Stranger Things Actors Experiences Filming Season 4

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are you okay okay the town of hawkins isn't exactly the safest place to live in and some of that danger carried into the real-life production of stranger things these are the scenes that were dangerous and difficult for the actors to film if you're little and you're scared of stuff do not maybe watch the season get watch it with an adult number one millie bobby brown had to do a lot of spinning for this season 3 scene during the scene when she is in the void with billy her character falls backwards after escaping billy's grip it seems like a simple stunt but the behind the scenes execution of this scene was dizzying millie was hooked into a rig that spun her around and around and around after doing the same shot multiple times and spinning over and over again the nauseating experience actually made millie throw up afterwards and how can anyone blame her that looked more intense than any theme park ride number two look at hot enough 220 degrees we just have to figure out how to get him in here while the sauna scene in season three was meant to show billy burning up the actual filming of the scene had everyone on set dealing with the heat the director of the episode sean levy stated that there were 100 people present that day on a small set that was very tight and that he got over a hundred different angles of the scene things got so intense during filming that millie bobby brown actually collapsed due to exhaustion during the scene and that shot is in the show finn wolfhard caught her and had no idea what to do you can actually see him looking off screen for help in the final cut as he was genuinely concerned for her safety their commitment to the scene paid off as the raw energies showed up on screen number three the finale of season three was an emotional rollercoaster and no scene was more powerful than when eleven read hopper's note to her to ensure they got the best most raw reaction possible millie made sure not to read the speech beforehand she wanted to know absolutely nothing about it she didn't even rehearse the scene i just immediately wanted to put a camera on me and find the way i react and the way i reacted was pure devastation and sadness so the emotions were raw in that scene for sure on top of this they also had to film the farewell scene with everybody she said they imagined it was the end of filming forever and everyone started crying when the cameras started rolling it sounds like it was a very somber day on set hey [Music] it's gonna be okay number four the final showdown of season three ended in the star court mall and at one point saw billy pinning down eleven as he was being controlled by the mind flayer this was a difficult scene to film both physically and mentally millie bobby brown noted the scene as one of the most difficult because the two actors needed to figure out how they were going to play the scene with the level of intensity they usually bring daker montgomery was conscientious when it came to not hurting millie during the scene but he also wanted to bring his usual level of intensity if you want to know how dedicated these two actors are to their craft they said they would run around the mall screaming until they cried and we both lost our voices because and we don't even speak in the scene but we were just screaming at each other sean levy described the pair as two of our most powerful actors number five daker montgomery and millie bobby brown's intensity didn't stop at that one scene they were bringing their intense energy to every single scene they filmed together even if there's no screaming in a certain scene i'd scream between takes and so would millie we'd scream at each other until we cried baker described the experience of filming with millie as a significant mental challenge and said that they both gave 200 into every scene they did together montgomery was screaming so much throughout the course of filming that he lost his voice nearly every day it sounds like the dynamic between dager and millie was truly special number six let's keep rolling with dager montgomery's extreme intensity on set during the sonos scene in season three when the kids trap billy montgomery took his intensity to a whole new level and may have gone a little too far in the scene his character billy is supposed to taunt and yell at the kids through the door that's what was shown in the final cut but there was a much angrier take montgomery actually headbutted the glass window and did so with such force that his head actually broke through the glass the glass was thick and not designed to break so it was a shocking moment to say the least and the kids reacted with horror it was a very dangerous moment and it was physically exhausting as well i put everything that i had into it but luckily montgomery wasn't hurt still he was hoping the take would make the final cut imagine my disappointment when that take wasn't used number seven another scene another example of daker montgomery's commitment to giving it 200 each and every take during the shower scene in season three montgomery was so physically and emotionally invested that he didn't even realize he had covered himself in scrapes and bruises he learned later on in the day when he took off his makeup and prosthetics to discover the injuries one particularly gross memory he recounted was peeling the skin off the top of his toes i said are you hurt what's going on i heard screaming his commitment to his character is truly impressive number eight yet another emotionally taxing scene took place in season 2 when 11 has a confrontation with hopper and we went through so many different emotions we get angry at each other we are like we are like father and daughter it also sounded like the whole experience was therapeutic for the actors as brown stated that arguing wasn't limited to just on camera we got angry with each other and we would express our feelings on and off the set david harbour also had a cathartic experience filming these emotionally demanding scenes it was a sort of unlocking in me as a human being of like a love that was uh human but that was pure number nine will's possession scene in season two wasn't the most fun experience for noah schnapp he had to wear black contacts throughout the day of shooting which burned his eyes and he was nervous to have to perform the seizure part of the scene it was really scary you kind of just lock up and i had to prepare for that a lot on top of this it was actually pretty cold on set the heaters you see didn't actually work to heat up the room it was winter during shooting and noah's clothing was not optimal and the cherry on top is that noah joined the ranks of his co-stars as someone who lost their voice due to screaming during a scene number 10 when eleven closes the gate during the season two finale there is a lot of screaming and intensity it was a difficult scene for millie bobby brown to get through as it required her to be lifted into the air on a crane while yelling non-stop in between takes millie would have to recompose herself because the scene made her nauseous i'd have to like take a breather throw up a little then come back inside do it again luckily for her the ever lovely david harbour was right there by her side to help out even offering her bracelets that supposedly would help her nausea number 11 entering the void isn't as easy as 11 makes it look millie bobby brown was actually floating in a pool filled with salt for this scene in season 1. it actually seems pretty peaceful but it was a different story on set it was freezing cold the day they shot this and millie had no help staying warm in that pool the crew tried heating the pool but it was to no avail as it was too shallow to retain any of the heat fortunately for them millie was a trooper braving the cold to get the scene done number 12 when 11 is in chicago with kali and tregang cauley puts the image of papa into her mind and 11 is confronted by him this was another very emotionally draining scene from millie she got so into it that even after cut was called the emotions of the scene were still running through her after filming was done she went into the bathroom and cried for about 45 minutes number 13. a first kiss for anyone is nerve-wracking let alone having to do it in front of cameras and an audience sadie sink and caleb mclaughlin both had their first kiss during the school dance scene at the end of season 2. sadie was actually told about the kissing scene the day before it was going to happen as it was never in the script the duffer brothers revealed they were initially joking when they told her but decided to do the kiss for real when they saw how strongly sadie reacted to make things a thousand times worse there were a ton of people watching just to guarantee maximum awkwardness my first kiss was in front of like two women and their parents and the crew and my mom number 14. sadie and caleb weren't the only two that kissed that day right before they did their kissing scene finn wolfhard and millie bobby brown shared a kiss of their own they had already kissed in season one but that didn't stop this moment from being very awkward as we know the set was full of people watching on top of this wolfard stated that the gym they were filming in was very hot to make things even weirder all the extras clapped after they kissed talk about uncomfortable at least wolfhard warned millie before going for the kiss he was like okay i'm coming in number 15. as we've learned millie bobby brown has done a lot of screaming during her time playing the character 11. however season 3 was a particularly scream filled season for millie she stated that she lost her voice 5 times over the 8 months she was filming but just because filming was over didn't mean the screaming was too millie was brought back into the recording booth to record additional lines and dub over the ones she already did this meant screaming all over again i was screaming so much during the shoot usually but she doesn't like this voice it sure does sound like filming for stranger things was an intense experience did you know millie bobby brown tore her kneecap while filming for stranger things season 3 was still ongoing it didn't happen on set but did affect the production she ended up needing a stunt double to fill in for a lot of her scenes this year we have taken the most time out of anyone but it is the best season yet the stranger things cast and crew have had to deal with their fair share of incredibly painful prosthetics and costumes over the years and season 4 is no stranger to that it's one of the most painful seasons yet ready to find out why it's a dark dark season for me number one nine hours in the makeup chair plus 12 hours of acting plus an hour and a half back out of makeup you don't have to be good at math to know jamie wasn't sleeping okay 9 hours is exaggerating while it initially took that long they managed to get it down to 6 hours and 20 minutes with a team of four working on jamie campbell bauer non-stop jamie donned roughly 25 prosthetics that were glued to his skin every day and the thing is they weren't reusable so they ended up having roughly 25 copies of 25 prosthetics that's over 600 prosthetic pieces it's me underneath the prosthetics it's my voice it's me moving barry gower said we would spend the best part of five hours just purely gluing the appliances onto his skin then we'd have an hour and a half of airbrushing and joining all the dots together with the paintwork and airbrushing veins and blending everything when sadie sink first saw him she couldn't stop laughing because she was so creeped out and unsettled the prosthetic was roughly 90 practical the only thing added in post was those pulsing veins so it makes sense why it freaked her out number two teeny tiny ear holes make for difficult creature acting trying to get the voice for vechna was problematic thanks to the prosthetics jamie campbell bower said i was in adr for the show a couple of weeks ago and the engineer was like i've got this octave for you by that the engineer meant a voice distorter bower's response was oh no we don't use that the engineer didn't believe him and so he did the voice and so says bower the engineer said right yep i've cancelled the octave of that it's off now but it was much harder when they were filming versus being in the booth because the suit goes over the ears and the ear holes are incredibly tiny it was quite difficult and distorted trying to hear himself speak number three when will they leave dakor alone poor daker montgomery has been through some of the most horrific prosthetics experiences he's basically fine but he has spent his fair share of time in the makeup chair and season 4 is no different and we're not gonna lie having your stomach completely wrapped in prosthetics with red goo dripping down you just does not sound like a fun time number four that feel when you quite literally work your butt off and they demand you put it back on david harbour is no stranger to extreme fluctuations in wait for roles and stranger things brought in the starving prisoner hopper so when it came to flashback scenes harbor could not escape the weight he burned off and had to carry it around in the form of prosthetics but you know what he's proud of his dad bod number 5. it has to be seen to be believed in order to save himself from being murdered by vacna victor kriel gouged out his own eyes the gowers team designed the scarred island prosthetics for the character played by robert englund having limited access to your vision is enough to drive anybody insane number six what do you do when you can't use a safe word christopher strand's mouth and eyes were sealed with prosthetics the crew then drove him to the set and fastened him to the chair head of the makeup department amy l forsythe said he couldn't see he couldn't speak all he could do was hear when we were breaking for lunch i was like you better let him know he's done for the day before you call lunch because he might just be sitting there thinking you're abandoning him not having access to all of your senses can cause unwelcomed reactions from actors discomfort being the least of your concerns and things like claustrophobia being high up on the list so the makeup crew did their best to cater to his situation forsyth continued you ask them to be very communicative with you on their experience so that you can help make adjustments if need be no one knows their comfort level like they do since strand had both his eyes and mouth covered the makeup team only asked yes or no questions to gauge if he was feeling okay number 7 is this what heaven looks like because it sure feels a lot like the upside down wearing white contacts really limits your vision and so anybody who entered that trance-like state could hardly see a thing the whole room became a milky white color and the costume department did their best to prepare the actors for their experience forsythe said i took a lot of videos of people putting their contacts in for the first time to get their reactions and try to make it a little fun experience for them number eight did nobody tell gayten that he should bring sensible clothes camping while gayton matarazzo is a huge fan of his costumes from the series season 4 being his favorite so far he can't help but despise just one outfit he's worn over the years saying i have to say my least favorite look had nothing to do with the design in fact it's one of my favorites but the camp outfit always felt really tight and tiny he's referencing the camp nowhere episode from season three number nine would you prefer to be wet or sticky all day daker's dealing with sunburns when he's meant to be pale and is pale when he's meant to have color amy from the hair department had all that fake tan this one was a pain for the makeup department because after he'd burned himself filming a pool scene he had to film the shower scenes as the mind flare and kept slamming his back against the wall which would take off all the cover-up and that isn't all he was completely coated in a layer of sticky lip gloss in order to main that wet sheen which he thinks is better than being wet all day number 10. that feel when you have no idea what you're doing but you have to do it anyways it reminds us of math class daker wore 33 prosthetic wounds for the post sauna scene and problematically when millie bobby brown broke her knee right as the shutdown was lifting all of his scenes were moved up meaning there was a rush order on all those prosthetics the designer had no idea what she was even working with yet and just created 50 different random wounds hoping it would work out they also asked if they wanted billy to bleed red yes said the director who changed his mind in a few shots which ended up being left to the vfx crew to fix in post number 11. masking real wounds with fake ones daker had only so many prosthetics that he didn't even realize he'd bruised and cut himself all over the place he only noticed after he removed them at the end of the day i was covered head to toe in cuts and bruises and i took all the skin off the top of my toes number 12 sure playing a creepy alien zombie monster is cool in theory the demogorgon was played by actor mark steger in the first season of stranger things however it was so uncomfortable to try and maneuver around in they replaced the real actor with cgi the following season number 13. prosthetics are uncomfortable under the usual circumstances in season two when billy beats the snot out of steve steve was already feeling a little gooey the guy was pretty sick and to make matters worse he had to have menthol blown into his eyes in order to get the desired look no don't touch it his prosthetics included a swollen jaw lump a cut split lip and a mixture of cotton and dried blood oh and real snot apparently number 14 white contacts black contacts what's next will's black contacts made his eyes burn and despite how warm everything looks on screen it was actually very cold on set and will was not dressed for the weather number 15. this is a friendly reminder to wash your face nancy dyer put makeup on to cover up her acne and that caused more acne isn't it ironic while not necessarily painful it would play on her self-esteem ugh we feel you nancy all too well from uncomfortable to irritating to painful to downright unbearable the stranger things gang has experienced it all huh i don't know it's like ad-libbed or whatever that whole thing is absolutely by the way the stars of stranger things are definitely no strangers to the art of improv this video is chocked full of every ad-lib improvised moment and mishap that were kept in the final cut of season four number one we know you're with us when we say finally this time it's gonna be different we've been waiting for joyce and hopper to be reunited ever since he got taken by the russian government and clearly so were winona ryder and david harbor according to a tweet from the stranger things writers that kiss was totally unscripted winona and david added it in the day of filming though they weren't instructed to do so it seems like they knew the fans needed that tender moment of reconciliation between the two characters number two we've got a tear jerker here in this intense sequence max bravely entered vecna's mind lair for the second time but unfortunately she didn't make it out alive she collapses to the ground bones broken eyes bleeding and has some heartbreaking final lines clearly emotions were running high when lucas played by caleb mclaughlin improvised the line where he calls out to his sister erica for help it gives me chills it was crazy number three we're not crying you're crying in this super emotional scene eleven finally gets to hear how mike really feels about her i love you for exactly who you are you're my superhero which gives her the strength to break free from vechna's grasp and put up a fight one thing you might not know is that finn wolfhard was incredibly nervous about that monologue do this one more emotional do it more confident we just kind of did it a few different times he kept running through the lines over and over in his head trying to be as off book as he could by the final take the duffer brothers gave him permission to add whatever he wanted to it they're like add whatever you want and so that like you're my superhero line i just like added number four just more comedy gold from joseph quinn in case you haven't noticed we're big fans over here harrington scott don't you before he definitely seems to have a knack for coming up with brilliant in the moment lines because of a tweet from a curious fan we found out about this additional improvised moment did he improvise the don't you big boy at steve in the camper van too just asking for a friend at which the writers responded with a simple yes do you think there's a chance eddie could return from the upside down give us your theories in the comments number 5 we love a good stranger things stunt charlie heaton and his co-star eduardo franco had such a great time working together eduardo was constantly making charlie laugh with his random hilarious unscripted one-liners the scene where they're hitting golf balls together on top of a cliff had some strong comedic moments but one in particular that was totally improvised was charlie's dive through the van's window she was just like has all this tension so i just decided to run and jump through the window number six that really is a funny word man charlie and eduardo are truly a comedic dream team they had such great on-screen chemistry that during many of their scenes they were able to improv back and forth with each other they spent about a week filming this scene in argyle's van bouncing lines off one another we got to play around with this they gave us a lot of freedom to just riff off each other number seven get ready to have your heart strings pulled joseph quinn made quite the impression as the infamous eddie munson we particularly love his brotherly relationship with gayton matarazzo's character dustin apparently we weren't the only ones feeling the love according to the writers of stranger things the line i love you man was completely improvised by quinn gayton's natural response of i love you too definitely solidified the intense emotional ending i love you dad number eight only in a demo fight if we try that again we'll never be able to recreate it this is less of an improvisation and more of a mistake that was kept in the final cut in this major scene the demogorgon takes on a group of prisoners including our beloved hopper the duffer brothers really wanted to do this scene in one shot but it proved to be too dangerous luckily though they managed to get something on film they didn't even know they needed when the demogorgon throws that guy and the bar collapses that's actually a mistake but the duffer brothers thought the shot looked so cool and was captured so well that they decided to keep it the way it was number nine more like an attempted save we're all familiar with the big shootout scene that was done in one shot at the buyer's house obviously there are going to be some great behind-the-scenes stories about it apparently not only does the cast of stranger things love a good improvised moment on camera but off-camera is just as hilarious oh my god dude we just did all that for nothing like your favorite memory no no it's coming there's a moment at the very end of the sequence where they're about to finish the take they just need the last soldier to step inside the house and get shot but during this take he never makes it in everyone is pretty annoyed that they have to run the sequence again but the stuntman lightens up the mood with a bit of improv a door gets kicked in and the stunt guy is like notably everyone else is standing around in silent shock and then he got up and he was like i think that went well number 10 just some casual heartbreak before you clock out the scene where max's bones are breaking as lucas watches on helplessly was the end of quite a long day for the young actor he was instructed to stare up and scream no but due to the intense emotions of the scene and overall exhaustion after the fight with mason dye who plays jason he stares up and yells max instead but then when you see it all come together it's like oh it was worth it in an interview with we got this covered he talks a little bit about his experience in that moment i don't really like to rehearse scenes like that because i want my natural reaction i want to be real and raw in the moment so i went off the cuff just went for it of course as we did more takes it got better and felt more real and it helped that the duffer brothers allowed me to improv and catch the energy of the scene number 11 let's crank that exhaustion up to 11. we obviously can't forget these iconic season 3 gems it wouldn't be right to leave them out one thing we knew about millie bobby brown is that she's an insanely hard worker she always gave 110 during the intense fight scenes with daker montgomery's character billy so much so that she often blew out her voice on the day of filming the scene where she throws billy through a brick wall she was so exhausted by the end that her collapse into mike's arms was 100 real finn wolfhard even breaks character for a moment to look off at the director for guidance number 12 oh mike just tell her already what i want to say is that i just a moment we absolutely love from season three was finn wolfhard's improvised heart-to-heart scene with millie bobby brown this moment of rambling on in the attempt to get to an i love you was all finn's brilliant improvisation recounts the moment really well the spontaneity of wolfhard's lines in this moment can be noticed when brown tries her best not to laugh at them ultimately her laughs were kept in the final cut because her reaction is true to her character we get terrified just watching stranger things especially the fourth season the actors who had to perform those freaky scenes had it much worse off and we've got the scoop on just how brave they had to be to make these scary moments happen number one run max run yeah it was pretty intense no kidding we were freaked out just watching it but to be performing that emotionally exhausting scene live the fact that they spent so long doing it definitely didn't help that was shot over i don't know how many i think it might have been a week that we spent on that while the set wasn't nearly as big as what it looks like and sadie sink filmed in a smaller more controlled environment without details like the vines and such it was all just enough to freak her out and while it wasn't fun for her it was great for the cameras number two sometimes the scariest creatures are just below our noses we're talking bullies that's right as scary as vechna and the demogorgon creatures of vol 4 are there is still something frightening about the meanness of a bully and just how cruel they can be a lot of the horror comes from the humans in the story the darkness within all of us we've seen some real mean-spirited people in this show and the fact that people can actually be that hurtful makes it that much scarier number three this was a one-shot wonder for real this should feel real time and viscerally connected this one-shot shootout battle made for a whole lot of planning it was going to be hard it was going to be near impossible one intense choreo session that saw the director playing everyone's parts led to a scene that would be easy for the performers to act terrified during i do believe that the best way to feed my actors energy is by giving them energy if we were those actors we would have been okay with just a bit less energy number four the demogorgon is back bigger and badder than ever would we expect anything less from this team let's let this thing loose and see what it can do and that they did the sequence was so intense to shoot they actually had to break it down into three different parts meaning the torture went on much longer than the performers would have liked the stunt team that performed this wild sequence are trained professionals and have done freaky stunts before but this scene was next level swinging upside down wildly definitely wouldn't be top of our list either number five this is the stuff that nightmares are made of not like that my goal is to make children not be able to sleep that's what he says but the show well it seems to indicate otherwise it's gonna be very exciting very scary we've seen flash dear monsters before but with vecna and we wanted something that was much more sentient when millie bobby brown first came face to face with jamie campbell bauer and all his makeup the actress was totally shook so terrified that she just burst into tears and sobbed uncontrollably we can't imagine who wouldn't be freaked out by vechna now we have an emotionally invested motivated and revenge desiring character number six this wasn't a casual swim yeah seeing steve dive so deep is freaky but what's even more terrifying is the fact that it was the actor himself performing that stunt the place of his nightmares was the giant water tank it was in a big convention center in atlanta luckily joe kiri had been prepping and had anticipated swimming for the show in the first season and in the script they're like yeah you're gonna be a swimmer and while it took four seasons to literally dive in kiri's prep helped him for sure but it didn't take away all the nerves of filming such an intense sequence underwater getting to do that sort of stuff is like true movie magic number seven it got real cold poor david harbor went through the ringer filming hopper's escape in russia since he had to immerse himself right into the tough stuff for a lot of it i'm running shoeless and it's really not pleasant the physical aspect was not fun at all but what really shook the actor was how much it affected his psyche it was brutal like uh physically in that way and it was also kind of brutal emotionally we've got a feeling he wouldn't want to go through that again number eight the darkest season so far that is season four has not disappointed season four it was let's go nightmare in elm street let's go hellraiser and now that the actors were a bit older they weren't worried about pushing them as much so things got intense for the first time for them it's like it's really we wanted to be really scary so what better way to get those terrified reactions than by actually terrifying the cast let's just push this and try to be as scary as possible and put them in the middle of a true horror film balancing the comedy with the horror was key for this season making the big clashes and vibes even more evident it felt like right to go darker number nine she spun and she spun and then well she nearly puked when it came time to film the sequence that sees eleven falling into billy's memories the actress had no choice but to perform the freaky stunt leaving her totally nauseous and gagging physically it was exhausting and feeling all that while filming content that's supposed to be intense well we can understand if she had some trouble sleeping afterwards number 10. baths are supposed to be relaxing but not in this show can anyone blame francesca real for being horrified while filming this scene well the pool was scary for a few reasons the actress shared that i hate any body of water that has a black bottom and this pool you guessed it had a black bottom but she wasn't alone in the pool no no real shared they had this amazing mechanism that attached to my foot and whenever i was ready i would go down underwater and the mechanism would tug me down yeah we are not so sure we'd call that mechanism amazing more like something that could potentially drown you number eleven nothing about this sounds fun we're throwing back to season two and the attempts to get rid of the monster attached to will and to say was traumatic is putting it lightly schnapp tried to remain professional throughout the process but the struggle was real he explained there were so many angles and shots that they had to do for each shot like you have to give it your all so every angle every different shot it was just constantly screaming okay so we can conclude the experience of filming this scene was equal parts terrifying and exhausting number 12 say it ain't so the reaction will byers mom was having on the show dealing with the loss of will was pretty close to what noah schnapp's actual mom experienced when the duffer brothers played quite the cruel and dark joke on her the prosthetic will body that's used as a fake in the first season was terrifyingly realistic so we can understand why schnapp's actual mom was shook when she first saw it fortunately she found the joy in it soon enough and wound up taking photos with the dummy number 13. being trapped underwater is usually terrifying the nerves we feel just thinking of all of eleven's time spent in the tank facing terrifying images every time are real so we can only begin to imagine the kind of nightmares milly was having since she was actually filming underwater with only a sea trek helmet in place that allowed her to breathe if she weren't afraid of drowning before we wouldn't be surprised if she was after this number 14. if you know you know i'm terrified demogorgons are terrifying we know that for sure but for toddlers that were hanging around on set for the first season well they were fully unsettled even millie was freaking out on the inside i'm frightened about everything since they did have to get through filming one of the grown-ups sunset tried to help the actors through it by telling them it was the same monster they knew from monsters inc a surprising comparison but it worked for the kids number 15. they didn't know what hit them these young actors faced their fears time and time again in the early years but for season four to truly frighten them well it's not something they anticipated definitely exceeded my expectations with how scary they could go but just how scary would they say it is oh definitely an 11. yeah we'll stay on this side of the screen do you ever wonder what's really going on in the actors minds as they film intense scenes in vecna's mind layer or play metallica on guitar while a horde of killer bats approach yeah stick around we got you number one get ready for a whole new meaning of death metal joseph quinn goes through so much when playing the infamous eddie but for an afternoon in season 4 he gets to have quite a bit of fun as a rock star prior to reading the script joseph received a text from the duffer brothers asking if he could play guitar they kind of texted me during the hiatus being like you play guitar i said yes question mark nothing he had no idea what they had in store until much later his reaction after reading the script then i was just are you kidding was much different after seeing the sequence play out it feels earned and it feels fun and it feels like the perfect crescendo for this crazy sequence number two get that kleenex ready this is a super emotional scene for joseph quinn and for everyone to watch quinn thinks it's a delicate way of giving eddie some well-deserved justice the pill that people are kind of finding hard to swallow is that people don't know that he dies a hero of course though would we rather have our guy eddie alive and well it's very touching but it's still not right number three we're jumping in right along with you steve joe kiri for the first time gets to show off all of the swim training he did for the show like i was paying for all this stuff and then we i showed up and they're like oh no yeah we cut that we couldn't get a pool in this scene joe gets to plunge into a 40-foot tank built entirely for this moment getting to do that sort of stuff is like true movie magic number four sadie sink barely made it out of this one her performance is nothing short of incredible but what was it like from her perspective um a lot of time spent in the harness i guess she really got to have the full experience on this set because most of the pieces were created by the art department like this is the most elaborate form of harness harnessing that i've ever done we also can't forget how creepy vecna was his look is almost fully practical which kind of made it easier for me so i'm not like staring at a man in a green suit number five stancey anyone we haven't gotten to see steve and nancy together in quite a while so it was really exciting to see their dynamic after all the characters growth they've undergone not only that but joe kiri was also pumped to work with natalya dyer again it's fun to like work together again actually because we haven't really worked together in a long time though they couldn't give us any information regarding the future of their relationship natalia did make it clear that the show wants to portray two people who truly care about each other number six we take a visit to the country club for this one the scene where jonathan and argyle are shooting golf balls into an abandoned junkyard was one of charlie heaton's favorite scenes to shoot in season 4. he and eduardo actually had to take golfing lessons beforehand a costume like gave us these very yuppy golfy golfing outfits to go turn up to this country club in they were surprised by how difficult just hitting a golf ball could really be so yeah we had a lot of practice trying to hit these balls which were ridiculously hard eduardo was also constantly making charlie laugh and throwing out brilliant one-liners that weren't in the script because of their natural chemistry they ended up creating some hilarious moments when charlie runs and jumps through the window of the van that wasn't actually in the script me and eduardo were building each other up so much it was like that was always tension sir i just decided to run and jump through the window number seven is this stranger things or scooby-doo okay there's a scooby-doo show oh yeah this scene though it looks super cool and high-end was actually filmed inside a warehouse in true stranger things fashion everything you see was built completely by the art department gayton joe and maya loved filming there i have a great great memories about shooting this yeah this is like a really funny and not so different from his character steve joe kiri gets to save a few lives in between takes remember when you saved my life maya hawk almost took an unfortunate tumble off the edge of the set there was like gaps in the thing yeah the laser was supposed to be off of it and joe in true steve harrington fashion immediately grabbed her and pulled her back up number eight a hospital visit might be necessary after this one this intense scene was shot over the course of two days about 14 hours of filming that moment where charlie heaton slams a voz into tom's face needed some extensive rehearsal had to rehearse that so many times safely yeah to get the choreography michael park who plays tom was a great sport about it though one time you really got it i know really he said if you hit him harder it's gonna hurt less michael was willing to take as many hits as he needed for the sake of the scene at one point his entire ear was red from being slammed so hard due to the number of breaks they had to take to set up for different angles they had to sort of psych themselves up to be in that intense heightened state that the scene requires that also feels really nice to come home from a day's work and feel like you put your body through like the ring number nine we've all got one david harbor isn't shy about the way he feels working with the kids of stranger things or feel like an angry uncle i guess like just a grumpy annoyed neighbor though he may not feel like a parent on set he did find his protective side coming out because of that he says that he was much harder on them than others might have been on a serious tip i mean i am very protective of those kids number 10. who knew playing a board game could be so nerve-wracking it'd be impossible for finn wolfhard and caleb mclaughlin to forget shooting this scene mostly because it was the very first one they ever did both of them were insanely nervous the day of caleb even got sick because of it we were all i think just really like just scared because we had no idea like you know we didn't have any rehearsal or anything luckily though nerves definitely became a lot calmer so common fact that the guys couldn't stop laughing it took us a while to get that scene done but it was so much fun number eleven hue up a never-ending story yeah that was also just such a weird scene it was although we're always down to hear sadie sings incredible vocal skills she thought the scene was a bit odd because of all the heartache that happened earlier in the episode max's brother just died and then i saw that in the script i was like what's going on now we're just like singing and dancing regardless she was happy to have a lighthearted moment to balance out all the heavy emotions number 12 we're still not over it this is a bittersweet scene for the cast a great day on set for finn wolfhard is getting to do scenes with the entire cast usually in those big group scenes we're all just really happy because we all get to just like do a scene together and hang out but in this case happiness was definitely not the prime emotion i was pretty emotional that day that was one of the final scenes that were shot for season three so in a way we're actually getting to watch authentic goodbyes among the cast in a way you're actually saying bye yeah and you can and it was like felt natural to hug everyone yeah there are so many incredible stories and emotions hidden behind the stranger things moments sometimes you forget how hard the actors have to work to give them to us can you please not touch anything part of the fun of working on a set is finding what you can take home afterwards while it's not always the best practice the stranger things actors have done their fair share of swiping from the set keeping special props and costume pieces from the show with the hope that they won't get caught which actors stole the most items from set let's do some investigating i've thought about stealing things and never have i'm a good boy oh my god see number one who wants to go for a roll thanks to his sticky fingers noah schnapp can go roller skating anytime he wants with his very own pair of 80s style stranger things roller skates i'm so bad at this i'm like bambi on ice you're good but he wasn't shy about taking them the actor explained i brought the roller skates home i had everyone sign them and then took them home with me okay we've gotta be honest that's an epic set steal and if we had a chance at getting a signed pair of roller skates from this cast well we'd be all over it number two millie had a bloody good time on the set of stranger things my blood that i put in my nose for real though how many times do we think she had to perform nosebleeds on the set if blood made her squeamish before she'd certainly faced her fears and gotten real comfortable with it so comfortable that she wanted to make sure she had some with her even when she wasn't on set that seems to be the only logical reason as to why millie would have stolen a small vial of eleven's fake blood to keep in her memento box this is one she'll never forget that's for sure and we hope she doesn't forget that she stole it otherwise that discovery could be a bit freaky i have a memory book so i keep all my lipsticks from every award show i went to my envelope from the mtv awards and then the blood from stranger things number three keeping cozy is worth stealing for sadie sync has been pretty good about not taking too many things from set but she just couldn't leave without bringing something with her it wasn't like a costume was just like a warming jacket from wardrobe it has like it's just the jacket she even caught noah by surprise and while it is suspect sync has explained that this wasn't a purposeful swipe but not everyone seems totally convinced again accidentally no but like accidentally number four it would have been pretty easy to leave the set with these costume pieces we have no doubt noah schnapp makes a decent paycheck doing stranger things so we are a bit confused that he felt compelled to steal this particular costume piece i took a bunch of underwear but that's really it they must have been comfy no doubt we wonder if anyone from set noticed he'd become an underwear thief number five shoplifting ain't cool millie but does it really count if it's a fake mall on stranger things i took she went full tilt in the star court mall having a full-on shopping spree on set without any money involved of course it was definitely a set store but i did take um like corduroy jeans and a stripy red and blue t-shirt and while it might have been a fake gap store the clothes were real and they looked good no wonder she kept that stuff for herself number six it seems like millie was a bit desperate what other explanation could there be for her stealing such a small and random item from the set or maybe she was just trying to be like noah i took a lot of socks any guesses on whether or not noah stole more underwear or millie stole more socks let's do it let's do it we'll never know but we can imagine the wardrobe department wasn't too impressed with having to replace all those stolen necessities number seven we've got our eyes on you caleb when it came time to talk about what he swiped from set during an interview caleb mclachlan was pretty strategic about it luckily he saved himself from letting any spoilers slip but he also outed himself pretty obviously we know he stole something but whatever it was continues to remain a mystery accidentally i took uh like something from set from season three we wonder if he ever got caught number eight he looks pretty suspicious is it just us or does noah look like he got caught in the hot seat we move on right never took it okay so we've established there is an it that he stole but what could it be since sadie sink gave the actor a look indicating it's not something noah should probably talk about it seems like his lips are sealed we won't push it but we just can't help but wonder what memento he snuck off set with and we doubt he's talking about the underwear in this case number nine for real real though i did a show called intruders um when i was nine years old she may have been young but even early on millie knew that you've got to take advantage of being on set by keeping any cool things you can i took a lighter from the set it was a prop being used on set but of all things why did she need it what did she plan to do with it this special lighter from intruders wound up going into her memento box with souvenirs from other productions that lighter could always help her find her light that's for sure number 10 finn wolfhard might have some answers on this one when he was filming ghostbusters there were plenty of opportunities to snag all the ghost-busting materials but that wasn't what appealed to the actor i kept some shoes that i wore on the new ghostbusters movie hey if the shoes were good enough for ghost busting then why not stick to him while he did swipe the shoes generally wolfhard is pretty good and hasn't actually stolen much from set when asked if he'd taken anything from the stranger things set he very openly shared that he's never stolen anything from that set in particular for fear that the production team would end up needing whatever he stole at some point and then he'd be found out that said he has confessed to wishing he stole the ritchie glasses from the movie it there's stuff that i regret that i didn't keep like i wish i kept the ritchie glasses and who knows there is hope that maybe he'll get them in future you never know maybe i could get those back number 11 when you know you know any fans of enola homes will know that millie formed a very special bond on set with one of her well her dash i took dash which you will see this set swipe definitely makes sense and she was the title character so we guess millie had some leeway in terms of what she could keep from set for herself extraordinary while she did swipe it she had said before that it was a gift but no one has confirmed that fact either what we do know is that dash isn't the only thing millie kept from the anola home sect number 12. millie's got the tools and a corset i must become something unexpected the stranger things actress has spent plenty of time in a harness doing stunts for the sci-fi show but ninola holmes she was dealing with a very different kind of restriction and instead of being glad about saying farewell to a typically uncomfortable and annoying costume piece millie wanted to keep her corset for herself [Music] maybe she wanted to remind herself of the struggle she injured while filming or it could just be that she loved getting her posture in check and that corset will certainly do the trick being so young these movies and shows are a pretty formative part of the stranger things actors lives so it makes sense they'd want to keep these mementos from their various projects whether they were kept for practical reasons or just the memories everyone seems pretty cool with the practice of swiping some stuff from set even if it does have to be kept a secret for a while to make sure no one gets in trouble stranger things is a pretty nasty show containing a ton of gooey prosthetics and farty boys that are smelly enough to evacuate a bus several times over ready to find out who the worst offender was number one we're kicking it off with something sticky actually pretty much everything in this list consists of sticky things that would have been a good alternate title for the show putting on gross nasty prosthetics and seeing yourself in the mirror is one thing taking off gross nasty prosthetics is a much stranger thing but we've got to admit playing around with prosthetic goo does look pretty satisfying slimy yet satisfying as simba would say number two beards are gross in general go clean shaven boys kidding a nice beard can do wonders for the jawline in the case of david harbour he had way more than just a beard and it did the opposite for his jaw he had to get suited up in a prosthetic that reflected the weight he was in season three for the flashback scene so that means that that neck isn't real that's a fake beard with fake beard hair oh boy that's a little strange downright uncomfy harbor can't stand prosthetics but the process for this one was pretty painless thanks to an awesome team number three oh dear what direction could we possibly go with this turns out that lube has more than one purpose it's great for maneuvering in prosthetics jamie campbell bower had the honor of slicking up for vechna the product isn't just great for prosthetics though did you know your friendly neighborhood spiderman had to use lube to get into his spidey suit and no way home or at least tom holland did at any rate oh to spend an entire day slimy just sounds like a nightmare number four and now for the most disgusting thing on this whole list kissing matt duffer acknowledged that it was easy to forget how young milly was sometimes because she's so incredibly gifted for her age well her age would shine through sometimes of course like when it came to kissing finn wolfhard in season one there was a two-month build-up to that scene for millie about just how disgusting and horrible it was going to be and she questioned the whole time why the duffers wrote it in that definitely reminded them that she was only 11 years old not the character well that too she survived though number five lego myego i'm gonna be sick after being spun around and around and around in one scene in the void poor milly lost her eggos we can't say we blame her that looks intense in a post she captioned it you spin me right round baby right round ah threw up after this this isn't the first time millie's thrown up on set either at least so the duffer brothers thought she was pretty bold in season one to prank the creators then we pretended that i was really sick and we put water in my mouth and then she started puking up the water classic number six a glossy finish that still manages to look just terrible daker was covered head to toe in lip gloss to achieve that flayed look not just lip gloss though also dirt and mud not just lip gloss dirt and mud but also an extra layer of lip gloss to seal it all together sounds like a party number 7. millie's nosebleeds are pretty wild so before the scene starts she has to pour the fake blood up her nose they immediately start filming and basically hope for the best as far as timing goes fun fact that's the reason she tips her head down when she's using her powers to get the goo moving there are two kinds of fake blood well probably a lot more but two different categories of fake blood there's the kind you wear and the kind that goes inside your body for millie's nosebleeds she was using corn syrup number eight we're not done with the internal goo yet though the edible blood that is usually consumed via the mouth and not the nose has to be made safe for the actor and well one thing you don't have to worry about when it comes to noses is taste but the mouth is a whole other story the edible blood tastes pretty freaking disgusting but as stranger things progressed their concoctions got a little tastier it's just an added gesture from the makeup team to make the fake blood taste better among the options for flavor are emergency and jello number nine while this might seem like a delectable treat to most noah schnapp was having none of it along the lines of the bloods there's sometimes a need for discoloration and head of makeup amy forsythe wanted will buyers to look ill so they faded out the color on his tongue you'd think green food coloring and frosting wouldn't be such a bad combination but turns out schnapp hates frosting hey you can't please everyone for all the torture forsyth put will through with frosting he was given permission to enact his revenge and got to spray amy with a super soaker number 10 caffeine is always the answer david harbour is coated in mud sorry not mud sticky espresso grounds that the makeup team stole right from the espresso maker in the trailer and the recipe had to be exact no substitutions coffee just isn't good enough it has to be espresso and popper was covered in mud a lot in season two while harbor was a good sport about it amy said he was happy for the hot towel at the end of the day number 11. sometimes it isn't the gross prosthetics sometimes it's the actors themselves being gross filming in a bus isn't normally a sign of alarm unless one of the boys is so gassy the bus has to be evacuated more than once poor millie was furious with her stinky co-star it's never been revealed who cut the cheddar which is very kind of them to keep it under wraps we guess but this wasn't an isolated event david harbour admitted they would sometimes fart during takes yep kids little human beings with big important jobs farting during cakes i won't say which one number 12. eating cold burgers and fries is definitely not as satisfying as eating cold pineapple pizza yes way back in season one millie was eating cold burgers and fries a lot of cold burgers and fries like a lot a lot like too much for an adult male to stomach let alone a 10 year old girl we mean like at least three burgers in a single sitting poor milly they always encourage actors to eat healthy and then they do this to them number 13. that feel when they get you when you're down poor joe kiri had to film while sick this was more common before the days of the dreaded pandemic he was super stuffed up to begin with but then to get the redness in his eyes they blew menthol into them ouch he was already a gooey snotty mess before the staged beating came into it he also had to have prosthetics applied to his face he had a swollen jaw lump a cut split lip and a mix of cotton and dried blood here's hoping the appendages were sneeze resistant number 14. eggos are actually just the worst when you eat them straight out of the box we recommend a flamethrower whenever you see actors eating food in a movie just know they were in for a miserable few hours because one eggo on screen is like two dozen in front of the camera we bet millie will never look at eggos the same way again number 15. was this one more disgusting for the actors or for us definitely us the leg you're looking at isn't even millies in this scene it was totally just prosthetics all decked out with different layers of yuck luckily the moving mind flare was added in post-production and wasn't some creepy animatronic below the surface honestly we couldn't stomach if it were any more real than it already is while the disgusting blob of rat bodies that merged to become a monster would have made a great addition to this list if you haven't already figured it out only the animators were tortured with that job when you're in the upside down things can get kind of crazy so you know there were embarrassing moments on the stranger things set who unintentionally interrupted scenes which actor was the best jokester but before we dive in you should probably subscribe to our new channel the things animated to get all the hidden secrets and unique theories behind your favorite animated movies and shows number one sometimes you get what's coming to you noah schnapp didn't know what hit him but it was a long time coming since while he's the biggest prankster of them all schnapp wound up embarrassing plenty of co-stars through practical jokes so while filming season four it was time he got a taste of his own medicine let's set the scene so it was 4 am we were in new mexico schnapp was busy filming while millie bobby brown and the team got to work we had trash bins filled with water balloons all around and we turned all the lights off at base camp brown lured noah over with her excellent acting skills no i'm just so upset that you know you're not you're not here to say goodbye to me please just come back to base camp i'm leaving now when his best friend needs him he'll be there but instead of finding a teary-eyed millie he got a whole crew taking revenge on him and i get him in the middle of the car park all of us about 20 people raid him this cast does not mess around with her practical jokes number two their lips were sealed and i'm not gonna name names because it's pretty embarrassing in the early days filming on the bus got a bit stuffy and one person was left feeling real embarrassed somebody farted on the bus we were filming in and we had to clear out for about 20 minutes but that's not the worst of it there wound up being two performers trying to avoid being called out and then we got back on after like 20 minutes of airing this thing out and somebody else farted it was a smelly mystery that's for sure they tried to blame it on the initial perpetrator that said filming that day happened to be one of gaiden matarazzo's absolute favorites we wonder if he's keeping any secrets we still don't know where that second part looks number three this one ended in tears yikes noah schnab and millie bobby brown wound up being the ones embarrassed after playing this joke on one of the crew members that went a bit too far the actors were bored on set one day and decided to give the crew member a ring pretending to be the manager of the venue where their wedding was meant to take place just two weeks later they thought it would be funny to tell her that they had to cancel lorezzo because of construction but they were mortified when that crew member wound up bursting into tears instead you can bet the two were blushing all day after that joke gone wrong number four he's coming in there were like 200 people in the room just stabbed finn wolfhard went ahead and made his very first kiss with millie bobby brown on screen super awkward coming in looking back finn isn't so crazy about the scene it looks like i was eating her like i was like ah was he hoping milly would feel better about the kiss that way luckily that day was probably the worst of it and it became a less embarrassing process as they went on i will say this it's we've we've progressed number five the accents can be tricky charlie heaton is always professional and his american accent is on point but funnily enough he has a whole lot of trouble with one name and it's one he really should be able to say they've dated on and off screen so the fact that heaton really struggles to say the name nancy properly leaves him blushing constantly on set to make matters worse he actually had to come in for separate recording sessions to re-record any time he said nancy so it sounded right in the final edit number six this is never not awkward but it's especially bad when it happens to be your first kiss in real life too i mean i guess technically would be the one that was in stranger things to make it all worse caleb mclaughlin and sadie sink were not expecting it there wasn't a word about this happening in the script or talks beforehand but the day of the actors were put on the spot and the pressure was on it's a lot of kids just like ooh you're gonna kiss her poor sadie sank also had to deal with the fact that her mom happened to be there to witness it all has there ever been a more embarrassing first kiss scenario in front of like so many people yeah that was that was it number seven clothing in the 80s was different finn wolfhard had a real hard time when he was handed a classic pair of tidy whities a la 80s for him to wear in case his underwear was showing from under his pants on the show the actor was so embarrassed at the thought he didn't even give them a chance insisting to his co-stars i'm not wearing these i'm just gonna wear my real things my real underwear number eight you do what you gotta do that's the motto that caleb mclaughlin has learned to roll with being part of the stranger things cast he was very excited to film the scene early on that saw him sneaking up on his pal but then this happens that part wasn't so fun but he was always a professional about it despite his feelings as an actor you do it you do it you do it you love the art you do it and that's why i did it number nine it's a look playing a kid in the 80s isn't all it's cracked up to be especially in the hair department season three was this huge wig and season four it was these little extensions and noah schnapp never knew what he was going to get from the wig team what he could guarantee was the fact that he'd be real embarrassed to be wearing those wigs on set no matter what he was given number 10 no one wants to call attention to themselves this way remember the smelly situation that happened on the bus well it happened again in the series but instead of distracting everyone with the stench it was a fully audible situation caleb mclaughlin was the guilty one in this case and it was much harder to get out of since the whole set was pretty quiet and gade monorazzo had been right next to him meaning he heard everything matarazzo struggled to keep his cool explaining we were dying but we couldn't laugh out loud because they were doing a really dramatic scene in there talk about awkward timing number eleven caleb mclaughlin is even more talented than we thought when it comes to multitasking this actor is king always a jokester on set he decided to see what would happen if during the middle of a take he blew his nose while eating an apple at the same time don't ask us why he did it it seems like he was just moved to spice things up no one understood what he was doing and he did make a bit of a fool of himself but it worked out well since on camera it was pretty hilarious number 12 maintaining composure is tougher than you'd think it was it was four like 12 year olds all together drinking coca-cola and eating old pizza yeah that just sounds like a recipe for disaster for six hours filming playing games together was a pretty childlike vibe and the team did encourage a chilled environment so they could get the very best out of the kids but it was still pretty high strung who can blame them though it was the very early days what better day to have the giggles in your first day at work for the first scene of the first season number 13. what's in a name really well in this one there's a whole lot we know him as caleb mclaughlin but on set he's known as chocolate daddy okay at least that's what he refers to himself as on set and while it's cool in the moment the actor wasn't so crazy about the world knowing after he let the secret slip during an interview number 14 to be late is to be fired yikes lily bobby brown has regularly proven she's an absolute professional in the business but she didn't leave such a great impression when she showed up to the set for filming stranger things a full hour late and since she's one of the stars it didn't affect just her the whole production schedule was thrown off we can't imagine she was too proud of that one number fifteen you never know which word will throw you off for david harbour it was it's your grandma the actor usually oh so calm cool and collected was the embarrassment of the day as he turned out blooper after blooper after blooper unable to get through the scene without breaking character with this crew it was hard not to laugh hurt is good it means you're out of that cave today we're checking out all the painful scenes the stranger things cast had to film from vomiting to slingshots in the face this young cast was put through the ringer it's been an experience of a lifetime number one millie bobby brown had a serious case of fomo millie found season four to be the hardest one yet for filming because she had such a dark plot in contrast to her co-stars and found she was separated from them a lot it's a harder script it's a harder storyline while that is pretty normal for stranger things she could see flynn and some of the others having fun on set getting to do the more lighthearted comedic work and she just didn't get to be a part of it and when you grow up with your co-stars and they're your best friends that's rough milly said you get to see 11 in the darkest state she's ever been this has definitely been the hardest season i've ever filmed there have been some of the scariest scariest things that i've ever seen as a human number two well it wasn't its intended purpose but it works to shoot the scenes where steve is beat up joe kiri was already feeling sick and had to have menthol blown into his eyes to achieve the desired redness which is fun to look at and probably less fun to be vienna listen vic's vaporub contains menthol and what is vixx for a stuffy nose so we're pretty sure that's the excuse they went with when joe accidentally put it in his eye hey if it was intentional maybe it helped clear his sinuses number three joe wasn't the only one vomiting the a pluribus unum episode had 11 in the void struggling to break free from billy's grasp well as she fell away she twirled around for this stunt milly was attached to a rig that spun her in circles millie admitted physically it was so unbelievably challenging for me are you okay okay after a few takes it's no surprise that this made millie throw up afterwards she posted about it with the caption you spin me right round baby right round threw up after this number four millie was really spinning before but now it's just her head that's spinning shooting inside the sauna was tough on the whole cast and crew i think i just threw up in my mouth but it seems millie took the most of the heat they spent four full days on a tiny stage practically the size of a real sauna with six actors and about a hundred crew it was squishy and it was super hot and they shot the scene a million different ways the scene gone wrong is the scene that made it into the show when she collapsed into finn wolfhard's arms that was due to real exhaustion you can even see mike break character slightly as he looks over for help number five millie might find it too warm but we're gonna stick around it's quite nice in this sauna taker montgomery went a little bit too extreme and smashed his head against the sauna's glass you think this is funny the headbutt was totally improvised and sadly didn't make it into the final shot number six let's just say there's a reason schools don't allow kids to have slingshots slingshots are not toys they are weapons meant for taking out the creepy upside-down monsters and that's it well caleb mclaughlin clearly didn't get the memo and hit himself in the face instead no ah number seven we imagine millie was feeling that fomo around this time too millie bobby brown split open her kneecap before filming stranger things season three so she couldn't do many stunts or even too much strenuous movement which included riding a bike and as we know the cast happens to do that a lot number eight the prosthetics king daker had to wear 33 prosthetics for a time and you know what that means so did his stunt double that's a lot of prosthetics at one point it was so hot and sticky out that daker got himself stuck to the tablecloth while he was on lunch and because of millie's knee injury daker's scenes got moved up which put a lot of pressure on the makeup crew to get the prosthetics designed efficiently sacrifices had to be made time over quality we had great fun because i would spend like two hours every day getting hair makeup done and the prosthetics had such an impact on him that he realized his body hair wasn't growing back in certain patches but that isn't all that was underneath the prosthetics daker didn't realize he'd been roughed up as bad as he had been until he took off all his fake injuries to reveal real ones underneath daker admitted i was covered head to toe in cuts and bruises and i took all the skin off the top of my toes i just kind of invest in it number nine while schnapp may have looked sweaty the only thing that was burning was his eyes noah schnapp's black contacts seriously made his eyes fiery but that wasn't the only thing that made filming his possession scene tough it was winter in real life and his costume was not good for the weather and the heaters you can see in the show weren't generating any real heat ugh what a tease number 10. why couldn't she have just landed a comedy or even a simple drama would do the best way to ruin your acting career is to obliterate your vocal cords millie had to scream so much on stranger things that she lost her voice five times in eight months but she also had to go back in for adr and so lost it all over again we wonder if this halted production or if they knew these screams would need healing time and worked the schedule around them number 11. poor demogorgons deep down they're just a guy in a seriously uncomfortable situation the demogorgon prosthetic outfit was tough for mark seeger to navigate he had to do some really difficult stunts in it but what made it so problematic was his sight was super restricted too it was so tough to pull off that eventually they decided to go with cgi instead it had to do things a practical guy in a suit just can't do number 12. noah more screaming or your vocal cords might snap we'll see ourselves out millie wasn't the only one destroying her vocal cords during one long night shoot noah had to scream with everything he had until 6am for the exercising scene because of course stranger things likes to get a million different tangles number 13. we would rather face a demogorgon than get in a cold pool millie bobby brown was submerged in freezing cold water for the suspension scene despite the crew's best efforts to keep the water warm it was just too shallow and got cold too quick number 14. we never really thought of filming like groundhog day before but it really is in some regards joe kiri found the breakup scene he had to shoot with natalya to be overwhelming as he hadn't quite perfected the process of letting go of his character once the camera stopped rolling to be broken up with again and again and again was incredibly tough for him number 15. don't cry if you cry then i'm gonna cry and if we're all crying who's gonna comfort us in that incredibly emotional goodbye scene in which the whole cast of kids needed to somehow manage to bring themselves to tears they found they didn't need to rely on sad music or menthol in the eyes just the thought of actually saying goodbye one day was enough to do it a reality that is coming too quickly if you ask us millie mentioned that one of the cast of kids proposed imagine if we had to do this for real one day what if when stranger things is over we'll all have to say goodbye to each other and like this is it and then everyone started crying and they got the shot the only thing more painful than any of these moments will be coming up at the end of season five the end we're not ready to think about that yet distraction technique do you think millie bobby brown is going to method with her acting or do you think her level of intensity is necessary for her performance to come across as genuine certainly one of the biggest netflix shows of all time had its ups and downs for the cast and for the stars of stranger things they may have had more downs than one expects we got an inside look into some of the most painful and terrifying scenes cast members were a part of and we'll explain why they're not their most favorite ones too number one a whole lot of action for nothing yeah that's not what this cast is about apparently while filming a lengthy shootout scene in season 4 finn wolfhard had a very frustrating experience he won't give us much about the scene but we do know the group is caught up in some sort of shootout with a bunch of men in body armor the director explained to them beforehand that they would need to shoot this complex bit in one go so every moving part needed to hit their marks but unfortunately the first go was nearly flawless that is until one of the soldiers missed their mark we do everything and then the camera whips to the door and the soldier is not there even after this first take wolfhard was pretty ducked out but they had to just keep pushing through till everything came out perfectly number two talk about a strange reaction nobody ever knew where caleb mclaughlin would take lucas sinclair in stranger things and of all the scenes he deemed uncomfortable he found a moment in season 4 to take things off the rails for him as caleb explains he and mason dye who portrays jason carver have a little tense showdown rather than stick to the script all caleb could muster was as this was the final episode of season four he couldn't get into it too much all we really know was that sadie sync was confused and everybody else was just laughing like laughing and it's just it was a running joke we would never expect lucas would do anything less bizarre this embarrassing moment stuck with mclaughlin till the end of the shoot which doesn't make this his most favorite scene to shoot so every time we had to do that scene oh man number three we've all come to like steve a little bit more especially after season one but whether he was redeemed or not we were a little happy he got some payback with being tied up oh that was actually pretty brutal to be honest being tied together that was really tough however we're not happy that the awesome joe kiri looked back at this scene as one of his least favorites as steve is taken by the russians in season 3 he's dragged and tied up by the soldiers looked pretty painful to us and apparently to joe it was as painful as it looks and lengthy too he revealed just the scene of him being tied up and dragged took a whopping three days to shoot definitely not a fun time on set and we can only imagine how much the scene dragged on for him but also when you're doing it you're like you feel pretty in it i guess number four seeing how david harper gets along with co-stars on every project he does we were quite surprised to discover the one cast member he loathed working with oh my god i hated that dog this pooch was not david's best friend in season one it would run off on him a lot forcing production to do multiple takes of all their scenes and to make matters worse it seemed like its trainer was in it for all the wrong reasons i just remember the trainer come on we gotta make our money we would never blame the poor pup for this one but due to increasing frustrations from the actor it was not asked to come back for season 2. we hope it got a lot of treats and maybe an emmy for his good boy performance number 5 you make me dizzy miss milly we were just sitting and watching this and even that made us sick millie bobby brown divulged into what would be her worst time filming a scene the scene in question comes from season 3 episode 6 as 11 enters the chaotic mind of billy and experiences a lot of twists and turns of course they had to literally twist and turn millie on a harness to sell the effect what happens next well she regretted it first of all and her stomach did not appreciate it all that flipping made her sick after the shoot was over and let's just say we're happy there's no behind the scenes video of that number six heights are a no-go for us and for gaydon matarazzo it's a definite terrifying time to go up against this one comes from the infamous quarry scene in season one episode six as dustin and mike run away from their bullies they get dangerously close to a cliff gayton being sincere was not only concerned for his own safety but for that of his co-star finn wolfhard we can wholeheartedly agree thank goodness eleven was there to save the day kicking butt yeah and still my hair is looking like this yeah number seven how come no one's lost their voice in stranger things because we're surprised noah schnapp didn't lose his in this scene alone we can remember watching the possession of will in season 2 and barely being able to watch the terrifying moment but all noah can recall is having to scream a lot they had to collect so many takes of just him screaming that it really took a number on his vocal cords but he's a professional and he's willing to go that extra mile number eight we all saw this one coming and joe kiri was not looking forward to it they'd never done anything like this it was like the fight day you know billy and steve face off resulting in a not so favorable outcome for steve he looked seriously terrified of billy's rage and that acting was more authentic than we like to think very into this character and he was very you know he was giving it his all joe was actually terrified of daker montgomery's acting in this moment that the emotion really stuck with kyrie after filming number nine a tearful reunion between two friends always makes for the perfect audience sob scene this hard-hitting moment came from season 2 episode 7 when eleven reunites with callie milly reported she could not keep it together here and she really doesn't like taking the emotions home offset but it unfortunately did and it was hard of her to let go of the heavy emotions during the scene nobody likes crying and we can only imagine how hard it was for her to bounce back after this one i feel like i don't need to go to therapy anymore number 10 it's always surprising to see that an unfavorable character is the total opposite of their actor and as we all know joe kiri is one of them he recalls a moment in season one when steve smashes jonathan's camera it made us all really dislike his character and he was right there with us kiri really harps on hating these kinds of scenes especially when it comes to bullying the character of one of his best friends behind the scenes charlie heaton i kind of had a hard time sort of being mean to charlie cause i love charlie so much he doesn't have a mean bone in his body but his character definitely thinks otherwise number 11 we can all recall that lovely time when bowl cuts were the new trend wow what an awful time stranger things actually revived the ancient trend forcing noah schnapp to rock one in every scene it's one of the best one the best things on television and the worst he's definitely a little too young to remember how cool it was to have one so he was not enjoying the little throwback he insisted every season to restyle or cut it but filmmakers were just not going to budge noah was never able to understand the style questioning why doesn't will maybe he shaves his head like really did everyone have that haircut in the 80s number 12. uh oh could we be having a little co-star drama on our hands nope not really but watching your partner kissing another person might be uncomfortable and this was the case for charlie heaton and natalya dyer as she was kissing joe kiri in season 1. we can imagine it was a little uncomfortable for heaton to say the least but it seems like there's no beat between him and joe as their friendship seems to have moved past it plus it looks like steve really didn't get to have that relationship after the first season so all that's in the past now that's a whole lot of crazy experiences for one big crazy show we'd like to hope they had more favorite scenes but it's hard to look past some of these moments how awkward do you think it really was for charlie heaton you guys love the spoilers right whose bright idea was it to send actors on tours to promote the show and tell them they're not allowed to talk about the show what a scam well sometimes the actors just let things slip ready to find out who's the worst at keeping secrets i'm gonna just say four rumors about this season and then i want to see your reaction number one uncomfy contacts means one thing vecna during netflix's official on the set of stranger things video caleb mclaughlin who plays lucas sinclair showed gayten matarazzo a photo on his phone oh man did they put contacts in you yeah were they uncomfy yeah well usually contacts wouldn't be a big deal caleb isn't one to wear them for his character and this season all of the contacts seem to be associated with possession by vechna so if that's not a spoiler we don't know what is number 2. all harnessed up with nowhere to run after what happened with sadie sync in the first half of season four we can't help but feel that this post is a major spoiler couldn't the selfie wait noah of course there could be other stunts in part two but we're skeptical theory maybe vecna will go after all of them at once and in a race to beat the clock quite literally millie must stop vacna to save her friends not a bad theory right number three surely an explosion is an innocent spoiler right right out of fear of spoiling anything again noah took down a photo of an explosion taken while filming part two of season four we're sure it's some sort of spoiler when people were like you is this a spoiler and i was like oh my god i'm in trouble but hey once it's on the internet good luck taking it down right number four darn it gayten you're lucky you were just so adorable or we might have been angrier about this kaiten matarazzo spoiled season 4's ending way back in 2016. so the monster was a recent test subject number five at least finn didn't leak hopper survival like netflix did while it might not be a big spoiler it sure is a season 4 spoiler of some description we find out what happened to hopper this season okay number six honestly we were grateful for the emotional preparation that noah gave us he spoiled the death of the dog in season three will's dog chester i think he died didn't he he did number seven we've got confirmation for returning characters in season five joseph quinn may have just spoiled the fate of his character eddie munson hoping for a pair up between him and charlie heaton's character jonathan byers for season five and we doubt since these two don't really know each other that they could just be doing a cameo as one of vecna's nightmare threats like billy with max hey it could be a red herring too who knows number eight it would be a long season if these two didn't see each other mike and eleven are they gonna reunite oh is this a spoiler once again it can probably just be assumed this was going to happen but hey half our cast wound up in utah so anything is possible number nine surprise this season they're in a mall shocking noah spoiled the awesome location they were filming at for season three we're at the at the mall and then um the look on his face when he realized is just priceless too yes noah is the one who just can't keep the secrets to himself he's called the tom holland of stranger things by his co-stars because he spoils so much number 10 this is why only young people are allowed on instagram david harbour went on instagram live and promised fans he'd read an excerpt of his script from stranger things millie was watching go back to work did she ever sass him hard oh no millie don't tell netflix no real spoilers were given although he did pop up in his television makeup not that that was any surprise given it was already in the trailer it's still problematic to go live on set in costume though highly do not recommend who knows what could happen i'm just gonna read your sections of the script milly number eleven is it a spoiler or is he playing a terrible poker face will we see eleven get her powers back but yeah number twelve netflix you should know better really sometimes netflix can be just as bad as the actors they put strict ndas on first off they spoiled the fate of hopper in their trailer for season four second because of course part one ended on a cliffhanger with nancy in the clutches of vecna well not his creepy left hand but you know possessed knowing what we know about how this all works though the clock could be ticking towards her doomsday so is it really a spoiler well it doesn't seem like any of the stranger things actors have dethroned the king of spoilers yet let's not forget that tom holland literally spoiled the biggest character demise in all of the mcu maybe a young gayton comes close do you think nancy dyer will make it out alive let us know in the comments and thanks for hanging out with us here at the things you
Channel: TheThings
Views: 1,017,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: millie bobby brown, sadie sink, stranger things behind the scenes, stranger things season 4
Id: PU0GPD2rk_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 46sec (5326 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2022
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