Strange Series of Phone Calls Precede Missing Person Mystery | Brandon Lawson Case Analysis

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well this is Dr Grande today's question is can I analyze the case of Brandon Lawson just a reminder of not diagnosing about in this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this if you find this video enlightening please like it and subscribe to my channel in addition consider supporting me on patreon looking at a few of my recent pre-release videos on patreon we see inscrutable thumbnails like killer Elizabeth Taylor imposter in the security guard and Chris Watts of Australia in addition I have over 150 other videos available on patreon my patreon account can be found at Dr Grande the link is also in the description for this video moving back to the case of Brandon Lawson first I'll look at the background of this case move to the timeline of The Disappearance then offer my analysis Brandon Mason Lawson was born in Fort Worth Texas on November 18 1986 he had two brothers and one sister Brandon's childhood was described as happy we enjoyed camping and fishing during Brandon's junior year in high school he met another student named ledessa Lofton she was one year behind him in school they eventually became romantically involved and had three children together Brandon also had a daughter from another relationship by 2013 Brandon and his family lived in San Angelo Texas which is about three and a half hours Southwest of Fort Worth Brandon worked 60 hours a week in an oil field and was under a lot of stress he had struggled with substance use for many years but stopped using substances sometime in early 2013. Brandon had some trouble with the law and had spent time in jail according to his brother Kyle Brandon was a convicted felon Brandon had an outstanding warrant for his arrest in Johnson County possession with intent to deliver this charge is a felony in the state of Texas now moving to the timeline of The Disappearance on August 7 2013 Brandon was looking for methamphetamine it's not known whether or not he found it but it is reasonable to believe that he did Brenda did not return home as expected when Brandon finally made it back to his home on August 8 sometime around 10 45 pm he and his girlfriend had an argument his girlfriend was not only upset about his failure to return home the previous day but she also believed he was using substances again around 11 30 PM Brandon placed a call to his father who lived in Crowley Texas not far from Fort Worth Brandon told his father that he was going to drive to Crowley he climbed in a silver Ford F-150 and departed at about 11 54 pm the drive would normally take about three and a half hours about 36 minutes after leaving at 12 30 a.m now on August 9. Brandon called his brother Kyle saying that he had run out of gas Brandon reported his position as between San Angelo and Bronte Texas on U.S Route 277 Brandon told Kyle that quote three blanks are chasing me out of town unquote and later said the people he was referring to were Mexican Kyle asked Brandon if he was hallucinating Brandon responded that he was not after this Brandon and Kyle made several calls to each other but Brandon was unable to communicate effectively he ended many of the calls after speaking just a few sentences at 12 50 a.m 20 minutes after the initial call to Kyle Brandon called 9-1-1 Brandon continued to have difficulty communicating he appeared to be incoherent here is what Brandon appears to have said on the 911 call quote yes I'm right in the middle of a field pushed some guys over right here going toward Abilene on both sides my truck ran out of gas there is one car here guys chasing me through the woods please hurry unquote after the operator asks for clarification Brandon decided quote there will be no talking to them I actually ran into them unquote Brandon said he needed the police after that he stopped communicating to the operator at 12 51 am Brandon called his girlfriend she didn't answer because she had plugged her phone into her vehicle to charge three minutes later Brandon called his neighbor at 12 56 a.m six minutes after Brandon called 9-1-1 a truck driver called 9-1-1 and reported seeing Brandon's Ford F-150 parked in a dangerous manner the rear of the truck was in the traveled portion of the roadway at 12 58 am Brandon called Kyle twice and his neighbor three times at 109 am Brandon called Kyle three times six months later he called Kyle two more times a sheriff's deputy stopped at Brandon's truck just after 1am but there was no sign of Brandon it's not clear if the deputy was aware of Brandon's 9-1-1 call he may have been responding to the truck driver's 9-1-1 call or simply notice the F-150 on the side of the road and decided to investigate Kyle arrived just after the deputy stopped Kyle was on the phone with Brandon at this time Brandon said to him I can see you I'm right here he also warned Kyle that the police were there and told Kyle to run but Kyle indicated he was not going to run Brandon disconnected the call after hearing this Brandon picked an inopportune time to play hide and go seek it seems as though his competitors were not up to the challenge neither Kyle nor the sheriff's deputy could see Brandon unable to find Brandon Kyle drove a short distance away and parked his vehicle he waited for about 30 to 45 minutes for Brandon to return to the F-150 Kyle was aware of Brandon's outstanding warrant and thought maybe Brandon was hiding from the police when Brandon did not reappear Kyle left an empty gas can in the bed of the F-150 this may seem like a cruel joke but Kyle would have preferred to leave a full gas can he did not have the money available to fill the can he thought that Brandon could take the empty can somewhere and get gasoline himself Kyle returned to the area at about 5 a.m but there was still no sign of random about three hours later Brandon's Ford F-150 was towed a search party was put together by the police but they failed to find Brandon people developed theories about what happened to Brandon for example they could have been the victim of Foul Play or simply fled to avoid serious criminal charges at one point some of the police officers involved in the case insisted that the area around Brandon's truck was thoroughly searched and he was not there on February 4 2022 an announcement was made indicating a search party had found clothing consistent with Brandon's not far from where his pickup truck had been found the police were contacted and discovered human remains the authorities presumed that the remains belonged to Brandon now moving to my analysis here are my thoughts in a few areas that stood out to me in this case item number one some people wonder why Brandon's Brother Kyle did not continue searching for him after arriving for the first time at the Ford F-150 if Brandon was on the phone with Kyle and Brandon was saying that he could see Kyle clearly Brandon was not far away that would have been a good time to try and find Brandon the problem is this Kyle was not aware of the 9-1-1 call he did not have any reason to believe that Brandon was in danger he thought Brandon was simply hiding from the authorities if Kyle had known that Brandon had actually called the police himself he would not have left the area the same set of circumstances applies to the deputy as well the deputy may not have known about Brandon's 9-1-1 call item number two there are two major theories to explain Brandon's disappearance and death either Foul Play was involved or Brandon wandered into rough terrain and died from a non-homicidal cause like exposure let's take a look at the evidence both for and against the idea that Brandon's own behavior caused his death and no one else was involved starting with the factors that support this Theory Brandon Lawson was under stress at the time of his disappearance he had been working 60 hours a week he had four children to take care of and his youngest son was only a few months old it appeared as though he relapsed with his substance use and may have been on methamphetamine Brandon had an outstanding warrant which may have interfered with a new job that was supposed to start on August 12th just three days after he disappeared he probably realized that he was arrested his new employer might not be as excited for him to start work I doubt that Brandon's new job could be completed by remotely working from jail Brandon had withdrawn his 401k I imagine he wasn't too worried about the 10 early distribution penalty from the IRS maybe he was looking for money to buy methamphetamine or to facilitate his disappearance either way supports the theory that Brandon was responsible for what happened when Brandon left to drive to his father's residence he had just been in an argument with his girlfriend his behavior was erratic and he was experiencing intense emotions Brandon was alone in his truck right before he disappeared he made several phone calls it appeared as though he was acting with a purpose there was no sign of a struggle in or around Brandon's Ford F-150 and it had not been involved in a collision Brandon's vehicle ran out of fuel if other people were involved how would they have arranged this when the deputy and Brandon's Brother Kyle arrived at Brandon's pickup truck Brandon was clearly watching them from a distance he told Kyle that he could see him if Brandon was being pursued by criminals in that moment why would he hide from the police now moving to the factors that refused the theory that no one else was involved in Brandon's death perhaps Brandon's criminal Behavior made some people upset maybe he owed someone money he could have cashed his 401k to pay the money to these people Brandon called 9-1-1 appeared to mention other people and introduced the idea of being chased he was calling for police assistance despite having a warrant after his arrest that's pretty much it for factors that refute this Theory when considering all the evidence do I think that Brandon Lawson was the only one involved in his disappearance and death yes it's clear that he was directing the action around the time of his disappearance there is no reason to believe that anyone else was involved moving to the last question what do I think happen in this case this is just a theory my opinion Brandon Lawson was on his way to have a normal and happy life when he encountered substances once he started using he could not get his life back on track no matter how hard he tried he worked very diligently and had a family but there was no substitute for drug use he craved the feeling of euphoria caused by substances and had a specific interest in methamphetamine in early 2013 he managed to discontinue his substance use but in August he relapsed After experiencing a lot of stress the substance use led to a number of mental health symptoms in Brandon like mood disturbance anxiety irritability paranoia and confusion after arguing with his girlfriend Brandon decided to drive to his father's house despite not having enough fuel in his vehicle he did not bother looking at the fuel gauge and ran out of fuel when he was on the side of the road Brandon was disoriented he knew that he needed help but he had many conflicting feelings he thought that he was being chased by unknown assailants and he was afraid of the police because of his outstanding warrant Brandon's Behavior had trapped him in a terrible position where there was no safe place to go at least that's what he believed Brandon was unable to effectively communicate with anyone which left him alone in a dangerous area now moving to my final thoughts this case was particularly chaotic and involved a young man who was out of control and incoherent in a sense Brandon took his own experience and projected it onto others his level of disorganization and confusion was contagious it interfered with efforts to find him no one could get a clear image of what was happening this case is a reminder that overdosing on drugs is not the only way that drugs can cause death methamphetamine in particular is known for transforming everyday activities into lethal situations those are my thoughts in the case of Brandon Lawson please put any opinions and thoughts in the comment section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always I hope you found my analysis of this topic to be informative thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 70,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oi4WVWOm_j4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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