Strapi vs Sanity CMS

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hello everybody uh today I will compare two popular CMS um for not just projects specifically one is strappy and another one is sanity so the reason I'm comparing both of this is I have used both of this personally in my projects so uh I just wanted to share this informations with you so I have a personal website here I have a Blog most of these pages are actually Statics so these are actually embedded directly but for this blog I started with sanity so the reason I started with sanity is it makes it really easy is it it's really easy to get started right so we we have a lot of templates we have uh bunch of templers I'm using XJ personally the documentation is nice uh you can get started really easily pretty simple steps you create a project then the way it works it it works with schemas so so you have to create some schemas uh inside the schemas folder in the project that is generated uh then you define the model of your schema for example if you have an article you will have a title a description a canonical URL things like that right and after you define the schemas the UI is automatically generated for you so you don't have to basically do anything with the UI yourself uh you are just writing the code and the UI is getting generated automatically so it's both a good thing and a bad thing in my opinion so let's see how it looks like for my website so for my website I have kept it really simple I have two schemas one is article summary and another one is article so article summary is uh storing the metadata basically so what you see here the image the title description date and tex that's it for the article summary right so let's say this is an article and some nice thing about it is it provides lots of uh plugins and tools these tools and plugins can augment your original application by a huge margin for example here you can see I can search images from unsplash and pixels directly so I have integrated this uh directly I have added a slag generator automatically which generates the slag of the article from the title itself uh I have added tags this is a custom component not provided by sanity but it's one of its uh plugins and things like that and yeah after if you make any change you just hit publish and that's it the data is stored right also you have a cust you can use graph Quil but they use a special query language uh as you can see here so using this query language you can query your data which is really useful basically just like an uh rest API or graph API so to say you can call this on your front front end application and it will return you all the data that you need right so that is how sanity is working and also another ability is you can link between the Articles right so link between different schemas for example here the title is coming from this article summary right so I can change it or replace it and things like that uh we have a markdown content here we are linking other related so all of these are basically different plugins so sanity gives you nice flexibility but the major benefit of using sanity is it's really really cheap for example let me show you uh my personal website has roughly 13 to 14,000 users per month and for those amount of users those amount of visits I am paying uh almost uh not almost I'm paying nothing basically right so I'm on a free plan which is uh I have not even added the building details and my blog is also free have not monetized it or anything it it's really generous in uh in its free plan so if you're starting with a really simple application or maybe a portfolio applications a simple blog or you just want to try out a CMS you haven't tried anything before I would recommend sanity for that because it's really cheap uh and uh most of the times you won't have to pay anything basically so that is all about sanity Let's uh come back to the uh strappy so strappy is another really really popular I would say more popular than sanity probably uh because of its flexibility the main flexibility points s for example in sanity all of this data is stored inside the sanity right if you go into your profile you'll see there is a dashboard called data sets right so inside the data sets you have this production data and you can create new uh even in public projects you can create two data sets which is really really nice right so you can have some private data sets as well now inside strappy it handles data in a different way so you're actually using a proper database here so you can use MySQL post SQL and things like that if you go to the database sections in their documentation you can see there are a lot of database uh connectivities so you would need a slightly more technical for this initially to set up the database and uh do everything but um if you don't want to set up everything yourself oh and the second part is so just like it the database is you can self host you can control the where the images go you can use S3 for that you can control where the actual application is running right so everything is under your control if you choose to do so but the problem with that is is you have to be a slightly more technical person and understand how all of this are coming together right for example I am using a railway for hosting the database I'm using render to deploy the application I'm using S3 to store the images things like that so all of things have these things have to be connected initially but after your set up you're good to go because after the initial phase it's really easy to use here I I can show you so I have just uh created a simple connection here which is premium article so let's say I want to uh create a new entry it gives me a really good visual I would say better visual than sanity and I haven't added any plugins here yet so uh strappy also has a lot of plugins which makes it really really uh helpful let me show you you can basically control everything right uh you can use uh video uploader SEO chat gbt and document manager some of the examples I'm just going through some random stuff you can generate API Builder documentation custom editor things like that so these things I have found that customization wise strappy is more powerful you can add authentication here as well uh lots of stuff so customization wise strap is really uh in my opinion more powerful than San there are a lot of uh plugins good plugins I have here now the problem with scrapping so the first problem we already discuss that you need a more technical person to handle the initial setup but after that the UI is really intuitive so after that you don't need that much technical expertise you can onboard your content editors and things like that but when you try to deploy there are two options one option is this strappy Cloud so you can use this strappy cloud feature or service to automatically sync your GitHub project with strappy and it takes care of everything it's really easy simple but the problem is it's not free it gives you a 14 days trial and then the minimum rate you pay is $99 per month which is uh really costly I would say uh not uh so here you can see for deployment you have to option selfhosted and Cloud so for the selfhosted it's saying free because your host in everything so it's free obviously and for cloud you are doing uh strap is taking care of everything and you are paying $99 per month after a 14-day trial period obviously so that is not suitable for me because I'm I have not monetized my blog so I earn basically $ Z it's a passion project for me so going with $99 per month to maintain a simple blog doesn't make sense to me so what are the verdict my verdict would be if you're really building something serious which has a good monetary value you have a budget to spend and uh you think you will need some custom uh really custom stuff lots of moving pieces authentication multiple collaborators things like that go with strappy strappy is really great in plug-in ecosystem and uh nice UI and things like that but if you're just starting out you're not sure how your project will end up if you haven't tried M before I would say don't bother about strappy it's too much complicated for a start so uh just go with Sanity on this SC those scenarios so thank you for listening this comparison uh share if you think something else and subscribe if you like uh this type of discussion contents thank you have a nice day
Channel: Mohammad Faisal
Views: 989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, cms, strapi, sanity, blogging, web development, nodejs, javscript
Id: ySyyb3TLH8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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