Stray Cat Mother Gives Away Baby, Gives Kitten A Home

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Stray cat mother takes the initiative to give away her baby Hope the kitten can be adopted The kitten is hesitating Take a few tentative steps Can't bear to leave mom Mother cat chose to turn and leave The kitten understood what her mother said Step by step towards the embrace of mankind young lady adopted kitten The mother cat left with peace of mind The story starts from an earlier time This young lady often feeds stray cats Helped many stray cats The first time I met Mother Cat, she was trapped on the roof Lady greets cat Try to help the cat get down from the house Gradually became familiar with her The cat gradually recognized this lady She will come over and beg for food Mother cat trusts young lady Then the scene of sending the child off happened. She hopes the kitten can live a stable and better life The kitten was adopted After bringing the kitten home Found mother cat in a nearby tree she greets eagerly But don't want to come down The next day, I met the mother cat again she didn't accept food Maybe she doesn't want to live with humans If you get too close, she will run away Brought the kitten over She worries about her children A few days later, take the kitten to visit the mother cat She recognized her child Keep staring at the kitten The expression is a little lost Kitten wants to be close to mom Mother cat is afraid that her child will leave with her Run away immediately Child, you go home, I am no longer your mother A humane cat, I will take good care of your children. Named the kitten Dumpling Always meowing at first He's a very cute little guy Like a fluffy little ball He bites her fingers Try to make the kitten happy The rescuer took good care of the kitten Slowly adapting to life in the new home Went to the place where mother cat often hangs out I hope I can take her away this time After some twists and turns This time I caught the mother cat Determined to adopt her Brought the mother cat home too She was very upset and kept shouting been looking for something There are a lot of cats, but I don’t see my own children Where is my child? don't want to eat Why aren't my kids here? Finally saw the kitten The mother cat just started eating with confidence Mother cat also started a new life Say hello and she will rush over Very agile Became good friends with another cat The kitten is also gradually growing up The mother cat next to her looked at her lovingly Kitty Dumpling is a star now It also made local headlines All life deserves to be treated with tenderness Mother Cat, you and your baby are safe now
Channel: Caring Animal Shelter
Views: 6,414,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animal rescue, dog rescue, rescue puppy, puppy rescue, stray dog, rescue cat, Stray animal, kitten rescue, kitten, puppy
Id: OTf7W-ACzb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 37sec (397 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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