Story of Daniel | Full episode | 100 Bible Stories

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[Music] wow this is so fun look at this one the picture shows Adam and Eve standing behind a tree do you remember why they were hiding behind that tree oh yes they ate the fruit which was forbidden by God once they ate the fruit they became aware of the nakedness and hid themselves behind the tree I remember that story too yes Matthew we all remember hello children what are you doing there my mother got us this coloring book from the store it contains all the stories from the Bible that you told us look father hmm this is good oh you can read the stories too yes Father we are now coloring the characters from the story of Cain and Abel but father we want to hear the story of Daniel before that you mean the story of daniel and alliance yes all right then sit down and I will tell you the story in the one of the previous episodes I told you how Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had plundered the Jerusalem he looted the temple and carried many Jews as prisoners back to Babylon they also took with them the cups and the plates belonging to the god Minister yes my lord you must select the brightest four men from the prisoners they must be very healthy and very strong so that they can work for me in my palace but majesty they are all Jews don't you worry about that just do as I say yes my lord in few days the minister came back to the king with the four best men he could find from the captives daiva Daniel Hananiah Mishael has area my lord they are the brightest men I could find from our prisoners they are very healthy - very good [Music] listen everyone all of you will get the best Palace food you must eat meat and drink wine and get fat yes sir yes isn't your name Daniel yes my lord we are very happy to be selected for your service but but we have a request hmm what is it my lord we worship our Almighty God kindly grant us permission to keep the diet according to our laws hmm you look very thin already just make sure that you don't get weaker and you can keep the diet according to your religious laws thank you my lord we are really grateful now go and start your training Daniel and his friends worked very hard they read the scriptures and learned a lot about the history of Babylon this is very very hard I don't think we'll be able to learn this ever don't loose your heart hang on you just have faith in our Lord and he will show you the way it's easy for you to say that you are learning them so quickly but we it's not so easy for us it's not that I find their language very interesting now Hanna Nia show me the part which you couldn't understand God gave these four men more visiting than all other men in Babylon and God gave Daniel something very special he gave him the ability to understand and interpret dreams Daniel and his friends completed their training and they were taken to the king your majesty their training is completed so quickly hmm I'm going to test them name a creature that walks on force in the morning on to that noon and on 3:00 in the evening Michelle do you know the answer no I don't aria do you know I have no clue my lord hmm aren't you Daniel yes my lord all right now answer my question the answer is man my lord as a baby he walks on force using his hands and legs then he walks with his legs alone ooh and when he's old he walks using a stick and this makes him walking on tweeks very good Daniel you have answered my question wisely you are truly the wisest man in Babylon now now listen everyone Daniel will be your leader from now on thank you my lord King Nebuchadnezzar started having strange dreams that dream kept him up night after night huh that same dream again what could it mean Minister Minister coming coming my lord did you have the same dream my lord yes I'm not able to sleep anymore would you you want me to do sir summon all the priests the magicians and all wise men in the country to my court tomorrow maybe one of them will be able to explain what my dreams mean that's a good idea my lord I will pass the instructions right away Oh King live forever head priest who are the others he's the best magician in our country young king and he's the wisest man in Babylon greetings my lord what do you want to know you can ask us any question we honor us Tang the gods I have a very important question for you magician wizard and Wiseman ask us my lord I had been having a very strange dream for many days now own God's very simple ha ha it's easy all right then tell me what it means sure tell us what your dream was tell you what it means Oh No if you were so smart first tell me what I dreamt then tell me what it means what but but but it's impossible Your Majesty yes do that you are all a bunch of frauds if you don't tell me my dream and its meaning within a week then all of you will be hanged now get out and come back with the answers get out now Daniel and his friends heard about what had happened that's terrible news no innocent man should die because of this friends let's pray to God he will definitely reveal us the secret of our King's dream Lord God of heaven and earth all powerful and mighty God have mercy on us please tell us about the King's dream and its meaning [Music] ha Daniel Rico God the surgery very carefully that night God explained the Kings dream to Daniel Oh King there's someone there waiting to explain what your dream means huh how could someone be smarter than the visits Wiseman and the priests here he's one of the captives from Judah huh it's Daniel yes your majesty all right call him my lord are you going to tell me about my dream it's not me my lord it's the God in heaven who told about it go on tell me about it your majesty you went to sleep thinking about the Empire in your dream you saw a huge statue its head was made of pure gold the hands and chest were made of silver the stomach and the thighs were made of brass and the legs were made of iron the feet were made of clay then suddenly a large rock rolled down from the mountain and hid the feet of the statue since the feet were off clay it was easily shattered and the whole statue fell down in pieces huh it's it's true that's the dream I had now tell me what that meant the statue my lord represents your empire that God has entrusted to you you are represented by the golden head your successors are represented by the other parts the feet of clay stand for the Last King during the time of that ruler your empire will be shattered that's brilliant you were smarter than all my visits and wise men put together not messiah as the almighty God who revealed the secret to me he told me so that you can understand what it means what does it mean Daniel tell me you are king for now but your kingdom will not last forever but God's kingdom will last forever Oh King I have a request what is it please don't hurt the Wiseman of course anything you say many years past King Nebuchadnezzar died and his son belches ah became the king of Babylon Daniel was kept away from the affairs of the kingdom and he was slowly forgotten by everyone Daniel stayed in Babylon and every day three times a day he prayed to God facing Jerusalem one night King Belshazzar was celebrating along with the wise men the foolish King used the holy vessels stolen from the temple in Jerusalem is everyone having fun yes my lord we are having so much fun my lord look over there what is it what is that thing [Music] someone show me what's going on oh I feel sick what where am I are you all right my lord I what happened Oh God so that wasn't a dream what is it written there it reads many many they kill perceive what does it mean yeah we don't know the meaning my lord huh call all the magicians and wizards yo they should be able to translate this all the Vizards and the magicians were called but no one was able to tell him the meaning huh no one Whitter sir come here yes my lord anyone who was able to interpret the message of this writing shall be dressed in purple robe and I will give him my golden chain I will also make him the third most important person in this country now send this message to everyone yes my lord my lord yes can you tell me what that text means no no I can't but I know someone who can help you with this who is it in the days of your father this man had wisdom like the gods called Daniel he will help you King Belshazzar called Daniel to his palace and showed him the writings Daniel they say that you are the wisest man in the kingdom can you tell me what it means yes my lord I will tell you the meaning of these writings you have dishonored the God and you are and sorry for the terrible things you did you used cups and plates stolen from this temple God Himself sent the hands that wrote these words men there this means God has counted the days until your kingdom will end Tekel this means that you are not good enough to be the king any longer Oh [Music] parson this means that your kingdom will be given to other people Daniel I know you speak the truth your explanation is scary but I will still keep my void here take this the reward I had promised you will also be made the third highest ruler of Babylon I don't know what to say at this time my lord thank you and like Daniel had predicted King Belshazzar died that very night after a few months King Darius took over the kingdom of Babylon the new Kings selected three men to rule the kingdom and Daniel was one of them but soon King Darius realized that Daniel was better than the other two men he had selected he planned to make Daniel the one and only ruler of the land you huh we must do something or soon will be taking orders from Daniel we cannot let that happen he must do something to make him look bad hmm let's go to his house when he's not around and see if we can find something yes that's a good idea let's go to night itself come on let's go and see if we can get inside the two wise men wanted to make Daniel look bad so they climbed the ladder to watch what Daniel was doing praise be to the Lord he'll see that he's praying to his god yes I knew this he prays three times a day facing Jerusalem I have an idea I have an idea let's go and meet the king tomorrow I have got the same idea I can't wait to tell the king the wise men made a terrible plan to make Daniel look bad they raised the palace next day to me the king my lord huh what are you doing here in the morning we have got an excellent idea to find who your enemies are what is that for thirty days let's have a holiday through all the Kingdom for thirty days no one should pray to any God or human except to you King Darius hmm I like that idea yes my lord this way we will find out who's loyal to you and who is not if someone who's found defined the order then we will throw them into the Lions Den I like it but I must consult with Daniel first no no we can't I mean we don't have time for that yes my lord FEMA's fastest law immediately there is no time to waste here my lord please put your seal on this order hmm don't worry my lord we will speak to Daniel and tell him about this new law here my lord please put your seal on this order all right here you go it's official now thank you sir the Wiseman tricked the king to pass this new law prohibiting the worship of any other God in the kingdom Daniel heard about the new law but he was loyal to God he still prayed three times a day facing Jerusalem look he sprang to his god he has broken the new law ha ha ha ha ha now we can throw him into the Lions Den the plan worked we must inform this to the king Oh King Darius what is it now my lord we found someone who is breaking a new law what who is this terrible person he is the Israelite Daniel yes my lord we found him praying to his God 3 times a day in spite of the warning oh no not him I can't hurt him he is my friend but your majesty the law says no law given by the king can be changed yes my lord you cannot change the law now we must throw Daniel to the Lions what have I done Daniel I'm sorry all right take Daniel to the lion's den and as planned by the VIC advisement Daniel was caught and brought to the Lions Den I I'm sorry Daniel I was tricked into doing this I know that please don't feel sorry for yourself you've been always loyal to your God maybe he will save you from the Lions don't worry I will be alone down there Daniel walked inside the den and the soldier closed the entrance with a large stone Darius then sealed the opening with his royal seal so that no one would open the door you take care my friend hahahaha he is dead we have won yes we can rule this land all on our own now come let's leave yes we will come back tomorrow to collect the bones King Darius could not sleep that night thinking about his friend he stayed awake all the night and the next day morning he ran towards the lion's den remove the stone now what happened inside was a miracle King Darius saw that no harm had come to Daniel and he was sitting happily among the Lions [Music] good morning King Darius you are up so early Daniel my friend I can't believe my eyes what happened in there the Lions were about to attack but then suddenly an angel appeared from nowhere God saved me because he knew that I hadn't done anything wrong and I promised you that I didn't do anything wrong to you either my king Daniel I'm so happy Oh No and you soldier take them away and throw them to the Lions No from now on everyone will respect the god of Daniel his God is greater than any other God thank you my king Daniel continued to work for King Darius and he stayed loyal to God and God pleased him for the rest of his life Wow that was such an amazing story I really liked it father hahaha I'm glad you liked it Matthew now shall I ask you the questions all right now tell me the name of the Babylonian king who destroyed Jerusalem that's right Lucy can you also tell me about the dream he had the King dreamed of a huge statue made of golden head its hands and chest were made of silver the stomach and thighs were made of brass it had iron legs and the feet were made of clay thank you George that's correct both of you very good what happens to the statue in his dream in history a large stone came rolling down from the mountain and crashes on the feet of the statue since the feet were made of clay it shatters and the whole statue falls down that's really good Lucy now Matthew can you tell me what his son's name was it was mention correct next question tell me the name of the king who conquered Babylon it was King Darius that's very good Matthew that's all the questions for today I will tell you the story of Susannah tomorrow the story of Susannah yes the story of how Lord continued to protect those who are faithful to him get bad children [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: 100 Bible Stories
Views: 102,532
Rating: 4.8099117 out of 5
Keywords: daniel bible story, story of daniel, story of prophet daniel, daniel and lions, daniel and lions den, prophet daniel bible story, daniel bible study, daniel and lions bible, 100 bible stories, animated bible, cartoon bible, animated bible stories in english, christian kids, gigglemug, bible shows, bible for kids, bible stories for kids, bible songs, learn bible, stories from bible, bible study
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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