Straight Talk with Dolly Parton

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what date Grammy Awards and over a hundred million albums sold worldwide our first guest is one of the most successful country singers of all time she's got a brand new album it's called blue smoke and I'm really excited that she's here on our show please give a resounding clap ation for the one and only Dolly Parton yeah Oh I just want to take you in I all the bling and bow just up and thank and long we have a camera in our coffee table and if you put your feet in front of it I want to give your Barbie wing okay that is a tiny foot get it I'll wear like a five and a half well yeah to my size 12 I always say be happy but no cuz I realize we probably have an equal problem just on a different scale I have a difficult time finding larger shoes and the smaller shoes probably the same yeah well it is hard actually it sometimes if I going to still wear I can wear six but when I usually have my shoes made because I like the arch to be just right actually since I have to wear high heels so much being on stage yes yes but always helps but I do find some great shoes and stores now you're close because you and I share four situations here I don't wake up do you do you uh do you get a lot of your clothes custom-made to accommodate for your flat belly and the girls I'm pretty half I put him at f/2 for the girls yes you said I have a joke though I always say I'd probably been six feet tall if I hadn't got so bunched up at the top what's your Excuse you'd have been what 12 feet ah yeah exactly I stand and oftentimes people will say well Wendy you know you need a reduction do people have you ever thought about a reduction oh no I worked too hard to get him this big I just bought me a little bicycle pump so I just come and and like you I'm a Wiggy uh I don't feel weird about asking you this only because whiggy whiggy what's under your wig will actually keep my hair about shoulder length I keep it the same color cuz always my roots I don't know what color they are now yes but they were darker windows young uh-huh but I keep my hair about the same length and all and sometimes when I'm home I put it up little scrunches and slide letting all that but I love wigs cuz they're so handy they're handy there and it's really just rare to do what we do to it every time right exactly now when the FedEx man comes to drop off a custom pair of shoes for you do you ever open the door wigglies no well I would be wigglers like I said I put little hot rollers in my hair in the morning a little something-something scrunchie but I would not answer the door without some makeup or hair really no oh I hope that always like when I spent a lot of time California uh-huh and you know they're always prone to have earthquakes I never take my makeup off at night I always thought keeps it cuz I thought if I have to run out in the street just to grab a wig make sure you look good cuz you know there's gonna be cameras ever yes can I never go out I said the only way would would be I'd go out without makeup and my hair done up a little bit as if my husband you know had a heart attack or something I have to really think about that now I found it's Thursday and we have a throwback Thursday photo of you and I want you to explain this fabulous beehive from 1968 was it 68 to 70 seconds at the bottom okay dolly and I and that's probably when you already started singing yes how are you Nashville and that's when the first hair pieces came out those little pieces that you know and but that was all my hair around the front but I did have a piece right on top and then that thing was harsh brick yeah it's fabulous thing there were some Hornet I hold it's Morris time today I'm not sure but I've got the biggest key oh and see that side sweep oh I had that lacquer down I just do my own hair like that too it doesn't see the Handy when you can you know a lot there a lot of women who don't know how to do their own hair and makeup which I always find that fascinating with yeah Jay Lee I've always done well I have a hair dress for Cheryl riddles my hairdresser she does great with the wigs and all what if she had stuck in traffic but I want to do my hair yeah I can do it I do I used to do my mother's hair my sister's hair when we did special things cuz I enjoyed that I would have been a beautician if I hadn't have been singer oh yeah you know and I remember the the other time the first time that we met which you know was up in Foxwoods that was years ago I remember you telling me that you styled yourself after the prostitute in town because you thought she was so gorgeous and she was yes yeah well she was called the town tramp like she was just one of those people acting well I think women were really jealous her I mean she just was probably like us a lot yes uh it she wore her hair all you know blonde Prok sided and she wore lipstick long nails short skirts tight she was beautiful yes and I just thought she was great and everybody would just oh she's just trash and I thought that's what I'm gonna be when I grow yeah Genta fine with what you're saying and and you know one other thing that dolly always says is it costs a lot to look this cheap and it does and it does that's why I keep working and yes yeah but you are I mean I'm not gonna count your money but I'll brag for you this woman is wealthy beyond belief before I got my mind yours you're a lovely woman but I had no idea that in addition to Dollywood which you know is still open the term use meant Park you employ but theme park I think you have amusement areas in it you employ virtually the whole town which i think is fantastic and you have fans worldwide so the place is always packed but I had no idea first of all 42 albums out yeah but I need know you own radio stations restaurants and a museum well the museum is called chasing rainbows and it is at Dollywood and with our other properties it's a wonderful part of the country up in the break Smoky Mountains a lot of wonderful businesses there kitchen kitchen fork yeah it's where a park is but through my company's Dixie Stampede dollars Dollywood Splash Country Dollywood and with the new resort we're building we employ about 5,000 people so we don't cover the whole posture so we do a lot of good but there's a lot of wonderful places there yeah and um an interesting fact about dolly a lot of people might not know is that she is the godmother to Miley Cyrus yes that's true I've known her since she was a baby I'm I'm really more the fairy godmother I never got a chance to spend all the time with her that you usually do but Molly is so smart I used to be on her Hannah Montana show I was aunt dolly and I got a whole new group of young kids just following me around like that but Molly's going through a lot of changes we just have to trust her because she's so talented she's so smart she had to just be totally drastic cuz we wouldn't let her grow up he's sort of like Shirley Temple we want her to grow up either but Molly had to be drastic she said I had to no Hannah Montana yes sin huntin she tilted all right as Molly she's talented and I hope she makes all the right choices and I've seen her in concert I have not seen her show she was coming to Nashville huh and she got sick went to the hospital I was gonna come out and say I'm Jolene with her and stuff so when she's back on the road we'll I'll catch up with her she's gonna come back to Nashville excellent more with Dolly next with the legendary Dolly Parton so yes yes and they love you back yes so is it true that she met your husband a 48 year old years Carl I don't laundry Mac I did 50 years ago I met him 50 years ago this month and I was at a wishy-washy laundromat oh he's hot washing clothes yeah that was him back that was us when we were younger together his pictures anyway so he just pulled up I was out walking around waiting for clothes to you know to wash and so he pulled up said something to me you know like you're gonna get sunburned out here and all that uh-huh I said something silly bad uh-huh so you've been 10 years later we now I have to tell that I have to say that is very difficult to find a picture of Carl anywhere anywhere I mean even that picture is grainy and blurry yeah um where is Carl is did he come here with you no Carl is in Nashville he loves home we have a farm and he loves to get out there and grade the roads and you know keep the grass mowed back in his back field that's a barn and all that so he loves working on his tractor in his old trucks and so he just he's a homebody now so he doesn't go on the road with me my never well how many in 365 days a year how often do you see Carl well we've been married 48 years we've been together about three of that three actually I'm home a lot yeah and we enjoy each other but I do I do travel he doesn't like to travel he's a he's homebody he's cancer those have horoscopes you know those are people that like I love to be at home he's yeah duel at 20 yeah so uh when you go to that home what are you doing there do you cook yeah yeah what are you throw down and make well I make food just like my mom my grandmas on my answers to make people don't cook like that anymore I'm one of the older kids there's 12 of us kids we're born my have a sister and two brothers older but my sister Willa D and I used to do all the cooking cuz mom was always having baby so I'm gonna cook early on but hockey's cook all that great southern food so ordered I love pork thank you it's my favorite yes I know it's so tasty but I cook chicken and dumplings and I I just cook old country food I can't eat it like I used to I have to do it I do have protein diet through the week in the desk on weekends and holidays ice eat anything I wanted and one thing is that you know Whitney Houston gets credited the late great for I will always love you but that's actually a song penned and also previously recorded by Dolly that's her song she girls told her you know people said that to it new song I said that's okay she can have the credit long as I get the cash so tell us about your new album blue smoke cuz it's been a while how long has it been since you put an album out well it hasn't been that long since I had an album out but spent a long time since I had one that did really well and we're always putting them out but this one got great reviews they're saying it's the best Val album I've had out and at least 10 years hope hope so but anyway it's called blue smoke and we're also on a world tour called the blue smoke world tour we went Australia New Zealand and now we're doing some shows here this month in America then we're going to Europe for a month but in this CD is some of all the colors of all the music that I've done I'm not Korean and you did a cover of job Bon Jovi yes actually when I first heard Jon Bon Jovi's song with lay your hands on me I didn't hear the verses I just heard the music and I thought it wasn't about God or Jesus you know like why your hands on me and I thought wow what a great gospel tune so later I found that it wasn't so then I called them up because I loved the song I usually like to do cover songs on an album so I called John and and Richie Sambora up and I said hey when you think about us turning this into a gospel tune yeah yeah let's do it so we did and this one of my favorites on the album I did a cover song of Bob Dylan's don't think twice it's all right we did a lot of bluegrass harmonies on a lot of these songs and so blue smoke was is a Cherokee word for the Smokey Mountains it's like Chicana hey is there word gotcha but it means a land of blue smoke well I thought it was just a good title you and I um we're both a big body in a good way and I have something for you to add to the god what is this it's a little it's a little something that I thought you and I could both wear don't go anywhere everybody Dolly's gonna sing from her new album blue smoke next
Channel: The Wendy Williams Show
Views: 1,083,741
Rating: 4.8859434 out of 5
Keywords: Dolly Parton (Musical Artist), Wendy Williams (TV Personality), The Wendy Williams Show (TV Program), Miley Cyrus (icon)
Id: iMsq1Qo2Z9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Thu May 15 2014
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