Straight – Abdal Hakim Murad – Ramadan Moments 1

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similar here of many ravine alhamdulillah masala to acid mo other asily let were early he was of PE woman well lama in the quran karim on table are for thoughtful on that well-known Quranic term which needs careful definition which is indicated in a number of ayat and hadith famous hadith in Sahih Muslim on su Hyun Bin Abdullah rajala on Al quanto Arizona law polyfill Islamic : SLO and Herrera who call Paul MN to be led so must of him hadith in sahih muslim in which one of the Sahaba says that the result sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he's asking for something very short and sweet tell me something in islam which if i say it and follow it i will not need to ask further and he says say i believe in god and then go straight all amount will be left for must stop him that's it this is min jawani I'll kill him one of the the words one of the phrases that kind of include all phrases everything we need to know and very often we find that there are hadith of the chosen one sallallahu alayhi wasallam are amazingly comprehensive in telling us everything in a few words so in this phrase the Holy Prophet is indicating two things profess your belief in the Creator the one the source and the place of return and map that when the ad without that you are kind of floating in a void without a beginning without an end without knowing your orientation without a nibbler you are kind of nothing nihilist and then he stuck him follow a stick go straight so it's a matter of statement Karla and how you are Hal you can't have the one without the other going straight is difficult unless you know where you're going - saying Allah is not really very meaningful unless you act in accordance with the fact that the world has a direction so this includes everything it's like the two shadows let you know hey Lala Muhammad or Russell or not no god but God what should I do about that the Sunda follow the holy prophet sallallahu alayhi were early he was sending so this is Tacoma this going straight which is what we pray for 27 times a day or more if Tino sirat al-mustaqim guide us to the straight path upright path the path of rectitude the path that is the shortest line between two points is of course where we go a straight we go on other roads we follow the soul maybe in English the word crook refers to the fact that somebody's gone crooked we're not straight we're not upright as the Americans say you're not a stand-up guy so we are created in a sanatorium in the best of forms Adam is an upright creature unlike any other creature he is heaven would in his direction but at the same time we look this way and we looked that way and it's tempting the scenery of dunya is pretty appealing in this time in this month that's a tap of temptations is turned off or turned down it's just a trickle maybe we look at things that we shouldn't look at maybe we think about things we shouldn't think about maybe we maybe we are not right not right with God we're not most a team but the benefit of this month is that it is easier for us to see this straight path in front of us because the distraction the scenery is kind of monochrome the temptations the possibilities are constrained especially at this time when so many of us are in our homes it's Tacoma is easier by God's grace than it is when we're just kind of enjoying the pasture without thinking about where we might be going so this is Tacoma is important but we get distracted that's our nature it said that the reason why man is called in sin is that he is full of Nissi an forgetfulness one interpretation poetic perhaps of what the name of man means we we forget we remember and we forget and we remember and we forget that Allah and His grace gives us lots of times and opportunities and days and months to go back to him and at a time when many are thinking about perhaps a near return to him this becomes easier and this Inaba this turning back becomes more real and more necessary and more yearned for but it's still difficult the holy prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked by abu bakr as-siddiq the aerosol or not I see that you're turning gray all Shia Bettany who done what a coatl had and he said I've been turned gray by the surah of hold and it's sisters the other surahs that begin with the same letters and it is said one of the meanings of this is that it contains the phrase first up in Khmer or millet go straight be a person of rectitude as you have been commanded this is directed to him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and so or inspiring is this command by the only one has the right to give commands and so catastrophic the possibility of just following impulse that it turns him great he who was Marcille divinely secured from straying nonetheless feels this fear and the believer is between fear and hope could you know how it thought yet fear and hope like the two wings of the bird either stoah stoah tyre Arnall if they're balanced the bird travels goes right if you like in a balanced way so we have to have fear as well as hope life is not just about enjoying the pasture life is all about having a direction you know always going to be in this field where you're munching the grass happily you came in through a gate you're going up through another gate that's the iron rule of life for Benny Adam and for every living thing you came in through a gate you're going out for another gate so don't spend too much time just thinking this pasture and this joyful munching is going to go on forever so this is jicama is in a sense what makes us human beings and is the greatest miracle given the nature of our impulses and in this month the shayateen are softly that hmm as the Holy Prophet says and the famous hadith is their Daanish after Ramadan when the month of Ramadan comes in the doors of good are opened and the chains of the Devils are fastened the devil's are fastened and we are invited Bernhard hermana din ya ba feel how long a boxer and an angelic voice calls out and in this month we can kind of all hear that voice saying o you who looks for good arise get on with it and you who looks for evil desist they are tena chained and it's a little bit easier for us to get back on the straight path to find our true direction but this is the nature of many Adam that we have these two enormous impulses just as we have these two enormous spiritual principles within us there's the nafs which is gravitational animalistic wants to go down subject to the laws of and is interested in every possible way that the endorphin circuits of the brain might be tickled any pleasure it'll be really interested in like a dog that looks excitedly in the direction of anything that smells good that's us but there's also this raw this spirit which is from the divine breathing in insufflation when a Fe Himura FINA the clay of Adam had the divine spirit breathed into it and that has a divine home and thus the Easter , the lower self the nafs doesn't really have a direction it goes this way and that just like any instinct or creature goes whoever the pleasure seems to be greater the goat goes for whatever looks tastiest that's us but the Easter comer the uprightness which is directed and oriented and secured by this vertical dimension which is from them the nervy him is Rowena ha is to go straight straight to the exit of the field beyond which there is true delight 9 Mahim ongoing blessing and and delight so we have these two dimensions within us the one which is going this way and that and say no amar have been hottub rajala on all the minbar once was talking about Easter Karma this going straight and he said it means did not weaving like a fox Kurama hadith a lab you probably haven't been fox hunting but the fox moves this way and it doesn't run straight it goes this way and that and because it's a fearful creature that wants to avoid the pursuing dogs or the Huntsman's gun nor tits it's a foxy creature the ego is like that slimy wants to get out of difficulties wants to tell fibs in order to extricate itself it twists and turns its devious that the spirit what we truly are the raw which remembers the day of Alistair be Rob become just wants to go straight back straight for the light if the light is there and seen and felt why go this way or that back and this is astir comma so in this blessed month as we travel from the first day of the fast to the day of the Eid moving like all human beings always and forever in one direction that's a journey that is mock or something that is absolutely constraining us and we can do nothing about it even though we wish oh if only it was this time yesterday and I hadn't said this to him and we often make these futile hindsight lamentations no we head in one direction only and we don't revisit a single moment a single virtue a single life fault vise of our lives straight straight for the grave straight for the entrance to the unknown straight back to the Lord along no he tossed Cyril or more back to God all things return I let that return for us be not trying to escape it but rather to welcome that return and to find in putting our faltering and frail feet directly in the footsteps of the chosen one sallallahu alayhi wa sallam it was March to his Lord was absolutely straight and beautiful shining those footprints still shine for us flowers grow where he stepped to go exactly in that way to follow the Sun nur to avoid all reprehensible innovations and deviations and the web the temptations of the ego that's a great thing so that this Ramadan be for us and for this Ummah and for a fearful penitent world insha Allah a time of return Mahad that is going straight not resisting what is beautiful not following what is dark within ourselves but let us be a people who hear this command in surah hood fastaqim kama or milt go straight as you have been commanded a commandment directed to all of Adam let us remember the monstrousness of stepping off that path because we think we know a better way and let us remember the great grandeur and dignity and beauty of those who stay on the straight path and go as quickly as they can towards the acceptance of their Lords decree whatever it might be so may allah subhanaw taala make us people who receive forgiveness and blessings and uprightness and going straight and insha'Allah discerning with the eye of the heart the luminousness of our final destination so that there is no temptation to step off the path to the left or to the right in sha Allah Baraka lava comb with a couple of siema comb was salam o alaikum warahmatullah
Channel: Cambridge Muslim College
Views: 76,228
Rating: 4.9413638 out of 5
Id: dE1nGfSJXiU
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Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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