Strawberry Macaron Shells

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hello friends today we're making strawberry  macarons the shells are made with freeze-dried   strawberries and the macarons are filled with a  strawberry buttercream for a burst of strawberry   flavor if you like this video give it a  like and also subscribe to my channel i   post new videos every week to get started we're  gonna need some freeze dried strawberry powder   place the freeze dry strawberry in a food  processor or in a grinder and process   until you obtain a fine powder then sift the  freeze-dried strawberries to eliminate any large   chunks you don't want to use those  measure the freeze-dried strawberries   after you've sifted it you're going to need 5  grams of powder for the recipe now we're going   to sift the powdered sugar the almond flour  and the freeze-dried strawberries together set the dry ingredients aside place a bowl over  a pan with barely simmering water add sugar   and egg whites notice that i'm not using any  egg white powder in today's recipe and if you   watch my videos you'll see that recently i've been  using it every time to make macarons however the   weather has been quite dry where i am and since  i'm also adding strawberry powder to the shells   i decided to skip the egg white powder in today's  recipe whisk the egg whites and the sugar over the   double boiler until the sugar is completely melted  it should only take a couple of minutes you can   test by touching the mixture between your fingers  and if you don't feel any sugar granules you can   just remove it from the heat transfer the syrup  to the bowl of a mixer with the whisk attachment   start whisking on low and then gradually increase  the speed to medium and then to medium high you should whip the meringue  until stiff peaks are formed when you pull up the whip the peak  should be shooting straight up with this meringue you will notice that it  looks slightly over whipped and later you will   see how big the feet will be which is fine but i  usually don't like whipping the meringue this much here i'm transferring the meringue to  this bowl so i can show the macaroni   process a little bit better pour the sifted powdered sugar  almond flour and freeze dried   strawberry powder into the stiff meringue  and i'm also adding just a touch of fuchsia   gel food coloring if you don't add any food  coloring to the macarons they're going to   turn out orange and even with the addition  of the fuchsia food coloring the macarons   are still going to have some orange tones to  it and that's because of the strawberry powder fold the batter with a spatula  until you achieve the perfect   consistency and i'm going to show  you exactly what that looks like the batter should be flowing slowly and  effortlessly off the spatula and you   should also be able to pick up some better with  a spatula and draw a few figure eights with the   batter that's flowing off the special without  having a break up and even after the batter   breaks up it should still continue to flow off the  spatula now we're going to transfer the batter to   a piping bag filled with a round tip i'm using a  quarter of an inch diameter piping tip place the   piping bag directly 90 degrees over the center  of each macaron template apply gentle pressure   and carefully pipe for about three seconds and  then quickly pull the back up twisting slightly   after you've piped a tray of macarons bang  the tray against the counter to releasing   air bubbles or tap to tray against the palm  of your hand and then use a toothpick to pop   any remaining air bubbles from the surface of  the shells then let the tray sit and dry for 20   to 40 minutes it depends on how humid the day is  and it depends on the consistency of your batter   you know the macarons are ready to be baked when  you can gently touch the surface of a macaron   and it doesn't stick to your finger bake the  macarons one tray at a time the temperature of   my oven is 325 fahrenheit you might need to  adjust that temperature and find what works   best for your own oven after five minutes baking  i rotate the tray so i don't get lopsided macarons   also if you don't want the macarons  to brown too much place a piece of   foil or parchment paper on top of the macarons  halfway through baking bake each tray for 18   to 20 minutes until you can try to move a macaron  and it shouldn't feel jiggly if the macaron feels   jiggly just continue to bake but if it feels  firm you can remove the tray from the oven now let's make the strawberry buttercream  cream the butter at medium speed in the   bowl of an electric mixer for about 1 minute  add the powdered sugar and strawberry powder on low speed mix the ingredients together  then raise the speed to medium medium high   and cream for another one to two minutes until  the buttercream is fluffy at this point if you   notice that the buttercream is dry or stiff add  just a little bit of water or milk to thin it out   and if the buttercream seems too runny just add  more powdered sugar until you obtain a firm but   smooth and creamy consistency on your buttercream  then place the buttercream in a piping bag   to decorate the tops of the shelves i melted  some white chocolate in the microwave placed it   in a piping bag and snipped the end with scissors  then i drizzled the white chocolate on top of the   macaron shells also if you desire you can top them  with freeze dried strawberry powder to decorate   finally pipe a small amount of filling on each  bottom shell and then top with a decorated shell let the macarons mature in the fridge  for one to two days before serving for the full recipe go to pies and i'm going to put a link   down below in the description box and if  you like this video don't forget to give   it a like and subscribe to my channel  thank you so much for watching bye
Channel: Pies and Tacos
Views: 29,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jS8L8sDrNu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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