Everything at Once Brenda squeezed her eyes shut so as not to see how she was being killed but then gray appeared who stopped the blow with his magic circle Brenda sitting behind him shouted he wants to take my loot gray continued to struggle with this man looking him straight in the eye saying that he was sorry for interrupting but he needed this girl
Channel: AniRay Manhwa Recap
Views: 18,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manhwa recap, anime recap, anicap, manhwa, webtoon, manhwa recaps, manhwa cap, webtoon recap, high school mercenary, teenage mercenary, mercenary enrollment, Manga, manga, Manga recap, Manhwa recap, manga summary, manga capped, manga cap, manhwa summary, manga recaps, manga recap, manhwa capped, anime recaps, anicaps, anirecap, anime summary, anime, ani, recap, mangacaps, mangacap, mangas, animecaps, anime plot, recap manhwa, recap manga, aniray manga recap, AniRay, AniRay manhwa
Id: p22eEDUupUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 2sec (10082 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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