Storms and Secrets by Claire Kingsley - Audio Sample

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that voice it reached inside me and made my heart flutter my stomach tingled at the sight of Zachary Haven dressed in a black coat and jeans his hair a little messy from the wind jogging down the sidewalk toward me breathe marold breathe why did he have to be so cute his blue eyes were like the sky on a sunny day and his lips always seemed to be on the brink of a mischievous smirk as usual my tongue decided to stop working and all I could do was blink at him he stopped and then he did the strangest thing he looked at me Zachary Haven never looked at me in the rare instances he was forced to actually interact with me he wouldn't meet my eyes he'd look away say what needed to be said as quickly as possible and brush by me this time he didn't he he stood still on the sidewalk and looked me in the eyes subjecting me to the full force of those gorgeous Blues the intensity of his gaze made my heart race what did he want why wasn't he saying anything several awkward seconds later he finally said hi hi he opened his mouth as if to speak then closed it again before muttering sorry um are you okay yeah he shifted on his feet and looked around blinking like he was confused what was going on oh no did he have a head injury from the fall I stepped closer are you sure should you be up and around already maybe you should go home and lie down no I don't need to lie down he met my eyes again I just wanted to say thank you that was nice of him you don't need to thank me all I did was call an ambulance and I didn't even do that Sandra did his brow furrowed weren't you at the hospital or did I dream that you didn't dream that I was there are you sure yes maybe you should go home and lie down no glancing away he rubbed the back of his neck what's wrong with me I don't know why this is so hard why what's so hard this he gestured between the two of us a gust of wind blew my hair around my face again see he said as if the wind explained everything it's all wrong do your parents know you're up did the doctor say I was okay yeah that's not the problem this was so strange why was he acting like this what problem he threw up his hands I don't know marold we have to talk a woman said behind me it was Gina Henry My next client I hadn't even noticed her approach my ends are fried and I really think we need to go darker this time I tore my eyes off Zachary okay go ahead inside and Stacy will get you checked in I'll be there in a minute she checked her watch I hate to rush you but I have another appointment after this no problem I smiled at her and turned back to Zachary while she went into the salon sorry but I have to go the pain look in his eyes didn't make any sense what was going on with him his gaze moved from me to the salon door then back to me okay work I get it I'll talk to you later Zachary I'm serious are you okay you're worrying me yeah he started backing away his brow still furrowed as if he were confused fine
Channel: Claire Kingsley
Views: 4,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dT0o9lWvFfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 23sec (263 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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