Stranger Things The First Shadow - Recap & Review - SPOILERS!

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[Music] spoiler warning this breakdown is going to spoil the entirety of the stage show if you have a chance to go and see the show and have not done so yet please do not watch this video the show is only in London England right now but it's been a total sellout and I have no doubt it will travel to other countries in the future this video is for people who have either seen the show or won't ever manage to see it and is just a summarized recap it will not compare to seeing the real thing I won't take it personally if you click off right now still here and let's get into it the show opens with a screen showing redacted Files about the Philadelphia Experiment and a creepy voiceover announcing that the following file is classified under Executive Order 9066 Executive Order 9066 was signed the year before the Philadelphia Experiment allegedly took place and was supposedly designed to prevent any and all persons from areas of the United States designated as military areas but was basically used to throw everyone of Japanese descent whether born and raised in America or not into concentration camps which makes issues here a choice what the the Philadelphia Experiment for those unfamiliar was a secret government experiment into invisibility also known as project rainbow it was said to have been using Einstein's work on unified field Theory to turn warships invisible to radar which alls very plausible so far however this is where the legend takes a turn according to a man who claimed to have witnessed the event when the experiment started a green fog surrounded the ship and then it blipped out of sight entirely not just a visible to Rader but to the human eye only it wasn't invisible it had somehow been teleported all the way to norfol Virginia before returning a short while later it was claimed that The Returned crew members of board of Eldridge had gone insane some of them were frozen in place and others had become fused with the metal of the ship itself the ship on the stage of the first Shadow is named the USS Eldridge the captain talks about how he's missing his son's birthday his name is Captain brener the experiment begins in all hell Breaks Loose there's loud interference type noises flashing lights smoke and sailor screaming that or something in the water there's a crashing noise and then we see the ship on stage and what looks like the place from this scene in season 4 The Stranger fids credits play and I witness something I have never seen in all my years of theat going a crowd giving a standing ovation before the show had even properly begun welcome to Hawkins October 1st 1959 the the Bob the brain newbie is giving his morning radio broadcast he meant his UFOs the new Twilight Zone show and auditions for the Hawkins High School play then we move to Joyce and her boyfriend Lonnie Joyce is going to be late for school and Lonnie is 25 years old gross as she's getting ready Lonnie finds Joyce's application to the greater Indiana art scholarship Lonnie is outraged accusing Joyce of thinking she's better than him to which he replies I am good for her next we are introduced to James Hopper Jr who hates the Junior part of his name is trying to fix his car and has an abusive piece of for a father and then quietly lurking behind the rest of his family the star of the sure arrives Henry [Music] creel in a scene pretty much beat for beat the same as the show they move into their new home in Hawkins and just as we see Henry for the first time Bob's radio equipment start shorting out I've got a comment on the stagecraft of the show here there's multiple levels rot Center several screens moving rooms and really does feel like we're watching a show or a movie with montages that blend into each other and hard Cuts between scenes the behind the scenes crew on this production deserve all of the awards at the newb house we meet Bob's adopted sister Patricia or Patty and his father the principal of the high school who does not seem like a super chill guy principal assap berates Patty for having a comic book and tells her to go and pray which she does two Wonder Woman as she's praying Henry is in his attic listening to the radio Patty wishes she were normal she says she's lonely and Henry says it at the exact same time he can hear her and his voice is coming through her radio faintly Henry arrives at Hawkins High for his first day and we get massive Exposition dumped from a character named Walter Walt Henderson during the play I was heavily hoping that this wasn't Dustin's father because he is a grade A however as his girlfriend who show was named Claudia which is Dustin's mom's name and his last name is Henderson I've had to accept of this little lovely came from a racist douchebag father we also see Charles Sinclair and Sue Henderson Lucas and Erica's future parents Ted wheeler and Kaden chis who go on to parent Nancy Mike and the almost forgotten Holly there's a boy named Alan mson who might be Eddie's Father given the small size of Hawkins he's a relative of Eddy's at the very least wal also mentioned that Bob's mom ran away with Ted's dad o after finishing the info dump tour of the school he turns to Henry and asks what kind of person he is says he heard that he broke a kid's arm at his last school and it's some kind of psycho really gets in his face in the classic Way TV and movie bullies do Henry starts having body convulsions and all the lights flicker Patty newbie comes to Henry's rescue and telling Walt to leave him alone Walt cruy refers to her as the little founding girl from nowhere Patty makes a quick back about Walt having made out with his cousin so we've got bully racism which comes a little bit later on and a little bit of incest going on with Dustin's Dad thanks I hate it Patty helps Henry with his locker and notices that he has a Captain Midnight Cipher that's when young Henry does the most ridiculous salute it's like a half salute half skip of the spot I've searched for a reference to see where it came from and I can't find any member of Captain Midnight's secret Squadron doing it in the TV show clips available online but trust me it is the cutest as our Patty and Henry bonding over their geeky interests he tries to be cool and flirt with her and I did not expect to ever describe the future VNA as adorable but that is what he is during the early scenes of his play he's just a lonely boy who wants to have friends and be normal his mom has taught him to chant I'm Henry creel I'm normal whenever he hears voices in his head later in the play he over hears his parents arguing about him his mom says that he shouldn't be in school but he's not normal and that the poor boy from the other school is in a wheelchair now this combined with a move to an all new town and his father's alcoholism Henry cre would have a lot going on even if he couldn't hear voices and it's not difficult to forget the monster he later becomes watching the story he had my full sympathy all of the awards for Lou McCartney auditions for Joyce's play begin and Christopher Buckley who plays young Bob is hilarious in these scenes trying to be sexy and scary in fact he's a delight every time he's on stage Patty and Henry both accidentally end up at the audition and Joyce cast them as the leads Walt protests the casting Choice saying that Patty can't be the lead because she's not really American he refers to his mystery mate and Charles Sinclair shuts him up and just for the record newbie played by Ella karuna Williams sings like an angel and could be the lead in any play any day back in his attic that night over hearing the argument between his parents I mentioned earlier Henry starts to convulse again and we get this cool effect on stage he's in what I think is called the void of a place in between it's the dark wet place 11 goes when she's watching people things begin to Echo and there are demogorgan noises a Miss Shadow appears and Henry is playful with it at first asking who it is and what it wants then he sees wall at the Henderson Family liquor store he's with his girlfriend Claudia and they're looking for her cat seeing that the cat is safe in the shop they go off to catch a movie and Henry who had met the cat at school earlier goes to talk to it Henry plays with the cat but it starts to get intense his voice changes it goes from being a normal kid's voice to the Deep vea type voice as he repeatedly says don't be scared the cat floats up into the air and you know what happens next my girl Claudia is not having the greatest of luck with cats young Henry thinks that it must have been a nightmare when his mom comes to fetch him for church he's been in the void all night and hadn't realized time had either simply gotten away from him or he had lost time because the shadow had taken him over at the church we see principal newbie yet again verbally abusing his daughter Claudia is handing out flyers about her missing cat she's convinced witch has killed the cat because sure and is offering a $100 reward for information according to Google that's the equivalent of around $1,000 in 2024 money Henry starts chanting to himself that the events of last night were not real and runs off to hide in the confessional Hopper hears about the reward and realizes he can use the money to fix his car and recruits Bob onto his makeshift investigative team whenever Bob is talking to Hopper he sticks his chest out and does his fake deep badass voice to see cool and it didn't fail to make me chuckle once Patty finds Henry hiding and they talk about the voices he hears coming out of his radio she quips what voices are supposed to come out of the radio and not quite getting it side note there's actually a lot of humor in the play but me retelling the jokes of this recap won't really Translate that well Henry confides in Patty that he hates his mom and he can make Nightmares come true to which pure wholesome cinnamon roll Patty points out that if he controls the dreams then he can control if they are nice or not Henry had not thought to use his emerging powers in a positive way before his point Patricia newbie really does say I can fix him in the show Patty takes her turn telling Henry about her problems how everyone else seems pretty and normal and she's a mystery who doesn't know where she's from Henry responds with a list of cool superheroes who were orphans tells her of a mystery mate could be her superpow name and he could be her psychic meatball PTY suggests worst psychic name ever the choir performance is about to start so they begin to part but and he asks what would she sing if she could choose tells her to close her eyes and dream about it she starts to sing stars shining bright above you Henry takes control of everyone in the church makes it like a Vegas show from Patty's dreams it's a full scale song and dance number with Patty's robes transforming into a Wonder Woman suit this is played as a fun moment in the show it's actually a terrifying Display of Power he mind controls an entire church full of people or does he just make it happen in her head Henry's mom spots him and chastises him for being alone with another child tells him it's best he doesn't have any friends and drags his ass home early minus 10 pairing points to Victoria cre we moved to a SE Boba Stelling Hopper that five pets have now disappeared in Hawkins over the past 9 days hop thinks is too much meat for a lynx to have eaten meaning the cops work a the that these have been animal attacks as wrong so they dig up Claudia's cat looking for Clues Hopper holds the cat up so Bob can take pictures spilling mud all over Bob and then dropping the dead cat right on his face which is hilarious till they realize the cat has no eyeballs they also realize that everyone who has lost a pet is connected to the school play so hop decides he has to infiltrate the cast to investigate Joy cast Hopper is the bad guy gives him his lines and tells him just to be himself which is very on brand for these two upper questions Henry but dismisses him as not having the upper body strength to commit crime tells him he's a creepy guy Henry runs to the bathroom saying he's not a creepy guy he's normal his reflection cracks in the mirror the electric start flickering he has another fit Patty enters the bathroom she talks to him about killing the cat she knows she says she knows about all of them that she knows there's going to be more you're going to hurt things you're going to kill me aren't you Harry says no he's really Disturbed crying and sputtering he says he would never hurt her you're going to kill a lot of things she says there more glass smashes and electrical Sparks Fly PTY starts rushing her hair in the mirror but is pulling lumps of it out and has a hideous burnt Freddy Krueger looking head underneath Henry pleased with whatever is tormenting him says he can get more kill more animals if it wants to just leave Patty alone then actual Patty comes into the bathroom and none of the mirrors are smashed the show uses hidden digital screens and doubles so well that you don't notice the changes and can't entirely spot how the effects are done in places it's absolutely excellent Patty takes Henry to rehearse the kissing scene but he's freaking out in front of everyone telling her to stay away from him his voice does the Deep thck Echo there's loud static sounds and the lights are flickering Henry tells Patty to stay away from him but she's not safe and if she stays with him she'll die everyone is confused but mesmerized by what they think is the two acting Patty says he's not bad that she's always been the girl from nowhere but for the first time she felt connected meeting him I'm not normal there's something wrong with me he says crying that's when Ella karuno Williams delivers for me the best line of a play of course you're not normal but why does that have to be wrong just a beautiful sentiment and a huge part of a stranger fyos she continues what the thing that you hate about yourself isn't a curse or a blessing I'm not scared kiss me light bulbs explode as they kiss and Joyce announces that the play is going to be amazing just a little sidebar here I've seen people online big mad that Henry has a crush relationship with a girl in the stage show thinking that the Henry times party storyline erases what they thought was a homosexually quoted character on the Netflix show and I'm here to let them in on a little secret people can be by yeah bisexuality exists and liking a girl when you're 13 also does not prevent you from being into dudes or vice versa hope this [Music] helps the gang from a plague go out to celebrate poer questions mson but finds out that his dog has been killed along with Ted's Hedgehog Patty and Henry are having a cute weed dat and she asked him if he thinks this is what normal people feel like at all times I want nothing but good things for his fictional child it stops being cute and Henry says he knows so-call normal people don't feel like this because he can hear their thoughts he starts pointing out who is depressed and what they all really think of each other he hears them all all the time and that must be hell for him look at him he's just a little guy he can't handle the thoughts of an entire town at all times Patty misses the red flag that he's clearly struggling mentally which she gets a pass on because she's either 13 or 14 but realizes that Henry might be able to listen to her mom and find her it goes back to being cute when they arrange for an attic date to try and find her have adorable first day energy and get in trouble for kissing from the bartender Bob is at the other side of the bar trying to confess his love for Joyce but Hopper interrupts him to clue him in about the additional animal deaths poor Bob the times of the animal deaths match the times where have been interference on Bob's radio broadcasts he's read about this theorizing that Sonic Soundwave technology could be being used to kill the animals Joyce hears some and says they should tell Hop's dad but hop points out that she's meant to be putting on a showing of Oklahoma for a school play has instead swapped out for a more risky show and if they go the cops that she'll be busted because every pet owner is in her play so Joyce joins for investigation during their little back and forth Hopper calls a scholarship she is aiming for a greater Indiana nerd rescue scholarship and says she'll be stuck here in Hawkins without it just like everyone else forever Henry arrives home to his mother in his safe space the at it she tells him not to see PTY again slaps him and says he needs help Henry shouts you can't tell us what to do Mrs K says she's doing this to protect him and everyone and she loves him his crying turns into a high-pitched creepy laugh says she can't protect anyone because she can't even protect herself like when she was little and her father would lock her in the closet and the spiders would come at this point Henry's jars a spiders open and they begin crawling over the stage up the walls and onto Virginia the special effects work once again is stunning as we see spiders crawling over the actress he continues to taunt his mother he couldn't even scream do you know why I do you were too afraid the fear had already taken route and it's been eating you for years where's your sweet little boy now shouts as she runs away the body movements Lou makes here as he has these convulsions and mini fits while Henry Vis for control of his own body are sometimes painful to watch but really sell the inner battle he is fighting after his mom f the attic he stood there singing You Belong To Me creepily to himself when his little sister appears and asks where's Henry he's right here you're not Henry you're not him he tells her to run back with her fifth Trio Bob Reveals His directional antenna device or dad for sure and they start trying to track the interference they stumble around trying to make the device work drop her dish out their usual flirty banter whilst poor Bob is stuck in the middle pretty oblivious to their cry Patty arrives at the cre house and suggests they could just have a normal date listen to the radio maybe but Henry pushes ahead with a plan and lays down The rules no matter what she must listen to him and try not to let it know she's afraid Patty girl run Henry begins to tell her what happened in Nevada and we cut to a PTA meeting terrible F Chief Hopper is going to implement a curfew to try and protect everyone from the links he thinks is killing the pets Victor creel and principal newbie strike up a conversation Victor's drunk talking about how Virginia has taken Alice and left solid plan Virginia you should have stayed gone girl tells newbie how Henry is a good boy really and Spills that he and Patty have been dating heran is horrified at his Revelation and heads to the cre house to get Patty away from Henry he's an but his instincts here are correct we overlap between Victor describing his nightmares and Henry and Patty in the Attic Victor is standing on the stage and the youngsters are on an elevated section above him so we can see what is happening in both places that is if you paid for the good seats my cheap ass was sat of the back trying to angle to see what was going on Patty complains that the attic is freezing and Henry says I like it cold he said it he said it this is the scene where the stage trickery really pays off we have Patty and Henry in the elevated section Victor creel and Mr heading towards the stairs and the tree who arrive with her dad machine having tracked the signal down Victor starts freaking out and it seems like Henry is playing War flashbacks in his head to stop him from coming up the stairs newbie is heading up to the attic just as Henry finds Patty's mom he thinks he's talking to the mother but is actually the Sinister entity trying to take him over he screams for Patty to get out that it is coming and that it wants her Patty's dad finds him in the I and Henry screams in his double VMA like voices that she's ours The Vines appearing lift Henry up just like they do in his Attic in season 4 Mr newbie's Bones start cracking and Patty screams for Henry to stop Hopper breaks the iconic sting glass window of the house to get the trio inside all the power goes out and hot chy and Bob's mini version of the Scooby gang have to wander around the house with flashlight shouting to see if anyone is home that is when Victor creel steps out of the dark in between the mid of the torch light jump scaring the characters and the audience my soul straight up left my body for several seconds upstairs Patty is telling Henry he can make his nightmare a nice dream he just needs to imagine it it works and he imagines he and her outside melvs after they got thrown out for kissing and it starts to snow he wishes he could stop it all she says he can but she loves him tells him to say it back and he manages to snap out with a double voice for a brief moment to say he loves her too Bob finds his father and screams Jesus his eyes Joyce moves to give him CPR but he sits up screaming because the audience hadn't had a big enough fright from the jump scare a few minutes ago apparently I was not okay a new scene has Henry in bed sadly saying to himself he's not afraid he's normal he's Henry creel figures in white hazmat suits enter the auditorium from every door scanning things of the audience heading onto the stage one lingers Virginia is singing The I know you belong to me S somebody the comments please tell me what the song is because it's really bugging me she explains to Henry that she knows it's been hard for him explains she's brought a doctor from Nevada the figure who lingered removes his helmet and says hello Henry I'm Dr Brer I'm here to help so that was a lie Patrick V absolutely Nails her Brer voice if you had told me that I was somehow a young Matthew medino that stage I would have believed you and that is the end of act one act two begins with Henry imprisoned in the lab brener is questioning him and there is a lab tech with a mouse or a hamster on a wheel in a cage Henry says brener can't fix him other shrinks have tried he laughs and says he's not a psychiatrist which was the first time I've ever actually wondered what kind of doctor br is what are this man's credentials they discussed when Henry went missing in the Nevada desert he disappeared near some caves and was gone for 12 hours brener continues to berate Henry and try to get him to use his powers brener says he's been sloppy with all the animals and even killed his own family pet rabbit thinks he wanted to be caught and accuses him of liking it tells him he's not special screams in his face and bats when the hamster or Mouse in the cage explodes B's response to this is very good Henry very good inde indeed Hopper tells Joyce that he talked to Hawkins power and there was no record of electrical faults there's a cover up at hand because they are same princible newbie and just fell through the floor Joyce's sis fish should go to the cops but Hopper asked her to run away with him instead he fixed the car two weeks ago he didn't need the reward money to fix a car he just wanted to prove he wasn't a screw up but now he doesn't care anymore he just wants to run away with Joyce says they could just get in and go drive straight to Mexico Joyce says she's been waiting her whole life for someone to say that to her that she's always wanted to go to Mexico he replies he's always wanted to take her I would have been fine with him leaving right there and the play ending to be honest but she thinks about it and stays because this is bigger than just them and they go to see Hop's dad Joyce explains her theory that Victor creel kill the animals and tried to kill Mr newbie a chief Hopper and whips out a diagnostic and statistical Manual of mental health disorders and the book The Mask of Sanity to back up her fairies but accidentally takes out her copy of the Communist Manifesto in 1950 America so if Chief Hopper was going to listen to her before that he wasn't going to listen to her after it Hopper Junior sticks up for Joys to his dad but that also seems to make things worse senior says he expects idiocy from Junior but expected Joyce would be too busy juggling half the boys in town at this blatant attempt to Shane Joyce Hopper makes that I'm going to kick the out of your face and I truly believe Oscar Lloyd was fully taken over by the spirit of David Harbor here it was just perfect a peak Hopper and he starts a brawl calling his dad a joke and a scared little boy the entire station erupts in a keystone cop style farce of a fight the rotating stage being used to great effect as they leave the police station Lonnie is laid out handcuffed to a bench Bob and Patty go to visit their dad in the hospital and she tells her big brother that she's scared says she's being watched but won't tell Bob by whom jopper arrives to hatch a plan with Bob and they come up with the sort of plan only a group of high school kids could come up with they're going to lure Victor to the school play and trick him into confessing that way Joyce gets her scholarship hop gets the reward money glory and they catch the bad guy it's a little over the top but this is a story about kids so yeah let's roll with it back in the hospital room Mr newbie wakes up and is in a bad way he apologizes to Patty says he only adopted her to save his marriage and then punished her because his wife left him anyways the thing that attacked him could sense his Secrets the bad things he had done and came for him says it wasn't the boy that the boy stopped it and thought it he can draw it he needs paper he tells her it want you PTY it's coming for you unwraps the bandages over his eyes dips his fingers into the bloody socket sphere and uses the blood to paint the Mind flare the same way well does in season 2 he's screaming it once more you have to stop for Patty find the boy Patty save the boy in the lab brener is telling Henry that he has a unique blood type and that the feeling he gets when he kills isn't mental it's physical somehow he is absorbing the energy of animals and it makes him stronger Benner talks about his father on the USS Eldridge about how his father's blood ALS changed after his ship was transported to another dimension and back this is why he has dedicated his life to this project as brener is monologue in like a bond villain the TV screens behind him show flashes of the story is telling in Nevada Henry went missing at the same time a scientist stole something dangerous and was found dead near the caves where Henry was exploring BR shows Henry a container and asks if Henry has seen it before Henry denies it Bren tells Henry he has something extra now something from Beyond this world when the container is opened it has Henry's cap a midnight spy glass in it brener asks what happened when he lost it the screens behind him start showing what looks like the upside down and images that might have been demogorgan couldn't quite see from a cheap seat brener totally loved bombs hry and gets him to agree to open a doorway back to the place he went at the start of his experiment Henry decides to contact Patty and say goodbye and tell her he's sorry he's resigned to his life in the lab but Patty tells him to fight it Henry tells her her father's secret he lied about her birth mother being a thit so that he could steal her a monzer told him and the monster never lies because it doesn't have to as he's talking to her his double voice comes back and he starts being nasty about her he tells her to run again and she tells him to fight she asked him to run away with her and find her mom and fight the monsters they plan to run away us of the school play as a distraction brener brings in a death row inmate to Henry has him behind two-way glass he thinks that the test failed because Henry was not strong enough so he's brought him a human to kill and absorb his power Henry says killing the animals was different he doesn't want to kill the man B says only limit to hen Powers is a lack of fuel and sees this man's life as only that Henry says he's leaving brener screams and berates him again winds him up and calls him a coward says he'll come crawling back cuz he wants to kill you can't outrun the shadow Henry you are Henry loses his temper and the inmate dies brener goes flying through the roof it's opening night at Hawkins High Joyce is freaking out Bob and Hopper are setting up a trap for Victor creel and Trust Ted wheeler to grab Victor and take him backstage for some reason this part is mainly played for Laughs with hopper darting back and forth either side of the room pretending to be two different people one good cop one bad while his per is tied to a chair with a bag over his head he tries to get a confession but it turns out Ted to grab Lonnie buers instead because Ted wheeler is a dumbass jock in this show cut to the cre house Alice asks why her brother is home and their mother responds that they've decided he doesn't need to see his doctor anymore he'll be comfier and safer with them they're going to have a nice family meal then go to the school show she sends up beat and happy but Alice asks why she's crying so Henry is obviously making her save these things we see the same dinner scene from season 4 Henry reads his mom's mind to see what she said to brener and sees that she told him about Patty and made brener promise to lock him up and throw away the key then Henry floats her just like in the show you see a body on stage rise up and crack apart back to the play Within the play the power has gone out so Joyce heads down to the creepy basement to try and get it back home and runs into Henry who is rapidly losing his battle against the shadow monster it looks like Henry might hurt her when she says she knows what's been going on and he doesn't have to pretend anymore as Henry is getting angrier shadow of the wall behind him transforms from one of a small boy to the shape of FNA and all his V just like on the posters then Henry realizes that Joyce thinks his father is the murderer and C somewhat this would have been a really tense scene if we didn't know that Joy was going to make out of this story alive Hopper has gone to the cre house to try and find Victor but instead finds his dad with rest of the Hawkins cops taken away the dead bodies of Virginia and little Alice creel Harry is watching from The Other Place walking through the scene and pulls the sheet off of his mother's body slightly revealing her holed out eye socket to the audience Bren arrives at the house and someone tells him that Henry was unconscious on a stretcher but then disappeared and ber knows he'll be at the school Patty is being put on ropes for the grand finale of the play up on a platform above the stage Henry warns her and tells her to leave on the train to find her mom in Las Vegas and stops her from the safety ropes brener appears and tells that Henry is sick calls Henry a weapon and says he's a property of the US government he reveals that Henry killed his mother and sister says that is who he really is Patty is distraught Henry tells her she makes him want to be better but that he can't that he's not normal Patty begs him to fight it and brener encourages him to give into it either side of Henry like the devil and angel on his shoulders then Henry losing control causes the catwalk to fall and Patty to slide off of it Joyce screams her name as she lies on the floor Bob gives a small and emotional Patty Patty and Joyce tells Bob I am so sorry so she's dead right then the screen is back showing headlines of Victor creel's arrest the murders of his family and The Disappearance of principal newbie's daughter so she's not dead Bob is back on the radio it's December 25th 1960 he doesn't sound as upbeat as usual Hopper heads into melvs for a drink in his cop uniform Joyce is a waitress for now she also works weekends at Enzo's and Lonnie is in between jobs because of course he is Joy suggests we go for a drink but Hopper shipping out for Army basic training the next day says he wants to go make something of himself and Joy says he already is something they wish each other a Merry Christmas and part on a sad note of what could have been this whole play is one half FNA villain origin story half the sad story of Lost potential for the adults from the TV show Bob sends out a song to a special someone Wonder Woman whereever she is we see Patty with a walking stick finding her mom in Vegas the lights flicker he's still watching her brener has Henry in the lab and says he've had 10 children survive the transfusion so far says Henry is as much a fa of his family as him Henry is strapped to a chair with a ball gag in his mouth and Berner says he's been such a good boy these last few years and that it's time to help with the children we see Henry take his place as Peter the orderly at the lab and meet a small 11 tells her he's here to help just like brener said to him he starts singing the creepy song again and then the play with the audience one last time and flashes a VNA up on the screen and flickers the lights in the theater this play is entirely fan service but as I am the fan being serviced I am fine with that the show has all the ingredients of a masterpiece the most amazing special effects I've ever seen on stage an insanely talented cast that somehow reflects the original actors perfectly whilst managing to make the roles for own an impeccable stage craft the only problem is the foundation of the show itself the writing there's aot lot of telling not showing and overall it felt like it just tried to do too much not to mention all the plot Ralls which I will get into in my next video we didn't need all the TV show appearance Beyond hop Joyce and Bob felt like they were mostly there for the audience to do the Leonardo DiCaprio point when they were on the stage Claudia having her cat taken by a monster from the upside down twice was quite funny though I'll give him that but did we really need to see Cen pre- wheeler used his comic relief with unkind jokes centered around her being a sexually confident young woman I I don't think we did SE Hopper's father being abusive adds backstory to a main character Dustin's dad being the racist bully spoiled rich kid of a piece doesn't feel to me like it added anything to the overall universe but I could be wrong and it might play into something down the line in the Netflix show Henry set up as the bad guy the Ying to 11's yang this show setting Henry up as just a troubled young boy who was taken over by the shadow monster sort of ruined up for me his story is basically what would have happened to Will in season 2 without his friends of family there to save him Henry had nobody but Patty fight in his corner will had the party and his family pretty much from the moment they meet the story is laying the ground worked for Henry to do something horrible to PTY it seems to be building him killing her being his final transition into a monster we know in the future but instead of fridging her she escapes with an injury and goes missing it feels like the story was originally going to have her not survive but they decided to save her to maybe use her on the Netflix show the advertising for his place states that it is a must save for season 5 which is not true at all if there's anything relevant to the season 5 story it will be reiterated on screen this play is just an expans to this world a little extra spectacle for the fans and that is exactly what the show is a spectacle you see it for the experience and if you're a fan of a show that loan is worth it but if you aren't a show fan you'll get a flawed but still pretty good story that is elevated by the performances of a highly talented cast and amazing special effects I took three hours with me to see this show because I was also paying for flights to London and a hotel stay I chose the cheaper seats which were £45 I visit the West End theaters quite regularly and I can usually get a cheap seat for around2 I think I scored a few for as low as £10 so to pay £45 for seats with partially restricted views stung a lot if mini hype wasn't such a huge fan of the show I might have reconsidered buying them all maybe the show has a much better experience from the better seats but when I bought our tickets of the pre-sale they were listed as £200 and I just couldn't justify that price so the too long D read is show is good not great effects and acting are amazing you won't need to see it for season 5 expensive but worth it if you're a huge fan thank you so much for watching this video give it a like if you fancy I've made another one with all the Easter eggs I spotted plot holes and speculation on what this show means for season five of stranger things which you can find here
Channel: Fandom Hype
Views: 2,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stranger Things, Stranger Things The First Shadow, The First Shadow, Henry Creel, Vecna, Hopper, Joyce
Id: I8ZZzbGIx3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 57sec (1977 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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