Strengthen Your Mushroom Strain Using This Agar Transfer Method

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today we're diving into the fascinating world of mushroom cultivation and focusing on a critical aspect which is transferring culture to new agar dishes in this video I will walk you through the step-by-step processes of transferring mushroom culture to Fresh egar plates highlighting the importance of this practice for maintaining strain Purity and vigor today we're going to cover understanding why transferring cultures essential for mushroom cultivation preparing for the transfer process and ensuring a sterile environment so some of the materials we're going to need are alcohol for cleaning our area and our egar dishes and you want to use the 70% isopropyl alcohol not the 99% uh the reason why is the 70% will evaporate slower allowing you to do a better job cleaning got the same thing in a spray bottle here as well and a paper towel which I'm going to soak with the alcohol so I can wipe everything down got a scalpel for cutting out my cultures I've got a bunch of agar here that I'll show you one by one we're going to take some of these that are growing out and we're going to transfer them into a fresh dish now I don't use the egar dishes anymore because they're actually very expensive and these cups do more or less the same thing for me and I have a 99% success rate with contamination in my cups so first we're going to soak our paper towel and want to wipe down all inside wipe down all inside of your hood fan area if you have or your table or your working space depending on your setup first I'm going to clean up all these cups and St ized the outside of everything about one out of every 25 cups I make ends up going bad so if you can see this is not good so first off this is a new two new strains that I've tried out they come in a syringe with a culture or a spores um um on the inside in a broth I got both of these and I could see there was a bit of culture in one but the other one it literally looked like there was nothing inside I didn't think it was going to work at all but I put uh both of these into four different cups and as you can see here they've all colon so I was very surprised to actually see that happen from one of them so I've got four from from one syringe and four from another and what we're going to do is look through these four and we're going to look for two of the strongest points in each to transfer to two new egar dishes first we'll do this one so the first one I can definitely see I've got some nice mycelium growth in here but I've also got some other funky stuff growing in here as well so you can see we've got some nice melium growing in there but we've also got a bit of some other fungus of some kind growing in there some sort of bacteria so even though there's something else growing in here it hasn't necessarily contaminated the melium so I can take a small little piece of this melium far away from the other bacteria and transfer it just going to Flame sterilize my blade P it off on a little bit of alcohol so since I have four different cups of the same thing there's no need to actually go in and try to take something out of the one that has the contaminant so I'm going to put that aside side all right so we're going to open up these three cups and see what we got so you can see here we've got nice melium growth so what of these three cups here I'm going to look for what I think is the strongest part of of them now I am by no means the foremost professional on this aspect of cultivation but Gary from fresh from the farm fungi uh he has some excellent videos on this so I can see those so I'm going to go for that little spot right there and where I see that little growing up there I'm going to go for those two spots so I'm going to get two cups ready here I'm just going to go in here like this and just cut out and that's it the lead back on we're going to let that go for about a week all you need is just this little slipper I'm just going to stack this on top of these two and I'll label them later and that way I'll know which one that is so we've got one two 3 four cups all look very good so I like in cup number one so I like in cup number one if you can see right there trying to get the camera to focus you can see how that looks a little different than the rest so that's what I'm going to go for so this is my mix that one looks really nice not so much that one so I think I'm going to take my transfer from this one you can see the difference so here again I'm just looking for which of these hairs or veins whatever you want to call them looks the strongest notice how this one is literally trying to climb the sides it's growing so strong it's coming up the side of the cup so I'm just going to look through here to see which one of these I think is the strongest fiber to cut out all right guys so we understand the importance of transferring culture preparing for transfer and having all the right supplies and materials identifying the best spots we've covered performing the transfer now incubation so after I do these transfers they kind of like a warm area to incubate I typically live on my fridge where they're in the high 7s and it'll take about 1 week before it'll grow out uh to cover the entire cup so it grows very quickly so you want to keep an eye on it every day because you could possibly get a little bit of uh some other bacteria may have gotten in here while I was doing my transfers and you don't want that so if you only had one cup and you keep an eye on it you may see some other bacteria starting to grow but like I said earlier you can go in and cut out a little piece of your melium growth farthest away from the bacterial growth and transfer to a new dish again in conclusion transferring mushroom culture to a new AAR dish is a vital step in the cultivation that helps maintain strain Purity and vigor by following the proper techniques and maintaining sterile conditions you can ensure success for all of your transfers and cultivate healthy thriving mushroom strains I started out working in a Ste airbox and found it very painful to try to get everything you're working with Inside the Box through a couple of s and whatnot but I also wasn't into spending thousands of dollars on a high-end Flo Hood so I rigged up this little box here um check out my other video on how to build a flow hood for about $300 I have never had any real problems with this I do my AAR transfers in front of it all the time and I have about a 99% success rate for not having bacterial growth all right everyone thanks for watching and make sure to like and sub subscribe so I can continue to make this content for you and we'll catch you in the next video
Channel: How To Shroom
Views: 544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fungal culture, Agar media, Microbiology lab, Laboratory techniques, Agar medium preparation, Agar cultivation techniques, Culturing success, Agar culture methods, Agar plate preparation, Culturing microorganisms, Agar cultivation, Microorganism culture, Strengthening agar strains, Agar strain maintenance., growing mushrooms, how to grow mushrooms at home, growing magic mushrooms, fungal culture test
Id: VQURtJf0x_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2024
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