Strange and Bizarre Archaeological Discoveries for 2022

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coptic handbook this unique tome dates back to the 7th 8th centuries 80 and was obtained from upper egypt the strange-looking 20-page parchment containing the attacks of spells for all occasions was unequivocally called by researchers the reference book of ritual power it is generally accepted that this document was compiled by representatives of some ancient proto-christian community or sect the book itself can be safely called a manual on ancient spells and rituals at the beginning of the book there is a rather lengthy series of intricate prayer attacks and then pictures spells and words of power follow however this document will not be able to instill fear and awe in a simple man especially since coptic rituals and ceremonies were not distinguished by sophistication and were more domestic for example the reader was offered instructions for curing leptospirosis then this disease was quite common you just had to read a prayer over two nails and then drive the nail saucepoken into the doorframe since 1981 this tome has been kept in one of the australian museums previously it was owned by the famous collector michael fakelman but no one knows anything about the previous history of the artifact what happened in alaska 350 years ago the site of the battle which took place almost four centuries ago was found by scottish archaeologists in alaska the find according to scientists fully confirmed one of the legends of the yupik people a group of eskimo tribes that live in the west and southwest of alaska as well as the russian far east the yupik people include three tribes the elutics who lived in the coastal zone of central alaska on the peninsula itself the upex live in central alaska and the youths live in the russian far east but back to the legend according to legend a world war on a local scale took place during the so-called period of bow and arrow wars the beginning of the fighting was an incident during throwing of darts a yupik folk pastime the consequences of the accident were very tragic one of the boys accidentally hit the other in the eye with a dart the father of the victim solved the problem more than radically he simply knocked out both eyes of the offender or blinded him with darts the legend is silent about this further in accordance with the tradition's characteristic of any nationality a petty skirmish between two parents gradually involved all relatives on both sides in the conflict which in the end resulted in a full-scale war true a number of scientists believed that the gouched eye was just an excuse because due to difficult climatic conditions all yupex suffered from foot shortages the entire male contingent of the village of agalaimit led by a certain pen gurmeet without warning attacked another village which was called practically the same konami it here it should be noted that the priest immediately warned penn gomez that the idea was doomed to failure and it was better not to start a war however the leader who believed in his luck did not believe the advice of the wise shaman and went with his army on a campaign against the neighbors but the attack without a declaring war did not work the villagers were not only warned but well prepared for the meeting in the course of heavy defensive battles the defenders counter-attacked the enemy dispersing him across the endless expenses of snow medical pouch dated to the area from 905 to 1170 a.d a bundle of psychoactive substances of planned origin was discovered in cueva del chileno in southwestern bolivia possibly owned by a shaman of the era the well-preserved bag contained the earliest evidence of the use of ayahuasca a hallucinogenic tea this is the first evidence that ancient south americans could combine different medicinal plants to produce a powerful substance ayahuasca ayahuasca is a psychedelic brew created by the indigenous people of the amazon basin however the plants used to create this powerful tea are not native to the area where the bundle was found as the altitude is too high for them to grow this suggests that the owner of the bundle either knew where these plants could be harvested or had access to a sizeable trading network according to archaeologists the plants contained in the pouch could be poisonous if consumed in the wrong proportions requiring the user to be knowledgeable about their use the results of the study support the idea that humans have been using these powerful herbs for at least 1 000 years combining them to go in a psychedelic journey and that ayahuasca use may have roots in antiquity other items found in the leather bundle included wooden tablets for grinding various herbs a nornet wooden tube for inhaling the hallucinogenic concoction spatulas made from llama bone and a pouch made from the faces of three foxes why unplundered barrow surprised archaeologists the barrow two and a half meters high and 50 meters in diameter as it turned out concealed a stone crypt with a supporting wool around the perimeter the crypt itself was made of flat slabs and widened slightly towards the top it was covered from a bow with wood on which stone slabs were laid the entrance to the crypt was on the south side and a long quarter led to it through which the dead were placed inside and the entrance was blocked with stones archaeologists are very lucky the mount turn out to be unloaded and its contents will provide a huge amount of valuable information it is already known that it dates back to the 4th century bc the remains of 6 people were found inside the crypt they were buried at different times which means that this is a family crypt judging by the rich grave goods these people belong to the upper class and apparently were the leaders of the tribes the clothes of the buried were richly embroidered with gold plagues and the costume of one of them may be reconstructed the fact is that during subsequent burials the bones of the previous one shifted and thus only the last buried person had all the details of the costume in their places in total more than 100 gold objects were found if you see me cry in europe they discovered a find that scared not only archaeologists this news spread all over the world and even ordinary people were shocked the water level in european rivers reached an all-time low level due to drought as a result of which hungry stones appeared from under the water in the czech republic the netherlands germany which served as markers of a critical drop in water which foreshadowed famine on one of them installed along the elb it is written if you see me cry the landscape of europe this summer resembles a desert the unprecedented drought has taken countries from the mediterranean to scandinavia by surprise these stones appeared during a period of drought and crop failure when the water level in the rivers drops to a critically low level stones are sunk all over europe but most of these medieval marks of hunger are found in germany the netherlands and switzerland even the powerful rhine became so shallow that the transportation of oil iron coal and other goods fell sharply the lower the water level the less cargo barges can carry according to dutch hydrologists there has never been so little water in the rhine for all the time of observing the water level as you can see the discovery of medieval finds is not always a good sign sometimes it is better not to see some fines as they are harbinger of trouble and these are not just omens new attacks on the dead sea scrolls the dead sea scrolls discovered near jerusalem in the 1940s and 50s are among the earliest existing texts of hebrew bible while trying to date some of these scrolls researchers found letters on fragments that were thought to be empty later using multi-spectral imaging lines of text invisible to the naked eye were discovered in the past supposedly new fragments of the scrolls were made public but then they turn out to be a fake the fragments currently being studied were part of the original collection of scrolls found at cameron and are believed to be authentic dennis mitzi senior lecturer in hebrew and ancient judaism at the university of malta said the newly discovered lines could be linked to the book of ezekiel but it's too early to be sure flood in ancient teotihuacan [Music] during the excavations of teotihuacan a very strange detail was revealed houses and temples were covered with earth moreover the nature of this filling did not correspond to the simple accumulation of soil over time in this regard even the version appeared that once the inevitance of the city left it before that they carefully covered it with earth perhaps so that their houses would not go to some conquerors for some reason the authors of this version were not embarrassed by the strangeness of such a decision which has no analogues in history at all well burn it destroy it you can do many things to spy the enemy but to bury entire houses someone even calculated it took more soil to backfill than it took to create the pyramid of the sun another calculated that it took about 30 years of labor and 20 000 people to create the pyramid of sun there are no such full-flowing rivers in the vicinity that they could during the strongest flood not only flood the city but eventually covered with their sediment entirely there are no high mountains nearby from which a mudflow of sufficient power could descend a simple tsunami could not do this either there are only 400 kilometers to the sea in a straight line and the height is about 2 kilometers archaeologists during the expedition discovered their acts and obvious traces of the flood tsunami which came from the pacific ocean and had a power that was quite sufficient to leave its mark in mexican teotihuacan a new species of human a 146 000 year old or possibly older skull dub dragon man founded the construction site in hobbin region of northeast china may represent a new species of human the scientists who published their findings in three separate papers in the innovation in june 2021 said their analysis of the skull suggests it represents a new lineage of homo sapiens called homeology the term dragon man refers to the dragon river in the area where the skull was found in 1933. the worker who discovered it hid it until 2018 when he told his family about the skull and they donated it to the habeigeo university museum the well-preserved fossil from the middle police design is massive with a large skull falling within the range of modern humans combined with the mosaic of primitive and derived features the scientists said according to them unlike other homo species the skull has a broad low face nearly square eye sockets flat cheekbones and a shallow palette with large melas paley anthropologist xi jini believes that homeology may be even more closely related to humans than neanderthals errata sumerian atlantis when people talk about atlantis ancient greece comes to mind there the greeks indulge in philosophy thought about the ideal state one of them was plato and he described the myth of a distant country where people lived happily using the grace of the gods for their own benefit but as for the sumerians they also had a myth about a distant country where people lived richly and no this is not dilmun which is the modern island of bahrain a more mysterious country is described here and perhaps this is where the sumerian language comes from the myth is little-known unlike the myth of gilgamesh nevertheless some mythological information is enough to reconstruct the overall picture errata is mostly mentioned in passing in sumerian texts errata is described as a place to the east of elam where the army goes on foot it is indirectly mentioned that a flotilla can also gather but it is not used the country itself is described as mountainous the inhabitants there are well acquainted with mythology and mining moreover they worship the same gods as the sumerians spoke the same language a number of researchers placed errata in transcaucasia and identified it with urartu but the europeans call their country biany and the name urardu was invented by the assyrians the sumerians accurately point your location to the east of their country here most likely is iran and mountainous then the question arises with whom is the culture of herrera connected because not a single monument of this country has yet been found let it seem unscientific but it is worth identifying errata with the bactrial margina complex see how similar many artifacts artisamirian wants woolen clothes in the sumerian style very large eyes as on statues in iraq silver scroll of girash this relic was discovered inside an ancient amulet about 13 centuries old the scroll contains the text of some magic spell in any case the best minds from the world of science agree that this inscription belongs to the hand of a jewish sorcerer who lived in a town called girash now near jordan surprising is the fact that the plates of the silver scroll had a thickness of no more than 0.1 millimeters so the tax had to be extracted from the scroll using advanced 3d modeling technologies scientists believed that the text in a language incomprehensible to science akin to what was found on the scroll of jirash was used in those ancient times as a way to overcome life's difficulties fight ailments and as protection from evil spirits researchers have also put forward the possibility that magicians like the author of this scroll could have come up with their own language because the different lines of the spell are very similar to imitation of greek and arabic no matter how incredible it may sound the scroll itself was first found only in 2014 at the site of a house destroyed by an earthquake however scientists dated the earthquake itself as far back as 749 aed at the same place archaeologists found a lot of glass bottles jewelry coins and other items among which was a small five centimeter metal cylinder which hid one of the biggest mysteries of modern archaeology traces of an ancient cruel slaughter in the spanish pyrenees in the picturesque highlands of the husk region scientists descended into a cave and found traces of an ancient massacre elves trogg's cave is located here there were 13 skeletons in the cave all of them were killed in different years most of all nine people died 7 300 years ago four children aged three to seven years and five adults these skeletons are 1000 years older even inside they found parts of ceramic products stone tools the bloody drama of the past plumes nine people as scientists found out after examining the remains were killed very cruelly they were tortured and beaten to death they were shot from a bow and beaten with blunt objects genetic analysis showed that those killed could be representatives of the first wave of neolithic migrants it is believed that about 10 000 years ago settlers from the middle east spread throughout europe archaeologists believe that these people fell in the struggle for redistribution of territory it was important for the invaders not only to occupy fertile land the cave where the victims were found is located on a plateau but also to demonstrate their power the degree of violence that was used in the pyrenees 7 300 years ago testifies to the extremely high aggression on the part of the attackers it was once a wildly held idea that hunter-gatherers millennia ago were naturally kind and peaceful meanwhile scientists say studying the evolutionary relationships among different species on earth suggests that aggression is probably deeply rooted in human nature ancient roman boxing gloves leather gloves were discovered in the summer of 2017 on the territory of the ancient roman fort of vindalanda located south of hadrian's wool a defensive fortification built around 122 128 a.d accordingly the gloves should be about 2 000 years old together with gloves scientists found swords shoes and bath towels archaeologists say that this is supposedly the only surviving example of gloves archaeologists believe that they were used not for fighting but for sparring the gloves were well preserved as they had lain all this time under the concrete floor and were not exposed to oxygen the most colorful tomb of ancient egypt in egypt many tombs have been found but never so bright with such well-preserved colors the more surprising is the fact that it is as much as 4 400 years old the tomb belongs to a certain official from the time of the construction of the pyramids named kuvi the writings on the wolves call him the pharaoh's only friend the warden of the great house one of the 10 greatest in upper egypt in other words he was an extremely noble man but the most majestic thing in the tomb is not the dignitary but the paintings that accompany him on his last journey they depict sailing ships peasants working in the fields and incredibly intricate designs how exactly the egyptians managed to keep colors vibrant for almost 5 000 years is still a mystery the book was returned to the english library the building could be repaired with a penalty for all the deadlines but of course no one will find the violator and the book published at the beginning of the 17th century has now become the real diamond in the collection of books the book now belongs to the cathedral of saints peter and paul in the english city of shaffeld the temple was built in the 1280s and has long been a popular library among the locals the library has not long been gone and the clergy now do not even know where it could be the publication that was handed over to the temple is called faith and practice of the george of england judging by the notes it was issued back in 1708 but the reader turned out to be so unscrupulous that he never gave it up until the end of his life as a result the work spanned centuries on the shelf and families of several generations until three centuries later it was decided to return it the return was made by a resident of wales the book had been with her godmother for many years and it was a dying wish to return it to the library skull was traces of complex brain surgery the remains of four women and six men were discovered at the archaeological side of paleocastro examination of the bones showed that these people had a physically difficult lifestyle and received many injuries judging by the nature of the burials they all belonged to the upper class the analysis revealed very serious cases of injuries received by both men and women these injuries were treated surgically and orthopedically by a very experienced doctor a surgeon with great experience we believe that it was a military doctor the skull of one of the buried people attracted particular attention of the researchers a detailed analysis showed that the surgeon performed a complex brain surgery the nature of the intervention indicates the severity of the injury there was practically no chance of survival for this person however the doctor attempted to save him he was probably a very important person for the population of paleo castro archaeologists have been able to obtain accurate medical surgical and paleopathological data about this unusual surgery and the tremendous efforts of the surgeon it was determined that infection was the likely reason for the surgery it was also determined that the men died during or shortly after the surgery foreign human skulls there are many claims of skulls with horns however very few of them have been independently investigated although specific skin tumors may look like horns they are not part of the skeleton and are more like nails than horns according to stories horn skulls appeared in pennsylvania and then mysteriously disappeared before they could be examined by experts giant emerald wassel the real treasures include not only the jewelry of kings and noble ladies among them there are things of incredible beauty that cannot be worn or used in everyday life by a modern person these items include an emerald vessel that once belonged to emperor ferdinand ii vmworld wassel is a fairly large irregular shaped container with a miniature domed lid for decoration gold animal with small inclusions of processed green stone was used the metallic pattern wraps up the vessel and gives it an even more solemn rich appearance an emerald with a size of 2680 carats was needed to make this work of art the giant was found in the musa mines located in colombia unfortunately we cannot trace this moment it remains only to assume that the emerald of unprecedented size was bought by rudolf ii himself the stone is mentioned in the inventory of the imperial collection for 1616. found a trace of the legendary meteorite scientists have found a giant crater in southeast asia which is 18 kilometers long and 13 kilometers wide it is located in a volcanic field in the southeastern part of laos about eight hundred thousand years ago a real stone monster 1.9 kilometers wide collided with the earth fragments from the impact scattered over 10 of the planet's surface scientists have found these fragments in the form of glass beads known as tactites many times in asia australia and even in antarctica but until now researchers have not been able to find the place where the meteorite hit the search continued for over a century scientists have proven that a giant crater is buried underground which is why the crash site was so difficult to find when a meteorite hits the earth it melts the stones scattering their splashes for thousands of kilometers cooling down these drops harden and turn into what scientists call tactics by examining the location of tactites scientists can roughly determine the impact side of the meteorite that created them america was discovered by the ancient romans there is no longer any doubt that the first europeans to set foot on the american continent were not members of the expedition of christopher columbus but the vikings scandinavian navigators he first discovered iceland then greenland and then landed in north america where they were even able to establish a colony but archaeological finds on oak island located near the canadian province of nova scotia can turn the whole story of discovery of the new world we are talking about a gladius sword which a group of amateur archaeologists led by jovan palitza discovered during excavations the chemical analysis of the sword confirmed its similarity with samples of roman weapons from europe according to archaeologists there is no doubt that a discovered sword was made by ancient roman craftsmen and is genuine the handle of the gladius which apparently depicts one of the ancient roman heroes suggests that we are not dealing with a standard sword of a roman legendare but a gift item that was awarded for certain merits interestingly the sword was originally discovered back in 1940 by local fishermen when it accidentally got tangled in a net only recently the fisherman's family decided to give it to archaeologists it turns out that some ancient expedition was able to swim across the atlantic ocean and reach the shores of america perhaps someone from the team accidentally dropped the sword into the water where the ship was wrecked and the gladius remained lying on the seabed for many years underground palace 1001 columns the oldest and second largest underground reservoir in istanbul from byzantine times is remarkable not only for its architecture but also for many mysteries which only become more numerous over time the felix tennessee stern is located in the benber direct district of the fighting city district 200 meters from the column of constantine 150 meters from another luxurious cistern of theodosius ii and 100 meters from the sultanama trams top true the entrance to the reservoir is hardly noticeable and you can accidentally pass by in the ottoman empire the already inactive structure was called bimber direct 1001 columns in fact initially there were 224 columns in the cistern and now there are 212 of them when entering the room from the abundance of columns it begins to seem that there are a really huge number of them but it turns out that in turkish the word bimber simply means a large number in meaning 1001 while a lot of particular interests researchers and travelers are the mysterious symbols on the columns which are still clearly visible researchers anonymously claim that these are signs of masons who prepared columns for the cistern in the island of marmara true supporters of the conspiracy theory are sure that these symbols belong to the freemasons who began to use the premises of an abandoned sister for their meetings shortly after the fall of constantinople an unusually light sword from the 14th century and it also happened that ordinary workers cleaning the sewers discovered a sword of the 14th century just think where are we and where is the 14th century the total length of the fine is 112 centimeters lengths of the blade itself is 93 centimeters but the weight is a little more than one kilogram well how can this be such a big sword and such a small weight the ancient master facilitated the discovery due to the narrow blade and the presence of the thula when the blade was being cleaned an inscription gold was found on it which had yet to be cleared and deciphered but one thing is clear for sure this sword clearly belong to not a mere mortal underground temple many have heard about the mysterious megalith of the incas but few people know that there is a similar structure on the island of malta which introduces scientists to a stupa the republic of malta is a tiny island nation located in the maltese archipelago in the mediterranean sea until recently no one suspected that a huge underground labyrinth temple was hidden in its depth it was discovered only at the beginning of the 20th century from the remains of pottery found inside archaeologists concluded that it was built about 6 000 years ago by ancient people they hollowed out more than 30 rooms in the limestone and connected them with stairs and tunnels they contained human skeletons and animal bones so some scholars believe that the site was used for burial however it is unclear why such a large number of brooms were needed for this purpose so this version remains only a gas rooms are mostly round or oval in shape and are rather chaotic in addition from some rooms there is a descent to lower floors going even deeper into the ground the total area of the temple is about 500 meters square which is quite a lot for an underground structure hollowed out by hand the walls of the cave were covered with geometric drawings in addition a statue of a woman was found inside archaeologists suggested that this was probably the goddess of female strengths and fertility since matriarchy reigned in this part of the world at that time but the most mysterious thing is not even the existence of an underground labyrinth but in one of its rooms the oracle's room it refers to the so-called acoustic structures that ancient people built around the world these rooms are built in such a way that they allow sounds to resonate at a specific frequency there are similar rooms in the egyptian pyramids scientists do not fully understand how it works and what is the purpose of such premises the oracle room in the maltese temple is made in the form of an ellipse little niche in the wool the words spoken there in a low male voice immediately spread all the rooms they will be heard even in remote corners but all other sounds spoken by a different tumba are muffled no one hears them this phenomena remains a mystery along with other incomprehensible phenomena left to us by the builders of antiquity substance 7 billion years old stardust is the oldest material on earth from which we can learn about our parent stars the origin of the carbon in our bodies and the origin of the oxygen we breathe examining fragments of the moccasin meteorite that fell in september 1969 in australia scientists found particles of stardust that formed 5-7 billion years ago and is the oldest solid material ever found on earth the live path of old stars is approximately the same they are formed from particles of dust and gas floating in space which find each other stick together and heat up then they burn for millions to billions of years and die throwing into space the building blocks newly formed in their winds for future stars planets satellites comets and asteroids stardust luckily some of these pre-solar grains that is solid particles formed before the births of the sun were trapped in the mercury meteorite which where they remained unchanged for billions of years and were eventually delivered to earth aztec technology could help humanity researcher roland abel from the university of montana usa conducted a study and found that the ancient agricultural technology of the aztecs can benefit the civilization of the 21st century and save mega cities from foot shortages the scientists carefully analyzed the technology which was widely used by the aztecs they created floating islands on latex cocoa chinampus in fact these were fields raised above the water on which the ancient people grew and harvested several crops a year during the rainy season such islands literally floated on the lake the aztecs added new layers of earth and fertilized them and there were no problems with watering the plants china and pests provided fresh food to the population of large cities all year round in particular they could feed the population of such a city-state astana title and on the side of which the modern city of mexico city is located the heyday of technology came in 600-980 however the indigenous people of mexico continue to use it to this day roland apple found floating gardens in some suburban areas in zotromelco local residents deck channels and layers of earth are poured onto special platforms this allows you to reap a rich harvest even in dry periods in addition such technologies were found in antiquity and are still found among some people of south america asia oceania and africa apple concluded that floating gardens have proven themselves well over their thousand year history as a highly effective technology that holds a potential solution for the mega cities of our time the use of aztec technology can help solve the problem of hunger which for many countries is becoming increasingly important due to population growth do you know what is the advantage of youtube the fact that the videos are coming out now and you can watch them many years later and they will never lose their relevance youtube preserves the video in its original form as amber does with insects huge viking cave system scientists from the archaeological institute of iceland have discovered an extensive system of man-made caves the appearance of which is attributed to the viking age according to archaeologists the caves found in the audi region were excavated in the middle of the 20th century the size of the underground system is huge no studies of such large-scale objects have yet been conducted on the territory of iceland to date a church a farm and a priest's house have been discovered here when christianity arrived in iceland around 1080 odi was one of the first settlements to build a church one of the caves which was discovered recently could serve as anata heller a manual's tool for cattle and horses archaeologists believe that the caves in audi can tell a very large and interesting story during viking times audi was one of the most important cultural and political centers in iceland and home to the powerful adventure clan some under the scholar who wrote the early chronicles of the norwegian kings was one of the most prominent members of the clan the settlement developed into a major cultural and educational center where the patron saint of iceland thalakur thorkelson was educated at the age of nine dinosaur bulldog have discovered in egypt the fossilized remains of an unusual dinosaur with tiny arms and a muzzle like a bulldog the bones of the dinosaur which has yet to receive an official name have been found by experts at the bahrain oasis in egypt's western desert researchers say the creature was bipaddle meaning it walked until lags had small teeth and very short arms the predator whose body lengths was about 6 meters roamed the sahara desert 98 million years ago this species belongs to a lizard-like family of ebellissora dinosaurs that flourished during the cretaceous period 145 to 66 million years ago the last time period of the dinosaur era ebillosaurid fossils have previously been found in europe and many of the modern continents of the southern hemisphere but never before in the bahrain formation the discovery is based solely on a well-preserved neck-based vertebrae found during a 2016 national geographic society-funded expedition to the bahrain oasis this is the oldest known a belly sword fossil from north east africa and shows it that during the myth cretaceous these carnivorous dinosaurs lived across much of the northern part of the continent from east to west from present-day egypt to morocco and further south in niger and perhaps even beyond ebella swords were theropods these dinosaurs are distinguished by hollow bones and three tailed limbs they walked on two legs unfortunately all of the baheria dinosaur fossils collected before world war ii were destroyed during the allied bombing of munich in 1944 mommy mammoth with wool and claws canadian gold miners found a mammoth baby mummy in the klondike gold mines yukon territory the remains of a baby woolly mammoth have lain in the permafrost for over 30 000 years scientists determined that this is a female and gave her the nickname nanchoga which means big cub in hang the body of the baby mammoth is perfectly preserved even its claws and wool remained intact further analysis revealed that the female lived alongside the wild horses cave lions and giant prairie bison that once inhabited the area now the body of the mammoth is in the laboratory scientists are going to aximine it and conduct analysis the yukon has always been famous for ice age finds paleontologists are delighted with this amazing find nanchoga is one of the most incredible ice-aged mummified animals ever discovered in the world archaeologists can't wait to explore it and make discoveries experts determined that the baby was about the same size as a 42 000 year old woolly mammoth named luba discovered in siberia in 2007. the existence of wooly mammoth in canada's huge territory has long been known but 2021 research shows at the room there even five thousand years ago in the early pola scene the environment in the uk changed dramatically due to climate change for this reason mammoth began to disappear from this territory milk teeth of young neanderthals three human milk teeth found in the spanish cave of el castillo belonged to neanderthals approximately 60 000 years ago people of the modern anatomical type left africa they were carriers of the upper paleolithic archaeological culture approximately 40 000 years ago they ended up in europe where for several millennia they co-existed with the neanderthals living there they finally disappeared 41 39 000 years ago but scientists still do not have a final answer in what form their coexistence took place but it is known for sure that the neanderthal culture influenced the ancestors of modern people milk teeth were found in cultural layer 18 dating back to the transition from the middle paleolithic to the upper paleolithic a more accurate analysis showed that the layer was 44 940 42 110 years ago scientists concluded the teeth belonged to two or three children of indeterminate sex aged from 45 to 9 11 years they noted that the teeth were found in what is thought to be a butchery area the children probably lived nearby and not necessarily at the same time the features of these teeth have allowed pale anthropologists to identify them as neanderthal moreover one of the teeth the upper milk incisor of a child of four or five years old did not fall out naturally but as a result of an injury exquisite artifacts from 3 000 years ago a team of archaeologists from china discovered six so-called sacrificial pits the finds were made on the territory of the famous archaeological site sanctioned new settlement in the southwest of the country artifacts speak of the imagination and scale of the people who lived there between 1 600 and 800 bc the sanctioned dewey culture is named after a fortified settlement that was located on the upper reaches of the yangze river archaeologists suggest that here in the second millennium bc was the first center of the kingdom of shu ruins with an area of about 12 kilometers square were discovered by chance in the first half of the last century to date more than 50 000 relics have been discovered during the excavations of the monument however no written sources or human remains have yet been found the most unusual finds were a box depicting real and mythical reptiles a statue of a man with a snake's body and a sacrificial altar about a meter high it was also located in one of the pits where ancient people dropped their offerings to the sun sky earth and deceased ancestors the brown sculpture of the half-snake human is obviously made in full growth 160 centimeters the central part with the body of a snake the head of a man with bulging eyes and a large face is mounted on a jug which in turn is on a square tray on the monster's head is the painted vessel the three parts of the composition belong to three different cultures the tray belongs to the jew tribe from northwest china the jug belongs to the inhabitants of the middle and lower reaches of the yellow river of that time and the sculpture itself belongs to the shu kingdom the relic proves the important role of sanction due in chinese civilization and close ties with other ancient cultures volcano with blue flame a volcanic eruption or molten lava flow is one of the most spectacular sights nature has to offer but there is nothing more amazing and unusual than the blue flames and strange magma of the kao wai gen volcano located on the island of java this unusual natural phenomena is explained by the fact that for some reason there is a lot of sulfur in the volcanic gas of kavak gen even more mysteriously it is part of a whole complex of volcanoes but this blue flame sulfur burns blue can only be seen in this place moreover this glow can only be seen at night as it is too weak although this gas burns at a temperature of 600 degrees celsius it turns out that when sulfur comes out of the ground in a gaseous state it ignites very quickly and forms these incredibly beautiful bluish flames one thousand five hundred year old sword a resident of the village of pekrovka in the primorski territory russia donated it to the museum reserve of the history of the far east named after a senior sword whose age exceeds one and a half thousand years the men found an ancient weapon during agricultural work according to an amateur archaeologist he was plowing the field and spotted a sword for advice the men turned to the museum staff experts came to the conclusion that the weapons belonged to the era of the three kingdoms this is the period from the first to the seventh century ad based on the similar objects the artifact was dated to the fifth seventh centuries according to the chief curator of the museum the sword will be handed over for study and later sun for restoration most likely it will replenish the collection in the magic of the blade hole and become available for viewing by museum wizarders cypress which is more than 5 000 years old old guy has been hiding in the forests of south america for thousands of years and among the people he is called great-grandfather on our planet there are two types of oldies trees that represent clonal colonies and lone trees the first ones are clones of the same tree that is the tree itself can be relatively young and sometimes even like a grove but its root system is very old for example this is exactly what the pando forest is according to estimates this forest is about 80 000 years old and maybe many times more although outwardly the forest looks like a completely unpopular growth it is more difficult with a single tree it grows continuously for centuries and sometimes for millennia its trunk is the same age as the root system it is from this category that the fitzroy which was nicknamed great-grandfather grows in the forest in chile the great grandfather according to preliminary estimate is 5484 years old which means that the tree is older than the previous record holder by about 600 years that great-grandfather overtook is called methuselah and he grows up in the california national park fitzroys are one of the largest trees in the world and belong to the same cypress family as redwoods fitzroys grow in argentina and chile but in a very limited area they are considered one of the oldest trees on the planet they grow very slowly but at the same time they live for a long time there are many specimens whose age has exceeded a couple of millennia but great-grandfather managed to break even the records of his fellows apparently he is much older than all the trees on the planet it's hard to imagine but this tree began to grow several centuries before real writing appeared according to research it appeared among the sumerians around 2750 bc determining the age of such trees is quite difficult it is necessary to conduct a number of studies waikin shipyard and barca swedish archaeologists during excavations on the small island of pujo with the city of burka a large early medieval trading center was located discovered a wyken era shipyard the first find of its kind in addition to the structure itself the scientists had at their disposal tools for working wood grindstones and numerous rivets traditionally the period from the end of the aids to the middle of the 11th century in european history is referred to as the viking age this is the time when the scandinavians carried out military and commercial expansion mastered the remote northern lands of iceland greenland the pharaoh islands and even reached canada one of the most famous monuments of this era is located on the small swedish island of bjorg located about 40 kilometers from stockholm there are the remains of an early medieval city with a harbor a wolf and several necropolises archaeological work in burka which is still ongoing has made it possible to discover a huge number of finds only burials many of which belong to noble people scientists have identified about 3 000 some of which were subsequently excavated so archaeologists at the end of the 19th century found a viking burial there which a few years ago geneticists called a female warrior but this conclusion was soon disputed excavations revealed the remains of fortifications numerous buildings including the state of the builder of the first christian george in sweden a large number of household items handicrafts and jewelry this is the first building of its kind discovered but the fines convincingly demonstrate that this was the shipyard where people serviced their ships through systematic research mapping and drone surveys archaeologists have established that burqa was not only an important urban center but also had great potential in the field of maritime navigation which allowed for intensive trade temple complex in france archaeologists have found a large temple complex from the time of roman goal in northwestern france previously in the territories that were once called gold archaeologists have discovered many ancient sacred sites but the new find seems very important even against this background not only is the sanctuary itself quite well preserved but the surrounding buildings can still be seen all this together gives an idea of the daily life of both the servants of the temple complex and visitors the name comes from the roman name of the celtic tribes the ghouls who fought for their freedom with rome for a long time goal was called the lands that are part of such modern countries as france luxembourg belgium the netherlands and switzerland excavations were carried out on an area of more than seven hectares the cult complex consists of a large sanctuary bounded on both sides by a 60-meter gallery with columns two temples a larger one and a smaller one are typical romano celtic phantoms this is the name of the temple of square masonry in the center of which a whole sanctuary was built enclosed by an internal square gallery the figure of the deity to whom the temple is dedicated was placed in the hole the faithful read their prayers and made offerings in the gallery a complex of two phantoms at once is a rare find archaeologists suggested the large temple was dedicated to the main deity or deities of the sanctuary the small one to deities of secondary importance the temples were built in the first century bc immediately after the roman conquest of gol and they functioned according to experts for at least five centuries until the fourth century a.d on the territory of the complex archaeologists discovered a small bronze figurine of the god mars it can be assumed that at least one of the temples was dedicated to him interestingly in roman goal mars was not so much a bloodthirsty god of war as a benevolent figure a protractor a healing deity in addition to the two temples experts unearthed residential buildings and bath with an area of 120 square meters bath are an indispensable element of the roman lifestyle judging by their size they were intended for public use including visitors to the sanctuary tunnel there have been legends about underground passages in the center of the nipper for a long time however what if they are real workers were building a subway in the city of nebrapatrovsk ukraine in 2018 when they accidentally discovered a mysterious tunnel of course it was not on the maps and the builders were not ready for such a development of events later it turned out that the workers had unearthed the main drainage channel during the reign of catherine ii moreover artifacts of antiquity were also found this was not the first discovery of ancient tunnels on the ground during the lane of sewer pipes in 1914 an ancient weapon and two skeletons were found in a tunnel near the potompkin palace most likely these were the dead soldiers interestingly twelve regiments were involved in the construction of yekaterina slav but after its completion only a part of them returned to their former service where the rest went and what they did is unclear the largest sword on earth one of the most famous and at the same time the largest combat two-handed sword is kept in the museum of the netherlands the city of leon frisia this amazing sword is 2150 millimeters long and weighs 6 600 grams he has the stamp henry jesus of nazareth king of the jews it was forged in the middle of the 15th century in germany the handle of this sword is made of oak and trimmed with goatskin scientists speculated these weapons were the property of pure donia big pier a french pirate and a fierce independence fighter legend has it that he could cut off several of their hats in an instant it is believed that pierre got the sword as a trophy from the lens connects who revered him as a banner and only he could use it due to his physical abilities his height was equal to the length of the sword 2.15 meters in 1515 his possessions were destroyed and burned by the military from the so-called black king his wife was brutally deprived of her life and this hatred of murderers prompted him to contribute his share in the galdarin war two-handed swords occupy a significant and important place among other types of cold-bladed weapons this magnificent weapon is the pride of any modern museum and we can only guess how much effort big pier had to use to swim the sword strange box in china construction workers in taizhou china were working to widen the roadway when they suddenly stumble upon something unusual in the ground oddly enough no one knew what it could be whatever it is it's clearly older than the city itself soon they began to dig up the grounds around the finds in order to understand what it was but as soon as they realized what they had stumble upon they immediately realized that they needed more help in the city of taijo china an ancient object was found at a depth of six feet during road repairs what they unearthed for several hours was not just a box they immediately understood this a little later the workers guessed that it was a tomb they called archaeologists for further excavations they were lucky to dig up the grave without violating its tightness at first glance it seemed that there was linen cells and incomprehensible liquid but as soon as they looked closely they found something else there was a body inside it was not just a body but a mummy archaeologists have established that 700 years ago this mummy was a woman after examining the contents of the grave the jewelry the way the body was wrapped archaeologists have established that this woman came from the min dynasty the body was so well preserved that it was not difficult to get it from the grave most of the fabrics are also well preserved if you look closely you can even see facial features look how well preserved his shoes are incredible many people forget that china is much older than for example the united states the history of china goes back thousands of years such cases are not uncommon here just imagine near your working space you can find a mummy that is 2 000 years old house from the depth of centuries with special excitement archaeologists descended underground after the metro builders in 1985 where during the construction of the borovitzka metro station in moscow russia a small red brick house was discovered at a depth of six meters everything in it was preserved in its original form not only the wolves but also the deca dishes furniture historians have established that the building dates back to the middle of the 16th century and once belonged to the village of stereo vegancover yuri saprinenko in his book legends of underground moscow writes that this is the construction of the oprichni courtyard which went underground due to a natural disaster luxurious villa at a depth of 12 meters in rome for many years they have not been able to complete the construction of a new metro line archaeologists are interfering in early march italian researchers presented another sensational discovery to the press at the amber adam epineo station under construction since 2013 at a depth of 12 meters the remains of adomus a luxurious city willa of the 2nd century were discovered the discovery was a continuation of defines of previous years in 2016 at the same construction site at a depth of 9 meters archaeologists dug out an army barracks built at the beginning of the 2nd century under empire hadrian it was a 1 200 square meters with a long central border and 39 rooms about 4 by 4 meters in size probably soldiers bedrooms in each such chamber with an area of only 16 square meters could accommodate six or more people the interior decoration of the premises was modest in an army way only in the officer's zone the floors were covered with a simple black and white mosaic and the walls were decorated with unpretentious frescoes even then scientists suggested that the barracks was part of a larger complex but which one the answer lay below at a depth of 12 meters the barracks were connected to the same rich mention which archaeologists have now told about the remains of a stairway leading from the domes to the barracks were also found we never imagined that we would find a mansion here with a courtyard a fountain at least 14 rooms said simone moretta scientific director of the excavation according to archaeologists the mansion was built at the beginning of the 2nd century at the same time as the barracks but later the domes was completed and the interior decoration was changed found in 2016 the barracks actually turned out to be part of a larger complex but which one and who owned the luxurious mansion the media have already nicknamed the villa the house of the centurion and journalistic nicknames usually stick in the memory even if they are not true centurion is too low a rank for the owner of such a rich mansion mayan giant mask in mexico during excavations on the yucatan peninsula archaeologists have discovered a giant image of an unknown mayan deity archaeologists have only just announced the discovery now although the artifact itself was discovered back in 2017. a giant mask the size of a man was found at the archaeological side of eukarya near the modern city of motel since then researchers at the national institute of anthropology and history of mexico have painstakingly worked to restore it the discovery was not reported for the safety of the artifact itself there was a risk that it could be reached and destroyed by treasure hunters the artifact itself puzzled researchers it is stated to the late pre-classical maya period about 300 bc 250 a.d the mask is an image of the face of an unknown deity or some very important person a representative of the elite of the society of that period of time interestingly after the restoration archaeologists again buried the mask national institute of anthropology and history of mexico explained this by the fact that this monument and archaeological site did not yet have legal protection but with money and more when laying tunnels for the construction of the future novocas netcast station in moscow russia a large pot was found in which there were almost 20 000 silver coins from the beginning of peter's reign the end of the 17th century fossilized remains of ancient animals birds and fish are almost constant finds of metro builders skeletons and traces belong to the cretaceous jurassic carboniferous and even the cambrian more than 500 million years ago periods statues that are over 2 000 years old in greece at the construction site of the known hole in the city of piania near the international airport of athens archaeologists have found two ancient statues which are estimated to be approximately 2 300 years old the found complex of white marble consists of two female figures the statues have survived only in fragments but it is obvious that the women had different social status a sick woman sits on the right side relax resting on a low stand she is dressed in a tunic and robe to the left is a mate or a doctor supporting her head with her left hand according to scientists such gravestone reliefs are characteristic of the 4th century the phone's statues were transferred to the archaeological museum archaeologists continued to search for alex at the construction site dragon skin in england engineers from the northern electricity company while working in the village of old work discovered a richly decorated fragment of a leather product possibly medieval the artifact depicts a dragon or other mythological animal the leather creature however doesn't look particularly formidable and looks more like toothless from how to train your dragon than a deadly targaryen pet than a deadly targaryen pet and if you look closely it's not a dragon but another mythological animal a wyvern that is displayed on a piece of skin the term wyvern was once proposed by the famous writer andrei sapkowski the author of the witcher two paws instead of four is the main difference between a wyvern and a classic dragon which relies on a full set of lower limbs the found item is really rare and interesting and not only because it hints at a rich burial somewhere nearby the most intriguing thing about this piece of skin is the wyvern dragon depicted on it and its preliminary dating the middle ages the middle ages is a very general name for a very long and very varied period during this time the attitude towards dragons and the symbolism of this image has undergone radical changes and several times romans saxons vikings representatives of these cult treated dragons correctly in a modern way with deep reverence and without one-sided negativity creatures as complex as dragons have always been ambiguous characters simple medieval people however were very afraid of dragons not so much for religious reasons but for their everyday reasons who likes the dragon urine released in flight when it comes into contact with human skin causes rotting and death of damaged flash in this context the image of the wyvern found in old work embossed on a leather artifact is of particular interest to researchers what period of the middle ages does it belong to what visual style does it correspond to where was it made who owned it a small tulac dragon can tell archaeologists a long and very unusual story treasure from the time of ivan the terrible in the summer of 2018 archaeologists discovered a treasure from the time of ivan the terrible thanks to the construction of a highway in pablo's keep assad russia the fine dates back to the beginning of the 17th century this is a ceramic vessel with 623 silver coins the first large peasant treasure was such contents the most surprising thing for scientists was that the treasure was found intact while the owner buried it 400 years ago the bulk of the peasant savants are new coins that have not had time to be in circulation in total archaeologists found six rubles 23 kopeks in the pot before the troubles began this was an amount sufficient to build a house or by a working horse and a cow researchers suggest that the wealth went to the owner as a result of a successful deal in addition to coins there was a copper cross in the wassel which most likely was supposed to protect the treasure from strangers a flower 100 million years old in myanmar scientists have discovered amber in which a flower has been preserved the plant is about 100 million years old its diameter is only two millimeters but at the same time you can see under a microscope about 50 stamens arranged in a spiral scientists suggest that the fragment found was a part of large inflorescence the authors attributed to define to your previously unknown genus and species of angiosperms of the cretaceous period given it the name valvolculus pierced menace studying the ancient flower will help shed light on the evolution of plants and maybe learn more about geological processes the fact is that the tectonic plate on which myanmar is located separated from the ancient super continent of gondwana in which it bordered the northwestern tip of present-day australia this happened according to various estimates from 200 million to 500 million years ago the flower preserved in amber apparently grew in the forest on gondwana and if they consider that it is 100 million years old it means that the split of the continents occurred later than geologists assume tunnel to the underworld in mexico under a busy street workers unexpectedly stumble upon a secret tunnel with amazing aztec carvings one of the workers during the preparatory work for the construction of a bus stop discovered the remains of an underground structure that had remained untouched since ancient times after the incredible fine construction work was immediately stopped and mexican archaeologists were invited to the site according to researchers the aztecs built the underground passage in the 15th century during the reign of emperor montezuma the first scientists inside the tunnel came across ancient objects made of maolica porcelain and glass according to archaeologists the tunnel is decorated with carvings and paintings and was dedicated to the aztec god of fertility and water to alec the researchers noted that the mysterious structure found by a worker in mexico was conceived by montezuma as part of a ritual tunnel into the bulge of the dead which the aztecs believed in mummy got a name a high-profile event took place within the walls of stanford university usa they uncovered the secret of an ancient mummy the exhibit was kept in the museum of the educational institution for more than 100 years initially it was part of the private collection of the founder of the university but during the earthquake in 1906 the sarcophagus was severely damaged and was no longer exhibited to the general public the scientists didn't care either the discovery happened by accident this spring a student of the museum culture course ariel algaze was examining the tomb and suddenly noticed an inscription since nothing was mentioned about this text in any documents the girl decided to do it herself it turned out that the woman's name sentences was written on the sarcophagus as well as a napativ let this name remain for centuries scientists who took up the study of this artifact managed to establish that the woman died around 30 bc it is noteworthy that the inscriptions of that era which are so well preserved are almost never found beer flood in london many are sure that the event of 1814 is a legend but no on october 17 1814 at the then largest brewery horseshoe one of the wooden wets for storing beer exploded the height of which was approximately 10 meters but that was only the beginning a powerful jet of liquids simply demolished the valve of another similar capacity and then the domino mode turned on almost 2 million liters of beer poured into the streets of london the force of this drunken tsunami was so powerful that eight people died but in fact they were more victims a huge number of people immediately rushed to drink free beer and got alcohol poisoning what is known about egyptian animals quite often during excavations scientists had to deal with images of animals this is especially true of excavations that are being conducted in egypt but despite the fact that the data is quite old scientists managed to unravel the mystery of the state of ecology more than six years ago the images that were encountered are animals they were carved on stone wood and ceremonial accessories and it turns out that according to the frescoes found in the territory of egypt at that time there were about 37 species of large mammals but now there are only eight of them left more animals die during droughts these are varieties of lions zebras and even wild dogs the mystery of the origin of the black death the year 1347 marks the outbreak of one of the worst epidemics in european history hundreds of years later scientists have finally managed to unravel the mystery of the origin of the black death the bacterium yersinia pestis was carried by fleas and lice it spread rapidly and in subsequent years destroyed up to 60 percent of the population of western eurasia and even after that the pathogen repeatedly caused local outbreaks over several centuries scientists have long argued about the origin of the disease hypotheses based on historical records and generic data considered a range of possible places of origin from western eurasia to east asia some scholars are looking for the roots of the black death in the karakoram region of south asia others consider the mongol empire a possible source of the plague they suspect that even genghis khan could have died from the plague however maria spiru and her colleagues took a different path archaeologists discovered graves near lake isakul in kyrgyzstan a century and a half ago some tombstones point to a previously unknown epidemic that occurred in 1338 and 1339 that is almost 10 years before the arrival of the black death in europe since then there have been rumors that those who died in the cemeteries of cara jigek and burana could have died from the plague to clarify this issue the research team took samples from seven medieval plague victims the tissues of the disease contained ursania past his dna scientists compared the dna sequences of the plague genomes from kyrgyzstan with 203 modern and 47 historical representatives using this data they recreated the genealogical tree of the plague and tried to classify the pathogen from kyrgyzstan in terms of evolution result the plague dna from kyrgyzstan is more original and older than any other yesenia pestis gene sequence known to date since the 14th century dna samples from kyrgyzstan now show that the ancestor of all four plague lines came from the area around lake issac coal napoleon's defeat in the battle with the rabbits it was hardly possible to imagine that the famous napoleon bonaparte could suffer such a shameful loss from a herd of rabbits in 1807 in july the commander decided to celebrate the signing of the treaty of tilset by hunting eared before the hunt he decided to have dinner and at that time 3 000 rabbits were sitting in cages waiting for the start of the hunt and when it started and the animals were released into the field they did not run away in fear but attacked the hunters including bonaparte the rabbits climbed to his clothes threw themselves at his feet and the corsican had to shamefully flee and the reason was quite simple instead of wild rabbits for hunting they found team ones that were not afraid of people the fall of the largest city in north america in north america there was the largest city of cahokia which included more than 120 burial mounds the city was located in the flat plain of the mississippi river and about 20 000 people lived in it at the same time for comparison this is much more than in modern european cities but there is evidence that sometimes the population of the city reached 40 000 people oddly enough but the ancient settlement existed until the 13th century and then fell into decay there is no data on why this happened and many scientists believed that it was due to a natural disaster but recently during research it was revealed that the city was destroyed as a result of severe floods 600 million gap in the fossil record a fossil smaller than a sesame seed has revealed the unseen early history of animals on earth previous phylogenetic studies modeling the evolution of groups of related organisms suggested that the animals that gave rise to sea sponges sea anemones worms and crustaceans first appeared 600 700 million years ago but until now scientists have not had undeniable fossil evidence for the existence of any animals before 575 million years ago a new fossil apparently the ancestor of a pre-cambrian sea sponge has been discovered in 600 million year old rocks in china its hundreds of thousands of microscopic cells are perfectly preserved in phosphate minerals the body consists of three ways like openings the walls of which are riddled with minute pores just like modern sponges which pump water through the openings to filter out food earlier tiny fossils containing 8 or 16 cells were found in the same rocks which were thought to be sponge embryos the new fossil is more convincing because it finally shows an adult animal a rock layer in southern china called the jewish anterior formation is known for its microfossils painting in a cave archaeological research is still ongoing in turkey according to them cave paintings were found near the city of kania which date back to the neolithic era initially this was taken for an ancient map of the world which depicted a community in chateau which existed here about 9 000 years ago but after the fresco was examined scientists came to the conclusion that it depicts a volcanic eruption and if you look geographically then this is also confirmed by the presence of two hills which are located not far from this place a puma's stone was also found near this place the age of which is about 8 900 years the roman senator was a horse the story is pretty well known the horse of the eccentric caligula named incited was so adored by the owner that he had an ivory stall purple blankets a marbles table and a necklace of precious stones caligula made his horse a senator and planned to promote him to consul most likely it was not the madness of the ruler but his mockery of the then senators they say even the horse will cope with their tasks skull with drilled base the ottoman empire throughout its existence waged constant wars capturing more and more new territories so in 1480 the italian city of transit was captured the troops of the ottoman empire plundered the city killed the local population while choosing mainly the adult male population in total no more than 800 people were left alive in the city who were offered to convert to islam in exchange for freedom but the people refused and they were executed after 300 years these residents were canonized as saints and were considered the patrons of the city but after during the excavations scientists were attracted by one skull in which about 16 holes were drilled scientists have suggested that the holes were not because of death but were drilled after the person had already died in order to extract bone powder and it was used as a medicine [Music] toilet disaster in the roman empire more than 800 years ago when the holy roman empire was not yet germany a story happened there that would have been very comical if not for the dead people in 1184 king henry vi of germany was making a detour of the ephed region and decided to meet nobles from all with the holy empire at the petersburg citadel there there were too many gas and on july 25th 1184 the second floor of the building simply could not sand it and collapsed the nobility fell through the first floor into the basement which was just a restroom about 60 people drowned in feces kin henry escaped by accident he was not standing on a wooden floor but in a niche with a stone floor mystery of ancient burials in great britain in medieval europe rich and noble people were sometimes buried as if they had just fallen asleep that is not in coffins or sarcophaguses but in bats at the same time scientists have long puzzled over how and why the tradition of bad burial spread from eastern europe to britain a recent study provides answers to these and other questions it showed that burial in bats in england began in the 7th century 80 and this rite was considered exclusively female that is men were buried in ordinary coffins the tradition arose with the arrival of christianity in this territory over time it became a common ritual throughout the europe but how is burial on a bad related to christianity in general and why did women spread this right in a recent study published in medieval archaeology scientists analyzed 72 bad burials in different european countries from slovakia to england at the same time they immediately noticed that in england only women were buried in bats this prompted them to conclude that bad burial practice began to spread in europe at a time when women were actively moving around europe after the fall of the roman empire in 476 a.d christianity fell out of favor england and that time generally became almost completely pagan the situation changed in the 7th century when the church actually began the conversion of non-christian regions to christianity to this end pope gregory the first took various measures in particular he encouraged marriages between christian women and non-christian men moreover christian women tried to marry a man who had a high status in society they eventually converted their husbands to christianity and thus promoted their religion in society in search of husbands from among the elites they went to different countries of europe including england at the same time women also brought funeral rights therefore such burials eventually became associated in england with femininity and christianity so why did christians between the 5th and 7th centuries bury people in bats rather than coffins it should be understood that in those days not everyone had wooden bats this furniture was a luxury and spoke of the status of a person many people slept simply on straw mattresses christian women tried to look for wealthy husbands from the elite of society in addition death itself in the christian religion is not considered the final ant for a person therefore christians equated it with eternal sleep that is people thus emphasized their attitude to death however the tradition of burying people in bad did not last long subsequently coffins began to be used for this i will note that this is far from the most unusual right for example in china it was customary to bury his servants and warriors alive along with the royal person microscopy reveals ancient secrets by tiny details scientists recreate the life of long disappeared states photo micrographs of archaeological artifacts showcase their hidden beauty and reveal ancient secrets of how they were created and used in ancient times findings of ancient mummies long vanished cities ancient tools jewelry and other objects help archaeologists piece together the past of mankind while imaging technologies allow research that does not damage fragile materials with the help of microscopy x-rays magnetic radiometry infrared and ultraviolet light scientists can access hidden evidence about the life of ancient people for example 17th century persian textiles contain fibers of silk thread that were individually wrapped in thin strips of metal in another striking image on a ceramic title from guardian dating from the first half of the 6th century bc basal inclusions are visible according to mary claude bolo director of the exhibition these inclusions could tell archaeologists whether the shingles were made locally or brought from other areas based on this information it is possible to draw up historical trade routes an analysis of the light spots on the gold bead of your screen pla bass cloak is expected to allow researchers to trace the geological origin of the gold molasses flood in boston and on january 15 1919 in the american town of boston massachusetts mollusces a sweet vicious substance made from sugar cane or sugar beet spilled over the city it happened on the premises of the purity distilling company and its smallest processing plant a huge reservoir 15 meters high and 27 meters in diameter exploded and 10 million liters of molasses poured into the city the substance flooded neighboring streets killed 21 people and several horses and another 150 were injured to varying degrees there is evidence that the sweet wave was almost 8 meters high and spilled at a speed of 56 kilometers per hour new artifacts of pre-columbian america south america is an amazing continent with a lot of history yet to be discovered peru after egypt is one of the most interesting countries in the world in terms of studying the history of ancient civilizations the chavin de huenter complex located at an altitude of meters in the peruvian andes consists of several platforms made of stone blocks with different reliefs and buildings adjacent to them the buildings are divided among themselves by several squares to date archaeologists have 15 phases in the history of the creation of the complex at the same time the earliest buildings date back to approximately 1200 bc after 500 bc chavin de junta fell into disrepair the chavin de huantar complex includes a huge network of stone-lined corridors staircases and rooms including underground ones the buildings are interconnected by a system of ventilation and drainage channels since 2008 chaven tejunta has been working on creating a three-dimensional digital model of the facility using laser scanning technology and acoustic studies of the interior in 2018 remotely controlled mobile cameras were involved in the study of the ruins of the archaeological complex thanks to which almost 30 more new tunnels and several human burials were found and in 2019 when using one of these cameras a previously unknown room with an unidentifiable artifact was discovered archaeologists were able to get into the chamber itself only in 2022 the artifact turned out to be a carved stone bowl weighing 17 kilograms the bowl is made in the shape of a condor so the artifact adorns the head of a bird its wings and tail the age of the condor gallery is about 3 000 years and the building under which it is located was built at the very first stages of the formation of chaven de juanta statues of high priest in matha experts completed work on the necropolis of kamal kamasan necropolis where the mastaba tomb of imfor impin nikapita the high priest of the god pata the main deity of memphis the capital of the country during the old kingdom and the first intermediate period of ancient egyptian history is located the most important and surprising find of this year was a horde of more than a hundred figurines of imfa with the full name of the priest engraved on the right hand this is an unprecedented type of funerary figurine each unique informant concept ranging in size from 15 to 30 centimeters 38 blocks of fragments of blocks with inscriptions and reliefs from the ceiling of the burial chamber were also recovered from the imaphamastiba these fragments inscribed with two parallel strips of hieroglyphic text with the names and titles of the priests make it possible to reconstruct almost completely the ceiling of the chamber and finally fix the content of the inscription mysterious golden plates during plumbing work near the village of renelark on the island of java workers accidentally discovered a stone chest inside where he capped 22 small plates of pure gold the stone walled 15 by 13 and a half by six centimeters was completely intact inside were plates of gold 18 carat purity each plate is engraved with an inscription in the ancient language of the inhabitants of java scientists have established that the names of loka pulse are written on the plates the divine guardians of the cardinal points in hinduism and tantric buddhism there are eight such deities in buddhism on the island of java in addition the patron of the center of everything was revered and altogether the deities were called devati navasanga nine divine guardians local statues can often be found in indonesia they were also depicted on the emblem of the majahaped empire which existed from 1293 to 1520 a.d at that time locals were especially revered on the island of java they found gold plates according to scientists were created earlier than the majahapat empire thus their confirmation that the ancient japanese worshiped the guardians of the cardinal directions over a thousand years ago coin with the image of the goddess of the moon at the bottom of the sea of the coast during underwater work israeli archaeologists found a coin which is about 1 850 years old a bronze coin in very good condition was found at the bottom of the mediterranean scene near the beach near haifa it depicts the goddess moon she personifies the planet satellite of the same name as well as the zodiac sign cancer the artifact probably belongs to a series of 13 coins 12 of which correspond to the signs of the zodiac the latter with a full zodiac wheel scientists believe that the coinage was in egyptian alexandria and on the found coin there is an inscription the eighth year this corresponds to the reign of emperor antonius pius who led the roman empire from 138 to 161 a.d such fines which have lain at the bottom of hundreds of years speak of close ties between ports and ancient times ghostly traces of ancient people archaeologists have discovered many mysterious ghost footprints in the great salt lake desert of utah according to scientists the tracks are visible only after rain they are filled with moisture and become darker after drying they disappear again initially the team found only a few traces in july this year after a thorough inspection of the surrounding area using gpr at least 88 footprints were identified belonging to adults and children under 5 years old ghost prince were left at least 10 000 years ago when the area was a vast wetland however researchers suspect that the footprints could have been left 12 000 years ago during the last ice age people seem to be walking in shallow water and the sand quickly filled their tracks but there was a layer of dirt underneath the sand which kept the print intact after being filled less than two kilometers from where the footprints were found a previous research team found a hunter-gatherer camp dating back 12 000 years ago that could have been inhabited by the people who loved the footprints the scientists said ring with the image of palace athena [Music] an unusual ring with the image of the greek goddess palace athena became an accidental fight of archaeologists during the study of the ancient russian settlement of the 14th century at the sabino ii site near the kolikova field ring of quality casting and amazing preservation on the upper platform there is a figure of a woman in drapery her head is protected by a helmet in her left hand she holds a spear at the feet on the left is a massive shield with the image of the gorgon medusa on the right is a snake behind the back are powerful wings that can symbolize the goddess nike all these attributes are obligatory for the image of palace athena a warrior maiden a representative of the highest world all-conquering power one of the most revered goddesses of ancient greece she was one of the 12th great olympic gods and was revered as the goddess of knowledge arts and crafts the patroness of cities and state sciences and craftsmanship intelligence skill ingenuity according to him the decoration although found in the field is clearly not peasant in the 19th century the territory where the excavations are now taking place belong to the princess gallatin according to the scientists a representative of the princely family could have dropped this ring today scientists are looking for analogs of an unusual find its study will be continued in the future ancient funeral wagon this incredibly well preserved four thousand year old wagon made of oak was discovered in the village of el cheshon near lake seven in armenia it is the oldest known wagon in the world and is currently on display at the history museum of ammania in yerevan this wagon was built by the el chessian matsumar culture aka at uni it is generally believed that they were in the europeans and most likely spoke a proto-armenian language the oldest winery the oldest leather shoes the oldest straw skirt the oldest human brain and the oldest wagon have all been found in armenia if you look at the biblical maps armenia is the place where the garden of eden was and eden is the place where adam and eve were created hence the birthplace of mankind perhaps armenia is the place where humanity was born and reborn he still seems alive on may 8 1950 pete miners discovered a corpse in the piel's capital in denmark that looked so fresh that at first the workers thought it was a recent murder victim the man was lying at a depth of two and a half meters in the fetal position on the head there was a pointed sheepskin hat with fur inside held by a strap under the chin a leather belt was tied around the waist all the clothes were missing they probably decayed short hair was almost completely hidden under the cap and the stubble on the chin testified that the man had not chafed on the day of his death around the mummy's neck was a tightly tight noose of woven leather according to radiocarbon analysis the men died around 375 210 bc based on the amount of strontium isotopes in his hair this man spent the last year in denmark but in the last six months he traveled at least 20 miles an x-ray showed that the man's head was intact but his heart lungs and liver were well preserved the man from tolland died at the age of 40. his height was about 1.61 meters investigators concluded that the man died by henning not strangulation however researchers disagree on whether the man was executed or sacrificed but a position in the fact that the eyes and mouth of the disease are closed testify against execution the last food of the tollen man is a porridge made from cultivated and wild seeds including barley and flax the man lust ate at least 12 hours before his death the body is then displayed at silkeborg museum in denmark facial reconstruction by french criminologist philippe frosch house of pompei's poor people archaeologists have explored a house in pompei where they discovered a small sanctuary lorarian four years ago inside it they managed to unearth several rooms that contained ceramic glass and bronze utensils and other household items the remains of furniture including a bed table chests and cabinets apparently representatives of not the most wealthy segments of the population lived in this house archaeologists continued to explore this house with a lirarium the excavations made it possible to open four rooms in which various household items of the first century a.d were preserved one of the rooms studied was a bedroom that contained the remains of a bath frame and a pillow the fabric texture which is still discernible by its type the found bat turned out to be identical to those that were discovered last year in the room of slaves next to it was a wooden chest left open by the owners on which beams and boards collapsed from the ceiling inside the chest archaeologists found a ceramic plate made of red and glazed clay the so-called terra cigalatta and an oil lamp depicting the transformation of zeus into an eagle the other room explored was a closet or something similar it was the only room with a northern floor and unplaced walls in it the researchers found a shelf with an amphora and a pile of wooden boards which apparently were intended for various purposes from making furniture to repairing premises in a small quarter archaeologists also found the remains of a two meter wooden cabinet which was damaged by the collapse of the ceiling inside it had at least five shelves which contained small jugs and arthritis as well as glass plates the director of the pompeii archaeological park gabriel zucktrigel noted that the excavated house was not in the most prestigious area of the city where the representatives of the lower and middle classes left mainly so in the courtyard of the studied house there was a beautifully decorated water storage but at the same time the rooms themselves looked very modest which apparently reflects the lack of money for their decor star map of kitther's tomb the star map was discovered in kether's tomb in the village of asuka in 1998 a site dating from the late 70s to early 8th century making it the oldest existing star map of its kind in the world it presents 68 constellations in which these targets are depicted with the help of golden discs the movement of celestial objects is also represented as three concentric circles with another circle depicting the movement of the sun in the center is the north star an analysis of the digital images showed that the most likely observation sites were those located at the 34th parallel of the north's latitude including the ancient cities of china and luoyang which were the capitals of the chinese dynasties that ruled in the middle reaches of the yellow river some scholars believed that the sightings were made several hundred years before kether's tomb was built this could be between 240 and 520 a.d while other scholars prefer a time period of 120 to 40 bc the tomb consists of a small stone chamber just over a meter high one meter wide and about two and a half meters long the walls are oriented to the four cardinal directions and the drawings on them depict the black tortoise of the north the azure dragon of the east the red bird of the south and the white tiger of the west these images are accompanied by additional zodiac images consisting of human figures with animal hats the chamber was large enough to bury one person this man was buried in a locket coffin that had been smashed during a tomb robbery and the pieces were scattered across the floor the chamber also contains grave goods and fragments of human bones artifacts found at this height include gold fittings and parts of a decorated sword the evidence suggests a middle-aged adult male probably of aristocratic origin the discovery of the star chart is currently the subject of much controversy prompting further discussions about the history of astronomical technology in japan some suggest that such cards were often used for rituals and divination who nevertheless created this mysterious artifact in such ancient times remains a mystery and to learn more about new mysteries of archaeologists subscribe to the channel and click on the bell leave your kind comments which i will definitely read and answer thanks for views bye everyone
Channel: KirTop - Archaeology
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Keywords: archaeological excavations, mysterious, amazing, ancient technology, pyramids of egypt, ancient egypt, kirtop archeology, kirtop, archeology, ancient archeology kirtop, kirtop archeological finds, amazing discoveries kirtop, Archaeological Discoveries, film about archeology, excavations, Strange, finds of archaeologists, ancient Egypt, Bizarre, archaeologists discovered, Chinese civilization, ancient Rome, excavations 2022
Id: CjM_PcpXcck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 38sec (6038 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2022
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