Stories for Kids - 31 Minutes Jose Comelon Stories!!! Learning soft skills - Totoy Full Episodes

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foreign [Music] I think it's going to rain soon we better go inside oh no I went to stay out for a little longer Jose let's go home all right it's time to go inside [Music] he'll say you should dry yourself up quickly or you're going to catch a cold I feel great uh too [Music] why are you shivering so much it's very cold in here cold that's very strange let me check your temperature [Music] you're burning up you caught a really bad cold and how do you cure a cold let me think some medicine what does it taste like it tastes like medicine yeah oh when strawberry flavored medicine we don't have a strawberry flavored medicine here I don't want it then uh too this shot is good for you it's just a little prick not a shot [Music] relax Jose it won't hurt then why don't you take this shot yourself I do because I'm not the sick one what if I eat some warm soup that should also cure me that's a great idea Jose but if it doesn't work I'll give you the shot [Music] done so yummy oh yeah Guy what's wrong Jose my throat hurts oh Jose you're really not okay we have to take care of you or you won't be able to eat all the things you love really not even cake or ice cream no oh no I want to get better quickly I'll take care of myself [Music] okay [Music] medicine that tastes like medicine I'll have it if it makes me feel better and now warm soup so you can get better soon how delicious let me take your temperature again [Music] Jose you're all better how do you feel now I feel really hungry what if we prepare another soup [Music] no Obi my carrot is gonna be much bigger you will see [Music] of course it will I am sure my carrot will be bigger not yours hey hey stop it guys are you confident Whoever has a bigger carrot gets to keep the other one I'm going to win [Music] foreign that's good now we only have to water them [Music] [Music] oops now for the plan to grow strong we need fertilizer but they only need a little okay oh carrot hurry up and grow [Music] we can come back tomorrow to check on the carrots come on guys it's getting dark foreign [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh yeah what was that noise [Music] oh that's strange I thought I heard a noise [Music] I bet you was just a dream [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my carrot it's probably huge bye now thank you [Music] Jose it looks like Obi beat you what how did he win I took such good care of it he also took care of his Jose it's time to harvest look a little leaves are not be scared were big but he's scared he's tiny you are right Jose not Everything Is What It Seems hmm what is that [Applause] it's a fertilizer oh B did you cheat that is horrible you won't get to keep your carrot [Music] Jose look he regrets cheating [Music] it's okay I'll be everybody makes mistakes but we can share the carrots just promise me you will never do it again no [Music] [Music] Jose [Music] what are you doing up at this hour I came to eat something I wanted to sleep but I can't do it I have an idea I'll read story so you can fall asleep awesome I love stories let's do it oh [Music] have you found a fun Story the hands will be up soon and I'm still awake got it it's a great story once upon a time there was a prince who needed to find treasure in a castle far far away but there was a monster inside the castle [Music] hello the prince managed to fight the monster and enter the castle inside there was a huge chest the prince opened it and found the treasure wow awesome food Jose it wasn't food it was gold what a boring story who would want gold when they could have food next story let's see if this helps you sleep once upon a time there was a mysterious house some said was enchanted one day a very curious boy decided he wanted to explore inside when he entered he heard a noise and decided to investigate but he shouldn't have because he ran into a ghost who did Terrible Things oh the ghost is going to eat all my food relax that's not what he does but you said the ghost the terrible things now I'm completely awake let's try this one I think you like it there was once a farmer [Music] he was given magical beans and they sprouted a huge Beanstalk [Applause] [Music] he climbed up the Beanstalk [Music] and when he finally reached the top he found a giant [Music] where's the giant bean Jose it was not a giant bean it was a real life giant awesome but I'm still not sleepy do you have any more but I'm sleepy now this will be the last one and I'll tell you a real story there once was a person who wanted to fall asleep but he wasn't sleepy well that's a boring story and at night there was nothing left to do the sun was already asleep and everything was still so he felt tired very tired and fell asleep [Music] Jose only falls asleep with boring stories good night Jose [Music] oh I'm in the mood for some pasta for supper that sounds delicious Jose let's make it [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] delicious if we had more I would eat more uh I'm going to bed Jose yes what's up aren't you for getting something what did I forget dessert no Jose I'm talking about brushing your teeth oh no I'll brush them tomorrow I'm too sleepy right now good night good night thank you [Music] what is that what is that Jose I think it's a little tooth bug and it looks like it wants to get into your mouth what that bug wants to get into my mouth [Music] what am I going to do I don't know I've never seen a tooth buck before in my life [Music] got it good catch but you caught the wrong person I bye [Music] it's coming for me we need to use something stronger [Music] it's working [Music] oh no [Music] so hey that bug is going to eat your teeth not much there has to be something better for it to eat I have an idea [Music] so now what Jose the little bird what was that little Jose it looks like it's going to destroy your teeth to build a theme park for other little bugs there's only one way to take care of this [Music] foreign [Music] I'm never going to sleep without brushing my teeth again [Music] I really went to cheese sandwich [Music] oh no there's no cheese I just wanted a big and delicious cheese oh Jose we can make a cheese some other day look I found some jelly fine it might work [Music] oh oh I'm going to bed I really hope I dreamed with a cheese sandwich whoa look at the moon it's beautiful it looks like a giant bowl of cheese I'd like to taste it when we build a spaceship so we can go up there the spaceship awesome it's all I want to do [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my meteorite [Music] oh my my am I here awesome I'm here this is Bernie he doesn't look like cheese from up close what is that a martian monster I'm not in the moon this is Mars [Music] relax alien I come in peace I just wanted to eat a moon chunk Mars doesn't look as tasty [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] it worked I'm going to the moon now goodbye alien [Music] wow this most dead for me when giant leap for my belly [Music] time to eat okay come back to your cheese ball [Music] hello delicious the Moon is really really tasty [Music] you had a nightmare it's okay it really was a nightmare now I want to eat cheese even more wait a minute Jose I want to show you what I found oh sir geez it's all I ever wanted oh delicious [Music] I have finished eating now I'm going to rest [Music] hello Jose why don't we look for shapes in the clouds awesome let's do it I really love this game I can see a heart it's not a heart it's a giant strawberry and that one look they look like bricks you think they're bricks no it's a cake with lots of layers ah I wish I could eat a cake like that [Music] look those winds look like cheese that's true Jose those look like sheep counting the Sheep made me very sleepy hey [Music] [Music] great I am now Captain Jose [Music] giant cake let's go at full speed thank you [Music] [Music] well that was very close oh no the whale made the cake disappear Ed amazing my cake came to me oh [Music] now that is a real cloud cake I'm going to eat it oh delicious [Music] foreign [Music] wake up you're dreaming oh you fell asleep when you were counting sheep in the sky Ah that's why I'm hungry even after I ate the cloud cake your hunger is going to disappear soon I made you something while you slept awesome or am I still dreaming oh [Music] it's time to eat something I'm very hungry [Music] oh no there's nothing here who ate everything inside the refrigerator you did oops I forgot is there something else to eat something very tasty I think there is there was popcorn in the pantry I hope that they are still there [Music] whoa at least there is popcorn the bag is even huge I will prepare some that's too much popcorn that's not true I'm very hungry besides it will be delicious Jose are you okay what did you do perfect it's raining popcorn it's everything I wanted in that case even before it falls to the floor [Music] you pour too many kernels now it won't stop raining popcorn we have to fix it okay but what's wrong with the little popcorn rain [Music] where are you are you I'm here here where I can't see you right here I know what to do um [Music] very good Jose you were able to fix the problem I ate too much I'm never eating popcorn again all right no no oh Jose maybe just one
Channel: Jose Comelon - Official
Views: 8,675,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5eYTIu-eHKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 15sec (1875 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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