Stray Kids "樂-STAR" Recording Scene | MEGAVERSE, 가려줘(Cover Me)

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[RECORDING SCENE] [Part 1 : MEGAVERSE] [Hyunjin] [Hyunjin is up first for "MEGAVERSE" recording] Okay, should we get into it? Prepare a big bowl, or else, the tears of admiration will spill over Okay, I think it'll sound better if it sounded a bit fuller - Okay - Okay Stay on beat with the rhythm Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! - Just stay on beat - Okay Prepare a big bowl, or else, the tears of admiration will spill over [▶ Monitoring] Okay Next is HAN's part [The songwriter comes at the right moment] HAN, this part changed to "at the top"? At the top Oh, at the top See me rise, I came from down below Struggled to get to this point ey - Do you like this huskiness? - Yeah! Okay, let's go again! See me rise, I came from down below Struggled to get to this point ey Oh? That was nice - Let's do the next part - Okay! Now way up here Like I say, my place is at the top I like the beat, but the tone... - Right - It got huskier than before Okay - Hyunjin, you did great - Yeah? But I think just like you did earlier, your tone could be less husky to match the former part Okay, okay Okay! [Start from the beginning to match his tone] Now way up here Like I say, my place is at the top Let's give it a listen [▶ Monitoring] How is it, HAN? Sounds like he's mumbling? It sounds like he's mumbling at "Like I say"... [Practicing again] I just got an idea where we change the lyrics into "Like I said"! - Is that better? - Okay! Should we do it like that? Is it okay if we do that with the lyrics? Sure, doesn't it mean the same thing? That's right Like I say = Like I said That's great Okay Okay Now way up here Like I said, my place is at the top [Does it in one go with the changed lyrics!] - What do you think, HAN? - I like it I think it's good, what about you, Hyunjin? I'm good! [Felix] [Yongbok practices the opening rap] - Let's give the guide a listen! - Okay [Yongbok has been participating ever since the guide] [Listening to his past voice] Let's listen to that one, too [Another recording of past Yongbok] I mean, I wanted to redo this since Lee Know has to do it for the 2nd verse anyway But this is a low one and the one later is a high one so I felt like it would be okay and checked it out I think the quality is nice [Finally a new part to record] - Ton! - Ton! Okay Oh, we should make it "tun" so it rhymes with "run" Run, tun, okay My voice is so grand deep You better run This much scale should be measured in megatons I'll go again Other than "grand deep" - I think we can keep it, it was great - I love the vibe The beat, tone, and vibe were all great Just work on your pronunciation "Grand deep" and "megatons" My voice is so grand deep You better run This much scale should be measured in megatons Let's keep this for now The "megatons" was great My voice is so grand deep You better run This much scale should be measured in megatons [Was doing great then fumbled] Focus [Changbin is too far, can't hear him well] I said, focus Focus on me Oh, let's go again [Start again, focusing on recording] My voice is so grand deep You better run This much scale should be measured in megatons Alright! That's it [All that's left is the "Stray Kids" shout] Stray Kids Stray Kids - Yeah, just like that - Okay - Respect! - I'm pumping up Stray Kids Wait, let's hear it solo Stray Kids Felix, you're done! [Yongbok can go home anyway] Come over here, Yongbok Yongbok, get over here Yongbok, get over here [Changbin] [Changbin has to record the part HAN wrote] If HAN was here, I'm sure he would have tried to pick a fight [Tries HAN's part as well] [Not done yet] [Forces him to start recording] [Changbin is always ready] Oh no [Cute all of a sudden] Let's hear it again by itself I warmed up my voice [Listening to this again?] [Gives it another try] Get your feet moving, get your tongue working Let it pop pop pop, this place is all ours Popstar festa we will never get down on our knees You're early on the beat for once I think you're right, I'll go again I could do better Get your feet moving, get your tongue working That one was nice [The cute effects last] I loved the flow Get your feet moving, get your tongue working Let it pop pop pop, this place is all ours Popstar festa we will never get down on our knees Let's keep that one and go again I got it! [He's all warmed up] Get your feet moving, get your tongue working Let it pop pop pop, this place is all ours Popstar festa we will never get down on our knees I like it - The "pop pop pop" could be better, no? - I agree - I want to do it again... - Just the "pop pop pop"? - Yeah - Okay [Re-records parts he could do better] That diction is amazing [Seungmin] Let's start with "Speechless, wordless" - We'll play it - Okay [Seungmin checks his part while listening to the guide] Can I give it one more listen and do the "Speechless, wordless" "You know we're getting fearless, reckless" in one go? In one go? Sure Speechless, wordless You know we're getting fearless, reckless Nice This... No need to really focus on the vibe - Just do whatever you want - Okay Just do it until you're satisfied... - Like a clinic - But that's what Chan thinks I want you to do it as I want you to Got it? - Yes sir - Yeah [Like Changbin wants? Again] Speechless, wordless You know we're getting fearless, reckless - Let's do the last one again - What are you doing?! [Tries to act cute] - Do you want to hear it? - Yes - Okay - I liked the vibe - You liked it? - Yeah, just keep it up Okay - I'm serious - Then, let's do "You know we're getting" You know we're getting fearless, reckless - That was good - That was good [Record the next part] Speechless, wordless I don't need your kindness - I like the vibe - Okay Just go for a slightly darker tone - Okay - Just a bit heavier Speechless, wordless I don't need your kindness Nice, good job Let's do the "Only" part - You ready? - Yes, I'll sing on top of it Yup Only after spitting out my words do I feel good and satisfied Let's go again - You were a bit late on the "Only" - Okay Only after spitting out my words do I feel good and satisfied - This was too slow, right? - Yea - It's okay - Let's go again Yup Only after spitting out my words do I feel good and satisfied Very good - That's a relief - That's it! That was a tough recording [HAN] - Should we go? - Should we go? I'll do two lines at a time Okay And replay the scene every 0.1 seconds Jaws drop in disbelief You started from "up"? - You started with "shut up"? - No You said you were going to go in parts - Right, I said that - Okay - Start with "shut up" - Okay! - And for the "jaws drop" - Yeah! Your jaw has to drop! - Jaws drop - Yeah, like that Jaws drop And replay the scene every 0.1 seconds Jaws drop in disbelief Good job! That's good [Ready for the next part] Let's go again [Take a sip of his iced Americano to get ready for the high note] [This doesn't sound good] [That was the end of the iced Americano] - Did you spill? - He spilled a lot [It was fixed] I got it! [HAN's feelings aren't fixed yet] Universe I don't think we need the "will" - Universal - Universal! Universe will follow [Couldn't hear anything from the booth] Universal Not that, universe'll Let's go with this! Universe'll! [Finally communicated] - Universe'll? - Universe'll Every time we move The universe will follow There we go Good job - HAN is so cool - Yeah Done? Yeah, done for HAN [Bang Chan] Here we go! This our MEGAVERSE, big bang Your body shakes Cause we making bangers yeah yeah This our MEGAVERSE, big bang Your body shakes Cause we making bangers yeah yeah [Directs himself again] Let's hear it I think it's okay [Speedy success] [Lee Know] Here we come! [Warming up] Open up your ears - Let's do this separately - Okay Here we come Open up your ears Let's do the beginning part again Here we come [The next line is on the house] Open up your ears I like the last part, wait - Let's keep it and go again - Yes Here we come Is it good? I think we're good - Really? - Yeah Okay What now? - Our music echos - The high part Our music Our music - Take it easy and try - Okay Our music echoes through the galaxy Our music echoes through the galaxy He could emphasize these parts Ha / Ryeo / Woo / So Ha ryeo woo so! And Keep it a bit shorter than right now - Okay - Let's go Our music echoes through the galaxy If you do it like this, that would be amazing - Let's try it a couple of times - Yes Our music echoes through the galaxy There we go, let's go with this This was great [I.N] Oh, okay, I got it Mouth hung open, don't know where to look - Go a bit deeper - Okay Mouth hung open, don't know where to look Not bad, let's do one more! Mouth hung open, don't know where to look Let's go with this one! Okay, let's move on - Let's give it a listen - Okay! [Monitoring the guide] Okay We act the way we think, the way we feel Nice Let's keep it and go again Nice We act the way we think, the way we feel - Nice - Okay Let's move on, good job [Next line] - That's good - Okay Let's move on [The low bridge gives off a different vibe] You know how you sometimes do those low parts - Just do it like that with a dark tone - Okay No one else stands a chance - Should we redo "chance"? - Sounds good [Gives "chance" another try] That's great - That's it! - Yes! [I.N done recording in a flash] [Part 2: Cover Me] [Seungmin] [Recording "Cover Me" today] Hyunjin left a comment saying to do it in a pretty way And keep it sexy during the verse? - Yearning - Okay - Just add in a lot of air - Okay - Let's give it a couple tries - Okay [Start off easily with the verse] Starry night hanging on the window I toss in the light as the night passes [Satisfied with the first take] - Let's listen to it - Okay [The singer doesn't look satisfied] Can I go again? - Okay, let's go again - Okay Starry night hanging on the window I toss in the light as the night passes That's great I think you can keep that bend Oh, I bended earlier? You did but I think it's fine Let's move on - Is it that part? - It's a long tone So cover me now [Chan sings the guide live suddenly] Can't believe we're doing this - Go right away? - Yeah - Okay, just go for it - Okay So cover me now [What "just go for it" means to him] I think that's good Should we give it a listen? [Listening again] That sounds so grand [Seungmin wants another go] - Again? - Let's keep it Let's keep this one - Should we go again? - Yeah Nice So cover me now It's a completely different tone than earlier This sounds loud, too [Chan confusing his Korean] Not loud - Grand? - Yeah, it sounds grand So cover me now [So cover me now again] As the singer, how is it? This one was clean at the end? - Right - The tone was clean What about the first take? The one we did first The very first one? I liked it Like it was real - It sounded natural - Right I'll give the first one a listen from outside Yeah, come over here [Heads out to monitor] I think the first one sounds natural and really sticks The second feels so grand - Right - Number 3 is nice, but - not as good as the first one - Like it's a bit shaky? [Listens to the three takes again] [Number 1] [Number 2] [Number 3] [Listen again in the booth] That one sounds emotional We should just go with number 1 You don't get those emotions elsewhere [Going with the first take, Seungmin's recording is over!] [Changbin] I think that's good Nice Needle in a haystack, find me Not lonely, but everything is so cold Find me It'll be good if you could add some vibration in "me" Find me - Me - Me... - Right now - Me Hold it out with a bit of vibration - Me - Find me Needle in a haystack, find me Not lonely but everything is so cold [Reading the mood] I don't think I can do the "so" No, you got this Needle in a haystack, find me Not lonely but everything is so cold That "so" was great - The "so" was so great - Keep that one Needle in a haystack, find me Not lonely but everything is so cold I think that's it Okay, let's move on [Continues on with the vocal part] Can you add some raspiness on "I"? [Records the vocal part with some raspiness and sexiness] "I" and "what" and "forced" - I - Yeah - I - Just like that [Need to adjust the raspiness] I don't know What to do, even with a forced smile When you're doing "don't" be careful of your pronunciation - More like, "uh"? - Don't know That's great - I don't know - Nice I don't know What to do, even with a forced smile Nice [I.N] [I.N doing a check before recording the verse] Add an "euh" in front of "reason" Loneliness with an unknown reason Don't use air on "loneliness" Loneliness Loneliness with an unknown reason You're sitting on it and won't come You know, the "euh" in front of "reason"... I think you're too quick on that Then, five, six, seven, eight - Reason, right - Reason Boom, loneliness with an unknown reason Loneliness with an unknown reason You're sitting on it and won't come Not bad, we'll keep this one - Okay! - Let's go again - Just work on that first line - Okay! Loneliness with an unknown reason You're sitting on it and won't come Not bad, just the "reason" could be better Okay, this...! [Keeps practicing "reason"] Loneliness with an unknown reason Why can't I do it! - Or... - Reason That was good just now - Reason - That's great Loneliness with an unknown reason You're sitting on it and won't come - I think that's good - Okay! - Let's move on - Okay Good job [Finally at the next part] When the day ends the night [Calmly listens to the guide at least] Accept it Accept it No, you're raising the tone - Accept it - You can't raise it - Accept it - That's it - Accept it - Yeah Accept it Nice Accept it I think it can be a bit prettier - Okay! - Let's keep this one Accept it - Nice! - Yes! - Let's go with this - Okay! We have to do doubling for this Oh, haha - We'll only need one, though - Okay! When the day ends the night The warm shining light Nice - Let's hear it by itself - Wait The "light" is so pretty - Good job - Thank you Done! [Lee Know] Let's start with the verse Dizzy from the blooming wander Please someone Hug me That was good, no? I don't think so Hug me - Hyunjin left a comment - Yeah - What was it? Just to sing it pretty - Yeah - Make the verse a bit sexy? - Yeah Did Hyunjin want that in modal voice? - Where? - The last chorus? Didn't he mention it? Oh! That's right! You're right He did ask if you could sing the chorus like that Yeah, that's what he said last time I asked [Suddenly singing in modal voice] It's possible, but... - You want to try? - Should I try later... - If I can - Okay Dizzy from the blooming wander Please someone hug me That "hug me" was good - Let's keep it and keep this feeling - Okay Dizzy from the blooming wander Please someone hug me Let's move on [Time for the final chorus] I think you can go a bit strong since it's the final hook - Okay - Okay Nights where the moon shines bright Shout for someone to cover the light Your tone sounds way more refreshing than before Let's just work on "shout" [Redo on the "shout"] Shout [Keeps hitting the high notes] That was so good, hold on Give it a listen Good job [Recording is done, but doesn't seem like it from the outside] - Why? - At the end - Why isn't it over? - We added an ad lib - Uh... Here it is - Okay... [Plays the high note ad lib] Who recorded this? I recorded it Then, just use that! - You can use that - Not at all [Can only accept fate and practice] Nice Shining light Woah, what was that? I think you just need to work on the "shining" - Let's keep up that feelings - Okay Are you okay...? - I was wiping off the oil - Okay... - Let's keep this feeling up - Okay Shining light The end, good job Great job, I can head on out, right? Wow I'm going home [Bang Chan] Let's go with the hook When the day ends the night Accept the warm shining light Let's keep this and go again [Recording + Directing himself continues] When the day ends the night Accept the warm shining light Let's check it out! I'll just work on the "light" Let's listen to it Let's move on Let's go [Nervous because of the long high-note belt] [Gets in the mood listening to Seungmin's part] Cover me now [So close] I'll go again! Cover me now Let's keep it and go again Keep this one and go again Keep this one and go again I'll pick from the outside Let's listen to it again [Monitoring the different takes] The chorus and harmony... I'll do that later [It is later] - Let's go! - He's here [After Hyunjin's back, "Cover Me" recording resumes] I'll do this until Hyunjin is satisfied - Let's go - Okay! [Didn't do the chorus so he could record it in front of Hyunjin] I think that was okay Cover the light - Okay - Okay Cover the light That was perfect - Should we listen to it? - Yes! [Two writers listening] I think it's good I think we're done, is that it? - For me, yeah - You did everything! [Hyunjin] [Warm up first] Okay, let's go! Early morning... I can't go raspy in the early morning Can't do it You can, just add it in the front - That would work - Okay! Why do I feel so lonely in this night Is it the early morning breeze magic The second line was clean The second line was good Why do I feel so lonely in this night Is it the early morning breeze magic This is good - Do you want to listen? - Okay! - Should we redo the last word? - Okay [Focus on the last word] Not bad - That was clean, too - Yeah - If you're happy, I'm happy - Let's go with this one You know, for "lonely" - do I have to say it like "lownely"? - Let's listen to it - I'm fine with this pronunciation - Okay Okay, then, let's go to the bridge! Yeah! I can't take it anymore, what should I do? Pretend you didn't see and close your eyes today - The first line was great - Yeah - Let's keep it and go again! - Okay! Do you want to do line by line? Or all together? - Let's do the first line, then - Okay I can't take it anymore, what should I do? - Oh yes, that's great - Yeah - Your English is so good - It's nothing - Want to give it a listen? - Yeah! What should I do Right - This is the best one - Right - Let's go with this and try the next one - Okay Pretend you didn't see and close your eyes today Not bad Let's redo this one - Keep it and go again - Yeah Pretend you didn't see and close your eyes today - Let's listen to this one - Yup [Satisfied] - I like it - I think it's fine - I think it's good! - Yeah! Okay - You're done! - Done! Bye [Felix] What do you want to do first? I think we can start from the beginning - In order? - Intro... yeah! Okay [Yongbok nervous since it's a vocal recording] You know "when the moon" part Don't bend the note as much - Oh, not as much? - Yeah When the moon That's it Nights when the moon shines bright You know when you go from "shines" and "bright" Keep that part short - Okay - Just a little "When the moon / Shines" I think that would be easier Oh, in parts? Okay Nights when the moon shines bright - Should we redo the "nights"? - Nights? Okay! Like, "shines bright" Shines bright Bright - Right - Yeah Shines bright - Do you want to listen? - Yeah That's perfect - Good? - Let's move on That's a relief The pre hook? What do you want to do first? Should we go to the pre hook? Yeah, I think we can just go in order I don't know What to do, even with a forced smile Can you sing "what to do" like you do with "know"? - Like, "doe"? - Do What to do What to do, even with a forced smile - Okay - Kind of like doe Oh, more oh? - Just a bit - Just a bit? I don't know What to do, even with a forced smile That was good just now I don't know What to do, even with a forced smile I feel like I made it longer near the end No, the end was the best - Really? - This part, too "What to do" - "Even with a forced smile" - Okay I don't know What to do, even with a forced smile Hm! I like it That's great [HAN] What's up! [HAN nervous for the high note] I heard you've been practicing since two hours ago - That's right - Should we get right into it? Yeah I'm scared You ready? Yeah Okay [Start with the 1st verse chorus] Nights where the moon shines bright, Shout for someone to cover the light - I like the feeling - Okay Just clean it up Nights where the moon shines bright, Shout for someone to cover the light - HAN, let's record the "shout" part - Okay Shout for someone to cover the light Okay! Good job Let's move on to the next one [Finally, the last modal voice part] This is all modal voice When the day ends the night Accept the warm shining light - Too thin, right? - Okay! It's a bit...! - Like it's shooting up - Really? Because in front of you, Lee Know had a mix of low notes - So the difference is big - Okay When the day ends the night Accept the warm shining light - "When the day" sounded natural - Okay! - When moving from Lee Know? - Oh, okay Sigh [Cover the light] [The record continues in the dark] When the day ends the night Accept the warm shining light It's better than before, but... I think we just need to redo the "night" [Focus up for "night"] - This is it - Nice There we go We got enough HAN, there's an ad lib Huh? Where? I'll play it [The high note with Lee Know's voice] It's "yeah" Probably impossible to do this with modal voice, right? [Nothing is impossible for HAN] - He's a rockstar - I can do it But should we? Do you think it'll sound better with just falsetto? Let's listen to it I did falsetto Modal voice - Let's go with modal voice - Okay! - Let's go! - Just do whatever feels right first - Leave it to your guts - Okay! Yeah He's totally a rockstar I'll go again - Want to give it a listen? - No Why would you listen to this? Yeah Yeah, okay Wait, should we do it without any note bending? Is "Yeah" better or... Yeah Or yeah Which one is more comfortable? [Both are difficult] Both are difficult - Whichever sounds better - More comfortable to sing? Yeah You do great during practice - Let's go with this! - Okay! Yeah This isn't it How come you can do it during practice but not the actual recording? You were great at practice Do you want to record it just on the click? - Should we? - Yeah, without the track Yeah Let's go again [Thus began HAN's "Yeah" recording without the track] Yeah Yeah Yeah That was good just now - It was just a bit too short, though - Okay Yeah Yeah Yeah - Let's listen to this - Okay! Wait I'm sorry, oh no! Wait, I'll go again Just... I'll sing with the track! Wait, hold on No! [Chan wants to save it somehow] Stop playing it [HAN shy of his recording] Don't play it - HAN, just relax - Yeah - Just sing it smoothly - Smoothly? Try it with falsetto I don't want to! I have my pride - Can't do this - I can do it! - Better do it falsetto - I'll do it with modal voice! Okay! Yeah [HAN's vocals are tearing for "Cover Me"] Yeah - I think that's good - There we go! - Let's go with this! - I think we can go with this - The end! - There we go Wow... great work, guys!
Channel: Stray Kids
Views: 2,443,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stray Kids, 스트레이 키즈, SKZ, 방찬, BANG CHAN, 리노, 이민호, LEE KNOW, LEEMINHO, 창빈, 서창빈, CHANGBIN, SEOCHANGBIN, 현진, 황현진, HYUNJIN, HWANGHYUNJIN, 한, 지성, 한지성, HAN, JISUNG, HANJISUNG, 필릭스, FELIX, 용복, 이용복, 승민, 김승민, SEUNGMIN, KIMSEUNGMIN, 아이엔, 양정인, 정인, I.N, JEONGIN, rockstar, 樂-STAR, stray kids rockstar, skz rockstar, 스키즈 락스타, 스키즈 비하인드, stray kids behind, rockstar behind, 메가버스 녹음, megaverse 녹음, 가려줘 녹음, 스키즈 녹음, stray kids recording, skz recording behind, 스키즈 녹음실, skz megaverse, skz cover me, 스키즈 메가버스, 스키즈 가려줘
Id: YMb3EHXjs50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 41sec (2261 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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