STRAIGHTEN IN 5 MINS?!? | Trying Straightening Brush on Natural Hair
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: TheChicNatural
Views: 802,800
Rating: 4.8998027 out of 5
Keywords: TRYING STRAIGHTENING BRUSH, go to, demo, tutorial, review, natural hair, 4a, 4b, 4c, wow, honest, real time, how to, straight, sleek, quick, fast, minutes, five, ten, beginner, cheap, affordable, diy, at home, pro, professional, updo, bun, hairstyles, short, long, ideas, kinky, curly, straigthen, length, damage, no, heat, healthy, best, easy, easiest, medium, coarse, real, magic, vlog, demonstration, before and after
Id: 7tFgxc5FPX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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