Storage Wars: Top 6 Most Expensive Locker Finds From Season 5 | A&E

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Let's see what we got to discover N You're [inaudible], dude. Woo! Looks like an ATM machine. Huh, well, let's see what we got to discover today. I picked up a unit with a pool table, so I brought some help. Oh, you know what, how about you do the heavy work, and I'll do the hard part there. All right. American pool table company. Yeah, it's probably like 400 or 500. Oh, wow. Looks like a girl who liked to go shopping. Coach, $50 right there. Graphite, fiberglass, couple hundred dollars in pool sticks. Motorcycle boots. $50 bill right there. Got them British shoes here. I'm going to say they're 30, 40 bucks right there. I don't know. What is that? Some kind of service card or something? Some little storage. I'm going to have to get this checked out, and I think there's going to be $500 worth of stuff in there, and another $1,000 in here, so I think this is going to be a good little home run for what we paid for it. I found an airplane service cart, so I'm headed to Moto Art, a shop that specializes in this kind of stuff. Well, you got yourself a galley cart. A galley car. Yeah, this is off of a commercial aircraft. Probably like a 737. What would I be able to get for this? You know, someone has obviously spent the time on this, and it looks nice. If you go the extra step, put the shelves in, put the block on it, you know, you probably get $1,200 for this. I just upgraded my profit from coach to first class. I'm just going to roll on out of here. All right. Take care. Look at this unit. There's nothing but money in here. Casey and I got this unit for $1,300, and it's filled with good man stuff. Nice bike. CASEY: What's that, like $100 in the store? Yeah. 150. Oh my god. CASEY: Is it heavy? Yeah. That's an easy $150. Tell me mind games don't work. That's $600 right there. This frickin' unit. Everything has to be heavy. What is that? I have no idea what this is, but this looks expensive. Polilight, made in Australia. High intensity light. You know what that means, right? Laser equipment. This is like CSI stuff. Oh my god. For dead bodies? What if there's a dead body in the fridge? Let's see what's in there. Rah! [screaming] Stop it! You freaked me out. OK. It's safe. It's kind of heavy. Just a helmet. That's really weird. There's a pool table on the other side. That's an easy another $150. I'm going to be conservative. The stuff that I see, it's over $2,000 easily. It might even be $2,500. Let's go meet Don Johnson. We're here at CSULA Forensic Science Center to meet Don Johnson. Hopefully he can help us solve the value of our Polilight tester. Hi, are you Don? Yes. Let's have a look. Hey, you're the professional. Go ahead. Oh, this is an interesting find. No doubt about it. To be honest, I didn't know what it was. Let's take it out. You know what it is? Yes. It's a forensic light source that produces light of different colors for the examination of evidence. So here's a mystery we need to solve. What's it worth? I would place the value of this unit at $2,500. Really? Yes. Well, that's cool. I got a feeling this is a good locker. There's probably a couple dollars alone on this rack. Viagra. It is. It's Viagra. Holy. Your kind of unit, dude. This case, I'll get 50 bucks. Locking briefcase on wheels. That looks like a big Louis Vuitton bag. Look at that bag. It is a Louis Vuitton. What? Kid you not, dude, look at it. Probably about 1,000. No way, dude. No way. Rolled up Rolex. Hot damn, dude. This can be seven to 10 grand and up. I just think I found a Rolex jewelry box. What? This is getting too good. What is that? Fluvita? Fluvita. This is for straightening your nose. I wouldn't even put that on my face. I guarantee it, dude. I wouldn't-- When you get really frickin' tired, then this is a chin rest. I just pray to God that you're right. I don't want to know what it's for. I really don't. I don't. I'm starting to think maybe it's a marital aid. And you're putting it on your face. Let's go get this checked out. This is it. I think this Fluvita is a fancy marital aid, so we're taking it to a specialist in sexual therapy to find out. Do you live together? No. And do you have a good relationship? [inaudible] This my father. His mom said he's my son. So, you told me on the phone that you found something. Yeah. Oh, yes. It's called a Fluvita, and it's used as a marital aid. Otherwise known as a sex toy. Can I see it, please? Yeah. Because it's from the '20s and '30s and because they don't make Fluvita anymore, I would start somewhere between three and 500. - Very nice. - [inaudible] Cheers. Very nice. This right here is the main reason I bought this room, and it seems to be in awesome condition. There's $500. This right here I also noticed-- come on baby, be cool. Woo! Now, this is vintage. Really, really beautiful piece. Some diamonds on the side. $200. Some more stuff here. Got a cool little deer. $10. Man, look at that. $25. Woo! Come kiss it. So awesome. Oh, check this out. A bank. Tell it's old. There's stuff in here. Man, there could be gold and diamonds in here. I need somebody who could open this for me. I got places to be, rooms to see. Let me take my bank and get the H-E- double L out of here. Antique Hardware, Locksmith. Must be here. Man, I'm hoping the locksmith I found can crack the safe open so I can get to the treasures inside. Good to meet you. Nice to meet you. You must be Mr. Avi. Ivy. Yeah, you close. Got an iron box I want you to check out. All right. That's a mechanical bank. I open it. Oh, let's see. Not much money in there, but you have some coins. Damn. No diamonds or gold? What happened to them. Well, you know what? You really strike on this. Would you like to know about the price, really? Yeah. I want to know about the price. All the mechanic inside. I would have to say this is $2,000. Woo! Yeah! Yes, man. You did it. There's a lot of money in there. Watch. We just paid $375 for locker full of all diapers, and we're going to clean up. Look at that. It's like an ATM machine. Let me give you a lesson in business, OK. Now, I already looked these up online really quick on my phone. $40 a box online, OK? That's the cheapest [inaudible]. Brand new. Four bags per box. $40 for the whole box? 40 bucks for a set of four. We got $120 right here. OK? What did I pay for the unit? $375? So watch this. You keep track. 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, another $40. I don't know how many boxes we have, but this goes like, one, two, three, four in the back that I can see. That's over 150 boxes in there. That's a lot of money. Well, right here in the front is 15 or so dog collars. $15. Good bag. There's a lot of brand new stuff in here. I saw this box. Oh, look at that. Woo! Whole cash. When I said there's tons of $1 stuff in here, I meant it. I mean no sense business. I'm going to sell this $2 and make $3. Watch me. Right here, phone chargers, earbuds, pepper. Everything brand new. It's got to be another $100 in there. At least another 100 bags. I have 15 boxes, at least $1,500. Another $1,000 worth of bags and boxes on this side. I don't have to do anything but dust it off and sell it. Whoa. Check it out. Looks like a merry go round horsey to me. Yeah, it do got a hole in it. Oh, look at those eyes. Those eyes are glowing like they can see me or something. Woo. Get the flies off you, get the flies off you. Woo. Merry go rounds today are much, much bigger. You look like the size when I was a kid, so are you worth anything? That's what we got to find out. Hopefully this old. Looks like the place. I'm taking my carousel horse to Mr. Ed to see carousel horse designer Mr. Ed Roth. Mr. Ed? Hello, you must be Ivy. Yes, I am. Glad you were able to make the time to see me and him. We can take him to the desk and take a look. All right. Put it here first. So what do you think? It looks like it was probably on a small portable carousel probably in Europe. Looks German, early 1900s. So that's definitely antique. Yeah, very old. The mouth reins here, it's really chewed up. That's from a lot of wear and tear. These are normal things you find wrong with a horse. Now, those eyes are what I really like. It's like it's looking at me. The eyes are cool. Great eyes. Nice shape here. The form is good, and that's what makes me think it's an antique. What's the value of this horse? Well, it's a rare piece. A lot of charm. We know it's old. How valuable? The value, my opinion is would be worth $2,500. (laughing) That's good news, huh? It's great.
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Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, storage wars, storage wars clips, lockers, storage units, storage rooms, auction, auctioneer, compilation, comp, storage wars compilation, expensive, rich, biggest, bid, bidding, profit, profits, value, valuable, season 5, storage wars season 5, valuablem season 5, storage wars season 5 clips, storage wars se05, storage wars s05, watch storage wars season 5, Top 5 Most Expensive Locker, top 5 most expensive item, storage wars ae
Id: 7tAzNLjZUfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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