Stress Free Standby Attractions and Dining at Disneyland

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tell me this is something that you've experienced before you had this great idea to go to Disneyland you walk through the gates you go through the tunnel you feel the magic and Splendor of Disneyland and it feels like the most magical place on Earth and you can barely contain your excitement and then it's like Genie plus and lightning Lane and and the cube or Space Mountain and it's how long for Matterhorn rise of the resistance here's what I want to do for you guys today I want to show you an alternative attractions that beat the system and a couple of dining locations too all that is coming up next a fresh bacon now this is something of a follow-up video to the one we did recently we did a rope Drop video giving our strategy how to spend the first two hours at the park if you do go to Rogue drop what to do in a large part of that strategy is hitting attractions the biggest attractions the lightning Lane the genie plus attractions first thing in that first two hours with theologic there being that you want to wait until the afternoon to start hitting attractions that are not on JD plus that are standby attractions attractions where it doesn't really matter what time you go and that's what we're talking about today which attractions do we feel like are the ones that that you could always count on that you never have to worry about if it's going to be a super long way and even if it is it doesn't matter because as we like to say I have said over the years it goes quick though you're in the queue it looks like it's going to take forever but it doesn't because it's a continuously moving constantly progressing queue that doesn't get interrupted by things like breakdowns all the time or or lightning lane or Genie Plus or that kind of thing attractions that you can hit any time of day tractors that you can go to if you're in a pinch if you're worried about what to do if you can't make up your mind hit these you don't have to worry about it and yes we are starting at Adventureland as we often do and we're starting at the jungle cruise checks off a lot of boxes for me when it comes to attractions that go quick though and that are a nice break from the hustle and bustle of being invisible it looks crowded it looks like it's going to take forever but it goes quick though that's because obviously there's no lightning no Genie plus there's no interruption from you know those guests getting the priority over standby this this is 100 pure standby I it also does not suffer from constant breakdowns it's a pretty reliable attraction sure if boat goes down here and there but it's not at the anywhere near the level of something like Indiana Jones or Rising resistance when we got in this Queue at 10 27 the weight said 30 minutes typically you're going to come in under that weight I believe what you're looking for and this attraction whether or not it's one that you definitely want to jump into or not well really the only thing you're looking for is that they're using a lot of that extended the secondary cue on the second floor if they're using the top four uh but just the one side the left side no big deal that's easy I often it is the case even where they're using the top four but not the bottom but today they are using the bottom floor and the top four but not the second half actually let's let's find out let's find out how long it takes get from here which we've been in this Q now for three minutes let's see how long it takes to get from here to the stairs of the second floor of the Jungle Cruise [Music] really cool like she gets two minutes did you guess that it took us just two minutes to get to the level four I mean that's not remarkable or anything but it feels it looks like when you've entered that Queue at the bottom it looks like it's gonna take forever but two minutes to get to the top board and I'm gonna guess maybe another eight to ten minutes up here that cue back there that second half that's the key you're trying to avoid being in if you can help it even though it's still not terrible if you are but when they fill up that one that's when you know it's an exceptionally busy day and that's when you start pushing 45 minutes or so but so far we've been moving pretty briskly here just about out the store and down the stairs it's been 15 minutes we spent about 10 minutes on that 15 up here on the second floor [Music] all in 19 minutes to our boat we got here at 10 27 and it's now 10 46. let's see what this Skipper has in store for us well we're now going to be entering the shrunken Shrine and if you guys take a look over to your luck you'll see an endo Chinese tiger now these Tigers can't jump up to the 20 scene but don't worry because we're only 15. so I should just jump right over our heads [Music] on the house we only think there's some danger but we're just gonna go check it out for an hour [Music] and if you guys to go look over that ten of wines you'll see that that one's dead I'm gonna give you the approaching them when we've all been waiting for the beautiful the wonderful [Music] good start that we turned a 30 minute attraction into a 20 minute one I mean that alone is a good reason to get in there like I said it hardly ever is the case where Jungle Cruise the wait time is more than what's posted and that's going to be the case for probably uh all of the attractors that we hit now because of the lack of lightning Lane influence we don't go far for our next attraction right next door in New Orleans Square Pirates of the Caribbean there is not any Pirates of the Caribbean Cube that I'm afraid to get in no matter how busy it is no matter how long the queue looks comparatively speaking relatively speaking to other attractions and by the way that means even these you know when the when the queue gets out here uh on the busiest of days and this is hardly ever the case anymore though but even if it gets out here I'm still not afraid not afraid because if it's back there then the whole park is probably busy and you're still getting a victory you're still getting a win this attraction compared to others we're getting into Cube that's not so bad right now it's it's over the bridge uh and it's posted 25 minutes we'll put that to the test when we talk about attractions they go quick though that phrase was invented for this attraction because uh even when Jungle Cruise has you know a bit of a stoppage for me you know time to time because they're switching out boats but the boats are constant and there are boats and Pirates but it's just you just step in and step out it's not anywhere near as complex a process on Pirates of the Caribbean to get guests in and out of the boat it's almost instantaneous so this ride plus small world one of the quickest smoothest attractions when it comes to getting guests in and out of the boat we will keep moving like this until we get very near to the door right here so that looks intimidating and so would a cue that's on this bridge Etc posted wait time was 25 minutes [Music] there we go six minutes to cross the threshold and into I don't know section B section two of the Pirates of the Caribbean queue if you want we can have a discussion about if you go left or right in the big picture I mean it doesn't really matter but I would say if I was going to lean a certain direction I would lean to the right I went left this time because I just kind of was going with blowing the crowd but if uh if I if you were to you know press me on which side to choose I would choose the right side uh over the left if only because the left side is the side where they they bring in Club 33 cats and that kind of thing and so this is the side that has to wait for those guests to get processed [Music] okay keep that line moving she says 10 minutes so far it has been 10 minutes and we're just about to the door I would expect that it will be there within 11 minutes and then I would expect about five minutes once we're inside the door 11 21 17 minutes to our boat Yoho come secret Adventures thank you speaker order slip [Music] [Applause] um pirate do not build a noise foreign best part about those first two attractions hey they go quick though right steady moving q no worries about weights wait there it's even quicker than the posted wait time two for two on that but also two classic vintage quintessential Disneyland attractions you have been to Disneyland when you go on Jungle Cruise and fires the Caribbean and you could do that any time of day you don't have to rush hey how are you you don't have to hurry you get there first thing rope drop like you do for Space Mountain or Indiana Jones or something of that effect we're taking next to Fantasyland for an interesting conversation via Rancho Del zacalo there's a little path back here that you can follow that'll take you into Princess Fantasy Fair and then Fantasyland but I'm going this route to show you this is one of my two favorite dining locations when I don't have to worry about waiting in a standby queue I don't have to worry about placing a mobile order I very much recommend using mobile order if you have the capacity and patience and all that stuff for placing orders through mobile order but if you don't this is a great alternative because Rancho Del solo is one dining location that doesn't have mobile order they had it for a minute but they took it away so it's all standby okay as such the same benefits apply when you when you've dine here as they would if you were to go on an attraction that doesn't have GD plus there's you don't have to wait for the mobile order Cooks to prepare your food there's just the one standby location and all of the people all of the staff all the windows are just for standby it's there's nothing they're not setting aside anything like it like it Galactic Grill at Galactic Grill almost all of the windows are for a mobile order there's like 10 Windows there but only one of them is set aside for standby and they have a super long queue for standby if you want if you don't want to play some more water all the other ones are or mobile so you have to wait with all those other standby guests not to mention that it's split up into three separate ordering places you can order here you can order here or you can order there plus they've got the dessert bar over there as well uh but each one serves they all serve the same menu it used to be as I've mentioned in previous videos this used to just be tacos and burritos that was enchilada and chicken but now you know all locations serve all the food it doesn't matter which line you get into so service here is super fast especially when you contrast it with let's say you know as I mentioned Galactic grill or some other you know busy mobile order type locations super fast here and even better good food and even better lots and lots places to sit and eat this is one of the biggest dining locations in the park in terms of the number of places to sit and eat all without having to worry about mobile order easy peas all right we're taking that little transition tunnel from Rancho into yeah princess Fantasy Fair on our way to the Fantasyland very underrated way by the way to get into defense I mean all the ways the defense villain are great either through the castle or Snow White's Grotto but this is always delightful I I Adore this little entrance [Music] and we're here to talk about dark rights I love to talk about dark rides and I like to encourage people to enjoy dark rides as often as possible they are quintessential Disneyland attractions they don't have lightning lane or Genie plus and they are quick to load and unload they they go quick though and I all of them every single we're not going to do well today but every single dark ride here in spanish land is a must when you're looking for something to do that's that's easy and manageable uh it's even good for the whole family uh you know the weights are never very long they look like they could take forever even Peter Pit Snow White Pinocchio Mr toads Alice in Wonderland and even Pinocchio I mean uh Peter Pan they all go quick though the postal wait times if it says 35 it's going to be 35 or less hardly ever will it be more than that you can you can set a clock to how accurate and rhythmic the cues are for for Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland in fact let me give you a few quick tips as you try to navigate Fantasyland and the Fantasyland dark rides if you see a sign like this one here at Peter Pan's flight that says wait time 30 minutes from this point that's not the wait time for the attraction you'll want to check the tip board to see the actual wait time for the attraction it's just 30 minutes from where that post is uh now I I want to say it's a witch aisle I'm going to say it's on the inner one that's uh that's for the inner the inner Lane so it's 30 minutes plus however long it takes you to negotiate this part of the queue back here which is another 10 minutes probably even at its longest though Peter Pan I still I still find is a a doable attraction if you definitely if you love Peter Pan and you want to do dark rides get in that Cube It's a quick moving cue if you don't feel the whole 40 minutes then it probably won't be 40 minutes because any attraction that doesn't have standby I mean uh Genie plus is typically going to be less than its post way time Mr Toad's Wild Ride there is not a single cue that I'm afraid of at Mr Toad's Wild Ride no matter what it looks like it's closed right now so I can't show you but no matter what it looks like I am never afraid to get in IQ it is always a bargain it's always a good idea uh the exterior cue out here generally starts to fill up in those there's a bunch of switchbacks of chains Etc I mean sometimes it gets out here but that's never that hardly ever happens but no matter what I'm always willing and ready to get into the cube for for Mr toads both Pinocchio and Snow White again kind of like toads there's really not a cute uh Pinocchio's during journey I mean even out here that's still just 20 20 minutes maybe 30 at the top side snow of course also I mean even this this is long for snow but even that's still gonna be manageable that's still a 20 minute wait and it goes quick now the outside of this segment I put the focus on dark rides Fantasyland dark rides are the ones who want to hit not everything here in fact it's a park and even though there's only one lightning Lane attraction in the entire land uh there are some that are definitely not King Arthur's Carousel and Dumbo have incredibly long cycle times takes forever to get from one cycle to the next not an enjoyable cue to sit in even if it's a short weight you have to stand there and wait I don't find that particularly enjoyable Casey Jr is also in that same conversation however that's only if Casey Jr is running one train if Casey Jr is running two trains then uh your your the amount of standing around and doing nothing is reduced by half obviously so it's a lot quicker and more enjoyable when they have two trains which they have been running presently lately so to wrap up that conversation and as surprising as that may seem even attractions like Peter Pan I I recommend getting into those cues don't wait for the ideal moment or or the right time or try to rope drop it if you want to ride Peter Pan just just do it just go because that's the cue and it's gonna go quick even though it looks intimidating it's a little narrow it's a little tight I still the attraction is good enough and it moves quick enough it moves fluid enough that it's an enjoyable situation and you get to have you get to ride Peter Pan Peter Pan's flight at the end of that Journey we're gonna segue into another kind of surprising Choice today for those paying attention in Plaza Inn is my other preferred location when I'm if I want to avoid placing a mobile order if I want something quick and easy but don't have to don't want to go through the trouble of of trying to beat the you know beat the standby like at Galactic grill or other locations like Golden Horseshoe could be uh torturous sometimes again it looks intimidating it does I get it but uh just like Rancho no mobile order here at Plaza and it's it's Buffet area style basically uh and there's multiple locations for you to place your order even multiples for you know like there's two pastas and two chickens actually I just checked and that's that's not possible that's the third chicken station you could is he gonna go for it is he gonna do it yes yeah see this is again you got to be observant you can see a lot of cube there's you could just walk right up to this one and it pays to do a little Recon it pays that's why we're here that's why you watched Rush Big if we'll do the Recon for you and give you those types of observations everywhere throughout the park but again super easy in and out it's a it's a quick it takes just a second or two everything is already made so they're not even having to make anything for you you just go up there tell them what you want and they give you your dish you're done this whole queue will be out of here in just a couple minutes and when you're done getting your food you can choose from this delightful dining area here designed by Walt this is got Walt's handprints on it this is what's his favorite place to eat or one of his favorite places to eat you can dine inside or come out here and find some shade hopefully some of the places are tinted but again like Rancho ample seating here at uh at the plaza and this is where I go if I can't find any place to sit at the Jolly Holiday or at coat quarter I bring my food over here there's always tables out there are always plenty of dining and you get a really wonderful you know aesthetic while you dine you can you know you can enjoy the the Ambiance of the castle or the Astro Orbiter I love it here easy quick no interference with mobile order Plaza Inn and Rancho Del solo are two great choices if you're trying to beat the system a little bit one more interesting surprising little addition to this list of attractions that I recommend doing when you're not sure what to do with your day before we do that let's walk through Tomorrowland see if we can't find any Bargains here where uh the closest thing that we have to a bargain as far as the rules of this video go is probably the Matterhorn right behind me it's closed today it's close until September but uh that's the closest thing we have to a bargain here and so much as you really only have to wait one rotation for one monorail it's an easy way that's covered it's kind of cool up there plus you get a delightful ride on the monorail it isn't one of those situations where it goes quick though in the sense that you're constantly moving you are in fact standing still for that whole time but as I mentioned at least it's you're not cramped you're not in a small narrow queue with a bunch of other guests it's pretty wide open spread out you can you could be casual about it and then you get the awesome benefit of being able to enjoy a monorail attraction a lot a ride on the monorail I want to see board and it's delightful for you know 15 minutes otherwise I mean maybe Astro blasters this is not it goes quick it does move quickly it's an omni it's an omni mover style attraction so it does go quickly if there's no interference from uh Genie plus from lightning Lane which this attraction does have so this requires Recon first to find out if it's if it's going to be a ghost quick or it goes slow because it could go either way what you're looking for is this right here that is bad uh if you see the cue the cue coming out of that door over here that's lightning Lane when it's anywhere outside that door just go ahead and not just just go ahead and do it some other time I wouldn't get in the skew right now but if that cue if there's nobody coming out of that door that makes this cue much more pleasurable and enjoyable but you can see these guests are standing around so there it's a it's a situational type deal here at Buzz Lightyear uh and it all depends on Lightning link but if you get a good draw then you won't be standing around like these guests are you'll be moving quickly we're going to town now this place is Bonkers on a regular basis ever since they've reopened and ever since they opened Mickey and Minnie's runaway or Railway but I do want to add that attraction to my list it's the one attraction that's kind of an outlier in terms of the rule about avoiding attractions that are that have lightning but the reason why we're doing this the reason why we're adding it is for two reasons first it's an incredibly quick moving attraction they can cycle guests here at lightning speeds there's a bunch of cars you can put a bunch of people on a single attraction and as soon as one Boat Leaves another one is right behind it it's not like there's a long load process in between and two it's a it's a delightful cue it's a fun cue to be in so you're moving quickly through the queue and it's really fun to be in so it's it's enjoyable it's a nice break from the hustle and bustle from the rest of Disneyland however it is a lightning Lane attraction however it's individual lighting Lane not GD plus which means it doesn't suffer from the same issues as regular Genie plus attractors do because there are far fewer if there's I'm a wild guess if there's a hundred people to use a comparison if there's a hundred people using Genie Plus on Space Mountain there's 10 using it here uh lightning Lane here at Mickey Mage runaway Railway because it's paid it's individually paid so they're there's far fewer guests losing using it here than there are at other attractions for example take a look at the standby Cube versus lightning Lane next door everybody that's in this line right now is in standby there's nobody walking into the lightning link Cube at the moment and if I were to even peek in there I don't see any guests queued up anywhere there's nobody even kind of Milling about everybody's getting into standby contrast that with let's say Millennium Falcon Smuggler's run where if you if you do stand in the same spot I'm standing here everybody's on this side nobody's on that side all the guests are going into lightning Lane so your standby is having to compete with all those guests the opposite is the case here not to mention once you get in that queue which at the door is about 45 minutes if the queue is at the door it's about 45 minutes that's pretty accurate but it's the most delightful the show starts right away okay there's no waiting for the show to start what's your in the queue I mean maybe that first part is not exactly as exciting as the rest of the cube but the queue itself is show and that's the way I like it that's the way Disney wants it and that's the way you're going to see attractions get built in the future as well so it's it's an enjoyable place to wait for 45 minutes I'm all for it I'm all for waiting 45 minutes for Mickey Minnie's runaway Railway and that's our show today guys that's our list of attractions and dining locations that you can enjoy that you can take advantage of on days where you just you're overwhelmed by the whole process of standby weight lines Genie plus and lightning Lane and you're not sure what to do mobile order if it's all too much for you and you're just looking for a break something easy that won't tax you too much but physically or mentally Jungle Cruise fire to the Caribbean dark rides in Fantasyland lunch at uh or dinner at the Plaza Inn or Rancho Del solo and then uh Mickey and Minnie's runaway are by away even though it's probably going to be the longest of all those weights it's still a very enjoyable situation it's a definite break and you could get lucky and have a very Breezy cue if you have any comments or suggestions or recommendations of your own let us know in the comments below otherwise subscribe to our Channel if you haven't already and then follow us on Instagram at under square fresh big on Twitter at first big dizzy that's freshman Noe and on Tick Tock at fresh baked this and if you like our show and want to show you support please do consider joining our patreon campaign at thanks again everybody we love you be safe out there be kind of one another [Music] um thank you
Channel: FreshBaked!
Views: 33,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stress free standby at disneyland, disneyland stand by attractions, how to beat stand by, how to beat the crowds, disneyland, FRESH BAKED, FRESH BAKED DISNEY, disneyland news, disneyland updates today, 2023, disneyland update 2023, disneyland 2023
Id: BmMOblNGjm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 4sec (1684 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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