Stories of my time with Jim Morrison

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okay so I'd known you for a couple years when you let me know that you had ended up living with Jim Morrison for a year what we weren't living together no no no no but yes I was working in his where he had in front of where he had a film studio in Pamela but guess girlfriend tumultuous relationship as it was she wanted to create a like a rock clothing store in the front and it was called Themis so I was originally through my friend Lee done holter the guy with the incredible mustache so you'll see it said that he knew she wanted to put a mural in front so I did this mural across the front of it and then Lee done whole turbine and myself and Pamela working with us created this amazing looking shot and it was really good it was and it never really got open to the public why not ously but a lot of major rock stars would come in there and it became sort of a den of iniquity more than a profitable store but it was fun and meanwhile Jim was in the back with his sidekick Frank doing his film The Lizard King which they shot in the desert invited something from the desert and so anyway so yeah so this photograph was sent from a crew from New York King called from show magazine which was like people's magazine for like New Yorkers you know and it was going to itself anyway this crew comes out including this woman who was I can't remember her name which is really well known photographer and that's how I got these photographs it's my friend emo actually contacted her and got these images like this and then but you wanted to select let let's see these so where are you this is me yeah this is Lee done halter with the most incredible moustache in the world and next to him is Jim this is a girl that worked there yeah I was in the braless era and this is his girlfriend town and this is his hairdresser her hairdresser from down the street okay and then me and then well Here I am again and there's the girl from the place she kept changing cautions and and there's actually never good pictures of Jim and Pamela but crazy so anyway okay so and then what's the the other story about when they stashed you away in in his cottage or his cottage was well first of all just to end then oh and is that so of course Jim had somebody go out and bring back like like bottles of whiskey couple of cases of beer and other things and so by the time the crew arrived we were absolutely wasted not only wasted but following in Jim's lead being really obnoxious so they took all these pictures and I have the magazine somewhere here but in it they said disparaging things about all of us because they're we're acting like a trainee essentially we really work and it was you know we're all not early 20s and self you know so it was it was but it was fun so well the other story is I hope there's a statute of limitations here but anyway I was often running to get you know materials equipment and stuff for the things that we're doing and and Pamela had this Porsche so it's you just gave me the keys and I would just take whenever I wanted to go get stuff and so one day I come in there you know and everybody's all kind of like what's going on I said well Pamela left disappeared and flew to Paris after a humongous fight between her and Jim and and I said oh well you know that not being surprised but then and then they said well the problem is is that she left her just left the Porsche and in a place that immediately they came down searched the car towed it away and found in the back of the car I was like about a pound and a half of marijuana and some evidence that there was heroin going on and so and one more important thing they found my wallet they found my wallet in the car and so I get so then I get this call from from Jim's attorney saying that they're coming to pick me up and who the cops are they'll no no they took the attorneys oh sandy is some of you know Jim's attorneys because I guess he has well no it was actually it's actually Frank it's like right-handed so they drove they got me in a car they drove me all the way to the panga and Jim had a little like Love Shack in Topanga so they dropped me off there it went down first picked up a whole bunch of groceries they gave me some money because I needed anything but I'm like way up in the hills so we've got going down into the city town about anyway so there's nothing there for like about a week a week and a half something like that and then and then because the cops are looking for you at this point because they find your ideas right those of course that was mark and they came in here and they came back up and they got me and I said so what's happening they said everything's good and I was just dead everything's good you know so obviously their attorneys they weren't they weren't like chief attorneys yeah yeah a very powerful attorneys somehow got me out of it you know never did get my wallet back didn't even ask so anyway it was interesting times crazy crazy men and then it was time that Jim and I got turned on at The Whisky A Go Go because he fell off the balcony onto a table of executives because he was screaming and yelling at this new group that came up where the lead singer was totally doing Jim Morrison not your material you don't remember the name of that granted him though and so we're all sitting around hanging around that theme is shot and somebody comes in says Jim maybe her left this guy yeah I heard the group he said the guys doing all your moves doing my moves yeah him so so we pack up you start drinking we head over to the whiskey go go so we're in like a little balcony like maybe about 810 feet up above all the tables which were always filled with record executives you know checking out the new groups is that that's where everybody signed was certainly whiskey at that time so anyway that in the act comes on and to the horror of this guy in the group suddenly somebody in the audience is heckling him and it's Jim Morrison so the guidance thing is like freaking out and Jim know and and myself we're very very at the time and he's like leaned across something and he falls off the fitting crashes onto a table sprawling executives like bowling pins and a fight breaks out and so I jumped down there myself and I'm in the middle of all this if suddenly we're grabbed by like very big people and literally thrown out loads of the sidewalk in front of the whiskey go that's awesome and then Frank comes driving up in the car throws us in the car and the truth is I remember nothing beyond that incident at night it was one of those ah Selassie okay
Channel: Michael Bedard
Views: 154,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jim Morrison (Author), The Doors (Musical Group)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 10 2014
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