STRAIGHTEN IN 5 MINS?!? | Trying Straightening Brush on Natural Hair

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[Music] hey guys so today I am here with a little bit of an experiment I'm gonna be trying out a hair straightening brush now I came across this when I was browsing Amazon one day and it just caught my eye and I was like this looks pretty cool and I clicked on it and I started reading the reviews and it had a lot of good reviews the one that I got and people were like it's significantly cutting down my straightening time it really works squared on my hair all that stuff so I wanted to just see how it will work on natural unrelaxed kinky hair like mine and see if it actually does a good job or not and the one I got is this one the brand is cool kisi and this is the box that comes in so it looks like this the power button is right here and you can adjust the temperature here so the lowest temperature on here is 180 degrees and it goes up to let me see let me crank this all the way up and it goes up to 450 degrees I'm not sure if the camera is picking up the digital number here but it does say the temperature that it's set on and this straightening brush it came with this suede like bag to put the brush in a protective glove so you don't burn yourself while you're straightening and it came with two hair clips really helpful for when you're trying to section and straighten and it came with this little brush right here to help clean the straightening brush so for those of you that may have come across a hair straightening brush like this and you were wondering should I get it should I not get it does it really work on natural hair I'm gonna be like the guinea pig for you guys and I'm gonna try it out hopefully it doesn't wreck my hair so I'm gonna try this on 400 degrees normally when I straighten my hair which is not awesome at all I put it on 450 degrees on my flat iron but I'm gonna try 400 degrees with this and see how it goes so my hair right now I washed and conditioned my hair last night and I just let it air dry that normally do I didn't stretch it so much because I really wanted to see what this brush was all about so that's what I'm working with right now I don't have any other products in my hair I just washed conditioned rinse the conditioner out and I'll let it air dry nothing else is in my hair so this is my hair and I'm gonna do one side at a time let's do that I'm just gonna section off some hair in the back and clip the rest up I'm gonna apply a serum through my hair before I go through with the brush and today I'm using this Dove serum in oil ultimate hair Savior I'm gonna use the tiniest bit of that just like one drop literally this feels very oily and coating so I think a little bit of this goes a long way I'm gonna detangle this with a wide tooth comb so I don't get any snags when I run the brush through all right so now let's see with this straightening brush is all about I'm kind of nervous all right I'm gonna start [Music] it did pretty okay this stretch and straighten and that was just with one pass but I definitely don't feel like it did as good as a job as my Flatiron and my hair doesn't look as shiny and luxurious and silky I'm gonna crank this up actually to 450 so I can be fair because that's what I usually flat on my hair on so I put this on 450 for the next piece you want to clip that so we don't get that mixed in with the next one we do detangle with a wide tooth comb and I know I'm supposed to use this glove so let me go ahead and follow along and put this on for this next pass all right here we go well that was a lot better a lot better than the first one it looks shinier than the first one it looks straighter looks more bouncy it looks closer to when I Flatiron my hair so 450 is definitely the setting that I'm gonna stay on what I don't like though are the roots I feel like I can't really get close to the roots without burning my scalp I'm gonna try actually let me see if I could I'm so scared to like put get the brisket okay here this brush yeah I don't feel like I can really get close to my roots without the bristles of the brush touching my scalp and I'm kind of afraid to go any to go any closer which is why still feel like my roots are super kinky all right so I'm gonna go ahead and finish straightening this side and then we could compare it to this unstraight inside and I'll tell you guys more of my thoughts after I have completed this [Music] [Music] alright guys so it is 8 minutes later and I have completed one side of my head actually it's 8 minutes in filming time if I were to do this without the camera it will probably have taken me about 5 minutes so I certainly got this done way faster than when I use my flat iron so that is one thing I can say that's great about this and I like how easy it is to use for those of you that struggle with the comb chase method which is what I do when I straighten this helps a lot with that because you don't have to worry about getting the comb right getting the flat iron in the right position all you have to do is brush through your hair with this so it's very simple and easy to use it does help to stretch and show off my limp I'm just not too blown away by the results I really wish that my hair was a lot sleeker less poofy then what it came out to be as far as the roots go I did figure out a solution so I just brushed through touching my scalp just brush through and that seemed to help a bit with I'm getting my roots to lay a little flatter but still as you guys can see it's a little kinky under there my dad did help to give my roots a little bit more in sync with the rest of my hair a little smokey but this is yeah it just pales in comparison to a good flat iron job I'm gonna go ahead and do the rest of my hair since I've already done half I might as well go all the way depending on what style you're trying to do it may call for more of a blown out or stretched you know base so this could be good for that as long as you know that you might not get it super super stick straight so even now I did three passes and is still so I'm all done I actually did at least two passes on all of my hair and this is the result to me this looks like a really bomb blowout it does not look like I straighten my hair but I do see how this drinking brush could be of some use like I would do this if I need to relax the waves in my hair maybe if I was doing something like an updo or some type of ponytail where I didn't want it to be super wavy I would maybe run the brush through just to you know get that blown out look beforehand but if you have kinky hair like me if you have coarse hair if you have very tightly coiled hair and you're thinking about a bone straight look this might not be the best option for you I'm just saying I actually thought it would work a little bit better than this but I guess I can't be too mad at it upside to it of course it's super easy super quick even a beginner could use that and to do my whole head I could do it in like 10-15 minutes so it's good for stretching if you want to see more of your length but for sleek super straight hair this is not the business for hair that is less kinky it'll probably work a lot better it might even straighten your hair and make it look like you flat earned it but for me no I will be holding on to this though I want to keep it in my arsenal just in case I need to quickly get my hair to be more manageable if I need to change my style up if I need to get that blown out look in a jiffy but I'm not planning on this being a staple product that I use but I will hold on to it I'll keep it I'm going to go ahead and put my hair up into a bun a lot of you guys like to see how I do my buddy so I'm gonna show you right now brush it all up and I would never be able to do this so easily if my hair were in its natural state so like I said that straightening brush it does have some benefit to it definitely made it a lot easier to work with from my edges that we're gonna use some of this edge control usually if I do a high ponytail or something like this I would use a hair hook I don't have it near me right now so I'm just gonna use an elastic band but I would prefer a hair hook cause it's just easier and it gives my ponytail lot tighter but I'm gonna use an elastic band for now edge control Brown's little bit in the back you just make a large twist shape my edges sorry you guys so that's it hope you guys enjoyed this demo thanks so much for watching as always and I'll catch up with you soon on my next video peace
Channel: TheChicNatural
Views: 802,800
Rating: 4.8998027 out of 5
Keywords: TRYING STRAIGHTENING BRUSH, go to, demo, tutorial, review, natural hair, 4a, 4b, 4c, wow, honest, real time, how to, straight, sleek, quick, fast, minutes, five, ten, beginner, cheap, affordable, diy, at home, pro, professional, updo, bun, hairstyles, short, long, ideas, kinky, curly, straigthen, length, damage, no, heat, healthy, best, easy, easiest, medium, coarse, real, magic, vlog, demonstration, before and after
Id: 7tFgxc5FPX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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