STRANGEST Monkeys In The World

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from the mustachioed mammal named after German Emperor to wide-eyed primates with a 360-degree view of their environment today we look at the strangest monkeys on earth number twelve black crested macaque often mistaken for an ape the black crested macaque is actually an old world monkey native to the Indonesian Isle of Sulawesi this jet black furred primate is known for its hairless drooping face and expressive features as well as sporting a small typically 1-inch vestigial tail stub this species of macaque has an average lifespan of 20 years in the wild growing up to two feet long and weighing as much as 23 pounds when fully grown they primarily survive on a diet of fruits along with seeds fungus eggs insects and occasionally lizards or frogs number 11 golden langur with golden yellow hairs exploding outward from a small black face this live monkey is among the most unique looking in the world called the golden langur this creature is an old world monkey that can be found in Western Assam India in the nearby foothills of Bouton's Black Mountains this species of monkey is known to reach lengths of up to two feet and can weigh around 18 pounds as an adult current population estimates place the total number of golden Langer's to be currently less than 6,000 with 4,000 residing in Bhutan and the rest being found in India authorities in the region are hard at work in attempting to preserve these herbivores monkeys by planting food sources in their native habitats to prevent them from engaging with humans number 10 Emperor tamarin while many species are named after the scientist that discovered them or specific features unique to them this monkey allegedly got its name from a famous historical doppelganger named after the last German emperor and King of Prussia wilhelm ii the Emperor tamarin liked their royal twin is known for its prominent moustache socially playful and gracefully active the Emperor tamarin has been known to interact with humans easily almost resembling pet dogs and their need for affection and tenderness from their caretakers despite this detail these tamarins can be very protective in the wild and utilize long high vocalized calls to warn each other of impending hazards number 9 red shank to do vibrant and tree dwelling the red shank Duke of Asian nations like Laos Cambodia and Vietnam is an old world monkey that will spend most of its life among the they are diurnal meaning they tend to be active in the daylight and they will forage for high-fiber leaves and fruits they're not especially large Redshank dukes have a big stomach proportionally where they will break down cellulose through fermentation resulting in a pot-bellied appearance as well as excessive gas they attain most of their nutrients including protein and hydration from their dietary choices though they will seldom venture to the jungle floor to retrieve water or dirt for minerals if necessary number eight Hamid reyes baboon worshipped by the ancient Egyptians as a sacred creature Mohammed reyes baboon finds its home in this region of the world populating the Horn of Africa and the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula these baboons will eat everything from blossoms and wild roots to reptiles and small mammals these creatures form multi-level societies to increase their chance of survival with harems of up to ten females gathering around one dominant male from their harems will join up to form clans based on the closeness of the leading males clans will then merge to create a band which at this point can contain up to 400 individuals in some cases clans will then unify to form a troop and the resulting group will blanket entire cliffsides with their members allowing them to rest without worry of predators number 7 Whiteface sake this new world monkey is a master of swinging from branch to branch but when it comes time to forage there are no stranger to scouring the forest floor the white face Sakhi makes its home in South America living in countries like Brazil Guyana and Venezuela here it will split its time from the treetops in the earth below preferring to sleep 15 to 20 metres off the ground while turning to the ground for sanctuary from flying predators and weather hazards they're not entirely safe here either as anacondas Jaguars ocelots and Boas all hunt the white-faced Saeki indiscriminately the large white furred faces of males earn this species their name while females typically feature white or light brown stripes of fur around their face instead though they have many predators this primate has a current conservation status of Least Concern number 6 golden snub-nosed monkey hiding among the forested mountains of southwestern China are the endangered golden snub-nosed monkeys this species is notable for its white - orange or golden fur and they're almost skeletal looking snub-nosed faces too small in stature at just over two feet long maximum and weighing up to 36 pounds they are especially equipped to handle the harsh weather of its snowy home in fact the golden snub-nosed monkey can withstand colder temperatures than any other non-human primate unlike many of its relatives on this list this creature doesn't eat other animals and instead dines on vegetarian options that will alter with the seasons during summer months this monkey will eat most leaves until the fall when they switched to fruits and seeds and finally subsisting primarily on lichens to get through the long winter wolves large cats and birds of prey are the main threats to the golden snub-nosed monkey along with habitat loss as this endangered species is thought to have dwindled down to a population of somewhere between 8,000 to 15,000 individuals to date number five des Brazos monkey de Brazos monkey is a creature of many monikers named for the French Italian explorer PRS Avignon de brazza this species is locally known as the swamp monkey for its habitat of preference scientifically speaking though its species name neglect this which means to pay no attention to derives from their tendency to successfully hide from humans and predators like but their exceptional appearance primarily the white beard like Tufts extending from their face has also caused the name ayatollah monkey to catch on due to their resemblance of iranian revolutionary Ayatollah Khomeni ranging from two and a half to three feet long and weighing just six to seven pounds on average these small primates survive on fruits for the most part but will eat seeds and insects when times get tough these orange crested critters can be found throughout the swamps of Central African nations like Angola Cameroon Kenya Nigeria Uganda Congo and others number four mandrill now considered the world's largest monkey the mandrill was actually once classified as a baboon before receiving its own genus in popular culture this species has been familiarized to modern society through the classic Lion King character Rafiki with Disney portraying the mandrill as wise and mysterious rather than a solitary fountain of sage advice though the species of monkey can be very aggressive and in some cases predatory already relatively large in stature and average height of 30 to 37 inches for males and typically weighing over 70 pounds these primates also hosts massive canines up to two and a half inches long these allow the mandrill to make precise incisions into the nape of the neck of prey such as rodents porcupines or even small antelope for the most part though these red and blue faced animals subsist on fruits vegetation bark mushrooms and even soil number three bald waa kiri adorned with a bald as crimson head these monkeys stick out among the verdant VARs eya forests of the Western Amazon the bald what kiri is covered in hair from its tail to its neck measuring 17 to 18 inches in length on average with the tail typically six inches or shorter its vibrant red face comes from the various capillaries that run under its facial tissue and the monkeys lack of skin pigment Baldwin caries have powerful lower jaws that allow them to break into the hard outer surface of nuts and unripe fruits that other animals can't access an important feature given 67 percent of their diet comes from seeds as they only make their home across the flooded forests of South America this species is especially susceptible to human interference with much of the Amazon experiencing deforestation in the last four decades the bald would cure ease have felt the effects directly with a 30% decrease in population earning them the label of being a vulnerable species by the World Conservation Union number two tarsier spread across the asian islands of Malaysia Indonesia Brunei in the Philippines these wide-eyed creatures are unique among primates with long spindly digits and smooth slender tails and eyeballs as big if not bigger than their brain these treat clinging monkeys are in a league of their own what gives the bug-eyed beast their name is actually their extremely long hind limbs resulting from the elongated tarsus bones in their feet relatively small tarsiers can grow to between 3 and 15 inches long depending on the species but their legs are usually twice as long as the rest of their body their heads can also swivel 180 degrees in both directions giving them a 360-degree view of the world around them don't be distracted by their special traits and velvety fur though is they're also the only entirely carnivorous primate alive today preying on beetles spiders and grass purrs along with bats birds in reptiles number one proboscis monkey these reddish-brown primates are endemic to the asian island of borneo and are an endangered species with the majority of their global population residing within national parks named for their large fleshy nose the proboscis monkey is majorly a vegetarian subsisting on a diet of fruits and leaves the 30 inch long 50-pound heavy monkey survives through traveling vigilantly through its native forests avoiding predators like monitor lizards and clouded leopards however their greatest threat comes from habitat loss as more than 50% of the population has vanished in the past 4 decades due to the combined hazards of hunting logging and oil palm plantations [Applause] you
Channel: Secret Truths
Views: 300,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monkey, monkeys, baboons, tarsier, Proboscis, strange, strangest, weirdest, most bizarre, mandrill, Macaque, langur, tamarin, douc, Uakari, strange monkeys, strangest monkeys, weirdest monkeys
Id: jP6hnVre7aQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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