Strawberry Daifuku, Red Bean Mochi Mass Production / 草莓大福, 紅豆麻糬量產 - Taiwanese Food Factory

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Chiayi, Taiwan. Hi there, we're located at a mochi food factory today! Please enjoy watching! :) Red bean. Red bean paste filling making. Food oil. Sugar. Maltose. Dried milk. Glutinous rice. The rice is washed and soaked for several hours before being ground into rice milk. Cook. Boiled maltose. Machine-wrapped fillings into mochi. Peanut paste filling. Dust it with some peanut flour. Handmade strawberry mochi daifuku. Thanks for watching! :)
Channel: Lemon Films 檸檬職人探索頻道
Views: 1,932,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on, mochi, daifuku, mass production, strawberry daifuku, red bean mochi, food factory, 大福, 麻糬, 草莓大福, 大王千金, もち, だいふく
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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