Story Of How An 80s B Side Became This Band's Greatest Song | Professor of Rock
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Channel: Professor of Rock
Views: 16,072
Rating: 4.8573742 out of 5
Keywords: interview, professor of rock, in depth, professor rock, rock, video essay, pop fix, song, vinyl, music history, Story, 80s hits, 80s vinyl, 80s story, vinyl story, professor of rock smiths, the smiths, the smiths story, how soon is now, morrissey how soon is now, morrissey story, 1980s, 80s songs, soft rock, new wave, 80s new wave, the smiths hidden gems, the smiths reaction, best b sides, best b sides of all time, b sides that became hits
Id: O7A1HkunGmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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