STREAMING UNTIL WE HIT 2,000 LEVELS. (unless i fail)

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[Music] foreign [Music] here we go hello hello hello Thursday has returned what do you know how's it going everybody happy 2000 levels that we haven't gotten yet totally not a jinx today we're going to get to 2 000 levels it's gonna be beautiful hope you all are ready thank you all for smashing that thumbs up we got over a hundred already that's pretty cool let's take a look at where we stand currently 1934 with 28 lives Alex Norway thrown down the five months what's up Alex how's it going my friend thank you very much for that membership good to see you all you were just watching my Cowabunga collection video nice nice nice all right let's get started what are we waiting for let's go um I'm located in California Fey long with the tier three for five months what's up Faye thank you very much my friend good to see you how's it hanging man whoa [Music] yo what are you laughing at man [Music] foreign [Music] checkpoint unheard of it's a speed run ah okay so far so good 25 seconds on the clock [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Chillin Emmy Odin with the tier two what's up Emmy thank you very much for that membership foreign [Music] [Music] celebratory Bowsers with a star means we're almost done and there it is free one-ups I like it what's up soldi money hello Chris from the UK how you doing your dogs enjoy watching nice nice they sound wonderful major Shake throwing down a twitch Prime sub for 27 months that's right I am back on Twitch not right now but I should be on Sunday thank you for that twitch Prime drift with the membership thank you drift thank you very much wow that was not good Chase tomorrow with the two months what's up Chase Alexander shout outs to Brazil this is like a new super speed run but not a new super speed run it is new soup however I would not say it is a speed run but it does resemble one I just got my crotch sawed off psycho Nova 369. what's up psycho how's it going what's up [Music] slow down on that one like I feel like it's a new it's like a new super speed run it like wants to be I guess [Music] but it's not at all if I constantly have to stop give me all your coins bub how about you you got some coins for me getting rich that's probably good enough get a one-up from the flagpole hopefully Julian with a membership of Julian come on now oh come on now what is that that's gross man chill without the three months am I gonna continue The Last of Us perhaps not tomorrow though because I gotta play something else well something else going on tomorrow that should be very interesting Lars Johansen with the two dollars what's up Lars uh Thomas chofo thank you all for the donuts thank you very much the last of Ryu hello Jesse Fall Guys not fall guys speedrun oh hello foreign Speed Run there's really nothing going on it's like an empty level [Music] damn it [Music] there's a new game coming out tomorrow you silly silly willies [Music] now granted it's not a game I have played much of but I did play I did play one of them a long time ago damn it this is a weird level [Music] any advice for a recently divorced guy you've come to the right place my friend you're married to the game now [Music] happy to have you here [Music] I gotta slow my ass down this is freaking weird I don't have time to slow down oh [Music] camera froze are you serious that's freaking hecked up I'll bring it back in a minute that hasn't happened in ages what the hell stupid freaking camera good Lord okay let's see if I can get this ah damn it come on come on oh I made it yes um all right let's try and fix the stupid thing oh my gosh here's your baggish camera camera wait where'd it go it's dead now I just died damn it hold on I can fix it so the trick is to just simply do this okay it's dead you know what I have a backup solution so worry not my friends check this out wait tell me my backup solution didn't fail oh yeah here it is cool good to have backups always have a contingency my friends look at that that's gorgeous it's like nothing ever happened you know what bug it we don't need a green screen we don't need we got everything we need what the [Music] what is this okay um yeah cool we're good all right we're good we're good what is bus two [Music] as a two second world record implying that you can beat it immediately [Music] dude I think I might be able to make that jump maybe I'm not sure what's up Josh trash no somehow you can get through there without taking damage on maybe you can't make that what is this gimmick nonsense Alina dawn of the seven months Jermaine the five bucks Alex at the membership thank you thank you thank you thank you two second world record is super freaking ridiculously fast [Music] I don't get it some kind of tech here okay damn it don't jump don't wall slide keep the booster speed do you hold down or do you just like I don't get it oh man what is this this is terrible the hottest garbage I've ever seen thank you for the 300 likes by the way I appreciate it [Music] I wonder if you have to go right away to win [Music] damn it something's funny here can you go in between them or oh look look when they're spitting or whatever they stop moving so there must be a window to go through them when they're when they're doing that see that [Music] okay I didn't that didn't work I don't know that's my theory right now [Music] I mean maybe I just didn't get it dude that's so close that's freaking ridiculous anybody know how to do this this is terrible keep boost your speed on down propeller [Music] uh that didn't work damn it man looks like you can do that members get green names yeah you know that Kevy store silly cubby store all right anyone else have a genius idea why does it say two right oh Z I think it says Z okay you must have to spin with the Z move then [Music] to go I don't know honestly I have no freaking clue [Music] well it looks like I can almost do this [Music] you can't make it damn it I thought maybe you could do it two second world record though freaking nuts [Music] you know it's probably something like that it's probably like that only better centered is my guess [Music] it has a two second world record that means the dude went immediately but those guys weren't uh doing their thing foreign [Music] you actually go in between them when they're balled up hmm [Music] that that's what you meant by keep the dash speed that's what you meant Mr guy in the chat hahaha [Music] the speed of the propeller is gets you to the bottom long enough that you still retain booster speed I see okay cool all right uh King Cowboy at the membership thank you thank you for the new subscribers if you're not subscribed hit that subscribe thank you very much frantic froggy from Canada [Music] hi I'm Pippa and my cousin Gemma is analing what it's weird [Music] you know we don't get enough good frog see levels oh come on [Music] we don't get enough frog suit levels Greg Kelly up five dollars your wife wants me to do another Final Fantasy tactic stream your wife has good taste Greg [Music] [Applause] the tactics Nuzlocke is one of the funnest uh things I've done in a long time [Music] only the truly sophisticated viewer appreciates it so shout outs to your wife [Music] 2 000 people in the chat that's awesome we're only 15 minutes in what's up everybody thank you all for being here we've been doing this run for a long time and I'm hoping to seal the deal today but you know not if I keep getting these poo-poo levels here [Music] wow that's actually really uh tight [Music] I want to do a poll actually because I'm curious what people think about something I'll do it after this stage [Music] dude oh God you know I didn't really play Mario Sunshine much but I like this music very nice yo Greg Kelly dropping a membership what's up Greg thank you wow with that heart that's lovely oh wow look at that that's lovely I'm in a boot I'm gonna do a pull right here I wanna I'm curious what people think what [Music] okay here's the the question my question for the community poll is what should we do after we hit 2 000 levels should we a keep going or B do something new for the Thursday streams warping jumps make sure to hold the buttons what [Music] what'd it say warping jumps hold the button down plus y whoa glitch City [Music] that's freaking nuts foreign [Music] it lets you carry an item through a pipe with smb2 which normally you can't do [Music] freaking awesome [Music] wow that's really cool huh foreign wow very cool man no one UPS though so poopy on your level duckinator at the membership thank you duckinator thank you very much [Music] okay um that was cool I like that I like that I'm why you downloaded Fall Guys nice nice I haven't played in a long time but I had a lot of fun when it came out jumping in the Dead [Music] yo clear condition [Music] the clear condition all right so so far 66 of the people say keep going 34 say something new very interesting so we got about a two-thirds split vote here foreign [Music] that's a pretty hearty chunk of people that are down for something new I will have to make a serious consideration [Music] Sweet Lord whoa [Music] now there are a lot of things we could do [Music] could be Mario Maker could be a different Mario game could be yeah if it's on this channel probably Mario regardless but [Music] I wish Nintendo would fix multiplayer or make a new multiplayer game that would be lovely oh buddy whoa buddy yeah I thought about doing hundred man runs but I don't think so actually that's [Music] that's a bit rough for streaming I don't know [Music] no I've been wanting to do Dark Souls randomizer for a long time it's on my list [Music] but I will see hopefully I can do it one of these days [Music] um I did phase two the booster course pack it's in a live stream spree whenever it's on the day like the day it came out or whatever the week it came out should be in the title of the Stream Christian thank you for the membership thank you for being here I can jump again you guys it feels good holy moly holy moly man whoa that's oh okay that's tight also Mario Galaxy was something that I was thinking about because I never did that we did 3D World a little while ago which was fun but I never did Mario Galaxy either [Music] uh Mike with the five bucks thank you Mike thank you very much thank you thank you Lars Johansen with the five bucks as well do the run the first Thursday of every month um okay Lars suggests mixing it up so we don't stop doing this completely we just do it every so often not a bad idea you know not a bad idea at all hey I found a coin cool [Music] nah wait is that a problem [Music] seems like having a star is not a problem [Music] wait where's the the last one [Music] thank you yeah I'll play Sonic Frontiers when it comes out for sure [Music] Mike blondin wants the iron Brothers challenge and then John M Foley coming at the twenty dollars yo man yo man one stream of hundred man quest for the perfect run I know I've been wanting to get the perfect run for a long time too no not a bad idea thank you for that 20 donation my friend thank you very much [Music] wow we're going up top notifications not working Jolly Roger hold on I'll take a look oh my goodness let me check our net our notifications are oh there it is wait you're oh wait the there it is I didn't see a membership for you just that specific notification thank you for the uh the membership my friend I just got destroyed damn holy moly yeah thank you for the likes I appreciate it thank you for the membership uh Jolly Roger and the big 20. yeah I didn't see a membership come through did you see the other one okay we will trust the arrow God [Music] well I don't think you can uh go over the top unfortunately [Music] yeah I get roasted son nice try idiot hmm huh that is very satisfying actually [Music] yo Max of the five bucks it's on max yeah I think Galaxy would be fun for sure oh here we go wait am I in the main world or am I in the sub world [Music] I was in the sub world [Music] okay I was in the sub world [Music] thank God I didn't jump down that would have been terrible Soul Reaver I remember that game but I can't remember much about it I did play when I was a kid [Music] um SG 44 thank you for the two dollar Super Chat Mario RPG Armageddon yeah I wouldn't mind restarting that maybe on the normal mode the hard mode is like kind of hot garbage I bet the normal mode is like a lot better boom booms must be defeated [Music] the other thing I don't like about the hard mode Mario RPG Armageddon is all the bosses have some stupid move that AOE kills your entire party and like blocking it or mitigating it is very the least for me was not clear how to deal with that it's just super tedious yeah but I like the game I like it a lot here we go I know reading the tutorial would help unfortunately even after reading the tutorial didn't help much with that we're looking for two boom booms [Music] looking for two boom booms man what happened got some cool guy way down here I don't know where the hell I'm going or where the heck boom boom is maybe he's in this pipe I don't know I better check oh I found him oh one of them anyways oh he's right there there's two of them no I lost it damn it no I'm getting destroyed crap got this Ludwig shooting down here too oh God I don't like this one bit come here you freaking butthole there we go Brandon thank you for the membership [Music] my nose itches oh goodness oh dude [Music] [Music] [Music] Corey thank you for the membership thank you very much I appreciate it Speedy Parker with the 50 doubling up with the donuts man hell yeah Speedy Parker thank you man for both the donations thank you so much my friend I really really appreciate you that's awesome Eric Johnson with a membership it's Sai with the tier three for 25 months let's up at Sai thank you thank you thank you [Music] okay I'm intrigued by the stage [Music] uh don't know about this I'm supposed to do a key somebody has a key who has the key oh there's a star coming down [Music] really taking its sweet time isn't it [Music] for real [Music] huh That Could Have Ended poorly hurry with the membership what's up she's pretty thank you for being here my friend thank you for watching and all your love and support we got mad love for you Joseph with five dollar Super Chat I talked about dancing mad a while ago so I'm the reason you tried Final Fantasy VI yo that's awesome hope you're enjoying it yeah dancing mad is one of my favorite songs ever I love that that freaking tune foreign [Music] oh no not gonna make it got Bamboozled son uh Jaleel the two dollar Super Chat thank you thank you thank you [Music] Kayla thank you for the membership play Mario Sunshine oh God I would but like [Music] half the stream would be the opening cut scene [Music] I think I did one episode of rubber Ross world [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I don't know about Mario or honestly I'm pretty satisfied with my one hour and 20 second time I think I'm good with that shell yeah shell yeah mother oh my shell jumps are gonna be garbage again I was just recording a Mario Maker one video yesterday had so many shell jumps [Music] but I will say my shell jumps were on point but now I gotta get my Mario Maker 2 shell jumps back in order [Music] man the difference is so crazy [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh God [Music] I'm scared of shell jumps now foreign [Music] thank you for the reset though uh I did a Hardcore Minecraft semi recently and I died as soon as I got to the nether it was a freaking bull crap man I was just uh chilling and then one of those idiot sniper whatever they are just blew me up out of nowhere with no warning at all well actually technically there was some warning I just uh didn't hear it [Music] freaking sucked [Music] oh and thank you for the two dollar Super Chat we got Kayla we got Psy Staker with the memberships thank you guys thank you thank you thank you got 3 000 people in this chat room thank you all for being here um hope you're having a good Thursday 2.2 the spike Valley 69 want to keep playing the endless uh challenge I did like the idea of mixing it up for some weeks we do and some weeks we don't have to give that's enough consideration [Music] what fire flower look a plumber up dude [Music] [Music] thank you you showed your father some of my videos and you had to put his glasses on that's freaking awesome he was like allow me to inspect this further I don't know why but I enjoy that visual [Music] nope nope nope nope I got Bamboozled right at the goal yo shout outs to Janice thank you both for watching I appreciate it greatly we got kale out at the two dollars uh I played Tetris 99 a lot when it came out damn it man look how far back I gotta go [Music] yo give me that thing give me give me thank you [Music] man I missed my fire flower [Music] okay don't get bamboozled this time foreign [Music] was coming but it was slightly different I was not expecting to run right through their snowballs I thought I was gonna get like obstructed or something [Music] but nope oh [Music] a piano performance to celebrate uh uh yeah maybe I do want to do more music stuff foreign this time there will be no bamboozling [Music] what the that's what I thought was gonna happen last time dude every time the Bamboozle changes slightly foreign [Music] [Music] okay this time it will not bamboozle me pull me three times I hate this game Vision thank you for the 15 donation Mr awesome thank you for the 20 donation actually I could shrink this a little bit my screen's a little big let's go on this side and let me do this side actually [Music] do that get a little bit here as well that looks better that's so freaking lame man come on now am I my sinuses have been really weird I keep sneezing all the time foreign [Music] okay my new theory is that if I if I just hold the jump button I should get a bounce off of the stupid idiot guy and it should automatically work it's my theory Kayla thank you for the two dollars [Music] what are you talking about no bounce that time Antoine thank you for the five dollars thank you very much could be worse oh it can always be worse that is certainly true damn it I lost my stuff [Music] [Music] fooled me five times all right I'm gonna try to stop again because it's not consistent how that part behaves [Music] you guys suck how why how did I hit these guys I can't even hit them if I'm trying how did I hit him that one's oh it was a snowball that I hit not him okay I might be able to kill them with the snowball oh no I can't I can't pick it away but you can't pick it up oh here you go hey Ken oh damn it can't get him I can hit him with a fireball but I can't hit him with a snowball well now I'm just completely screwed you know what let me grab a snowball there we go good Lord man wow [Music] fifth a is thing for the two months thank you thank you thank you very much thank you kindly oh I'm doing better now that I'm out of that stage thank you for the likes everybody we're almost at a thousand if you haven't hit it give it a tickle I would appreciate unhappy mess gifting five memberships yo unhappy mess thank you there they go They're going through right away nice YouTube fixed it thank you on Happy mess for the gift memberships um by the way I'm having the the YouTube team look into the other stream when they're being weird to make sure that they go through still waiting to hear back [Music] thank you very much unhappy mess for being awesome [Music] we got a zelder we got a zelder level [Music] foreign recipients [Music] of the gift memberships we have Eric shumny who has received a membership [Music] we have a milk head Mike Pinkman foreign to Jesse good sir is that a bad joke it wasn't a joke a serious question we have Brett f and we have ometz thank you again on Happy mess I've been seeing so many Breaking Bad memes lately been actually a bit ridiculous I got I got it on the mind foreign [Music] like really good ones yeah there have been so many memes lately some of the finest I've seen honestly [Music] foreign [Music] you want to rumble that's what I thought oh wow [Music] this level is very involved that guy got soft locked I better watch out what's up with this guy [Music] damn what a shot foreign [Music] battles Tammy's been doing those lately I haven't tried it myself [Music] whoa [Music] foreign [Music] level at least long as balls but pretty good [Music] whoa still not over [Music] still not over huh [Music] thank you [Music] man I feel like this dude got a little carried away he was really feeling himself a little too much did I miss a coin if it's in here or maybe not [Music] maybe not did you guys see the last one I didn't see it clear oh wait it was up there wasn't it oh there it is oh that's right it's blocked off before [Music] okay we chilling foreign what do we have here [Music] [Music] I wish they would just remake bloodborne already because I want to play it but I feel like as soon as I play bloodborne they're gonna announce a freaking remaster you know what I mean oh I like that level but it's too damn long too damn long so freaking long a thousand likes on the stream thank you guys for the 1000 likes I appreciate it foreign [Music] Arthur always like leaks about bloodborne but none of them are ever real oh boy Axel at the membership thank you oh yeah bloodborne's not on PC that's right that's another reason for me not to play bloodborne [Music] what the laughs [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] [Music] I don't know why I jumped on a mushroom when I was that high up that was a fail John T thank you for the two dollars thank you very much super sticker I like those super stickers the keep going percentage has grown to 71 percent [Music] haciendo haciendo wow I didn't think I was gonna land up there there's a p-switch very suspicious I just did the same thing twice dude keep thinking I'm not gonna land up there it doesn't look like I'm gonna get it but then I barely do okay thank goodness what the heck what is that dude that is so suspect why is that there [Music] [Music] I don't trust that not one bit [Music] foreign [Music] I didn't have a rhyme there my first rodeo brodeo 1952 48 levels to go okay okay moving along come on really dark level no jumping really it doesn't get much worse than that Thunder bucket has become a membership of the Thunder variety how appropriate thunderbucket welcome to the Thunder [Music] what the thank you thunderbucket oh I see trying to trick me oh use the bomb to get it it's kind of funny no way bro no well at least you can go backwards [Music] yay we did it oh yeah the number one spot an expert is unreasonable it's like 70 billion uh I don't have any Minecraft aspirations currently no hmm [Music] foreign damn that is a jump [Music] that is a jump I should try a totally different game well that is what my second channel is for my friend speaking of we just had a what did I just post Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cowabunga collection how did I not take damage there [Music] thank you wow okay no one-ups for me Ashley thank you for the membership Cowabunga dude [Music] uh this is expert I'll play the new God of War when it comes out foreign [Music] [Music] foreign that's cute I don't know we might take a break so maybe if we hit 2 000 just the next stream we'll do something different we'll come back to this I don't know we'll see I'll think about it Anna's thank you for the 10 donation thank you thank you very much thank you thank you kindly oh this looks stupid [Music] [Music] oh dude that swirl really boned me I don't think I would have made it though ah you know I like super worlds but Nintendo didn't Implement a good way to curate super worlds so finding finding one that you want to play is nigh impossible every time I go to a super world it's always like some baby mode stuff [Music] yo I appreciate you being here pandas you make my day better [Music] yeah I am back on Twitch so I do stream on Sundays on Twitch so be sure to drop a follow I started last week and I should be able to stream this week too um I got some stuff going on this weekend but I'm gonna try to get on at least for an hour you know what I mean [Music] you know oh look at that that was a beautiful shell jump he didn't think of the 10 super sticker thank you thank you thank you thank you [Music] dude my shell jumps are so whack right now do I appreciate you too oh yeah you all right you're all right what are we looking at here okay [Music] that did not work out I know I gotta calibrate [Music] I hate to make excuses but that stuff is real man when you switch between Mario Maker 2 Mario Maker one and Mario World ROM hacks each game where the subtleties of the shell jump are different It's Tricky man It's Tricky it's freaking tricky I actually just I felt like I had just mastered Mario Maker one shell jumps again because I was recording a video yesterday which is nice [Music] now my Mario Maker two shell jumps suck there we go [Music] foreign wow that was disappointing I should go get another helmet just in case [Music] oh wait the Shelmet is a liability I think foreign [Music] yeah he even has a new Shelmet thing [Music] always enjoyed juggling shells on Vines I think it's fun [Music] whoopsies you know what I think that's like super cheeseable [Music] probably it's not worth it though we have here [Music] [Music] oh the big move the big papa move right there oh wow I got a Yoshi everybody the token Yoshi has made an appearance I love a good token Yoshi [Music] whoa [Music] Aiden thank you very much for the 10 donation thank you thank you thank you I appreciate it [Music] thank you kindly with 3 500 people up in here it was a popping Thursday everybody Melissa with the 21 months thank you thank you thank you very much been watching a ton of my old videos like the Blindfolded easy challenge that one is a classic my friend [Music] yeah if you're new to the channel my backlog will blow your freaking mind [Music] let me just tell you I like your lips the best the hell damn I remember which door I went through Mr rebas of the membership thank you [Music] oh none of the doors foreign [Music] [Music] I was noticing the other day that I have so many old hundred Man videos where I beat some pretty inconceivable levels pretty ridiculous [Music] oh no I ended up back here again damn it the door level Nicholas thank you for the two dollar donation thank you I do miss multiplayer multiplayer is uh it's a freaking hoot [Music] hey what are we looking for here let me try down here great yeah this looks awesome foreign Lord dude wow okay thank you Melissa for that membership [Music] there was some stuff I just couldn't see ah there's just that and there was nothing else so I can't make that jump oh there's a pipe that takes you to the victory so it's one of those pipes probably freaking lamb so many freaking stupid pipes [Music] stop [Music] freaking pipes yeah which pipe is it risk gun says pipe six one two three four five six risk your band you banned [Music] okay does anyone actually know what pipe it is for Real [Music] nobody knows for real [Music] you guys are just guessing you have no idea [Music] tenor says five claiming to have referenced the tool I believe you tenor [Music] hell yeah that's what I'm talking about finally a person of Integrity in the chat [Music] [Music] praise the tool and whoever made it yes indeed yes indeed 1958 damn we still got 42 levels to go you guys we're in for a heck of a stream today hmm nighttime Munchies to black guy to a black guy sounds like Cobra Kai which comes back soon actually who's excited [Music] you know what the best way to get psyched for the new season of Cobra Kai is is to watch the latest debunking the difficulty video for The Karate Kid on my second Channel Ryu haven't seen it well what the hell call yourself a warrior what the hell dude come on I just bounced away good Lord [Music] oh wow it's an interesting level for sure [Music] oh can't do it without a power up [Music] I'll go back up no [Music] no no no all right right [Music] ten coin not worth it wow stupid bouncing dry boner shell freaking ridiculous [Music] I got a new one at least [Music] ah YOLO to the ending or something foreign but there's an option it doesn't look too promising yo Atrius with the 21 months what's up man thank you [Music] John C with the two dollars ready finger hand exercises [Music] um I try to do adequate stretching and whatnot [Music] hello Emma you are cool but yeah I'm excited for Cobra guy should be cool speaking of cool Pro Controller worth it for switch uh it's a good controller yeah the only I don't like it for Platformers though because the uh d-pad is a little [Music] whack like I I hated the switch Pro Controller for Celeste but I use it for everything else [Music] do it [Music] I'm Going the Distance [Music] I went the distance [Music] anonymity of the 20 bucks what's up anonymity uh been a fan for years felt the need to donate for all the entertainment do you ever use the 8-Bit doe um I do have an eight bits though and I've used it a couple times but to be honest but the only times I've used it are for the turbo feature foreign but I do have one fire snake I got this level once that was clearly uploaded using a turbo controller so I'm glad I had it otherwise I wouldn't have been able to beat it do I watch The Lord of the Rings show oh I look like a nerd yep oh this is weird whoa [Music] do I look like a freaking nerd here what a good Lord man freaking nerds and their Lord of lords of the Rings it's embarrassing I'm embarrassed that you even asked me that swarma thank you for the two dollar donation uh I do not know how to answer that I am the lord of the onion rings [Music] oh you guys know what I made the other day so Tammy made dinner and she asked me to uh make hush puppies because we got a deep fryer recently so I gave it a shot and they were freaking ridiculous they were so good man holy moly duh the lord of the Nerds we didn't have the proper sauce so Sunny actually I think it was sunny or was it I can't remember who it was it was Michelle or sunny or someone that said we should try honey and butter so we mixed honey and butter for the sauce and it was unbelievable absolutely unbelievable [Music] yeah I'm gonna make them I'm gonna make them again I'll post on the Instagram what the oh no also we just hit 80 000 on Instagram that's pretty cool you guys aren't following me on the gram drop a hole me a follow so I can get to 100K Instagram recently changed their whole thing now they're all about the videos and stuff they used to be about posting nice wholesome pictures now they're about memes and [Music] whatever so I just post a bunch of Mario videos on there now [Music] and Deja Vu man [Music] damn another one of these have mercy uh my Instagram Runner is broken right now my Tick Tock one is working but my Instagram one is broken I need to try and fix it [Music] thank you wow okay am I an Instagram influencer I don't know why that made me laugh okay so you can't go here I guess I'm just gonna YOLO I don't know if I can make it anywhere though no I can't make it anywhere where the hell am I supposed to go [Music] death see I think of a five dollar donation I can jump wait did I go in there yeah I went in there right because I jumped over here and there was nothing maybe I need to jump to the left Logan the one dollar [Music] Jesus what is going on here [Music] it's warm I think for the two dollars oh wow Golden Sun of the two dollars make your Golden Sun for the two dollars but you better fix that no man crap where's the key door damn it how do I get to the key door though thank you [Music] wait was I at the key door before Oh I was I had the key door before was that the first place I went I can't keep track of this stuff oh I was there before okay it's all starting to melt together [Music] I gotta go back around Matt wolf of the five bucks team Robbie or team Miguel hashtag Cobra Kai that ain't the question anymore now it's team what's his face and team the other face one more time thank y'all for the 1300 likes keep smashing that thumbs up I appreciate if you know anybody who think might enjoy the stream might have a good time be sure to drop a share as well YouTube loves it when you share stuff [Music] 38 levels to go team hush puppies they got for the likes and stuff that's very general the donations I mean that's very generous I tried to farm one-ups right there [Music] oh my thing reset for my one UPS what the hell weird that was the whole level that's ridiculous [Music] did I look at YouTube videos on how the algorithm Works dude nobody knows how the algorithm works nobody but we do know that certain things certainly cannot hurt oh boy we got a Dan Goods repairs levels level here [Music] it's always concerning [Music] foreign I don't understand what's going on here just hit the freaking thing or go up here I'm just gonna go up here and do my thing yo you know do my thing what's he doing in there does he have a key very suspicious [Music] okay cool what's in here foreign is certainly the key [Music] give that one a hearty boo cool guy think of the five dollar donation thank you very much Larry's fire Castle no endless super expert with us skips [Music] super interested in that it's pretty boring I feel just a Non-Stop skipping whoa wait whoa [Music] foreign [Music] I heard a switch but I was a little ballsy [Music] oh no oh boy I wouldn't mind uh about 50 coin actually he should have put Kaiser blocks down there oh playing with fire Brian at GameStop what's up Brian he's donated 20 bucks Brian thank you thank you thank you thank you how's it going Brian good to see you man thank you so much 35 levels to go thank you Brian good to see you my friend myopia throwing down the membership thank you myopia [Music] am I supposed to go in here go on the vines [Music] oh no foreign [Music] you gotta be kidding me right that is disgusting what's in here in the same place [Music] it's weird [Music] whoa [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the snatch man the snatch is Gonna Get You watch out [Music] [Music] whoa that was alarming [Music] no checkpoint oh the goals right there though [Music] [Music] don't mind me thinking for the two dollars no plans to currently but you never know [Music] what's up Inferno hello good to see you good to see you very nice to see you Koopa submarine oh hey see you later yo Missy coming in with five bucks whoa [Music] subscribe from the Dashie levels wow that's awesome that's like uh 2016. a long time ago thank you for being around all this time glad to have you in the Stream that's freaking dope [Music] good old Mario Maker one Dashie levels nothing quite like them foreign [Music] I posted TMNT cow Bunga on my second Channel Samuel [Music] we are deep in the submarine so deep foreign oh that was close [Music] yeah one of the Ryu versus Dashie videos did really well this guy out of here whoa get this guy out of here holy hot damn still no checkpoint still no checkpoint [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] mm-hmm [Music] oh whoa soft lock City if you go through there okay we made it through the submarine how about a checkpoint now I'll take the gold too that works for me [Music] I don't know if Dashie plays levels like he used to anymore the Mario Maker one Dashie levels were on a whole nother planet there's nothing like that anymore there's nothing like that in Mario Maker 2 at all really foreign bucks what's up Tim thank you Tim how's it going man [Music] I was really hoping they would have parachutes and such luck [Music] foreign [Music] myself where is Mario 35 why does Nintendo hate us why Nintendo foreign [Music] [Applause] okay now we're here I'm going backwards oh the switches are different that's right okay you know I like these kind of levels oh I'm lucky I didn't fall in the lava right there [Music] wait oh right here [Music] and now this one is different it's cool [Music] foreign [Music] balls oh see ya bud [Music] oh man no true ending Jacob Weber just dropped a 20 donation said you hyped for the new season of Cobra Kai hell yeah I am we're actually just talking about that thank you Jacob for the big 20. I'm very excited I'm a giant Cobra kind nerd I've seen it like four times Brian thank you for the five dollar Super Chat lifer Luigi I think so I think so Maybe and Lars thank you for the five dollars [Music] Grandpa Luigi [Music] Grandpa weed foreign [Music] [Music] damn just completely free level right there that's what I like to see [Music] yo what's up Leon thank you yeah I think I know what you're talking about Brian I think I remember that one 1969 31 levels to go ladies and gentlemen we're on a hot run today [Music] why come on man foreign that's not cool bro [Music] what's with all the freaking hidden blocks what do I do foreign [Music] oh my goodness it's tragic we got 1500 likes that's pretty good I think we might get to 2 000 by the end of stream [Music] there's a pipe up there [Music] oh come on dude I thought I was onto something hmm [Music] what the [Music] here's hoping this is wonderful foreign [Music] except it's hard to see where the bullet is oh no that sucks I should not abduct I screwed myself [Music] I can't ride the bullet if I get bodied though not if I lose my power up [Music] I can ride this thing there are alternatives my friends [Music] good Lord [Music] oh wow caught me [Music] wow that's freaking wonderful [Music] I don't know how I'm gonna be time landing on that bullet [Music] maybe I just need to try the other pipes there were other pipes I could try [Music] promising [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] holy moly oh look at these donations these are insane Dragon King donates 20 bucks and then Brandon donates 50 bucks Brandon and dragon king and then Dragon King donates another 50 bucks 70 from Dragon King Brandon with a 50. thank you guys so much holy crap The Dragon King has just rocked my world [Music] oh no what is this crap what [Music] Heinz Moss it's like Uno Moss but worse Dragon King thank you so much my friend thank you that's freaking awesome and then Brandon with the 50 holy crap thank you guys [Music] y'all are too kind [Music] whoa [Music] [Music] what the MGM thank you for the membership [Music] oh oh I never seen that before [Music] you guys should have just won the door but [Music] I've been conditioned to not trust doors well cool MGM Steve thank you Dragon King and Brandon thank you both so so much for those donations cannot thank you enough for that you're too generous thank you freaking awesome we had 4 200 votes in the poll wow 72 percent say to keep going Veronica of the eight months is that Veronica what's up pepper and thank you for watching I appreciate you thank you thank you big tall tower [Music] YouTube studio is telling me now would be a great time to run an ad what do you guys think is it a good time to run an ad they along with a 20 donation what's up Faye thank you man okay there are a lot of people that are saying yes like enthusiastically which is pretty interesting [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah run an ad just as you're about to hit 2000. [Music] okay well there's a coin oh I need to activate that thing [Music] Fizz nerd at the 20 what's up fizz love I can't handle it I think it says whizzle has signed up for nordvpn using recars code hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah boy Whoa [Music] that was crazy what the heck is going on here man [Music] get off of me get off of me what ah that was non-consensual wait why is there two pipes oh [Music] hello Italy Sean with the five bucks been here since around 500 000 tell ya that's awesome Sean dude speaking of non-consensual sorry boom boom I'll run out of time yeah we're getting close to uh 800 000 which is very exciting wait what what is this I'm intrigued I am no longer intrigued [Music] I feel better soon Green Ranger [Music] yeah what are we at now like 780 000 or something it's pretty good pretty good go pretty good pretty good 25 25. oh it's a p balloon what a lucky me I happen to be an expert at the P balloon [Music] [Music] [Music] robbed out of a one-up not surprising [Music] megasaurus with the two dollar two months thank you nickosaurus 1973. green ranger thank you feel better soon my friend [Music] foreign ER with five bucks what's that blasphemer [Music] thank you for watching [Music] an expert would have gotten the one up you know I can't really argue with that do I use Miracle Grow on my beard laughs [Music] oh oh you know I should probably get that okay I don't know if this is worth it actually I have regrets nope this is oh there we go oh star wow that's exciting oh man I couldn't secure any one UPS [Music] oh damn [Music] whoa whoa foreign a vertical area oh I am Man level has a cool concept I guess except for except it sucks oh thank God I had a checkpoint [Music] nothing I don't I'm okay I don't remember picking up that checkpoint once I saw that I was very pleased [Music] all right Brian we'll see you soon my friend Terrell thank you for the five dollar Super Chat [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign yeah don't forget to join the Discord don't forget to join the Discord the discordius 25 levels to go baby what's up Ryan what you get for dinner uh you should get some like really nice Chinese food [Music] treat yourself my friend get some get some good good let's get a nice place you know random guy for three months thank you [Music] [Music] oh look at this [Music] I'm a thick boy foreign it's been nice knowing you [Music] whoa oh boy oh boy that's weirdly difficult uh nope that's not what I wanted [Music] how the hell do you get that in there [Music] come on now okay I have a new idea there we go all right no oh [Music] that was pretty cool you gotta admit [Music] random guy thank you for the four or three months of membership [Music] oh I see I see I see I see what's going on here damn it don't turn him around stop it there we go [Music] [Music] the heck [Music] [Music] what are we doing here [Music] I mean why wouldn't I want that coin in that key I don't know if I trust the kid are such a nice level though I feel like I gotta go in here and find out what it is for the content okay [Music] well that is very lovely cool impostorino never forget [Music] wherever you are impostorina we still think about you 1976 24 levels to go baby fast way Skyway [Music] [Music] well typically I don't know about Auto scrollers and timers but you know why not [Music] foreign [Music] Destiny and Cliff Thompson coming into memberships thank you thank you very much man this run has been going for a long time freaking nuts 1900 levels Patrick Cox throwing down 10 donation and calling for the like Spike I like it Patrick thank you very much foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh boy [Music] an interesting level certainly [Applause] foreign [Music] if I hadn't kicked those in time foreign [Music] definitely an interesting one [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Uranus has rings [Music] thank you oh let's just go down [Music] Fabio just came in hot with a 10 super chat [Music] you know what I'm doing here [Music] not that apparently [Music] what am I doing here [Music] oh Neato oh wait they all have vines in them apparently I didn't hit that one Alejandra I think for the membership [Music] oh maybe I was off screen that's why it didn't work [Music] okay [Music] holy moly freaking nuts [Music] come on what's up Jeffrey [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the music was on point that was very nice 22 levels to go yeah that was good that was very good oh man it was just a matter of time [Music] yes Fabio coming in coming in hot with the 10 memberships what's up Fabio man there's a clear condition in the dark that sucks but you know it doesn't suck Fabio gifting 10 memberships to this wonderful community [Music] thank you Fabio hell yeah that's freaking awesome whoa whoa where am I even going right here dude well the pipes work [Music] okay random totally random block I'm still looking into that seriously the team is on it [Music] come on dude I see those coins right there can't get them can't get them I might be able to salvage no [Applause] shell up here [Music] [Applause] can't get a shell up here I need a shell [Music] anyway I can get a shell up there it looks like I can actually make that jump oh dude these plays out of this world ow damn it there we go gifting 10 memberships to Valance dewap 370Z gato come on the Z kid starberry Benjamin Ignacio and Ronald Krusty thank you very much Fabio for your love and support 21 levels to go my friends Fabio you're the best thank you thank you very much okay nice new super speed run this is nice we're looking for short short easy levels here [Music] damn it I thought I could get a one-up or something audio's being weird uh try refreshing see if it fixes itself I don't see any issues on my end damn it no one up spot easy level at least [Music] yo thank you again Fabio thank you very much thank you kindly yeah a lot of people saying it's okay so maybe try a refresh if yours is being weird holding a [Music] It's gotta force your way in there man just gotta force your way in there you know what I mean grease yourself up and just enter [Music] cool yeah I'll probably see YouTube glitch [Music] another easy level 19 levels to go 19 levels to [Music] Call of Duty wow I love Call of Duty Fabio gifted another five memberships let's go Fabio [Music] hell yeah yeah we're almost at 2 000 likes so if you haven't liked the stream well that's pretty heartbreaking because I thought you loved me holy moly I don't know how I didn't die right there [Music] oh this is a weird level [Music] no when they're crash into each other that doesn't work well for me foreign like that oh disgusting Fabio thank you for five more memberships to Golden Sun William ultimate Rich will cross and rain thank you Fabia [Music] there's a little counter in there [Music] yeah Lisa the timer's not tight for real man I just get bodied as soon as I start big problem is that the bullets crash into each other that's what's messing me up right now see oh that was close what damn it harder than you'd think yo congratulations luxurious that's freaking awesome hell yeah [Music] whoa my God I'm adding it right there Nicholas threw down a tier three membership let's go Nicholas hell yeah Nicholas thank you I think I just Bamboozled it Nicholas thank you for the membership that's huge oh my God it's raining Stars [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] dude well thank you for the five dollar donation [Music] you could just keep going back and forth and you would slowly rack up the kills as well foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] can't spoil the cats it kind of sucks [Music] [Music] wow I can't believe they didn't crash into each other that was a weird one [Music] ah the jaunty my goodness I'll try to hurry for you 18 levels to go foreign don't forget if you guys are looking for a continued good time I just uploaded a new turtles video on my second Channel this morning check it out after stream would ya [Music] oh boy [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you whoa [Music] oh you can't climb on walls and farm one-ups foreign I don't know about Tommy but yeah Tammy will be streaming I think Tammy will be streaming she had some stuff she had to do I think she's back now she's back she'll be streaming oh that was close that poison mushroom away from me man oh he wasn't vulnerable still [Music] got this idiot on my freaking ride oh [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] oh I don't know what I was thinking with that [Music] cool 35 lives too uh shied with the membership thank you for Midge with the Thunder membership thank you very much 17 levels to go let's go how much to shave the beard uh one million Subs on YouTube and I'll do it [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] gotta go back down now oh gross can I just fall down the middle no [Music] no no no no no no no [Music] [Applause] oh wait this is some sort of foreign [Music] you have to stop him at the right spot it's kind of goofy I think yeah too low time [Music] damn it ah too low right oh he gets the shot amazing [Music] very nice [Music] foreign [Music] okay 1984. Mario plays out last dark level oh why why dude [Music] [Music] well I officially hate this level [Music] foreign [Music] dude Halloween is almost here yeah that's kind of crazy [Music] Sweet Lord foreign [Music] thank you for the checkpoint that's wonderful [Music] God dang it dude Fabio donates 20 big ones let's all create 100 accounts and buff Rio yo I do not condone that but what I do condone check out the shorts the shorts are where it's at oh watch comment share and like the shorts the shorts are the key I mean do that to the other videos of course but the shorts are the key [Music] well wow really [Music] salute the shorts [Music] oh parachute [Music] this map is really killing my buzz right now I feel like we're on a roll and then uh this level came along and now I'm swimming in the feces [Music] okay the Fire Bar though [Music] can we talk about the Fire Bar [Music] foreign [Music] yeah you can be me for Halloween [Music] I really really [Music] don't know what they're thinking with this level [Music] like if I want to play Outlast I'll go play Outlast you know I played out last a little bit and let me tell you it didn't suck like this [Music] wait I'll run to the left [Music] this guy's gotta be out of his damn mind foreign [Music] holy smokes [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you all for the 2 000 likes on the stream yo Joseph angel in the house what's up my friend foreign [Music] I told you it was bad [Music] vagrancy thank you for the two dollar donation [Music] I was excited for Halloween and so I played this level [Music] reimkin Jack will not be returning foreign [Music] oh thank you thank you thank you thank you oh wow holy moly hey you systems 29 months hell yeah let's go thank you systems Nigel's more of a Christmas kind of guy you know fireplace and whatnot five challenges hardcore mode I thought we were playing expert we're on Hardcore man whoops whoa that was crazy that was crazy they're pooping him they're freaking pooping him that was hardcore can thank you for the membership Iron Man five dollars thank you that challenge was not so hardcore you know I don't know if I'll classify that one as hardcore foreign see you later there we go bada bing bada boom what's up [Music] how we looking how are we looking how are we looking 1986 who was born in 86. let me hear you holla [Music] this level was created by God I'm intimidated [Music] wow [Music] dirty mother [Music] what the heck is going on here man this is terrible [Music] what the hell is happening 14 second world record clear Dev star [Music] [Music] oh did I say Dev star I'll do you one better just skip the entire level [Music] damn we got 4 000 people up in there what's going on everybody [Music] loaded here on this Thursday 1987 holla thank you for the new subscriptions if you are new be sure to hit that subscribe I'd appreciate it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign get your balls out of my face let me dathu with a five dollar super sticker what's up daffu five dollars have ever played out of this world on SNES I've not but I'll definitely take into consideration my friend thank you foreign doofus [Music] what the what wow got him you check out the Cowabunga video nice mess tonight [Music] wow 1988 let's go fun fact 1988 Celine Dion won Eurovision song contest and became a worldwide known singer wow that is a fun fact oh my God 1988. let's go [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign Pizza the Thunder thank you canned Pizza filthy Democrat with a membership thank you [Music] oh oh this could be problematic okay we're good [Music] foreign [Music] level here [Music] okay [Music] [Music] for you for the 10 donation my friend I'm doing very well thank you so much that's cool I don't know if that was supposed to happen but I dig it [Music] Oh My Sweet Lord that was really close foreign man this is a long ass level here [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh my god dude if I die in this level I will probably cry [Music] for real [Music] for real man [Music] holy mother never ends [Music] foreign [Music] okay okay okay 1989 11 levels to go dungeon Rumble [Music] I'm ready to rumble whoa [Music] this isn't really what I was expecting at all foreign [Music] cool [Music] David Hasselhoff sang at the Berlin Wall in 1989 Is that real [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh boy this is not great nice checkpoint nice checkpoint I like that [Music] do we have a smoothie delivery holy moly [Music] [Applause] you see that oh did you oh no this no no the Smoothie didn't kill me I got sniper thwomped oh no I had nothing to do with the smoothie Good Luck Good Luck thank you we'll see you in a little while wow we got smoothie delivery ladies and gentlemen you know what that means it's time for a Shameless plug of the Ryu car merch store you can get yourself this beautiful Frosted Mug [Music] delicious 1990 the 90s were a good time man um [Music] dude I'd love to get a plush it's been on my list for years one of these days man what the hell bro dark level should be outlawed [Music] red coin challenge in the dark [Music] but why oh no oh no we went up my butt [Music] Bibi Nella coming in with two dollars you can't have like a level that looks like it's gonna be a cool poison platformer and then just switch to a dark level man [Music] yo thank you for watching Jacob I appreciate that very much wow that's a really hard jump to do it like that [Music] it seems [Music] oh my God really [Music] foreign [Music] so that's cool [Music] there's just like no challenge in this room whatsoever I mean I ain't complaining I'm just saying [Music] oops good thing for the mushroom I didn't mean to go in there didn't mean to go in there [Music] we got our boy Yoshi [Music] foreign [Music] okay [Music] I'm a little too close to the lava here a little scary [Music] whoa speaking of scary that was very scary foreign see ya bud [Music] saved my ass Omar beans with the five dollars thank you Omar Matthew with the two dollars thank you 1991. come on give me some like new soup speed runs or something Fabio gift in 10 memberships hell yeah Fabio oh this is horrible so he's gonna have Kaiser blocks at the bottom [Music] don't matter though Fabio gifting 10 memberships to Dio Brando Ms sir cool William Dennis Koopa cross Marsh and Cody B uh Jenna Sloan fellatio Supreme and Rebecca markovic congratulations wow what the heck was that dude congratulations on your membership wow Fabio oh my gosh Joe duh throwing in 10 memberships as well thank you hmm Joe da and Fabio making it rain 1992. Joe duh thank you for the 10 memberships thank you Fabio thank you you both are awesome [Music] ah damn it [Music] Ace of Spades just threw down a tier three membership holy hot dang right there that's huge whoa whoa no the fireball Ace of Spades thank you that's humongous I really appreciate that thank you thank you so much so many memberships going all over the place [Music] I like it a lot dude I tried to get cheeky didn't work hmm oh snap Ace of Spades did donate 20 bucks holy freaking heck I did miss it thank you Ace we should play some Mario Party hell yeah that'd be amazing right now we are on a little bit of a Mario Party Party hiatus but I'm sure we will be back at some point and I would love to play with you that would be dope thank you for the donut thank you very very much [Music] there we go [Music] hey Bowser [Music] hey Bowser see a Bowser Dustin thank you for the five dollars [Music] 0.5 feet tall that's a big mug right there um human Destiny thank you for the five dollar donation as well Matthew Palmer throwing down the two dollars thank you for the donuts everybody 1993. [Music] wow interesting level here you'll love to see it [Music] [Music] give me six more of those will ya 1994. [Music] oh it's a Koopa car level we're screwed [Music] yeah I was thinking uh Final Fantasy six as well gotta be another Koopa car or not yeah it's just gone it doesn't come back what the hell oh no [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] beans has become a member thank you Omar [Music] foreign it's been a long journey [Music] the year of Chrono Trigger oh damn it [Music] oh my goodness [Music] Sean w at the five dollar Super Chat thank you Sean thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] that is disgusting bro bro [Music] [Music] [Music] damn stunned by that booty oh the magic koopa's up there sweet Jesus man have I found a new Mario ROM hacks I would want to play I've been playing a whole bunch of them lately I post them on Instagram tick tock Facebook um I post them on YouTube too sometimes it's shorts I don't post ads frequently on YouTube as the other platforms but I post every single day on the other social media platforms I've been playing quite a few different hacks me [Music] oh what is this pick a more doors thank you six different doors all right who's got the level viewer [Music] who's got the level viewer good Lord man [Music] so now we got all these people in here who are picking random doors and actually have no idea [Music] just just know if you say it's a door and I go in that door and it's not that door you banned [Music] is the only one I can trust Bradley says bottom middle check Discord all right Bradley I trust you Bradley I trust you Bradley [Music] all right where's Bradley please ban him that at once foreign that freaking guy yeah you ban get out of here idiot I told you I told you man you freaking banned [Laughter] I hope it was worth it man I hope it was worth it crap dude would you chill wow [Music] well Bradley has been dispatched you know go take out the garbage you know what I mean whizzles did you say top right [Music] yeah we banned them that's right that's an epic way to end the run I feel Banning some guy foreign [Music] dude these jumps are no no joke I'm probably gonna need more advice I bet this level has more pick a crap would not be surprised like this right here what about these pipes there those pipes probably kill you there's the goal those pipes do not kill you but they almost kill you uh-oh oh no Robert the eight months Uncle Drew with the two dollar Super Chat holy freaking crap man [Music] oh my goodness [Music] oh that was close I want to get a fire flower if I get through here without taking damage I get a fire flower for my my hard work see that that's legit yay I got it through too thank you oh that was close these jumps are super gnarly [Music] those jumps are seriously difficult thank you my mushroom though that's all I need dude the blind nature of that situation that's rough [Music] free my boy Bradley Bradley must redeem himself Nick Bradley comes to the Discord and confesses to his sins and begs forgiveness I'll consider it 1996 natane with the one dollar donation thank you Robert the membership thank you Daniel to five bucks thank you Daniel [Music] this one looks like a bit of hot garbage but hopefully not too difficult [Music] huh my boy Bowser see you bowsie all right nice free one that's that's really great [Music] time okay we're getting close 1997. is that Final Fantasy 7 right there I think it is I think it is I think it is got Japanese level by REI I don't like that name that name implies hot garbage based on what I'm seeing it might actually be a good level uh G dubs throwing down the three dollar donation thank you g dubs [Music] dude completely free unbelievably awesome [Music] 19. 90 8. oh my goodness gracious man a little bit ruining LOL yo Lane with the 10 super chat thank you yolaine [Music] foreign man I I already missed Mario Party unfortunately we will not be playing it tomorrow either we'll get back to it at some point [Music] some funnies going on still though thank you [Music] that's weird what come on Bobby out the five dollars thank you well that door was a clever Dev exit apparently it was nothing foreign such a ridiculously easy level after all those cheese attempts wonderful finchesda the five dollar Super Chat hell yeah f is finchesna finchezda 1999. ladies and gentlemen the final level has arrived smash that Thumbs Up Hit That subscribe let's do this Japanese looks like a nice normal level no Kaizo hot garbage Tech I like what I'm seeing here oh no what that's very risky [Music] I mean I have to get hit just to freaking get out of there [Music] whoa [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen it's been a good ride shavyak the five dollar Super Chat hello Laura and Hadley thank you for watching Bandit with the two dollars unhappy mess of the 12 months and flick McFadden with the 10 memberships thank you flick 2 000 levels not a single skip ever not even one and not even the thought of skipping I mean honestly that makes me sick can you imagine skipping a level oh my God just imagine holy hell look at this chat oh my gosh I cannot even keep up with this chat right here the most insane shot I've ever seen holy moly man like McFadden throws down 10 memberships to Heather Lowe Jared Moss Daniel steer dirty Envy pedal Tony Fox retro Christopher Anderson the Dodger the awesome and Oliver Bartlett thank you for those memberships that is crazy Jonathan Vision John Philippe Nick AF Drew Stone I cannot keep up happy face dark lord disco the twenty dollars yo dark lord disco much love to you my friend you an unhappy mess are amazing we're very lucky to have you here in our streams JM Rick's of the five dollars John T the five dollars vulgarto with the ten holy freaking heck this is madness wow this is crazy shout outs to everybody for especially Bradley I'd like to give a super a special shout out to my boy Bradley Uncle Drew with the 20 Super Chat thank you Uncle Drew penny for your thoughts or rather penny for a level hell yes Uncle Drew thank you so much Heather Lowe at the membership 73 of people man we had a lot of people vote 7 000 people voted 73 said to keep going 27 said something new I will think about it maybe we'll introduce some balance where I do this some weeks and not other weeks sometimes on Twitch as well I don't know we'll see I will think about it speaking of twitch hit up my twitch I am back on Twitch after many months I stream on Sunday on Twitch so hopefully I'll see you on Sunday that'll be cool hope that didn't just happen dude are you serious no no no no red nalas you did not just do that every level no no no no no no no oh my God Pay It Forward like I know red you're insane what is this happy 2000 red what is this what is this do you guys haven't seen it yet red what is this oh my God oh my God red a dollar for every level holy keep being awesome and pay it forward like I know you will oh my God happy 2000. [Music] red was that a typo did you forget the decimal red let me know red oh my God oh my God red nalas throws down the two thousand dollar donation oh my God a dollar for every level you are awesome keeping awesome and pay it forward like I know you will yo love you red holy crap I will do my absolute best to pay that forward oh my gosh red think I don't even know what to say thank you red that is absolutely insane oh my goodness oh man red nose oh my gosh red holy crap foreign that's insane 2000 levels is insane when you think about it sometimes we play these levels that take like 30 minutes so to think about 2 000 levels [Music] all right red I don't even know how to thank you appropriately just so much love to you like on absolutely unbelievable I'm gonna play One More Level for you red I dedicate this level to red this is level 2000 right here some people debate like you gotta beat to beat 2 000 levels you actually have to do the 2 000th level you know maybe they have a point either way we're gonna play One More Level dedicated to Red nalas for that unbelievably generous donation ow [Music] I'm just tripping after that oh my God I thought that was gonna be a fire flower [Music] I know I gotta send red some like sign to merch or something red hitting likes for real I'm not even kidding I will send you some like sign to merch or something that's freaking insane absolutely insane that would be my honor for real I'm getting bodied here I can't play the game anymore that's a great idea [Music] it's freaking tripping wow [Music] yeah red I would love to send you some like signed merch or something that'd be super cool oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness I'm trip and there's a bunch of other stuff I need to read still I'm just kind of tripping still so give me a second and I'll catch up on the other notifications here oh man oh man look at all these other notifications this is crazy y'all are crazy y'all are so awesome [Music] London's coming out the Wazoo do I have to kill these winged ones I guess so wow [Music] red I saw [Music] oh my gosh you can't even keep up [Music] so red you donated through stream labs [Music] so I just wanted to make sure if your name was the same on YouTube holy freaking heck [Music] Bradley I think it was Bradley that would be a trip [Music] that would be a twist no red is not Bradley laughs not that I'm aware of holy crap that was nuts Brandon Brandon is red let me catch up on these notifications duckinator thank you for the donation what's up duckinator Brandon [Music] ah confirmation has arrived [Music] Brandon Salander red Nala is the slander backwards is on switch that's right in the laws and yes holy crap Brandon brother shalander AKA Red thank you so much love to you my friend can't even express another 20 bucks just to clarify oh my gosh thank you man so much love to you can't even begin to express it I'm not kidding about that signed emerge though hit me up I'll send you if you want something I'll send some to you that'd be freaking dope uh decanator thank you um oh there's Brandon with a super chat right there right there as well two dollar Super Chat Jason the one dollar Nathan with the 20 Super Chat oh you had another yeah another one right there you were clarifying in Super Chat and I just didn't see it thank you uh Nathan live the 20 Super Chat thank you Nathan Sam five Christian with the 50 from New Hampshire Christian throwing down 50 bucks from New Hampshire I am so sweaty right now you guys it's freaking unbelievable uh Christian thank you for the 50 shots in New Hampshire thank you so much MB petals uh Mike B Uncle Drew thank you wandering goat jmrix thank you for the donations vulgarto jonty Jonathan everybody Vision so many donuts thank you all so much County Line throwing down 20 donation thank you County Tammy's gonna flip out when she hears she's gonna be so excited she's gonna be super excited oh my goodness mwjl at the ten dollars I read that Apple and Google track hasn't saw her information I was talking to Alexa I'm like you're not gonna believe this and she was like what tell me more I'm listening that's pretty funny knows these with the twenty dollars I'm happy as a ten you guys are crazy I am tripping you guys okay red thank you so much Brandon this has been amazing thank you so much um if you guys want some more content I uploaded a turtle's video on my second Channel Ryu got a bunch of content over there I'll be streaming over there tomorrow as well some Splatoon 3 which is dropping tomorrow so hopefully I'll see you there for that should be on Twitch on Sunday as well I'm tripping we are gonna go raid Tammy who is my lovely wife who's streaming music here on YouTube so if you guys would join me and go show her some love and support I would appreciate it greatly rain you did not have to apologize for such a thing thank you for being here yo we got Johan throwing down the big money Johann Johann what are you doing Splatoon 3 comes out tomorrow Johan thank you thank you so much Johan much love to you yeah hot tub streams on the second Channel coming soon Mario Party in the hot tub yo thank you thank you Brandon Kristen with the 50 oh my goodness I'm freaking out here Kristen that's another 50 from Christian get to 3 000 you'll donate three thousand dollars oh my gosh Christian don't tempt me Christian I'm crazy like that I got another another thousand levels in me I think [Music] Christian thank you thank you so much for all those donations for rain for two months thank you Ryan oh man oh man thank you all for everything Christian those huge donuts all right we're gonna go raid Tammy everybody thank you all so much Brandon once again everybody but Brandon with that donation so unbelievable so much love to you thank you so much Tammy's gonna flip let's go let's go let's go uh say hello to Tammy shall we balance with four months thank you Valance okay I will uh I'll see you all later have a good night everybody and I'll see you all soon much love to you all uh we'll be raiding which should take you to Tammy stream automatically but it is Tammy underscore black media if it doesn't take you for some reason foreign
Channel: ryukahr
Views: 474,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ryukahr, ryukhar, ryu, super mario maker 2, smm, mario, gaming, gameplay, nintendo switch, snes, kaizo, retro, live stream, endless expert, no skips
Id: JMxZRaM5nZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 215min 38sec (12938 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 08 2022
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