Street Scrap Super Saturday Series 1

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Haagen a scrappers we're back again and scrapping out over this side of town as I said it's a new area so I'm not really 100% sure where everything is but we're going to check things out and see what it looks like yeah being a little bit early again but I want to see if I can get some of the early stuff and I'm in wide angle this time just to see if I can get bit more of a wider angle on things so alright well we'll start off we'll just take these heaters Huracan not a bad start they're nice heavy scrap steel and we're gonna still got the cords on them because you know a lot of the scrappers they wait for the prime time which is Sunday so I want a chance to get stuff before the main flow of rappers come through but I think the area that I'm in right now it's kind of tucked away so I think the main the main area of this section is over the other side of the roadway and so if there's going to be early scrappers there going to be over that slide most likely we'll have a little little walk around here it doesn't look like a great deal but you never know you said it's it's very can congested this area with cars on the street it's just crazy so I'm going to have to do a lot a lot of walking today but yeah as I said I've got plenty of time and I'm not trying to go really really hard and just want to have a bit of fun out there you know and it's you know ok mention it's it's not always about just trying to make some money it's this is a hobby and it's fun if if you don't have fun doing this then you know you're going to struggle just trying to make money all the time sure you can especially Sunday afternoon and Monday morning you can go through and you can you can score some you know good scrap steel and make a bit of money but you know that's very rushy you but I prefer to just cruise around look around walk and have fun you know and then just go back at the end of the day and relax I will get a circuit board there's a monitor that's buried in here yeah I'll take it all this in good steel [Music] a couple of nice pieces but yeah this is because this area is so got so many cars on the street you know you can do anything else but Park up where you can you can't park in the middle of the street and say yeah I just have to do a little bit more walking okay well that's okay we've got some copper out of this monitor it's still got the cord so it's just a good indication that um you know we're early enough that cord cutters haven't come around yet alright alright sure TV I want to take very yet this is timber who is my steel really nice steel ball poles take them wow how is that this is a really good expensive steel piping this it's about not sure the size but it's really nice and heavy and Wow certainly not scrap steel can use that for anything you know so and I'm gonna try and avoid fans again today and I picked up quite a few and I'm kind of over scrapping him hey there's a nice tripod I wasn't oh yeah it works it doesn't have the little camera mount block but I've got to fill them perfect excellent Wow that's sellable item straight up straight up there you know there's always people looking for a cheap tripod to use you know you get 15 20 bucks for it yep I'm beating these the cord cutters at least couple keyboards Breville scratch deal for cool my take this bin scrap steel fill it up I'll just leave this area and any little bits of scrap steel I get I'll just throw it in for that you just cut the cord yeah our trees I won't take this coffee machine just noticed another scrapper you're going around to cutting cords it's alright it's a stereo with a front end turntable how's that then take that still got the cord Wow this one would be good for the garage you've got a cassette deck still it doesn't have a CD does it no it's an old one it might be a bit of a but it's a portable stereo and it's got a front loading turntable haven't seen one of them that's awesome you're gonna have to check that out when I get back in someone said what I know I take chicken wire I don't need chicken wire I prefer a solid fancy [Applause] here I've got chicken wire but yeah there's no weight to it and it just takes up a lot of space you know and these little accordion things they're useless it's just plastic okay I'll take that I'm gonna take that too nice good one say an old fish merchants bucket and it's got little slot holes in there which is really good because you know you can leave it out in the rain oh stuff in there and you know the range of seats there and Christmas lights well I'm really excited about that stereo system with the turntable printers galore and look at people asking me you know why don't you take printers well printers are all plastic so I see the cord cutter come past here I just seen him and he's just cut the cords off so I don't have any lawn at home so I don't need a Walmart yeah so printers although that's a laser printer yeah I don't mind taking laser printers because you do get a pretty good circuit board on one side and a lot of the times can send the rest off the scrap steel ink inkjet printers are useless you know I think son recently mentioned that there's gold recovery there is really no gold recovery very little don't believe everything you hear here you go guys a cord cutter that's the classic cord cutters cruising around on a little motorbike he's got his basket on the back and all he's doing is just cutting cords and putting it in the back of his little basket okay so don't give me a hard time about cutting cords when you've got guys doing it like professionally scooting around as fast as it can go yeah obviously he's picking up stuff that he likes as well well he's just cruising he's he's going weaving in and out traffic and yeah no mercy but there yeah already is a lot of scrappers and just people looking around for stuff so there he is he's just stopped at a pile and his little motorbike he's going through looking for little electronics and he's going as fast as he can he's not you know wasting any time so there you go there he goes today I can't beat him in in traffic he's just zipping through in the motorbike [Applause] I'll take that healthy [Applause] got a lot of cords a lot of stuff no much here where's a microwave box maybe there's a microwave in it no she's been taken at all but oh yeah there's got last crapper that just come past you know that's you know he's got a trailer he's been going all morning he's got a serious a load he's doing okay so there's a little bit of cords and stuff to pick up for everyone you know don't have to get too greedy it's an old very old it would be nice if it still had the front cover there but I take it because it might be a good brand new cord cutters have been there to just cut all the cords but left all the the equipment can't get over the amount of people that complained about me cutting cords when they obviously haven't watched my videos and seen how much stuff has actually had it's called cut I'm actually lucky to get a cord 95% of the stuff that I the court are you know the stuff that I find has already had it's called cut so I had feel guilty about cutting someone's cord okay so we're gonna lamp oh that's a nice old seer what sewing machine I gotta take that it might be a bit of a collectible you know I mean it's it's quite vintage actually but it's not like the really really old vintage ones it's got all a little kit in it and sewing machines aren't as collectible as they used to be but you never know you know it might just turn out to be a model that is rare you just don't know you to me it's worth taking scrap steel see if there's any cords pay it haha I beat him to it [Music] [Music] hey nice one of cords I seem to be criss-crossing with one scrapper and uh he's got a trail line is he's got a mountain of chords and lots of cabling he's found some good stuff oh what's that he did number five he did number four Hey they make good scrap steel so the scrapper just went past me again just want to check this barbecue and save this I'll spray typed out okay get a bit of cast iron sir looks like an LED kind of lamp or something got a little ballast Wow scrap steel they got really heavy white a little bit too long but oh there's more Wow they super heavy I'll get this corpus okay thanks mom top there is so heavy why not you're certainly gonna add good weight to my scrap steel run I'll just take the hot plate it's a bit broken yeah this is number five Wow oh that might have to be it for these fans three four five at least they've all got cords on them but they're gonna start taking up too much space these are so heavy these basses yeah so I won't so rusty and crappy I'd probably keep to cut the basses off but then again I don't really need basis okay I have some cords here these are good because inside you've got your black brass plates scrap steel so yeah so he'll always take you power plug things because they always they do get a bit of brass this is a ceiling fan it's sorry a kitchen fan there to scrap them out well there's nothing really in them but even just to carry him around they're so greasy all right just a little squeeze [Music] now what we've got some cords grills taken don't know if I want to deal with that I'll take a Makita petrol motor it looks broken but a bit of weight nice bit of steel push for crack ah looks like it's had good use hey a really cute little stool but I just don't have any use for it take D so haven't been ganked for too long and it seems to be okay dudes here without cutting cords it's hard to make a live you know a bit of cash at the same time whilst you're going around looking for good stuff you know yeah I mean it's not the end of the world if you don't find get good money value depends on what you're out there for but it's still nice to be able to get enough um you know copper wire and stuff just for um pay your fuel my he's really nice big wad of low-grade Christmas wire right but plastic wine goblets actually I'm going to take them they're brand new it's a rooftop okay we're just walking out of a house the invited me in to come and pick up a nice big piece of steel and I just another piece of steel for other collection so that's a really good one for construction but I'm also going [Music] these really long pieces of heavy steel okay and not very heavy but since I'm here not wasting fuel just time this is that's a good one that's a heavy one and another one beautiful got plenty of room for PCs but no one's come to the party with pcs I'm sure someone's found some pcs about okay actually it's just a bit old everything's bit ready on it I'll take the lamp Cave [Music] scrappers just went past [Music] Pioneer amplifier Compact Disc there's another heater do I need another hit him he ever got 4 or 5 paper shredders a good one two three four five at six they're my substitute for not getting computers hey it's a nice heavy scrap steel and it's nice and flat yeah see that's nice and easy doesn't take up much space here since I'm going to start heading back now I'm also I'll just pick up some scrap steel and so I might take that France a nice big one in rank at a decent size motor yep oh I don't know I think that's seven heaters at least they got you know cords yeah just load up [Music] and it's any timber and an iron do good to your toolbox just be the scrap steel just fill up there some aluminium nice piece of cord okay final stretch home aluminium mostly aluminium so not one PC today amazing Oh that's a nice cord so don't want them but I'll take the bike yeah the last couple of streets and we start heading home unload this stuff and come back to our hey a couple more pieces of Steel all right get that still we'll take it now what we'll get our complimentary toaster for today bonus cord mother thank you it looks like we've got some cast iron under here as well yes bit rusty but it's only gonna be scrap all right we're almost there guys this is the last Street it looks like might do one more but yeah certainly no pcs or any goodies like that unfortunately last rate let's make the most of it if we can't hey there's the cord cutter is it Hey picking out their prisons oh there's an ice cream thanks enough trampoline Springs nice motorbike rim oh there's a microwave hey how's that guys right at the end first mouth microwave for the day first and it's gonna be lastly taking all these scrap metal but I'm glad we got some room for the microwave his electric mower yay microwave finally now we've got another cavity we can put scrap steel into load them up hmm your cord and these are big big wine barrels bottles old school heater can't fit the exercise bike don't know what that is I don't want it empty screwdrivers smart be the last electrical appliance for the day [Applause] now I'm really happy with the today's picking and there's another box of Springs always good weight good aluminium it's a bonus okay I'm happy you for that great day hey yeah some a couple of pieces that you know that I like some really good steel for my collection and scrap metal some copper wire bits and pieces to scrap out you know good tub in there yeah some really good stuff you know for about an hour and a half I did get that one microwave did he get any pcs but keep in mind it's only Saturday and people are only still putting stuff out and so tomorrow is going to be the best day and Monday I'll probably come and just do a quick scrap metal run yes there's scrappers everywhere it's awesome they've certainly come out in droves so this is my last pile since the last pile I'm heading back looks like a nice big one to look through anyway aluminium winter the junkie Styria cut the cord take the antenna kulap head take this I can't believe it guys my last pile and there's a computer can you believe that Wow good old one - still got the floppy Wow okay I got the one-and-only microwave and now I've got the one and only computer that I've seen today you beauty well that makes me feel really happy oh yeah it's got four slot cards ah it's probably going to have a good old CPU in there thank you very much even fits in really nice oh wow that's just made my day even more I'm gonna celebrate by taking a fan still got the cord too it's the least I can do for all you fan fans I hope this is on on video it was normally when I find something good the video turns off and that Michael vacuum had its cord cut all right a lot of Tupperware stuff but I'll take that books as the crow flies and they need books going to read good chairs bit old but now I'm gonna take it what the heck once the tight but that's it guys I'm super done now and wow what a bonus I can't believe it did well that was just fantastic guys I mean I don't care about the value of what I've got you know I've you know three quarters filled up my van so can't complain with that I don't know where I'm where I am so I don't know how to get back home but I'm going to just sort of feel my way through but that was just a fantastic day hour and a half maybe maybe two hours it doesn't feel like it it only feel like it feels like I've been out for like 20 minutes and you know well yeah couldn't have asked for anything more than getting that computer right at that that moment I mean the last thing I expected was you know after going around through so many piles in so many streets thinking well you know okay I've reserved a fair you know fact that you know I'm not going to get a computer that's fine I didn't even think I was going to get a microwave and you know in virtually the last streak that I was in there you go there was a microwave and then being the last pile the very last pile I go to and there we have it a computer just sitting there waiting for me and you know the computers that I like I like the older vintage style computers you know hopefully you know you get a ceramic CPU out of them you know just amazing it's it must be the scrap of God's you know that that you know do that you know say okay well he's finished crappy for the day let's make him turn into a around the corner into a place where there just so happens to be a PC sitting me you know right well I'll try and make my way home and keep scrubbing and I'll catch you tomorrow with the next scrap
Channel: eWaste Ben
Views: 119,345
Rating: 4.6636438 out of 5
Keywords: Kerbside Scrap Metal, Curbside Scrap, ewaste ben, Hard rubbish picking, trash picking, scrap metal, steel & copper scrap, ewaste scrap, gopro filming
Id: k1mhUKctLZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 14sec (3014 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 02 2018
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